#instant constipation relief medicine
The Connection Between Doshas and Constipation: Balancing Your Body's Energies
In Ayurveda, a traditional system of medicine that originated in India thousands of years ago, the concept of doshas plays a fundamental role in understanding the body's balance and overall health. These doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – represent different combinations of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether) present within each individual. The interplay of these doshas influences various aspects of our physical, mental, and emotional well-being, including the occurrence of conditions like constipation.
Constipation, characterized by infrequent bowel movements and difficulty passing stool, is often viewed in Ayurveda as a manifestation of an imbalance in the Vata dosha. Vata, composed of air and ether elements, governs movement, circulation, and elimination within the body. When Vata becomes aggravated or imbalanced, it can lead to dryness, erratic digestion, and sluggish bowel movements, ultimately contributing to constipation.
Several factors can contribute to Vata imbalance and subsequent constipation:
Irregular eating habits excessive consumption of dry and cold foods
Inadequate hydration and
stress can all disrupt the natural flow of Vata energy in the body.
To address this imbalance and promote regular bowel movements, Ayurveda suggests a holistic approach that focuses on pacifying Vata dosha.
How can you treat Constipation with Ayurveda?
Shri Chyawan Ayurveda has formulated a constipation medicine for adults – Constipation Care, prepared to provide instant relief from chronic constipation and its effects. It is composed of a churna and syrup.
Kabj Hari Churn: It helps in a lot of stomach related issues like gas, constipation and abdominal pain. Consumption of this churn will ease down the pain during constipation and ultimately will help you get rid of the regular constipation issues, gases and acidity. It will not only help you by treating Constipation, but also help with Acidity, Bloating, Gases and other stomach related issues.
Ingredients: Kabj Hari Churn is made using all herbal and natural ayurvedic ingredients like Harde, Sonth, Mulethi, Baheda, Hing, Variyali, Amaltas, Black Salt, Black pepper, Amla.
How to use: Kabj Hari Churn can be used by mixing 1-2gm of this churn with half cup of water, consume every day before going to bed.
Benefits of Kabj Hari Churn:
Improves Digestion: Shri Chyawan Ayurveda’s Kabj Hari Churn effectively helps to cure your problems related to digestive system and facilitates smooth digestion process.
Relieves Constipation: It effectively helps to give you relief from stomach issues and constipation.
Bloating and Gases: Kabj Hari Churn reduces stomach bloating, digestion issues and gases and reduces indigestion.
Pure and Natural Product: Kabj Hari Churn is made using all natural and herbal ingredients and ensures smooth digestion process.
2. Liver Care Syrup: Shri Chyawan Ayurveda's Liver Care Syrup is the best Constipation syrup for adults, formulated to cleanse your liver and support digestion process. It also helps to strengthen the overall functioning of the liver.
Ingredients: It consists of Chitrakmul, Amla, Harde, Baheda, Bel Patra, Dhana, Aloe vera, Ajwain, Punarnava, Giloy Satva, Neem Chal, Tulsi. 
How to use: Consume 1-2 teaspoonful of Liver Care Syrup, thrice a day or as suggested by your physician.
Benefits of Liver Care Syrup:
Reduces Acidity: Shri Chyawan Ayurveda's Liver Care Syrup helps in reducing acidity and also reduces acid reflex issues as well.
Detoxifier: Liver Care Syrup acts as a detoxifying agent and flushes out toxins from your body.
Aids in Digestion: It also helps in digestion of food and boosts metabolism and solves constipation problem as well.
Maintains Liver Health: Regular intake of Liver Care Plus Syrup helps to maintain Gut and Liver health.
100% Natural: It is made from all herbal, ayurvedic ingredients and is 100% natural and safe to use.
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Shri Chyawan Ayurveda’s Constipation Care is by far the best and instant Constipation relief medicine recommended to cure chronic constipation and its symptoms easily without causing any side effects.
In conclusion, the connection between doshas and constipation underscores the holistic approach of Ayurveda to well-being. By understanding and addressing the imbalances within your body's energies, particularly the Vata dosha, you can proactively manage constipation and promote optimal digestive health. Balancing your doshas through mindful lifestyle choices, nourishing foods, and stress reduction techniques can lead to a harmonious state of overall wellness.
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Treatment for constipation using liver care syrup and kabj hari Ayurvedic churn heal any type of constipation problem serious abdominal pain, bloating, and gases or what so ever will give relief instantly. Liver care syrup increases the strength of the liver purify the blood gives instant relief from constipation
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Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times have cured a number of health disorders instantly without any side effects. Constipation care pack formulated by our experts have combination of syrup and churn, made by 100% pure and natural ingredients. It is prepared by ingredients like Harde, Sonth, Mulethi, Baheda, Hing, Variyali, Amaltas, Black Salt, Black Pepper and Amla.
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ayurvedexpert · 1 year
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Constipation Care pack, a best medicine for constipation cure offer number of benefits.
Cures Chronic Constipation
Improves Digestion
Reduces Bloating and Gas
Maintains liver health
It is 100% pure and natural
Reduces Acidity
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Ayurveda has provided us number of herbs which are beneficial for making number of ayurvedic medicines in form of syrup, churn and creams. One such ayurvedic medicine is Constipation care Pack, an instant constipation relief medicine formulated with combination of pure and natural ingredients.
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Best medicine for constipation with instant relief
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Constipation care pack a best medicine for constipation formulated by our experienced ayurveda experts. It has a combination of syrup and churn made by 100% natural ingredients. Being made of ayurvedic products, it also has no side effects.
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sanjay-sharma35 · 1 year
Best medicine for constipation in ayurveda - Kabj hari churna
kabj hari churn, a trusted and reputed medicine for constipation prepared by our experts composed of natural substances namely Harde, Sonth, Mulethi, Baheda, Hing, Variyali, Amaltas, Black Salt, Black pepper and Amla.
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hussyknee · 1 year
On a scale of one to ten, how fucked up is that I want to slap Mum when she whinges and moans in pain?
It's just. That maternity body pillow I bought her that gave her instant relief because it supported her head and elbows? Discarded because "I need to sleep without being trapped in that thing in the night." Bitch, the entire fucking point of it is so you won't roll over in your sleep, rotate your hip and damage it more. Then I ordered a memory foam wedge to keep her hips straight, and made her keep a cushion between her knees until it arrived next week. She moaned and groaned while I helped her and then didn't even try to keep it in place.
She asked me to buy a new blood sugar monitor while I was out. I realized as I was paying for it that I don't know how long it hasn't been working, where the warranty was and if the problem could just be incompatible batteries. I also had to buy a new blood pressure monitor because she had never gotten that replaced either. Came home and checked her BP to see it was high– because she had forgotten her after-breakfast meds. Grumbled that she didn't know what she was supposed to take, she can't read the prescription, no one will read it to her. This is unlikely, but my sister is in charge of her meds, and she might have elected not to because Mum is a retired surgeon and prone to taking prescribed meds and dosages as suggestions she can switch around at will. Healthcare professionals are the absolute worst patients in the world, but my mother is in a class of her own. But even if she didn't know her own prescription, all her medicine has been sorted into the pill organizer I bought her.
For fuck's sake, I bought her an easy-to-open water bottle to keep on her bed so she won't forget to hydrate as much as possible, and she never keeps the thing nearby. Then she complains her pain pills make her constipated.
She just needs to fucking get a grip and do the bare minimum to help herself. Granted, she's never done that in her life (hence the current situation), but this is beyond ridiculous. Bitch, you are in pain because you are doing fucking nothing to not be in pain. I've spent so much money on stuff to make her life easier and it keeps feeling like a waste. She's hellbent on getting the hip surgery done ASAP no matter what, but won't actually do anything to heal enough so she can get cleared for it. Not even the six weeks of bedrest she's determined not to complete will be enough if her BP and sugar won't go down, and the stress from lack of pain management keeps spiking both of those.
The most galling fucking thing is that I pretty much outlined this exact sequence of events. Over and over. I told her she can't keep overworking herself and then eating junk out of stress and not checking her sugar. She kept saying, "Then I'll drop dead! And you'll be rid of me! Then you need not be bothered by me any longer!" I was like, "You're not going to conveniently drop dead. Your stroke or heart attack will just leave you weak and nerve damaged. You'll go blind. And even if the first one won't leave you paralyzed, the second one will, or you'll inevitably fall and crack your head or break something important. You'll be disoriented and in agony for weeks or months, pissing and shitting yourself, and then you'll labour for weeks on a ventilator in the ICU before slipping away." Because that is how her own mother died. How my friend's mother died, how so many older people die. And she fucking knew that, but between her toddler brain that can't connect cause-and-effect, her Jesus fixation and her god complex, she never let herself think it would happen to her.
My friends want me to just tune her out, let her go to hell how she wants and focus only on keeping the house afloat. But the same hyperempathy that drove me to a mental breakdown when she let my brother's teeth rot in his head, is now going haywire around her pain. I wanted this fucking witch to suffer for what she put my brother through. I cursed her out to her face repeatedly, telling her she would endure tenfold what she subjected him to before she died. Now that's actually coming true, and all it does it make me hurt as well, for the same damn reason. Fuck my life.
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luxurybeautyreviews · 1 month
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organonhomoeo · 10 months
Homeopathic Medicine Manufacturing Company in india
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Is constipation and Acidity bothering you and your family members? Worry no more, try Orgazyme Digestive Tonic today and get instant relief. For more information call/whatsApp us on 086977 31248
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Kabj Hari Churn - Instant constipation relief medicine, with no side effects
Constipation is a common digestive problem that can cause discomfort and inconvenience in our daily lives. The most common symptoms of constipation are infrequent bowel movements, passing hard stools or straining during bowel movements. Talking about the main cause or reason for constipation is poor diet and very less exercise.
In this blog we go a bit deeper to know more about the effects of constipation and its treatment through ayurvedic medicines.
Effects of Constipation
Abdominal Pain and Bloating: Constipation can cause abdominal pain and bloating. The longer stool remains in the colon, the more water is absorbed, making it harder and more difficult to pass. This can lead to abdominal discomfort and bloating.
Haemorrhoids: Straining during bowel movements can cause haemorrhoids, which are swollen veins in the rectum and anus. Haemorrhoids can be painful and cause rectal bleeding.
Anal Fissures: Constipation can also cause anal fissures, which are small tears in the skin around the anus. These tears can be painful and cause rectal bleeding.
Bad Breath: When stool remains in the colon for an extended period, it can lead to bad breath. The longer the stool remains in the colon, the more bacteria will produce foul-smelling gases.
Fatigue: Constipation can also cause fatigue. When stool remains in the colon for too long, it can cause the body to absorb toxins that can lead to fatigue and a feeling of general malaise.
Constipation Treatment in Ayurveda
While there are several medications available to treat constipation, Ayurveda offers natural remedies that can help alleviate the symptoms of constipation and promote better digestive health. Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine that focuses on achieving balance and harmony between the body, mind, and spirit. According to Ayurveda, constipation is caused by an imbalance in the Vata dosha, which governs the movement of the body and the elimination of waste. When the Vata dosha is imbalanced, it can cause dryness and sluggishness in the digestive system, leading to constipation.
Ayurveda offers several natural remedies that can help balance the Vata dosha and promote better digestive health. Here are some of the ways Ayurveda can help heal constipation.
Shri Chyawan Ayurveda has formulated best medicine for constipation - Kabj Hari Churn, it helps in a lot of stomach related issues like gas, constipation and abdominal pain. Consumption of this churn will ease down the pain during constipation and ultimately will help you get rid of the regular constipation issues, gases and acidity.
Kabj Hari Churn is made using all herbal and natural ayurvedic ingredients like Harde, Sonth, Mulethi, Baheda, Hing, Variyali, Amaltas, Black Salt, Black Pepper, Amla.
Benefits of Kabj Hari Churn
Improves Digestion: Shri Chyawan Ayurveda’s Kabj Hari Churn effectively helps to cure your problems related to digestive system and facilitates smooth digestion process.
Relieves Constipation: It effectively helps to give you relief from stomach issues and constipation.
Bloating and Gases: Kabj Hari Churn reduces stomach bloating, digestion issues and gases and reduces indigestion.
Pure and Natural Product: Kabj Hari Churn is made using all natural and herbal ingredients and ensures smooth digestion process.
Kabj Hari Churn is by far the best instant constipation relief medicine available in the market. It will not only help you by treating Constipation, but also help with Acidity, Bloating, Gases and other stomach related issues.
How to Use
Kabj Hari Churn can be used by mixing 1-2gm of this churn with half cup of water, consume every day before going to bed.
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ritika-shah · 1 year
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Constipation care, an instant constipation relief medicine formulated by our ayurveda experts to treat chronic constipation and its effects like gas, acidity, indigestion, bloating and uneasiness. It has churn and syrup made up of 100% pure and natural ingredients.
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ayurvedayogamat · 1 year
What is Ayurveda?
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Ayurveda is the oldest healing method aimed at providing holistic health to its users. It finds its origin in India, where it was discovered some 5000 years back. Its premise is building a balance between the body, mind, and soul for healing purposes. This branch of medicine focuses more on bringing more sustainable changes in the body, amounting to good health overall. With more in-depth and extensive research, the experts are trying to use it to cure specific diseases. According to this branch of healing, your life energy' prana is a sum total of the interactions between the five elements prevalent around us. It states that good health happens when there is a complete balance between these elements, popularly known as air, water, earth, fire, and space. When there is an imbalance in these elements, it gives rise to various kinds of doshas. Doshas - the main reason behind falling ill Ayurvedic experts hold the doshas (defects) responsible for the ill-health of a person. They have classified doshas as: - Pitta dosha: The imbalance between fire and water elements of our body - Vata dosha: Imbalance in space and air - Kapha dosha: disturbance in water and earth balance Thus, most of the ayurvedic treatments aim at restoring the balances that get disturbed, leading to the ill body. How to restore the required balance Diet, exercises, and meditation activities collectively help in restoring good health according to ayurvedic treatments. A bad diet, disruption in sleeping schedule, and stress are the three main reasons for pitta dosha. In modern medicine, this dosha is equivalent to acidity and indigestion, and in worse cases, peptic ulcers and intestinal cancers. Some skin allergies like rashes, hives, and eczema are also considered the result of pitta dosha.  So, the experts advise such patients to go on an easily digestible and very light diet. They suggest combining it with ample sleep. Making time for meditation helps reduce the stress levels too, the experts advise.  Similarly, Vata dosha manifests as gastric troubles, constipation, and irregular bowels. There are some naturopathic treatments in which experts try to restore the Vata balance, regulating the bowel movements as a result. Again, they emphasize good sleep, happy thoughts, and a calm mind and a light diet to achieve better health.  Kapha dosha gives rise to conditions like cough and cold, breathing problems, and disorders like asthma. The ayurvedic treatments for curing this dosha prove to be very effective when the light physical and breathing exercises are included in the daily schedule. These treatments primarily involve drinking warm water, Vitamin C rich food in the daily diet, and breathing exercises that improve the oxygen flow in the body. Besides, the patients can avoid foods like dairy products, ice-cream, etc., which are known to be cough-inducing. So, adopt this branch of healing as a way of life. It does not provide a temporary solution but offers far-reaching solutions. However, when the immediate relief is needed, the allopathic treatments are advisable. While allopathic medicines provide an instant cure, ayurvedic practices can be used to maintain their results and maintain good health in the long run. Read the full article
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Cure any type of health condition easily with ayurvedic medicines formulated with combination of pure and natural ingredients. One such ayurvedic medicine is constipation care pack, a best medicine for constipation relief instantly without any side effects.
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ayurvedexpert · 1 year
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Constipation a common digestive disorder affecting people from all age group, especially young people. The main reason for affecting youth is life style, food, less exercise and stress. Ayurveda, an alternative medicine has formulated a best medicine for constipation without any side effects. It consists of 100% pure and natural ingredients.
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cipzercare · 1 year
Araq-e-Badiyan is a unani medicine which is used for its digestive antispasmodic and carminative actions.
Cipzer Arq Badyan is Unani Medicine, made from all-natural ingredients that help to provide instant relief in constipation, acidity, and indigestion, and facilitates smooth stool passage. It helps to alleviate digestive distress and improve the functioning of the liver. It can help support the functioning of the kidneys, stomach, and intestines. It is useful for colic, gripes, dysentery, indigestion, and flatulence. It also checks biliousness, burning sensation, thirst, and nausea. It also helps to relieve abdominal discomfort that occurs after eating food in many patients. It is helpful to relieve gas and indigestion and reduces flatulence, bloating, and abdominal pain. For further details on Cipzer Araq-e-Badiyan contact us at +91- 9817612210 or email us at  [email protected].
Key Benefits of Cipzer Arq Badiyan:
It helps to support the functioning of the kidney.
It can help to improve the functioning of the liver.
It can help to relieve gas.
It can help to alleviate digestive distress.
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