nocturnal-dreams · 2 years
Dear Io
I already know I’ll be getting hate from this especially in my inbox but I feel like it's my time to show my side of the story. While the last time I talked to Io was in July 2021, what has happened still affects me to this day.
Most likely Io, was known as IoWriting but I can’t find their account so I assume they are gone, may try to e-kill me for this but I’m tired of being treated like a villain in this situation.
Also after this I'd like to never talk about this again. Subjects involving Io and the state I was in while around 2021.
!Some of the stuff here can be triggering: suicide, drugs, alcohol abuse, gaslighting, manipulation, sexual assault (there might be more but this is all I can think of off the top of my head)!
!I would reccomend being over 18 to read this as well since these are experiences in a lot of 18+ blogs and some very mature subjects will be brought up!
These aren’t just my experience, I have collected experience with other people with these two
Also this is in no ill intent towards either people, I hope they both get the help they need but to just bring awareness to what me (and other people) have experience due to IoWriting
This isn’t gonna be everything since well one I don’t want to get police or lawyers involved, but also while this is trying to expose Io for the harm they have caused; I also have decent respect to not say stuff without their permission.
I will also say Io uses Ae/Them pronouns :)
I’m gonna do my best here to be the voice that they have taken from others. Io you have hurt, abused, manipulated, and gaslight people to keep yourself from seeming like a hero.
This is gonna be a long post and I’m sorry for that but there is just so much that has to be included.
Also I would like to ask that Dead-Bones is kept completely out of this conversation
We’ll start with probably the one that no one is surprised about, Io has a history of abuse to people that they are close to and manipulation. While many of my conversations with Io have been deleted, there is still much much proof against Io as being very different from the person they try to appear as
Interactions with Io's former partner @moth-writes shows directly how far the abuse and power went to Io's head
(also Moth if you want me to delete this section please tell me)
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To summerize this the best I can: Io shows a lot of guiltripping and manipulating in this discord message to their former partner. Now I'm not here to speak for Moth because Moth is perfectly capable of doing that for themself but just reading this really shows the kind of person that Io is. The kind of person that Io tried to hide.
Io hid how dangerous and abuse that they could be behind a persona online and would proceed to make lies and send their army after anyone that did anything against them.
I believe personally that Moth did more for Io than was deserved. Moth had done their best to get Io help, even helping Io get out of an abuse enviroment and offering them a place to stay; but this was just another weapon against Moth to guilt trip and manipulate.
While knowing that Moth had their own problems to deal with, Io constantly put their problems onto Moth. Now I'm not gonna post everything on Moth's account here so if you want more backstory feel free to visit Moth's account (if you're over 18 please)
I believe with 100% seriousness that Io needs serious help, help that while constantly yelling at others to get, Io avoids.
Now is Moth's screenshots the entire story? No, but there will be more on that later.
Io would constantly preach about others getting help mentally but would refuse to do the same for themself. When Moth would beg Io to seek help, it was ignored. If anyone that Io didn't like had a mental issue it was Io's weapon against them. Io would constantly use my own disorder against me (BPD) as an excuse to hate me. Everytime that I felt the need to hurt myself or attempt suicide it was used as a weapon.
Now I will admit, in 2021 I had my issues as well. I was not a good person, I was not good mentally, I was not good physically. I was abusing alcohol and in and out of homes on the verge of homelessness.
I was not good, I never said I was. Have I grown as a person now in 2022, yes, I believe I'm a better person now surrounded by better people and getting perfessional help.
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I will say it again, I was an awful person in 2021, abusing anything I could get my hands on. Io had ever right to be upset with me for how I was acting but Io did not have the right to say I was lying about my experiences.
Io was aware of my experience with therapists and the abuse I've been under through multiple therapists. When someone has been constantly hurt and harassed by, of course I'm gonna be scared to go to another one. While now I'm with a good therapist before I was terrfified to be hurt again so of course I was gonna be hestitant.
If you tell a child for years that if they touch water they will drown, when they actually have to go in water they aren't gonna jump straight in. Bad example but hey it works.
I do suffer with borderline personality disorder (BPD), yes I have a disconnect to others but it doesn't mean I'm a total sociopath like Io likes to make it seem like I am.
I would post the rest of what Io said in the end message but it was just more of them yelling at me and calling me an awful person and I think that was already brought up enough.
While Io says they are begging others to get help, they constantly refuse it themself. There are serious serious issues with Io that I seriously wish they got help with but alas, they refuse to. Io abuses the power they have over people. I was planning to make this post earlier but I wanted to wait till Io was gone to say anything purely out of fear. I was terrified of Io.
Io seems to be a pathological liar. Io has claimed things against people that were just completely untrue or making a situation seem way worse than it was purely from making lies.
As some may know, I had both a sfw and a nsfw account. The nsfw account was purely an 18+ account and none of my mutuals on the sfw were to interact with that account. Issue was that Io made up complete lies with that part to make me look bad that I was having minors in nsfw spaces.
This was not true, Io showed a screenshot of a minor reacting to a post of mine that was on the sfw account which allowed minors and claimed that I was letting a minor in an nsfw space with little to no evidence.
Io also shows signs of dangerous behavior, going as far as to dox people! Moth, Io's former partner, shared much personal information about Moth on an account of over 600 people without Moth's permission, this is doxing.
Io also shows signs of obsessive behavior, blocking people just to unblock them to stalk them and block them again. By blocking someone you are setting a boundry with that person, when you abuse that blocking system that is purely disrespectful.
Io also has a history of straight up insult and dehumanizing people. Calling some of the people that don't agree with Io mentally challenged.
Look it's already well known by almost anyone that was around and following Io that Io is an attention drama slut. Io will look for any kind of drama that they can worm themself into because that's all they know. All they know is hate and they can't stand if the attention isn't on them for more than a second.
Avoiding Resposibility
Io has a repeated act of avoiding resposibility for their actions. If something happens that Io doesn't like or someone calls them out, Io will simply make a post on tumblr lying about them making a situation seem worse and pull a pity party on their account making their white knights of followers come to their rescue and harass said person the post was made about.
Io has admitted to going to therapy, do I support this? Yes absolutely, get the help you need. But Io has also admitted to straight up lying to their therapist. This is not how you get help! Therapists are there to help you and do their best to get you back to a stable mindset. By lying to your therapist you are just harming yourself more and making you look more like a victim.
Look I completely understand that something like responsibility can be overwhelming, especially online because people online are just bitches but you still have to. No one is gonna hold you hand and do everything for you, Io is an adult yet is acting like a child who didn't get their way.
A Word Of Note
Now I'm just gonna get this out of the way now, don't go harass Io. That's not what this post is about. This post is simply me wanting to put past in past.
Io if you are reading this somehow, please please get help. Stop lying to your therapist, its not gonna help you. You also cannot use your mental illness as an excuse, as someone who used to do this, it's so unhealthy and needs to stop, its purely a way to manipulate and guilt trip.
I truly do wish the best for Io and I want Io to get help, but if Io keeps refusing the help that they need, there's not much I can do.
Anyway this account is dead and I won't be replying to any asks about this situation on this account or my new account @luvlieswriting
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dead-bones · 3 years
Hey what happened to Gator?
They're gone forever, rest in peace.
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toiletwipes · 3 years
do you have a rec list for mcyt writers on tumblr? i can't remember seeing one from you, sorry if uve already done it!
mmmmm i dont have one jfdghdf, okay okay. listen here, here are some i read either the most or just regularly like the newspaper. i'll link some of my fav works from these people too so :]
@simpoot + (sickbur)
@pha5ed + (hate sex with c!techno)
@modx-afterdark + (eret & a little bit of humiliation)
@iowriting + (simpbur goes through your computer)
@dreamquackity + (suck a dick fallacy - the only dnf fic to ever)
@celestialking + (cowboy!sapnap :eyes:)
@earthtooz + (c!wilbur angst cubed)
@struggling-with-time + (inspired by honey honey by abba fic)
@dreamwvrld + (her professor techno im sorry I HAD TO)
but yeah!! all good people and all have good shit :DDDD i'll add more people when i remember to-
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modx-reborn · 3 years
Are there any other blogs or writers you'd recommend? I find it really hard to find other writers that I actually really enjoy
Sure! I have a few that I have notifs on for and go and read/re-read their stuff when I am on transport or bored.
So here are just a few you can check out!
Hysagyne - Wonderfull stuff, and their prompt lists bits are fantastic!
batwritings - one of the first blogs I started reading, always go back and read some posts when I have time.
dreamwvrld - A techno writer with absolute class, and a person I gave the simpbur rot to!
stellaricwriting - I have followed them since before they changed their name and loved everything that they have written.
toiletwipes - a dear person who busted into the anon box and wanted to share their worms and god their slow-burn simpbur fic slaps!
as-you-should-peasant - Another one that I read and long to interact with cause I love scrolling the tags and reading their stuff, but don't wanna flood the notifs with me liking their stuff.
iowriting - another I enjoy doom scrolling and re-reading all they have posted.
and those are the ones that have come to mind so far, hope any of these lovely writers can give you more of the content you enjoy!
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basilly · 3 years
Hi I have no idea if you were involved in the whole ‘Mxgatorwrites’ thing that happened but I just wanted to say that they’ve rebranded and are now called ‘iowriting’ so don’t follow them or support them or anything like that /srs
If you don’t know what happened I can explain it but I just wanted to warn you so ppl don’t support them not knowing what they’ve done :) /srs
Have a lovely rest of your day! /gen
i was not, but i did see it- but thank you for letting me know! it makes me uncomfy that they do go against some creator boundaries but i will be blocking them!
im not going further into anything, i like to stay on my drama-free side of fanfic and i dont read nsfw anyway!
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moth-writes · 3 years
If anyone is interested in actually knowing the truth of who Io actually is, heres the last convo we ever had. Shoot me a message if you want any extra info or a more in-depth side of my story, but TL;DR: Io lied and manipulated me into bringing them cross country by saying they were bring abused by their parents and would kill themself if I didnt bring them back home with me, realized they took it too far out of their comfort zone, and proceeded to blame me for their own mistakes and constant lying.
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@iowriting (has me blocked, even though they want to talk shit in DMs to people about me)
Not sure who else to tag for this, because a lot of ppl are anonymous, but yall should know who youre interacting with. A liar and manipulator who cant deal with the consequences of their own actions.
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cdelphiki · 5 years
Are you reading the sequel to Robins and other flightless birds by iowrites?
Not yet, I have it bookmarked and am waiting until it’s marked complete so I can binge it! I’m looking forward to it, though. I just love that AU.
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mushe-room · 3 years
nothing like being half drunk and iowriting music because tou har your siruation
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dead-bones · 3 years
@boobberries @iowriting @slapnap @sisnap @bunnylotl @lurkey-lurker @simpingthrash
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modx-reborn · 3 years
i might be new to the community soon, are there any people you'd recommend checking out/befriending?
Oh oh oh!
I say befriend anyone you like the content of buuuut I am very fond of these people and cannot give their work enough rereads and likes.
Dreamwvld and their NFSW blog Sinwvld, I look forward to when they post. Oh, how I long for them to get to sinning...
Grrrr.dsmp as they have the bursona rot just like me!
Angy-mouse cause I do enjoy all the little and long bits they put out!
iowriting is another good blog, immaculate writing and god I long to interact but even I get jitters about that...
Bunnylotl is another great one! I look forward to more from them tbh, I hope what they shared with me is going well
Celestialking he is a sweetheart, and I hope he does well when he starts streaming, ngl seeing someone so eager to stream reminded me of my own twitch so Thank you to him for that.
But these are just some of the people that live rent-free in my head, god I love all of their stuff.
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dead-bones · 3 years
So I know I'm not around a lot and I apologise for that but right now, we aren't talking about me. We're talking about some one who showed me it's okay to have friends online. That it's okay to trust some one so random and sometimes scary. (That's a compliment I swear.)
But this is one the greatest friends I've made and the only one who could top it might be my best friend from my main. But before this person? I refused to really make close friends.
This person is honestly one of the best you could know, so funny and sweet. So kinda and caring. And willing to fight at the drop of a hat. It's rather hard to describe some one so amazing with such basic words.
They're like a cool night in summer, walking along a wooded path with friends only to find a small lake. Fireflies having lit your way and now you have this small spot to be free. The nights that could make a movie.
And this person is also now a year older! So I want to wish @iowriting a very happy birthday, I love you so much.
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modx-reborn · 3 years
sorry if this is a weird question, but are there people you wish you were mutuals with? like people that you're either too nervous to follow or people you're hoping will follow you back one day?
Not weird at all!
I am kinda lucky that most of the people I read follow me but I would love to chat/make friends with...
IoWriting, I am thoroughly hooked on their arcadia dream fic, like no joke I am waiting for that notif to pop up on my phone.
BatWritings, they were one of the first blogs outside of Roni and moon that I was reading, I love all the things that comes across my dash.
gnfof, again one of the first few I was reading when I started to get into all of this, I still go back and read their stuff when I can.
I'm sure there will be more in the future, and I wholeheartedly long for any people that are mutuals with me to come and chatter, I am very braindead some days but I don't bite!
But yeah those are it for now.
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moth-writes · 3 years
To the person that stole my heart, Io, may your birthday be beautiful and wonderful, though I cannot be there today.
You are truly wonderful to all who meet you, striving for kindness and compassion in all that you do.
You have a beautiful way with prose in your writing, pulling the reader into the worlds that you have crafted.
You bring joy into every bit of my life, give me somrthing to look forward to for the rest of my life, I love you.
Happy birthday darling
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