#into play. tennis is Very much a solo game unless you play doubles in which case it’s just. there’s two of you now
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
I am so dense sometimes. I was thinking about how I want to write a novel that has the same vibes as a sports manga and I was like “but what sport should I use though 🧐 I don’t know anything about any sports” and then a few seconds later I was like “girl what are you talking about. You’re literally obsessed with tennis”
#in my defence i’m less obsessed than i used to be#i used to know every single player in the top 50 and be able to discuss exactly what was going on and watch all the tournaments#there are various reasons i’m not as into it now. but i do at least try to stay up to date#and i still have a pretty good working knowledge of the sport at least. enough to write about it without doing piles and piles of research#and i used to play in high school so there was that. i was really really bad at everything but serving but y’know. still#i might still go with a team sport in my novel though because i feel like there’s more opportunities for drama and team dynamics to come#into play. tennis is Very much a solo game unless you play doubles in which case it’s just. there’s two of you now#and i don’t recall coordinating with my doubles partners very well at all. they mostly would just yell at me and then i’d storm off#so basically i’m torn between tennis and two team sports: baseball and volleyball#i’m leaning towards baseball because there’s more players and there’s also bats which.. i feel gives me some options#if a rivalry got physical everybody involved would already have a weapon which raises the stakes#i’ll think about it more though. there’s probably a perfect sport staring me dead in the face and i just can’t see it#i mean i think rugby would be very fun to use but it would invite comparisons with <3stopper and i simply can’t compete with that#(censoring to avoid ending up in tags for the series)#anyway. yeah. this is what i do in my free time as a grown woman apparently#personal
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