#irin vraelin
adveniogame · 2 years
🔥 for all the ROs?
What’s a surefire way to get them flustered?
Zehra - someone beating her at her own game (in terms of charm).
Sifra - someone being nice to them.
Irin - someone listening to him.
Estel - someone noticing them.
Anahi - someone keeping a promise.
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adveniogame · 2 years
🧸 : Into public displays of affection or are they more reserved?
Zehra: In settings that are more professional, she would be more reserved - however, in "civilian life", or away from the city, she'd be much more comfortable with being openly affectionate.
Sifra: Pathologically opposed to public displays of affection - if you saw them and their partner, you'd assume they were friendly work colleagues. Has the capacity to be very affectionate in private or among trusted friends.
Irin: Depends on the display - something like a kiss, absolutely no problems, literally in public or in private doesn’t matter. Something like a hand touch (or, dare I say it, a wrist touch) - that’s a little intimate for public consumption, he’d rather that, if they did it at all, his partner did that in private.
Estel: Would love a partner to be affectionate with them, all the time in any situation if they're comfortable with it. Like a flower to sunlight.
Anahi: The most she would accept would be some light hand-holding - but she would think it was quite reassuring. She would never initiate or ask for it, though. (She would melt if her partner asked or initiated.)
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adveniogame · 2 years
ROs’ most sensitive areas / where do they like to be kissed or touched the most?
zehra’s thighs are the most sensitive - so for example resting a hand on her thigh when sitting together would make her shift in place. she likes to be kissed on the lips.
sifra likes forehead kisses, also like. kisses to the temple from behind? (i can see it in my mind, but it’s midnight when i’m writing this so i’m not sure if i’m explaining it right, lmk if that makes sense lmao)
irin mostly likes giving neck kisses and receiving thigh kisses - kissing for him mostly comes in the context of sex, at least at first, so that would be what would appeal to him the most.
estel enjoys cheek kisses (because cheek kisses often lead to making out), not least because they’re “safer” in terms of telegraphing intentions.
anahi is touch resistant (not quite touch averse, but she definitely doesn’t enjoy being touched by people she doesn’t trust), so everywhere’s “sensitive” at first - she is always very partial to hand kisses, though.
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adveniogame · 2 years
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irin vraelin.
“it’s my turn to pick music.” if you have to listen to another bon jovi song, you think you might vomit.
instead, he turns the volume up, easily batting away your attempts at sabotage with one hand as he stays focused on the road ahead.
“did you not listen to dean? driver chooses music, passenger suffers the choices.” for many reasons, the supernatural marathon before you left had been a mistake - but it was so rare for him to have nights off that you had wanted to savour them all, even if it meant he now had ample ammunition for a 10-hour road trip.
you narrow your eyes and poke his ribs. “i’m not sure he was so smug about it.”
grins broadly and laughs, loud enough for a dog in a passing car to startle. and that glimpse is enough to tell you that you are still on i-287.
“i think we missed the exit,” you grimly inform him, straightening your spine with a groan.
for a moment, you’re not sure he heard you over david coverdale - but then you just about catch a hint of sheepishness that blurs to mischief quicker than you can track.
“we should see what’s down this road too, though.”
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adveniogame · 3 years
how jealous do the ROs get? what are they like when it happens?
got a little long <3
zehra actively tries not to be jealous - she tries to make sure that she gives her partner space, but also she finds it deeply unattractive and she doesn't want her partner to think the same. it would have to be something fairly egregious to get a reaction from her, and at that stage she would become much more withdrawn. hiding any vulnerabilities until she has a chance to lick her wounds.
sifra seethes. they've spent the last ten years seething, they're very good at it. they know it's bad, they know it's unattractive and they know they shouldn't but they can't help it. the feeling is too intense, too visceral to ignore, and it awakens too much anxiety. they try to remove themself from the situation (e.g. if at a party, they would leave/go outside to get some fresh air), otherwise they lash out verbally. hurt people hurt people.
irin experiences compersion, rather than jealousy. he'd be the most open to an open relationship, and really just wants his partner to be happy. one thing he would struggle with, though, is not being with his partner - he's more likely to be jealous about something nebulous (e.g. an open-ended contract requires them to leave town for a long time) which means he can't see them.
estel gets "clingier" - terrified of being abandoned, utterly terrified of it, and clings harder if they sense a partner withdrawing or transferring their attention to someone else. you're the only one who's ever stayed, please don't leave now, please--
anahi gets angry. moody, sulky, aggressive in her demeanour, unwilling to hear excuses or apologies. (secretly hopes that you leave - she can stay angry if you leave, she doesn't have to blame herself if you leave).
in terms of game mechanics, estel and anahi would react the worst to the pc having romantic interactions with other characters - it doesn't immediately lock you out, but it will quicker than for the other three.
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adveniogame · 2 years
to address some (admittedly otherwise lovely) asks i’ve received - i don’t publish asks about the characters that use incorrect pronouns, and the correct pronouns are as follows:
zehra - she/her
sifra - they/them
irin - he/him
estel - they/them
anahi - she/her
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adveniogame · 2 years
what would everyone do if sir was oblivious to their feelings?
as discord emojis i have:
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estel, a combination of two:
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anahi, a combination of two:
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adveniogame · 2 years
[coat] or [tug] for irin!!💕 from the asks list thank you!!:D
[TUG] - sender tugs receiver’s hand in an attempt to get them to follow
you only went to the seaside once, when your father had wares to trade in kamran, and you remember the salt and sand sticking to your skin and the crunch of seashells underfoot and the feeling of gut-melting exhilaration when the tide started to take you, cradled you like an embrace.
your father quickly held onto you, tethered you - and you smiled, rather than give voice to the regret that settled low in your belly.
irin is the tide, and when he pulls you answer, onward to another adventure.
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adveniogame · 2 years
For Irin pls? 👀👁
Is he into public displays of affection or is he more reserved?
How would he plan a romantic evening?
Definitely something outside - preferably watching the sun rise somewhere picturesque. 
How would he woo someone?
Smooth talking and, if they’re comfortable with it, light, teasing touches.
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adveniogame · 3 years
Can you elaborate on the genders of the Advenio cast like you did with The Golden Harp? Thank you!!
zehra’s trans - her family are wealthy, so they were able to get a moonstone for her so she is now “moon-blessed” (a full legal/quasi-religious transition).
sifra’s agender - they literally could not give two shits about their gender, but they/them feels comfier for them now.
irin’s agender but he doesn’t feel the need to change his pronouns at all - so while i wouldn’t call him a cis man, his pronouns and general presentation do match his agab.
estel is non-binary - they specifically want to be gendered differently than masculine or feminine, and it’s a conscious choice they’ve made.
anahi is a cis woman - i think if she interrogated her own feelings a little more and had a little more opportunity for introspection she might also end up considering herself agender, but (hopefully as will become clear as we get into the plot) she has bigger fish to fry.
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adveniogame · 2 years
Uhmmm 🧠 for everyone please 🥺❤️
What is their most mentally attractive attribute?
Zehra - limitless patience. That's not to say that she is never frustrated, but a lifetime as a mediator for others’ troubles has made her very adept at seeing an issue from both sides, which means that in a conflict she can be very calming. Very rarely loses her temper, though again, that's not to say that she does not stand up for herself.
Sifra - utter devotion. Whether that be to their responsibilities as Commander or to their (admittedly few) loved ones, they are the epitome of ride-or-die - whatever is needed, they will not rest until they have given it.
Irin - boundless curiosity. He has a deep appreciation for even the smallest things, and cannot wait to share that sense of wonder with others. Willing to pursue lines of enquiry as far as he can (that is, after all, why he’s on the run)
Estel - endless kindness. They have been beaten down and beaten back and still they know no other way than to be kind, without question or expectation of reward.
Anahi - undying determination. She is willing to do anything to both achieve her goals and to help a very trusted friend or partner achieve theirs. Very resilient - she has faced knock-backs before and has used them to get stronger.
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adveniogame · 3 years
What ethnicities would the ROs be in irl terms? I just want to be respectful!!
hi! ethnicity doesn’t quite function in the same way in argeran, but in terms of (at least rough) faceclaims:
anushka sharma (zehra’s at least rough fc) is indian (from uttar pradesh, in the north)
sifra doesn’t have a fc (i’ve not yet settled on one i like) but they’d be white european
adonis bosso (irin’s fc) is afro-canadian (ivorian-canadian specifically)
jamie clayton (estel’s fc) is white american
aiysha hart (anahi’s fc) is saudi-british
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adveniogame · 3 years
how would the ROs react to a Sir that can bench press them? ;)
zehra: in her element, keep going. did she say you could stop?
sifra: i mean first off, sifra’s tall and well-built so respect to a sir that can. they wouldn’t enjoy it that much (only if they think about what it means in a more general sense)
irin: thinks it’s fun, will ask for repeated demonstrations, will wriggle about to be a brat and get sir to drop him so they’re in a tangled pile on the floor.
estel: gets very flustered about it - enjoys it, but will never ask. again, like sifra they’re much more interested in its more general implications.
anahi: doesn’t like it - isn’t necessarily averse to being lifted generally, but the hold isn’t particularly secure and it would take about 15 years for her to trust that sir isn’t going to drop her.
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adveniogame · 3 years
if the ROs were in an orpheus/eurydice situation, would they look back or make it out without looking?
makes it out: zehra, irin
looks back: sifra, anahi
makes it most of the way, then looks back at the last second: estel
as an additional ouch:
sings the song: sifra, estel
carries on living: anahi
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adveniogame · 3 years
lmao stolen from another blog: if the MC was psychic for a day, what’d be the first thing they’d hear the ROs think when they see the MC?
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thank you!! <3
ok so i'm going to have crushing vs deep relationship
zehra: crushing: she kind of tries to force herself to vary her eye contact/where she's looking because her immediate impulse is to, like, maintain a Very Romantic level of eye contact and/or to look at sir's lips - so you'd see her almost trying to notice different things about sir like the details on their tunic/armour, their hair etc deep relationship: i'm only half-joking when i say that zehra would think "there they are, the love of my life <3 "
sifra: crushing: like a knot of a lot of tangled feelings - i'll be honest, not all of them uniformly positive? there's a degree of resentment (sifra always feels like they wanted sir more than sir ever wanted them, even if there wasn't a romantic connection back in gintan), but mostly they just can't take their eyes off sir. deep relationship: really can't take their eyes off sir, to the point where they'll like walk into shit. i'm embarrassed for them.
irin: crushing: he's very into sir's general--idk, silhouette? like he finds sir pleasing to look at, no matter what, so sir might find that they get distracted by the kinds of private observations that irin makes. (potentially a very nice ego boost for any sirs with dysphoria/body image issues, though). deep relationship: there's still a large amount of physical attraction, but i think irin feels safe, first and foremost, with sir. like he's never really cared before about maintaining connections with individuals, but seeing sir will always soothe him, even if it's from across the room.
estel: crushing: constantly catches themself looking at sir and then forces themself to look away. in kamran, their home region, things are Very Particular when it comes to courting, and they read quite a lot into gestures that in galan are very minor (like holding doors open for people etc). deep relationship: looks at sir like they're a fallen star. sometimes, if they think the coast is clear, they look at sir like--no thoughts, head 🥰
anahi: crushing: embarrassed that she notices things about sir like their shoulders or their laugh. kind of fixates on things that she likes about them and then thinks like "look at their hands. fucking, stupid hands. hate them. hate the way they look strong and sturdy and reliable. they're probably warm too. fucking prick." deep relationship: much the same, but it's a bit more like lovingly exasperated? like "fucking prick. (affectionate)"
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adveniogame · 3 years
How would the ROs react to a fake-out make-out type of predicament?👀👀
omg this is juicy 👀 and one of my favourite prompts…
zehra is buzzing honestly - if you share a romantic moment with her the night before she leaves for argereth, she’s been thinking about kissing you on and off for ten years. has to hide her smile - and may let the kiss last a little longer than is strictly necessary…
sifra is Panik - depending on the route (fwb to lovers or pining), they either approach the kiss in a dominant way (jaw grab, a little rougher, the kind that takes your breath away); or they’re very hesitant (trembling hands and shaky breaths). Either way they know they’re fucked, because they know what it’s like now (out of the context of sex, anyway).
irin is All About It, so long as you are. lots of non-verbal check-ins before the actual kiss. he’s the most likely of all of them to forget that this is fake-out-make-out, rather than an actual kiss. afterwards, he’s also the most likely to propose that you should try that again - for the sake of academic comparison, of course. he’s a scientist, after all.
estel is going to read a lot into it. probably one one of the worst at handling it/staying casual about it afterwards, because… now they know what it’s like to kiss you, they find it difficult to imagine not doing it.
anahi is only doing this as a last resort, and even then she’s pretty resistant. goes one of two ways, depending on her relationship with sir: completely botches the espionage side of things by freezing up and/or smacking sir round the head; or gets into it and then gets embarrassed. regardless, she won’t want to talk about it with you and she will avoid you for days afterwards.
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