serinesaccade · 2 years
I was rereading "I'm not the moon (I'm not even a star)" and I keep coming back to the way you portray Grantaire as the only person who gets past Enjolras' looks and decides he likes him Even More. I am obsessed with it
Ahhh I'm so flattered and happy you are rereading!
Like absolutely Grantaire is into Hot Angel Enjolras' looks, and never stops being awed. BUT a lot of people who are into Enjolras view the Hotness as the main reason to be into him, and for Grantaire it is the cherry on top. Enjolras is 1) socially awkward in all contexts outside of leading the club 2) a workaholic 3) comes with a menagerie of weird protective friends 4) uncompromisingly earnest and in his moral values to a fault. It is Troublesome for most people but all of those things are stuff Grantaire is Really Into. 
There have been a couple of people who see R as the least intimidating member of the menagerie and definitely not one with a chance of dating him and so approached him to try and figure out Enjolras' Deal and how to score a date. Those conversations went poorly. Mostly bc Grantaire doesn't Understand. Like he understands what they’re trying to do but doesn’t understand why they aren’t into Enjolras’ personality the way he is.
Stranger: so what is he into?
R: socialism and Marxism
Stranger: no haha I mean like romantically. Sexually.
R: yeah. Socialism and marxism. Intimacy.
Stranger: uh ok... but does he date [insert gender, physical appearance]?
R: Enjolras doesn't date a lot. There hasn’t been a theme. I just know who he wouldn’t date. *downs entire beer*
Stranger: well how about me?
R: probably *downs glass of wine* I mean. You could try it.
*ten minutes later*
Stranger: he yelled at me!
R: Nah, he didn’t yell at you, that was an Enjolras Volume Level 5. Also he thought you were trying to steal people to attend a party at the same time as his protest on Saturday, not go on a date, so that’s why he reacted like that. Reasonable.
Stranger: it’s fine. the other hot one gave me his number instead.
R: Courfeyrac’s great like that. I mean, he’s not Enjolras though? *confused face*
Stranger: thanks, see you around!
Ok, so actually Courfeyrac has a lot to do with it
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serinesaccade · 3 years
fic questions
@shitpostingfromthebarricade tagged me to answer fic questions! Thank you babe!
how many works do you have on AO3?
I have 11 under serinesaccade on AO3!
what’s your total AO3 word count?
142, 657 for those 11 works. I. That’s probably 142 hours at least XD
how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I love and read and written other fandoms but like. look at my AO3 for serinesaccade and it’s all Les Mis
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. i’m not the moon (i’m not even a star)
2. i’ve been up nights
3. the red couch sessions
4. so willing to care for you
5. ambrosia, rosy red
do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I respond usually!! usually i respond pretty quickly, but if I don’t I get all alarmed and may not respond ever. I still saw it, my babes. i still glow with the loving words. i’m just weird. like i love hearing from everyone, that validation gets the words and tears flowing
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
oh boy hm. I do love a happy ending, okay. pretty much all my fics have one of those or are just a little bittersweet. I think my overall angsty fics are probably spent a lot of nights on the run due to the, um, ghosts. and the lesbians fic, which technically has an ambiguous ending but i have confirmed by word of god they do live and are happy haha
have you ever received hate on a fic?
hm not really! everyone’s been really nice! I think the closest I’ve gotten is just general comments on not liking a concept or being confused or something. i do tend to confuse bc my brain is not linear or put together in any way
do you write smut? if so what kind?
haha not really? i write vague scenes which is partially bc! i doubt my smut skills. but also just that i’m in it for the emotional resolution (waves gigantic demisexual flag), and i can have that with vagueness. also I think it’s nice bc like. it’s easier to imagine exactly what you’d want to be happening if it’s vague, so it’s open to reader interpretation
have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of from my les mis work. i would be upset yo
have you ever had a fic translated?
someone actually did ask if they could but it’s not out yet! slash maybe they just ran out of time/interest but either way super flattering
have you ever co-written a fic before?
no i am a hot mess sdfsdfdf.  i don’t write linearly. i appear online and write in a frenzy for four hours then leave for like five days
what’s your all time favorite ship?
like. i think saying Enjoltaire is cheating but it’s the correct answer. I do also love courferre, mariusxcosettexeponine, bahorel/feuilly, Epoferre, etc. i ain’t picky i love my amis in almost any configuration
what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
if i’d been asked this question a month ago I would’ve said “still here (still high)”! but i finished it OH THANK GOD. hm. i have a ton of WIPs in my folder and some may never see the light, but there are none where i’m just. never thinking about them or working on them or no longer want to.
what are your writing strengths?
*click click click* i am a fast typer. i am wild with concepts i would write anything i ain’t shy. i’m obsessive over spelling and editing like. while i’m writing. 
what are your writing weaknesses?
i can be confusing. i never fit in all the details i want to but simultaneously struggle to keep rapid snappy flow and am weighed down with dialogue and filler info. my ideal writing is such that every sentence/word either has a melodic or story or comedic purpose but i just don’t get there lolol
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i am from ‘murica so am not the best person to speak on this topic, considering I know like 1.25 languages. but I think actually writing dialogue in the other language is fine, as long as you’re doing it consciously and using it as a writing tool/it was intended. i personally usually just type it out in English but italicize it or make it clear they’re speaking another language. there are a couple of my fics where the whole fic is in English but they are supposed to be speaking French like the whole time. if it’s like one word and you can get the subtext i usually make that word in the other language. i dunno-- i don’t think there’s hard and fast rules in writing *blows kiss*
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
this is a weird question bc I’ve been writing fanfiction since I was like 8 or younger. just what i’m into! so probably like. pokemon, honestly, haha. like the first work i published online was definitely also pokemon fanfic but even that was not the first time i was writing it. no one wants to be exposed to that it was bad. i can look back on it with love though!
what’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
ho boy um yeah this is a hard pick. both intm (ines) and i’ve been up nights were written in like the avatar state of writing for me. picture the depths of the pandemic. writing those were super fun. honestly i’ve had fun with all of them though! spent a lot of nights on the run is a different kind of fic than my usual fare so I guess it gets an award for that. just a little longer is fanfic of fanfic so writing it was truly a joy like. imitating someone else’s style is thrilling and. u know you’re not them and won’t match up perfectly so it’s a challenge! but a super interesting one. “isn’t your other les mis work matching vicky hugo somewhat?” some may say and i say absolutely not i do not match him stylistically and for this i do not apologize
i’m hesitant to tag a bunch of people but if you want to take this then RUN WITH IT i support you! also @dannypuro i suppose if u so wish
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