#ireland is fucking wild i was NOT expecting that and the video is cool as hell
adlibitur · 2 months
time to watch all the eurovision songs
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azumasoroshi · 2 years
YOU GUYSSSSSSSSS I just watched The Sea Beast on Netflix and it is a DELIGHT
I don't even know where to start my family was like "hey soro find a good movie for us to watch" and I was like okay [only looks at animated movies]
and I saw the title of the sea beast and I was like ooh animated movie and the preview showed this GORGEOUS animation and I was like HOOOOOO and I looked it up for ratings and it had good ratings I was like FUCK YEAH
so we watched the sea beast!! and it was amazing!!!!!!
the opening sequence was already like OOOOH cuz the high contrast red of the flaming boat + the green of the waves was so fucking cool and the animation was so MMMM
I don't wanna spoil too much actually, might add a cut with spoilery stuff to this post late, but yeah animation was great
they also have a sea shanty which was a BANGER, was not expecting that but my musical theater loving sister was like WOOOOOO SURPRISE MUSICAL BABY
it's not a musical but the music is really good regardless, I also love how they had the dude play the bagpipes in that one part to start the battle out
music that takes from the setting (Ireland in this case, I'm pretty sure??) is always great, I love it when it's not generic orchestra
i'm also a sucker for sea monsters, I watched all those "top ten scariest unsolved mysteries about the ocean" videos when I was younger and would always be like OOOOOOO whenever they showed artistic representations and stuff. and as stated in the title by GOD are there some banger monsters
I do wish the main beast had a bit more flair to it because its design is rather bare bones, but I think it was based off of the lochness monster or something so maybe that's why it's not too flashy
also the humor is really good I laughed out loud a lot
and the characters!!!! again not going too in-depth but I really liked the main cast, there weren't so many that you had to struggle to remember names or anything and all of them felt important in some way
(edit: I forgot to add this but the CHARACTER DESIGN IS SO GOOD I literally said it out loud during the movie even though I usually don't notice that stuff but it was SOOOO GOOD you can tell their personalities just by looking at them it's top tier I swear)
PLUS THE SURPRISE POC?? like I didn't see any of the characters going in so I was expecting like all white mfs and maybe one token black background character but the cast was so diverse!!!! one of the main duo is a black girl!!! and I would die for sarah ngl she's SO cool
not only that but the person in the crow's nest was Asian and I was like holy shit is that a wild asian?? my homie??? my brethren??? in a movie set in IRELAND my god (I think it's Ireland but I completely forget how I came to that conclusion so don't quote me on it being ireland)
even among the crowds and super insignificant background characters there were poc and no one ever brought it up or anything and it was never justified which was so fucking cool!!!
like movie makers could have easily gone for the "it's medieval Ireland there won't be any poc" excuse and gotten away with it but NOPE
maybe I just don't watch enough media nowadays but it was just really nice to me I wasn't expecting poc at all
so yeah amazing movie 11/10 would recommend also jacob is like the poster boy for go white boy go i love him
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Fifty-Eight
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Smut and Fluff.
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
You were laying there, stunned, mouth still hanging open. He wasn’t trying to pick a fight with you, he was simply trying to assert his dominance.
“Harry…I didn’t flirt with-“
“Ah-ah, don’t need to talk about it, yeh told me enough last night.” He nestles further onto your chest, and wraps his arm around your belly. “Actually your friends ratted you out.”
“They’re your friends too.”
“True…was that the most you’ve ever come in one in go?” You smirk.
“With you? Yeah.” He props his head up and furrows his brows at you.
“And just who else has made you come more than that?”
“Myself.” You giggle. His face relaxes and he rests on your chest again.
“How many times in a row have you gotten yourself off before?”
“Think my record’s ten.”
“Ten?!” He sits up fully to look at you. You’re getting annoyed, you just want to cuddle. “Ten times in a row? Weren’t you tired???”
“Exhausted, and sore.”
“When did you do that?”
“Um, a few years ago. I never really…knew how to touch myself when I was younger, and then one night I just sort of figured it out, so I started doing it more. And one night I just kept going. The friction from my hand just felt really good. It was incredible, I could barely talk the next day because my voice was so hoarse from making myself scream.” You were one hundred percent serious, but you knew it was also torture for him to know this. “Guess I got a little greedy with myself.”
“Hm.” He swallows hard. “Challenge accepted then.”
“Not right now!”
“No, not now. At some point though. I’ll beat your best.” He smirks. “All from your hand, you didn’t even use the vibrator?”
“You’re a little wild, aren’t ya?” He kisses your smiling face.
“Maybe just a little. Now, can we just lay and hold each other, please?”
Harry chuckles and pulls you onto his chest, wrapping his arms around you. Your eyes flutter closed feeling exhausted and relaxed all at the same time.
“What’s this?” Harry asks, looking up at Isaac who just handed him a piece of paper.
“An invitation.”
“To what exactly?”
“St. Patrick’s Day party I’m having.” Harry looks him up and down.
“Isaac, you’re not Irish.”
“No, but that doesn’t mean I can’t party does it?” Harry looks down at the date on the paper.
“Listen, my best mate is actually Irish, like from Ireland, and he usually has a party. I could, um, try to stop by for a bit though since he does an all day thing.”
“Sure.” He tries to act cool. “Whatever works, just wanted you to feel included.” He smiles brightly.
“Thanks, means a lot.” Harry genuinely liked Isaac, he could see himself swinging by the party at some point. Maybe before things got too wild at Niall’s. “Wait.”
“Who else from here’s invited?” Isaac smirks at him.
“You’re a little too nice, you could be a little selective.”
“Bring Y/N with you, okay?” He shakes his head and leaves the office.
St. Patrick’s Day was a couple weeks away, he had plenty of time to decide what he wanted to do. Harry realizes that you weren’t at Niall’s party last year, or maybe you were, he honestly couldn’t remember. When he gets home from work that night he thinks to bring it up.
“What do you do for St. Patrick’s Day?”
“Oh, the girls and I go to the parade in southie. My grandparent’s old apartment is on one of the sidestreets of the parade route, so I know the best place to stand. And then I think we spent the rest of the day at a pub last year.”
“You didn’t go to Niall’s last year?”
“I was supposed to, but I got too drunk.” You laugh. “We’ll go this year, yeah?”
“Definitely.” He smiles.
“Wanna come to the parade too? It’s a lot of fun.”
“Sure!” He pauses. “Isaac is havin’ a party too. Thought maybe we could swing by when there’s a lull at Niall’s.” You raise an eyebrow at him.
“You want to spend time with people from work? I’m shocked.”
“I like Isaac, and it would be rude to not at least swing by.”
“You don’t have to convince me, I’m game.”
“He invited everyone.”
“So Mykenzie might be there…”
“You wouldn’t care?”
“Harry.” You chuckle. “I’m the one fucking you, not her. I’m really unbothered.” You get up from the island and clean your plate from dinner.
He found your confidence and trust to be so sexy. He gets up to clean his plate as well. You kiss him on the cheek, and go out to the living room, plopping down on the sofa and grabbing your laptop. You had some homework to do. Harry sits next to you and turns the TV on. You think of something funny you saw on tik tok. You position yourself so your back is resting against the arm of the sofa. You position your phone, and start filming him. You sigh heavily. Harry whips his head to look at you.
“What’s wrong baby?”
“Nothing, just don’t feel doing my homework.”
He closes your laptop, and moves it away. He crawls on top of you, making you giggle. You stop recording. You scratch the top of his head and give it a kiss.
“That was cute.”
“Watch.” He turns his head to your phone.
“You were filmin’ me?”
“Mhm, watch, you’re so cute. Can I post this?” He sighs.
“I suppose. Did the other one get any likes?”
“You know, I haven’t checked. I’ve not been on the app.” You open it up and gasp. “Ten thousand! Popular trend.” You furrow your brows. “Look at all the comments!”
“He’s so hot, hot bf, looks like he was expecting you, those hands omfg.” He starts laughing.
“Definitely posting this one.” You upload the video and all the hashtags.
You both get cozy and watch the short videos together. Some making the both of you laugh and some that had you both rolling your eyes.
“Did you ever have vine?” You ask him.
“For a short bit, didn’t use it much though. Did you?”
“Oh yeah, I used it all the time. I’d stay up super late in school by accident watching videos. I’d laugh so hard I’d cry most nights.” You giggle. “Sometimes I’ll watch compilations on YouTube. I was genuinely crushed when they announced the app was cancelled.”
“Did you make a lot of videos?”
“Sure! Nothing ever this popular though. It’s a really fun and creative outlet.”
“Glad I could help yeh get some followers.” He grins.
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Bet this’ll get thousands too. After all, I’m pretty hot.” You shake your head at him.
“Okay, I actually need to get my homework done now, get off.”
“I see, just use me for gains on the internet.” He fakes pouts.
“Now you’re getting it.” You both laugh.
On the morning of St. Patrick’s Day, you dig out your green crop top sweater, and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans. You put curls in your hair, and find your green Celtics hat. You knew it would be chilly. Harry throws on black jeans and the Celtics sweatshirt you had bought him specifically for today because you didn’t want someone murdering him while he wore his Packers sweatshirt. Your midriff was showing just enough that you could see your naval piercing.
“You look cute, baby.” He says, kissing you on the cheek.
“Thank you.” You look at your watch. “We gotta head to the T to meet everyone soon.”
You head to the T and go the few stops you need to meet the girls, and then you uber the rest of the way to where your grandparents used to live. You point out the apartment to Harry. You get teary eyed, but shake it away as you walk down the street to stand on the sidewalk. You were happy you thought to wear a coat over your sweater because it was a tad windy. You stand in front of Harry, and he wraps both arms around your shoulders, resting his chin on the top of your head. Sarah takes a picture of the two of you.
“Harry, Mariah’s coming to Niall’s party later.” Rachel tells him.
“That’s great! We’re gonna see her at another friend’s party in a bit.”
“She mentioned you were going to swing by where she was. Isaac’s right?”
“Mhm. So you two have hung out a couple times then?”
“Yeah, we’ve gone to a movie here and there, dinner.” She smiles. “I like her.”
“She likes you too.”
The parade starts, and it’s as much fun as it always is. You all clap as the floats go by. You catch a ton of green beads that are flung at you, and you put one around Harry’s neck. After the parade you all head to Niall’s. He didn’t like parades. He was also busy getting his apartment ready for the day and night ahead.
“Hey everyone!” He kisses Sarah. “Thanks for lettin’ everyone up.” He kisses her again.
“Course.” She says with a smile.
“Right, well, I got the boiled dinner goin’, fridge is stocked with beer, got the bar set up too. And there’s lots of other snacks around.”
“It looks great in here, Niall.” You put your hand on his shoulder. You take your jacket off and hang it up.
“When are you guys goin’ t’Isaac’s?”
“Later this afternoon, just swingin’ by quick.” Harry explains. “Let’s have a pint, yeah?”
Harry and Niall both crack open a cold Guinness, and pour them into glasses. As you had gotten older you realized day drinking was way more fun than staying out for hours on end. You and the girls stick with vodka tonics for the time being. The three of you take cute pictures together.
“Oh! Let’s all kiss Niall on the cheek!” Sarah says. “Get it, cause he’s Irish?” She giggles.
“Good idea!” Rachel says. “It’ll be like Charlie’s Angels. Harry, come take our picture.”
“What are we doin’?” Niall asks. Everyone was starting to get slightly buzzed.
“We’re all going to kiss you on the cheek.” Sarah explains. “Hm, how can we get all three of us in here?”
“We should get all of us.” You say. “Harry can kiss the top of his head.”
“No way, Harry gets a cheek.”
“Let’s just each take a turn, and then we’ll get a couple of us on either side, I think that would look cute, but I’m the only when that gets those lips.” Sarah looks at Harry.
“What are yeh lookin’ at me for?”
“I’ve seen the Polaroids.”
“Jesus, fuck Niall.”
“What Polaroids?” You ask.
“Don’t worry about it.” Niall says. “Just take your pictures.”
You take a picture of Niall and Sarah kissing, and everyone awws. Next you and Rachel go on either side of him. You squeeze his cheeks between your thumb and forefinger, and you and Rachel kiss each of his cheeks, leaving lipstick behind. Harry’s jaw tenses when he watches you and Niall giggle. Had you kissed him before? It was only the cheek, but still.
“Alright, my turn.” Harry says grinning. “Gonna be a nice wet one too, c’mere.”
“Please, no, ahhhh gross!” Harry presses his tongue to Niall’s cheek just as you take the picture and everyone laughs. “You’re disgustin’.” Niall wipes his cheek off with the back of his palm.
“Harry we should go before we get too drunk.” You say grabbing your coat.
“Good thinkin’. Be back in a bit.”
You both wave to the group and leave. You knew the apartment would be filled with people when you got back, so you were happy to have the time to pregame together. You uber to Isaac’s apartment. It’s a quaint neighborhood. You and Harry had brought a case of beer with you to give to him. He holds your hand tight, he was a little nervous seeing so many people outside of work for the first time. He rings the buzzer and you’re both let up.
“Harry, you made it!” Isaac gives him a hug. “Hi Y/N.” He smiles.
“Hi Isaac! Here we brought this for you.” You hand him the case of beer.
“Thanks! Definitely going to need a lot of this today. C’mon in. I can take your coats.”
“Thanks.” You smile back. You and Harry hand him your coats.
There were plenty of people here already. Harry keeps his arm hooked around your waist. It was clear you were not to leave his side the entire time you were here. Which was perfectly fine with you. These are the moments you didn’t mind he was clingy. You both still had a good buzz going.
“There’s a keg in the living room, help yourselves.” You both walk further into the living area.
Julia and Dana are standing together near the keg. Ah yes, underage drinking, how fun for them. Their jaws drop when they see Harry, and they drop further when they see you, his pretty girlfriend. They weren’t expecting to see you almost sort of dressed like them. You pulled off the crop top look quite well.
“Hi girls.” You say to them smiling, grabbing two solo cups. You had hoped Julia crapped herself when she saw you, and by the way her cheeks flushed, maybe she had.
“I got it.” Harry says, tapping the keg and filling the cups. Julia bites the top of her cup. “Don’t worry, I won’t tattle on yeh.” She blushes. “I was in college once too.” He winks at them.
“We’re surprised to see you here.” Dana says.
“Why? Awfully rude to decline an invitation.”
Harry hands you your cup and puts his arm back around your waist. Julia has her eyes glued to you. Did you know about what happened? Of course you did, why wouldn’t Harry tell you?
“Well, we’re happy to see you, right Jules?”
“Yeah, super happy.”
“Surprised you two are at such an adult party.” He says.
“We have somewhere else to be later. Just here to pregame.” Dana explains.
“Myk’s here too.” Julia blurts out.
“And Paige, and Mariah.” Harry nods.
“Myk brought her boyfriend too, H.” Dana says, nodding over to where they were standing and talking.
“Oh, good for her. Babe, let’s go find Mariah, yeah?”
“Alright. Nice to see you two again.” You smile at them as you walk away with Harry, his grip tightening on you.
“Babe, ugh, gag me.” Julia says quietly.
“How could you not be over him after everything that happened?”
“Because…look at him! He’s so fucking gorgeous, it’s not fair.” She sighs.
You and Harry find Mariah and say hello.
“Hey guys! Think I’ll leave when you do, Rachel invited me to your friend’s party.”
“Sounds good, yeah, she told us.” Harry smiles.
“You got your nose pierced! When can you put the hoop in?”
“Just a few more weeks, I’m itching to change it out.”
“I promise, you’ll be happy you did it this way. Makes it a lot easier to change them in and out.” You nod and take a sip of your beer. Isaac comes over to your little group.
“Everyone good?”
“Isaac, you are the perfect host.” Mariah says putting a hand on his shoulder.
“I do what I can.”
“Do you have a roommate, or do you live here alone?” Harry asks.
“With a roomie, he’s over there.” He points. “Some of his friends are here too.” You look around and see a few flamboyant looking people and smile. A couple of them walk over.
“Oo, girl, I don’t know you, but I have to tell you, this look, you are serving mama.” You giggle.
“Thanks! This sweater used to be longer, but I cut it up myself.” You get into conversation with the boys.
Harry feels more comfortable now, so he lets you go. He knew you were social and outgoing, he didn’t want to hinder you. Mykenzie and her boyfriend come over.
“Never thought I’d see you at one of these things.” She huffs.
“You can thank yourself for that.” She rolls her eyes at him and his jaw tenses. He’d slap her if he could, but she’d probably like it so what’s the use?
“Anyways, this is Brian, my boyfriend. Brian, this is Harry. He takes pictures for our studio.”
“Nice to meet you.” He smiles at Harry and shakes his hand. You catch the awkward exchange out of the corner of your eye.
Brian didn’t look anything like Harry. He had blonde hair and brown eyes, an odd combination. No apparent tattoos. You wondered how long they had been dating.
“So, where’s your girl?” She asks.
“Right there, making pleasant conversation.” He points to you. You smile at him and excuse yourself from your conversation, and go over to him. He kisses the top of your head through your hat. He snakes his arm back around your waist. “This is Y/N.”
“Hi, I’m Brian.”
“Hi.” You smile and shake his hand. “Nice to see you again.” You say to Mykenzie.”
“Yeah.” She says with a fake smile.
“Need another drink, Myk?” Brian asks her.
“Yeah, actually.” She smiles as he walks away.
“Need to use the loo, Mariah, know where it is?” Harry asks her.
“Yeah, follow me.” Mykenzie crosses her arms when she’s left with you.
“So…you two still doing well, then?”
“Mhm, really well.” She looks you up and down. “Cute outfit, very festive.”
“Thanks.” You smile.
“You’re younger than him, right?”
“Um, only by a year and a half.”
“Well…I just always thought he liked be the younger one.” You furrow your brows.
“Why, how old are you?”
“Just turned thirty this year.”
“That’s only a four year age difference.”
“Wow, you are smart.” Her voice littered with sarcasm. You roll your eyes at her. “Careful, he doesn’t like that very much.” Your mouth forms into a straight line. She was trying to make you mad, but this bitch really didn’t know who she was fucking with. You cross your arms and smirk.
“He likes it a lot, actually. Begs me to do it.” Her eyebrows raise. She’s never known Harry to beg for anything.
“That so?”
“Oh yeah. In fact, he begs me for a lot of things. You should see the look on his face when I tell him to wait, it’s priceless.” You take a coy sip of your drink. “But I don’t need to tell you, I’m sure you remember lots of things like that about him. Things I’m sure you’d love to throw in my face. But I’m sure that nice man over there getting you a drink wouldn’t appreciate hearing any of it, would he?”
“You think you’re a tough bitch, don’t you?”
“Oh, you poor, sweet, idiot. I don’t just think it, I know it. You think I have any reason to be afraid of you? Intimidated by you? You’re the last person I would ever be threatened by.”
Harry and Mariah return at the same as Brian does. He hands Mykenzie her drink.
“Thanks.” She says to him, her cheeks hot. Harry snakes his arm back around you.
“Alright?” He asks you, not having realized just who he left you alone with.
“Oh sure, we had a nice chat.” She rolls her eyes at you as she takes a sip of her drink. You feel Harry’s hand squeeze your hip.
So this is where it came from. No wonder he hated when you did it. It must remind him of her every single time you roll your eyes, whether it’s playful or not. The thing you weren’t sure of though was if he really truly hated it, or if the defiance of it turned him on so much it sent him into another state.
“Bought ready to go? I’d like to head back to Niall’s soon…”
“Sure! Yeah, lemme just find Isaac, gotta make the rounds and all that.” You nod.
“Nice seeing you again, and it was so nice to meet you Brian, you have a really great girl here.”
Your sarcasm isn’t lost on Harry. He knew whatever you two talked about wasn’t good. You and Mariah follow Harry around. He gives Isaac a hug goodbye. He waves to Dana and Julia, and then turns to the two of you.
“Ready ladies?” You both nod, and head out to your uber.
You get up inside Niall’s, and there were a ton of people there just like you knew there would be. Once you get settled, Harry pulls you down the hall where there were less people.
“What’s up?”
“Did Myk say anything weird to you?”
“Weird? No.” You smirk. “She wanted to start something with me, but I put her in her place.”
“Okay, but what did she-“
“Don’t worry about it. S’not important. C’mon, there’s a party, let’s drink.”
You go out to find Sarah and Rachel. Rachel was talking with Mariah. They both looked excited to see each other. You decide to leave them alone. You find Sarah by the makeshift bar Niall had put together.
“Shots?” She asks.
She slices up a lime and hands you the salt as she gets two shot glasses. Harry watched the entire thing. How you slowly lick the back of your hand to get the salt on there, and how you lick at it again before you tip your head back. He watches you sink your teeth into the juicy lime and suck everything out of it, juice rolling down your chin. You use the back of your hand to wipe yourself off. You and Sarah giggle as she makes you both a margarita. Your third type of alcohol for today.
“You’re back!” Niall slaps Harry’s back.
“I wish Lou was here…” Harry pouts.
“I know, he just couldn’t make it to this one. Think he had Freddie this weekend.”
“Can’t blame him for that.” He sighs.
“C’mon, let’s have a drink.”
Harry and Niall go into the fridge and they each crack open a beer. You sip your margarita happily as you chat with Sarah. You knew you were going to get hammered, but you needed to nurse your drinks so you wouldn't throw up. You looked over at Harry, who looked absolutely delicious in your now hazy eyes. You wanted his cock in your mouth, and you wanted it now. He looks over at you and does a double take. He instantly recognized the look on your face as he met your gaze.
“Shit.” He says under his breath.
“What?” Niall asks innocently.
“Hm, oh, nothin’.” Harry smiles awkwardly. Niall looks over at you, and he can see the look on your face too as Sarah absentmindedly talks your ear off.
“Look, if you’re gonna do that again here, could ya clean up? Yeh left the guest bath a mess, and Eleanor thought I was a slob.”
“What? How? How do you know-?”
“Was painfully obvious. You both disappeared.”
“You don’t care?”
“Why the fuck would I?” He shrugs and then grins. “When yeh finally have that house warmin’ don’t be surprised if I fuck Sarah in some random room as payback.” They both laugh and walk over to you and Sarah.
Niall distracts Sarah with a kiss while Harry yanks you down the hall, and into the guest bath, locking both doors like you had done on New Year’s.
“How’d you know?” You breathe against his neck.
“I’d know that look anywhere.” You get on your knees and start undoing his belt and pants.
“Just want it in my mouth, you can fuck me when we get home later, yeah?” He nods.
You tug his jeans down just enough, and take his cock out of his boxers. You don’t even pump him first, you just wrap your mouth right around him, and moan. He grips the counter behind him, watching your eyes flutter closed as you swirl your tongue around him.
“Fuck.” He groans.
Your hands were secure on his hips while you bobbed your head up and down him slowly, trying to take as much of his as you could. He pushes his hips forward slightly and you gag on him as he hits the back of your throat. You come off him for a second just catch your breath.
“Sorry, angel. Got excited.” He breathes.
You’re back on him instantly, and you moan at the salty tastes as your tongue slides over his leaking slit. You hear him let out a breathless moan. You take him deep, and suck on him hard until you have him panting.
“Gonna come.” He moans, and it’s music to your ears. “Y/N, gonna fill that pretty mouth up.”
You groan against him. You had to be soaked through, but you’d deal with that later. You feel his come shoot into your mouth and you take it all. You slide off him and swallow every last drop. You stand up and rinse your mouth out quick while he pulls his pants back up. He rubs your back for a moment while you catch your breath.
“Sure I can’t do anythin’ for yeh, love?” You smile and kiss his cheek.
“You just did. S’all I wanted. Just wanted to, hic, taste you.” You were drunk, this you were sure of. You hear some Nicki Minaj song come on. Damn the music was loud. “Shit, I love this song.”
You practically race out of the bathroom, and guest room with Harry not too far behind. You find Rachel and Sarah and the three of you start dancing. Harry’s face was absolutely flushed. Mariah comes over to him.
“Dontcha wanna dance with ‘em?”
“Nah, I’m fine watching the show.” She looks at him. “You okay? Your cheeks are really red.”
“Just the alcohol, love.” She smirks at him.
“Sure it is.”
“Oh shut up.” He nudges her. “How are things with Rach?”
“Good! Think we’re going to hang out later in the week.”
“Can I ask a personal question?”
“Have yeh kissed or anythin’?”
“Yes.” She giggles. “The other day, but that’s all we’ve done. She said she moved too fast with the last person she was with and just wanted to take things slow for a while. Which I’m perfectly fine with. No need to rush.”
“Right.” He nods, and looks back at you dance with your friends.
“They really know how to move, huh?”
“Oh, you have no idea. You should see them at a club. They’re crazy.”
“Especially Y/N.”
“Keep your eyes on your own girl.” She nudges him. “Kidding.”
“No you’re not.” She snorts. “You’re a possessive guy Harry. You’re possessive with your equipment, your shoots, and the people in your life. You barely let her go at Isaac’s.”
“That was due to nerves. Bad enough I left her alone with Myk.”
“Why did you sleep with her anyways?”
“I was younger and stupid. Thought she’d be a quick and easy fuck, and she was, until it continued…for far too long. Least she has a boyfriend now, she bothers me way less.”
“I swear she’d pounce at the chance to fuck you with the way she looks at you sometimes in our staff meetings.” She laughs.
“Any one of them would, I’m afraid.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Am I that good looking? Honestly?”
“Harry, I’m a very gay woman…but honestly…I’d take a ride.” She smirks and they both burst out laughing.
You eventually get Harry to come dance against you when Niall joins Sarah. Mariah eventually joins Rachel, but the two opt to sit on the couch together to chat. You grind your butt up against Harry’s pelvis in time with the music. Niall had put a great playlist together.  
“Hey, we’re gonna go.” Rachel says putting her coat on. “Mariah said she’d help me get home.”
“Oh!” You practically lunge at her with hug. “Let me know when you get back!”
“Okay! Thanks for everything Niall.”
“Glad yeh could make it.” He slurs.
“See you Monday, H.” Mariah gives Harry and you a hug. “Good to see you Y/N.”
“Same to you, bye!” You watch them leave. “They are so cute!” You kiss Harry on the cheek. “Good job.”
Harry had you up over his shoulder when it was time to go. You had drank so much with Sarah that you could barely walk. You were still singing along to whatever music was playing while Harry carried you around to say his goodnights. Sarah was about to pass out when she gave Harry a loose hug.
“Night mate, thanks again.”
“Night! Safe travels.” He chuckles.
“Niall!” You yell from behind Harry. He walks around and bends down to meet your face. “Lemme smoosh that little face.” You grab his cheeks. “I had so much fun today, you throw the bessssst parties, I love you.”
“I love you too.” He giggles and you let go of him. He kisses your forehead making you giggle.
“Alright, I’m takin’ her home before you two start makin’ out behind me.” Harry huffs.
“Chill, not where my lips wanna be.” He nods towards Sarah.
Harry walks out with you still over his shoulder. You didn’t mind being carried by him until you realize Michael would be at the desk when you got back.
“Harry put me down! I don’t want anyone in the lobby to see me like this.”
“You can barely walk.”
“Gimme a piggyback ride then.” You smack his butt as he crosses the street.
“I’ll do it again!” You smack his butt again.
“Jesus!” He sets you down and crouches in front of you so you can get on his back. “Alright?”
“Mhm, much better.” You rest your chin on his shoulder as he hooks his arms under legs, and stands effortlessly. “You’re so strong, baby.”
“I know.” He sighs as he enters the building. Luckily there were other drunk people stumbling in.
Michael looks up and smiles at the two of you, you wave to him.
“Can we say hi to Michael, pleasseeeee, poor thing didn’t get to enjoy the holiday.” Harry sighs again but does as you ask. He knew you’d keep whining if he didn’t. “Hi Michael.”
“Hi Miss Y/L/N, Mr. Styles.” He smiles. “Have a nice St. Patrick’s Day?”
“The best! Did you get to enjoy it at all?”
“I did! Just came in a couple hours ago actually. Opted for the night shift so I could hang out with friends earlier.”
“That’s nice. We were with friends all day. Our best friend lives across the street.”
“That’s nice.” You smile big at him.
“Right, well, we’re gonna head up now.”
“Goodnight.” He smiles as you wave.
Harry gets you two into the elevator, you still secure on his back.
“Michael is so nice, Harry.”
“I know.”
“How come you’re not drunk?”
“I am.”
“You’re not acting like it.”
“I started drinking water over an hour ago, unlike some people.” The elevator door opens and he makes his way with you down the hall and into your apartment.
“Didn’t want any.”
“Well, you’re going to drink some now.” He brings you right into the kitchen and sets you down on top of the island. He unzips your jacket for you and you shimmy it off while he fills a glass of water for you. “Let’s go, slow sips.” You shake your head no. “I’m not kiddin’, c’mon.”
“I wanna dance some more.”
“I dare you to try and stand on your own two feet right now.”
“Fine.” You hop off the counter and immediately lose your balance, landing on your butt. You start laughing. Harry sits down next to you, leaning against the island.
“Please, drink the water. You’re gonna have a massive headache tomorrow if you don’t.”
“It’s already tomorrow.” You take your temple knowingly.
“Y/N, for the love of god, drink the fuckin’ water.”
“Why are you getting mad at me?” You pout.
“M’not.” He sighs.
“You swore at me, you’re mad. And I was so nice to you earlier, I let you come in my mouth.”
“Yes, you did.”
“So be nice to me.”
“I’m tryin’.”
“Ask me nicely, Harry.”
“Y/N, would you please drink this water?”
“Fine.” You snatch it from him and take slow sips. Your eyes feel droopy, and you lean your head back against the island.
“Can’t fall asleep, love.”
“M’not.” You take more sips of the water.
You eventually hand him the glass of water, and you climb your way up to your feet. You close your eyes and then open them again. The room felt like it was spinning.
“I have the spins, fuck.” You clutch at the counter.
“Are you gonna throw?”
“I…I don’t know, help me get to the bedroom, please, I’ll lay on the rug.” Harry picks you up and carries you to the bedroom. You start giggling.
“What’s so funny?”
“You’re like my prince, no, you’re better than a prince. You’re like a knight in shining armor.” You nuzzle into his chest as he sits you on the bed.
“Let’s getcha outa these clothes, hm?” You nod.
You lift your arms up so he can take your sweater off. He reaches around you to unhook your bra, effortless as usual.
“You’re too good at that.” You say as it drops to the floor.
“Lots of practice, I’m afraid. Stand up.” You use use shoulders to steady you as he takes your pants and underwear off.
“Can I wear that t-shirt to bed? You know that one I really like?”
“My uni T?”
“Mhm, please, I really wanna wear it.”
Harry rummages through his dresser for the shirt, and helps you put it on. It hugs around your thighs.
“Makes me feel like I’m one of your college hookups.” You giggle.
“And you like that?”
“S’fun to play pretend sometimes.”
“You’re killin’ me.” He shakes his head. “C’mon, you’ll be pissed if you don’t wash your face.”
He gets you into the bathroom, and grabs one of your scrunchies to put your hair up with. He runs the water and grabs a washcloth. He gets your makeup off. Your eyes flutter closes as he does so. He washes his hands before lathering them up with your face wash. It was like you were getting a facial. After thirty seconds he wipes it all off with the cloth. Next you each manage to brush your teeth.
“I need t’pee.”
“Alright, let me help you to the toilet.”
“I don’t want you to watch me pee!”
“You could easily pass out on that toilet. I’ve been in the bathroom with you plenty of times while you’ve wee’d, I’ll turn around.” You nod.
You sit down to pee, wipe yourself, and flush. He turns back around and helps you up. You wash your hands quick.
“Stay right there, now I need t’wee.” He does so quickly. You look up and away. You hear him zip up his pants and then suddenly you’re being lifted. “Still have the spins?”
“No, but I’m sure the second I lay down I will.” You chuckle against his neck. “Thank you for taking such good care of me.”
“Course. You’d do the same.” He lays you down on your stomach.
“I really would.” He strips himself of his clothes and climbs in next to you. You turn your head slightly to face him.
“Hey, um…” He rolls over onto his side to face you. “How come you wanted to squish Niall’s face before we left?”
“I wanted to do what? Ugh, fuck. Yeah, I need to sleep on the floor, I feel like I’m swimming.”
You grab your pillow and throw it to the floor. You drag half the blankets with you as you make it to the floor. Harry crawls to the edge of the bed to look at you. You curl up and sigh.
“Better?” He asks.
“Alright make room.”
“No, stay on the bed. What if your back hurts?”
“I won’t be able to sleep with you…” It’s a shameless admission, but he’s still sort of embarrassed.
Harry grabs his pillows, and the comforter, and joins you on the floor. He wraps his arms around you and you back up into him. You prayed you wouldn’t need to throw up. You felt less spinney being on the floor, so that was a good sign. You feel yourself drift off to sleep slowly, and thankful that tomorrow was not a work day.
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niall-is-my-dream · 5 years
Songbird - Part One
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“When Erin decides to perform one of her favourite songs at a bar, she didn’t expect one of the singers, Niall Horan, to be in the audience. What started as an appreciation for her cover quickly turns into more than either bargained for.”
(Previously known as Fools Gold, this fic has been edited, reworked and finally finished!)
Thanks to @angryniall for being an amazing beta!
As always let me know what you think.
Em x
3065 words
Niall's POV
You really hadn't wanted to go out last Friday night, you'd barely gotten over your jet lag and would have preferred to lie on the sofa watching golf. However the lads said it was going to be a quiet one, at a place with live music and that they weren't going to be late back.
You were immediately pleased with your decision to go out when this absolutely beautiful girl stepped out on stage and started singing. When she reached her final song you couldn't believe it when she sat with her guitar and sung Fools Gold. A song you'd helped write and had performed on your recent tour. You quickly started filming her, she played it well.
God was there anything better than seeing an absolutely stunning girl sitting with just a guitar and singing one of your songs.
You'd clapped when she had finished, watching her pack away her guitar, before walking off towards the bar, talking to a few people along the way. She stopped by a lad at the bar and he brought her a pint of Guinness.
She was perfect.
Was that lad her boyfriend?
She hadn't kissed him when she greeted him and she'd not sat down with him. Instead she was sat next to another couple.
"Hey Nialler, it's rude to stare!" Deo had said laughing.
"What?! Wasn't staring at anything, just looking around." You'd replied.
"She sang your song well didn't she?" Willie had said, when he realised where you'd been looking.
"Yeah, really well, was going to send it to the lads."
"Maybe go over and ask her permission before you do that?"
"Yeah, maybe." You'd nervously replied.
"Have another drink for courage mate!" He'd laughed.
And you had.
Then ten minutes later when she'd gone back to the bar, you'd looked over catching her friends eye and decided to go talk to her.
She was even better in person. Her beautiful blue eyes sparkled when she spoke. You couldn't believe it when she said she'd been to your London gig, and that she liked it. She was a fan but not a crazy stalker one who waits outside tv studios for you, she was a fan who listened to your music, really listened and then learnt how to play it.
Now you were sat here, phone in hand having just received the lads response to the video recording of her singing Fools Gold. They'd loved it and said she was brilliant.
You wanted to message her, but nerves had engulfed you. It had been 5 days since you'd seen her. Had you left it too long to message? You did say you'd message once you'd heard from them all.
God why was this so hard?
You'd messaged girls before. But there was something about Erin, you hadn't stopped thinking about her.
After writing and deleting a message about ten times, you settled on keeping it simple.
"Hi Erin, the boys loved seeing the video I sent them. Hope you're ok and work isn't too busy. Niall x"
Was the kiss at the end too much?
Placing your phone next to you on the sofa and letting out a massive sigh, you browsed through the sports channels. A long and tense hour later and your phone vibrated beside you.
"Hi Niall, it's good to hear from you, glad they liked it and didn't think I was an idiot! Work isn't too busy actually, doing a few night shifts right up until Xmas eve. Hope you're enjoying your time off. Erin x"
She had put a kiss at the end. You smiled at the sight of it.
Not wanting to sound too eager to maybe spend some time with her, but not being able to help being direct, you replied with.
"Are you working over Xmas? I'm off now for a few weeks until end of January. Going home to ireland on the 23rd till the 28th. Looking forward to eating loads of my mother's cooking! X"
"Nothing better than your mother's cooking is there? I'm in on Xmas eve on the night shift till 7am then I'll go to my parents and sleep off the shift and probably stuff my face with my mother's Xmas dinner. Back in 7am on the 28th."
You let out a laugh at her reply.
"Ha! Stuff your face! Think I'll be the same, my mother always cooks like there's 50 people coming when in reality it's normally about 10 of us. Where do your parents live?"
"Not far only in Bishops Stortford in Hertfordshire. My dad will drive and pick me up as I don't have a car, don't find I need one much."
"I sold my car a while ago as I just wasn't using it, I've just been away for 7 weeks so it would have just sat unused that whole time. I tend to use the tube or borrow my cousins car who I live with."
"The tube?! That's brave! Do girls follow you around when they spot you?"
"Not really recognised much, you know what people are like on the tube they don't even look at each other!"
"Ha! I suppose! I just get on and look at my phone then hear my stop and get off."
"Londoners aren't exactly the most social on the tube!"
"No they're not! So you live with your cousin then?"
"Yeah, he moved to London around the same time I did so we decided to live together. He's one of my best friends so we spend a lot of time together. Makes sense that we live together any way, he can keep an eye on the place when I'm not here. Do you live with anyone?"
Did she have a boyfriend? You weren't sure you were ready to ask her outright yet.
"No, just moved out from a house share to a place of my own, managed to buy a place. Just a little one bed flat, but its good to be on my own. Hated sharing with my friends, they're so fucking noisy! I'm loving the peace and quiet."
"Congrats on getting your own place. Luckily my cousin is pretty quiet. No wild parties here!"
"Sure there isnt! I'm sorry Niall but I've got to go to work now, got to go deliver some babies! Maybe chat again? X"
"That's ok Petal, you go deliver those babies! And yes, I would love to chat again, message me soon xxxx"
You sat back further on the sofa, placing your phone beside you again. Had you sounded a bit desperate with your last message? Was 4 kisses at the end too much?
Oh god what had got into you!
"You ok Niall?" Willie asked, as he walked into the living room.
"Yeah, just text that girl from Friday."
"Oh yeah, what did you say?"
"Just chatted a bit, she's got to go to work now, night shift at a hospital." You said with a sigh.
"Sounds like you like her?!" He smirked.
"I do, she's different from other girls, don't know how. Just something about her."
"She got a boyfriend?"
"Don't know I didn't ask, didn't want to seem pushy. She said she'd message me soon when she's not working, I'll ask her then."
You both sat and chatted with each other for a bit, having a couple of beers before you both went to bed.
The next morning you woke up to a message.
"Hey Niall I hope this message doesn't wake you up, downside of a 1am break! Was really great talking to you earlier, sorry I had to cut it short and head to work. Hope we can talk again soon. Erin Xxxx"
A smile spread across your face, you looked at your clock it was 7:30am not normally a time you'd be up but jetlag had messed with your sleep schedule. She'd be on her way home now you thought.
"Was great to wake up to your message, hope you had a good night at work. Text when you wake up later would love to talk more xxxx"
You couldn't wait till later.
Erin's POV
You smiled as you sat on the tube home, reading Niall's message. You'd replied straight away.
"Work was hectic lots of babies! Can't wait to sleep, will message later, have a good day xxxx"
You had managed to get through the night shift at work without daydreaming of Niall. You'd not mentioned your texts to anyone, especially not Kathy. She was the one you'd been to the concert with. Her daughter Lyla was a massive fan, so she had brought 4 tickets and invited you and one of Lyla's school friends to go. If she knew you'd met him, and had been texting him she would freak out. She was a good friend, but you weren't ready to share this secret with anyone just yet.
You climbed into bed at 8am and set your alarm for 3pm. You were on another night shift tonight so you knew you'd need at least 7 hours sleep in preparation for another 12 hour night.
Your shifts weren't too bad. You normally did two 12 hour night shifts a week and two 8 hour day ones. You'd picked up a few extra longer shifts the last two weeks, as you'd got a few days off over Christmas, so wanted to help out before hand.
You fell asleep almost instantly, thoughts of Niall swimming in your head.
Your alarm woke you from your slumber. Your first thought was Niall. When you'd had been texting yesterday before work the conversation had been easy. You text him straight away, hoping you'd be able to chat before you went into work later.
"Hey I'm awake now if you're free to chat? X"
He replied within minutes.
"Afternoon Erin. You sleep well? X"
"Yeah, not too bad. Got 7 hours. Just about to get some food. Got to leave by 6pm to get to work again."
"Ah that sucks, was hoping we could hang out sometime before I go back to Ireland. I'm busy tomorrow and then I'm flying the day after that. Unless you have a boyfriend and can't?"
He's asking about a boyfriend.
Do not freak out!
"Yeah I'm sorry, I'm now regretting signing up for extra shifts! Maybe when you're back? And no I don't have a boyfriend."
"Definitely, there's always texting and maybe face time over Xmas?"
Oh my god!
He wants to face time.
Be cool!
"I'd like that. How was your day?"
"Did some last minute shopping and then wrapped some of it. Have left it till the last minute again!"
"Well you have been busy touring! Bet the shops were packed!"
"They were and I got spotted a few times which delayed it. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind having pictures with fans, but I just wanted to get in and get out today! Currently lounging on the sofa again!"
Then he sent an absolutely gorgeous selfie of himself lying on his sofa. He looked unreal. You could feel your body heating up from just that one photo.
"God that sofa looks comfy!" You replied cheekily.
"It is, just a shame you have to go to work. There's a space here for you next to me."
Your heart was beating so fast in your chest at this point that you thought it might explode.
"Hey! don't tease!"
You were thoroughly enjoying this carefree flirting you had going on.
"Ha! Sorry! What you cooking then?"
"Oh it's very exciting!" You replied as you took a picture of your stir fry.
"Looks good. You'll have to let me come over and cook for you some time. X"
"That's a deal! X"
The text messages just kept bouncing back and forth, until you were putting your stuff in your locker at work. You took a selfie of yourself in your scrubs and sent it to him.
"Got to go now, babies to deliver. X"
"Never seen anyone look so sexy in scrubs before! X"
"Piss take! X"
"Ha! No seriously you look beautiful Erin, hope work goes ok. 😘"
He had ended your messages with a kiss emoji. You internally squealed, the smile you had on your face was definitely not going away.
Another shift ended and you got your stuff from your locker to find he had messaged you again. You'd not had much chance to stop for a break so hadn't checked your phone in 12 hours. But there it was, a single message from Niall that definitely brightened up your morning.
"Hey I guess when you read this it will be morning. So good morning, hope work was ok. Can't wait to chat later, keep looking at your picture. I'm doing work stuff today but can reply. Can't wait to hear from you. X"
Honestly this whole texting thing was surreal. You replied, deciding to be cheeky and add the kiss emoji on the end like he had done last night.
"Morning Niall, hope you slept well, can't wait to sleep, my feet hurt! I will send you a much better picture than my scrubs one, I promise. 😘 Will message later x"
Jumping on the tube with all the early commuters on their way to work, you couldn't wait to get home. Work was about a 45 minutes trip and you soon made it back to your flat. After a quick shower to freshen up you threw on some cosy pyjamas and climbed into bed.
You didn't sleep long as you were not working that night and were on a day shift the next day. Niall had said he was working, but you text him just after 1pm when you woke up. It felt weird to be texting him like this when you had only just met. The messages had gotten quite flirty, and as much as you loved it you weren't expecting it to materialise into anything. This was Niall Horan for fucks sake, why would he want you?
This was only a bit of fun and you needed to remember that.
You messaged him saying hi and that you had just woken up and were about to take a shower, needing to wash your hair ready for this evening. By the time he messaged back, you had dressed in jeans and a long sleeve cotton top and dried your hair.
"Hey you, sorry only just replying I was in an interview. How was your sleep? You working tonight? X"
"Its ok, how was your interview? No I'm off tonight but back in tomorrow at 9am. I have a works thing tonight in Camden tonight, going to The Colonel Fawcett as they do loads of awesome gins, but won't be drinking much. X"
"Sounds fun, I'm catching up with some friends for a Christmas drink tonight to. Interview was ok, it was for a golf thing I'm going to next month. X"
"Golf? You play?"
"Yeah love it, it's not a boring old man's game!"
"Never said it was!"
"Ha! Most people think it is! So have you told anyone that we've been messaging?"
"No, I haven't"
"What no one?"
"No, I thought you'd prefer the discretion, plus no need for me to tell anyone. Have you?"
"Just my cousin, he was the one who encouraged me to come and talk to you."
"You weren't going to come over?"
"No, was too nervous, but he said I should probably ask your permission to send the boys the video of you, and may have given me a gentle nudge in your direction!"
So the nervousness he had shown when he was talking to you had been real. He was so sweet, you really felt like you had got to know him over the last few days. The real him, not the one standing up on stage in front of thousands of people. You didn't hesitate with your reply.
"Ha! Well I'm glad he did, I really enjoy talking to you. X"
"Me to. I have another interview now so I'll message you in a bit. X"
He did message you back, 45 mins later as you were cleaning up your flat and sorting through Christmas presents. You'd started to sort out your bag to take home with you too. Your dad was going to come here for your stuff and then collect you from work early Christmas morning.
You began messaging back and forth again, this time getting more and more flirty. He practically begged you for a picture when you were ready to go out and you asked for one in return. You'd smiled and bit your lip nervously as you took it. Your fitted black knee length skirt hugged your curves well and you'd teamed it with black heels and a dark blue floaty top. Your naturally curly red hair was tucked over one shoulder.
He replied straight away and caused an instant blush on your cheeks.
"Wow, you look fucking amazing!"
"Ha! Thanks, now where's my picture???!!!"
He sent one to you, he was wearing his trademark dark blue jeans and a white long sleeve cotton v neck top, a little bit of chest hair visible. God you wanted to run your fingers through it. He'd styled his hair with a high flick and was doing his smouldering look.
"Ooohhh hello! Where's the smile Horan?!"
A minute later. He sent the same picture but this time he was smiling.
"Much better! Although I do love that smouldering look! 😉"
"Ha! Don't be cheeky! Seriously you look beautiful, don't go getting anyone's number and making me jealous!"
"Oh really that's not allowed? Well make sure you don't get anyone's tonight either!"
"No it's not! Don't want to share you with anyone. X"
"Don't want to share you either. X"
This time you didn't bother to hide your squeal and the sound of it echoed around your small bedroom.
This made you happy to know that he wasn't seeing anyone else and that he didn't want you to either. You still didn't know what to expect from him. You'd only met him face to face once, and that was for literally less than ten minutes. This texting was getting crazy. You really needed to see him. You'd have to wait till after Christmas since he was away and you were working and away to.
Thanks for reading!I
Em x
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