nakanaai · 7 years
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          ′     ASUGI’S BACK ? it feels like AGES !    ′
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convxction · 7 years
@iroburinga :
Being stuck in a land where he knew practically no one was a huge problem when it came to getting friends or knowing what sort of company was truly good. Of course, the time he spent in his Deeprealm had taught him a few things about good and bad companies but he still had a lot of learn. And there he didn’t have the guidance of familiar face.
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So it was only natural that Asugi ended up in a small gang of thieves that were really glad to put an use to his ninja skills. In fact, they were so happy about it that they had managed to convince him to pay a visit to Ylisse’s royal prince: Chrom. He wasn’t planning to go through with their plan of course, murder without reason was beyond anything that could be offered the ginger as payment, so he had asked to be payed half in advance. He would go to the camp, but wouldn’t kill anyone in there.
The candy addict entered the camp unnoticed, examining the tents and what they had inside. One in particular had a few sweets that he gladly took into his pockets. Eventually he found his way into Chrom’s tent, where he waited hidden in the shadows like his father had taught how to do. He wasn’t going to kill him but was curious to see why anyone would want to see him dead. He didn’t notice of course that he had left a sucker laying on the ground where it didn’t belong to, and when he did, it was too late to do anything.
This day was HECTIC. Thanks to the continuous Plegian attacks on the borders, the Shepherds were struggling to keep them at bay. Not to mention all the meetings and strategy counseling they had to conduct every now and then, Truly, this day was tiring. If he could just reach his tent and drop on his bed he will be thankful.
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The prince exits the strategy tent and leaves for his tent. His left hand slowly pushes away the tent flaps when he stepped on something. “Hm..? ...Gods....Gaius and his confetti everywhere.” Chrom leans and picks it up, “Why is it here? Was he waiting for me? Hmm..Probably. If he needed me he will come back.” and proceed to walk inside.
Even though he was trained for so long to sense intruders but in his state of complete exhaustion, he was an easy target. Resting Falchion against the desk then taking off his cape to sit down on his chair, flips through some papers that were waiting on his desk. “ . . *sigh* Frederick does not waste any moment to accumulate more work heh. I’ll check them --nngg~ *yawn* after...a nap. I NEED that..” 
A voice came piercing the silence, Frederick’s, asking if Chrom needed something, “Milord. Do you need anything else before I head to my patrol?” The prince could not help but smile, “No, Frederick. Thank you and take care, alright?” Frederick’s armor gave a clanking noise, “Yes, Milord. Rest well.” and the clanking noise continue to fade away leaving the prince sighing, “When do he ever sleep? . . .speaking of that *yawn* Gods, my mouth...”  He is stretching a bit before heading to bed.
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of-invisible-ties · 7 years
@iroburinga  II Starter Call
“A-Asugi. . .!?”
Forrest flinches back. Never suspecting that the tree overhead held a perching ninja, he had paid it no mind. He circled around the tree in innocence. Then, at the corner of his eye, he chanced upon spotting Asugi’s head, protruding from the leaves. It gave him quite a shock. Trees were mainly occupied by fruits, leaves, and birds; not people!
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“Whatever are you doing up there? You’re not in the middle of some convoluted hide-and-seek, are you?”
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hammor · 7 years
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Related Meme • Accepting • @iroburinga Whatever QUICK Doodle is supposed to mean...
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inveteratum-blog · 7 years
iroburinga liked your post
“Hoshidan-  does this belong to you?” 
The veteran knight held out a distinctly un-Nohrian packet with a sweet peach bun inside. Something about his demeanor said this wasn’t an act of kindness, but one of irritation. 
“Keep an eye on your things, if it is.” 
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calmtwin · 7 years
The younger ninja tapped the older one's shoulder gently. "Hey there Uncle Kaze, happy birthday!" He exclaimed, smiling a bit. "I.... didn't know what to get you for your birthday so I made you this!" He then handed batch of cookies with 'happy birthday uncle kaze' written on them.
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“How thoughtful. They look delicious, I’ll eat them once I get the chance. Thank you very much.”
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loyal-to-the-end · 7 years
“I accidentally lied. A lot.”
Markiplier Sentence Starters
“You “accidentally” lied a lot, Asugi?  That’s...” He sighed, shaking his head. “Never mind.  I do not wish to know how.  But, why exactly are you telling me this?”
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inveteratum-blog · 7 years
iroburinga replied to your post: you people and your trends
pretty damn spooky apparently
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@iroburinga // starter call
Well, this was hardly going as expected.  Laslow was spending the day running errands on Felicia’s behalf (this is what he got for trying to woo her, wasn’t it...?) and at present he was having trouble with a particular vendor.
The old woman apparently didn’t trust him, thinking he was a Nohrian bandit.  And as much as Laslow insisted that he was Lord Xander’s retainer, that was apparently not believable enough.  Gods, he should’ve stayed at camp!
Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted someone familiar.  Gaius?!  Wait, no--
“Hey, Uncle G-- hey, Asugi!” he called from across the market square, hoping the boy would hear him.  “Uh, mind coming over here for a minute?”
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Hopefully if another Hoshidan were to affirm that he was part of Corrin’s army, this lady would finally give him the oranges he wanted...
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princess--cynthia · 7 years
I swear I remember you from what was either another blog you had or like I forgot to follow you again when I remade I’m so sorry
Thank you!
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rxijinto-blog · 7 years
You’re bleeding.. How did that happen?
One of these days, these ninjas are going to drive him nuts.
When the other speaks, he’s expecting Saizo, checking up on him like usual, and he jumps, tensing up for a moment before sighing. But the voice is too.. bright, too high-pitched to be Saizo, so he turns, glancing somewhat confused at the younger one.
“Did your father send you? If so, he can stop worrying. If not, you can too. You must focus on your training. I have been hurt worse.”
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