#int: gilderoy lockhart
littlejeanniebean · 4 years
The Best of Hinny on the Weasley Family Band Show | Chapter 3
The Ski Lodge of Secrets
REPORTER #1: Harry! Harry! Is it true that you saved your godfather from a motorcycle accident last weekend?
REPORTER #2: Harry! Are you spending Christmas with the Weasleys because you think your godfather is unfit to care for you? 
REPORTER #3: Harry! Harry Potter! Are you dating your co-star Hermione Granger? 
RON shoves HARRY inside while GINNY grabs the door. Just before she shuts it, she blows a raspberry at the press.
MALFOY: Bet you liked that, didn’t you, Potter?
RON (to no one in particular, but certainly loud enough for MALFOY to hear): What is he doing here?
GINNY (to MALFOY): He didn’t ask for any of that! Leave him alone!
MALFOY: Oh, would you look at that, they’ve got it all wrong, it’s ickle Ginevra who’s your girlfriend after all! 
GINNY’s cheeks start to match the color of her hair, but HARRY is too busy plotting a prank on MALFOY to notice.
LOCKHART (smiling brilliantly at the camera): Welcome, students! I’m your new ski instructor, Gilderoy Lockhart!
RON (to HARRY, in the complete opposite direction Lockhart is facing): He does know we’re over here, right?
Read on Ao3 :)
A/N: It’s just a normal Christmas at a normal ski lodge... right??
@amipang​ !!!! your ginny!!!! is perfect!!!!! 
@fightfortherightsofhouseelves​ here is the actual christmas chapter for your christmas fest <3 :))
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swedishaesthetic · 6 years
Vill någon förklara för mig varför Gilderoy Lockhart fick heta Gyllenroy Lockman på svenska? Vad är syftet? Han är den enda med ett översatt namn (förutom Voldemort) och det verkar helt oprovocerat. Gyllenroy är ju inte exakt ett svenskt namn heller?!
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wilczawisnia · 6 years
SAM Week #2 Spellwork & Potions
Snape Appreciation Month: Week #2 Snape’s spellwork or Snape’s potions
With all the focus that the books put on the negative aspects of Severus Snape’s character, his skills kind of disappear in the distance.
He is a Potions Master. And yet what do we see? Just bits and pieces of his brilliance in the subject, deeply hidden under biting comments offered to his students whenever they make a mistake. It still amazes me deeply to see that just one look at a potion-gone-wrong is enough for him to say what is wrong with it. (Have you ever tried to say just where exactly a student made a mistake when the final result is wrong? One look rarely is enough for that. Believe me.)
Then there is his speech in the first book, which could point to his somewhat geeky nature, and the Potion riddle. In the book two, he proudly claims that to be a Potions Master in Hogwarts and declares his readiness to prepare the Mandrake Restorative Draught when needed, but we never see him prepare it. Just like we never see him brew the Wolfsbane Potion for Remus Lupin. We do, however, see him to use something akin to a potion to save Albus Dumbledore from the curse, which could us lead to the conclusion that he found a way to incorporate his knowledge of Potions int Curse breaking (and DADA, as it would seem).
The most brilliance lays perhaps in his old Potions book, where almost every recipe is corrected and improved. What may be brew thanks to them is enough to draw constant praise from Horace Slughorn and earn Severus quite a bit of Harry’s respect. They also show the deep understanding of Potions that Severus has.
We can notice a similar thing about his spellwork. Very little of it shows in the first book. The most memorable moment is probably his “duel” with Gilderoy Lockhart and indirectly teaching Harry his later signature spell. Severus appears to be an accomplished duellist, which especially shows in his three against one duel in DH. He’s fully capable of casting a Patronus Charm as well.
His own inventions where spells are involved are known to us thanks to his old Potions book. Some may be funny, some harmful, some deadly useful, which surprisingly is a lot like Severus Snape himself. There is one detail, however, that I find often overlooked. His spells have counterspells. Even to Sectumsempra there is a spell that may heal its effects. This makes me think that these spells are not a creation of someone who only wants to hurt and destroy and enjoys Darkness, but more of a person who creates because they can do that and perhaps enjoy the act of creation itself.
Let’s appreciate all his skills that are in the books, but don’t get enough attention apparently.
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