#invader zoar
goldenkingyo · 2 years
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Some recent artfight attacks featuring Zoar, Goryo and Gipsy. 
Ace: belongs to star._city on instagram
Diem: belongs to @tiny-darkmatter
Tira: belongs to Selvarr on deviantart
Kal and Stithc: Belongs to @bamsara
Akari: belongs to Dutchie on instagram
Chernobyl: belongs to star._city
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golden-wires · 2 years
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last one of the night! @goldenkingyo
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askzoarandmore · 1 year
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BEST GIRL!!! It’s been one full year since her creation and she more to me than any other character I’ve ever had. I never thought I’d have such a well developed character, or that so many peeps would also grow attached to her, either way, it’s a happy day today celebrating her 💛
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caandydosvale · 2 years
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Drew the married couple on a dateee
They seem to me having fun
Zoar belongs to the beloved @goldenkingyo !!!
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skeletap · 1 year
I've been brooding on the topic of 'Hordak killed King Azoth, and somehow got the thornimps/core to side with him, why was that? and why were they entombed up until now? why is the reaction to Spinal Tap the way it is" and decided on some things.
Put it under a readmore since it's a bit lengthy, discussing: Who Hordak and the Horde are to Prima Materia. King Azoth's death and the Second Great War that ushered the end to 'preternia'. The set up to Prima Materia.
The Horokoth are alien invaders to Eternia, from the planet Prime, and possess parasitic technology (that is , weapons and armor literally attached to them) and parasitic/vampiric magic. They function like the Borg, and assimilate planets into their (partial) hive mind to feed their life source to their parasitic world. They assimilate planets through scouting, discovering vulnerabilities in the inhabitants, and using those weaknesses to possess then assimilate the population.
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Pictured above: An assimilated Borg from Star Trek: TNG
King Azoth is the Panacean to Starseed (like the Sorceress to Zoar) and King of Coreternia. Hordak kills Azoth, and pins it on Grayskull, to not only cause a rift between the two kingdoms, but to freak out the Coreternians. Afterall, their close ally apparently killed the proxy, the Panancean, to their god, Starseed. So, this leaves them susceptible to Hordak's influence, and he uses their emotional vulnerability to possess most if not all the Coreternian population. They cannot assimilate them until they contact homeworld, so Hordak decides to use them like puppets to aid his Horde soldiers in conquering the rest of the planet.
Grayskull is a legendary figure for a reason. He leads and wins the fight against the Horde and the assimilated-Core. The Horde troops are wiped out, and Hordak is mortally wounded. However, Grayskull is too mortally wounded. And in his dying actions, banishes Hordak to a pocket dimension, in which time does not move for anything. Hordak is forever dying, on an empty plane, till the end of time itself.
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Pictured above: Upper body artwork of Hordak's design for MoTU: Prima Materia. Art by me :)
As for the Thornimps... Grayskull does not know of their (now thankfully lifted) possession. With help from the Council of Elders, the Core is too imprisoned, entombed in the center of Eternia through the Great Seal. To Coreternia, they were betrayed so many times, the destroy their technology and fall into a technological 'dark age'. To Eternia, the Thornimps are traitors to Eternia till proven otherwise.
The issue is... they were proven otherwise. People discovered a half century later the Thornimps were possessed, after much looking into the Great War and the remain of the Horde Ranger Fleet either on the surface or ships starved to death, eaten by their armor and weapons, fallen as burnt up remains from their atmosphere.
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Pictured above: The planet Eternia
But, Grayskull has been lionized by now. The 'forces of good vs evil' are always something Eternians were so fond of, weren't they? To suggest Grayskull was wrong, and that the Council, which by now is the transitioning governing body to what would be later Eternos, might have damned an entire civilization to die. So, the Council of Elders did damage control. What remained of the Thornimps was confiscated and locked in the Council (later Eternos Royal) Archives. The history of the Thornimps and the Core is twisted over the next four centuries into an almost Arthurian tale, traitors to Eternia for the lion Grayskull to defeat, but also never existing at all. Fairytale creatures, like an Earthling Atlantis.
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So now, in present day Eternia, you have this man, a direct descendant to King Azoth, who's people have been believed to be both traitors, dead, and never existing for 500 years prior. He has spent 27 years being abused/medically tortured by his sister so she could pretend to be Panacean, while he really is.
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Pictured above: Starseed as it appears in the filmation series. In Prima Materia it is a large sentient crystal structure at the center of the planet, a god like Zoar, rather than an artifact. Like it's original lore, it is the heart of Eternia.
Spinal Tap is brought to Eternia against his will, transported by faulty Horde-tech, after surviving an attempted murder. Skeletor, thrall (independently but still so) to Hordak, recruits him to the Evil Warrior knowing his people's still present disdain for the Grayskull kingdom/Eternos. Skeletor grows a fondness (understatement) towards Spinal Tap, brings him on his first missions.
But, the Council of Elders cannot let a Thornimp, let alone the Panancean, exist on the surface. Now it has been 500 years, can you imagine the damage it would do the now rapidly expanding Eternos?
But, this is He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. So do not fret, while they're antagonists to the story (Skeletor is the protag to Prima Materia), He-Man is He-Man.
Not to mention, they'll all have a worse thing to worry about.
Hordak, and the Prima Materia.
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banana-zim · 2 years
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Patreon sketch request for @goldenkingyo
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oxygen-stealer · 2 years
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Putting this here too, dtiys on Instagram for @goldenkingyo, featuring their oc Zoar and @caandydosvale 's Bounty hunter Dib. I'd highly recommend checking out their stuff with them cuz it's super interesting 👀
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inversar-te · 5 years
É engraçado o poder que algumas pessoas tomam em nossas vidas. De repente você esta seguindo a rotina do seu dia e aquele sentimento de alegria, de gratidão, aquele sentimento de realização te invade e por alguns minutos você começa a refletir sobre tudo o que já aconteceu na sua vida e percebe que foi depois que você conheceu determinada pessoa que tudo começou a realmente fazer sentido, tudo começou a caminhar em uma direção maravilhosa e você se descobriu com uma capacidade de amar e confiar que jamais imaginou. Você é a minha pessoa. Aquela que toma meus pensamentos do nada e faz com que eu sinta meu peito transbordar, faz com que as palavras pareçam insuficientes pra expressar toda minha alegria e gratidão por você caminhar ao meu lado. É literalmente inexplicável tudo o que você desperta em mim, tudo o que eu consigo dizer é que em toda a minha vida eu nunca me senti tão bem quanto me sinto agora. Você transformou meu mundo de uma maneira surreal, chegou do nada, quando eu menos esperava e quando eu mais precisava e me libertou de todos meus medos e inseguranças, criou comigo um laço de confiança tão incrível, me abraçou, me aceitou com esse meu jeito meio boba apaixonada e me deu de presente um sentimento que ultrapassa explicações. Você me ajudou a crescer, amadurecer, me ajudou a ver as coisas de um outro ponto de vista, me ajudou a acreditar mais em mim e nos meus sonhos. Você sempre esteve ao meu lado, e eu sei que contigo eu posso sempre contar. Tenho vivido dias incríveis com você, momentos que guardo no meu coração com tanto carinho. Eu só tenho a te agradecer por ser quem você é e por tudo o que você faz por mim, por ser meu porto seguro e por nunca soltar minha mão, mesmo nos momentos em que achei que não havia saída no caminho, você segurou minha mão e me mostrou que para tudo nessa vida existe solução quando carregamos no coração amor, lealdade e um desejo incansável de uma união duradoura. Em fim, eu só quero dizer que sou muito feliz e muito grata por todo esse tempo que estamos juntos e que não imagino mais os meus dias sem você para me fazer raiva, para me fazer sorrir, para zoar minhas manias, me abraçar, beijar, eu não saberia mais me acostumar com uma rotina que não tenha você. Eu amo tudo que vem de você, amo tudo que sonhamos juntos, eu amo você e se tem algo que eu posso afirmar com toda certeza do mundo é o quanto esse sentimento é sincero. Eu quero sim ir até o fim da vida contigo, ser sua noiva, sua esposa, sua velhinha.. Mas eu já me sinto muito feliz e realizada com tudo o que temos compartilhado juntos. Você é uma pessoa maravilhosa e dou graças a Deus por ter te conhecido. Eu te admiro e me orgulho de quem você é. E mais uma vez, obrigada por me transformar no melhor que eu posso ser.
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goldenkingyo · 5 months
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Sweater weather
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golden-wires · 2 years
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Tweek meeting milo
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dfroza · 3 years
A new covenant of grace written upon the heart
to be known.
Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament is the 8th chapter of the book of Hebrews:
So let me sum up what we’ve covered so far, for there is much we have said: we have a High Priest, a perfect Priest who sits in the place of honor in the highest heavens, at the right hand of the throne of the Majestic One, a Minister within the heavenly sanctuary set up by the Lord, not by human hands.
As I have said, it is the role of every high priest to offer gifts and sacrifices to God, so clearly this Priest of ours must have something to offer as well. If He were on earth, then He would not be a priest at all because there are already priests who can offer gifts according to the law of Moses in a sanctuary that is only a copy and shadow of the heavenly sanctuary. We know this because God admonished Moses as he set up the tent for the Lord’s sanctuary: “Be sure that you make everything according to the pattern I showed you on the mountain.” But now Jesus has taken on a new and improved priestly ministry; and in that respect, He has been made the Mediator of a better covenant established on better promises. Remember, if the first covenant had been able to reconcile everyone to God, there would be no reason for a second covenant. God found fault with the priests when He said through the prophet Jeremiah,
“Look! The time is coming,” the Eternal Lord says,
“when I will bring about a new covenant with the people of Israel and Judah.
It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors
when I took them by the hand
and led them out of slavery in the land of Egypt.
They did not remain faithful to that covenant,
so,” the Eternal One says, “I turned away from them.
But when those days are over,” the Eternal One says, “I will make
this kind of covenant with the people of Israel:
I will put My laws on their minds
and write them upon their hearts.
I will be their God,
and they will be My people.
In those days, they won’t need to teach each other My ways
or to say to each other, ‘Know the Eternal.’
In those days, all will know Me,
from the least to the greatest.
I will be merciful when they fail,
and I will erase their sins and wicked acts out of My memory
as though they had never existed.”
With the words “a new covenant,” God made the first covenant old, and what is old and no longer effective will soon fade away completely.
The Book of Hebrews, Chapter 8 (The Voice)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 48th chapter of the book of Jeremiah with words against the pride of Moab:
This is what the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies and God of Israel, has to say about Moab:
Eternal One: Woe to the city of Nebo, for she is in ruins.
So, too, will Kiriathaim be put to shame when she is captured.
The proud fortress of Moab will be humbled and shattered into pieces.
No one will praise you, Moab—that time has gone.
Instead, in places like Heshbon, men are planning your destruction.
“Come,” they will say, “and let us finish off that nation.”
Indeed, the town of Madmen will be silenced,
for war will surely find you.
Do you hear the voice from Horonaim—
the cries rising up from the ruins and desolation?
Moab is broken,
and her little ones cry in desperation.
The defeated make their way up Luhith, crying bitterly as they go;
as they descend to Horonaim, they hear the anguished cries of destruction.
Run for your lives! Save yourselves!
Live in the desert like a juniper bush, alone and forsaken.
You depended on your own works and your own wealth,
and now you will be humbled and taken captive.
Your so-called god, Chemosh, will go with you into exile
along with his priests and officials.
The destroyer is coming to each of your towns; none of them will escape.
The valley will be ruined;
The plateau will be destroyed
because I, the Eternal One, have spoken.
Give Moab wings so she can fly away.
Her cities will be a wasteland with no one living in them.
A curse on any who do not finish the work I, the Eternal One, have given you! A curse on anyone who holds back his sword and refuses to shed blood.
Moab has been at rest since his early days—
like wine that is carefully left to age,
Not poured from jar to jar,
not going from nation to nation in exile.
And so his flavor has remained; his aroma has not faded.
But all of that will change. Look, in the coming days, I, the Eternal One, declare that I will send those who will upend him, stirring him up and pouring him out until his jars have nothing left. They will empty his jars and smash the empty jugs.
Then Moab will be ashamed of his powerless god, Chemosh, just as the people of Israel were ashamed of Bethel when they trusted in their false gods.
Eternal One: How can you still boast,
“We are mighty warriors, brave in battle?”
Because Moab is destroyed;
invaders have laid waste his towns.
His best young men have gone down to slaughter.
So say I, the King whose name is the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies.
The fall of Moab is at hand;
his disaster is coming quickly.
Grieve for him, you neighbors of Moab,
all who know his name.
Say, “Look how his mighty scepter is broken,
how the splendor of his staff is gone!”
You people of Dibon, come down from your glory on the hills
and sit on the dry, dusty ground and wait,
For the same one who destroyed Moab
is coming against you and will tear down your strongholds as well.
Stand by the road and watch closely,
you people of Aroer.
Call out to the refugees running from Moab.
Ask them what happened!
And they will answer: “Moab has been humiliated and crushed.
Weep for him, and cry out.
Go down to the Arnon River and
proclaim that Moab has been destroyed.”
Judgment has come to the cities of the plain: to Holon, Jahzah and Mephaath; to Dibon, Nebo, and Beth-diblathaim; to Kiriathaim, Beth-gamul, and Beth-meon; to Kerioth and Bozrah. To all the cities of Moab, far and near, judgment has come.
Eternal One: The symbols of his strength are gone; the horn of Moab has been cut off, and his arm broken.
Make Moab drink deeply from this cup until he is drunk, for he has exalted himself above the Eternal. Make him drink until he wallows in his own vomit; then he will be ridiculed by all who see him. Did you not ridicule Israel? Was he guilty of a crime? Was he caught among thieves? Is that why you, Moab, shake your head in contempt every time you speak of him?
Eternal One: Run from your towns and live in the wilderness,
you citizens of Moab;
Hide among the rocks
like doves who nest among the cliffs.
We have all heard about the pride of Moab—
so vain and so smug.
We have all heard about her pride and arrogance
and her overconfident heart.
I, too, know of the arrogant outbursts, but they are pointless;
empty boasts accomplish nothing.
This is why I will mourn for Moab; for all her people, I will cry aloud;
for the men of Kir-heres, I will moan.
You who tend the prolific vineyards in Sibmah,
I will cry for you more than I did for Jazer.
Your vines once spread as far as the sea, as far as the sea of Jazer.
But now the destroyer has spoiled your summer harvest and sweet grapes.
The joy of the harvest is gone from Moab’s orchards and vineyards.
For I have stopped the flow of wine; no one treads the grapes.
The land is full of shouting, but they are not shouts of joy.
The anguish of their cries rises from Heshbon to Elealeh and Jahaz, from Zoar all the way to Horonaim and Eglath-shelishiyah; for even the waters of Nimrim will dry up.
Eternal One: I will put an end to idol worship in Moab, to those who make offerings on shrines in high places and burn incense to so-called gods.
Like the somber sound of a flute, my heart mourns for Moab. My heart mourns for the men of Kir-heres, for everything they had is gone.
For every head is shaved, and every beard is cut short;
every hand is cut, and every waist is wrapped in sackcloth.
Eternal One: On every rooftop in Moab and on every street corner,
there is nothing but mourning
Because I have smashed Moab like a jar that no one wants.
How broken he is! How the people wail!
How the once-proud Moab turns away in shame!
See how Moab has become a laughingstock
and a horror to all his neighbors.
Eternal One: Look in the distance: an eagle will swoop down
and spread his wings over Moab, his prey.
The cities will be captured and the strongholds seized.
On that day the heart of Moab’s warriors
Will be like the heart of a woman in labor—helpless and vulnerable.
The nation of Moab will be no more
because he dares to defy the Eternal.
Terror and traps and snares lie ahead, O citizens of Moab.
Eternal One: If you run from the terror, you will fall into a pit.
If you climb out of the pit, you will be caught in a trap.
There is no escape, for I will bring these disasters against Moab;
the year of their judgment has come at last.
Run if you will, but in Heshbon’s shadow the refugees are helpless.
Look! A fire rages from Heshbon; destroying flames leap from Sihon;
They consume the northern regions of Moab
and destroy his clamoring rebels.
Woe to you, O Moab! Worshipers of Chemosh are destroyed;
your sons are sent away, your daughters taken captive.
But even so, in latter times the day will come
when I will restore the fortunes of Moab.
This is the end of Jeremiah’s oracle of judgment against Moab.
The Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 48 (The Voice)
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for Thursday, September 30 of 2021 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons that looks at Light and fear:
For reasons not explained in Scripture, God chose to begin creating the world in chaos: תהוּ וָבהוּ וְחשֶׁךְ / tohu vavohu ve’choshekh: “confusion and emptiness and darkness” (Gen. 1:2). From chaos and darkness God would shine forth light - indeed, the divine light was the first of all God’s creations (a counterpart of the “Light of the World” Himself): יְהִי אוֹר וַיְהִי־אוֹר / yehi or, vayhi-or: "Let there be light, and there was light" (Gen. 1:3). God’s handiwork in creation, then, first involves His mastery over chaos...
God speaks from the midst of a whirlwind (סְעָרָה, “tempest”), demonstrating that He is LORD over the seemingly chaotic world around us (Job 40:6). “Greek-minded” theology is more inclined to seek after “Apollo” (the pagan ideal of harmony and order) than the seemingly chaotic ways of the LORD God of Israel. We often want some sort of “systematic theology” and for God to be explained to us in an orderly, logical way. There is danger here that we forget that the LORD is called Esh Okhlah (אֵשׁ אכְלָה), a “consuming Fire” (Deut. 4:24, Heb. 12:29). God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are His ways our ways (Isa. 55:8-9). As the prophet Isaiah also said: יוֹצֵר אוֹר וּבוֹרֵא חשֶׁךְ עשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם וּבוֹרֵא רָע אֲנִי יְהוָה עשֶׂה כָל־אֵלֶּה / “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create woe; I the LORD do all these things” (Isa. 45:7).
We live in fearful times, chaverim. People are afraid of losing their money, their health, their freedom, and so on. But we must be careful here. The fear of “losing control” can move us to anger, yet the sages liken anger to idolatry since it denies the providence of God in our lives (i.e., hashgacha partit: השגחה פרטית). Anger over the apparent chaos of life implies that we don’t really believe that God is in control -- that He is speaking “from the midst of the whirlwind” -- and therefore we feel aggrieved and perhaps embittered by what might happen to us. We must look to God as the Master of the storms of life and draw closer to Him in trust. The Scriptures affirm that for those who love God “all things work together for good” even if the present hour seems incomprehensible and even dangerous (Rom. 8:28-39).
Yeshua warned us not to live in fear of man, but rather to live in fear of God (Matt. 10:28). The worst that man can do is “kill the body” but he has no real power over the soul... Tribulation - the “squeezing of grapes” - is part of the life of faith, but we are invited to come “boldly” before the Throne of Grace (παρρησίας τῷ θρόνῳ τῆς χάριτος) to find help for our lives (Heb. 4:16). Note that the word translated “boldly” in this verse (παρρησίας) means that we can speak freely to God from the center of the chaos of our hearts -- without fear or shame. We don’t need to conceal ourselves from the Divine Light, since this is the very Light that overmasters the "tohu va'vohu" chaos of creation! Those who accept that God is in complete control of their lives are set free from the terrible burdens of fear and outrage. Abiding in ahavah shlemah (אַהֲבָה שְׁלֵמָה, God’s “perfect love”) means that you can let go.
May God help us all remember: חֶרְדַּת אָדָם יִתֵּן מוֹקֵשׁ וּבוֹטֵחַ בַּיהוה יְשֻׂגָּב / “The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD will be made safe” (Prov. 29:25). Note that this “fear of man” is not just the fear of external dangers but more deeply is the fear we embrace within our hearts - our own insecurity that undermines our faith.... May the LORD help us abide in His perfect love, free from the ravages of fear, anger, and anxiety. Amen. [Hebrew for Christians]
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9.29.21 • Facebook
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
September 30, 2021
The Prophet's Chamber
“And she said unto her husband, Behold now, I perceive that this is an holy man of God, which passeth by us continually. Let us make a little chamber, I pray thee, on the wall; and let us set for him there a bed, and a table, and a stool, and a candlestick: and it shall be, when he cometh to us, that he shall turn in thither.” (2 Kings 4:9-10)
This sparsely furnished little room, built by a kindly woman and her elderly husband, was the prototype of all the so-called “prophet’s chambers” that have been built for traveling teachers and evangelists ever since.
Little did this simple couple anticipate what fruit their kindness would bear one day. “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers,” the Bible says, “for thereby some have entertained angels unawares” (Hebrews 13:2). In the first place, to show his appreciation, Elisha prayed that the Lord would give them a son, and God miraculously answered (2 Kings 4:16-17).
Then, tragically, the boy died quite suddenly several years later while Elisha was at Mount Carmel, some 15 miles away. The Shunammite woman laid her son on Elisha’s bed in the prophet’s chamber, then rode hastily to find Elisha and bring him to the boy. The round trip must have taken her two days or more, and the boy’s dead body lay on the prophet’s bed in the little room all that time.
But then Elisha prayed once again, and the most amazing event took place there (2 Kings 4:33-35). For only the second time in history, a dead person was restored to life.
The Shunammite mother and her son are never heard from again. But for 3,000 years the testimony of a little chamber and the love and faith of the godly woman who prepared it as a simple service for her Lord and His prophet, and the godly mother who sacrificially loved her son, has been an inspiration and example to multitudes. HMM
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marianagela · 4 years
A minha felicidade de sentir você ♥️
Eu nunca me senti tão feliz a ponto de ter você na minha vida como inspiração pra tudo, seu jeito, seu cheiro, sua boca, sua pele feito aquela fruta que se chama pêssego, seu olhar, seu beijo, seu beicinho, tudo isso me admira em você. Às vezes eu te olho e vejo que tem muita força pra vencer na vida, e por muitas vezes a tristeza invade tudo isso, mas logo em seguida, você renasce, parece ser uma fênix, porque eu te vejo como uma fênix. Qualquer baque você vai e se levanta em seguida pra continuar, lembro me daquela noite em que passou mal, eu te cuidei com todo amor do mundo sem cessar e vi o quanto a minha mulher vale pra mim. Depois de tudo aquilo o coração ele me disse, essa é a sua namorada esse é a sua mulher e essa é ela sendo ela, então a ame, e por algumas horas passando a mão sobre sua face eu pude ver que até mesmo em tempestades o amor ele permanece ali intacto, pode vir brigas, pode vir às desabafar que a vida da, mas meu eu a minha alma se conectaram ali com o seu coração. Por horas eu te observei naquela noite desde o começo de tudo, e eu te abracei com tanto amor que desde então eu fiz uma promessa, cuidar de você sobre todas as coisas e circunstâncias. Às vezes a vida vai fazer a gente fica caladas por segundo apenas pra se observar porque a vida da dessas, mas nada que seja pra um bem e abrir nossas cabeças para algo melhor sobre nossas vidas nosso nós, portanto, eu largo tudo o que há no mundo pra viver uma vida ao seu lado, porque eu já larguei quando nos casamos e decidimos nos amar, quando decidimos dizer sim, meu amor eu te digo que todo meu eu é seu, que tudo o que há dentro de mim é seu porque eu sou a pessoa, a mulher mais feliz que existe já face dessa terra por ter uma mulher feito pedra de rubi, feito pedra de diamante ao meu lado, porque é indecifrável pra mim quando se trata de falar sobre você e o que eu sinto. Eu sinto tanto tanto, que não dá pra decifrar todas as coisas que em mim existe, porque Deus ele sabe o quão eu te valorizo todos os dias e te honro a cada segundo da minha vida. Eu sei que as vezes sou falha, mas com amor e carinho a gente vai muito longe. Sabe, com você eu aprendo sobre a vida como rir, como interagir, como zoar como ser forte porque eu me inspiro na sua força. Meu amor eu queria te dizer que você é o grande amor da minha vida, eu não te troco, eu não largo de você, eu não solto suas mãos a menos que seja pra buscar nossos lanches você sabe que como demais kkk, mas eu não largo a mulher que eu admiro, amo, sou loucamente apaixonada.
Eu te amo meu amor ♥️
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eytstudios · 5 years
Os Justiceiros - Episódio 29
                     Os Justiceiros – Episódio 29: No meio da estrada
Protagonista do Episódio: Diogo (Justiceiro Vermelho) e Danilo (Justiceiro Preto)
Inimigo do Episódio:
Esse episódio se passa ao mesmo tempo em que acontece o episódio anterior. Diogo dirige um carro com Danilo ao lado. É noite e chove muito forte.
Estrada de Junqueirópolis pra Dracena...
Danilo: Aw, man...olha essa chuva!
Diogo: Lembra um filme de terror ou ficção científica, cara...
Danilo: Filmes futuristas dos anos 80.
Diogo: Kkkkkk...tipo aqueles com viagens no tempo e talz. Mas tudo retratado estilo anos 80!!!
Danilo: Se pá o futuro daquela época já tá acontecendo e muita gente nem sabe disso.
No rádio do carro, passam as notícias da noite. O locutor fala sobre as notícias que aconteceram durante o dia e à noite também. Um certo silêncio invade o carro em que estão Danilo e Diogo e só se ouve a voz do locutor falando das notícias.
Danilo: Tarde da noite e só se ouve as notícias no rádio...
Diogo: Sim. Hey, espere! Tem alguém tentando fazer comunicação conosco...
Diogo: Diogo para base. Alguém por favor responda!
Danilo: Eaí?
Só se ouve uma voz no rádio do carro dizendo: William para Diogo. Tudo bem com vocês?
Diogo: Tudo bem, Will! Se tudo der certo, breve estaremos de volta!
Olhando para a estrada de dentro do carro, nossos justiceiros só veem uma pista escura e vazia, com muita chuva e iluminada pela luz do veículo...
Danilo pega o rádio do lado do passageiro e diz: Ow, William...vai se ferrar! Eu sei que você tá no rádio só pra zoar!
Diogo: Tsc, tsc...kkkkkkkkk...
Danilo: Desgraçado! Ao invés de deixar isso com a equipe de apoio e ficar de vigia pra mais uma missão...
Diogo: O Will deve tá tirando uma com a sua cara até agora!
Danilo: Às vezes fico pensando o que esses caras têm na cabeça. O Edson disse que ia vigiar as ruas de Dracena essa noite e ia aproveitar pra beber num bar. O Raul e o Lucas iam jogar no computador hoje à noite. Se pá já tão lá jogando. Não estou dizendo que é ruim fazer isso, mas às vezes eles abusam demais.
Diogo: E por que você acha que Professor Konda nos colocou na liderança do time?
Danilo: Alguma razão deve ter...
Diogo: Eu também tento ser quase perfeito, sabe? Preciso ser. Sou o líder da equipe...mas muitas vezes não consigo. Eu sinto isso...
Danilo: Eu tento levar a frente do grupo com você o tempo todo. Às vezes me torno tão sério e durão que esqueço de me divertir. Kkkkkkk...
Diogo: Seria uma falha aí?
Danilo: Consequência!
Danilo pega o pacote de salgadinho e come um pouco enquanto Diogo tenta se guiar pela estrada escura e vazia...
Diogo: Pois é. Eu to pensando em tanta coisa essa noite, cara...
Danilo: Tipo...?!
Diogo: Coisas estranhas do tipo...o carro aqui parece uma mini-base móvel. E nós estamos nele. Tem comida, bebida, lanterna, caixa de fósforos, agasalho, pistolas de raios laser e todo o equipamento básico pra se virar numa noite chuvosa como essa!
Danilo: Tcharam! Aqui estamos! Falta mais alguma coisa?
Diogo: Muita coisa que a gente até não sabe se tem aqui no porta-luvas ou lá atrás no porta-malas...somos prevenidos, não?
Danilo: Fora as coisas que não temos. É impossível ter tudo.
Diogo e Danilo se dirigem o mais rápido possível pra Dracena. Se bem que com uma chuva forte à noite é praticamente impossível correr tanto.
No rádio, se ouvem apenas coisas como propaganda política e notícias, pois já é tarde da noite...
Diogo: Tem água aí, Danilo?
Danilo: Várias garrafas.
Diogo: Me passa uma aí, fazendo o favor...
Diogo bebe a garrafa de água mineral e continua dirigindo...
Diogo: Que será que as pessoas tão fazendo a essa hora?
Danilo: Por que diz isso?
Diogo: Sei lá. Curiosidade.
Danilo: Você fala tipo assim...nas suas casas ou em algum lugar assim como nós...!?
Diogo: É...
Danilo: Imagino que vendo TV. Algumas dormindo...outras até trabalhando ou fazendo um rango pra comer. Kkk...
Diogo: Nessas horas é que vem os pensamentos mais obscuros...kkkkkk.
Danilo: É um tipo de perigo mais discreto, escondido...talvez até mais perigoso que o dia. (Bebendo uma garrafa de água mineral)
Diogo (Comendo salgadinho e dirigindo) Falou tudo, amigão!!
De repente...um caminhão meio descontrolado passa emitindo luz alta em direção ao carro de Diogo e Danilo. Diogo diminui a velocidade e desvia do caminhão numa manobra rápida!
Danilo: (Assustado) Caraaa...essa foi por pouco!!!
Diogo: (Se recuperando do susto) Maaann...quase fomos pro espaço!!
Danilo: Esses malucos parecem que bebem quando vão pra estrada!!
Nossos heróis andam mais um pouco de carro pela pista. A chuva continua caindo forte, na mesma intensidade e a noite prossegue já quase 10 e meia no relógio do rádio .
Danilo: E o novato?
Diogo: O Luis? Bom, acho que a cor Azul Celeste caiu bem pro nosso Justiceiro de Junqueira! Kkkkkkk...
Danilo: Pra ficar no lugar do Randal, até que foi uma boa idéia!
Diogo: Ele é um bom sujeito. Só precisa treinar mais e adquirir experiência com as missões...
Danilo: É...eu diria que tem tudo pra dar certo!
Danilo coloca um CD de Heavy Metal no rádio do carro...
Diogo: Aoooww...isso sim que é música de verdade!!!
Danilo: Vai ser um bom consolo pra nós o resto do caminho.
Diogo: Adoro Metal!!
Danilo: Eu também. Huahuahuahuahuahuah...
Diogo: Agora é só curtir até chegar em Drac!
Danilo: Pé no acelerador, Diogo cão!!! Uhuuul!!
Diogo e Danilo seguem estrada enquanto a chuva interminável cai na noite sem fim. Logo eles estarão em Dracena. Que surpresas os esperam?
Os Justiceiros - Elenco:
Diogo como Justiceiro Vermelho
Danilo como Justiceiro Preto
Raul como Justiceiro Verde
William como Justiceiro Amarelo
Lucas como Justiceiro Rosa
Edson como Justiceiro Branco
Luis como Justiceiro Azul Celeste
Elenco de Apoio:
Leandrin como Justiceiro de Ouro
João Paulo como Justiceiro de Prata
Jefersson como Justiceiro de Bronze
Wata como Justiceiro de Diamante
Bruna como Justiceira Laranja
Samira como Justiceira Roxa
Lyara como Justiceira Rosa Choque
Professor Konda
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“He-Fans and She-Ravers, I'm proud to reveal to you the cover to the third and final FREE e-book in my Masters of the Universe "Bloodline" trilogy: "The Power of Grayskull."
... "The Bloodline Trilogy" concludes in "The Power of Grayskull."  The reappearance of the fabled Three Towers heralds the end of an age!  Adam and Adora must join forces to save the future of their universe, but can only do so by traveling to its distant past.  While on a secret mission for The Goddess Zoar that even they do not fully understand, the twins meet their ancestor D'Vann Grayskull face-to-face, but how different is the man himself from the future King of Eternia spoken of in myth and legend?  Meanwhile, back in the twins' present, their home planet is invaded by the Horde army as Hordak prepares for his ultimate victory.   With Adam and Adora missing, will Keldor and the Masters be able to survive the onslaught long enough for their heroes to return?  "The Power of Grayskull" brings the trilogy to a close in dramatic fashion and promises to have the most action--and the highest stakes--of the entire series.  (PG-13, June 2017) Cover by Mattias Fahblerg Story by Matthew C. Kayser Release: June, 2017 Website: www.MOTUBT.weebly.com”
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kgriffin37 · 5 years
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Then the rebel kings of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, and Bela; also called Zoar prepared for battle in the valley of the Dead Sea.
They fought against King Kedorlaomer of Elam, King Tidal of Goiim, King Amraphel of Babylonia, and King Arioch of Ellasar—four kings against five.
As it happened, the valley of the Dead Sea was filled with tar pits.
And as the army of the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah fled, some fell into the tar pits, while the rest escaped into the mountains.
The victorious invaders then plundered Sodom and Gomorrah and headed for home, taking with them all the spoils of war and the food supplies.
Genesis 14:8‭-‬11 NLT
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kawaaaiii-blog1 · 7 years
Há que saudades acordar as 6:00 da manhã,sentir a brisa do vento,batendo, calmamente em meu corpo, ver o sol se destacando através das nuvens refletindo nas casas,e nos prédios,nas ruas.Como era bom acordar e saber que tinha pessoas para cuidar,mimar e encher de carinho.Era cativante passar por aquele portão ouvir o breve sino cantarolando para entrar,para a sala de aula,a correria dos alunos para não chegar atrasados,e as professoras já dentro da sala.O mais importante em cada dia vivido era ver o sorriso,se destacando ao entrar por lá,era saber que tinha pessoas para abraçar,e rir sem mesmo saber o motivo,todos os dias.Era as brincadeiras que fazíamos sem mesmo dar a importância pelas pessoas que estavam em nossa volta.É cantar mesmo com toda a afinação, cair e mesmo assim se levantar e rir como se não houvesse o amanhã ,zoar as pessoas, e passar aventuras incríveis.Era contagioso parar em frente em um bar, e recontar o dia com paçoca na mão,era passar tristezas e mesmo assim mostrar que estávamos bem, era passar raiva juntos, e  decepções e mesmo assim nos alegrávamos .Era como viver confusões,como ter aquela paixão e sentimentos mas mesmo assim vivíamos em união.Havia discórdias,beijos e muitas farras vividas.Mas sabe? a saudade invade e todas as vezes que entro na quela sala e não vejo vocês e mais uma parte do meu coração se desfazendo e mesmo com tanta saudade e a distância eu sei que estarão ali para mim como estarei para vocês e se perguntarem qual foi a melhor coisa que me aconteceu? responderei que foram vocês. E que nunca faltara o meu amor por vocês. Com toda sinceridade do mundo Amo vocês. Jad, Lala,Larinha,Jhu,Alv,Nandin
Miriam Pimenta 
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