#inuit cinema
stellacadente · 5 days
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EVER DEADLY (2022) dir. Chelsea McMullan, Tanya Tagaq
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Slash/Back: Aliens Are Always Popping Up Where You Least Expect Them
Written by Luke Barnes Summary A group of Inuit teens do battle with aliens. I thought this was a really quite fresh feeling horror film, both for exploring the mythology of a group of people that most of the world isn’t familiar with, and also for depicting aliens in a way that differs quite strongly from the little green men or humanoid figures we are so used to. I really appreciated and…
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motsimages · 1 year
I watched Slash Back yesterday and here are some things I liked about it.
For those who don't know what movie it is: it's the summer solstice in a small inuit village in Canada. A group of teenagers are going about their day in the usual boring summer way while some animals start to behave weirdly. Soon, one of them discovers why and, after they are attacked, they decide to use their inuit hunting skills to defend their village from the unwelcome intruders.
They mainly speak English but some Inuktitut is also spoken by some of the parents and the radio. All the titles and credits are both in Inuktitut and English.
Teenagers looking like teenagers and behaving like teenagers.
The Crush is the most average boy ever but it obviously doesn't matter.
Capturing the greatest hits of adolescence such as not having much to do, nowhere to do it, anywhere will do or there is a super duper great party that is just a bunch of kids your age with whom you don't necessarily speak and also, again not much to do there.
As any teenage story goes, parents are unavailable. In this case because they are partying in the local festivity.
Fighting the big monster is perfectly compatible with arguing with your friend about your crush and about whether or no she also likes him.
One of the girls doesn't want to join the hunting party because she is scared. Her friends try to encourage her a bit but she is still afraid, so they tell her it's ok and give her a mission she can do that will also help and that is actually also important, while keeping her save anyways.
Simple story, easy to follow. It has good moments of tension but it is not extremely dramatic.
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filmjunky-99 · 4 years
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a t a n a r j u a t : t h e f a s t r u n n e r, 2001 🎬 dir. Zacharias Kunuk 
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stellacadente · 6 days
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The government wanted to lay claim to the land, mineral, and water rights in the Northwest Passage. So, they had to put Canadian citizens in communities to prove that all belonged to Canada. That's why my mother was relocated. [...]
Everything we got, it's what my parents got, you know, from animals. We live on the land - eat land food and seafood. They were very powerful. When they relocate us to Resolute, all that powerfulness was gone because they were controlled by the government.
EVER DEADLY (2022) dir. Chelsea McMullan, Tanya Tagaq
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