undyingembers · 4 months
Tagged by @captastra to do this kiss picrew, so I decided to do it for my Owlcat couples!
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Katala x Tristian (Pathfinder: Kingmaker) Lenarius/Leonosa x Daeran (Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous) Victoire x Marazhai (Rogue Trader)
Tagging @arendaes, @mathlann, @dujour13, and @spyridonya
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undyingembers · 5 months
Decided to do the rest of my Owlcat couples with this picrew!
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Top to bottom:
Katala/Tristian: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Lenarius-Leonosa/Daeran: Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
Irissil/Maegar: Varnhold's Lot
Bonus - Ansoc and Sabine
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undyingembers · 1 year
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Some more dolls, this time of Katala and Tristian (and Hunter the dog).
The homunculus children
Lenarius, Daeran, and Salvadore
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undyingembers · 2 years
Y for Len and Daeran, I for Katala and Tristian?
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Len and Daeran would miss each other so much when the other is away. Len would carry out his/her duties as best s/he can, all the while moping carrying him/herself like an Elizabethan maiden: writing poetry, going over letters and gifts Daeran left for him/her, thinking about how Daeran would react to certain things in his/her day to day life. Lenarius was absolutely devastated when Daeran was in that coma. S/he constantly thought to him/herself what he would say and do if he were here. One of the biggest saving graces from that time was that s/he had the girls and so many other things going on that demanded his/her attention.
Daeran would feast and attend parties like he always does, but there is no denying he would much rather be with Len. He also spends so much time reading their poems, writing Len letters, and thinking of Len whenever he needs advice on something.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
That's the bread and butter of this whole pairing. When Katala started out, she was not very inclined to be merciful towards people who preyed on the weak. She just could not wrap her head around trying to give people second chances, too afraid that the person they showed mercy to would go off and hurt someone else. Tristian showed her the value of mercy and also helped out with some other personal self-worth issues she was dealing with. Katala admires Tristian a lot. Though she didn't always agree with him from the start, she always thought it took a lot of strength to approach with mercy instead of violence.
Tristian admires Katala so much for not just her bravery, but her unwillingness to stand by and do nothing when someone is being hurt. She's not afraid to stand up to anyone, no matter how powerful they are, if it is the right thing to do. Tristian wishes he could be that strong...
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undyingembers · 2 years
How about a gentle kiss to ask forgiveness? 😌
Spoilers for Pathfinder: Kingmaker. I know you haven't played that game yet, but this was the pairing that was calling for this prompt
If Katala wanted to, she could have looked up the number of people who had died by the Bloom. If she really wanted to, she could have narrowed that down to the number of innocent citizens and villagers. She imagined that the difference between the two numbers wouldn't have been so great. Even now she could imagine the horrible deaths that all those people had experienced: being torn apart from the inside to burst horrible monsters into the world. Gods, what a horrible way to go, and then for those monsters to go out and kill and harm everyone close to the victim...It made Katala sick to even think about it.
All this devastation, and all this pain...to think that someone in her inner circle could have prevented all of this. Not just anyone, but the man Katala had always looked to for moral guidance, the one who always pushed her to do the right thing, even if it felt like the hardest thing in the world, the one she loved so much before everything went to shit and she realized what a cowardly murdering weasel he was. And that's what got to her. This whole time, he's always been holding her back when she was about to kill some asshole who's been terrorizing the peasants, always preaching about reaching out and giving second chances when this whole time he just sat there and let thousands of people die. All for the sake of not having to live and die like any other mortal, like the people his kind were supposed to protect and look out for. Did he really think that he was so above them that he thought sacrificing them was worth not being one of them anymore?
If it had been anyone else, Katala could have stormed right up to them and given them a piece of her mind, maybe even throw a few punches if she felt they could take it. With Tristian, though...every time Katala saw him, she could tell that he knew the full weight of what he had done. The cleric wandered the streets of Tuskdale like a wounded puppy, his shoulders sagging and with bags under his eyes. He never approached her since they had rescued him from the Verdant Ruins--he knew better than to even try--but he never strayed too far from the castle. Whenever he could, he always stayed within earshot of Katala, yearning, but never coming near.
It wasn't just Katala who struggled to come to terms with all that had happened. Out on the streets, people thought much less kindly of Tristian than they had used to. Fewer people went to the clinic when he would have been working. Mothers pulled their children away when he passed by. The number of admirers he had didn't dwindle much, frustratingly enough, but fathers took great care to keep their hopeful daughters from getting involved with "the traitor". So many of them had lost family to the Bloom, so Katala should not have blamed them for sneering every time he walked by or forming a mob outside the castle door when Katala had announced that she would be giving him a chance to make up for what he did. But somehow, the way Tristian's shoulders slumped even more, the way he turned his gaze away, got Katala every time.
The breaking point came when Tristian was out picking herbs from one of Tuskdale's communal gardens. This time, Katala was intentionally seeking him out. She needed to resolve the slump they were in somehow, when she saw that some shit was about to go down. The cleric was so engrossed in his task that he didn't notice that a pair of teenagers were trailing behind him with rocks in their hands. This made Katala furious. To just go and attack a blind man like that...
"Hey!" Katala yelled. The two boys stopped in their tracks. When Hunter ran up to them barking, they dropped their rocks at the sight of the large dog and ran away.
"Your Grace." Tristian stood frozen. "Forgive me. If I'd known that you would be here."
"Don't worry about it," said Katala. "I needed to talk to you."
"I...of course, what do you need?"
"Look," said Katala. "I still haven't fully figured out how to deal with all this, but I do want to move forward, I really do, somehow. I just think that..."
Tristian started shaking. "Forgive me, I know I've done a terrible wrong that I can never--"
"Oh, Tristian, stop that, please," said Katala. "I never wanted you to go torture yourself, or have you be mistreated by others. I never wanted...fuck. Look, you want to make up for what you did, right? Why don't we start with what's in front of us? We're just about to head to Armag's tomb. You coming with us?"
Tristian's eyes widened. "You wish me to...I...yes...I will come with you. I shall not fail you. I..."
"Hey." Katala walked up to him and took his hands. "I don't want you beating yourself up. That's not helping anyone. We'll figure something out. I think. I hope."
"It is more than I ever hoped for," said Tristian. He stood a little straighter. "Even if you cannot forgive me in the end, it brings me joy that you still found it in your heart to try."
He smiled. "Your hands still feel so warm." He slowly brought them to his face, and his lips gave the barest of touches. "Like sunshine."
He set them down, suddenly adopting a serious tone. "I will serve you in your battle against Armag and forever after that. Excuse me."
With that, he left to go prepare for battle.
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undyingembers · 2 years
High school AUs! All you want to write!
Ask me about my AU's
*Cracks knuckles* All right!
Like I said, Katala and the Kingmaker characters are students and Len and the Wrath of the Righteous characters are the staff at an American high school.
My OC Katala is the captain of the basketball team. She's super strong and super hot. She used to date Nyrissa, the head cheerleader, before she learned that Nyrissa was routinely bullying the other students at the school, Linzi in particular. They had a pretty bad breakup, and Nyrissa makes life hell for anyone else who tries to date Katala. Katala is kind of a clown, though, always getting in trouble for starting food fights, engaging in ridiculous and questionable challenges, and one time she even got caught trying to sneak a puppy into the school.
Tristian is a new student at the school. He's completely dorky, and kind of a mathlete. Lots of guys want to date Katala, but she's got her sights set on this nerdy loser. She's constantly making moves on him, which all go way over his head. Tristian also has a past with Nyrissa. She bullied him relentlessly when they went to summer camp as children, and, unlike him, Nyrissa is keenly aware of Katala's interest in him, and she is furious.
Linzi is a theater kid. She's super talented, but always gets passed over for more popular and conventionally attractive students for the lead role.
Regongar and Octavia are total delinquents. They are constantly finding themselves in detention for smoking pot behind the school dumpsters. Octavia somehow has a 4.0 GPA.
Jubilost is the most obnoxious straight-A student ever and is in about fifty different clubs. He's a complete know-it-all and argues constantly with the teachers over his answers.
Jaethal is the goth kid (duh). Doesn't have any friends, and she likes it that way.
Ekundayo is the nature guy. Bikes to school, recycles all the time, good kid. Goes hiking on weekends.
There may or may not be a plot where Katala tries to get elected for class president. Irovetti, Vordakai, and the Stag Lord are also vying for position, idk.
As for the staff, Galfrey is the principal of the school with Irabeth as vice principle and Anevia as the guidance councilor.
Len is an English/Lit teacher at the school. S/he loves literature, but his/her students find his/her classes to be very, very boring. S/he assigns long essays and is very fastidious about grammar. S/he always knows when something is going on and gives out the second-highest number of detentions in the school. Always complains when someone drinks all the coffee in the teacher's lounge
Daeran is the French teacher. He is super gorgeous. Half his students have a crush on him. Very lax. Always turns a blind eye when students are smoking pot behind the dumpster. He's constantly flirting with Len, who tries so hard (and fails) to keep things professional between them.
Woljif is the math teacher. Knows his shit, but otherwise doesn't give a fuck. Probably sells weed to the kids behind the dumpster. Broke the smoke alarm in the teacher's lounge so he could smoke and gets accused of drinking all the coffee.
Regil is the history teacher. A complete hardass and merciless both in the classroom and in the hallways. Students absolutely dread him. They freeze whenever they hear his voice. He is infamous for the mountains of homework he gives the students and for not budging an inch. He gives out the highest number of detentions.
Nenio is the chemistry teacher. The students don't think that any of the experiments they have her do are board-compliant. Constantly forgets safety measures. Starts at least one fire or chemical spill per semester. Despite all that, her tests are super hard, and any student that doesn't get an A+ is not worth her attention.
Seelah is the PE teacher. She means the best for the students, truly. She knows the presidential fitness tests are bs, but what can she do?
Greybor is the school librarian. The students think he has a criminal past. Very stringy about being silent in the library. Drinks all the coffee in the teacher's lounge.
Sosiel is the art teacher. He's very patient and kind and is always willing to listen when students have a problem.
Arueshalae is the music teacher. Quirky. Always has butterfly stickers. Supervises the school GSA.
Camellia is the lunch lady. The food is gross, but she sometimes has this weird smile when she's not looking at the students with disgust. One day she's just going to disappear and the kids will see her on the news.
Ember is the cleaning lady. She's just too dang cheerful and the students think she sleeps at the school. Gets into trouble constantly for letting the birds in.
There's also a plot here where Len and Galfrey used to date, but they also had a pretty terrible breakup. As a result, Galfrey is harder on Len than on the other staff. Len thinks it's because she's angry, but she just doesn't want to be seen giving him preferential treatment. Len and Daeran are dating but keeping it a secret because he's also Galfrey's cousin and that might cause extra drama.
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undyingembers · 2 years
2 and 27 for both Len/Daeran and Katala/Tristian?
2. Any sleep habits either had to get used to?
Len and Daeran are like night and day with their sleeping habits, almost literally. Lenarius likes to wake up early to attend his/her duties, and s/he needs the extra time for his/her morning routine. Daeran parties all night and gets up whenever he feels like it. Once in a while, Daeran will wake a dawn. Then the two of them have to fight for the bathroom. When they are in bed together, neither of them can complain.
There was that first night where Lenarius, in the early nights of their relationship when s/he was still unsure of Daeran's feelings towards him/her, tentatively snuggled up to Daeran. To his/her surprise, Daeran put an arm around him/her and held him/her close.
For Katala and Tristian, there aren't any problems timing-wise. They're both early risers. Tristian rises with the sun every morning to say the prayers at dawn, and Katala likes to get up early to go for a run or a hike and take care of the animals. Sleeping next to Katala is...an ordeal for someone not used to it. S/he is super cuddly and is a bit of a space hog. Hunter also likes to sleep with her, and that dog is massive. Tristian loves it, but it was quite a surprise.
27. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other?
For Daeran, he thinks of Len whenever he sees large tomes, tea sets, a quill and ink, and a clear night with the stars visible. Leonosa thinks of Daeran when s/he sees/hears cakes, jewelry, sweet wines, music, and ballroom dancing.
Dogs, herbs, sunlight, exercising, large fur mantles all remind Tristian of Katala. Sunlight, freshly-baked pie, topazes, and the color teal remind Katala of Tristian.
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undyingembers · 2 years
A Tangled Web - Chapter 22
Rating: M Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence Fandom: Pathfinder Kingmaker Relationships: Nyrissa/Katala, Tristian/Katala Summary: Neither Tristian nor Nyrissa thought that this oafish human woman with no power to speak of would last very long against the nymph’s machinations, and yet not only does the new baroness triumph time and  time again, but they both find themselves inexplicably drawn to her. 
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undyingembers · 2 years
A Tangled Web - Chapter 24 - Finished at Last!
Rating: M   Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence   Fandom: Pathfinder Kingmaker   Relationships: Nyrissa/Katala, Tristian/Katala   Summary: Neither Tristian nor Nyrissa thought that this  oafish human woman with no power to speak of would last very long   against the nymph’s machinations, and yet not only does the new baroness  triumph time and  time again, but they both find themselves   inexplicably drawn to her.
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undyingembers · 3 years
Ask Me About My AU’s
I have so many AU’s. Pick one and send me an ask, and I’ll do an infodump about it.
Fallout 4 - Katala/Tristian Moulin Rouge - Katala/Tristian; Katala/Nyrissa (hint: Katala is not “Satine”) Disco Elysium - Katala/Tristian
My Lovely Daughter - Lenarius/Daeran Phantom of the Opera - Lenarius/Daeran Magical Princess Minky Mono - Lenarius/Daeran (overlaps with My Lovely Daughter)
Saya no Uta - Amali/Tekehu (cw: blood/gore) Wicked - Amali/Tekehu
The Sims 4 - Katala/Tristian; Katala/Nyrissa; Amali/Tekehu; Eva Waters; Lenarius/Daeran; various NPC’s from Pillars of Eternity and Pathfinder: Kingmaker & Wrath of the Righteous
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undyingembers · 2 years
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I’d love to talk about both! I assume SA means Stormlight Archives. Please correct me if I’m wrong!
Fallout 4 - Katala/Tristian
Basically just Fallout 4 with Katala and Tristian as the protagonist husband and wife from the game. The player can even “pick” which one they want to play. Before the war, Katala and Tristian were a happy family together with their son Pharosted and their daughter Iona. They both served in the war (Katala was a soldier and Tristian was a medic). Once the bombs started falling, the family was eligible to take shelter in the vault, and they get split up into two family pods. Katala gets in a pod with Pharosted, and Tristian with Iona. Depending on who you picked to be the protagonist, Kellogg will unfreeze the other spouse, kill them, and take the child who was in that other pod. When the surviving spouse (the player’s character) wakes up, not only do they have to go through the events of Fallout 4, but they also have to worry about their other kid (if Katala was picked, you now have Pharosted, and Tristian has to take care of Iona).
Somewhere down the road, the surviving character will meet a synth of their dead spouse who believes that they are the real person with memories from before the war. There’s a whole story arc of trying to reconcile all the conflicting feelings that comes from this situation. The synth can even be a romance option if the player so chooses.
Other than that, like I said, it is Fallout 4 with Katala and Tristian
Stormlight Archive - Lenarius/Daeran (and other WotR characters)
This AU doesn’t really have so much plot (yet) as it does just me speculating where these characters fit in to the universe.
My OC Lenarius is a Skybreaker. Hortensia (his familiar in WotR) is a rogue highspren who is desperately trying to look for a purpose beyond what the rest of her brethren think she should do.
Probably the most fun I’ve had with this AU was figuring out how my genderqueer Commander fit into the strict Alethi gender roles. Lenarius covers his left hand like Alethi women do, but when he’s out in public, he wears gloves on both hands to hide the fact that he has a safe hand. When he’s with friends, he only wears his left glove. Only Daeran really gets to see his safe hand uncovered. He also learned to read in secret, much to the shame of his family. He is a lighteyes from a fairly prominent lighteyes family. However, if they ever found out about his “shameful” activities, they would smother and shun him.
Lenarius’s family possesses a Shardblade, which they claim was passed down through their family since the Last Desolation. In truth, however, the blade is much newer, having belonged to Lenarius’s great-grandfather Moraenius as part of his pact with the highspren Dyrghaena, a pact which Moraenius broke, killing the spren.
Both Lenarius and Hortensia go through an arc where they have to deal with identity crises regarding what it means to be a pure vessel of the Law. Just as Lenarius is about to take his Fifth Oath and become the embodiment of Law, he fails, finding that he is too emotional and too attached to his loved ones to do so. He almost breaks his pact with Hortensia, almost killing her. However, the two of them manage to rise and form a splinter group within the Skybreakers, one that is the complete opposite of what the normal Skybreakers stand for. Instead of being paragons of law and guardians of the status quo, this new group of Skybreakers is home to rebels and anarchists, vowing to take down unjust laws and make sure the powerful don’t go unpunished. They vow to break every social more that goes against their moral fiber.
Daeran is a Truthwatcher, however, he is also being stalked by a deadly and odious force (perhaps one of the Unmade) and is bound to keep that fact a secret on pain of death for him and his spren. Daeran’s mistspren takes on the form of a chubby and bubbly bright humanoid woman who loves Daeran and worries about him, even as he spurns her and pretends not to care about her. Lenarius learns of Daeran’s secret and is working on a way to extract Daeran from that Unmade’s influence.
Woljif is a Lightweaver. He’s a darkeyes pauper who doesn’t understand his power until he meets Lenarius. Unbeknownst to him and others, his spren got corrupted by Odium, and a big deal is made of Woljif learning to live with that.
Ember is an Edgedancer. Her cultivationspren takes on the form of a bird. She pays no mind to the beings that people call “deities”, seeing Honor, Odium, and Cultivation as scared and silly as everyone else. Despite that, Cultivation seems to have a soft spot for her, and keeps an eye on her through her spren, and Ember makes offerings to Odium in hopes that he finds happiness so he doesn’t have to make others suffer.
Lann and Wenduag are Singers. They lived out on the Shattered Plains before the war for gemhearts began. Wenduag joined Odium and bonded with a Voidspren, while Lann managed to help his tribe escape Odium’s influence and Lann himself bonds with a peakspren and becomes a Stoneward.
Regil is a Skybreaker. However, unlike Lenarius, he does not break, does not deviate from the Order’s dogma. He fights for Lenarius’s side because he believes that it is the most lawful thing to do as Nale and his ilk have essentially become criminals in his eyes, and he will do everything he can to bring that Herald to justice by any legal means necessary.
Seelah is a Windrunner. No surprise, since they are obviously the “paladin” Order. I think her spren literally is Iomadae. Despite Honor being dead, she never loses her faith in him. Even if he’s not around anymore, she wants to live up to his ideals.
Sosiel is a Truthwatcher. His spren is literally Shelyn. Like his WotR counterpart, he would rather save the world through beauty than take up arms. He’s a healer who uses Lightweaving to make beautiful patterns. He’s a talented artist, but he does not rely on Memory like Shallan does.
Camellia claims to be bonded to a cultivationspren called Mireya, however, in reality, she is a charlatan who mimics Radiant powers using a dead shardblade and stolen fabrials. She claims that her spren has gone mad and needs sacrifice in order to be purified. Lenarius put a stop to that very quickly.
I hope that satisfied your curiosity!
Ask me about my AU’s!
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undyingembers · 2 years
A Tangled Web - Chapter 23
Rating: M Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence Fandom: Pathfinder Kingmaker Relationships: Nyrissa/Katala, Tristian/Katala Summary: Neither Tristian nor Nyrissa thought that this oafish human woman with no power to speak of would last very long against the nymph’s machinations, and yet not only does the new baroness triumph time and  time again, but they both find themselves inexplicably drawn to her.
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undyingembers · 3 years
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My Pathfinder couples using these two dollmakers. There’s a f/f one as well if you’re interested.
Top to Bottom: Tristian/Katala (PFKM); Daeran/Lenarius (PF:WotR); Maegar/Irissil (Varnhold’s Lot)
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undyingembers · 2 years
A Tangled Web - Chapter 21
Rating: M Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence Fandom: Pathfinder Kingmaker Relationships: Nyrissa/Katala, Tristian/Katala Summary: Neither Tristian nor Nyrissa thought that this oafish human woman with no power to speak of would last very long against the nymph’s machinations, and yet not only does the new baroness triumph time and time again, but they both find themselves inexplicably drawn to her.
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undyingembers · 3 years
A Tangled Web - Chapter 20
Rating: M Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence Fandom: Pathfinder Kingmaker Relationships: Nyrissa/Katala, Tristian/Katala Summary: Neither Tristian nor Nyrissa thought that this oafish human woman with no power to speak of would last very long against the nymph’s machinations, and yet not only does the new baroness triumph time and time again, but they both find themselves inexplicably drawn to her. 
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undyingembers · 3 years
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Inspired by @forestdragoncat‘s piece here.
In almost all my playthroughs, I notice that a certain party member tends to get targeted by this one curse-slinging naga when they visit Pitax. Good thing Katala always has supplies on hand to take care of dogs!
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