ssgallerycraft · 1 year
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ঘরের দেয়াল সাজিয়ে রাখার জন্য আমাদের থেকে নিতে পারেন বাশঁ ও ফুলের সমন্বয়ে তৈরি ওয়ালমেট। নিতে চাইলে ইনবক্সে যোগাযোগ করবেন।
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adobodemon · 9 months
New Years Resolution Manifestation Rant Listicles
and yes I'll put it under Read More for all of our sakes. Happy New Year 2014 everbody!!
Prelude: Who I want to be
lemme be real for a sec. I am going to be turning a serious age this year. rhymes with flirty. I have had time to get grown but now it's time to get wise! It's time for me to get behind the wheel of my life again. I felt like I was behind it 4 years ago but We All Know What Happened. It Is Happening To All Us. Coming back home to my parents stunted my growth a little and also I feel it erode at my current friendships. I feel like I'm doing a good job of improving myself, but this year I need to improve my relationship to others. So yeah in short, less autopilot, more hangouts with friends, less overwork, more hobbies...
How will I go from Consoomer and Doomer to Improover and Dooer?
1. Be more consistent with what I want to practice - that goes for working out, digital art, other hobbies I may want to pick up... saw a Tiktok once saying that we need to pick up slow activities again bc clearly, the need to be instantly gratified has poisoned almost every aspect of our lives. InstaGrat also helps us be in autopilot a lot easier, we can't think, we can't breathe, we can't taste our food before swallowing it down. this year I'm going to change that by planting a lot of seeds that I may not see bloom for weeks, months, years even!
2. Approach people with curiosity - not the best communicator as I've said many different times on this blog. I always catch myself trying to make the conversation about myself and how I can relate to it instead of asking the other person more about themselves or what they think. I've seen enough thinkpieces on other sites recommend this that I might as well try it for myself and see how it works out.
3. Get off my damn phone - already made steps towards this! Tiktok and IG are gone from my phone, whenever I go into a huge timesink like Tumblr (sorry) or Discord I set it up so I get an annoying pop-up telling me all the other things I could be doing! (I will share this Shortcut w anyone who needs it, iPhone exclusive tho sorry)
4. Appreciate all the stuff I have - while I am nowhere need as bad as my mom who needs to go to Burlington and buy 3 whatchamacallits or else she has a nervous Boomer breakdown, I do admit I own and have access to a lot of things I take for granted, like books, games, tools like my iPad, PC, etc. I will fight against analysis paralysis, I will squeeze the life out of all that I own, I won't spend another day bored inside my head if I don't have to.
5. Collect. Organize. Do. - one of my oomfs indirectly changed my Youtube algorithm for the good and I've been getting a lot of videos from Improovtube. skimmed through a video that suggested a neat system for getting things done: Collect your thoughts and desires. Organize your tasks. Do the things that make it happen. and just like that every self improvement book I've read is useless. lol no but really it's crazy that that's all it boils down to. I will investigate more on this system but for now this seems like a good modus operandi.
Epilogue: Specific non-specific goals
Completing my year long art practice regimen
Reading more of my physical books and manga (and I get to see their spines when I finish :D)
Bigger boobs
Becoming a homeowner
Going to at least 5 group activities and meeting new people there
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lechaletgoulettois · 9 months
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Le Chalet | Seafood Restaurant
" Le Chalet Goulettois " is one of the oldest and most famous restaurants in La Goulette.
Address : 42 avenue Franklin Roosevelt , La Goulette, Tunisia
Tel : +216 54 444 236
WhatsApp : +216 54 444 236
Follow us on Instagrat
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claycomix · 4 years
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depression comix #467
You can go right to the whole comic by clicking here.
I admire the people who have the courage to post their face to the world.  It’s something I don’t do that often myself. I have a picture on Patreon but that’s because it was suggested to have one to build trust. I don’t like how I look, I never did.  This is against my belief in everyone’s beauty, and I, like many people, feel like an ugly weed in a field of lilies.
This character was someone I wanted to do more of.  I hadn’t pulled her into the series in quite some time, she is a difficult character to draw for me.  I originally drew her back in #230 with acne scars because many people have them and too few comic characters have them.  This character struggles with them and her skin condition, and wants the same confidence other people just seem to have, but knowing it’s too shaky to take the risk.  I was wavering on the name of the social site she uses, and settled on “Instagrat”, a combination of Instagram and gratification.
View Original Post: https://wp.me/p3KYMB-rFP
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instaview87 · 4 years
Taking a Photo With Your Device
Instagram is a popular American fashion and photography social networking site owned by Facebook, launched by Kevin Systrom in October 2020 and later launched on the iPhone in August 2020. With over two billion users and growing fast, Instagram combines the ability to instantly share photos with friends and family, with the ability to create great content for the website itself. The website is extremely user friendly and allows people from all over the world to view photos and share comments and ideas.
 For some it may be a surprise that Instagram allows people to take photos with other people on their devices such as their mobile phones. This allows people to share photos of themselves with other people on their device. This process of sharing photos is called Instagrater and many users have been excited at the possibilities. However, there are certain precautions that must be taken when taking a photo with another person's device.
 Instagrater works by scanning a camera's photo sensor and determining if it is capable of reading it. If the device is capable of reading the image then the Instagram service will allow the user to share it with other users that are using the same camera. However, if the device is incapable of reading the image then the user will not be able to upload it to the Instagram site.
 The way that Instagram works is that every picture that is uploaded into the Instagram system is first stored in the instagrater folder. Pictures stored in this folder can be viewed by any user who has the ability to view images on their device. However, pictures that are not viewable or are deleted will stay in the instagrater folder. A photo cannot be deleted from this folder, but you can edit or delete any image that has been uploaded to  check out instaprivateviewer for more info .
 It is very important to follow all of the steps in order to share photos on the Instagram site. If a photo is not able to be shared, you can still make use of the other features available to Instagram such as adding tags to the picture and tagging the location in which you took the picture. This tag can then be used to search for the picture in the "Search" section of the Instagram site, making it easier for users to locate the image. If a photo is shared, the Instagram site will give users the option of following it on their profile or liking it.
 Instagram does not require you to share the images on your instagrater account unless you want to. You can create your own private profile where you can set up the appearance of a personal account to help you interact with users that share similar interests with you. Once you have signed up, you can then add new pictures to your account. If you use the private profile, you are only able to share the images on your instagrater account with friends or with people you already know.
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forexcrypt-blog · 4 years
Summer Solstice Update
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Ok its a week late - sue me... everyone else is trying to. I have been busy with other stuff but things are hotting up on lots of fronts so I am adding a note to show I am still here. Half way through the year now and I must be ~20 weeks on from when this blog took a major turn. I repeat a lot of stuff - so again, I never intended this blog to be about scammers - it morphed after I found ProphetFX and Ashley Richards - scammers getting a lot of press and internet space written about them... Since, I have put serious dents into Ashley Richards (plus James Watts & Dan Legg + others) & ProphetFX (Edward Elford and Jack Alexander Harwood (FrontlineFX / TradehuntFX)). I definitely won't be on their Christmas card list. I have had severe abuse and harassment aimed at me since I blogged about these people - lets just lay down some facts; - I write the truth. All the evidence is posted for you to see - most of it is already in the public domain available via Google/Bing etc. You can verify it yourself. It is all true. - I am not a competitor of these shitheads. - I don't threaten or harass people. Good luck with your bullshit defamation claim - writing the truth is not defamation - no matter how you shameless warped cretins spin it. This is an investigative blog by someone that knows the retail forex industry inside out and is blowing the whistle on your bullshit instasham FX Lifestyles. For doing so, I have attracted some serious oddballs and my life is in danger from blogging about these people - they are scum. You wouldn't have half of them tarmac your drive - they are knuckle dragging scumbags - you only have to look at Instagram to see who and what these people are about. I only did one month of scammers/scams as you can see from the warning list - I only focused on Ashley Richards and ProphetFX. What did I find out? The FCA, Trading Standards, HMRC, OFCOM, IPSO and Action Fraud are so fucking useless they may as well not exist. They are absolutely fucking inept. I genuinely cannot get the words out to describe how fucking bad this lot are. A page full of 'useless fucking cunts' still won't cut it. We are nearly 20 weeks in on some of this stuff an what has happened from any UK regulator/agency? - NOTHING. I have put this stuff on a plate for them with all the evidence and we have seen NOTHING from any of them - in some cases they are simply ignoring me and/or not responding to their own complaints process. When I say the UK is fucked I mean it - THE UK IS FUCKED. Did you get that bit? THE UK IS FUCKED - nothing works - it is the wild west and if you are selling something online you can do what the fuck you like. It is easy to see why there is a scam epidemic in the UK. We have a culture among young people that it is OK to scam - they don't know any better and the UK regulators/agencies and social media companies are nowhere - it is a scammers paradise. Google reviews, Amazon reviews, Trustpilot reviews all contain thousands of fake reviews. Everything online is now fake and no one is stopping the fakery juggernaut. Hell even Conservative MP Grant Shapps was at it too https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/mar/15/grant-shapps-admits-he-had-second-job-as-millioniare-web-marketer-while-mp You can create a fake lifestyle in cyberspace and there is absolutely no one in the UK to stop you with nothing for 'normal' people to use/report to take them down - the scammers know it. Try reporting a profile on Instagram/Facebook - you can't even report them if they block you. You are met with bot agents and never a human. We are so far into absolutely fucketysphere, companies/people and scammers can do what the fuck they like - what are you going to do about it? Now of course, the UK Government/agencies/regulators blame Covid-19 for it all. As if the scammers infrastructure didn't already exist and scams magically sprung up as a result of Covid-19... Look at the cases I have raised on the blog - they have been going four plus years untouched. As far as I am aware, I am the first blogger/website to put a serious dent into these people - the trading forums are a mess at best given they are happy to house scams/scammers & BS 'Educators' for advertising revenue. This has won me a lot of interesting fans. I am getting take down requests every week - I have had special fans like Michael Watkins (theholistictrader) subject me to 12+ weeks of sustained harassment, doxing, DDOS attack, intimidation, threats, abuse (just to name a few) - all criminal acts which I have sent to North Wales Police four times - what have they done about it? NOTHING. For any prat telling me I don't have journalistic integrity because I don't reveal my name - that is why. People with a bit of money, especially one up from caravan dwellers - are not the most reasonable of sorts if their scam livelihoods are destroyed. What of the Media/Newspapers/Broadcasters/Producers/Journalists from the Ashley Richards fall out? I got multiple newspaper 'articles' taken down along with the BBC website 'article' & the BBC Programme "Young Welsh and Pretty Minted" featuring Ashley Richards taken down after 12 weeks of campaigning. - No apologies. - Not one correction. Utter cunts. They have simply buried this. As for IPSO (Independent Press Standards Organisation)? Fuck you too. Absolute fucking joke of an 'organisation'. I haven't had the time/bandwidth to keep on at the UK Agencies/Regulators/Newspapers/Broadcasters - it is a full time job - just for a few scammers - they are all fucking useless, all fucking jobsworths, all total cunts. You haven't seen the amount of emails and phone calls I have been putting in over ~20 Weeks just for these few select scammers - look what has happened - apart from the BBC takedown of Ashley Richards - NOTHING. We have utter cretins in the UK media (if you didn't already know). I repeatedly got the line, "It was a TV piece and we don't check the veracity... yak yak"... Well UK Media, you've just been done over by Ashley Richards, James Watts and Dan Legg - 20 year old scammers that have ruined your reputations and careers. So not only can you say you 'are a millionaire' online, you can also say you 'are a millionaire' to Local & National Newspapers, TV producers and TV Broadcasters and absolutely no one is checking you because thats what we love in the UK - nouveau riche Instagrat. Lets be fucking clear on these people - They are 'internet marketers' - they are not Forex traders. It doesn't matter if they sold weight loss diets, dating tips or Amazon affiliate courses - they just happen to sell you Forex Courses. In the case of James Watts he actually does sell Amazon affiliate courses. Everything they say is fake, everything is an instasham lifestyle - they cannot and never have traded Forex consistently profitably. They never made their money from actually trading Forex. Never, ever call these people Forex Traders. They sell bullshit Forex courses and/or sign you up to brokers get their huge broker affiliate commission via whatever means possible - you will never, ever make money with them. No one in retail forex makes money trading. So..... much of the same, me just repeating myself until everyone catches up with my depressing realism and cynicism. I appreciate people need a creditable full time UK scam/scammer reveal operation - people send me scams/scammers on a daily basis - the trading forums and social media are full of bitcoin/forex trading scams/scammers. I have always stated I would just do a few scammers to see where we got. The work involved in just doing the few scammers has been phenomenal - weeks and weeks of work (I have been doing what the FCA/Trading Standards/Action Fraud/HMRC/IPSO/OFCOM/ASA should be doing) - hundreds of hours - its a full time gig and I don't get paid for it so its not something I can offer at this stage - if I win the lottery maybe I could do some more... Read the full article
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gravityblue · 5 years
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Adnan Ariffin's Newsletter
Wed, Dec 18
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Hello and welcome to my Nuzzel newsletter! Adnan Ariffin (Today's Google Stock price is: 828.07.)
Top stories from Adnan's Friends:
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TOP 25 Artificial Intelligence Companies 2019
AI TIME JOURNAL – Dec 18, 1:39 AM
The Evaluation Committee has completed the evaluations for the AI Time Journal TOP 25 Artificial Intelligence Companies 2019. The mission of AI Time Journal is to divulge knowledge and information about changes, advancements and new opportunities…
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We're in the age of 'InstaGrat' - and we need to learn to say no
World Economic Forum
Every human being within six feet of a smartphone and forty five miles of a 4G cell tower, has access to InstaGrat - engineered instant gratification Facebook's first president Sean Parker said social media was designed to 'consume as much of your…
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McDonald's Follows eBay in Mobile-Payments Tech
Bloomberg – Natalia Drozdiak – Dec 17, 11:45 PM
Adyen NV has clinched a deal to process McDonald's Corp.'s mobile app payments, beefing up the Dutch company's portfolio of clients in an expanding sector. McDonald's will start using Adyen's platform in the U.K. in the first quarter of 2020 and…
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SoftBank Vision Fund Employees Depict a Culture of Recklessness
Bloomberg – Sarah McBride – Dec 18, 1:00 AM
Every six weeks or so, the SoftBank Vision Fund, the biggest source of investment money flowing to Silicon Valley, convenes a multihour video conference call for 75 people on three continents to catch up on its startups. Masayoshi Son, the Japanese…
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In-Vehicle Commerce Connected Cars to Exceed 775 Million by 2023
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Juniper Research
Hampshire, UK – 30 October 2018: A new report from Juniper Research has revealed that 775 million consumer vehicles will be connected via telematics or by in-vehicle apps by 2023, rising from 330 million vehicles in 2018. This is an average…
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manueltransmissions · 10 years
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Instagrat 8 (2/4/15 - 3/10/15)
Disney Cruess dessert salad taco tessellations  mammals command-z smooth gradients tenacious fowl
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