#Lexine ( Drew )
hcze · 2 years
   HE WAS ADORABLE EVEN WITHOUT MEANING TO. An otter? That made her smile, even chuckle a little before shaking her head. “It’s okay…no need to apologize.” She was about to get ready, pick up her purse and stand up so they could go on their merry way, but his question stopped her. Looking up, the girl’s speechless for a moment; a bit of hesitation taking over.
   Fingers push some strands of hair behind her ear, staring at Drew before doe-esque eyes fall upon the keys. She’s not exactly one to play in front of people…or anyone, for that matter. Lexine usually plays the piano when no one is around, when she knows that eyes won’t be watching her. Ever since her mother used to criticize her when she first started working around the instrument, she’s a tad bit afraid of judgment. 
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  “———I…I guess I cou-could.” A pause, swallowing thickly. “Only if you…promise not to laugh. I’m not as good as…uhm, as you are.” Taking a deep breath, she positions herself right in front of the keys once more. Just try to think you’re on your own. “Could you…uhm, count to–to three for me?” 
Drew couldn’t hide the excitement inside, even if he tried, his feet had betrayed him by skipping a step right where he was. His hands buried deep in his pockets, he would almost rock on his heels if he didn’t really gather himself together. ❛  Me? Laughing at your piano skills, pfft. Never. Cross my heart.❜ The pianoman nodded, followed by a reassuring gentle smile on his lips. Had he said this was the perfect ending to a tiring day? Well now it was even more so. Pretty sure the rest of the crew would also love to hear her play, but it was late and one by one had been exiting the bar. Tom had left right after he told Larry he was leaving, so the ones remaining were probably Larry, Lex and himself.
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  ❛ Come on, I bet you are wonderful... I can even close my eyes so you don’t feel observed. Look  ❜ His eyes closed momentarily, ready to take in the melody and its colors flowing from Lex’s fingertips at the keys. However, Drew being Drew had sneakily peeked with one eye towards her. ❛ Alright counting to three. One... Two... Three... ❜ 
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mr-quarter · 2 years
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I had no idea Art Fight would be so enjoyable, and I'm glad I could finally properly participate properly with my drawing tablet this year!
Thank you to everyone who also did attacks back! For anyone interested, all of the defenses I got this year I put here for easier viewing! Seriously, this was a lot of fun and I'm so thankful to everyone who let me draw their characters and to those who drew mine! Here's to next year!
And now, the long list of credits: Akago, Chiller & Lit: @silverslayer667 Alex: Linkachu Alice and Axel: @maangosprout Echo: Lexin Emily: FastRainbowDas Hortus: @cinnamiim D15c4rd and Patient Zero: D15c4rd The Jays & Zorch: @jaypelt Kikari, Shifter & Pointy: @cutecatdoodles Lucas: @anilepeep Peanuts: @chocopinda Praline, Puffball & Avery: @rotmgmoddy Sasuken: RamenGod 0ssevn: @0ssevn Sinclair: justonemoreknight FUNK: @basedflowey Ebott & Envy: @goldude
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breathingliifearc · 4 years
 A SOFT SIGH falls from tender lips; gentle smile managing to form at his story of how he believes time doesn’t exist whilst being at his work. She surely can’t tell him how to live his life, but she thinks it’d be nice if he could get a PAUSE and the sleep he needs for a change. Lexine feels that one of these days, she’s gonna find him passed out, outside his apartment’s door.
 “Well, honestly, I think it’s great you…enjoy your job so much, you d-don’t, even take time into account b-but———” Suddenly, the doorbell rings, and she can’t help but jump slightly in surprise. She’s not expecting anyone, unless…
 Three short buzzes and a long one. She knows who that is. Fingers of her hands stretch and bend as she stands up; small chuckle adorning her mouth. “So-Sorry, I’m gonna—-just a second.” She points toward the door, before politely disappearing from sight.
  From afar, there’s the sound of a door creaking and opening, and then, an EFFUSIVE tone chimes in; led by the plopping of items near the entrance.
  “YOOOOO, Lexy-Lex! How’s it goin’? Sorry for not texting you that I was gonna pop in for a sec, but like, it was improvised, ja feel? I was ‘round the neighborhood and was like ‘I wonder how my BFF Lex’s doing’ and now I’m here!” Cue the sound of a door closing, followed by quick steps that can’t be really stopped, heading into the living room. “AW, GEEZ, YOU GOT SOME MUFFINS UP IN HERE? YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS——” But then, as this newcomer tries to reach out, he notices there’s someone else in the room.
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 “Oh, my bad—–pops taught me better than that—sorry, dude, I get too excited sometimes.” Caradoc talks to Drew as if he knows him, even though he really doesn’t. “Oh, uh…did I interrupt somethin’ Lex? Aw, man…”
  “No, we were just chatting. Right, Drew?” Lexine chimes in, chuckling. She knows this is the way Caradoc is. Always stumbling; getting around everywhere due to his outgoing behavior. “Drew, this is Caradoc, my best friend. We’ve been…best friends ever since I can remember.”
  Caradoc extends a gloved hand Drew’s way; a big, goofy grin upon his face. “’Sup Drew! I’m Caradoc. You can totes call me Doc, if you wanna. Or, like, anything else, really.”
𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐒𝐀𝐘 , and s soft smile pulls at the corner of his lips, head falling forwards gently. It’s the same thing that Mrs. Talbot has told him: you need to rest, you need to sleep. You’re not some kind of  superman, young man!  He could hear her in his mind and the smile on his lips grows. Drew knows that both his neighbor and Lex want the best for him and that includes a better lifestyle, at least when it comes to sleeping.
    ❛ I know, I know… It’s just that, I - ❜ the sound of the doorbell rings in his head too, completely snatching the words out of his mind and his lips. The musician gives a nod and a smile, quite curious though. In the meantime, he reaches out for another muffin happily -quite like a child with a new toy- and chills back giving it a bite.
The sound of a new and unfamiliar voice comes in, triggering colors in his mind so wild with its ups and downs, lines and shapes, so ENTERTAINING. However he doesn’t expect the man to come rushing in and he struggles standing, nearly chocking, shaking his head and clearing his throat.
   ❛ NO, no, we were just chatting indeed. ❜ Drew smiles big looking up at Caradoc and listening to Lex. It was exciting getting to know her friends too, like a little bit more about her by extension of other people. Taking his hand in his, Drew gives it a firm shake.  ❛  Nice to meet you Doc! Well, I’m Drew as Lex said ❜ A chuckle  ❛ It’s just Drew, some people think it’s because I’m an Andrew, but nope. Drew as in Drew Barrymore. ❜ he laughs more then
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      ❛ I saw you were going to take a muffin before well, the introduction. Take oooone or two… or three. I was telling Lex she’ll make me gain weight with such delicacies! ❜
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artvaultz · 3 years
Hi just came here to ask you what should a beginner artist focus on. i currently have no money to afford an art education which means i have no structure to how I learn. So what should I do in self practice terms I feel like I am all over the place and when I draw I draw for three days and take weeks without drawing. what should I do please help 😌
Hello!! thank you for asking! I know I'm probably not the best resource or model, so anyone that is also seeing this: please feel free to chime in in the replies/reblogs if you have helpful/constructive advice as well!
(apologies in advance for the long post, and! really big apologies for the late reply!! ;o; I hope this is still helpful)
So, as far as learning resources, it depends on the type of things you wish to draw, but there are luckily tonnns of videos and tutorials online which are free, and which i feel have helped me and seem to help others! :D a few that come immediately to mind are tutorials and advice from proko, aaron blaise, toniko pantoja, eyecager, yen yen, lexin yuan, and ethan becker, who give really helpful breakdowns of the basics or insights or tools to study on one's own. if you are the type of person who enjoys learning from books, one that it seems to have helped some of my friends is michael hampton's figure drawing: design and invention textbook.
if you are more interested in drawing characters, perhaps trying to observe and practice drawing the structure of the body is a good place to start? likewise with character animation---for both, watching videos or observing in real life people doing things, and noticing how the body moves and how the different limbs connect. sakugabooru is a reeeeally awesome resource of animation clips, where one can step through frame-by-frame and see how the animators decided to handle different actions. and this video is a great starting point for understanding the basics of movement in animation. if backgrounds are more your thing, perhaps understanding perspective, and doing really simple black and white thumbnail studies of films can help get started, where you try to take note of the choices of composition, and where the eye is lead?
And as far as sticking to it, from what i've gathered based on what i hear from others and from my own experience, i feel that when getting started, trying to setup some sort of super easily accessible routine for drawing, and also drawing things that really interest you (as opposed to solely just grinding specific things that feel very tiresome and unamusing), are what seem to help get the ball rolling? i think it is important, especially if it is something you are trying to do on your own, that it should be at least a little bit enjoyable, right? then one would be more likely to continue. i think it can help a bit to carry around a small sketchbook of some sort, something easily portable, so that you can doodle whenever inspiration strikes! all one really needs is a writing tool and a piece of paper (don't worry about getting a super specific software!)
when I was sort of learning to draw growing up, i spent loads of time in middle school drawing fan art of naruto on random pieces of paper as i watched it, and i also drew silly caricatures of my classmates, and sketched while people-watching because strangers passing by look really cool and interesting to me. all of these also sort of helped my observation skills, as did life drawing classes in high school. but yeah, finding something that inspires you can be great! and i believe that fan art is one of the really great ways to learn haha, and there are so many different and exciting styles of shows/films and graphic novels/manga/etc.
i think also trying to find a community of people that are trying to do the same thing as you, or who have some people that are willing to offer advice or critique or mentorship in some way, might be helpful as well, and can provide an external source of motivation. discord seems to be a big place for those types of communities these days.
i was super lucky to have had a program that offered life drawing in high school, and i went to a uni that offered life drawing sessions that were also open to the public---right now it is safest to make use of online resources, but if things lighten up in the future with the pandemic, try to find someplace nearby like a school that offers open life drawing sessions, and try to make a habit of going there every week with a sketchbook. a couple online resources for now are line of action, and senshistock!
also please remember to take it easy, and don't stress! keep your hands relaxed. stretch your back. drink water. it is also totally okay to draw "crappy" sketches, just keep drawing and doodling! go go go! :D
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furiouskettle · 4 years
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i haven’t been posting a whole lot so heres a thing i drew of @genalovestoons‘s Neil and Lexin :p
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breathingliifc · 4 years
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      ❛ Remember when I was so tired and I didn’t have my keys to my apartment so you let me go into yours so I could climb the stairs? ❜ Gentle laugh spill from his lips, Drew is walking through memory lane as he sits right in the same spot that he fell asleep in the day he is talking about. It has been a long while since then, months... Brown eyes stare at the sofa for another moment then look up at her with a bright smile.        ❛ You are such a kind-hearted person Lexine. ❜
@theimpalpable​ ;w;
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bri-van-ghen · 4 years
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I drew a piece of all my friends' OC's and mine together :D
We are currently collaborating for a comic called "Celestial Shenanigans" where we put our own OC's to a story, which started from a dream of one of our friends, that is just a whole series of events caused by their shenanigans.
I initiated this side-project and voluntarily assigned myself as the main artist for the purpose of practicing my skills in making comics. I'm not sure when I can launch it on webtoon (cuz college is coming :"D) but I'm pretty excited to show u it to yall. I think the episodes are going to be more bite-sized than what I usually did in my short story just so I can make time to do it on the sidelines.
Evanee Evergreen, the elven archer
by yours truly, Ghen Brivan
Eira Soumerai, the tribal huntress
by Aqirarin @artshitstic_creations
Lilliana Lexine Silwyn, the cosmic warrior princess
by Silverhuntress
Serene Gremory, the demon knight
by AlieLer (on twitter)
Chiara Lionheart, the mage assassin
by Flying Bunny (OC drawn by her sister, Arabella Grace)
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pianomxn · 5 years
:X (for Lexineeeee)
♫ ||: FIRST THING THAT COMES TO DREW’S MIND ABOUT  @theimpalpable –  Lexine
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      ❛ Her eyes are so beautiful…  ❜ there’s even a pause – which should be read as warning, rambling ahead. B e w a r e. – Even more since there is a brief blush on his cheeks at his words. Drew takes a breath. ❛ I mean, her eyes – when she smiles, it reaches her eyes. There’s a sparkle and it’s beautiful, Although, sometimes I can’t catch it because she’s a bit shy and looks away or down, but yeah. ❜
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tradedmiami · 3 years
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LOAN IMAGE: Elliott Kunstlinger, Leon Black, Drew Anderman, Metin Negrin & Alan Blank Kunstlinger DATE: 02/12/2021 ADDRESS: 1040 Jamison Loop MARKET: Kissimmee ASSET TYPE: Multifamily LENDER: Apollo LANDLORD: Lexin Capital BROKERS: Drew Anderman, Elliott Kunstlinger & Alan Blank LOAN AMOUNT: $47,000,000 LOAN TERMS: seven-year loan, 2.85% fixed rate, 3.5 years IO #Miami #RealEstate #tradedmia #MIA #TheJamison #Kissimmee #Multifamily #Apollo #LexinCapital #DrewAnderman #ElliottKunstlinger #AlanBlank
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hcze · 2 years
@breathingliife· | bc you said I could 👀
   SITTING IN FRONT OF THE PIANO, she was waiting for Drew to come out. He’d requested a few minutes, which Lexine gladly gave; her patience, as always, being near-infinite. 
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  At first, she shyly stared at the instrument, memorizing shape and usual colors. Fingers itched to touch and, after a few seconds, they did; softly caressing ivory and noir. She didn’t want to make a loud sound, so she just pressed one of the keys very gently; a faint echo ringing through. Then, her thumb pushed another one, carefully as she could; opposite hand pretending to play as it hovered. Fingers moved quite effortlessly, just dancing on the air, merely because she didn’t wish to alarm anyone. 
  She was about to continue, when peripheral sight caught a glimpse of a shadow; eliciting a gasp. Her head lifted, noticing that Drew was back; her palm now resting on her chest due to the light jump-scare. 
  “Are you sure…you, uhm, weren’t a cat in another life? I didn’t—I didn’t hear you come in.” 
      It wouldn’t take him more than five minutes, he mused, to say to the rest of the crew that he was leaving . Going home with Lexine would be the perfect ending for a tiring day, and just when he went back he didn’t expect to witness Lexine at the piano. The focused gaze fixed upon the black and white keys and her hand to dance gracefully over them... He could only wonder what beautiful melody she’d be playing if she had chosen to let her fingertips fall and press the keys instead. 
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    ❛ A  cat?  ❜ a chuckle spilled off his lips and his head shook, ❛ not that I know of, but I hope I was an otter in my past life. If I could have chosen, I mean. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. ❜   Feet took the last few steps to the piano, to stand next to her and look down at the ivories with fondness in his stare.    ❛ Would you play it for me? ❜ he asked, hoping she would agree to his petition. If it didn’t maybe some puppy eyes and a soft pout would help, yet Drew being Drew if Lex said no, he wouldn’t push it further. ❛ The melody you were playing in the half air piano, like Mike from Friends, but you looked so into it. ❜
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ask-caesar-clown · 6 years
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((Hey there~! Sorry for the small break. Despite the usage of deadnames and wrong pronouns Christmas has been nice. I’ve tried to take it easy as much as I’ve been able to in midst of super late present huntings and work (my “Christmas break” was 2 days, wow, but I’m honestly kissing my lucky star to actually have been free on Christmas Eve and Day!)
I’m gonna take a few extra chill days, not sure how many but some. Maybe as long as I hang out at my parents home, which might be another week or so. Then I will be back with asks and RP answers again~!
For now have doodle of kid CC and his parents ^w^
Oriyagi Clown. He studied medicine at first, taking out a PhD in that before he shifted his interest more towards science. He is a very energetic lil goat, getting excited about his findings and wanting to study and create more things. He made a couple of very important discoveries and that’s how the Government got wind of him. They wanted to recruit him and being a bit short on money at the time he didn’t see any harm in becoming employed, at least not for a while. He was stationed under Vegapunks command. There he also got to meet Luna Lexin...
Luna Lexin. A very focused and determined women (I drew her looking so angry gfdhsjahgdgh I did not mean to!! She is more “evil” then the dad but still X’D) She wanted to be a scientist from the get go and so she made sure to become that. Being the daughter of rich parents was obviously a help to get her into the best programs but her intelligence and hard working manner made it possible for her to speed through her educations with top grades.
~ Some background HCs, including some NSFW mention under the cut. tw: bullying and dubcon ~
As Oriyagi started working for the Government he was more directly assigned under Luna. She was quite amused by the mink and his quirky ideas and when she came up with a secret and quite genius idea some years later she only told Oriyagi as she trusted him more then anyone by then and this wasn’t really a government friendly idea. As the two of them had been seen spending so much time together meant that no one was really surprised when they announced their engagement and that you soon could see a baby bump growing on her.
((Edit: Because tumblr is being a dick, I’m deleting the NSFW content...))
(Despite minks not necessary giving birth to the same animal as themselves (see Pekoms and his parents), I’m gonna HC that the same animal thing is more likely to happen if the mink pairs with a human or any other species. So this is why CC’s dad is a goat and CC is half goat)
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breathingliifearc · 4 years
 HE EARNS A CHUCKLE FROM HER when speaking about gaining weight, shaking her head in the process. “I might make fat-free pastries for you next time.” She jests with a smile. The fact that she’s making JOKES and not STUMBLING a lot on her words means that she feels COMFORTABLE with his presence. Drew just seems to have this LIGHT that constantly brings HAPPINESS to her heart.
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 “Remind me to, uhm, buy you a key holder for Christmas.” There goes another little joke, grinning a bit before reaching out to take a muffin from the tray. She’s actually touched by his comment; giving a brief nod of appreciation to him. “Thank you, Drew.” Now she also knows where his spare key is, in case he comes home too TIRED to remember where it went. She goes ahead to take a small bite from the pastry in her hands, trying to figure out what to tell him next because, as BAD as she is at TALKING (she’s better at LISTENING), she really wishes to continue knowing MORE about him.   “A-And…how’s your work? Do you…do you still work until late?
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❛ If thy change flavors then I’m not sure I want them ❜ Drew teases back with a grin, then it is obvious that he continues to eat the treat at hand. He cannot help it though, Lex has such a skill and the piano man has told her over and over. However, his last bite is interrupted by the color of her voice rising again, stealing a smile to his lips instead.
 ❛ You know, it’s so nice of you but knowing me, I am sure I’d forget it all together. Maybe a new memory would be best ❜ Drew jokes back, a little chuckle escaping this time. Listening, that is one skill they both had in common and despite falling into those little pauses within the conversation, Drew finds them endearing. He is certain than if they ever just spend an evening without words, they might as well enjoy it.  
 ❛ Oh! Yes, every night to be honest. ❜ A warm smile  ❛ I should sleep more but time just flies so quickly when I’m at the bar you know? Then it’s past midnight and I blink, bam! Time to close! ❜
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dogpawprints · 7 years
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I went on a binge of ‘forced bonding’ fics one night and drew this. I was probably thinking of my favourite fic of that trope, A Life More Ordinary by Lexin. It may not be the most cheerful of snarry fics, but I loves it. With these sketches, I was just thinking of the trope in general. I remember this one fic where Severus was like destined to play the role of some celtic queen/goddess, and that, for some reason, meant he had to marry Harry, who was a professor, and he was all adorned like the figure he was portraying. I don’t remember anything else about it, but that’s the story behind the sketch with the tiara and stuff.
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hcze · 2 years
 A SOFT SIGH falls from tender lips; gentle smile managing to form at his story of how he believes time doesn’t exist whilst being at his work. She surely can’t tell him how to live his life, but she thinks it’d be nice if he could get a PAUSE and the sleep he needs for a change. Lexine feels that one of these days, she’s gonna find him passed out, outside his apartment’s door.
 “Well, honestly, I think it’s great you…enjoy your job so much, you d-don’t, even take time into account b-but———” Suddenly, the doorbell rings, and she can’t help but jump slightly in surprise. She’s not expecting anyone, unless…
 Three short buzzes and a long one. She knows who that is. Fingers of her hands stretch and bend as she stands up; small chuckle adorning her mouth. “So-Sorry, I’m gonna—-just a second.” She points toward the door, before politely disappearing from sight.
  From afar, there’s the sound of a door creaking and opening, and then, an EFFUSIVE tone chimes in; led by the plopping of items near the entrance.
  “YOOOOO, Lexy-Lex! How’s it goin’? Sorry for not texting you that I was gonna pop in for a sec, but like, it was improvised, ja feel? I was ‘round the neighborhood and was like ‘I wonder how my BFF Lex’s doing’ and now I’m here!” Cue the sound of a door closing, followed by quick steps that can’t be really stopped, heading into the living room. “AW, GEEZ, YOU GOT SOME MUFFINS UP IN HERE? YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS——” But then, as this newcomer tries to reach out, he notices there’s someone else in the room.
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 “Oh, my bad—–pops taught me better than that—sorry, dude, I get too excited sometimes.” Caradoc talks to Drew as if he knows him, even though he really doesn’t. “Oh, uh…did I interrupt somethin’ Lex? Aw, man…”
  “No, we were just chatting. Right, Drew?” Lexine chimes in, chuckling. She knows this is the way Caradoc is. Always stumbling; getting around everywhere due to his outgoing behavior. “Drew, this is Caradoc, my best friend. We’ve been…best friends ever since I can remember.”
  Caradoc extends a gloved hand Drew’s way; a big, goofy grin upon his face. “’Sup Drew! I’m Caradoc. You can totes call me Doc, if you wanna. Or, like, anything else, really.”
𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐒𝐀𝐘 , and s soft smile pulls at the corner of his lips, head falling forwards gently. It’s the same thing that Mrs. Talbot has told him: you need to rest, you need to sleep. You’re not some kind of  superman, young man!  He could hear her in his mind and the smile on his lips grows. Drew knows that both his neighbor and Lex want the best for him and that includes a better lifestyle, at least when it comes to sleeping.
    ❛ I know, I know… It’s just that, I - ❜ the sound of the doorbell rings in his head too, completely snatching the words out of his mind and his lips. The musician gives a nod and a smile, quite curious though. In the meantime, he reaches out for another muffin happily -quite like a child with a new toy- and chills back giving it a bite.
The sound of a new and unfamiliar voice comes in, triggering colors in his mind so wild with its ups and downs, lines and shapes, so ENTERTAINING. However he doesn’t expect the man to come rushing in and he struggles standing, nearly chocking, shaking his head and clearing his throat.
   ❛ NO, no, we were just chatting indeed. ❜ Drew smiles big looking up at Caradoc and listening to Lex. It was exciting getting to know her friends too, like a little bit more about her by extension of other people. Taking his hand in his, Drew gives it a firm shake.  ❛  Nice to meet you Doc! Well, I’m Drew as Lex said ❜ A chuckle  ❛ It’s just Drew, some people think it’s because I’m an Andrew, but nope. Drew as in Drew Barrymore. ❜ he laughs more then
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      ❛ I saw you were going to take a muffin before well, the introduction. Take oooone or two… or three. I was telling Lex she’ll make me gain weight with such delicacies! ❜
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hcze · 2 years
 HE EARNS A CHUCKLE FROM HER when speaking about gaining weight, shaking her head in the process. “I might make fat-free pastries for you next time.” She jests with a smile. The fact that she’s making JOKES and not STUMBLING a lot on her words means that she feels COMFORTABLE with his presence. Drew just seems to have this LIGHT that constantly brings HAPPINESS to her heart.
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 “Remind me to, uhm, buy you a key holder for Christmas.” There goes another little joke, grinning a bit before reaching out to take a muffin from the tray. She’s actually touched by his comment; giving a brief nod of appreciation to him. “Thank you, Drew.” Now she also knows where his spare key is, in case he comes home too TIRED to remember where it went. She goes ahead to take a small bite from the pastry in her hands, trying to figure out what to tell him next because, as BAD as she is at TALKING (she’s better at LISTENING), she really wishes to continue knowing MORE about him.   “A-And…how’s your work? Do you…do you still work until late?
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❛ If thy change flavors then I’m not sure I want them ❜ Drew teases back with a grin, then it is obvious that he continues to eat the treat at hand. He cannot help it though, Lex has such a skill and the piano man has told her over and over. However, his last bite is interrupted by the color of her voice rising again, stealing a smile to his lips instead.
 ❛ You know, it’s so nice of you but knowing me, I am sure I’d forget it all together. Maybe a new memory would be best ❜ Drew jokes back, a little chuckle escaping this time. Listening, that is one skill they both had in common and despite falling into those little pauses within the conversation, Drew finds them endearing. He is certain than if they ever just spend an evening without words, they might as well enjoy it.  
 ❛ Oh! Yes, every night to be honest. ❜ A warm smile  ❛ I should sleep more but time just flies so quickly when I’m at the bar you know? Then it’s past midnight and I blink, bam! Time to close! ❜
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hcze · 2 years
  CUE THE GIRL SMILING at the memory he’s sharing; her small back currently facing him from the open kitchen. See, it’s now out of disrespect, but the fact that she’s grabbing a tray full with muffins to share. She turns about when the container is in her hands; happily taking it toward the living room. “Yes, I do remember.” Of course, he also remembers when he fell asleep on her sofa; his tiredness getting the best of him that day, the poor guy.
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   His grin is contagious; makes her simper grow in size. “Muffins?” She offers, putting them upon the table that’s in front of the sofa, before sitting down. His compliment causes her cheeks to be dusted with a thin coat of pink. “Oh, well…I couldn’t just…leave you there. It’s what…anyone would do, r-right?” A pause. “I’m just hoping you now have those keys, uhm, attached to your belt hoop or something.” She chuckles. “Though, you know you’re always—always welcome to be here.”
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   Drew’s senses are always overwhelmed when he finds himself in Lex’s apartment, and he sometimes wonders, well who wouldn’t be? The smell of baked goods, that lovely scent lingering in her place added to the subtle tones her voice leaves behind in his mind’s eyes. ( Not to mention she always makes him feel welcomed and safe )    ❛ I swear I’m going to gain a few pounds but it’s going to be all worth it and I don’t even mind it ❜ he laughed, reaching up to take a muffin from the tray, saying a soft thank you afterwards.  ❛ Uhm… Not really, I keep forgetting them but hey, I have a spare key under the pot outside my door, so if you ever need anything well, there’s that. You’re also welcome at my place too. ❜
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