undyingembers · 5 months
Decided to do the rest of my Owlcat couples with this picrew!
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Top to bottom:
Katala/Tristian: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Lenarius-Leonosa/Daeran: Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
Irissil/Maegar: Varnhold's Lot
Bonus - Ansoc and Sabine
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undyingembers · 3 years
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My Pathfinder couples using these two dollmakers. There’s a f/f one as well if you’re interested.
Top to Bottom: Tristian/Katala (PFKM); Daeran/Lenarius (PF:WotR); Maegar/Irissil (Varnhold’s Lot)
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undyingembers · 2 years
1. Irissil is the one character who is Katala's true opposite. Katala is bold, opinionated, temperamental, and almost incapable of being neutral on anything (why she couldn't be a druid even though she really, really wanted to). I knew early on that Katala's opposite wouldn't be some mustache-twirling uptight lawful evil dude. Instead it would be someone cautious, slow to act, and prone to taking the middle ground if at all possible, hence Irissil, the True Neutral ranger.
2. Which leads into this point. Irissil slid very nicely into the trio she had with Cephal and Maegar. She is very balanced between the two, not favoring one side over the other. Whenever Maegar or Cephal can't come together on how to proceed, Irissil is always the deciding vote. Maegar and Cephal are also known to moderate some of their opinions in order to get Irissil on their side.
2b. That being said, she has very little initiative of her own. Maegar and Cephal are the ones who come up with the ideas, and Irissil just picks the one she likes best and does her hardest to make it happen.
3. Both of Irissil's parents are half-elves from Kyonin. They live in a half-elf community not far from Greengold. Irissil spent her life patrolling the wildernesses of Kyonin, but she left when she got frustrated with constantly getting barred from areas that only full-blooded elves were allowed to go.
4. Irissil's favorite color is blue. Again opposite of Katala, who prefers red, but Irissil thinks blue just looks best on her. Plus, blue reminds her of rivers and the sky.
5. She absolutely loves cats. Show her a box of kittens, and she will absolutely melt in a fashion that is completely out of character. Maegar might or might not have used the allure of kittens to get Irissil to his side.
6. Irissil is left-handed
7. She and Maegar get married and have a ton of kids. Idk the exact number, but somewhere around 5-7
8. Not really an Irissil fact, but she and Maegar once visited his family. Maegar's mother showed Irissil a super embarrassing portrait of Maegar wearing the most ridiculous hat she has ever seen.
9. In Varnhold's Lot, Maegar is always friendly to the Baron/ess and wants friendship with them. Cephal wants to plot to murder them. While Irissil didn't want trouble with Katala or her barony, she was annoyed that Maegar gave them help during the Bloom without asking for anything in return. Irissil had more of a "wait and see and don't give or accept anything for free" attitude when it came to Katala (before Vordekai happened).
10. Also not really an Irissil fact, but besides Maegar and Cephal, Irissil also often worked with three other members of the Varnling Host: a Neutral Good half-orc fighter named Korrim, a Lawful Neutral aasimar cleric of Irori named Ironin (she was raised in a monastery; the monks weren't very imaginative), and a Chaotic Evil tiefling bard named Maali. Tragically, the three of them died at Lostlarn Keep.
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undyingembers · 4 years
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I decided to do my PFKM couples with this dollmaker (and thank the gods this site is still up (as of right now anyway)).
Top to Bottom: - Katala & Tristian (PFKM) - Irissil & Maegar (Varnhold’s Lot) - Lenarius & Daeran (PF:WotR)
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