heroing · 6 months
@invidentius clark & lex
something  that  strikes  clark  every  time  he  enters  this  office  is  how  drafty  it  is,  with  it’s  high  ceilings  and  large  windows.  it  seems  too  big  for  the  man  usually  in  it.  though,  somehow  lex  always  manages  to  fill  the  space,  a  presence  both  large  and  quiet.  
the  man  in  question  isn’t  in  the  room  at  the  moment  but  clark  has  time.  and  more  curiosity  than  is  maybe  healthy.  which  is  how  he  finds  himself  poking  around  at  the  books  in  the  bookcase  closest  to  the  desk,  running  his  fingers  over  the  spines  as  he  reads  the  titles.  it’s  a  lot  of  names  he  doesn’t  recognize.  or  things  his  literature  teacher  keeps  trying  to  get  him  to  read.  some  of  them  look  old  enough  to  be  his  dad.  
he  idly  pulls  one  out  and  flips  through  it.  niccolo  machiavelli.  some  kind  of  philosopher  or  something,  based  on  what  he  gathers  from  his  quick  skimming.  as  he  goes,  his  flipping  slows  as  he  actually  begins  reading  the  text  in  front  of  him.  it’s  all  very…  lex.  he  finds  himself  weirdly  absorbed,  brow  furrowing  as  he  tries  to  digest  the  words.
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lovethcrn · 10 months
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✉️ ➡ @invidentius (lex luthor), i know my place, and this is it.
a small smile creeps up on her lips, as she takes coffee out of the steamer and onto the counter, facing lex. it wasn't every day, that she saw herself in the position to push his friend out of his comfort zone like he often did with her: it was a rare quid pro quo, and, since taking risks was kind of her new motto lately, lana planned on seizing the moment as much as she could. ❝ i don't know, lex, that sounds a little too much like settling to me. weren't you the one encouraging me to be the girl that lets go of the past and moves confidently into her future, the girl that leaves smallville and goes to paris? maybe, you'd have to listen to your own advice every once in a while. ❞ dimples deepen within her cheeks with that last punchline, before leading towards table four with their coffee order and returning to the station. ❝ what about smallville makes you so sure this is where you should be, indefinitely? ❞
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oftomorrow · 1 year
@invidentius ( Liam Luthor starter )
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It was one of those days. The world was too loud, too bright, too sharp all around. And Lionel was absolutely letting Liam have it. All the usual stuff -- he was meant to be better than the rest, if he kept this up he'd be a disgrace to the Luthor family, and so on, and so forth. Even though it made Liam's blood boil, he knew better than to talk back -- at best, he'd get an even longer lecture, and at worst, he'd get a few hours locked in with some kryptonite bars for company. So he just waited it out, nodding his understanding at the appropriate times, before finally getting his chance to sulk off. Maybe a run would clear his head -- he could get to California and back before anyone noticed he was gone...
Except that he couldn't think straight. The annoyance was building up, bubbling into a rage that seemed to burn behind his eyes. Wait. His eyes literally felt hot. What the...?
Liam ducked into the drawing room, rubbing at his eyes -- they were definitely warm to the touch. And the anger wouldn't subside. Then, all at once, some instinct told him to move his hands away. Just in time, as the moment he lowered them the heat behind his eyes erupted. His vision blurred into a deep red, and he gasped at the sudden discomfort. And a few moments later, he was staring at the drapes, which were now on fire.
As his vision cleared, something caught his attention -- Lex, standing in the doorway. Liam stared at him, breathing very quickly, completely unaware that his eyes were glowing an eerie red.
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screentones · 10 months
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tireironmybeloved · 1 year
starter for @invidentius
Music is pounding through the speakers, bass low enough to feel in his chest, stirring his heart into a new rhythm. There's lights painting everyone in alternating colors and shadows. It's all brilliantly, noisily alive and he doesn't have to try to think of how to fit in or watch what he says. If people here judge him for some reason, so what? Even if being in this hole in the wall, nothing of a place were to be heard about in the 'high society' bullshit circles, it wouldn't change a thing about how they treat him.
Makes things so much... Easier. Lets him breathe. Appreciate being alive again like he rarely gets to. Like he should get to. He lets it carry him through song after song until he absolutely has to get something to drink.
Sliding through the crowd up to the bar its a shock to see a figure he recognizes. Granted, not one he's gotten to actually meet personally before. He knows from personal experience not to put too much stock in the rumor mill, but it does mean him and Luthor are both on the outs of that circle in general. Which may be something worth exploring.
So fuck it, he's going for it. What's the worst that can happen? 'Oh don't think about that.'
He slides into the spot that opens up next to the guy, puts his arms on the bar, waves to the tender to get a drink, then turns to offer a smile and his hand to shake. "Hi, I'm Jason Wayne. I'm going to be awkwardly honest; I know who you are. I did come to talk to you because of it. It's got nothing to do with any of the reasons why I'm sure your parent or mine would want us to talk. I completely understand if you have no clue who the fuck I am and doubt every single word out of my mouth. How's your night going?"
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livedtough · 1 year
for the hc meme: lilac, pansy, peony, and sage (for lionel, of course.)
lilac :   what was your muse’s childhood like ? how has their upbringing affected them as they’ve aged ? 
haha. ha. haha. you're so funny. the answer is bad. his father was abusive his mother was an alcoholic and he managed to grow up to be a little bit of both. he hated them and by all accounts they hated him. even if he hadn't killed them, he would have been glad when they died. and instead of trying to not be like them, he's worse. he just wears nicer clothes.
pansy :   does your muse often reflect on their own actions ? do they ever think a lot about the past ,   and what they could have done differently ?
nope! if he does, it's how something could have turned out better for him or benefited him further. next question.
peony :   what would a   ‘  happy life  ’   look like in your muse’s eyes ?
kinda like this, but his son wouldn't be such a disappointment. maybe martha kent's there. but mostly the first part.
sage :   what is your muse’s legacy ? what do they want to be remembered for   &   what might they actually be remembered for ?
he would like it to be as the founder of luthorcorp, one of the worlds most powerful men, wealthy and influential and succesful. but i think his real legacy might be patricide.
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doyouhatetheglasses · 6 months
[ text from @invidentius ] That absolutely can't be an actual picture of you. text message prompts | accepting!
[ text; maniac in the porche ] it's not [ text; maniac in the porche ] wait what picture [ text; maniac in the porche ] what pictures [ text; maniac in the porche ] tell me mom did not break out the albums [ text; maniac in the porche ] lex [ text; maniac in the porche ] Lex please
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bloodiedcapes · 11 months
@invidentius liked for a starter!
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His brows are furrowed as he looks down to the pen and paper in hand, a slight twitch of his eye as he recalls Perry's instructions. There's been whispers of new developments at Lexcorp, and obviously he wanted their paper to have the first scoop. He could try to investigate as Superman, but something tells him either persona was going to be difficult. He'd rather try this first, though, since it wasn't entirely clear if anything really sinister was going on. With a breath, he walks forward and lets the receptionist inform Luthor of a visit from the Daily Planet.
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brutalage · 1 year
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" ARE YOU FINALLY FINISHED SPEAKING , LUTHOR , or am I going to have to SUFFER though another one of your monotonous articulations ? and , believe me , my patience & tolerance is wrought from steel . "
@invidentius asked for a hostile starter ( inbox meme ) .
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symbolhope · 1 year
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Clark   settles   on   the   question.   There   is   always   an   air   of   heaviness   when   he   thinks   on   such   a   matter.   He   wears   the   symbol   of   a   house   of   a   planet   that   no   longer   exists.   In   the   world   there   are   many   that   have   powers   and   abilities.   but   the   reality   remains   the   same.   "I'm   the   last   son   of   krypton.   Whatever   existed   of   Krypton   is   gone."  
Debree   flying   around   a   broken   core,   an   entire   planet.   He   knows   so   little   of   the   planet   and   yet   he   mourns   it   all   the   same.   "But   I   believe   there   are   more   people   with.   .   .abilities.   Just   not   the   same   as   mine."   Eyes   settle   on   Lex.   There   is   a   vulnerability   in   exposing   his   own   history   like   this.   Letting   go   of   the   secrets   of   the   past.   "And   if   I   can   find   them,   I   can   help   them."
@invidentius asked: “  are  there  more  like  you ? " ** sentence  starters  for  powered  muses.
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heroing · 5 months
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@invidentius asked: [  𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐦  ]  :  sender  has  killed  someone  who  threatened  the  receiver.  (for  clark) for you i would || not accepting
“what  have  you  done,  lex?”  it’s  the  only  thing  he  can  think  over  the  roaring  of  his  own  heart  in  his  ears.  there’s  blood  and  brain  matter  all  over  the  floor,  the  wall.  some  of  it  has  sprayed  to  lex’s  coat,  his  shoes.  the  smell  turns  clark’s  stomach  almost  as  much  as  the  visuals  and  he  has  to  fight  down  the  bile  that  rises  into  his  throat.  
the  man  on  the  ground  is  hardly  recognizable  with  half  his  head  blown  off  but  under  all  the  viscera  and  with  what  remains,  clark  can  identify  the  reporter  that  has  been  tailing  him  for  the  last  few  months.  the  reporter  that  clark  found  out  a  few  days  ago  knew  his  secret  and  planned  to  publish  the  proof.  
“you  killed  him.”  clark  strides  across  the  room  and  grabs  lex  by  the  lapels  of  his  coat,  fury  making  his  eyes  spark  red.  “why  would  you  kill  him?  we  could  have  dealt  with  this!”  
behind  the  panic  and  the  anger  lies  another  emotion  he  refuses  to  acknowledge,  refuses  to  give  even  a  passing  thought.  because  if  he  does,  he  opens  the  door  to  the  unacceptable.  to  a  path  that  leads  him  to  agreeing  with  lex’s  methods  for  dealing  with  this.  no,  he  absolutely  cannot  acknowledge  the  relief.
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lovethcrn · 1 year
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✉️ ➡ @invidentius, please don’t give up on me. promise. promise me you won’t.
compassion warms up her gaze in the face of friend's desperate pleas: lana sympathized with lex's struggle, she did. always damned to battle the angel and devil screaming on his shoulders, the person he wanted to be against the person his father primed him to be. in a way, they were twin flames, as lana had always found herself conflicted between carving her own path or wasting away in the comfortable embers the tragic first meteor shower had left behind for her in life. she could pick between purpose or a colorless white picket fence: but the darkness in her crossroads felt more dormant, and not as high-stakes as lex's. every step he took felt dangerously critical when it came to the ink mapping out how his story ended, and the fact lana was the only one left standing there witnessing it all wasn't a very encouraging sign for him. BUT ONE WAS ALL IT TOOK TO THROW A CURVEBALL AT THE ENDGAME, RIGHT?
❝ lex, i ― ❞ lana trails off, trying to find the bittersweet words stuck on her throat, ❝ i don't want to. but i can't blindly put everything out on the line for someone who's given up on themselves first. i've already done that in the past, and i can't do it again, i won't, so ― you have to promise you'll keep trying to do better. no more secrets, no more plotting to be twelve steps ahead, just ― clear and pure intentions you'll let speak for themselves in the long run. ❞ brunette slowly stretches out her hand before him, a soft, hopeful smile beginning to creep up her rosy lips, ❝ do we have a deal? ❞
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oftomorrow · 1 year
for the munday meme, 16 & 17?
munday meme ( accepting )
I'll try to keep these both relevant to Superman, which I believe I can do!
16. Favorite trope — The thing where Clark is on the ground, nearly beaten, struggling to carry on... and then he hears that his family needs him, and that gives him the strength to keep fighting. S&L has done it like five times at this point and I go feral for it every single time.
17. Least favorite trope — I've probably had this lil rant before on this blog but. I really, really don't like when Clark is treated as the disguise for Superman and nothing else. It's why I've never fully clicked with Christopher Reeve's version of the character, or with the later seasons of Tom Welling's. It makes Clark Kent feel more like a cartoon character than a real person, and that's just so boring to me. It is so, so much more interesting to explore Clark Kent as a regular guy, leading a regular life that he cares deeply about, who just so happens to also have superpowers.
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screentones · 10 months
@invidentius replied:
bizarro doesn't give him this kind of attitude
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" yeah well maybe you should spend more of your time with bizarro and not waste it on me since he's so much better- "
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knivedkills · 1 year
ღ (just for funsies~)
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
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invidentius · 6 months
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#INVIDENTIUS. independent & low-activity blog for lex luthor. mixed canon { smallville + comics } and headcanon based. crossover & oc friendly. beta editor used exclusively. 18+ only; minors will be blocked. penned by briar ( they / she, 30+ ). est. 6/18/2023. / blog graphics by @villainsrph.
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