#instead of mansplaining to me you illiterate fuck
touyasdoll · 2 years
I was gonna try to play catch-up with Dadmas today, but I’ve spent a great deal of my mental energy dealing with Verizon for the past two hours trying so, SO hard not to call the four separate agents I spoke to a cunt so. I’m at least gonna post Natsuo today and shoot for Bakugou too. Maybe do 2 a day to catch up by Christmas.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Extra Credit: Part 3 (Shalaska) - Rosie
A/N: Hello, it’s me, Valentina alaskadelneedles who has changed her pen name to Rosie! I’m back with another instalment of Extra Credit, please enjoy! Feel free to tell me your thoughts about it here or at my new fanfic blog @aqrosie !
Summary: After their last ‘meeting’ in Sharon’s office, the ball is now in Alaska’s court to make the next move. And she makes many moves – just not at Sharon. Cue a sexually frustrated professor giving a lecture while side eyeing the blonde in the front row who’s practically sitting in the lap of the boy next to her. A healthy 5.8k words.
It had been almost an entire week since their last ‘meeting’, and Sharon was beginning to think Alaska was giving her a taste of her own medicine.
Sharon, who last week was too worried to pick up the phone for an entire seven days, was now the one playing the waiting game.
Each day she would type away in her office, her eyes flicking to the door and her heart rising whenever someone walked past her room. But it was never Alaska.
Each night she would come around her fingers, her limbs shaking against her white sheets as the blonde’s name rolled off her tongue and echoed around her bedroom walls. But it was never the same.
Sharon realised this was probably how Alaska had felt last week while she waited for the call Sharon never made, an overly excited ball of sexual energy that was also riddled by self-doubt, nerves and anticipation.
But as Sharon entered the hall to deliver her morning lecture, she knew she wouldn’t have to wait much longer.
Sitting in her now usual spot in the front row, Alaska was chatting away to the bubbly blonde girl who was always the first to raise her hand to answer one of Sharon’s questions.
“How have you not started the assignment for Integrated Marketing Communications yet, Alaska?” the blonde cried, her loud, gob smacked tone allowing Sharon to hear their conversation.  
“I dunno, Courtney,” Alaska drawled sheepishly, casting her gaze over to Sharon before meeting her friend’s eye, “I’ve just been busy.”
“Well, I’m going to the library after this with Bendela if you want to come, I can help you start?” Courtney asked.
“Aw, thanks girl,” Alaska smiled. “Ah, I have to do an errand first, but I’ll meet you after.”
Sharon didn’t react as she eavesdropped, her face blank as plugged in her laptop and opened her PowerPoint, knowing fully well she was the errand.
The clock hit 9am and the last few stragglers to enter the hall found their seats, one of those stragglers being Derrick Barry, and one of those seats happening to be next to Alaska.
Sharon forced her eye not to twitch as she watched Derrick fumble into her lecture late and nosily set up his laptop.
Like Courtney, Derrick was a student who always raised his hand. Unlike Courtney, whose contributions were intelligent, thoughtful and aided class discussions, Derrick’s answers were always either mansplaining what Courtney had just expressed, or a bad attempt at humour – or worse, hitting on Sharon.
Sharon caught herself, realising the true reason for Derrick being extra annoying today was because he got to sit next to Alaska.
“Alright, before I begin, I’ll answer the burning questions,” Sharon said to her class. “Yes, there is a mid term quiz and no, I’m not pushing it back, it’s a midterm quiz.”
As a groan rippled throughout her cohort, Sharon caught sight of Alaska, whose sight was set on Derrick Barry.
The sound of a record scratching echoed in Sharon’s mind.
With the back of her pink pen in her mouth, Alaska was smiling at the boy next to her, her thick lashes fluttering at someone who absolutely did not deserve to experience the beauty that was Alaska’s fluttering lashes.
Alaska finally tore her eyes from Derrick and looked at Sharon before giving her a small, cunning smile.
Oh, you wanna play that game? Sharon thought.
“So, Week 3,” Sharon announced, smacking her middle finger down on the spacebar key of her laptop a little too forcefully, her eyes locked on Alaska as she transitioned to another slide.
As Sharon walked her cohort through a new concept and posed questions at them to generate discussions, she was constantly flicking her attention to Alaska, who had it trained on the fool next to her.
She noticed everything, from Alaska flicking her blonde hair over her shoulder and practically onto Derrick’s, to how she giggled at his dumb comments – not that Sharon could even hear them, she was just going off what had previously come out of his mouth – to the way Alaska’s forearms were pressed to her sides, her already perky breasts made to look even bigger.
Sharon nodded along and politely smiled as a student took far too long to communicate a simple idea, all the while picturing Alaska lying across her lap with her skirt up and her underwear down, Sharon’s hand smacking her tight, perfect ass.
“Ah, yeah, exactly,” Sharon said encouragingly when the student finally finished. “This brings me to my next point, social media. Now, who can tell me some ways companies and brands use social media well?”
A few people raised their hands, but none as enthusiastically as Courtney. Sharon smiled and gestured for her to speak.
“When brands quickly reply to customer service posts, typically on Twitter, and are actually helpful, it reflects really well on the brand and resonates with their younger target demographic. Direct messages, like DMs, are also a good tool as well when young people don’t want to call customer service,” Courtney said perfectly.
“Yeah, well said,” Sharon nodded encouragingly.
Contrary to her profession of being an academic, Sharon described herself as technology illiterate. Once she got the hang of one platform, five more were springing up. Apparently Facebook wasn’t cool anymore, but SnapBack was all the rage. Or was it SnapClap?
Derrick raised his hand proudly, and Sharon’s expression flickered slightly, mentally preparing herself for whatever response she would receive this time.
She had recently actively avoided accepting Derrick’s contributions, but she had pulled herself up on it. It wasn’t fair, and it was unprofessional of her to let her own opinions get in the way of a student’s learning, no matter how infuriating that student was.
Her eyes narrowed as she noticed he was reclining back in a ‘too cool for school’ way, his right arm propped up on the back of his chair in an attempt to look like it was around Alaska.
“Sure, Derrick,” Sharon forced out, gesturing at him to speak.
With a smirk on his lips and a look in his eyes he would probably describe as ‘cheeky’, Derrick announced, “I’d like to slide into your DMs, Ms.”
As Sharon’s eyebrows rose, another groan rippled throughout the cohort. They were just as much over Derrick and his bad attempts at hitting on Sharon as Sharon herself was.
Alaska grimaced and side eyed Derrick, but she still didn’t move away from him, instead continuing to almost lean into him, like a couple. Sharon narrowed her eyes at their little seating arrangement.
She could join in on Alaska’s games too though, couldn’t she?
Conjuring up her best fake laugh, Sharon cackled, her face barely moving and her eyes dead as she looked at Derrick.
“Ah, you’re so… funny, Derrick,” she said, even though she had no idea what the fuck a DM even was.
Alaska’s jaw dropped as she witnessed Sharon Needles giving Derrick Barry the time of day.
Sharon met her gaze before she turned around to walk back to her podium to flick to another slide, and Alaska just rolled her eyes.
When Sharon looked up at her class again, she saw Alaska had repositioned herself, now sitting in her own seat and not leaning into Derrick anymore, the cunning smile wiped off her face.  
“You know,” Sharon smiled, clearly happy with herself and feeling victorious, “I think I might push that midterm back, just a week though.”
A cheer erupted amongst her students, followed by a smattering of applause.
“Well, that just about wraps us up,” Sharon said as the clock hit 10am. “Don’t forget you have another module due this Friday, and I’ll email you all to confirm the new mid term quiz date.”
It was a flurry of students closing laptops and grabbing their bags as they packed up, conversations filling the room as they began to file out. Alaska and Derrick were still sitting as Courtney confirmed their plans to meet up later before leaving.
As Alaska took a final sip from her water bottle before sliding it into her bag, Derrick leaned towards her, his face far too close to hers.
“Hey,” Derrick said, dragging out the word and failing to do it as effortlessly and coolly as Alaska did with her words.
Alaska just looked at him, her face pitched as if she smelt something bad.  
“What?” she said, leaning away.
“Let’s go out sometime,” Derrick said confidently, not even posing it as a question.  
Alaska had to hold back a laugh.
“And what would give you the idea I’m interested in you?” Alaska snapped back. She flicked her gaze to Sharon, who was being crowded by students with questions.
Derrick’s expression fell from one of smugness to confusion at Alaska’s instant rejection.
“But, but the lecture… the hair, the flirtin—“ Derrick fumbled out.
“I have no interest in you, no one’s interested in you,” Alaska hissed, shutting her laptop before slipping it into her bag.
“N-no one’s interested?” Derrick faltered, his puzzled expression missed as Alaska slid out of her seat and walked up to Professor Needles.
She joined the crowd of her peers and smirked at Sharon, who was nodding along and mentally scolding the students for not asking these questions in front of the class where everyone would have benefitted from her answers.
“No, I can’t push the deadline back further. No, I can’t process extensions; you’ll have to apply through Student Services. No, five website references are not enough, the librarians will help you find peer reviewed articles,” Sharon rattled off, almost robotically.
Slowly but surely the crowd around her dispersed, the shoulders of students slumped as they faced the reality of university.
Alaska was about to walk up to Sharon to do her normal ‘can I grab another extra credit form off you, Professor?’ spiel, but another student beat her to it.
Striding in front of her and catching Sharon’s attention was Kimora Blac, a cocky double degree Law and Business Marketing student with an ego the size of her ass.
“Good morning Professor,” Kimora smiled, offering her hand to Sharon, who stared at it almost dumbfounded at first before shaking it. Whether they were real or not, Sharon was obsessed with Kimora’s sharp cheekbones, and Alaska noticed her staring.
“First of all, I’m a huge fan of yours,” Kimora gushed. “I watched your speech from last year’s Global Marketing conference on YouTube and loved it.”
“Oh wow, thanks,” Sharon replied brightly, learning for the first time she was on YouTube.
Alaska glared at the back of Kimora’s stupid head, not believing how much of a suck up she was.
“I was just wondering,” Kimora continued, “I happened to be away for the first few weeks of the semester due to an overseas exchange, and I’ve missed some of the modules. Would I be able to apply for extra credit to make up for what I’ve missed?”
Alaska’s eyes grew wide as Kimora uttered the words Alaska always did when she entered Sharon’s office.
Sharon’s surprised reaction was a mirrored image of Alaska’s, and she caught sight of the younger girl’s expression over Kimora’s shoulder.
Alaska smirked and raised one eyebrow. Yeah, she silently asked Sharon, can she?
Sharon swallowed and addressed Kimora, who stared back at her with dark, catlike eyes accentuated even more with sharp, black eyeliner.
“Uh, wi—with extra credit,” Sharon stumbled, “you’ll have to actually apply through the faculty co-coordinator. I can’t process it on my end.” She flicked her eyes to Alaska before she said the last part. “So, I can’t help you.”
Kimora nodded understandingly, albeit a little frostier now that things had uncharacteristically not gone her way.
“Okay, I understand, thank you so much for you help anyway, Professor. I look forward to the rest of the semester with you,” Kimora said, and Alaska rolled her eyes for the second time today at just how desperate Blac sounded.
Kimora turned and walked away, both Sharon and Alaska left to watch her long, black, slicked up ponytail sway above her round ass as she walked out of the room.
Once the door shut and they confirmed they were alone in the empty lecture hall, Alaska turned to Sharon.
“So, Professor,” Alaska said softly, walking up to Sharon, her fingers brushing the buttons of the older woman’s blouse. “Can I have some extra credit?”
Sharon couldn’t contain her laugh as she pulled Alaska in for a kiss.
Sharon wasn’t even pretending to do work in her office as she waited for Alaska.
After their brief kiss in the hall before, Alaska had told her she had planned to drop by her office after their lecture, but first they had to leave the room separately.
As Sharon calmly walked through the campus, her insides were alight with excitement and anticipation. She had admired herself in the mirrors of the elevator as she rose to her floor, a complete turn around from how she felt in the exact same space just last week.
Seven days ago she was filled with so much shame after realising she had screwed a student that she couldn’t even look at herself in the elevator’s reflection. Now, she fixed her hair, checked there was no lipstick on her teeth, and adjusted her cleavage. It was only then she realised she was wearing the same dress she had worn the night she had gone up to Alaska at the bar, and then gone down on her in the bathroom.
While it was office appropriate, it was also black, low cut, hugged her figure and could easily be hitched up. As the elevator doors slid open, Sharon couldn’t wipe the smugness off her face. She had a plan.
Now she sat in her office, tapping her nails against her desk and not even bothering to look busy as she waited for the younger girl, her eyes focused on the digital clock in the top right corner of her desktop.
Finally Alaska appeared, and for once it wasn’t a fragment of Sharon’s imagination, but the real thing. She had seen her in the lecture hall just 10 minutes ago, but somehow Alaska looked even better.
She stood at Sharon’s open door and leaned against the frame slightly, biting her bottom lip in an effort to stop smiling like an idiot.
“Hi, Professor,” Alaska said hurriedly, her voice higher than she would have liked. Sharon couldn’t help but grin back, and it warmed Alaska. They were both as excited and horny as each other.
“Can I talk to you about extra credit for the assignment?” Alaska asked as a colleague of Sharon’s walked through the corridor.
“Sure,” replied Sharon, a little too quickly. “Come in… and close the door.”
Alaska stepped inside and closed the door before locking it. She reached up to pull the blinds down for privacy, but smiled when she saw Sharon had already done so.
Sharon leaned back in her leather chair that was more expensive than the car Alaska was saving to buy before tapping her desk in front of her.
“Come here, baby,” she whispered, and Alaska happily obliged.
She walked around and sat on the hard, wooden surface of Sharon’s desk, the palms on her hands propping her up as her feet dangled. She crossed one leg over the other, and neither of them missed the moment where her skirt rode up, revealing more of her thigh.
Even though she was sitting higher than Sharon, Alaska still felt submissive under the older woman’s gaze. As she watched Sharon’s eyes trail down her body, she felt herself pulse.
Sharon reached out and felt the material of Alaska’s skirt between her fingers. It was baby pink, incredibly short and pleated. Sharon could feel her heart thumping in her chest as she stoked the fabric, failing to ignore all the memories it conjured up.
She was suddenly remembering all the afternoons in high school she spent sitting on the bleachers, smoking and watching the cheerleaders practice, feeling herself throb as their short skirts flew up around their bodies as they were launched into the air. They would wink at Sharon and giggle with one and other, each cheerleader showing off to their favourite audience member.
Then she was remembering her first time, behind the sports equipment shed where her hands had trailed up past the hemline of a school skirt much like this before kissing a girl not at all like Alaska.
Alaska knew what she was doing when she picked this out this morning.
“I didn’t think you’d be so cliché,” Sharon said as her fingers grazed Alaska’s schoolgirl-esque skirt. She didn’t touch her skin, and it drove Alaska crazy. Alaska didn’t want tentative touches; she wanted Sharon to rip the damn thing off her.
“Not as cliché as this,” Alaska replied before leaning back and spreading her legs.
She flicked her pink skirt up to reveal a bright red thong underneath. Sharon’s eyes widened and she cleared her throat almost comically, and Alaska had to bite her lip to stop the laugh that threatened to bubble out.
“What happened to the pure, little white one you had on the first time?” Sharon joked.
“It’s probably still on the floor of that bar’s bathroom,” Alaska said, the tip of her middle finger running over the lace and between her folds as she spoke.
“You want me to fuck you like I did in that bathroom, hmm?” Sharon asked softly, leaning forward to gently kiss Alaska’s inner thigh.
Alaska’s breath hitched as Sharon’s kisses got closer and closer to her core. It took everything in Sharon not to give in yet, to not slide the thong off and bury herself in Alaska. Not yet. Even though she was sitting, Sharon’s hips jerked slightly, her body impatiently hungry for what she knew was coming.
“Yes,” Alaska breathed as Sharon mouthed over her folds ever so slightly. She could feel Sharon’s hot breath against her sensitive skin through the lace, and it made her eyelids flutter.
“Well you’re not gonna get it,” Sharon said suddenly, her slow, sensual tone replaced entirely with bluntness. She pulled away and leaned back on her chair, narrowing her eyes and sizing up Alaska.  
“What?” Alaska attempted, sitting up. She tipped her head to the side as her foggy, lust clouded mind tried to keep up.
A smile pulled at Sharon’s lips and threatened to spoil her dominating act. But she couldn’t help it; Alaska just looked so adorable, all confused and spread out.
“You really think I’m going to do all the hard work and eat you out after that stunt you pulled earlier with Barry?” Sharon practically spat the last word.
Alaska’s eyes grew wide before she cottoned on. Her plan at making her Professor jealous had actually worked. They both knew Alaska’s flirting with Derrick wasn’t real, and that Sharon wasn’t nearly as envious and annoyed as she was pretending, but that was part of the fun.
“Are you jealous, Professor?” Alaska asked, sitting up so that she was almost looking down at Sharon, her long legs dangling off the desk as she spoke.
“Very,” Sharon drawled, her hands sliding up Alaska’s thighs before pulling her forwards slightly, towards her, their eyes locked on each other.
“Have I been naughty, Professor?” Alaska asked, her voice quiet, because she feared if she spoke any louder, their sudden bubble of role-play would pop.
Sharon’s chest rose at the word choice as she breathed in deeply. She shifted in her seat and squeezed her thighs together, already feeling dampness.
“So naughty,” Sharon sighed, her hands caressing Alaska’s thighs under her skirt.
Whether they realised it or not, they were slowly moving closer, their world getting smaller as they gravitated towards each other.
“What do naughty girls do?” Alaska asked, her lips inches from Sharon’s.
Sharon paused, her eyes trailing down Alaska’s neck before meeting hers again, and Alaska forced herself not to shiver under the older woman’s gaze.
“They get on their knees,” Sharon said.
Alaska’s plump lips parted as she gasped slightly. She slipped off the wooden desk with ease, eagerly obeying Sharon.
She flicked her long blonde hair behind her shoulders and spread her knees as she positioned herself between Sharon and the desk.
Sharon hitched her tight dress up, the material gathering around her waist as she exposed her pale thighs. She went to pull her underwear down, but Alaska stopped her.
“No,” Alaska said with a shy smile, her fingers hooking under the elastic, “I want to do it.”
Sharon lifted her hips slightly so Alaska could pull her black underwear off. The material clung to her dampness slightly as it was pulled away, reminding them both of their first time in the bathroom.
Sharon heard a soft, low moan before realising it was herself. A blush blossomed on her neck as Alaska pulled her underwear down her thighs, over her knees and down her shins before carefully navigating them between her high heels.
Sharon spread her thighs before lifting her legs to rest her feet on the desk, her red Louboutin bottoms against the polished, oak wood.
“I missed you so much,” Alaska said between the kisses she placed on Sharon’s inner thighs.
“Show me how much you missed me,” Sharon whispered as she ran her fingers through Alaska’s soft hair, emphasising the first word.
Without any more delay, Alaska leaned forward, her tongue lapping over Sharon’s slick folds before dipping in between them.
Sharon gasped, her mouth falling open as she was finally met with relief. Her whole week was building up to her next encounter with Alaska, and every second was worth the wait.
Alaska flattened her tongue before licking one long, slow stroke up Sharon, who spread her thighs wider at the sensation.
A string of moans, gasps and praise was held back behind a bitten lip as Alaska’s movements intensified, building Sharon up before bringing her down, edging her along.
Alaska pulled away, only to bring her fingers between Sharon’s folds.
“So wet,” she murmured, her fingers already slick.
She leaned forward again, her tongue lapping against Sharon’s bud as her index finger circled her entrance.
A high-pitched moan leaked out of Sharon, and suddenly she couldn’t hold back anymore.
“So good, that’s so good baby, ah,” Sharon babbled, her hand on the back of Alaska’s head pulling her even closer as her hips automatically rocked up, desperate for more.
As Alaska slid her index finger in completely, she hummed around her sensitive bud, sending shock waves through Sharon’s body.
Sharon clutched her armrest with one hand, her knuckles instantly turning white as she gripped the leather.
Alaska slipped a second finger into her entrance, and Sharon squeezed around her touch, grasping for more.
“You like that?” Alaska drawled, her voice raspy.
Sharon could only nod feverishly. Moisture gathered in the corners of her eyes as Alaska pumped herself in and out before adding a third finger. She wrapped her lips around Sharon’s clit, showering her in a mix of tongue, sucking and moaning.
Sharon was close. Her limbs were rapidly becoming both weightless and heavy at the same time, and her mind felt simultaneously so distant but so present.
And then her phone rang.
Gasping, Sharon’s eyes shot open as she was ripped back into reality.
Her hand on the back of Alaska’s head halted her and held her close as another sharp ring sounded from the office phone.
Sharon glanced at the called ID and felt her gut lurch. She couldn’t let this go to message bank.
Shooting a glance at Alaska, Sharon picked the phone up before bringing it to her ear.
“Hi Chad!” she sang, greeting her boss entirely too happily. She needed to tone it down.
“Hey Sharon,” Chad Michaels replied warmly.
Sharon loved Chad. Even though she was the Executive Dean of the university, Chad was almost like a loving mother figure. She was in her mid fifties and took Sharon under her wing when she joined the university. Chad, Senior Public Relations Professor Bianca Del Rio and others interviewed Sharon when she applied for this position, and Chad was the one who went out of her way to make Sharon feel at ease and welcomed.
“What’s up?” Sharon said casually, as if this were just a regular phone call with her boss and there wasn’t a student under her desk and between her thighs.
“I know you’re super busy at the moment…” Chad began, and Sharon nodded, looking down at Alaska. She was very busy.
Alaska met her gaze and lightly lapped at her folds before gently focusing on her pulsing bud. They kept eye contact the whole time, and Sharon almost dropped the phone. This was the hottest thing that had ever happened to her in her 35 years on earth – and her boss was semi-present for the moment.
“…and I’m not even the one who usually makes these arrangements but everyone’s sick at the moment, you know how bad this flu season is, but I was just wondering if you were able to take Roberta Queens’ first year Global Marketing lecture this afternoon at 2pm?” Chad continued. “I’m so sorry to throw this on you last minute, but she’s called in sick and there isn’t anyone else to take over, and I know you can handle it.”
Sharon tried to listen to Chad, but she couldn’t pull her focus from Alaska, who was batting her thick lashes at Sharon as she continued.
“Uh, yes I can—ahhH!“ Sharon’s hips jerked as Alaska’s teeth deliberately grazed her clit, the younger girl causing Sharon to gasp right down the receiver to her boss.
“Sharon?” Chad asked, her voice concerned.
“Yes!” Sharon exclaimed, tearing her gaze from Alaska and holding her close to halt her movements. “Sorry, I uh, I had to sneeze, and it just won’t come, you know? But yes, I can definitely do that.”
Alaska pulled away and brought her hand to her mouth, physically having to bite down to stop herself laughing.
“Ah yes! I hate it when that happens.” Chad replied, completely fooled. “It’s such a tease.”
“Yes,” Sharon agreed, her eyes wide at Chad’s word choice. “Such a tease.”
“Wonderful then, thank you so much Sharon, I owe you one,” Chad said graciously. “I’ll forward you Roberta’s email that has the PowerPoint and content notes attached.”
“Yes, sounds good, thanks Chad,” Sharon hurried out, desperate to hang up.
“Great, thanks Sharon.”
Sharon waited for Chad to hang up before she slammed the phone down herself, her attention now fully on Alaska.
“Even my boss thinks you’re a fucking tease,” Sharon whispered as Alaska smiled and shrugged her shoulders in a ‘not my problem’ way, except it definitely was.
Sharon’s heart was beating wildly. She couldn’t believe how reckless they were just then – and she couldn’t believe how much it turned her on.
She tangled her fingers in Alaska’s hair and brought her closer. While their actions before were drawn out and teasing, now it was fast and hot. Sharon took full control, grinding herself against Alaska, who moaned as the older woman’s slickness coated her lips and chin. She returned her fingers to Sharon’s entrance, pumping them in time with Sharon’s grinding and clenching. She parted her fingers, stretching Sharon before twisting and curving them, hitting the spot that made Sharon’s eyes roll back.
“Mmph, fuck, yes, Alaska,” Sharon whined as she threw her head back against her leather chair. She spread her thighs wider, arched her back further, and held Alaska closer, her orgasm building and building as Alaska continued to fuck her.
She felt her abdomen tighten. A spark ran up her spine as her legs tensed. And then she was coming, her body finally letting go entirely and giving in. Her legs shook and her fingers scrunched Alaska’s hair as short, sharp gasps came out through her parted lips.
Alaska could only continue as Sharon came, leading her through her climax as her walls spasmed around her fingers. Even though she was below her on her knees, Alaska had never felt more powerful as Sharon unraveled above her, completely submitting to Alaska’s touch.
Sharon came down from her high, and Alaska gently lapped at her folds, causing little aftershocks to ripple through her body. With heavy limbs and a wide smile, Sharon ran her fingers through Alaska’s hair lovingly.
“Such a good girl,” she drawled affectionately, her speech thick with lust. “I think you deserve a reward.”
She patted the desk above her, and Alaska quickly stood up, hopping back on the desk like she was before. She leaned back and brought her legs to her chest, clumsily knocking over Sharon’s stationary in her enthusiastic process.
Sharon’s hands trailed up her thighs before ghosting her fingers over Alaska’s crotch.
“So pretty,” she commented on the red, lacy thong with flower detailing. She lightly traced her fingertip up Alaska’s folds before roughly rubbing her pulsing clit.
Alaska jerked up, a sharp gasp escaping her.
“I’m not gonna last long,” Alaska managed out, “I’m so fucking ready for you.”
Sharon smiled, leaning down to kiss her. Their lips met, and Sharon’s tongue traced the rim of Alaska’s upper lip as she continued to rub her.
“Your mouth is needed elsewhere,” Alaska gasped as her hips shuddered under Sharon’s touch.  
Stifling a laugh, Sharon hooked her fingers under the thin red straps of the thong and pulled in down Alaska’s slender legs.
Now she laid bare before Sharon under the bright glow of the desk lamp with her skirt up, underwear gone and thighs spread. With previous partners, this amount of vulnerability would have been nerve wracking, but with Sharon it was different.
With Sharon, Alaska felt powerful, confident. She felt safe.
Quickly unbuttoning her blouse, Alaska pulled the white material apart to reveal her pink lacy bra and more soft, pale skin underneath. She cupped her breasts as she arched her back against the desk, her eyes on Sharon as she felt herself.
And then Sharon was finally between her thighs, her hands holding her thighs apart as her tongue dipped between her slick folds. She rapidly flicked over Alaska’s clit, feeling the younger girl practically vibrate under her touch. She pushed her to the edge before pulling away completely, not letting Alaska come so easily.
Alaska had to bit her lip to stop herself from crying out, both grateful and furious at Sharon for edging her along.
Now more than ever, Alaska noticed Sharon’s expertise. Maybe it was experience, or just confidence. Whatever the case may be, no one had ever fucked Alaska like Sharon currently was.
While her lips wrapped around her pulsing bud, her fingers circled her entrance, sliding into her before pulling out entirely. She kept going, each time pushing herself further into Alaska and pulling out just as fast. She moaned around Alaska, her actions slow and gradual before they were rapid, building with intensity every second.
And then she would pull away, leaving Alaska a desperate, crying mess who would beg her for more.  She repeated this an endless amount of times, building Alaska up only to pull away and edge her on. She kept going, tears springing to Alaska’s eyes as her breathy moans filled the office.
“So, fucking, good, Sharon, ah,” Alaska whined, and she was surprised she was even able to speak.
She legs were shaking, her body was writhing and her walls were clenching around Sharon’s fingers, grasping at her touch. She placed a hand on Sharon to hold her close, and the older woman looked up at her as she continued, her thick lashes fluttering in front of her sultry gaze.  
And finally Alaska was coming, her mind simultaneously going blank yet exploding into a million pieces as Sharon finally pushed her over the edge. She squeezed her eyes shut as her mouth parted in silence scream, and her back arched against the hard wooden desk as she held Sharon close.
Sharon leisurely ran her tongue over and between Alaska as she settled down from her high, her legs twitching and her breath shaking whenever Sharon would coat her oversensitive bud.
Alaska propped herself up on her elbows once Sharon pulled away. Sharon found her sensible black underwear forgotten on her nice carpeted floor beneath her and shimmied it on before pulling the skirt of her dress back down.
They smiled at each other, dopey and sleepy and absolutely spent. There was a comfortable silence in the room, no words were needed, their bodies had said enough.
Sharon offered to button up Alaska’s blouse, and they both smiled as her fingers delicately manoeuvred the little white, heart shaped buttoned into their respective holes.
“Would you like to come over for dinner tonight, Alaska?” Sharon asked when she finished the final button. Alaska’s cheeks turned pink at the invitation.
“Yes, of course, that would be lovely,” Alaska replied. The thought of Sharon making dinner for them made her heart swell.
“Perfect, I could start preparing now,” Sharon smiled, joking.
“Don’t you have an impromptu lecture to prepare for?” Alaska asked.
“Oh fuck,” Sharon cursed, feeling like she was back in high school and had forgotten homework was due.
She just wanted to go home and plan what she would make for dinner for her girlfri— for Alaska. Sharon shook her head slightly, not wanting to think about why she so effortlessly referred to Alaska as her girlfriend. An affectionate warmth spread in her chest at the thought of the word – girlfriend.
Alaska laughed at Sharon’s forgetfulness, hopping off the desk as Sharon quickly opened her emails, her head shaking slightly as she remembered her lecture. Alaska picked up her forgotten red thong on the floor and went to put it on before she thought of a better idea.
As Sharon scrolled through a never ending stream of unread emails and downloaded PowerPoints and lecture content, Alaska silently slid open her desk drawer and stuffed the thong inside, the bright lacy material a shocking contrast to the rest of Sharon’s black stationary and bland paperwork.
She brushed Sharon’s blonde hair to the side before she placed her hands on her tense shoulders and leaned down to kiss her neck goodbye. Sharon’s shoulders immediately relaxed and her frantic typing came to a halt.
“I’ll see you tonight?” Alaska double-checked.
“Yes,” Sharon said warmly, swivelling around in her chair and taking Alaska’s hands in hers. “Come by around 6? I’ll text you the address.”
“Sounds perfect, I’ll see you at 6 then.”
Alaska moved to walk away, but Sharon pulled her back into her embrace gently, lightly kissing her lips.
“Okay, see you at 6,” Sharon smiled.
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