stellamulberry · 7 years
{ Tara is a combination of Imagine Dragons and 30 Seconds to Mars.
Whatever It Takes, Believer, and Thunder!  Tara grew up becoming a bully, then a criminal, to a vigilant to a hero!  She still has a long way to go, but she’s knows she gotten better!
For the other band, The Kill and Attack! These song represent more of the emotional abuse she had been exposed to, from adults, to her her family, and to herself.  I’m still getting the hang on how to write it, but it plays a big part of who she is. }
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stellamulberry · 7 years
“Pain is weakness leaving the body”
“I’m used to it…”
14. With Ringing Ears
“Shit!  Not again…” 
Tara was in the library today, catching up on research for her next slew of tests to make, as well as her own on children behaviors and quirks.
Sadly, her thoughts were interrupted by a sharp piercing ring in her ears.  A common pain that came from a old wound.  A gloved hand pinched the bridge of her nose. “I need my medicine…”
Medicine that was in the teachers staff room, on the second floor, on the other side of the building.  One brown eye opened to scan the room, though her vision was blurred she could make out a few students in the back studying.  They won’t notice.
Slowly she got up, arms by her side and stiff posture she made her way over to the corner of the room, behind a book shelf.  Another piercing ring caused her to flinch, both hands grasped her head.  She sunk down onto the floor and held her head.  Just a few moments, that’s all she needed.
Stella pressed her eyes shut, and took deep breaths, in and out, in and out.  A thought crossed her mind to wring her wrist, but she was in a school with people.  The last thing she wanted to do was worry someone.  The left as quickly as the pain began to dull.
“Uh, hello…?”
“Great, now I’m hearing things too…”  Tara hissed under her breath.  Brown eyes slowly open up again.  She was still on the floor, wasn’t she?  She turned her head to the side—
A person!
“Oh cra–”  Stella stood, so quickly that the back of her shoulders caught a few book binds that hung off the edge, some scraping the top of her skin.  Shit!  As the other two books fell to the floor. How lovely.  Tara shook her head, with the new graze on her skin it ease her migraine a bit.
“S-sorry, I didn’t see you there!”  The star hero exclaimed her apology, a bit forced and pained.
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stellamulberry · 7 years
cut-off-a-lizards-tail for a 🎃 thread!
Spending a holiday in another country is one thing, having to spend it in a school filled with a faculty of teachers that may or may not be stealing ‘souls’, haivng drinking games, making bets on whether or not the students will either burn down a maze or scare the ever living daylights out of each other is another, on top of said students could possibly commit that kind of act. to say the least Stella was... quite overwhelmed.
Regardless of the teachers shenanigans she has a job of making sure that the students don’t eat too much candy, or overload on sweets, and survive the night and make their curfews.  They still had school the next day after all.
“I hope they know they have homework too...”  Stella muttered to herself as she watched a few students walk by, chatting to one another.  She sighed and pushed herself from the wall she was leaning against, continuing her stroll through the school.
As Stella rounded the corner she nearly bumps into another student.  “Ah, hey there!”  Stella gasped in a polite tone, “Are you enjoying the festivities?”
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stellamulberry · 7 years
"How'd you get this?"
Scar Stories
“Oh this?” Tara was used to people staring, or taking quick glances at her  obscured, thick, lines her arm, but she certainly wasn’t used to someone else poking at it.   “I got this in Boston about– two years ago?  A pretty deep cut too, I had to burn it up quick to make the bleeding stop.”   No shame, or disgusted feelings behind them, they were there because it was part of the job.
“As for who gave to me, that all depends if you got the stomach for it.”  Tara eyes Yamada with a knowing look, grinning with coy.  “The story involves me, on a cool spring night up against an eight-legged woman, bigger than a small house and taller than the both of us combine.”
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stellamulberry · 7 years
Continued from this
‘What... the actual hell..?’
Tara stared in complete awe, she couldn’t believe what she had just witnessed from the other teacher.
For the past few months now since she has been working in U.A. Tara, or Stella as everyone refers to, has been noticing a few odd habits that both student and teacher seemed to have; an extraordinary ability to ignore their body’s own needs.
The students were one thing.  Sleep deprivation from over working, training long hours into the night, small hands cradling heads due to severe migraines or just a bad headaches.  That isn’t including growling stomachs or mutters of ‘I didn’t study this last night...’
As for their homeroom teacher, the one she was speaking to, was worse. Tara is seated directly next to the erasure hero, so it comes as a surprise when she would hear low, soft, growls come from the teacher every now and then.  She didn’t say anything at first, being mindful and respectful, but she soon realizes the growls were a daily routine she would hear during her grading, sometimes on the rare occurrence when they would patrol. She was growing worried for him both in concern and in irritation.
'I’m starting to wonder if the students are getting it from him...’
“Those things aren’t good for you, and I don’t care what kind of excuse you come up with to justify eating those packets off... putty!”  She accused, pointing her index finger at the pouch still in his mouth.  Stella’s read all about them too.  Sure, they were good for energy boost and could help in a pinch, but they aren’t exactly a great substitute for a meal.
“I understand you’re tired... and cranky, especially with all this work you’ve been getting, but this isn’t... healthy.  I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who’s said that to you...”
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stellamulberry · 7 years
@voicedhero continuing from here
Living in Japan for the past month has been a unique and somewhat challenging change in lifestyle.  Living in a city had it’s perks, so adjusting to the modern day life in another country wasn’t completely impossible. 
“Hmmm, what to get...”
However, the same can not be said for food.
“Should I get packaged again, or make something decent for once...”
In Tara’s case, since her schedule now consists of hero work and teaching her daily intake of nourishment has hit a drastic curve.
Like downing four or five cups of noodles or snacks before patrol.  Better yet, having ice cream in the morning for breakfast!  Yeah, neither is pretty or healthy sight to see.  At least she was fit and exercised regularly everyday.
“I could go for lobster again, but I just had fish yesterday... and it took too long to make.”  Tara muttered under her breath, pacing back and forth between selections.  The hardest part about being indecisive is not knowing what you want to eat, and whether or not you’ll finish or waste it.
Tara groaned, both of her hands came up to rub her tired face and messy, dark brown, curly hair.  Why was this so frustrating?  How long she been here?  Thirty minutes?  An hour?  Probably longer than she wanted it to be.  She just needed something to eat for the night.  An overwhelming amount of Japanese and Asian cuisine to chose from and she can’t come to a resolute decision.
That or the low buzzing hum of the lights above her head, and the occasional beeping of cashiers in the distance, could be impairing her rational thoughts.
“Let’s try another aisle then.”  Tara turned around again for the umpteenth time tonight, as she was leaving this aisle she spotted a familiar person making their way up to the counter.
Ah, Yamada, what a perfect distraction!   A distraction is exactly what she needed right now. Well hopefully the encounter will last long enough to make her forget her hunger, or by then she’ll figure out what she’ll have to eat.
Tara walked up to her senior from behind, and just before she tapped him on his shoulder, “Hey, M-” Tara caught her lower lip by her teeth.  Ah, right... she keeps forgetting, ‘never use your hero names in public.’
“Oi, Yamada!”  Tara corrected herself before tapping him, gently and lightly on the shoulder to get his attention.
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stellamulberry · 7 years
{ To PM: Question!  Those fluffy, thin, pipe cleaners are lightweight, yeah?  Sooo, if I make them into cat ears and put them on top of ‘somebody's’ head they wouldn’t notice, right? }
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stellamulberry · 7 years
“Uraraka…”  Tara muttered quietly under here breath as she watched the video on her computer. A recent recording of the students of 1-A training. “You’re getting better, but you’re still getting a bit woozy after a short amount of time.”  She jotted down a few notes on the notebook beside her.  “Most likely not eating well.”  Tara coughed and sniffed.  “Then there’s…”  She sniffed again, using her free hand to grab a tissue from a nearby box on her desk.  “Midoriya…  he’s doing alright, so far.  I don’t see him being the ‘problem child’ Shouta has men-*sniff*-tion…”  She paused for a breath. “At least not yet.”
God, my nose is all runny.
“And Baku…”  Tara stopped mid sentence.  Oh no, she can feel it coming again.  “Bah-Baku- Ah!”
Tara sneezed, much too loudly for her liking and groaned into the tissue that was rubbing her sore, red nose.
Meew ~
Tara blinked her red shot eyes and looked down into her lap.  There she spotted a small, black kitten who was currently gnawing on her free hand, the same hand that was there to keep the kitten from moving around too much, and keep him distracted.   The kitten wouldn’t be much of a problem… if she wasn’t allergic.   Cats or dogs, she was cursed to miserable inflamed torture whenever she gets near a furry pet.  “Ah!  Ow!” Tara hissed under her breath.  “Oi, cut it!” Tara pulled her fingers away from the tiny animal.  “I can’t work if you’re biting me.”
Mew ~ !
She shook her head and went back to watching the training video again.  “I’m starting to think this was a mistake bringing you in today.” Then again, she couldn’t leave it at home either.  The kitten was still very young, and she didn’t like the idea of coming home to hair all over her couch, rug, and the space of her apartment.  “Alright… let’s who we have up next– OW!!”
Meew ~ !
That’s it!  Trembling with anger and lifted the kitten up to her face, probably wasn’t the best idea, but she was already red.  “Listen here ya little gremlin!” Tara hissed lowly at the black fur-ball in her hands, the kitten blinked giving her their undivided attention.  “If you keep up this little gnawing party on my fingers up I won’t think twice about chucking you out that window over there, got it?!”  She was tired, agitated, and her nose and face were flushed red from the small cat’s fur. “Cats have nine lives anyways, so losing one shouldn’t be a problem for you!”
The kitten blinked a few more times, it’s legs and tail squirming a bit before it replied, eyes pinching shut.
Meeeew ~
“You’re lucky I can tolerate you.”  Tara sighed hoarsely in defeat, putting the cat back down in her lap.  Grabbing a nearby tissue she rubbed her nose.  “Let’s try this again.” And went back to grading.
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stellamulberry · 7 years
"Ugh... Where...?" -Inkedfeathers
“Bastards!”  Tara hissed low under her breath, a puff of hot air rasping out from between her lips.  Two tall men ran and limped away from the alleyway she and another who laid unconscious on the ground were in.  She was just coming back from the store, after buying some medicine for her cold.  “Achoo!”  Tara sneezed and quickly covered her nose with a gloved hand, saving the skin from intense burning of the weather.  “This was supposed to be a simple errand…”
Then she heard groaning, the man on the ground was waking up.  “Oi, don’t move around so much.”  She sniffed as she knelt down next to the injured man, helping him sit up straight against the brick wall. “Damn, you got hit pretty hard.”  A gloved hand held his head as gently as possible and... was that blood, just above his brow?  It looked more like ink.  Well, didn’t matter they were injured and they needed help.  “Can you hear me?  Are you injured anywhere else?”
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stellamulberry · 7 years
{ * ~ Alignment Test ~ * }
Neutral 78%
You put your own beliefs above all else, and they are not evil. In fact, your beliefs might be better than so called "good" beliefs. After all, what is good? Your answer to that is that it is a moral bias, and that being good depends on who is the judge. If you are working for another, it is because you felt like it or because they are paying you and are not insanely zealous.
76% Neutral Good
59% Lawful Good
57% Lawful Neutral
52% Chaotic Good
20% Lawful Evil
15% Chaotic Neutral
11% Neutral Evil
0% Chaotic Evil
Tagged by: @voicedhero
Tagging: Anyone who wants to play ~
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stellamulberry · 7 years
🐰- Does your muse prefer soft, plush textures or smooth and glossy textures?💎- Is your muse drawn to things that sparkle?🔖- Is your muse a daydreamer? What do they tend to think about? Have they ever caught themselves while lost in thought?
Questions for me!?
🐰- Does your muse prefer soft, plush textures or smooth and glossy textures?
In a classroom, Tara prefers the floors to be smooth and glossy.  As a health instructor she uses the floor for mats or soft, plush cushions for the students to sit on, rather them hunched over on a desk.  Tara also likes the both smooth and soft textures of bugs, mainly caterpillars or beetles.
💎- Is your muse drawn to things that sparkle?
Not really, no ~ !  She isn’t much for accessories, like earrings, rings, bracelets, unless someone went out of their way and make a bracelet for her.  She herself is a ‘bright light’ so, she tends to draw unwanted attention to herself.
🔖- Is your muse a daydreamer? What do they tend to think about? Have they ever caught themselves while lost in thought?        
Tara’s brain has a horrible habit of wondering, and gazing out a window, or staring at wall, or nothing in particular.  Her thoughts are always occupied by details and buzzes noise of what to do, lessons to plan, old memories good and bad and some thoughts are mostly her talking to herself, reflecting on past days.
As far as catching herself, well… she isn’t really good at that unless she’s alone.  When she’s around other she always jumps up, snapping out of her reverie to pay attention to the other speaking, most of the time she wasn’t listening and bashfully asks what they were saying.
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stellamulberry · 7 years
OneRepublic - Counting Stars
         “Lately I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep… dreaming about things that we could be…”
A low melody could be heard coming from the teacher’s staff room.  Tara was working quietly on student papers and grading.  With an earbud in her ear, and the company of her parakeet Ivory, she sung quietly to herself.
      “I feel something so wrong doing the thing.  I couldn’t lie, couldn’t lie, couldn’t lie ~‘  Being alone meant that she could indulge in her own guilty pleasure.  Ivory had hopped onto her hand, interrupting her, but she hummed and lifted him up. ‘Everything that kills me makes me feel alive.”
Ivy bobbed his head up and down as Tara sung one of her favorite tunes to him, singing much more confidently since the room felt completely empty.  She was by herself after all.
“But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard.”
Of course she had assumed that.
“Said no more counting dollars.  We’ll be, we’ll be counting’  Suddenly she heard the presence of another teacher walk in. ‘stars..”  Dark brown eyes wide, her face slightly flushed as Ivory welcomed the person with their tweets.
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stellamulberry · 7 years
Continued from here
“Ah, crap!“
When Tara reached in to grab her own packaged lunch, too distracted in her own mind with details of grading, the students, and anything else that skipped from one memory to the other, she was oblivious to the the other's lunch on top of hers.  At the last moment it slipped.  She reached out quickly to catch the lid to save it, only for the bottom half to fall with gravity, all contents laid splattered on the floor.  “... Dammit!”  Come on, really?!
Instant guilt twisted in her stomach when she heard the hero’s tone, he wasn’t happy and standing there watching trying to salvage what he could made it worse.  “I’m so sorry, Mic I... wasn’t paying attention.”  She looked at her own lunch and contemplated.  “Want mine?  I made it this morning so it’s fresh!”
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stellamulberry · 7 years
@darling-drosselmeyer from here
“I-I am so sorry!”  Tara’s face immediately drained of all color, replacing it an embarrassing red streak across her face.
“I-I used to have a friend, they were like that a lot too, a-and I... just assume-”
She assumed...
“GAAAAH!!!”  She clamored her hands clawed at her head, yanking waved, and curled strands of hair in annoyance.
“I can’t believe I just assumed like that, I’m such a god damn idiot, what the hell is wrong with me?!”
“I mean, you’re very... gorgeous!  You’re killing it that get up, kid!  A-and... and..”  There was no excuse that was going to take back that comment.  She could hear the other teachers scolding and hollering in her head now.
“I’m just... going to shut up now...”  She muttered in defeat small tears pricking the corners of her eyes.
Someone please kill me now...
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stellamulberry · 7 years
Tagged by: Nobody in particular ~ I just borrowed it!
Tagging: Here ya go ~ !
(BOLD ALL THAT APPLY. Italicize leaning or former.)
$ Financial : wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty ✚ Medical : fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable ✪ Class or Caste : upper / middle / working / street trash / slave / unsure ✔ Education : qualified / unqualified / studying / other ✖ Criminal Record : yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but has not been caught yet
◒ Children : has a child or children / has no children / wants children / verse dependent ◑ Relationship with Family : close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased ◔ Affiliation : orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between ♦ disorganized / organized / in between ♦ close-minded / open-minded / in between ♦ calm / anxious / in between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between ♦ cautious / reckless / in between ♦ patient / impatient / in between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in between ♦ leader / follower / in between ♦ empathetic / unempathetic / in between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ♦ traditional / modern / in between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between ♦ cultured / uncultured / in between ♦ loyal / disloyal / in between ♦ faithful / unfaithful / in between
★ Faith : monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / it’s complicated ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✮ Belief in an Afterlife : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✯ Belief in Reincarnation : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ❃ Belief in Aliens : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✧ Religious : orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious ❀ Philosophical : yes / no
❤ Sexuality : heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pan-sexual / Demisexual ❥ Sex : sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless ♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless ❣ Sexually : adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / inhibited ⚧ Potential Sexual Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none   ≡ Literacy Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✍ Artistic Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✂ Technical Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ☁ Smoking : trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ✿ Other Narcotics : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ✌ Medicinal Drugs : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ☻ Indulgent Food : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess $ Splurge Spending : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ♣ Gambling : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
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stellamulberry · 7 years
@misterpieces from here
“The circus, huh?”
Tara uttered in awe as she gazed at the colorful banner overhead.  The Quirky Circus, as of matter of fact.
“It’s the biggest show their is!  A traveling band of performers from all around the world, with quirks of the like we’ve never seen before!”
Aishido’s exuberant voice echoes in Tara’s head when she stumbled upon her yesterday with her classmates, Ochako and Tooru, who were just as excited and giddy in the conversation.  They were discussing plans on going to the said event on their day off.  Sounds like a perfect day to relax and have fun.
As for Tara plans... Well, she’s never been to the circus before, the closes thing being to one would be the small fairs in Boston.   Not only that it felt like a pretty good excuse to keeping a close eye on some of the students who would mostly be here today, that is what she was tasked to do after all.  There was always something better to do, but the idea of giving the teachers, especially Aizawa a break sounded good to her.
The road was littered with people, bright signs and obscure stands were guides over head in the crowd.  Tara noticed a few entertainers on the sides, attracting small children and teens to their wares, trinkets, and games.  The smell of steamed food and loud shouts from kiosks nearly overwhelmed her, it still brought a small smile to her face.
Suddenly she heard a loud fit of laughter near her.  Tara glance to the side and saw a small girl in blue, laughing at.... a..
“.... What?”  Tara blinked, again, and again before she rubbed them.  This wasn’t real, right?  She lowered herself, bending just slightly at the sight she was just was witnessing, blinking another time.
“.... is that a... hand?”
Indeed, it was.  A limbless, almost floating, hand that was dancing effortlessly around a stripped pole, there was also a small... stick, being held by it’s thumb entertaining the small girl who apparently was this only other person to see.  Tara couldn’t look away.
It almost reminds me of... ahh, what was that series called?  A family dressed in black...
Then the small girl was called away by their mother.  She bid hand farewell with a wave and scampered off.  The hand waved back, with it’s thumb, before it turned and spotted her.
Tara froze, wait... could it even see her?  Her question was answered when the hand bounced up and down before diving around the corner of a stand.
.... A part of her told her she should just keep walking, but something about a limbless hand wandering around didn’t sit well with her.
Tara followed after the hand, as odd as that sounded, stalking from a good distance as it wandered about the grounds, from trailing up stands and watching people play games, browsing the people walking by from the signs, a fountain, even going as far as poking and making a little fun to those who couldn’t see or knew better.
It was all harmless, but it could end being trouble.
After a while of following the hand, that was a bit worn out, slowly and quietly made their way over to a man off to the side, away from the crowd.  So, this was the owner?  The hand glided up and returned to it’s rightful place, however the man took noticed of her, and smiled almost knowingly at her and tipped his hat.
“I saw that.”  Tara pointed.  “You better not up to anything funny.”  She accused as she approached the top-hatted male.  “Whatever kind of quirk that is, keep it to yourself.”
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