#insta user is rachelizduax in case the two people who interact with these want friends outside of tumblr
goodmorningbadday · 6 months
time to update this like it’s my diary again :) because it is :)
left off last time during smftourdust. ended up going to forest hills, boston, camden, & holmdel and had the best time with my bestie caitlyn & some friends. forest hills show was SO fun and one of my fave shows of the year. picture this: you’re tipsy and having the time of your life with your best friend at FOB. travie comes on stage. you fall to your knees genuinely in despair and shock. after he leaves you go get a drink to recover. you go to the bar and start getting bullied by the bartender for being from iowa. then pete SPRINTS past you for dance dance. then, in the distance, pete gives a shout out to midtown & rob hitt. could not have been a more oddly specific sequence of events to happen to me and was just one fatal blow after another. anyways. holmdel was lawn, camden & boston were pit. all 10/10 shows, I love FOB. :’)
movielife in boston went crazy!!!! 40 hour train back to penn forever!!!!! movielifers for life!!!!
paradise fears in chicago FUCKED. I accidentally got way too high before they came on. cried four separate times. they’re like actually better now than they ever were which is crazy. my last PF show was 9 YEARS AGO!!!!
WHEN WE WERE YOUNG!!!!!!! oh brudder. this one took it out of me. ended up with VIP both days (thank u relient k LOL) and also hungover both days after going to both nights of emo nite. despite my previous statement, we DID miss the movielife both days LMAOOOO </3 but other than that WHAT A LINEUPPPP also was being hunted for sport by gabe saporta (he unprompted & unprovoked came and found me at WWWY to say hi & at one of the emo nites and genuine jump scare both times) also got to say catch up with mike & william ok anyways i could go on about this weekend forever but I’ll stfu. 10/10 week I can’t wait for next year (& can’t believe gabe was able to look me in the eyes and not tell me about cobra /j)
saw bleachers at aragon which is always a TREAT!!! jack antonoff I owe you my life
footballhead at empty bottle and got to catch up with sisky!!!
and last but not least, MIDTOWN IN JERSEY!!!! got to chat with heath & meet some of his family & give him a birthday present, and said hi to rob quick. went way too hard both in the crowd and in terms of drinking, especially on a thursday night at a midtown show 😭 but genuinely had the time of my life bonding with a bunch of grown men in the midtown pit <3 the videos of me from this night are horrendous but also to be cringy is to be free and I’ve never had more fun at a show and I don’t even remember midtown’s set so it was a great night LMFAO
2023 was um. far wilder than even my wildest dreams. 2024 is already um. worse. in a good way but im scared! anyways that’s it. thanks for reading (@ future me) :)
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