undyingembers · 5 months
Decided to do the rest of my Owlcat couples with this picrew!
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Top to bottom:
Katala/Tristian: Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Lenarius-Leonosa/Daeran: Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
Irissil/Maegar: Varnhold's Lot
Bonus - Ansoc and Sabine
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dungeonbf · 1 year
ingsoc is sooo short king coded, i think it’s so funny that this hyper authoritarian personification of this totalitarian ideology is 5’4. he has to wear platform boots to intimidate people.
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lescroniques · 1 year
Una setmana cubana per parlar i actuar des de la inclusió
Lissette Martín López / tribuna.cu A l’Havana, durant la Setmana Internacional de la Persona Sorda, es mostraran experiències de vida, pràctiques de criança i dinàmiques familiars en famílies sordes…[…] (tribuna.cu)
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an0rpm · 10 months
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taemin guilty challenge - dohyuck version
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kringelorde · 1 year
take so nuclear it'll get my ass beat and maybe #blockt but the tankie vs anarkiddie discourse is so stupid and has no actual bearing on reality that it's painful.
go do some actual mutual aid or agitation or volunteer work or smth or even just hang out in a leftie space in-person. guarantee you nobody gives a fuck.
also different tactics and approaches work differently in different places and for different things and have different weaknesses. anarchist ideology becomes much harder to defend from opposition after a certain size due to its organization structure. mlm ideology lives far more in the future and cares about results more than immediate needs.
also also you sure not immune to personal experiences influencing personal ideology and that's okay. I mistrust authority on principle and have parents who lived for 30 years under a heavily soviet influenced regime that later produced an intense reactionary opposition to any far left ideology, full stop. no fucking way I'm going to entertain any positive sentiment about Uncle Joe or any flavour of russian imperialist behaviours.
(also also also, in a general setting, I'm much more likely to consider the opinion of an authcomm from a former colony than I am from a white educated middle class american authcomm. bark like a dog, anglo white boy.)
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flyin-shark · 1 year
I see you're an ancom(and i am assuming it means anarcho communist), based where? You can be as vague/specific as you want, but I'm just tryna figure out if we have the same enemy, or adjacent enemies. (I'm in america btw, ad technically and ansoc, but same dif in a world like this)
~ansoc anon
I’m also in America. However everyone should remember that our enemies do not know borders. We fight against capitalism, the state, white supremacy, patriarchy, and other systems of oppression.
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centi-pedve · 8 months
hullo! if you adapted Island of Ideologies in another media, let's say a novel... would the narrator still be Five like in the first few pages of the prologue? someone else in universe (like Dr Slay. i mean. Dr Rose)? or an omniscient third person narrator? also what would change drastically (like things youd skip in a novel but not in a webcomic and vice versa)?
GIGGLES MENIACALLY. ohh ozymandias you read us so well for we have a fascination with media type differences.
we actually considered ioi as a novel at multiple points! so thankfully we've thought about it a bit prior. we imagine the narrator would be third person - the primary reason why we have five as the perspective character is because it's really hard to do comics in proper third person.. to us.. but third person we're more comfortable writing with, and it allows for more neutrality. dr rose would be such an interesting perspective character because he's a curious little beast to us but it probably wouldn't function well for the prologue specifically. for a lot of reasons but mostly just coming back to the fact that he's not a good person specifically in a way which would fuck the narrative a bit lol... he doesn't view most people as being as human as him, especially certain characters, which makes it kind of difficult to tell a story about humans doing human things, and his weirdo tendencies would be difficult to depict internally without also making us seem like a weirdo! it's fun to think about though.
as for what would change drastically... the dialogue omga... we're a novel writer before we're a comic writer and we think that kinda shows. so the way we go about dialogue has to be different by result of the fact that we don't have any other words at our disposal to make up for anything that might be lost in the dialogue alone that isn't also picked up by the visuals. most comic writers seem to more so have the perspective of This Is Just How Dialogue Is rather than feeling like they need to make up for the fact they can't make use of prose, so, we'd definitely be more in our comfort zone if it was novelized. maybe less melodrama in every syllable lmaooo
we don't think there's anything we'd Skip that would be like, notable, because story is story to us... if we can't include a certain necessary series of events in a piece of media then we won't consider it as an option. since comic stuff takes a LOT of time it's basically only scenes we feel are necessary, either because it progresses the plot or gives some sort of needed character insight. but if it was novelized we'd probably spend a bit more time on certain things to let scenes breathe.
despite us being more comfortable with novel writing, there's a few reasons why we didn't go with it... first, less and less people are interested in novels, ESPECIALLY if they don't fit into certain mainstream categories. meanwhile people are more likely to give a comic a shot even if they don't regularly read comics because it's easier for the average person to pay attention to. (we're kind of the opposite, weirdly, it's easier for us to read light novel adaptations of a series than its manga counterpart, but we understand what's normal for most people.)
second is. the character names are literally SUCH an issue that they could singlehandedly ruin any attempts at novelization. right now they're fine but once the focus shifts on the bajillion characters whose names are just different ideologies, it will become very. very difficult to read. if not unreadable. ideology names are wordy as hell and shortening them like anarcho primitivism -> anprim, would make it even harder to distinguish between characters despite being less wordy, because sure it's functional normally but not when anprim is in a scene with anmon, annatur, ansoc, and primprim. the general advice is to not have too many characters which start with the same first letter but we're performing overkill here. +, we only think memorizing characters would be possible if there was some sort of visual aid. even if you can't remember the name you can probably associate that specific character design with specific actions, which doesn't work in print. if you forget a name then you'll either have no clue what's going on or you'll have to search it up which is a hassle. if we ever used prose to tell any part of ioi then we'd have to make use of specific guidelines and be fairly intentional with what characters we use in order to not be confusing and awful.
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mournwatch · 2 years
and people said that proved they can r-move entire h-rassment posts when needed. Its not the main reason the site has issues but its why a lot of people are upset at st-ff about it all. Also I’m SO sorry about the random dashes I literally could not send the ask without them because st-ff bl-cks certain combinations of keywords from being sent in asks and this topic is one of the f-ltered ones. But yeah other than that you’re 100% right 2/2
So I heard about the case of this staff member as it was going down. If it’s not immediately obvious, I do know people who are on staff even if I myself am not. I sew costumes for a living at a corporation. As far as I understood it, what happened was someone found out that a person on staff (but *not on trust & safety*, which is the department that handles reports of harassment) was a Harry Potter fan. And then they proceeded to make a big deal out of it in a way that singled that staff member out for harassment, which is against TOS. I don’t remember seeing any specific transphobic posts from this person, just that they like Harry Potter. And that it seemed unfair that the person bringing this to people’s attention was punished, even though they really did break TOS.
Now, to be clear I think it’s in extremely poor taste to still be a fan of Harry Potter now. The author is so beyond the pale in terms of proof pointing to her bigotry. And being a member of Tumblr staff I don’t think you can even give this person the benefit of the doubt in assuming she didn’t know. She probably does. She could be anywhere from an ignorant idiot clinging to nostalgia to someone who really does hold transphobic beliefs. But ultimately as far as I understand it there wasn’t sufficient proof of her saying blatantly transphobic things, so what do you do? Would you, as a member of HR staff at a company, feel comfortable enough to potentially risk being brought to court over firing someone because they consume shitty media? It’s almost inevitable as an adult in the workplace that you’re going to have coworkers that have harmful political stances. My best friend worked with an antivax flat-earther. But if they don’t talk about it at work, there’s not a lot that most companies would do about that. It’s annoying and unpleasant but the same laws that protect someone like me, a trans gay Jewish AnSoc, also are protecting them. But anyway, since this person wasn’t actually on trust & safety, it isn’t within her power actually to make decisions over how transphobic harassment gets handled.
Further, it’s weird to then treat staff as if they’re a transphobic monolith when most people don’t even interact with each other directly. This company is almost entirely comprised of remote workers. They’re not like, hanging out around the water cooler pitying this person for liking Harry Potter. By far the most annoying result from their perspective has been this game of telephone that started at “there’s a staff member who has interests that are distressing” to “the company is sheltering a secret hive of TERFs.” When meanwhile the people I know who are affiliated with Tumblr are as far from that ideology as you can be. And they mostly are not going to be outspoken about this issue at all because it is pretty uncomfortable to get in direct fights with the userbase when it really only will result in not letting this matter ever die if they did and wouldn’t help clarify anything.
Most people who are invested in this come off as very young to me and without the experience of how working at a company like this is. They don’t know how difficult it is to be bound to a enforcing a set of rules that can both be used against bigots and people who mean well but still break those rules. I’m nearly thirty. I really feel sorry for the people who feel like they’ve been treated unfairly, but I think what they’re looking for doesn’t exist. You can’t even get people to all behave in a leftist discord server. And as you can see in the other conversation I’m having, people constantly underestimate the labor it takes to keep social media safe. I could grumpily tell people to grow up and touch grass but that doesn’t do any good either. All I can do is simply plead for people to think it through better.
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fatfemmefreaquency · 4 years
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just gonna put this out there
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undyingembers · 2 years
Ohh, I would love to hear more about the Wizard of Oz AU! 👀❤️
Ask me about my AUs
Tagging @forestdragoncat since they also asked for this one :)
My Through the Ashes PC Ansoc starts out as a farmhand. He's never dreamt of going on adventures himself, though he often thinks about what it would be like if he were a different person, someone more exceptional. He's also younger in this AU, in his teens like Dorothy was.
Of course, the tornado comes and takes him to the land of Oz. His house lands on the Witch of the East. The Witch of the North explains the situation to him, gives him the ruby buckles and tells him to go to the emerald city to see the Wizard. To be honest, this is an AU I didn't really develop that much. I mostly focused on my other three Pathfinder PC's (Katala, Lenarius, and Irissil), who are the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion, respectively.
There is a twist to this AU in that, unlike other versions of the Wizard of Oz, the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion are actually happy with they way they are at first. They don't accompany Ansoc to the Wizard hoping he can fix them. They have their own reasons to go to the Emerald City, as will be explained in the next paragraphs (it should also be noted that Katala, Lenarius, and Irissil are still humanoids, and not actually props/animals; they just kind of take on the themes of those items/creatures).
Ansoc meets Katala when walking past a field. Katala goes into this spiel about how being smart is overrated and that it's much easier/simpler to trust her instincts. Also, many "smart" people are just up their own asses anyway. She volunteers to help Ansoc get to the Emerald City because she sees that this kid is lost and wants to help him get home.
They meet Lenarius in a village where s/he is the presiding magistrate. They find him/her hearing the case of a rich man who engaged in fraud. The man tries to bribe Lenarius into commuting the sentence, which only makes Lenarius slap on an even larger punishment, and the bailiff takes the man away kicking and screaming. At first Ansoc and Katala enjoy the spectacle, but then the next case comes before Lenarius: a struggling innkeeper is being fined for not keeping his business up to code. The man pleads with Lenarius; his business wouldn't survive the fine he'd have to pay. Lenarius does not budge and tells him he has to pay his fine within a certain number of days or face prison. The innkeeper walks away in tears.
Ansoc and Katala are horrified and confront him/her over this decision and ask how s/he could ruin this man's life like that. Lenarius gives a speech about how his line of work requires him/her to be heartless and derides them for being so soft-hearted and that they can never hope to make the decisions s/he makes every day. However, s/he is also headed towards the Emerald City, as his/her post at the village is done, and s/he needs to deliver a report to his/her superiors. Ansoc and Katala begrudgingly take him/her along.
On their way to the Emerald City, the group has to go through the forest. When they get there, they see signs posted everywhere, detailing the various hazards and warning to stay on the path. Katala gets fed up with the signs and declares that they can get to the Emerald City much faster if they cut through the forest. Just as she veers off the path, Irissil appears and tells her that the forest is dangerous. Irissil is the ranger of the forest and has set up the numerous signs. When Katala asks if maybe Irissil is overdoing it, Irissil tells her that the world is dangerous and uncaring and how easily the careless meet untimely and preventable deaths. Irissil would rather be fastidious and alive than bold and dead. When she asks, Ansoc tells her that they are going to the Emerald City, and Irissil tells them that she might as well come along and make sure they don't die in a ditch somewhere.
The three companions are forced to rethink their ideals when Ansoc is told that he has to confront the Witch of the West before the Wizard will see him and later when Ansoc gets kidnapped by that witch. Despite having carried out his/her mission in the Emerald City, Len cannot bring him/herself to let this teenager face a powerful witch alone (of course s/he justifies his/her decision by saying that they can't let this criminal keep running loose). Katala realizes that they can't just force their way through overwhelming odds and uses a special wit she didn't know she had to overcome. Irissil has to make a snap decision and throw caution to the wind to save Ansoc's life.
It ends the same way as the Wizard of Oz. The Wizard is a fraud who can't send Ansoc home. Ansoc has to get help from another witch, who tells him to use the ruby slippers. Ansoc eventually returns home.
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dungeonbf · 1 year
Oh? What's this? He's brought you flowers!
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losing my mind over this <333
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lennenpilled · 3 years
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<3 - - - - #politicalmemes #politics #leftist #leftistmemes #socialism #communism #ancom #ansoc #anarchist #anarchy #anarchosyndicalist #politigram #capitalism #capitalismkills #liberals #lgbt #lgbtq #lesbian #lennenpilled https://www.instagram.com/p/CSXpdjup61q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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an0rpm · 1 year
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I clutched my life And wished it kept My dearest love, I'm not done yet (("In the Woods Somewhere" - Hozier))
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dapperappleton · 4 years
Helping Hands Mutual Aid Group
Thanks to @hater-of-terfs for a) inspiring me to do this and b) posting a whole bunch of resources that I used!
I am pleased to announce that I have created a mutual aid group in St. Louis! If you would like to check it out, head over to https://linktr.ee/HHMAG for the resources. If you live and St. Louis and would like to help out in any way, that would be amazing! Send an email to [email protected]
I am trying to make sure that I can run this group on my own until other people join because I don’t know how many people will either want to help out, offer, or request things. I am also trying to make sure that I don’t depoliticise mutual aid. Mutual aid is not just people helping each other out, it’s also working towards a better, capitalist-free world (plus some other aspects which I tried to include in the mission statement).
Anyways, check it out and share so I can get this going!
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flyin-shark · 1 year
Teeth boiler? Sounds like sims promoter to me.
-ansoc anon
See ansoc gets it :3
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wannabeemoprincess · 5 years
Homelessness and poverty literally cannot be stopped by just taxing billionaires and corporations, no.
But like, the thing is the our economy and culture has been more or less designed to create both billionaires and megacorps as well as poverty and homelessness. Like, shockingly when a society's laws and economic policy are basically written by the highest bidder, they systematically build it to let them have as much as possible, while giving us the least amount they can get away with.
And yeah, they make some small concessions and throw us some bones here and there, but they give us inches to keep us passive, at most. Thats all democracy is at this point.
They want you to think the system is broke, and we need to fix it.
But the system is working fine, just the way they designed it.
Damage reduction through voting is still important. But remember, this isnt a system that needs to be fixed, its a system that needs to be overthrown.
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