#instead of going for different nicknames for the name donatello just
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Compilation of me trying to figure out how to draw turtles (from over a year ago)
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Throughout Rise, Splinter mostly refers to his son’s as their colours when talking to them, treating their designated colours as nicknames but there are times where he breaks out his son’s actual names when talking to them & something I thought was interesting is that the situations where he calls each son by name is a bit different for each turtle.
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Splinter: Raph’s fear flops make me laugh every time
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Splinter: Now get to the roof and jump on my command Raph!
I think that Raph might be the turtle that Splinter refers to most by name & his use of Raph’s name is the most casual. Calling Raph by his name is just as natural as calling him by his colour. It could have something to do with Raph being the oldest which allows Splinter to be more casual with him.
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Splinter: Donatello. I may have lied about this event but I never lied about wanting to spend time with you
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Donnie: Alright let’s win this thing! Dad drive!
Splinter: What? Donnie? You do not need to do this.
With Donnie, Splinter typically uses his name during emotional moments. He recognises that talking about feelings is hard for Donnie so he does what he can to show that he care’s about how Donnie is feeling & wants to have an honest talk with him & using Donnie’s name instead of his colour is Splinter’s way of showing that he’s taking Donnie’s feelings & whatever they’re talking about seriously.
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Splinter: Well Mikey it’s just you & me! Ready for the Lou Jitsu celebrity walking tour of the hidden city?
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Splinter: Here Mikey take this coin and go make a wish.
With Mikey, Splinter uses his name when he’s trying to connect with his youngest son & make him excited, when Splinter uses Mikey’s name it might be because he particularly wants to bond with his youngest son or make Mikey happy. 
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Leo: Are you kidding me, this is the Rat Jitsu we’re talking about he could beat anybody!
Splinter: Leonardo!
With Leo, Splinter uses his name when Leo is doing something he doesn’t want Leo to do. It’s similar to parents using their child’s full name when they’re mad, it’s Splinter’s way of saying to Leo ‘I’m talking to YOU & I want you to stop doing what you’re doing’.
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Splinter: Leonardo?
In the movie it was Splinter saying Leo’s name that actually get’s Leo to pause for a moment when he’s acting upset & angry over Raph being captured by the Krang, so Splinter using Leo’s name has probably been used to get Leo’s attention or make him stop what he’s doing in the past. Though that might have a bit of an unfortunate aspect of Leo associating Splinter using his name as ‘oh dad thinks I’m doing something wrong’.
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misteria247 · 1 year
A little bit of a thingy to celebrate Universal Collision's achievement in getting into the polls hosted by @tmntaucompetition. Has a bit of a self insert to be warned but it's for a reason. Anyways as usual the 12 boys go by their full names and the Rise boys go by their nicknames. Also there's vague mentions of aus, didn't go into full details though cuz I didn't feel too comfortable with doing that lol. Hope y'all enjoy-
Nervous excitement.
That was the only thing that the writer could really describe her current feelings on what she and her boys were experiencing. A competition for different aus had been announced and in a twist her au had been placed into the ring. And by some strange stroke of luck, it'd managed to get into the finals. Which led the Universal Collision group to their current position. Surrounded by vast and fantastical aus. There were many, from future families to ghosts who haunted younger turtles, to twins and future apocalyptic ones. It was rather surreal to say the least. Mikey stared at the groups, taking them in, in his excited wonder, Michelangelo not too far behind him. The two orange turtles were practically buzzing with giddiness at being apart of something so big. Not too far behind the two youngest turtles, Donatello and Donnie seemed to be observing and taking notes of all the different turtles. Quietly and excitedly discussing all the alternate timelines and universes that were all in one place.
Leonardo and Raph were watching the purple and orange turtles, making sure that they weren't doing anything to disturb the fellow alternates. Apologies from the large snapper as well as a small look from the blue clad leader was heard and seen, as they made their way through and passed the others. And finally trailing behind them was Raphael and Leo, and the writer herself. Leo was awed by the sights he was seeing, taking in every single detail he could.
"Holy pizza-! There's ghosts here! And there's mermaid turtles and baby turtles and-"
Leo was chatting a mile a minute, pointing at the different versions of themselves and their counterparts. He seemed to have caught the hyperactive energy from his little brother and Michelangelo, bouncing around in place as he took everything in. Raphael meanwhile didn't say much, instead quietly obversing the others, and keeping a close eye his personal group. He noticed that the person next to him, the writer was quiet. He watched as she looked around, obviously thrilled yet nervous about what was to come. Raphael as well as the others knew that she hadn't expected to be included in this fun little experience. And they knew that she was thrilled as well as honored that Universal Collision had somehow made it. So to see her being so quiet made Raphael suspicious. With a small huff, the red clad turtle nugged her shoulder causing her to look up at him curiously.
"Ya know that we're gonna do good in this right? Our group wouldn't have gotten in, in the first place if we didn't have something to offer. So quit being all nervous, and stick your chin up. We're gonna do great."
Raphael stated already cutting to the point. He knew that being blunt was the best way to go. The writer blinked at him once, before a small smile came onto her face, the nervousness that surrounded her leaving in no time.
"You're right. We'll do great, and if we don't win this then at least we'll have fun seeing the others. Plus you boys will always be winners in my book."
The writer chirped, beaming a bit. Raphael gave her an embarrassed look, flustered by her honesty. Before he somewhat shoved her gently, scoffing a bit with a somewhat playful look.
"Alright, alright don't get sappy now. You're gonna end up sounding like Leo at this rate."
He chided a bit, thinking of his older brother's own rare sappy moments. The writer just smiled once more and was about to say something back when she and Raphael were pulled into a hug on one side of Leo. The red eared slider was smirking obviously having figured out what was going on.
"We're gonna rock out there. We're always rocking the world wherever we go. Now, let's get back to the others before Raph and Lee go into parent mode."
The blue jokester said already dragging the duo back towards the group, which quickly greeted the trio upon their return. As the boys and their writer made their way through the vast crowds of all the magical and fascinating stories, the writer took one last look around before settling her gaze on her boys. A small, proud smile coming onto her freckled face.
'Yeah, we're gonna do great. No matter the outcome, we're gonna do a fantastic job.'
*I apologize if this is ooc, it was quick and small and I just wanted to get this written down. I'm honestly super excited and super nervous about this competition! There's so many amazing and talented people here and it's lowkey imitating to be quite honest lol. It's like being surrounded by celebrities, it's just a wild experience lol. Anyways I can't believe I actually wrote something ya proud of me? Ya proud of my cringe ma??? Anyways hope y'all enjoyed it!!! And please forgive me for the super insert cringe lol.*
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awhphooey · 2 years
Summary of everything we’re allowed to know about the separated au 👉👈?
Also what is Leo’s relationship with Hueso and how does it differ from the series? What about Hueso jr 👀?
Ok so this post is gonna be long it’s basically: really brief summary, second half of the ask, then a more in depth summary with no spoilers.
First Question: The boys are separated after Lou rescues them from Draxum’s lab, found by Hueso, April, the Foot and Big Mama. They’re all raised apart and end up meeting. Splinter agrees to help them defeat the Shredder. They beat him, become a little crime fighting team, then the Krang stuff happens.
Second Question: Leo sees Hueso as his father and Hueso sees Leo as his son. Honestly their banter is very punny vs dry humor like in canon, but everything else I am actively making up as I go. Just know that they are father and son and Hueso would die for Leo. Hueso Jr is now Piel’s son who does not have a name, but is Leo’s cousin.
Long Summary time-
Draxum kidnaps Lou Jitsu, who was previously in the Battle Nexus as Big Mama’s champion. The turtles get mutated with his DNA like usual, Raph gets dropped first just outside Draxum’s now exploded lab, and on his way out of the Hidden City Lou drops Leo. Mikey gets dropped just outside of where he exits, but Lou is barely able to pay attention now as he is very painfully being turned into a rat. Donnie is the last one to be dropped, near the O’Neil’s apartment complex. Lou ends up retreating to the sewers with a few other mutants Draxum was experimenting on, most notably my version of Leatherhead.
Donatello “Donnie” Franklin O’Neil is 14 when the au starts. Donnie is the first to actually be found, despite being the last to be dropped. April finds him on a walk outside and begs her parents to let her keep him. He’s raised alongside April as her brother once they realize he can speak and is growing at the same rate if not faster than April. He goes to school like a normal kid, they just tell everyone he’s got a skin disease and that’s why he is green. He’s not able to make all of his tech, and isn’t trained at all like the other three, which leaves him vulnerable.
Galileo “Leo” Hueso is 14 when the au starts. Leo is the next to be found by Hueso (who is named Eric in this after his VA, full name Eric Hueso) who takes him back to his pirate ship. He’s part of a crew with his brother and a few others. They all work together to raise Leo, but Leo is closest with Eric and they have a father-son bond. Leo’s first few years- about until he is 11- are spent on the pirate ship. Once his dad becomes an outlaw in the Hidden City they move to the surface and open Run of the Mill Pizza, which caters to both yokai and humans. I can elaborate on this if anyone wants. Leo becomes a vigilante in his free time.
“Big” Red aka Raphael Hamato is 15 when the au takes place. He’s found by Big Mama’s right hand who was sent to retrieve Lou Jitsu. Instead, they find Red and bring him back to Big Mama. Insert plot device so she’s aware Lou Jitsu’s DNA is in Red and she starts raising him as her and Lou’s son. Raph is the only one aware Splinter is their dad. He starts training for the Battle Nexus when he’s 10, first fight at 12 where he gets his scar and nickname, remains the Nexus Champion until [spoilers].
Michael “Mikey” Angelo Jones is 13 at the start of the au. Mikey is the last to be found by his uncles, Rob and Maurice, who are having troubles training their next recruits. They start training Mikey in the mindset of him being their weapon, but as soon as they adopt Casey as well they start treating the two more like family. Mikey isn’t super devoted to the Foot, as he feels a bit of disconnect from them. He’s unlocked his nimpo, but his family just think it’s something mutant related.
I can’t explain anything further into the plot because I really want to draw this stuff, but the Shredder, Big Mama and the Krang will be their biggest problems. Draxum is against them briefly, but far less than in the show.
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twstgabrielle · 2 years
Reading Guidelines and Warnings: The 2012 boys will be addressed by their full names unless they're talking to one another or about each other. The Rise boys will be addressed by their nicknames. Also they're be spoilers for both shows as well as possible language and mentioned major character death. If any of this makes you uncomfortable I highly encourage y'all to check out my other works.
It'd been a few days since the meeting within the dojo. A few days of the two groups of turtles silently grieving over their lost loved ones and spending time with their own set of brothers. The two groups of teenagers didn't really say much over those few days, instead wanting to focus on trying to heal somewhat so they could focus on their mission to getting the younger set of brothers back home to their reality. Once they'd managed to pick themselves up somewhat they'd finally started taking the first steps towards making their mission become a reality. Which led to the current situation now, that being Donnie and Donatello slaving over their theories and ideas within Donatello's lab. Donnie was sitting at a makeshift workspace that his older counterpart had made for him, staring down at his notes and calculations with a somewhat annoyed look. There wasn't much for Donnie to go on given that he had no real clue as to how he and his brothers came here. So the soft shell was was trying to think of different possibilities for how they were sent to this alternate dimension. Unfortunately anything that could be plausible wasn't making any sense scientifically speaking. And Donnie wasn't the only one struggling with this.
No his older counterpart Donatello seemed to be struggling just as much. The tall turtle genius was leaning over his desk, his tongue peeking out of his mouth as he moved his pencil across the papers in front of him. Surrounding him were crumpled up balls of theories and ideas that just didn't make any sense whatsoever. Donnie peeked up to watch his doppelganger, noting the way his shoulders were tense as he scribbled all over his papers, not seeming to be aware of his surroundings. It was honestly impressive how focused Donatello could get, and his work ethic proved that he was a hard worker, what with his all of his inventions and blueprints scattered all over the somewhat dimly lit lab. Donnie continued to watch him, his dark brown eyes zoned in on the taller turtle as he observed him quietly. The soft shell had been watching so closely in fact that he nearly jumped out of his shell at Donatello's sudden loud snarl.
Donatello snapped grabbing the tails of his purple mask as he forced himself to sit up. Donnie couldn't help but feel sympathetic, completely understanding what the older turtle was feeling. They'd been going at this for a few hours now and neither of them could think of anything that could give them a lead in trying to get Donnie and his brothers back home. The soft shell forced himself to sit up in his seat as well, stretching his arms and earning a few cracks in return for the movement. Turning his computer chair towards Donatello the younger turtle spoke up.
"We're in the same boat my friend. I can't figure this out either which is beyond frustrating."
Donnie said making Donatello turn to look at him. Reddish brown eyes filled with exhaustion and annoyance at himself met his dark brown ones and Donnie couldn't help but mentally flinch at the look.
'Guess it's time to take a break, if we keep this up we'll both be completely useless in the long run.'
The purple genius thought, despite not wanting to take a breather. However he knew logically that if he and Donatello didn't at least step back from this to cool off their mounting frustrations they'd never be able to figure it out. Just as Donnie had come to this conclusion Donatello seemingly did so as well.
"Let's just take a minute to get ourselves together mentally. Wouldn't want to make things more difficult for us in the long run."
Donatello stated in a gruff manner obviously just as displeased with this as Donnie. The soft shell gave a hum of agreement before standing up to get the blood flowing within his legs. Donatello just watched his younger counterpart, obviously not ready to move from his seat yet before going back to his notes, while Donnie decided to snoop around somewhat. Taking in Donatello's lab Donnie noticed several things that were vastly different from his own lab back home. The lightning was one thing, instead of the familiar glowing of red buttons and eyes and neon purple lights, there instead was a rather dim kind of lighting. While not bad it gave the lab a somewhat gloomy look not that Donnie would ever say it out loud. Glancing around some more Donnie noticed all the blueprints of future inventions that Donatello had yet to start and all the equipment that laid scattered around on tables and counters. Tools as well as lab beakers filled with all sorts of different chemicals sat neatly in their holders, awaiting the moment of being needed. As Donnie snooped around his eyes caught sight of one set of blueprints that were buried beneath newer ones. Curious the soft shell moved them aside and saw the outlining guide to what looked like a robot of some kind.
The design was that of a shorter turtle, and clunky like, yet despite it the blueprints were filled with various notes and markings on the turtle shaped robot. As Donnie read over the little notes and other details on the older blueprints his dark brown hues finally caught sight of the name of the little robot.
Donnie muttered intrigued as he took a closer look. The soft shell noted how detailed the plans for Metalhead were and how much care was put into them. Donatello obviously cared a lot about this particular invention from the way everything was filled with incredible details and little notes.
"I see you found the blueprints for Metalhead."
Donatello's voice sounding incredibly close made Donnie about jump out of his skin. Snapping his head around to see the older turtle Donnie was about to snap at him for spooking him like that when he paused seeing the face of the taller turtle. Donatello's gaze was solely focused on his old blueprints, a look of bittersweetness in his reddish brown eyes as he reached out to grab them from Donnie.
"Who is Metalhead if you don't mind me asking."
Donnie asked curiousity getting the best of him. Donatello was quiet for a moment before he answered his younger doppelganger's question.
"Metalhead was a robot that I'd created back when I was about fifteen years old. He was the future of the ways of the ninja, and he was one of my most complex inventions besides the Shellraiser."
Donatello explained a small gapped tooth smile on his face as he recalled the little robot turtle. However the smile faded as he continued.
"During one of our missions Metalhead was completely wrecked by a renegade mutant. I couldn't get to him in time to try and save him from further damage......all I got was his head."
Donatello said his voice soft and full of a grief that only an inventor could feel. Donnie felt his throat tighten slightly as he thought about how devastating it was to lose something like Metalhead. He knew it all too well.
"I had a little robot companion that I'd built. He was one of my greatest inventions, his name was Shelldon. I....I put my all into making him, so much so that he was like a son to me. I....I'd ended up losing him during the attack on our lair by the Shredder."
Donnie explained feeling Donatello's gaze on him. Donnie shimmied a bit underneath the gaze feeling all too exposed suddenly and he wanted nothing more than for the floor to swallow him whole.
"I guess that no matter the universe we'll always lose our robot companions huh?"
Donatello spoke up trying to somewhat ease the atmosphere. Donnie couldn't help but quirk a humorless smile at his older counterpart.
"Yeah......I guess so."
Donnie replied. The two geniuses dropped the subject of their inventions of robots not wanting to dwell too much on it. The two inventors instead moved on to much more lighter topics, talking about their newest creations and what their plans were. They talked about little things and stories of adventures that they'd experienced the once gloomy atmosphere disappearing. Donnie had no idea how long they just talked but he knew that this conversation was by far one of the best he's ever had. Donatello was incredibly smart and could keep up with Donnie easily whenever he started to get really technical on certain things. It was nice to have a partner of science and knowledge to have a conversation with. Donnie was now listening to Donatello talk about the alien species that he'd met in space, and how their technology was vast and extremely complex compared to their own.
"Honestly even I had a hard time figuring some of it out and I was the one most familiar with it! The Triceratons were one of the worst when it came to their technology. I'd never felt so frustrated in all my life, not since I'd first started off with-"
Donatello suddenly stopped making Donnie give him a confused look. Donnie quirked an eyebrow getting a bit concerned by the sudden silence.
He'd began to say before he was startled by Donatello practically sprinting back to his desk, quickly making his way to his computer. Donnie followed him, feeling completely lost all of a sudden. Stepping up next to Donatello he'd went to ask what was going on when his question was answered.
"Haha-! Yes I got something-! I can't believe I didn't think of them before I should have known it would involve them somehow-!"
Donatello said sounding a bit annoyed with his lack of foresight and downright pleased with what he managed to figure out.
"Uh not to rain on your parade Don but what in the laws of physics are you going on about?"
Donnie asked taking Donatello's attention. The taller turtle seemed to realize that he'd left Donnie in the dark somewhat and going red with embarrassment he began to explain.
"Ah right sorry! Well to answer your question my genius friend, I think I've found a possible lead on how to get you and your brothers back home. I was thinking maybe the Kraang would be a good starting point seeing as their whole thing is interdimensional traveling! They're practically known for their dimension hoping, so I was thinking that if we can gather information on their latest activities and their portable dimensions, we could possibly have a lead on getting you all home!"
Donatello said his expression bright and beaming for the first time in a few days. Donnie's own excitement started to spark, a large grin coming onto his face as he got what his counterpart was saying.
"Don, you are without a doubt the best version of me I have ever met, like oh mi gosh I love you and your big brain oh so much right now!"
Donnie said absolutely proud to have Donatello as his alternate self. There was a reason why he was always known as the smartest turtle amongst his brothers and seeing that his older counterpart was living up to the title made Donnie downright prideful. Donatello just seemed a bit startled by Donnie's words however the taller turtle preened at the praise.
"I'm the only version of you that you've ever met Donnie, but I'm glad to know that I'm your favorite one."
Donatello said a bit cheekily making Donnie smirk at the tone. The two purple turtles were practically vibrating with excitement, finally having a lead to work with to see if it could give them answers. As the two turtles began their plans to try and figure out what they could learn Donnie decided to drop the bombshell.
"By the way my ingenious friend, what exactly is a Kraang?"
Leo wasn't used to being in such an emotional rollercoaster in such a short span of time. For the past few days, he'd been filled with nothing but the familiar aching grief of being reminded of his grandmother's death and the death of his father in this strange alternate reality. Filled with thoughts and guilt and other nasty things that Leo never really liked to think about. If the red eared slider was completely honest he'd never go near anything emotional with a hundred foot pole, so suddenly being thrust into a hurricane of emotional turmoil was not a very fun time. And if Leo was known for anything it was having a fun time. Which was why he'd decided that now was the perfect opportunity to mess with some people in the lair to help get everyone's minds off of the heavy things that had been weighing them down.
And what better way to do so than with a few pranks?
So being the somewhat clever turtle he was, Leo had began his solo mission to help bring up the mood within the lair. He'd made sure to any unfortunate soul who was within his path. So far he'd gotten his older brother Raph, his little brother Mikey, his brother's older counterpart Michelangelo and he'd just got Raphael who more or less was downright fuming at the prank. Leo could practically see the water that had been in the water balloon steaming on top of the older red clad turtle's head. The sounds of confused and irritated swears and mutterings filled the lair as Raphael somewhat stomped away to go to his room to try and cool down. Leo snickered a bit coming from his hiding place as he tucked his one katana away, its mystical powers receding from the blade.
"Ain't nothing like using my badass mystic ninja skills to help everyone cool down."
Leo said a mischievous smile on his face. It wasn't often that the blue clad turtle did this kind of thing, but he had deemed the situation to bring a few harmless pranks into it. Showing his brothers some fun was what he was known for best. Leo was the face man, the jokester of his brothers. He made it his personal mission to live up to those titles, especially when his brothers needed cheering up. And since he was stuck in this world with his brothers, Leo had taken it upon himself to also extend his methods of cheering those around him up with their older counterparts. So far Raphael was the only one who seemed more irritated than everyone else so Leo made a mental note to keep the pranking to a minimum around the short and angry turtle. Michelangelo on the other hand when he'd been met with Leo's prank, had been downright thrilled and had even cracked a laugh at it. Much like his own little brother Michelangelo was rather easy going and seemed to thrive on things such as this. And hearing Michelangelo laugh was a major win in Leo's books.
"Okay so I've hit Raph, Mikey, Ralph and Miguel. I could try to go for Dee next but......"
Leo mused quietly thinking about his younger twin. Donnie if he remembered correctly was currently hiding out in this lair's lab with Donatello. The slider couldn't help but shiver slightly as he recalled the last time he'd played a prank on Donnie when he'd been in his lab. His twin had been less than pleased and he may of had Shelldon yank Leo up by his shell like a small kitten and toss him out of said lab, swearing up and down the whole time at him. The last thing he wanted was to set Donnie completely off like that again and God only knows how Donatello would react if Leo so much as even thought of pranking them while they were in the lab.
'So no Donald or Don then, I'll have to get them later. So that leaves.....'
Leo felt his heart jump at the thought of Leonardo, remembering the embarrassing moment of having himself be read like an open book by his older self. Leo had never wanted to bury himself in the ground so fast as soon as he'd realized what had happened. Thankfully Leonardo didn't rat him out to his brothers however the whole experience had left him feeling a bit shaken still.
'But if I keep avoiding him it's just gonna get worse.'
A voice in his head said sounding annoyingly enough like Dr. Feelings who Mikey used to be a somewhat therapist for his brothers. Leo couldn't help but mentally groan already knowing that his little mental Dr. Feelings was right even though he absolutely hated to admit it.
'Come on Hamato you literally fought mutated fish, literally a death match in a Big Mama's fighting ring, and the Shredder. You can face yourself and be a grown up about this. Don't be a wimp.'
He scolded himself mentally pulling himself together. After pulling himself together Leo felt a bit more confident in himself and with a small smirk began to make his way towards the one place where he knew his older self was hanging out.
The dojo.
Leo quickly and quietly made his way towards the sliding doors, being careful not to make any sounds. Using all of his ninja stealth skills, the red eared slider quietly pulled out his katana, watching the familiar bright blue mystic energy come to life at his fingertips. With a silent swing a bright blue portal opened up, revealing the inside of the dojo. There sitting at the foot of the tree's roots was Leonardo. The older turtle was sitting cross legged on the tatsumi mats, his eyes closed and his entire body completely still. A tranquil air hung around him, his breathing soft and slow and calm. It was clear that Leonardo was meditating, and by the looks of it he was incredibly deep into it.
Leo thought grabbing a water balloon and going to take aim. He'd have to be quick about this, if he wanted to get the older blue clad turtle. Leo took his aim, his light blue eyes focused on his target, getting ready to throw it.
Leo counted backwards mentally, once he hit one he moved, however not in the way he imagined it.
In fact what happened next rather quick.
The red eared slider didn't even process it before Leonardo had suddenly moved out of the way his eyes closed still before his hand shot out towards Leo, going straight through the portal and grabbing Leo's wrist. Leo barely had a chance to blink before he was yanked right through his portal and thrown right over Leonardo's body, his body flipped over as his shell hit the tatsumi matted floors hard. The younger turtle let out a whoosh of air, his entire body practically jostled all the way down to his bones. Wide eyed in a stunned silence Leo could only wheeze a bit as he tried to get air back into his lungs. Leonardo meanwhile had finally opened his eyes, and was now looking at his younger counterpart in a mortified way.
"Leo-!? Oh shit I'm so sorry are you alright?!"
Leonardo asked his tone cracking slightly at his rushed out words as he dropped down to his knees to help Leo sit up. Leo meanwhile just tried to get his bearings, sucking in a sharp deep breath as Leonardo gently helped him up into a sitting position. After a few moments of collecting himself Leo finally spoke in a winded voice.
"Damn dude. Remind me to not do that again, you do not mess around when you throw people holy-"
Leo wheezed a bit stunned by just how strong Leonardo actually was when he put his all into it. The younger turtle knew that if he'd been human that the older turtle could have very well have broken his spine with the force he used behind the throw. Leonardo seemed to go red in a mortified way, embarrassed beyond belief.
"I'm honestly really sorry Leo, I didn't mean to throw you so hard, if I'd known it was you-"
Leonardo began to ramble while Leo finally recovered, his stunned shock now changed into a beaming star struck look. Turning to his older self Leo interrupted him.
"Holy hell Lee, that was seriously one of the most badass things I'd ever seen in my life! You didn't even hesitate and you were meditating yet you still took me out! How did you do that?!"
Leo asked his light blue eyes sparkling with boyish glee and excitement at having seen something so cool. Leonardo froze in his ramblings his dark blue eyes widening in surprise at seeing such a look on the younger turtle's face. He'd been expecting anger or something along those lines but not this.
Leonardo scrambled out his tone full of baffled confusion.
"The thing-! How did you do that?? Like dude it's not easy to get the drop on me like that, nor is it easy to sense my presence while I'm in stealth mode with my portals! Yet you completely took me by surprise all while meditating and oh mi gosh you've got to tell me how you managed to do it!"
The slider said practically demanding to have an answer in his star struck amazement. Leonardo just blinked confused and dazed by the excitement his younger doppelganger showed. Clearing out his throat somewhat to help his vocal chords out Leonardo finally answered Leo's questions.
"Ah well I didn't really know that you were there. One minute I was just meditating and then I felt the spiritual plain change and I just.....reacted on instinct."
Leonardo said sounding a bit awkward. Meanwhile Leo was taken all of this in eagerly wanting to know more.
"The spiritual plain? Like as in a sixth sense mystic kind of deal? Do you have mystic powers here?"
Leo asked earning a confused head tilt.
"Mystic powers?"
Leonardo asked confused. Leo nodded and pulled out his katana, swinging it in a small circle. The blade once again glowed a bright blue, its magic pulsing in the blade as it made a tiny portal. Leonardo's eyes went wide with shock.
"What in the-?"
He began to question and Leo was quick to answer.
"This is mystic powers. Me and my brothers each have one of a unique kind. Raph's sais is strength based and he can use it to make himself stronger. Mikey's nunchucks have the ability to shot out flames and to hold mystical beings in place. Donnie's bo staff can turn into anything that he's ever made bo staff wise via technology. And my twin katanas have the ability to open and close portals at a whim. Though judging by your reaction I'm guessing that this kind of thing doesn't exist here."
Leo said curious. Leonardo just slowly shook his head.
"No we don't have stuff like this here. However.....we do have spiritual and healing abilities here. Or rather healing and spiritual mantras. Only a selection of people can use these abilities and a lot of them are masters in some way. Out of me and my brothers though......I'm the one most spiritual sensitive and able to use the mantras easily. Though I'm not a master in these things. Not like....like Master Splinter was."
Leonardo explained getting curious himself. Leo on the other hand was amazed by this. This alternate version of himself was apparently extremely talented in this kind of thing. Though he was rather humble about it and seemed to not see the raw talent of being able to sense Leo of all people and get the drop on him. The red eared slider felt a sudden determination hit him and with a click of his katana being placed in its sheath, Leo grabbed Leonardo's hands tightly and stared straight into his dark blue eyes seriously.
"Can you teach me?"
The younger turtle asked earning a wide eyed look from the older one.
"Teach you?"
The older turtle repeated earning a fierce nod in response.
"Yes teach me. I want to learn how to do that move that you did because Lee that was seriously the coolest thing I've ever seen in my sixteen years of life and I'll literally die if I don't learn such a awesome skill."
Leo said sounding dead serious. Leonardo just stared at his younger counterpart looking entirely unsure about everything. However Leo gave him the best puppy dog eyes he could ever give, practically pleading with his older self to teach him. It was a good bit of uncertain silence before the blue clad leader let out a resigned sigh.
"I can try, but I don't know if it'll work or not."
The leader said earning a practically glowing smile from the red eared slider.
"Oh me gosh thank you-! You're now my favorite turtle in the world!"
Leo said bouncing a bit while Leonardo watched in slight weary amusement.
"Yeah, no problem. Come on let's get up off the ground and I'll check you over to make sure I didn't hurt you by accident."
Leonardo said getting up and offering a hand to help Leo up. With a bright grin Leo grabbed ahold of his doppelganger's hand and let himself be hoisted up onto his feet. Once standing the two blue turtles made their way out of the dojo.
Donatello stared at his computer checking off all the data he'd collected from his hours of research. Donnie was at his desk as well, writing everything they came across down onto their charts that they'd made to keep their data together. After explaining exactly what the Kraang were to Donnie, the two had begun their quest in searching for anything that was odd or not exactly normal. So far Donatello had managed to find reports from the local research facility, courtesy of Donnie's hacker skills, and had learned that they'd been tracking odd spikes of energy surges for the past two or three weeks. The facility couldn't figure out exactly where they'd been coming from but they'd been happening a bit more frequently.
Especially during this week, or more specifically a few days before Donnie and his brothers appeared within the lair.
That alone rose red flags for Donatello. The older turtle stared at the computer screen and the graphs that contained the information that was under extreme coding and protection servicers until Donnie had hacked their systems. Reports from the research facility and local new broadcasting stations all pointed to the same energy surges that had been occurring in New York City. And Donatello had a feeling that the Kraang had something to do with it.
"So what are we going to do now? Cause all this information we've found and all the reports we've read are all weirdly suspicious."
Donnie piped up his mouth somewhat pressed into a tense expression. Donatello gave a small sigh, rubbing his eyes and thinking.
"I think that we'll definitely need to check out the Kraang database and see what they're up to. And in order to do that we're going to need to locate them first. The Kraang aren't easy to find and if they're up to something and it's big they're gonna difficult to locate. I'll need to talk to Leo about this and see what he thinks about all this."
Donatello said already making a mental layout for his possible future mission.
"If that's the case then I'll need to alert my brothers about this and see what they think about this."
Donnie replied already getting up from his chair and gathering their notes to show to his brothers to explain what was going on. Glancing up at Donatello, Donnie gave him a small look.
"Are you coming?"
Donnie asked his tone slightly impatient at wanting to get this show on the road. Donatello blinked away from the computer and nodded quickly getting up from his desk and grabbing a few things of his own. As he gathered his materials to go and discuss this with Leonardo the sudden ringing of his tphone sounded out throughout the lab startling the two geniuses. Donatello shimmying his work over into one arm quickly reached for the phone attached to his hip and pulled it up answering it as he made his way to Donnie giving him a look to let him know to follow him. The soft shell gave a swift nod not speaking since Donatello was on the phone.
Donatello answered, his phone pressed up to his cheek as he and Donnie made their way towards the living room to go and gather their brothers. Donnie listened quietly as Donatello seemed to brighten up immediately at whoever was on the other end of the phone. The older turtle was talking rather quickly and softly, seemingly letting whoever it was that called in on what was going on. As Donnie set the stuff down he heard Donatello speak.
"Oh-! You really don't have to trouble yourself......okay okay I get it, so I guess I'll see you in a bit..? Alright, see you soon, be safe."
Donatello said ending the call. Donnie gave him a small narrowed eyed look, somewhat suspicious.
"So who's stopping by?"
Donnie asked not bothering to act like he wasn't eavesdropping. Donatello blinked and snapped his reddish brown gaze onto the younger turtle suddenly looking incredibly bashful.
"It was a friend of ours. She wants to join in on our talk and help us out."
Donatello said his voice small and mumbled. Donnie quirked an eyebrow, unimpressed by the vague answer but he decided to drop it. They had more important things to worry about at the moment.
"You got everything Don?"
Donnie asked earning a nod of confirmation from the older purple turtle.
"Yep, all we need is our brothers and then we'll be good to go."
Donatello replied earning a hum of acknowledgement. Donatello watched as his younger counterpart put everything down and got up to leave the living room.
"I'll go get them and bring them in. You keep everything together Don."
Donnie said before leaving the older turtle behind, his bright purple battle shell being all that Donatello saw before his doppelganger disappeared from view. Donatello took a deep breath, fiddling with his bandages on his wrists a bit as he waited for Donnie and their brothers to come back and join him.
*What's this? Some actual plot?? Yes my friends it most certainly is! Now we're getting on a roll my lovely peeps and I'm personally super excited to see how my little project plays out. This chapter is a bit longer because I wanted to get the plot somewhat going and because the next chapter might take a lot more time to complete seeing as how my fingers are sore from typing on my phone for so long and because I don't want to give myself burnout because that'd lowkey suck. Anyways if any y'all read this I hope you enjoyed it!!!*
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hamatoclan76 · 3 years
Rise Splinter isn´t a very good parent and that´s okay.
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Look, before someone starts throwing tomatoes i want to clarify something: I like Splinter from Rottmnt and i really like Rise of the Tmnt. People who have followed me for a while know i enjoy the series and i´m sad about it how was cancelled. I also want to say that i don´t think other Splinters are 100% perfect and they have their own issues too.
What i don´t like is how the Rise of the tmnt fandom often overlooks Rise Splinter´s character flaws and pretends that he is a perfect father figure because this is not something supported by both by the narrative and his character growth.
So, what i´m going to do in this post is to examine his character flaws, his role as parent and character arc in the series. The point of this is to bring up this flaws to light, this is not a ¨character critical¨ or whatever you want to call it. It´s supposed to be character analysis, okay?
Let´s start with the short Turtle Tots short:
Link to the short:
This short is when the turtle brothers are still very young. We see that Splinter is trying to train them but he keeps watching a show he likes on TV. This short shows Splinter didn´t care about training his sons enough even when they were younger. He also leaves them with very dangerous weapons they don´t know how to use.
Splinter was already quite neglectful and careless since the start. He spend too much time watching TV rather than training his sons. It would more understandable if he was too busy working with something but here he is only watching a TV series. Later in the short he admits he should have paid more attention to the turtles and isn´t a good Sensei.
I have to say i didn´t like this short too much. I didn´t find funny the jokes of how Splinter ignores his sons for the TV series and leaves every 30 seconds. However, it provides some context for the characters and their relationship.
Now let´s talk about his characterization at the start of the series. (Season 1)
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Splinter at the start of the series is usually seen watching TV, whatever is his old movies or shows that he likes. He is rarely seen training the turtles or talking to them. Sometimes their interactions are the boys trying to ask him about something while he is watching his series. Splinter either answers them or ignores them.
He is usually so caught up in his own world that he doesn´t seem to be aware of who are the turtles fighting against until it starts biting them back. The boys usually don´t tell him about their adventures on the surface. One could argue that he assumes that they barely get in trouble and they are just playing.
In the episode ¨The Fast and the Furriest¨ Splinter ¨steals¨  Turtle Tank and takes it for a ride without Donatello´s permision. The turtles go through a lot of trouble to get the Turtle Tank back. By the end of the episode its Donatello, his son,is  the one who is putting a punishment on Splinter, who is supposed to be their father, for taking the Tank. 
While Donnie getting angry at Splinter is quite funny,this episode shows that Yoshi can be very inmature at times, if not childish. He doesn´t ask his son to allow him use the tank, puts them in danger and is scolded like a child at the end instead of him being the ¨responsible adult figure¨.
Parents being cocky or careless isn´t something very new. There are parents that act as inmature or worse than Yoshi and would never admit they did something wrong. So, i take this episode as one of the examples that Splinter does this kind of things. He isn´t this selfish and reckless all the time, just sometimes.
Another aspect is that Splinter struggles with remember his sons´ names. He calls them by their color bandana instead of their real names. This sometimes can be funny but on the long run it becomes quite disturing,Imo. There is difference between ¨calling your son with an affectionate nickname¨ and ¨not remembering your sons´ name¨. There is a point that this it becomes sad.
The tmnt wiki describes Rise Splinter´s personality as a ¨Extremely flawed (albeit loved) father figure¨. This means that he has tons of flaws but he cares about his family: One clear example is when he helps Raphael with fighting his fear in ¨Mrs. Cuddles¨. He protects the big turtle a few times from the giant puppet monster and they defeat the monster together.
Splinter cares about April O´Neil like she was part of the family too. In episodes like "Always Be Brownies" he is seen hanging out with her and helping her. He also encourages April to believe more in herself since she has tons of doubts in that episode. (Season 2).
Hamato Yoshi / Splinter´s backstory
Lets say that Yoshi didn´t have the best childhood. His biological father was missing and he is not mentioned in the flashbacks. Splinter´s mother, Atsuko, left Yoshi when he was still a kid so she would be able to perform her family duty as protector in the Hamato family.
This terrible loss made Yoshi grow bitter with his Hamato duties and martial arts. He didn´t want anything to do with his family legacy since it was the reason that his mother was forced to left him. He had an argument with his maternal grandfather and sensei, Sho, and decided to use the skills he learned in during his training to become a superstar.
After many shenanigans involving his crush on Big Mama, a very powerful yokai, and Baron Draxum, Hamato Yoshi mutated into a humanoid rat and adopted the turtles, who were about to be used as soldiers by Draxum, like their own sons.
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Splinter´s backstory explains a lot of his behaviour in the series: It´s implied his father died/left him, his own mother also left him to perform her duties and he has a very strained relationship with his grandparent. The reason of why he has so many problems when it comes to being a good father it is because he himself lacked good family support. It makes sense that he doesn´t seem to know what he is doing or why he is messy when he is takeing care of the turtles.
Speaking of that, this explains why he isn´t very involved in his sons´ training. Maybe he just doesn´t want them to carry the same burden that he did as a child or just dislikes the idea of training them because it reminds him of bad memories about his grandfather and his mother.
He also watches his old movies since it reminds him of the time he was living his life at his fullest and was doing something he enjoyed. It implies he has his mind stuck in the past, perhaps wishing he could still be human and live like superstar.
Splinter´s Character growth
Like i mentioned, Yoshi wasn´t very interested in training his sons at the start of the series. He was negletful and spent too much time watching his movies... This aspect of his character isn´t ignored.
When the turtles asked him to train him ¨The Evil League of Mutants" he put Lou-Jitsu films for them to watch, this made their sons think he wasn´t taking them seriously and decided to go out on their own. While Splinter´s intention was to show them the basics by them learning the moves from the movies, he came off as he only cared about watching said films to their sons.
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After noticing how his sons lack experience and need his help, he begans training them. Splinter gets more involved with his Hamato destiny and starts being more honest to the boys about his past as human and protector.
One episode that´s really worth of mentioning is ¨Turtle-dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man¨: Splinter tricks Donatello and Mikey into going to a demolition center since he missed the old days he used to be a champion in the Battle Nexus. Donnie is very hurt when he finds out about this because he really wanted to spend more time with his father. By seeing this Yoshi realizes how his sons would like to do things together with him like hanging out. He apologizes to Donnie and tellshim that he may have lied but it is truth he wanted to spend time with him.
Along with getting more involved in his sons´s lives by teaching them and spending time with them, he lets Mikey hang out with Draxum because Mikey considers him part of the family too. (Draxum created them). He didn´t trust Draxum due to their mutual past but decides to give him a chance for Mikey´s sake.
In conclusion: In Rise of the tmnt, Splinter starts as somewhat a neglectful parent figure, sometimes acting childish and not being the best role model for their sons. Overtime he begins to understand the consequences of not training his family and gets more involved in their lives. He tries to be a responsible father despite he had tons of issues with his own family growing up. While very flawed, he has good intentions and cares deeply about his sons.
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egg-on-the-run · 3 years
Bayverse boys as soft things me and and my friends do
Note: most of these are pre-covid. We are still in a panoramic. Be safe.
peels oranges for you
cleans up during a party because he doesn't want you to be left cleaning up after everyone leaves
is the only sober one because he wants to make sure everyone stays safe
gifts you pictures of his art even though he hates it, because he knows you love it so much
rigs secret santa because he knows some people in the group don't enjoy Christmas and they deserve the best presents
ties your shoe laces even though he knows you can tie them yourself
asks to give your cat treats every time he comes round
reads and researches psychology and mental health so he can help everyone more often with their own mental health
never forgets the date of something important
hates Halloween, throws the best Halloween parties
ALWAYS carries a backpack with painkillers, plasters, allergy tablets and so so much more
also so he can carry everyone's jackets until the backpack is literally like a second shell
butterfly kisses your cheek
made a group playlist for everyone to put their favourite songs in even though everyone has vastly different music tastes
the only one who actually listens to the group playlist even though it's absolute chaos
calls everyone some kind of nickname instead of their actual name (the most popular being something like bubs, darling, kid. I like to think he calls Mikey "wee man" or something doting I call my cousins)
tucks everyone in at a sleepovers
names the spiders is his room so he's less afraid of them
bumps his arm or head into you and says "bonk" instead of just saying I love you
drunkenly plays with your hair
has an annoyingly good relationship with everyone's dog
loves Halloween, is the only reason Halloween parties are thrown
designs group tattoos even though some people in the group STILL aren't old enough to get tattoos and some people don't even want tattoos and realistically it's never going to happen
rigs secret santa so he gets really good presents
home cooks everything whenever you visit
uses baby body wash
puts together Easter egg hunts despite the fact everyone's a little too old for it (everyone adores it though)
the one who decides where you go to eat when nobody can choose
"where do you want to go?" "I don't mind, what about you?" "no preference really, what do you—" "I WANT PIZZA EXPRESS"
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Business AU - Working Late, Part 7
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6
^^^^^ my actual thoughts after writing this.
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There was no denying that he was still thinking about that Saturday night. The feeling had been extraordinary. It’s been some time ever since he felt like this, but there was also something more. And he couldn’t quite place his finger on it.
First thing he did on Monday when getting to work was to lock himself in his office, his thoughts empty as he repeatedly drummed a pen against his desk, his gaze hardly focusing on anything. He did call for someone though at some point, taking this waiting time as an opportunity to collect his thoughts into something comprehensible.
Some knocks were heard at the door, a single “yes” escaping Donnie, an approval for the newcomer to come in. Next came into view another turtle adorning a red do-rag, this one much more massive when compared to the bespectacled mutant. It was none other than Raphael, the muscular terrapin a rare sight in the building as he was often more out to meet clients than stuck behind a desk.
“What’s up?” he started, closing the door behind him. “I’m on a tight schedule, so it better be important.”
Raph did frown a little as he noticed his brother’s composure, the purple clad mutant’s eyes speaking volumes.
“I, uhm... I need some advice,” finally said Donnie.
“What kind? A client’s giving you troubles?” added the other, taking a seat.
Donatello tsked, quickly waving that query away: “No, I know how to deal with those. ... It’s more of a personal matter. A... relationship one.”
Raph’s eyes widened a little, then relaxing his stance with an amused smirk.
“Well, well, well... back in business, I see? I thought that receptionist situation would keep you out of the market for quite some time.”
“Oh please, that girl was crazy. I’m just glad she moved out of the city. ... It’s been more than a year, I’ve moved on.”
“What’s the matter then?” added the red clad terrapin. “You forgot how to socialize or somethin’?”
Donnie quietly chuckled, leaning back in his chair, then thoughtful.
“Oh no, I’ve been socializing, alright... I just don’t want to fuck it up, you know? Things have been going so well now and on this last Saturday we took it a lil’ further-”
“How much further?”
“We kissed.”
“Bro, that’s nothin’.”
Tension was broken for a moment, both brothers snickering. That did help Donnie and calmed his thoughts a little.
“Who is it though?” next asked Raphael. “Someone working here or... ?”
“She’s a project manager for our creative team. She got here from Montréal a couple months back and we met one night by pure coincidence as we were both working late. Her name’s Véronique, but I call her Vee.”
“Oohh, already on a nickname basis, now that’s a feat,” teased the other.
“Please, she asked me to call her like that on the first night we met.”
“Ay, you know I’m just pokin’ some fun at you. ... What’s the matter, then? Why aren’t you talking about that to Leo or Mikey?”
“Because,” started Donnie. “Leo would try to dissuade me into pursuing this relationship, and Mikey well ... you know him. He’d say: ‘Invite her to my place and have her swim in the pool. Girls love pools!’,” mimicked the purple clad mutant. “... You know he’d only want that so he can have a look at her as well. I ain’t having none of that shit.”
Raph laughed once again, acknowledging those statements.
“And, to be frank,” added the bespectacled one. “I value your judgement. You get straight to the point and that’s what I need right now.” He leaned foward a little on his desk, hands joined. “So my concern is; what should I do next? We have interest for one another - we openly expressed as much. We obviously have a good chemistry together... but how do I know she’s the one? ... She feels different from anything, anyone, I’ve ever been with before, may it be in terms of relationships or not.”
“Easy,” shrugged Raph. “Have sex with her.”
“I’m serious! ... You wanna know if she’s the one? Show yourself vulnerable before her. If there’s something more between you two, it’ll click.”
Donnie sighed, closing his eyes and rubbing them in slight annoyance.
“Okay so what, I just have to sleep with her, no strings attached? I hope you’re not suggesting for me to force myself upon her.”
“Hell no, stupid. I said be vulnerable, not a psycho,” frowned the red clad mutant. “Look ... you wanted my opinion, there it is. I believe in deep connections, and if right now you’re already feeling something special between you two, I don’t see what’s bad about wanting to explore that and see if there’s truly something more. ... Also, people can fuck for the fun of it, I hope you know that?”
Donnie exhaled sharply, half of a smile next on his lips: “I suddenly regret asking for your opinion, but I do see your point.”
“I’m sure you can be a gentleman about all of that.”
“My brain turns to goo whenever I’m with her. I try not to show it, but damn... I don’t think she’d get to that point though, I don’t know...”
“As long as it naturally gets there, that’s what matters. ... Those things are felt, Donnie. I’m not saying to rush it, but rather to not be scared.”
The purple clad one conceeded, lowkey admiring his brother’s wisdom about the matter. He finally rose from his seat, inviting Raph to do the same.
“Alright, I won’t take more of your time. You’ve given me enough food for thought.”
“‘Bout time, I have to go Uptown, I’ll be late ‘cause of you,” Raph teased, playfully nudging his brother’s shoulder along the way.
“Har, har, very funny,” added the other, opening the door so both could exit the room.
As they were about to say their goodbyes, a voice rose, followed by the light clicking sound of hurried heels against the floor.
“Donnie, good timing!”
Both turtles turned their attention to a woman coming their way; Vee. She was holding a pile of documents, already taking some apart and then handing them to the tall terrapin when she was next to him.
“I’ll need you to sign some of these before Wednesday. Some designs for an upcoming project need an approval and I thought you’d be the best for that task. And I- ...” She stopped, finally noticing the other mutant. “Oh, I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?”
“Absolutely not,” smiled Donnie, properly holding the documents now. “We had just finished our small meeting, actually.” He gestured the woman to his brother: “Raph, this is Vee, our newest project manager addition.”
The red clad turtle grinned, extending his hand to the human in a proper greeting.
“Ah yes, Donnie mentionned you a couple of times.”
“Oh dear, I hope it wasn’t in a bad way,” lightly laughed Vee, shaking Raph’s hand.
“I would never,” reassured Donnie gently, his free hand instinctively resting at the small of her back.
A faint blush appeared on the woman’s cheeks, next adjusting her hold on the documents as her handshake with Raph ended.
“Not to be a party pooper, but I’ve gotta run,” she said with a smile. “I have a lot of stuff to hand out. Have a good day you two!”
She made sure to cross Donnie’s gaze before walking away, wanting to express her small longing to him. As she was back on her way, Raph did not hesitate to follow her frame, judging her for a moment. He finally looked back at Donnie with a look of approval.
“... Brother, you got taste.”
Donnie only replied by hiding his face with the documents he was holding.
Raph had said to not be scared, but Donnie couldn’t help still feeling that way. A part of him wanted to spend every moments with Vee, but on the other hand he didn’t want to appear too clingy or demanding. Gotta savor it like a fine wine, he’d try to reason. ... But frankly he just wanted to chug the damn bottle.
It was a Thursday afternoon, and so far he had only exchanged some words with her on Monday, then Wedneseday when he handed her back the approved documents he reviewed. Then he’d retreat to his office and think. And think. And think.
A ping from his computer got him out of his reverie, noticing a direct message notification.
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His heart skipped a beat, his lips forming a thin line as he thought about what to answer.
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Hey, wanna bang? Gosh, he felt dirty thinking about that... Keep it natural, Donnie, you don’t have to think about that for now. See where things go from there, naturally.
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ABORT MISSION. ABORT MISSION. ABORT!!!! He felt so goddamn cheesy after sending that.
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If it were up to him 100%, he’d get on his feet right this instant and sweep her off to anywhere she’d want to go. But he tried to keep it cool:
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You’re the best one so far...
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More like I’ll be lying down on the floor, a blushing mess. He couldn’t erase his smile, rereading again and again this conversation. He’d definitely have to think of something!
Later in the afternoon, as people were finishing their day, Donnie had reclused himself back into his drawing room, continuing some work on the Lowline plans. He was so focused that he did not hear Vee come in, the woman calmly making her way to his position.
“Hey...” she started softly, leaving a hand on his shoulder.
Donnie gasped, his hand holding a pencil jerking and leaving a long mark on the paper. Both froze, eyes wide as they witnessed the horror.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you that much!” apologized Vee, already on the look out for an eraser. “Here, let me help you with that.”
“No it’s alright. I, uh...”
Donnie’s sentence died as the woman was now hunched close to him, already removing traces of that nasty mistake.
“I could’ve done it. I...”
His voice was hushed, having a hard time to keep focus on Vee’s movement, prefering to look at her features instead.
“I ... I could do it,” he added.
Vee slowed her movement, finally looking at Donnie.
“Do what?”
He paused, his heart drumming in his chest.
He delicately placed a finger under Vee’s chin, not even needing to move much in order to bring them both closer for a soft kiss. The woman was surprised at first, but she quickly melted, not even denying that she had been craving the feeling as well since that Saturday night... She dropped the eraser, her hands prefering to trail along the mutant’s scales. As they broke the kiss to breathe, Donnie brought her closer to his sitting position, Vee now standing inbetween his legs. No words needed to be said, this sudden electrifying feeling passing through them. The terrapin’s hands couldn’t get off of her, either lost in her hair or tracing her back. The more they joined in a kiss, the more they wanted to be closer. At some point the turtle acted on instinct as he rose up, his hold on the woman’s hips as he laid her against the inclined drafting board. The paper crinkled underneath, but he gave no care in the world about that. Their kiss was heating up, a low pleasured churr rumbling in Donnie’s chest as he stood close to Vee’s core, feeling her desire as strong as his.
The distant sound of people talking and laughing, still around and about to exit the building, brought them both to a stop - looking at the room’s entrance, as if afraid someone would pop in at any second.
Both were lightly panting, their smiles shy after what happened. Donnie took that moment of grace to study Vee’s features, gently brushing away some wild strands of hair off her face. He straightened his stance back up afterward, helping the woman back on her feet.
“Welp, and here I came only to wish you a good evening,” chuckled Vee, adjusting her clothes.
“I’m sorry,” added the mutant in a similar tone.
“Don’t be ... I liked that.”
She rested her hands on his chest, slowly rubbing the fabric of his shirt over his plastron.
“I can’t stay late tonight, but I won’t prevent you from doing so. ... Just don’t stay here too late though.”
“No promises.”
“Please, don’t overwork yourself,” softly pleaded Vee.
“Don’t worry...” he reassured with a smile, a hand cupping the other’s cheek.
They added one good evening kiss. Nothing more, nothing less. A pleasant omen for feelings to come...
((Part 8))
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tmnt-imagines · 7 years
A-Z Prompts: Donnie
Requested by: Anonymous
E, H, K, M, N plz for Donnie and Mikey😊luv ur blog💖
A/N I will do these for Mikey as well when I do him :)
He is obviously an incredibly awkward turtle, and so it takes a lot of persuasion on your part to get him to consent to this. He’s a virgin, not so surprisingly, and though he knows the science behind love making, he hasn’t the slightest idea how to go about it. He’ll blush, and stutter, and ask if you are alright for the majority of it, and even the next few times he is exactly the same. Despite more practice he’ll still be a stammering, flustered mess. The only difference being after time he becomes more comfortable with his body, and being around you, and it doesn’t take as much persuasion after a while has passed.
Donnie would hide, most probably, if his brother’s ever saw the marks he’d left on your neck. Though you do your best to hide them, out of instinct, once Mikey saw them – everyone saw them. And they’d all know where they came from, and so all eyes would be on Donatello. He’d cower, and stammer and try and explain his way out of it, to which his brothers would laugh, and you would kiss his cheek to try and calm the blushing – but instead you’d probably just make it worse.
Donatello likes seeing you wear oversized hoodies. Especially when they’re purple. He likes how your hands are always pulled into the sleeves, and that your fingers just poke out of the ends of them, and he loves seeing you waddle round like a child in their parent’s clothes. You look utterly adorable, and seeing you wear his colour only makes Donnie smile more.
Donatello buries himself in his work whenever this time of year arises. He’ll find experiments that need completing, or he’ll set about building something for the few weeks that he’s as wild as an animal. He has your scent all over the laboratory, so focusing on a big project is the only way he can begin to ignore how badly he wants you. He’s usually incredibly gentle with you, and caring, but when he feels like this, and when it’s this time of year, he can’t trust that he won’t lose his self-control when he’s with you. He doesn’t want to hurt you or upset you by going near you, so he’ll distract himself as best as he physically can. When the lust becomes too much, he’ll sneak out of the lair and come to your place during the night. He’ll try and tell you not to come near him, and that he shouldn’t have come, but when he loses himself, you both begin to realise that maybe having no control isn’t so bad after all ;)
Although Donatello loves your name, he often uses pet names that show how much he cares about you. ‘Honey’ or ‘Sweetie’ are the most common, but sometimes a few ‘darlings’ and ‘sweethearts’ will vary how he refers to you. He’ll only use your full name if there’s something wrong, or if he’s worried about you.
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another-tmnt-writer · 8 years
Not the One
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Raphael x Reader
Not the One
Prompt: It was hella long and hella good and basically, it’s a soulmate AU with a twist and aaaaaaaaaah I’m in love with this idea.
Note: AAAAAAAAAAAH I’M DYINGGGGG I’M SO EXCITED TO WRITE THISSSSSSS. Edit: this took so much longer than intended, but it came out a lot longer than I intended too, so...
@wumperin @brayden1616
“Yer kidding. A week. We have an entire week like this?” Raph looked at his very human fingers on his very human hands attached to his very (temporarily) human body. “An entire week?”
“Possibly longer.” Donatello scanned himself and his brothers. What had been a lab accident while handling the purple ooze had resulted in whatever this was. Raph had another concern. His soulmate timer was within hours now, and maybe being like this would help him meet the person he was meant to spend his entire life with.
“So…” Leo tried to come up with a plan. But if he was being honest, he had no idea how to handle this.
“We’ve gotta seize the opportunity, dudes. We’re only ever going to be normal once, we have to take advantage of it.”
“And?” Leo raised an eyebrow.
“We’re gonna go to school.”
“So these are your…” The counselor from the high school looked up to April and Casey, the boys standing in a line behind them.
“These are my nephews.” April said. “They’re kind of transfer students, but only for a week or so. It’s part of a program to let Queens students experience what school is like in the rest of New York City.”
“Sounds doable. Do you have their grades and records and such on hand, or do I need to contact their other school for the information?”
“It should all be here, but I can call Principal Mayweather if we’re missing anything.” April pushed her glasses up her nose and handed the counselor a flash drive Donnie had thrown together that morning.
“Great. Thank you so much.”
Raph glanced down at his timer. Minutes. Minutes now. The counselor gave them their schedules and sent them on their way. It was about ten minutes until class was supposed to start, and about ten until Raph was supposed to meet his soulmate. God, his heart was racing in his unusual human chest. He felt like he couldn’t breathe.
April and Casey said goodbye to the boys and told them they’d come pick them up after school. Next, they attempted to find their lockers. All the way up on the third floor above the art wing. Raph scanned the numbers for the four that belonged to himself and his brothers. It took a few minutes, but they found them. God, combination locks were confusing, but Donnie helped him figure it out with his clumsy human fingers. He wasn’t used to having so many. What were the extra two good for anyway?
He grabbed his math book and his notebook and calculator and dumped it into the red backpack that sort of made him feel like he had a shell again. It was a comforting weight, sort of. It gave an illusion that he was still who he had always been, despite looking and feeling so different now. Needing all of the same core classes meant that the boys were together for their first two hours, but they broke off in the afternoon to do the specials they had chosen.
So off they headed to Geometry, where they were sure Donnie would have to explain everything to them. When they got to the classroom, they were greeted by a group of fresh faces. Nerds, jocks, preps, goths, rockers, it seemed that everyone was represented. A few of the girls whispered to one another, subtly pointing to the group of attractive boys in front of them and giggling about the endless possibilities.
“Transfer students, huh? There are some seats over there in the back of the room. What are your names?”
“Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo.” Leo answered. Mrs. Russo’s skeptical face told them he should have given her their nicknames instead. “Our uh, parents are huge art geeks.” He offered.
“I can tell. Well, Renaissance gang, you can sit in the four seats to the left of Ms. (L/N). (Y/N), raise your hand please.”
You didn’t lower the book from your face when you raised your hand. Raph didn’t know what it was about you that was throwing him off, but there was something there. It felt like a wire had wrapped around his heart and was starting to squeeze. Great. A heart attack what- twenty seconds- before he met his soulmate. Wonderful.
He walked over and took the seat beside you, his brothers settling into the other seats. As the bell rang to signal class had started, you folded your bookmark into the center of the book and set it on the desk beside your math stuff. Finally, you glanced over at Raph just as his counter hit zero.
His green eyes widened as he took in everything about you. The cute black plastic frames that sat on your nose, the perfect bun of soft locks that sat atop your head, the music notes painted onto your fingernails and the piano key suspenders that held up your black skirt. You were so goddamned cute he could barely stand it. His heart hammered in his chest. And then he spotted the timer on your wrist.
You still had ten days left.
He looked around to see if anyone else had finished their timer, but there wasn’t anyone. Just him.
“You’re the new kids?” You asked. God, your voice was so sweet. It hurt. Maybe you weren’t meant to be with him, but he knew with all of his beating heart that he was meant to be with you.
“Y-yeah.” Raph replied. “I’m Raphael. Call me Raph.” He smiled at your unknowing gaze. You didn’t know how much you had crushed him in the instants he had known you.
“(Y/N) (L/N).” His eyes wandered to the book on your desk.
“What’cha reading?”
“Beastly.” You replied, handing him the worn book. “I’ve read it like seven thousand times. It’s honestly amazing. I’m in love with Beauty and the Beast, so this is just- ugh it’s so good.”
“Hmm.” He flipped through the pages before handing it back to you. “I’ll have ta check it out sometime. Never seen it.”
“You what?! We’ve gotta change that.” You smiled at the little interaction.
“Might just have to take ya up on that offer.” He grinned. You felt your heart melt a little.
Mrs. Russo started the lesson, and it didn’t take long for Raph to become completely and utterly confused. Donnie was busy helping Mikey and Leo seemed to understand what was happening, but Raph was so lost. And based on the notes on your page, you seemed to get it.
“Hey,” he whispered. “Can you uh, I don’t get it.”
“Sure!” you nodded. “What do you need help with?”
“How are ya supposed to use the whatever-it-is to find the side? I keep getting’ the wrong numbers.”
“Okay so this is the hypotenuse.”
“And so you just add the squares of the other sides to-”
“This is a triangle, what do squares have to do with it?” he asked. You giggled.
“You’ve never taken Geometry before, have you?”
“How’d ya guess?” he offered a sheepish chuckle and shook his head. “It may as well be written in Chinese.”
“Well, tell you what, I don’t have any plans after school. If you need a tutor, you could come to my apartment. We’ll watch Beauty and the Beast and do math. Two birds in one stone.”
“Sounds great.” He felt his heart start hammering again and wished it would stop. He couldn’t have you. You weren’t his to have. He wasn’t your soulmate. The universe didn’t care about his feelings. And yet, he accepted the invitation knowing full well that the more he built up momentum, the harder he’d fall when he lost you.
“I can’t believe you’ve never seen this movie.” You told him as you sat down with the popcorn on the couch of your apartment. The math was done, and now all that was left was to expose him to the movie you held nearest and dearest to your heart.
“Grew up with four boys, there’s not a whole lot of Disneying that goes on.”
“Well, I guess that’s what I’m around for, right?” You asked, tossing a few kernels of fluffy popcorn into your mouth. Raph grabbed a handful too.
“Guess so. That and math assistance.” He chuckled. You pressed play and draped a blanket over your legs and his. You had only met Raph that afternoon, but it felt like you had known him for years. Maybe he was just meant to be your best friend. Maybe there was a secret internal clock that had stopped ticking while the one counting down her true love was still running.
As the movie started, Raph watched every second. He loved every minute of it, but maybe only because he had you beside him, reciting every word right along with it. He was surprised the DVD even worked at all with how many times you had probably watched it. It was unhealthy, but this perfect little quirk was one of the many things he’d miss when he’d have to let you go.
After morning classes the next day, you found Raph and his brothers at lunch and took a seat with them instead of sitting with your other friends as you usually did. The other three smiled at you. They had talked to Raph the night before in a conversation that had basically consisted of Raph telling them about his soulmate that wasn’t his soulmate and the movie they had watched about loving people beyond their exterior. Donnie had called it beautifully tragic and pretty damn ironic. Raph agreed. But he was determined to be friends with you at least. He wanted to get to know you. He’d rather know you for a week and then never see you again than never know you for who you really were before it was too late.
“Hey guys.”
“Hey (Y/N),” Raph grinned.
“So, I figured, if this is your only week here, we’ve gotta make the best of it. Mall. Tonight. Do you have plans?”
“No.” Leo answered. “No plans.”
“Good. I have a car. Meet me by my locker after school.”
“All right, angelcakes.” Mikey winked. “We’ll be there.”
Here they were. The mall. It wasn’t what they had expected, but in a way, it was. There were pretzel stands and pop-up Chinese food places, a bunch of clothing stores that they could smell from the other end of the mall, and of course the movie theater. You and the boys nestled into the corner booth of the food court with giant pretzels, nachos, and giant red slushies. And they just watched.
“You guys act like you’ve never been to a mall before.” You chuckled, taking a sip of your slushy. They offered apologetic shrugs.
“Would it be bad if we told ya we haven’t?” Raph asked. You raised an eyebrow.
“Seriously?! This trip has taken on a new importance. After we finish these pretzels, we have a mission.”
“What are we gonna do?” Leo asked.
You had promised everything, and you had pretty much delivered. Hollister? Check. Target? Check. The arcade? Check. Photo booth? Check. Movie? In progress. Raph as seated beside you with Mikey on his other side. Mikey kept making attempts at signaling his older brother to get him to make a move on you. Raph shook his head. The move wasn’t his to make. He couldn’t push himself on you. Not like this.
But when there was a huge jump scare, you clung to his bicep, causing both of your heart rates to soar. A slow smile crept across his lips.
“Oh, I-I’m sorry.” You apologized. Raph leaned into whisper a reply.
“No harm done. If ya need someone to protect ya from the monsters, I’m right here.”
“Oh hush, you.” You giggled as a timid blush settling across your cheeks and gave his shoulder a tiny shove, earning a deep chuckle. Another distorted creature jumped out of the shadows on the screen. Mikey spilled popcorn, and you pulled one of Raph’s large hands in front of your face. He laughed and smiled at you, a soft smile that his brothers had never seen before.
But it faded just as fast as it had formed with the realization that he only had a few more days with you before he’d have to say goodbye. Forever. He had been human for so long now that he had forgotten he’d have to go back. The clock was ticking. He had to take advantage of this while he could because before he knew it, he’d lose his soulmate just as fast as he had found her.
The week passed in a breeze. Your school days consisted of helping Raph with math and having lunch with him and his brothers. After school hours, all five of you would pile into your car and go back to your apartment for pizza and movies. But today…today was different. Today was goodbye. Raph wanted to make it special. If he was going to let you go, he certainly didn’t want you to forget him.
April had helped him pack a picnic basket and assisted him with his surprise present. So at noon on Saturday, he arrived at your apartment to pick you up and then you took the train to Central Park.
He had told you that the rest of the boys were busy packing up, but really they just wanted to give their brother space to say goodbye to you on his own. After all, he was the one losing the most when they became turtles again. He had hours.
You sat down on the red and white checkered blanket and helped him unpack the food and such. You popped a bright strawberry into your mouth. It was a few minutes before Raph brought up the topic of goodbye.
“So uh, we’re goin’ back to Queens tomorrow.” Raph said. You nodded. “So uh, I wanted to say goodbye.”
“It’s not like we can’t still hang out, right? We can still be friends.” You looked at him. He smiled sadly. “Can’t we?”
“I don’t know. I just…I’m not what you think I am…I’m not who you think I am. You’re meeting your soulmate in three days and-”
“How did you know about that?” you asked, heart racing at the thought of the future being so close. Too close.
“It’s on yer wrist.” Raph shrugged. A sad look formed in his green eyes and a sudden wave of realization washed over you. You grabbed Raph’s hand, pulling his wrist so you could see it. He tried to pull it back from you, but didn’t want to fight you, and he didn’t want to lie to you either. Well, more than he already was anyway.
“Your timer…” Your face scrunched up. “Who’s your soulmate?”
“That’s a…complicated question.” Raph answered. You looked at him slowly, hesitating to meet his gaze. As soon as your eyes fell on his, his hand tensed up.
“No.” your voice was quiet, eyes wide and heart trying to escape your chest. “It can’t…I can’t…Mine is still…” Your eyes locked onto the numbers as they ticked lower and lower. You denied it, and yet maybe you had known the moment you met him. Something was off. Something about the way h talked to you, the way he interacted with you.
“I know. It’s impossible. But uh, I never really expected to have a soulmate anyway, so…I guess at least I got to know ya before I gotta say goodbye.”
“It’s all right.” Raph read the hurt on your face. The broken that came with the hand the universe had dealt the two of you. “I’ll be all right. So will you when you meet him.” He reached into the basket. “I got ya something to remember me by.”
Raph pulled out a little velvet box and opened it. Inside was a necklace: a silver turtle pendant on a leather cord. “I…I know it ain’t much, but-”
“I love it.” You told him. You wish you could tell him more. That you loved him, that you were his soulmate, but one of those statements wasn’t true. Raph did the clasp around your neck and pulled your hair over the cord. He smiled sadly. You took his hand in your own. “No matter what happens…no matter what the universe has in store for either of us…I will never forget you, Raphael. I promise. And I know it doesn’t matter much, but…I love you.” You stated quietly. He pulled you into his arms and held you as though you would disappear.
“It matters more that ya could ever know. I love you too.”
Raph woke up the next morning the way he grew up. A turtle. Big and bulky and covered in muscle. His scales and shell had reappeared as his extra fingers and hair had disappeared. He rolled over and stared at the wall. You were gone. He had lost you forever, and two nights from now, you would move on. You would forget about him.
He rolled onto his shell and stared at the ceiling, cursing the universe for everything. He wanted to punch something, so off to the dojo he went to punch the shit out of their punching bag. This went on for two days. Raph listened to his loud music and punched their bag until it fell off of its hook, only to pick it up and repeat the cycle. He barely ate, and every time he tried to sleep, all he could see was your face and the sadness in your eyes when you realized you were his but he couldn’t be yours. The heartbreak he had caused. The heartbreak he had received.
He should have just left you at the very beginning. Then he wouldn’t be like this.
When Leo announced a patrol on the night you were going to move on from him, he was ready to bust some heads. How else was the emotion supposed to get out of him? His anger, his sadness, his regret, he was going to get rid of all of it.
And so out they went, out of the sewers and onto the surface, hopping from building to building until finally, they found what they were looking for: crime. Some lowlife gang members were harassing some chick, and they were going to put a stop to it. Except, the chick wasn’t just any old girl. It was you. Raph stopped in his tracks, the anger bubbling up inside of him before diving in to pull the guys off of you. The guys were going to help him, but he didn’t need it. He was so powerful, zipping through the shadows like, well, a ninja. The guys left standing ran for the hills, terrified of the huge green creature that had beat up their friends.
You took a few shaky steps backwards. What if whatever had helped was coming for you next. You couldn’t see him in the dark, but Raph could see you. Even now, you were stunning. You took a few steps forward, causing him to step back.
“I ain’t who ya think, (Y/N).” Raph said. Your breath hitched, eyes awash in realization.
“Raphael?” Your broken voice sliced through the silence. He didn’t answer. “Y-your voice sounds d-different.”
“Ya don’t gotta be afraid.” He tried to reassure you. His voice came from much higher than it had in the past. Had he always been this tall? Your heart hammered and your face reddened and you didn’t know why you were scared, but you were. “It’s okay.”
“Raph, let me see you.”
“I uh…don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Please.” You whispered. You glanced down at your wrist. There were seconds left. “Please.”
“I want ya tah remember me that way. Not like…this.”
“What do you mean?” You knew what he meant.
“Please, just go home, (Y/N)! Forget about me!”
“I…I can’t, Raph! I can’t just pretend you don’t exist!” You stared at the numbers before holding up your wrist to show him, if he could even see. “I think you’re my soulmate! And for some reason the wires got twisted somewhere, but…Please, Raphael. I love you.” You looked up at where he stood in the dark for a few more seconds before collapsing to your knees, tears rolling down your soft cheeks. Raph carefully, slowly knelt before you so quietly you hadn’t heard him.
He pressed his hand against your cheek, wiping away the tears with his large green fingers. Your eyes opened gradually, rising to look up at his tear-filled green eyes in time with the ding of your timer. The large, rough green face in front of you was a little more than a shock. Your eyes widened. He began to pull away, but you grabbed his huge green hand, keeping him there.
“I’m sorry. About all of this.” He didn’t dare to look at you. Not now that you knew what he truly was. Your small hand ventured up to his cheek, gently travelling across the scales there. Your tentative touches sent shivers up his spine.
“Sorry for what?”
“I’m sorry yer stuck with-”
“Shhhhh…” You shushed him, wrapping your arms around him tightly. He held you against his chest, his arms moving slowly to embrace you. He had never imagined you could love him. Not like this. But here you were, hugging him as though he was human.
“But I’m a freak.” Were the only words he could manage to put together.
“You’re not a freak.” You pulled away so you could look at him. “You’re a hero. If it weren’t for you and your brothers, I would be dead three times over.” You paused, watching the slow smile that formed on his cheeks. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” His voice was muffled by the fabric of your sweatshirt as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. “I love you so freakin’ much.”
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