#invite hyper-hawks lmao or just drag as many ppl as you can into this
ronanvespertine · 4 years
It’s the black kites, and yes they do drop burning twigs to spread fires they are ridiculously clever and also they steal from the bigger birds. The only ones who intimidate them are the magpie larks, who take NO shit from anything in this entire universe. A magpie lark quirk would be cool. It would mostly be confidence XD
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(Hehe, peewee.)
I've seen so much shit talk about these birds. Are they really big assholes? Why do people give them so much shit? It's the size, I bet. Anything that's small holds a large amount of angery energy. 😆
Magpie quirk! That'd be cool to see. Although, it'd probably best to just have one character with wings in BNHA. Hopefully people have made OCs with different bird quirks. That'd be amazing.
YO I JUST THOUGHT OF SOMETHING! IMAGINE IF THERE WAS A BIRD QUIRK CLUB! Like, "The Aviary", or something cliche like that. It's like some national membership thing, and members come together in their local chapters to do bird things together they usually can't do in public cause it's a bird thing. Like preening, chirping, bird dances/performances, etc. Sometimes, they'd do charity drives in their communities, or gather people to help with some environmental project. Oh, that'd be so cool. THERE'D BE A FUCKING BIRD FASHION RUNWAY! The big names are:
This peacock guy that's always bringing his best with his flashy, outrageous dresses. He's won so many times it's clear he's the favorite.
The swan couple that has these amazing matching/contrasting outfits every year. Like, they're just untouchable. You feel intimidated just looking at them because they're so intimate and private with themselves. WATER DANCES OH MY GOD
The flamingo group (a "flamboyance", apparently lmao so fucking extra) that always comes outrageously pink on the runway and they have a whole section of the show dedicated to them. They also have a cool dance together. I watch way too much Octonauts with the kids.
Dude. The Aviary has got to become a thing. Idk what kind of thing, but it's a thing. We're talking OCs, thinking of group activities, etc. This is outrageous. It's 4:34am here and yet I have committed to yet another idea lmao. This can be like a community thing, though. It'd be cool to see everyone make OCs based on birds and stuff and just make a huge bird club lmao.
Hawks would be like a honorary member, though he actually does have legit membership that he got either as a public stunt or as a joke. He just doesn't come around that often. But when he does, he has fun! I mean, just being with your people, you know? He will still NEVER chirp or preen or do any bird things he's self-conscious about, but he'll chat with people about it and maybe try doing bird dances. HAHAHAHA! Well tbh, sharing one's bird dance with others is like sharing your passion with the club. It's just really fun!
Hawks brings Tokoyami along once at some point, maybe later on in his years at UA when things have calmed down a little. Tokoyami is like "wtf" but Hawks is like "yo just go with it". It's not Tokoyami's cup of tea (he absolutely hates being likened to a bird lol) but he'll admit its fun to watch people engage in all these bird things.
Dude, I think you just started a whole new universe. 🤣 idk if this is actually gonna become a thing, but it's probably gonna show up in my fics at some point. I might even make a series. God, y'all have such good ideas or inspire me somehow so much, hahahaha! XD
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