justwannaquilt · 1 year
Katie Francisco, the Assistant Curator of Exhibitions sat down to chat with me on a Saturday. She was also the one who took me around the first day, and so it was especially lovely to be able to chat! Katie is "responsible for the production and installation of exhibitions based on the IQM collections, and for research and disseminating results of research through publications, exhibitions, lectures or other venues. She holds a Master of Arts in Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design with dual concentrations in Costume History and Fashion Design from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and a Bachelor of Arts in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing from Asbury University. Her most recent project was Under the Sheltering Palms: Vacation Culture and Dress in 1920s and 1930s Florida." https://www.internationalquiltmuseum.org/katie-francisco.
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justwannaquilt · 1 year
We visited with Jim Kohler, a volunteer at the International Quilt Museum, who quilts 1800s tops by hand to add them to the Education Collection. But the interview is about so much more. Jim talks about his grandmother (b. 1890), who taught him to quilt, his life in Alaska, his philosophy of "we", and so much more.
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justwannaquilt · 1 year
We're doing a special series at the International Quilt Museum for the next few weeks! Today, I chatted with Carolyn Ducey, the Ardis B. James Curator of Collections. She is amazing. But we already knew that. We intervieweed her in 2019 in a two-part podcast interviews: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/18105882 and https://www.spreaker.com/episode/18849947. She is a co-editor on the American Quilts in the Industrial Age, a brilliant (and quite heavy) book, available at Amazon https://amzn.to/3IRZiRR (and yes, worth the price). She is pretty all-around awesome. We talk about the history of the IQM, about museums in general and many more things. A great introduction to the International Quilt Museum. Note: these are raw, in the field interviews and so no intro/outro music. Ironically, I think the sound quality is better than usual! Hope you enjoy it.
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justwannaquilt · 3 years
Famous Quilter Marianne Fons joins us to talk about her quilting and writing life
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justwannaquilt · 3 years
Quilter Tara Miller of the Quilt District catches up with us about her new projects
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justwannaquilt · 5 years
Carolyn Ducey of the International Quilt Museum (Part 1)
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