#inspired by seeing that nuri art again
bryhaven · 2 years
I've been tagged in a good number of New Year messages, and I sincerely appreciate them. So I thought of also giving back and continuing the good cheer and positivity especially at the start of the year 💖
There were several times when I felt inadequate, felt like I wasn't contributing enough, or I wasn't connecting enough to the people in the fandom. But being tagged in sweet simple messages means a lot and shows that my efforts and presence in the respective fandoms I'm in are indeed seen and appreciated 🥰
Special shoutouts: (tagged people, you can skip to reading only your part of the message if you like ahah 😅😅)
@levi4mikasa - Your username is the core of our corner of the fandom ahaha. Thanks for your support of my work! (Is there a sort of nickname I can call you or refer to you as? Ahaha) Like the Alchemy of Shadows RM art I made, if you have any ideas or photo references that you want to be turned into RivaMika, you can send them to me and I'll try my best to create them whenever I do some art~
@nuri148 - Nuri! I appreciate that you are usually the one who gets the deeper meanings I incorporate into my stories. I'm also grateful that your story and muse have also given me some ideas and inspiration that I can use or incorporate into my own future works~
@warbarbie - Barbie! I feel like you're my biggest fan because as far as I noticed, you are the one who reblogs my posts the most. And I can't thank you enough for your support. I know you're busy and all, but hopefully we can get to interact more as well~
@chaosisbeauty23 - Chaos! I'm truly grateful that your works inspired me to make my own fics as well. I'm still struggling when it comes to writing, but hopefully like you, I will also be able to find my path to it in time. You are one of the RM writers I look up to, and I know you already said it, but I hope you won't mind if I pop into your inbox sometimes if I need some advice or so~
@your-lavender-dreams - Lavender! Your AU fic, A Valuable Asset, is my favorite and the highlight of my reading this year! Since it is the AU that I've been dying to read and have for our OTP RivaMika! I'm truly grateful that your fic exists and I can't wait for it to be updated! I can't even begin to explain the toughness of the situation you're facing right now there in your country, but your safety and well-being are always the priority. Stay strong and keep safe~
@kenza-nm - Kenza! I've said this already but I will say it again. Thank you so much for encouraging me to get into Tumblr. I know you aren't as active anymore in the SnK or RM fandom. But I am truly grateful that you remained when I finally joined in and continued to show me support. Good luck as always to your endeavors this year~
@cakesensei - Cake! (Hope you don't mind but the handle is actually cute) I see you as my bestie in the FSKG fandom, and I'm grateful to have you as one of the people who I can share my JJK and FSKG brain rot with! Your works are brilliant! And I also can't thank you enough for supporting me always~
@onigiri-dorkk - Last and most definitely not least, Onigiri-bestie! I am eternally grateful to you for being the first person both here and on Twitter who welcomed, encouraged, and supported me! Your works have inspired me more than you'll know, and whenever my anxiety kicks in, your comments and messages on them keep me going. It is also thanks to you that I've met and got to interact with these wonderful people in our corner of the fandom. Without your encouragement, there probably wouldn't be a Haven sticking around here now ahaha. Keep shining like you do~
Special mentions to @lady-purpleblue and @bebellabutterfly for always supporting and encouraging the RM fandom and its creativity!
Again thank you all so much! And also to the rest of the fandoms! I hope we can all continue to support each other 🥰💖
Happy New Year and may we all have a fruitful and prosperous 2023! Cheers! 🥂
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ryuichirou · 2 years
How would you describe your artstyle?
I know it's difficult to categorize yourself, so perhaps an alternate question is what inspires you guys to try different things in art? Did you ever look at an artstyle and go "Holy shit, I like how they do [xx], I want to try that in my next piece"?
Hope you guys are doing okay and I'm glad you appreciated me calling these Hetalia folk country fellas 💞 Stay safe and stay sane
Hi again Anon! Oh, that’s a very good question… (and I’m probably going to post lots of pictures in this reply lol)
I’d probably describe my artstyle as anime? It’s too broad of a word of course, there are tons of anime styles, but it’s like an overall direction. I feel like my goal is to draw in an anime-ish style, but still convey different features/types of characters. My favourite artists are the ones who can pull it off: Urasawa Naoki, Isayama Hajime, etc. Both of them can portray emotions very well…
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As for the colouring/rendering, I’ve been in love with Nuri Kazuya’s works lately. The reflexes, the overall colour scheme, it looks so complicated, but so… nice and harmonized.
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And honestly? We’re kind of into Hetalia now, and I’m realizing how great Himaruya’s colouring is, so I might study him too. His chibis are also so adorable it’s bonkers.
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Like… Their cute outfits?? And warm colours…
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These^^^^ I’m obsessed with these.
We also love horror manga very much, and when we read it, there are a lot of moments when I want to basically print what I see on my brain just so I can learn how to draw it somehow haha. I admire Junji Ito (well that’s a given), Oshimi Shuzo and lots of others. I really really really want to be able to draw something so unnerving and chilling… One day 💪😔
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These are from Oshimi Shuzo’s “Chi no Wadachi”, and this one of the most visually interesting and disturbing manga I’ve read, I had the biggest “god I wish that were me” while reading it haha. It’s so rough and experimental.
Obviously, there are a lot of artists that I haven’t talked about (I gotta stop myself or this post will be super long lol), but I think these explain my mindset pretty well… I’ve got a lot to work on.
Thank you so much for your question, you stay safe and have a good day too <3
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keii · 2 years
Just dropping in to say that you were the main artist who inspired me to draw again and try digital art. I’ve been following since those sketches/artwork of Rein and the others. Honestly I’m happy to see your artwork again on my dashboard 💜💜💜
Omgggg what me??? This makes me SOOO happy to hear, I hope you’re having fun with drawing— especially digital art!!! And god REIN!! My baby girl… (why am i calling him that… he can snap someone’s neck in two seconds… Nuri would def call him that tho LMAO) haven’t drawn him in ages I feel like his appearance changed so much since the last time LMFAOO Who is this man… who knows I still love him… Thank you… I’ve been slowly crawling back to tumblr pathetically… heard the prn ban is not lifted so no pp out here just yet… tho I’d prob still be too shy to show uncensored versions anyway LOL
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hikari-kaitou · 2 years
Meta- Van Zieks and the Fleur-de-lis: Why It’s the Perfect Symbol for Him
My English major disease is acting up again, so it’s time for more meta!
One of Barok's prominent symbols is a little insignia called the Fleur-de-lis. Chances are you've seen the symbol before even if you didn't know it's proper name; it's an ancient symbol with religious, patriotic, and heraldic significance in the West. We can see it here on Barok's broach.
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It's been stylized a bit in Barok's design, you may notice; in the real world, it looks like this
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So what is this symbol? If you know a bit of French, you may be aware that "lis" means lily, but if you know your flowers, you can probably see that it doesn't really resemble a lily. They symbol is so ancient that it's hard to be certain exactly what flower inspired it, but most scholars agree that it was probably a type of iris called a yellow flag.
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So basically from the moment Barok appeared on screen, his use of the Fleur-de-lis indicated two things to the astute observer: his relationship to Iris, and his misleading title (the Reaper of the Bailey).
Did character designer Nuri Kazuya take these things into consideration when he chose this symbol for Barok? It's possible: his handwritten notes in the DGS 2 art book prove that he did some research into the meaning of the Fleur-de-lis.
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Next to the Fleur-de-lis, he's written 信仰 (religious faith), 知恵 (wisdom), and 騎士道 (chivalry), and beneath that, 三位一体 (3 in 1, i.e. the holy trinity).
Personally, I think it would be very poetic if the center part of the lower portion of the Fleur-de-lis, the bit that looks like the blade of a sword, represented Klint, the flourish on the left represented Barok, and the flourish on the right represented Iris. Barok, as Nuri has mentioned in the art book, is the human embodiment of shadow in London's justice system, and Klint was the light, but as we know, he lost his way in the darkness himself. In other words, he's half light and half shadow. Iris, being a sweet and cheerful child who strives to make things better for everyone around her, is pure light. Klint is the blade who drove Barok and Iris apart. If not for his crimes, Barok could have been a part of his niece's life from the beginning. However, he's also the centerpiece who unites them, as Iris could never have been born without Klint to be her father.
Historically, the Fleur-de-lis has appeared on the flask of oil used to anoint the French king, indicating that his claim to the throne was a right given to him by God. I find this interesting because, as I've mentioned before in another post, Ryuunosuke’s crest is the chrysanthemum, the symbol of the Japanese emperor. Until after WWII, the Japanese believed that their emperor was literally descended from one of their most powerful gods, and that's where his right to rule came from. So essentially there is an anointed king of the East and West standing across from each other in the courtroom.
The Fleur-de-lis can also sometimes be seen at the top of a compass, in the position of die north. It's a symbol that the compass user can orient themselves with, true and unwavering, not unlike Barok's sense of justice.
Unfortunately not all of the Fleur-de-lis's uses in history were positive. It was also the shape of the branding iron used on criminals in France in the middle ages. There can be no doubt that those who bear the name of Van Zieks carry the indelible mark of Klint’s crimes. Even though Barok played no part in the murders, he still suffered under the consequences of what his brother had done. He unknowingly became Stronghart's pawn, haunted by his grief over the loss of Klint, isolated by his loss of faith in others and their fear of his reputation as the Reaper.
Anyway, there you have it. If anyone else knows more about the Fleur-de-lis and the symbolism behind it as it relates to Barok,I'd be fascinated to hear it.
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dance-of-deduction · 2 years
Follow-up question : I probably should've included this with the first question.
Since we talked about crests in japan and reading through your answer I remembered that British characters in the game also had the tendency to include a sort of symbol on their clothes and/or on their items, etc...So I was wondering if that was a thing at the time or if it's just the artists' choice.
(All of this talk about crests is making me consider designing one for myself for fun, you could say I've been absorbing the game's aesthetics and mood too much haha)
Thanks again!
(Referring to this ask)
For starters, I think it's very cool that you want to design your own, I say go for it!! I'd love to see it if you do. I haven't stopped thinking about the games since I beat them in February, so you're not alone there.
Second, when looking into this, my mind went to heraldry – the system of coats of arms and crests that was used in Europe - because those were symbols that showed one's heritage, like kamon (family crests). But I couldn't find any evidence to suggest that wearing a crest, coat of arms, or any other distinguishing symbol on clothing was a regular practice in Victorian England. By this era, heraldry was mostly used to decorate personal belongings and the home, paraded as a symbol of status regardless of whether a person could actually lay claim to that symbol's heritage. Someone tell me if I'm missing something, though!
(In editing this, I realized that pretty much everything after this point does nothing to answer your question...but you might find it interesting! It feels like a waste to cut, but feel free to stop reading here if you already got the answer you were looking for.)
Like kamon, heraldry was originally a way to distinguish friend from foe on the battlefield, but later evolved into a complex system that illustrated one's family history, as well as one’s place in the family. For example, a fleur-de-lis on a coat of arms meant that the bearer was the sixth son.
[All image IDs are in alt text]
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Know who uses a fleur-de-lis as a cravat pin?
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New headcanon acquired, lol. But more importantly, the first symbol is the van Zieks family crest, which you can also see on his shoulder patch and belt buckle. See this post for more interesting analysis on the fleur-de-lis as it relates to Barok.
Whereas the Japanese characters' outfits are very historically accurate, the British characters' outfits are more concerned with evoking a certain mood, or representing an aspect of the character themselves. Art director Kazuya Nuri said that he tried to keep the Japanese characters' designs grounded in reality, as opposed to Herlock, who was deliberately designed with non-Victorian elements:
In order to clearly express the era in which the game is set, I gave Ryunosuke and Susato looks that were typical of Japanese students from the Meiji era. (…) However, I was careful to balance the flashy characteristic flares I gave to them in order to preserve that more grounded feeling I was going for.
On top of that, I wanted to add some steampunk flavor to Sholmes and all things related to him. I gave him an outfit that is, at once, anachronistic, and a benchmark for the fantastical elements of The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (it’s only one of the many fanciful things about the world in this game). [source]
And in another interview, he said this about Iris:
Her keywords were “girl genius”, which invoked images of a gothic appearance and the idea of a mad scientist. Slightly psychedelic elements. Her design might be a bit beyond her time. I made sure that the items she has with her form a pair with those of Holmes. [source]
In the in-game design notes, Nuri also mentions that Herlock's and Iris's symbols are meant to represent their relationship, with the gear (Herlock) surrounding and protecting the flower (Iris).
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van Zieks’s design is an interesting combination of fantastic and realistic, inspired by vampires and werewolves, but also British military attire. And in fact, military uniforms bore the closest thing I could find to crest-like symbols. Each regiment had a unique insignia that could be found on on one’s helmet or cap, as a collar badge, on buttons, on the shoulder, or on a belt buckle. So in that sense, Barok's family crest belt buckle isn't totally fanciful; it could be a product of the military inspiration in his design.
Insignia designs varied greatly depending on division and the era, but the most recurring single visual motif was of a crown - a king's or a queen's, depending on the current monarch. Below is an example taken from the Household Cavalry uniform:
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If anyone is interested in seeing more examples of insignias, or in exploring the world of British military uniforms, Uniformology is a fantastic resource. Not only is it incredibly comprehensive, but you can also contact the site owner if you have any difficult-to-answer questions. I've also included a couple links at the very end to more info on heraldry that might come in handy as you design your own symbol.
Thank you for asking - I hope that decently answers your question! If not, or if you have any follow-up questions, I encourage you and anyone else to ask any time.
Sources and Further Reading
A beginner's guide to heraldry | English Heritage
Heraldry Symbols and What They Mean - Hall of Names
The Social and Cultural Significance of Victorian Heraldry
TGAA character design commentary
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xtruss · 3 years
An Immense Mystery Older Than Stonehenge
Reshaping previous ideas on the story of civilisation, Gobekli Tepe in Turkey was built by a prehistoric people 6,000 years before Stonehenge.
— By Andrew Curry
— 16th August 2021
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When German archaeologist Klaus Schmidt first began excavating on a Turkish mountaintop 25 years ago, he was convinced the buildings he uncovered were unusual, even unique.
Atop a limestone plateau near Urfa called Gobekli Tepe, Turkish for "Belly Hill", Schmidt discovered more than 20 circular stone enclosures. The largest was 20m across, a circle of stone with two elaborately carved pillars 5.5m tall at its centre. The carved stone pillars – eerie, stylised human figures with folded hands and fox-pelt belts – weighed up to 10 tons. Carving and erecting them must have been a tremendous technical challenge for people who hadn't yet domesticated animals or invented pottery, let alone metal tools. The structures were 11,000 years old, or more, making them humanity's oldest known monumental structures, built not for shelter but for some other purpose.
The structures were 11,000 years old, or more, making them humanity's oldest known monumental structures
After a decade of work, Schmidt reached a remarkable conclusion. When I visited his dig house in Urfa's old town in 2007, Schmidt – then working for the German Archaeological Institute – told me Gobekli Tepe could help rewrite the story of civilisation by explaining the reason humans started farming and began living in permanent settlements.
The stone tools and other evidence Schmidt and his team found at the site showed that the circular enclosures had been built by hunter-gatherers, living off the land the way humans had since before the last Ice Age. Tens of thousands of animal bones that were uncovered were from wild species, and there was no evidence of domesticated grains or other plants.
Schmidt thought these hunter-gatherers had come together 11,500 years ago to carve Gobekli Tepe's T-shaped pillars with stone tools, using the limestone bedrock of the hill beneath their feet as a quarry.
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Situated in modern-day Turkey, Gobekli Tepe is one of the most important archaeological sites in the world (Credit: Michele Burgess/Alamy)
Carving and moving the pillars would have been a tremendous task, but perhaps not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The pillars are carved from the natural limestone layers of the hill's bedrock. Limestone is soft enough to work with the flint or even wood tools available at the time, given practice and patience. And because the hill's limestone formations were horizontal layers between 0.6m and 1.5m thick, archaeologists working at the site believe ancient builders just had to cut away the excess from the sides, rather than from underneath as well. Once a pillar was carved out, they then shifted it a few hundred metres across the hilltop, using rope, log beams and ample manpower.
Schmidt thought that small, nomadic bands from across the region were motivated by their beliefs to join forces on the hilltop for periodic building projects, hold great feasts and then scatter again. The site, Schmidt argued, was a ritual centre, perhaps some sort of burial or death cult complex, rather than a settlement.
That was a big claim. Archaeologists had long thought complex ritual and organised religion were luxuries that societies developed only once they began domesticating crops and animals, a transition known as the Neolithic. Once they had a food surplus, the thinking went, they could devote their extra resources to rituals and monuments.
Gobekli Tepe, Schmidt told me, turned that timeline upside down. The stone tools at the site, backed up by radiocarbon dates, placed it firmly in the pre-Neolithic era. More than 25 years after the first excavations there, there is still no evidence for domesticated plants or animals. And Schmidt didn't think anyone lived at the site full-time. He called it a "cathedral on a hill".
More than 25 years after the first excavations there, there is still no evidence for domesticated plants or animals.
If that was true, it showed that complex ritual and social organisation actually came before settlement and agriculture. Over the course of 1,000 years, the demands of gathering nomadic bands together in one place to carve and move huge T-pillars and build the circular enclosures prompted people to take the next step: to regularly host large gatherings, people needed to make food supplies more predictable and dependable by domesticating plants and animals. Ritual and religion, it seemed, launched the Neolithic Revolution.
The next day, I drove with Schmidt to the hilltop before dawn. I wandered, mystified and awestruck, among the pillars as Schmidt, his head wrapped in a white cloth to protect it from the blazing sun, oversaw a small team of German archaeologists and workers from the small village down the road.
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Gobekli Tepe's circular structures have changed the way archaeologists look at the beginnings of civilisation (Credit: Hatice Turkoglu/Getty Images)
Schmidt had just published his first reports on Gobekli Tepe the year before, setting the small world of Neolithic archaeology experts abuzz. But the site still had a sleepy, forgotten feel, with excavation areas covered by makeshift corrugated steel roofs and potholed dirt roads winding up to the mountaintop dig site from the valley below.
Schmidt's take on the site's striking T-pillars and large, round "special buildings" captivated colleagues and journalists when they were first published in the mid-2000s. Breathless media reports called the site the birthplace of religion; the German magazine Der Spiegel compared the fertile grasslands around the site to the Garden of Eden.
Soon, people from around the world were flocking to see Gobekli Tepe for themselves. Within a decade, the hilltop was totally transformed. Until the civil war in nearby Syria disrupted tourism in the region in 2012, work on the site often slowed to a crawl as busloads of curious tourists crowded around open excavation trenches to see what some were calling the world's first temple and made it impossible to manoeuvre wheelbarrows on the narrow paths.
Over the past five years, the mountaintop on the outskirts of Urfa has been reshaped once again. Today, roads and car parks and a visitor's centre can accommodate curious travellers from around the world. In 2017, corrugated steel sheds were replaced by a state-of-the art, swooping fabric-and-steel shelter covering the central monumental buildings. The Şanlıurfa Archaeology and Mosaic Museum, built in 2015 in central Urfa, is one of Turkey's largest museums; it features a full-scale replica of the site's largest enclosure and its imposing T-pillars, allowing visitors to get a feel for the monumental pillars and examine their carvings up close.
In 2018, Gobekli Tepe was added to the Unesco World Heritage register, and Turkish tourism officials declared 2019 the "Year of Gobekli Tepe", making the ancient site the face of its global promotion campaign. "I still remember the site as a remote place on a mountaintop," said Jens Notroff, a German Archaeological Institute archaeologist who began working at the site as a student in the mid-2000s. "It's changed completely."
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Gobekli Tepe was constructed more than 11,000 years ago, right on the cusp between a world of hunter-gatherers and a world of farmers (Credit: Giulio Ercolani/Alamy)
Schmidt, who died in 2014, didn't live to see the site's transformation from dusty mountaintop dig to major tourist attraction. But his discoveries there spurred global interest in the Neolithic transition – and in the last few years, new discoveries at Gobekli Tepe and closer looks at the results of earlier excavations are upending Schmidt's initial interpretations of the site itself.
Work on foundations needed to support the site's swooping fabric canopy required archaeologists to dig deeper that Schmidt ever had. Under the direction of Schmidt's successor, Lee Clare, a German Archaeological Institute team dug several "keyhole" trenches down to the site's bedrock, several metres below the floors of the large buildings. "We had a unique chance," Clare said, "to go look in the lowest layers and deposits of the site."
New discoveries at Gobekli Tepe and closer looks at the results of earlier excavations are upending Schmidt's initial interpretations of the site
What Clare and his colleagues found may rewrite prehistory yet again. The digs revealed evidence of houses and year-round settlement, suggesting that Gobekli Tepe wasn't an isolated temple visited on special occasions but a rather a thriving village with large special buildings at its centre.
The team also identified a large cistern and channels for collecting rainwater, key to supporting a settlement on the dry mountaintop, and thousands of grinding tools for processing grain for cooking porridge and brewing beer. "Gobekli Tepe is still a unique, special site, but the new insights fit better with what we know from other sites," Clare said. "It was a fully-fledged settlement with permanent occupation. It's changed our whole understanding of the site."
Meanwhile, Turkish archaeologists working in the rugged countryside around Urfa have identified at least a dozen other hill-top sites with similar – if smaller – T-pillars, dating from around the same time period. "It's not a unique temple," said Austrian Archaeological Institute researcher Barbara Horejs, an expert on the Neolithic who was not part of the recent research efforts. "That makes the story much more interesting and exciting." Turkish Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy went as far as saying that this area could be referred to as the "pyramids of south-east Turkey".
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New discoveries made over the last few years may rewrite prehistory yet again (Credit: Izzet Keribar/Getty Images)
Rather than a centuries-long building project inspiring the transition to farming, Clare and others now think Gobekli Tepe was an attempt by hunter-gatherers clinging to their vanishing lifestyle as the world changed around them. Evidence from the surrounding region shows people at other sites were experimenting with domesticated animals and plants – a trend the people of "Belly Hill" might have been resisting.
Clare argues the site's stone carvings are an important clue. Elaborate carvings of foxes, leopards, serpents and vultures covering Gobekli Tepe's pillars and walls "aren't animals you see every day," he said. "They're more than just pictures, they're narratives, which are very important in keeping groups together and creating a shared identity."
When I first wandered across the site more than 15 years ago, I remember a feeling of great distance. Gobekli Tepe was built 6,000 years before Stonehenge, and the exact meaning of its carvings – like the world the people there once inhabited – is impossible to fathom.
That, of course, is part of the Gobekli Tepe's tremendous magnetism. As thousands of visitors marvel at a place most people had never heard of a decade ago, researchers will continue trying to understand why it was built in the first place. And each new discovery promises to change what we now know about the site and the story of human civilisation.
"The new work isn't destroying Klaus Schmidt's thesis; it stands on his shoulders," said Horejs. "There's been a huge gain of knowledge, in my view. The interpretation is changing, but that's what science is about."
— Ancient Engineering Marvels is a BBC Travel series that takes inspiration from unique architectural ideas or ingenious constructions built by past civilisations and cultures across the planet.
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minyoongspyjs · 7 years
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Characters: Min Yoongi Genre: Fluff, Slice of Life, father!au Words: 870 words Notes: I had this on my mind for quite a while now, but didn’t have the time to write it out. But after my weekend being lazy af, I figured out I just should make me some tea and open my docs for another time :) This one is inspired by this beautiful art, credits to @auriee. I hope you like this! Also, I’m thinking about making a series out of it. Honestly, I do have all bangtans jobs figured out already, so we’ll see ^_^ Anyways, have fun reading this <3
The sunlight beams through the closed rolls while the room itself is still pitch dark. He slowly tiptoes into the room, being careful not to wake up his little girl, who is still asleep, by frightening her. After he reaches her bed, he carefully sits himself down on the edge of the mattress. A tiny grin appears on his features, while he is just watching her for a moment, embracing it. She was a wild one, that’s for sure! Just like her mother had been. Nuri, the name of this little sunshine, is full of energy, 24/7, and keeps him busy all the time. There is no minute left in his life to just take a deep breath and relax for a moment. Not as a single father who besides being a father still has another job to attend to.
“Hey, little one”, he whispers and strokes her hair softly, “come on, wake up. It’s time for you to get ready.” It takes a while before the little girl opens her eyes. And not like most other kids would complain about being woken up because it still is a way to early for being alive, she sits bolt upright the minute - no the second - she is awake. “Daaddyyy”, she states indignantly, “you should have woken me up earlier!” Her eyes are wide open and she surely is fully awake now, after realizing which day it was. It’s school trip day.
A cough laugh leaves his mouth while he stands up off the bed. “Don’t worry, little”, he says calmly. “We still have plenty of time before you have to leave. Also, they won’t leave you behind, I’m pretty sure of it.”
Besides that, Nuri waited for this day like she is waiting for Christmas to finally happen. She was talking about the trip non-stop. Not just telling her father about what she’ll be wearing and what they are going to do during that trip, but also how she is happy about being with her friends for two days in a row. Not, that this is actually something new. She had stayed at one of her friend's house before and also friends of hers had sleepovers at the Min Mansion, but this is different. They would be out of town for whole two days. The thought makes him a bit uneasy since he wouldn’t pick her up at Jimin’s house later that day, but tomorrow right after he finishes work.
Instead of answering her dad, she rushes out of bed and out of her room into the bathroom, taking her toothbrush in speed before starting to brush her little teeth. Yoongi, himself, makes his way to the kitchen, making himself some coffee before he starts to prepare his daughter's lunch. Just some leftover rice and chicken as some of her favorite veggies. Nothing too special, just something easy and fast to make.
He lifts up his cup of coffee before his daughter runs into the kitchen with her backpack in her hand. “Can I wear my new shoes?”, she asks her dad, which leads him to raise his eyebrow. “You want to ruin them on your first day wearing them?”, he asked her. She presses her lips together. “But ..” Her eyes move to the wooden floor. Sure, her dad is right. They are new sneakers uncle Taehyung gave her only a few days ago, for no particular reason. But, duuuuh, she really wanted to show her friends.
“No buts”, he says determining, but with a certain softness in his voice. “You’re going to wear those old gumboots and in exchange, you can wear your new ones tomorrow and the day after if you want, okay?” He kneels down, so he is around the same height as his daughter. His gummy smile, brightly as every freaking time he looks at her, showing his teeth and he, being completely honest with her. This isn’t some kind of trick. It is a compromise, he and his daughter are going for. Or well, at least he is.
She nods. “Okay.”
The doorbell rings right at this moment and Yoongi snorts. He is way too early, he thoughts to himself after he checked the clock, which is hanging on the wall across the room. “DAAADDYY”, the little girl screams, already at the door, opening it for Hoseok to enter the apartment. “I need to gooo”, she hustles his father.
“Coming”, Yoongi shouts from the kitchen, before he takes the girls rucksack and puts the lunchbox in it. He wanders into the hall area, where Nuri already is pulling on her boots. “Mornin’”, he greets one of his best friends who is showing him a big smile. “Still asleep, mate?”, Hoseok asks. But Yoongi doesn’t answer him. Instead, he kneels himself again. His daughter now putting in her little mint-green jacket. “Be careful, alright?”
“Sure, I will. I have Kanto with me, he will take care of me!” She puts on her backpack and was already at the door before she turns around again and runs back to her dad. “See you tomorrow, daddy.” She gives him a quick peck on the cheeks before she finally rushes out the door.
“She’ll be alright”, Hoseok says.
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Disclaimer: This is written by myself and of course, all of this is just fiction. Nothing of this happened. I do not own the characters, just the idea of this drabble or story. Please do not copy! I wouldn’t copy your story either :)
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yoyoplisetsky · 7 years
I’ve had a long past few weeks and been very busy, so technically this list is for like,,, 2 weeks, but I want to get back on track, so I’m pretending like it’s only for 1. Hopefully, starting next week, I’ll be able to read/write more frequently again. Hopefully? :) Anyway, I hope you enjoy the fics I liked “this week”. As always, please please send me suggestions if you have some ^^ Also this list is like 75% Nuri and Meg and I’m only half sorry for it. Also! This time I tried to link tumblrs as much as I could; pls tell me if you know a tumblr I didn’t link :)
What I Read This Week (7/2-7/9)
The Westchester Samba - FullmetalChords - @phoenixrei - Victor knew a lot of things about his fiancé. He knew that he loved dogs, especially poodles. He knew that he was allergic to dairy and had a special fondness for a Japanese dish called katsudon. He knew that he’d taken dance lessons when he was young, and that he’d thought of going pro before realizing that art theft was a lot more lucrative. He knew every mole, every scar, every stretch mark on his body, and had spent considerable time learning and worshipping each one. He knew his fears, and he knew his dreams. He did not, however, know his name. (My review: Probs my fave story in Meg’s thief au tbh)
patellofemoral pain syndrome (Ch. 1-2) - seventhstar - @pencilwalla - It’s just…does Viktor not get bored with doing it the same way every night? Doesn’t he want to spice things up? Is Yuuri being unreasonable? He’s pretty sure that if Viktor told him his performance in bed was unsatisfying his soul would flee his body for a more merciful plane of existence, but…Viktor is thicker-skinned than he is. And so here they are. Viktor’s bed is wide and soft, and Yuuri is lying there with wet hair and ratty boxers while Viktor absently trails kisses over his shoulder. It’s nice. It’s soft. It’s good. Viktor’s headboard is enormous and Yuuri keeps thinking about Viktor’s wrists bound to it, black rope over white skin. Fuck. He should say something. (My review: Nuri’s arthritis porn is A+++ everyone needs to read it okay?)
even sinners have hearts (Ch. 1-2) - seventhstar - @pencilwalla​ - Alexei Ivanov is watching Yuuri as he lifts the cup to his mouth. His lips part to drink; Yuuri has never wanted to be a mouthful of sake more. I have to kill him, Yuuri thinks, and he stands up and announces to the room the time and place of the tour he’s giving tomorrow. Or, the one where they're powered criminals in love. (My review: HOOOOOOOO BOY YOU KNOW WHAT I NEED? SOME TELEPATHY MM YES. YES. WRECK THEM NURI I MEAN YUURI)
Eros, and Other Love Stories - FullmetalChords - @phoenixrei - Eros. Yuuri understands it in theory, of course. He’s seen what must be hundreds of movies about the very topic, but never really understood them. Never understood why the protagonists of these films make such fools of themselves for sex, or why they fall head over heels in love with the first pretty face they see. He nods and smiles and sighs along with the rest of them… but he’s never related to those characters’ struggles. Not even a little. What is wrong with him?- - A character study of Japan's ace, Katsuki Yuuri. (My review: I sitll haven’t commented on this because I’m 8.2 million years behind on everything but w o w Meg’s ace!Yuuri blew me away. Unbelievable)
The Triple Lutz Job (Ch. 1-4) - FullmetalChords - @phoenixrei​ - Backed by the world's foremost hackers, grifters, and thieves, Victor Nikiforov works the other side of the law to fight against injustice on behalf of the underprivileged. When a woman asks for his help in retrieving stolen government data, Victor and his team infiltrate a local figure skating competition in order to take down a corrupt CEO. But beneath the ice's frigid beauty lurk many perilous secrets that may be more than even the world's greatest thieves can handle. (My review: IT’S ABOUT FSAJKFSING TIME I READ THIS MEG I’M DYING MEG’S OTABEK IS BEST OTABEK.)
Twice The Love For Yuuri - smutinator - @smutinator​ - Yuuri and Viktor go camping and end up having a three-way with Viktor's fairy doppelganger. (My review: Look, I always need more vyv. We all know that. Very well written and A+.)
Six Hours Ahead (Ch. 6-10) - alipiee - @alipiee​ - (In which Yuuri unknowingly befriends Viktor online and gushes to him about the living legend himself) (My review: Another story I was 50 years behind on. I love this super sweet au, and I live for Niki and Yuuri. It’s very cute and ccan’t wait for more)
never tasted rubies - ebenroot - @ebenroot​ - Phichit puts up a poll on the radio website. It reads ‘What Do U Think About Yuuri K. from Hasetsu Nights and the Mysterious Caller Victor?’ Seventy-five percent of listeners said ‘lol they should just f*ck already tbh’. -- in which Yuuri is an unwilling radio host and Victor won't stop calling in to chat with him (My review: I feel like I might hvae read this one before but ??? it’s???? so good??? Definitely a favorite in the fandom)
(Don't Stop) 'Til You Knock On My Door - FullmetalChords - @phoenixrei - “And…” Victor wets his lips. “You… want this?” A sly smile spreads across Yuuri’s face. “I want,” Yuuri says, putting his hands on Victor’s hips as he pulls him closer, “to give you what you need.” He brushes his thumbs over Victor’s hip bones. “Will you tell me what you need now?” -- Yuuri is ace. Victor is not. They both find a way to get what they need from each other. (My review: Ace!Yuuri feat. Viktor getting no control in his life for once because he fucking needs that sometimes. God, Meg killed me. Again.)
While you were sleeping - Chessala - @chessala - In which Yuuri falls into a Coma after saving Viktor's life and Viktor is having a hard time dealing with it. (My review: I shouldn’t have any room to say “this is so sad” with me also writing a mcd this week but also how dare you i loved it)
Reptiles - KasumiChou - @kasumi-chou - Yuri was over JJ spamming him pictures of his snakes. Snakes were not cool. No. Nope. Cats were one hundred times better. And then he finds out how hot Otabek looks with a snake around his neck. (My review: So I’m def super behind on Kas’s Twitter au, but she did this thing with snakes and I needed more. This is my fault. <3 u kas. I loved it)
The Virtue of Sin (Ch. 1) - DefiantDreams - @gia-comeatme - When Yuuri comes home to 7 demons, each embodying the 7 Deadly Sins, it’s honestly the least of his worries.Surprisingly, they help him get back on his feet, succeed in his career and get the man of his dreams.(But, as with anything, there is a price.) (My review: so I saw essa reblog this prompt and was immediately excited because a) i love essa and b) the prompt looked great and she did not let me down, excited for more!!) 
How You Turned My World, You Precious Thing - cuttlemefish - @cuttlemefishwrites - Labyrinth-inspired (1986) AU. When Viktor’s sister dies in a car crash, he’s left to take care of his one-year-old nephew Yuri, despite barely knowing how to take care of himself. It’s too bad Viktor has accidentally wished Yuri away to the Goblin King, whose killer eye-shadow game and glitter storms are nothing compared to the Labyrinth protecting his castle. Now, Viktor has 13 hours to get Yuri back or he risks losing him forever to the Goblin King, who also has 13 hours to convince Viktor that forever is not long at all. (My review: the labyrinth au i didn’t know I needed until z started to write it - feat. baby yurio, goblin king yuuri, and clueless viktor who is definitely at fault for this)
What I Wrote This Week (7/2-7/9)
never stop remembering him - “The flight from Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow to Fukoka has gone down,” The loudspeaker was saying, and Viktor wished the ringing would return. “We have no word yet on the passengers or crew, but it is reported that an engine went out and couldn’t be recovered, and the plane crash landed. As we get more information on the flight, it will be reported. For now – “ They began to talk about other delays, but Viktor didn’t bother to listen, his heart feeling numb. He just had to remember to breathe. (Or: Yuuri dies after Rostelecom and what can Viktor do?)
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