#insomniac on my shit list cus they took his ass
eyestrain-addict · 11 months
Whenever I see art of spiderman (peter parker) with like a generic superhero body type, I die a lil inside. He is a twunk. It's like one of his most unique and defining features guys.
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just-a-floofy-catt · 10 months
I took a bit of a break from posting cus im tired as balls atm lmao
But i wanted to atleast chuck something out today so heres the ref/original idea sheet of Avery, my fnaf sb self-insert/oc from a while ago :)
(Ive already kinda shown this b4 but now it just looks nicer)
(And has all the writing stuff below the pic in this post)
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Also here's some bonus info on him and his role and all :)
• Hes a trans dude (he/they pronouns) that "is built like a twink and dresses like a femboy" (quote from my friend lmao), and has an extremely ambiguous voice - British accent btw (grew up in the UK, he moved over to his current residence and lives w a roommate who was his online friend).
• Hes can occasionally be a lil bit of a freak behind the scenes XD. Has indulged in alot of fanfiction, draws some questionable stuff for money and also generally can have pretty crude and vulgar humor sometimes lmao.
• Hes pretty creative with a long ass list of hobbies. Loves fashion and costumes, is an artist, avid sewer and just generally loves making things with his hands in his spare time (100% brings his crochet to work XD)
• Has almost crippling anxiety about literally almost everything.
• Hes very polite and tolerates alot of bullshit to avoid conflict, but inside he is 100% raging with the heat of 1000 suns despite the fact hes outwardly shaking enough to be practically vibrating. He will definitely talk shit about the situation to himself in great, excruciating, dramatic detail with alot of angry cursing later and then probably cry about it.
• The boi is a little try-hard that will do their job above minimum effort in order to get praise, or out of fear for getting in trouble.
• Hes typically empathetic to a fault and a straight up (un)qualified therapist.
• Oh, also, hes a raging insomniac.
- First got the job because art commissions were a little slow and, hey, a more reliable source of money at the time wouldnt hurt.
- He was always kinda curious about the place because the scary stories about it were fun to pick apart and he loved the designs of all the animatronics (pft furry).
- He showed up to the interview scared shitless but they hired him almost on the spot, much to his confusion, as he was probably less than entirely qualified for this sort of job.
- From his very first day, he showed up pushing the dress code XD. But, he was indeed wearing the uniform, so he was technically following the rules(THEY COULDNT DO SHIT TO HIM 🥰) (well they could) (but the understaffing issue was more prioritised).
- His coworkers genuinely have no fucking clue how he manages to give enough of a shit to put that much stuff on every morning. The fits are always very over the top, considering all he had to do was put the damn uniform on, but alas, he usually showed up in head to toe accessories and such. It's honestly the best way he can make himself go into work. If he's gonna work a kinda shitty job that doesn't fit his schedule that well and have to do it on barely any sleep, THEN FUCK YEAH HES GONNA DO IT WHILE LOOKIN GOOD. Thats his philosophy on it, atleast XD.
- At first while he settles into the job hes just given shifts in general areas, working joint shifts with more trained security guards or maintenance people or animatronic handlers (those were his favourites. He always got excited like a little kid when getting to see any of the animatronics) to get him used to the place.
Fazbear ent. Was clearly desperate for employees as they were almost always understaffed, but it seemed that they weren't willing to give many employees a strict job role. Rather, expecting them to be a jack of all trades as to try and fix that little issue.
This also happened to apply to Avery, explaining why he was given such oddly scattered and different jobs to settle him in.
- Even as he did start becoming independent, this didnt much change.
One night he could be watching security cameras in the office, the next he could be counting stock at a gift shop, the next he could be helping out with minor maintenance tasks on the robots (despite his ZERO FUCKING KNOWLEDGE ON THEM. Great job there Faz.Ent. Oh well. As time went on he did get atleast a little accustomed to it and managed not to electrically fry his no-robotics-degree-having ass. And he also gained a bestie in the Parts and Services Department, so that was pretty helpful too).
Shit was pretty damn good.
- Thats when they 'suddenly' decide that daycare security is necessary. Something about parents becoming increasingly weary of the odd 'Daycare Attendant' animatronic.
With Avery being their newest hire and most likely to agree to take the position, he immediately gets targeted.
- Now, Avery isnt fond of kids.
Theyre annoying little shits.
So the second he hears 'daycare' hes like "fuck no".
Not to mention that his uh... 'look' (that management had still protested until eventually giving up) would probably set off some entitled mothers or something, and he'd rather not have parents screaming in his face about it.
- Alas, hes eventually convinced into it, under the condition that he gets to stay behind the security desk and not be bothered at all.
- Theyve had security there before, after a few... incidents... but it seemed like they were putting him on a more long term intended job.
- Turns out, from what he can gather from coworkers, a few people have been assigned to the daycare in the past for multiple different roles, but noone really enjoyed it and everyone avoided the place as much as possible. Sun just generally freaked everyone out with that weird... desperation he always had (which was definitely a part of what the parents had also been complaining about) and Moon just scared them all shitless, with the night security guards always looking over their shoulder in hopes of not crossing patrol with him. Noone really downright hated them, some even felt sympathy, but most were just too unsettled to interact with them.
- Avery, being a bit of a pussy, is even further put off from the job by these sentiments.
However, he perseveres and dresses his best to try and convince himself that itd be fine (aka, that if he died atleast hed die pretty).
- The daycare actually had its own themed uniform alongside the plain guard uniform, as did alot of other places in the pizzaplex. However, since the employees were given a choice, basically everyone chose to not don the more whimsical fits, and instead just use their badge to show the specific job or branch they were supposed to be legally assigned to.
- Avery, on the other hand, fucking lived for that shit. XD
Styled it like a girlboss and walked into work at exactly 6.30am, 30 minutes before the daycare opened, prepared to look perfectly the part for his job.
- When he walked into the daycare (he avoided the slide... hm.. maybe if he ever has a night shift here....) and the lights were already on and bright enough to blind a bitch.
Oh well, their electric bill, not his problem.
- He immediately settled behind the desk, planning to keep his ass planted there for the next few hours with one earbud in, hidden under his hair, as he would halfheartedly watch the kids.
Something felt off.
Really fucking weird.
He was definitely being *watched*.
Ugh, creepy.
He ignored it, blaming it on lack of sleep.
And thats about as far as i got plan wise for his lil plotline XD
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