imchr898745 · 10 days
Projektbasierte Bootcamps. Erlernen Sie gefragte Fähigkeiten wie Cyber Security, Data Science, UX/UI und Web Development!
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nov4-rocket5 · 2 months
I guess we have to add Glynda to the list of 'Useless Ozluminati Members' now... All that time she spent in Vale rather than helping with the 'saving the world' plot amounted to jack squat because Salem offscreen'd the entire place anyway. Now she's relegated to 'finding help.'
Leonardo Lionfraud, Qrow Bumwen, Nonstop L'zpin, James Ironhack, and now Glynda Fraudwitch. 5 for 5 onscreen Ozluminati being completely worthless. Can only wonder what kind of inept failure Theo is to join such a glorious rank of frauds, bums and chronic losers.
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parisholiday-blog · 2 months
Unlock Your Tech Future: 3 Workshops, Apr 22, 2024 at 6:30 PM
New Post has been published on https://ohparis.com/events-in-paris/2693/unlock-your-tech-future-3-workshops-apr-22-2024-at-630-pm/
Unlock Your Tech Future: 3 Workshops, Apr 22, 2024 at 6:30 PM
Are you ready to kickstart your dream tech career and dive into the fundamentals of UX/UI design, Data Analytics, or Web Development?
Join us for an exciting evening tailor-made to introduce you to your future career through one of our interactive workshops – and the best part? It’s absolutely FREE! 🤑
🚨 Note: Make sure to choose your favorite workshop as they will be running simultaneously! 🚨
What you can expect from the evening:
🆓 Free Workshops: Get a taste of the tech industry without breaking the bank.
🤲 Hands-on Experience: Move beyond theory with practical exercises designed to jumpstart your dream career.
👩‍🏫 Networking: Connect with industry professionals and experienced experts to gain valuable insights.
🚀 No Experience Required: Our beginner-friendly workshops are open to all – all you need is your passion!
Please bring and charge your own laptop 💻
Don’t hesitate – sign up now and choose the workshop that best suits your interests!
📝 // PROGRAM // 📝
3 workshops, 1 evening – the choice is yours! 👊
Dive into the world of UX/UI design with Figma and create stunning user interfaces from scratch. Design a splash screen and dashboard for a mood-tracking mobile app!
📈 WORKSHOP Data Analytics :
Explore the power of Python in predicting the planet’s climate over the next century. From web scraping to predictive modeling, this workshop covers a range of data science skills and technologies.
💻 WORKSHOP Web Development :
Learn the ins and outs of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as you build web pages in a fun and interactive workshop.
📆 Monday, April 22nd
🕦 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM
🇬🇧 In English
📍 In-person at Ironhack Paris – 3 rue Maillard, 75011, Paris
❗️ Registration Required – Choose your workshop when you RSVP
Limited Spaces Available – Reserve your spot now! Notify us in advance if you can no longer attend as spots are limited and we maintain a waiting list.
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devoqdesignagency · 3 months
UI/UX Design Agency in USA, UI/UX Design Agency Florida
Introduction to UI/UX Design
UI/UX design is crucial in today's digital landscape, ensuring that websites, apps, and products are user-friendly and visually appealing. As technology evolves, businesses must adapt their digital presence to meet the needs and expectations of users. A professional UI/UX design agency can help businesses achieve this goal. UI/UX Design Agency In USA, and UI/UX Design Agency Florida.
Importance of UI/UX Design for Businesses
UI/UX design directly impacts user satisfaction, engagement, and conversion rates. A well-designed interface can enhance brand perception and customer loyalty. Businesses that invest in UI/UX design often see higher user retention and increased revenue.
Characteristics of a Good UI/UX Design Agency
A good UI/UX design agency should have a strong portfolio, demonstrating their expertise and creativity. They should also have a user-centered design approach, focusing on the needs and preferences of the target audience. Communication skills, project management capabilities, and a collaborative work style are also essential traits.
How to Choose the Right UI/UX Design Agency
When choosing a UI/UX design agency, businesses should consider factors such as experience, expertise, and reputation. They should also evaluate the agency's portfolio and client testimonials. Additionally, businesses should ensure that the agency's design philosophy aligns with their brand values and objectives.
UI/UX Design Trends in 2024
In 2024, UI/UX design is expected to focus on personalization, accessibility, and immersive experiences. AI and machine learning will play a more significant role in creating tailored user experiences. Dark mode, 3D elements, and minimalist designs are also expected to be popular trends.
UI/UX Design Agency in Florida: A Closer Look
Florida is home to several top UI/UX design agencies, known for their creativity and expertise. These agencies offer a range of services, including web design, app development, and user research. Some notable agencies in Florida include Ironhack, Lform, and Web Daytona.
UI/UX design is a critical aspect of digital product development, impacting user satisfaction and business success. Businesses must partner with a reputable UI/UX design agency to ensure that their digital presence is engaging, user-friendly, and aligned with their brand values.
What is UI/UX design? UI/UX design refers to the process of designing user interfaces and user experiences for digital products such as websites, apps, and software. It involves creating visually appealing and intuitive interfaces that enhance user satisfaction and usability.
Why is UI/UX design important for businesses? UI/UX design is essential for businesses as it directly impacts user satisfaction, engagement, and conversion rates. A well-designed interface can improve brand perception and customer loyalty, leading to increased revenue and business growth.
How can businesses benefit from hiring a UI/UX design agency? By hiring a UI/UX design agency, businesses can benefit from the expertise and creativity of experienced designers. These agencies can help businesses create user-friendly and visually appealing interfaces that enhance user satisfaction and drive business success.
What are some UI/UX design trends in 2024? Some UI/UX design trends in 2024 include personalization, accessibility, and immersive experiences. AI and machine learning are expected to play a more significant role in creating tailored user experiences, while dark mode, 3D elements, and minimalist designs are also expected to be popular.
How can businesses choose the right UI/UX design agency? When choosing a UI/UX design agency, businesses should consider factors such as experience, expertise, and reputation. They should also evaluate the agency's portfolio and client testimonials to ensure that their design philosophy aligns with their brand values and objectives.
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sazedul · 5 months
Hilary Topper interviews
Ironhacks Listen in as I interview Andrew of Ironhacks. This also appeared on my podcast, Hilary Topper on Air Endurance Sports Edition. Listen to my podcast at https://hilarytopperonair.libsyn.com/. Here is the original video from the interview which also appears on Apple podcast, Amazon Alexa, Google Play, Spotify, etc.
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360digitmg-ds-da-hyd · 8 months
Building a Strong Foundation: Data Science Courses in Kochi
Building a strong foundation in data science course kochi is crucial for a successful career in the field. In Kochi, you can find a range of data science courses that cater to different skill levels and learning preferences. Here are some data science courses in Kochi that can help you build a strong foundation:
M.Sc. in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (CUSAT):
Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) offers a comprehensive two-year Master of Science program in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. This program covers a wide range of data science topics and provides a strong academic foundation.
Post Graduate Diploma in Data Science and Machine Learning (NIELIT - Kochi):
The National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) in Kochi offers a Post Graduate Diploma in Data Science and Machine Learning. This diploma program focuses on practical skills and is suitable for those looking for a shorter, intensive course.
Master of Science in Computer Science with Data Analytics (IIITM-K):
The Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management - Kerala (IIITM-K) offers a Master of Science program with a specialization in Data Analytics. This program is designed to provide in-depth training in data science and analytics.
Data Science Bootcamps (Various Providers):
Consider enrolling in   business analytics course kochi boot camps offered by coding schools like General Assembly, Ironhack, or Le Wagon. These boot camps provide intensive, hands-on training in data science over a shorter duration.
Online Data Science Specializations (Coursera, edX, Udacity):
Explore online data science specializations offered by platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity. Options include the "Data Science Specialization" on Coursera and the "MicroMasters Program in Data Science" on edX.
Data Science Certification Courses (Local Institutes):
Several local institutes in Kochi offer data science certification courses that cover essential data science concepts and tools. These courses are often designed for professionals looking to upskill.
Self-Paced Learning (Online Resources):
If you prefer self-paced learning, there are numerous online resources available. Websites like Kaggle, DataCamp, and Khan Academy offer tutorials, exercises, and courses to help you build foundational skills.
Introductory Statistics and Programming Courses (Local Institutes and Online Platforms):
Strengthen your foundation by taking introductory courses in statistics and programming. Local institutes and online platforms offer courses that cater to beginners.
Data Visualization Courses (Online Platforms):
Understanding data visualization is essential in data science. Explore data visualization courses on platforms like Tableau, Power BI, and D3.js.
Foundational Mathematics Courses (Local Institutes and Online Platforms):
Consider enrolling in foundational mathematics courses that cover topics like linear algebra and calculus, which are important for understanding machine learning algorithms.
Python Programming Courses (Local Institutes and Online Resources):
Python is a widely used programming language in data science. If you're not proficient in Python, take beginner-level courses to master the basics.
Basic SQL and Database Courses (Online Platforms):
SQL is crucial for working with databases and querying data. Learn the fundamentals of SQL through online courses and tutorials. let's dive deeper into the importance of building a strong foundation in data science and how these courses can help you achieve that:
1. M.Sc. in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (CUSAT):
This two-year master's program from CUSAT provides a comprehensive and structured curriculum that covers the fundamental principles of data science and artificial intelligence. Students gain a deep understanding of statistical analysis, machine learning, and data visualization. The program also includes practical projects, giving students hands-on experience in real-world applications.
2. Post Graduate Diploma in Data Science and Machine Learning (NIELIT - Kochi):
NIELIT's diploma program focuses on equipping students with practical skills in data science and machine learning. It's an ideal choice for those who want to quickly gain expertise in data science techniques and tools. The program typically covers data preprocessing, model building, and data visualization.
3. Master of Science in Computer Science with Data Analytics (IIITM-K):
IIITM-K's Master of Science program with a specialization in Data Analytics provides a solid academic foundation in computer science and data analytics. Students learn advanced data analysis techniques, data mining, and data warehousing, making them well-prepared for data science roles.
4. Data Science Bootcamps (Various Providers):
Data science bootcamps are intensive, short-term programs that focus on practical skills and real-world projects. They are an excellent option for individuals looking to transition quickly into data science careers. These bootcamps often cover key programming languages (such as Python and R), data manipulation, and machine learning.
5. Online Data Science Specializations (Coursera, edX, Udacity):
Online specializations on platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity offer flexibility and self-paced learning. These programs typically cover a wide range of data science topics, including statistics, data analysis, and machine learning. Many of them are created by top universities and institutions.
6. Data Science Certification Courses (Local Institutes):
Local institutes in Kochi offer certification courses that cater to both beginners and professionals. These courses often focus on practical skills and tools used in data science projects, helping you build a strong foundation for practical applications.
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7. Self-Paced Learning (Online Resources):
Self-paced learning through online resources allows you to control the pace of your education. You can explore tutorials, video lectures, and coding exercises on platforms like Kaggle, DataCamp, and Khan Academy to gradually build your skills.
8. Introductory Statistics and Programming Courses (Local Institutes and Online Platforms):
A strong foundation in statistics and programming is essential for data science. You can find introductory courses both locally and online to strengthen these fundamental skills.
9. Data Visualization Courses (Online Platforms):
Data visualization is a critical aspect of data science. Courses in data visualization tools like Tableau, Power BI, and D3.js help you effectively communicate insights from data.
10. Foundational Mathematics Courses (Local Institutes and Online Platforms): - 
Mathematics forms the backbone of data science, especially when dealing with machine learning algorithms. Courses in linear algebra, calculus, and probability theory provide a solid mathematical foundation.
11. Python Programming Courses (Local Institutes and Online Resources): - 
Python is the go-to programming language for data science. Beginner-level Python courses, whether in person or online, are essential for data science beginners.
12. Basic SQL and Database Courses (Online Platforms): -
 SQL is crucial for querying and managing data. Learning the fundamentals of SQL is a practical skill that data scientists use regularly.
Building a strong foundation in data science is like constructing a sturdy building – the stronger the foundation, the more complex and impactful the structure can be. These courses in Kochi cater to individuals at various skill levels and offer opportunities to acquire the knowledge and skills needed for a successful career in data science. Start with the basics, practice consistently, and gradually work your way towards mastering advanced data science concepts and techniques.
Top of Form
Source link : What are the Best IT Companies in Kochi
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surveycircle · 1 year
¡Se buscan participantes para estudio! Tema: "Contabilidad e impuestos para autónomos, pymes, freelancers" https://t.co/Y9DuEPJEhs via @SurveyCircle #ironhack #finanzas #autónomos #impuestos #estudio #IronhackMadrid https://t.co/NTAFuOMrW0
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) May 19, 2023
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jayalakshmicse · 1 year
10 Best Developer Bootcamps for Web Developer Companies
There are many developer bootcamps available in the market, but here are ten of the best ones for web developer companies:
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General Assembly: General Assembly offers a variety of programs in web development, including full-time, part-time, and online courses. They have campuses around the world, and their curriculum covers both front-end and back-end development.
App Academy: App Academy is a 12-week, full-time bootcamp that teaches web development, including Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, and React. They have a job placement rate of 98%.
Flatiron School: Flatiron School offers immersive web development courses both online and in-person. They offer courses in software engineering, data science, and cybersecurity.
Hack Reactor: Hack Reactor is a 12-week, full-time bootcamp that teaches full-stack web development using JavaScript. They also have a part-time course and offer job placement assistance.
Lambda School: Lambda School offers a full-time, online bootcamp in web development. Their curriculum includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React. They also offer a job guarantee.
Fullstack Academy: Fullstack Academy offers immersive web development courses in full-stack JavaScript. They also offer part-time and online courses, as well as job placement assistance.
The Tech Academy: The Tech Academy offers full-time, online courses in web development, as well as other tech fields like data science and cybersecurity. They also offer a job placement guarantee.
Ironhack: Ironhack offers immersive courses in web development, UX/UI design, and data analytics. They have campuses around the world and offer job placement assistance.
Le Wagon: Le Wagon offers immersive courses in web development and data science. They have campuses around the world and also offer online courses.
Skillcrush: Skillcrush offers online courses in web development, UX/UI design, and digital marketing. They offer flexible learning options and career support.
Each of these bootcamps has its own strengths and unique features, so it's important to research them and find the one that best fits the needs of your web developer company.
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fortheoutside · 1 year
Different options for a career in tech
1. Web development
+ Front-end: To build anything end users can see in the interface
+ back-end: To build anything end users cannot see
+ full-stack developer
2. Data analytics
3. UX/UI Design
- Buiding apps
Ironhack career quiz
4. -IT
5. Cyber insecurity
4. Cloud computing
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gazeta24br · 2 years
À medida que a tecnologia continua a se desenvolver, novas carreiras ocupam seu lugar de destaque como as mais procuradas pelas empresas. No Brasil, temas como a chegada do 5G e os dois anos de vigência da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD) confirmam que as marcas devem prestar ainda mais atenção nos seus investimentos em profissionais do segmento nos próximos anos. Por conta dos desdobramentos no meio digital, algumas profissões na área tecnológica já estão se revelando como tendências para 2023. Diante dessa perspectiva, Alexandre Tibechrani, General Manager Americas da Ironhack, escola global de tecnologia, elencou quais são os sete cargos que estarão em alta no período:   Desenvolvedor Full Stack JS Segundo uma pesquisa feita pela Forbes e a Robert Half, o desenvolvedor de Web está entre as dez profissões mais promissoras, com um crescimento de 5,2% ao ano. Não à toa, o especialista Full Stack JS, ou seja, aquele que tem domínio sobre os aspectos de back-end e front-end de um aplicativo, tem sido um dos mais requisitados pelas organizações ao redor do mundo. “A natureza altamente técnica do trabalho traz para esses colaboradores salários cada vez mais altos e muitas oportunidades para subir na hierarquia da companhia a qual prestam serviços”, diz Tibechrani.   Especialista em segurança cibernética Dados de um relatório da LearnBonds revelam que 70% das grandes empresas aumentaram os gastos com cibersegurança para enfrentar os desafios impostos pela pandemia. Segundo o executivo da Ironhack, à medida que a tecnologia continua a ocupar um espaço maior em nossas vidas, a necessidade de talentos no tema também aumenta. “Infelizmente, crimes virtuais como esquemas de phishing ou ataques de ransomware se desenvolvem com a chegada de novas ferramentas. Dessa forma, profissionais que sabem trabalhar com a proteção de dados e a segurança da informação permanecerão na lista de prioridades de contratações”, afirma.   Especialista técnico em SEO Os especialistas técnicos em SEO são responsáveis por otimizar o back-end de um site, a fim de aumentar sua visibilidade nos mecanismos de pesquisa e direcionar mais tráfego. “Ao contrário do SEO on-page, o SEO técnico possui habilidades como codificação e análise de dados.”, explica  Tibechrani. “A competitividade crescente entre as marcas deve aquecer essa área em diversos segmentos, desde startups de tecnologia até agências de marketing”, reforça.   Analista de dados Conforme o Bureau of Labor Statistics dos Estados Unidos, demanda por perfis em   análise de dados deve crescer 23% entre 2021 e 2031. O motivo da projeção é, principalmente, o fato desses profissionais ajudarem as empresas a tomar decisões, melhorar produtos e serviços e fazer perguntas importantes que podem levar a novas descobertas. “Os analistas de dados executam uma variedade de tarefas, além de trabalharem com outros colaboradores de TI para determinar quais informações são necessárias para atingir as metas de negócios. Ou seja, são indispensáveis para qualquer organização atualmente”, pontua o General Manager Americas da Ironhack.   Designer de produto Os designers de produtos trabalham em todas as fases do ciclo de vida do produto, desde a concepção e execução, até a distribuição e manutenção. “Geralmente, esses especialistas fazem parte de uma equipe interdisciplinar, que inclui engenheiros, profissionais de marketing e designers de UX/UI. “O trabalho deles mistura a criatividade e a garantia de que todos os processos funcionem como planejados, mistura totalmente requisitada em todas as empresas”, ressalta Tibechrani.   Desenvolvedor Javascript A demanda por desenvolvedores de Javascript cresce constantemente há anos, uma vez que é uma das linguagens de programação centrais para tecnologia moderna e uma das mais usadas pelas empresas. “Os projetos mais inovadores do mercado, presentes em assuntos como big data, blockchain, IoT e IA, envolvem times
que possuem esse entendimento. Logo, quem buscar se aperfeiçoar nesse segmento e nesta tecnologia com certeza terá oportunidades de emprego garantidas para os anos seguintes”, enfatiza o executivo da escola global.   Designers de interface do usuário (UX/UI) Por fim, os designers de interface do usuário chamam a atenção no mercado por prometerem criatividade e longevidade às organizações. “Eles são responsáveis pela aparência de um produto digital, criando aspectos visuais de um site ou aplicativo”, descreve Tibechrani. “Junto dessas skills, a valorização dos profissionais está crescendo devido à colaboração com designers de UX/UI e desenvolvedores da Web, que garante que os projetos sejam implementados corretamente em toda a companhia”, finaliza.  
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digitrenndsamr · 2 years
Boost in Technology Driving the Coding Bootcamp Market Globally by 2031
Coding bootcamp is a training program that involves teaching of programming skills to job seekers and students in order to enhance their coding skills as per industry standards
A coding bootcamp offers both full-time and part-time training programs as per the need of an aspiring employee or student. Coding bootcamp helps job seekers to learn or update their programming skills and enhance their employability so that they can make a career in the web development sector
Increase in number of ready-to-work coding bootcamps arranged by various institutes and companies propels the coding bootcamp market
Read Report Overview at- https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/coding-bootcamp-market.html
Global Coding Bootcamp Market: Dynamics
Global Coding Bootcamp Market: Key Drivers
Due to rising adoption of technologies in various countries, the need for learning new skills rises accordingly. This factor is projected to drive the demand for coding bootcamps during the forecast period.
Adoption of coding bootcamps is expected to increase during the forecast period to improve programming skills and enhance employability
The low cost of coding bootcamp as compared to the fees charged by universities, increases student enrolments for bootcamps. This factor is estimated to boosts the coding bootcamps market.
Increase in number of institutes offering courses on coding is anticipated to hinder the coding bootcamp market.
Increase in formal education is estimated to also hamper the coding bootcamp market during the forecast period
SME’s in developing countries such as India and China offers significant opportunities for the coding bootcamp market.
North America to Hold Major Share of Global Coding Bootcamp Market
In terms of region, the global coding bootcamp market can be divided into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and South America
North America is estimated to be a prominent region of the global coding bootcamp market during the forecast period. Presence of a large number of coding bootcamp providers and advancements in IT infrastructure are boosting the demand for coding bootcamps in the region.
Increase in number of job seekers in countries like India and China is prompting the need to learn new skills, which in turn is propelling the coding bootcamp market in Asia Pacific
Increasing penetration of coding companies in Europe are demanding the employee with updated coding skills. The requirements of IT companies is anticipated to fuel the demand for coding bootcamps in the region during the forecast period.
Ask for Brochure- https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=83620
Global Coding Bootcamp Market: Competition Landscape
Several players have a strong presence in the global coding bootcamp market with rapid technological advancements. For instance, in May 2020, Lighthouse Labs, a Canada-based tech education company announced that it would provide web development bootcamp and data science bootcamp courses to any students by offering an internet connection. Lighthouse Labs aims to provide coding education to every student across Canada in order to improve their programming skills and to enhance their coding knowledge.
Make an Enquiry Before Buying- https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=EB&rep_id=83620
Key Players Operating in the Global Coding Bootcamp Market include:
App Academy
4Geeks Academy LLC
Barcelona Code School
Dataquest Labs Inc.
Epicodus, Inc.
Galvanize Inc.
General Assembly Space Inc.
Hash Map Labs Inc.
Ironhack Inc.
Lighthouse Labs
Makers Academy
The Tech Academy.
Thinkful Inc.
Udacity Inc.
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raimondazabulyte · 2 years
Week 8!
This week has been great. I am happy that my team could work and progress with the project, keeping up with the schedule but also trying to have fun and enjoy the last days in the bootcamp, which I appreciate, especially after the hard personal project we had. We met our client - Lexy and had a conversation with them in their work environment which helped us to better understand their ideas and the expectations from us. Only one week left of the bootcamp , it is nice to  finish but also I hope we all stay in contact and keep the great community feeling that we had all these 8 weeks!
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Well, reading the title, it's pretty clear what our project was about this week. Of course, it's about coding or at least the beginning of it!
Though this week wasn't as hectic as the previous one was, I gotta admit that the coding part was a challenge I did not expect to go through. I knew that it wasn't my forté. So, you are diving into design thinking along the research process so intensely, and on top of that, you add technical skills on Figma then you think that coding would be easy peasy since you just gotta a d d c o d e s and that's it! But no, ma'am.
It actually became more complex than that, and somehow, I'm kinda glad it did because it made me realise that we need to empathise with the whole team when working on a product and speak the same language, even though we use different terminologies. 
My colleague was just great support, and thanks to him, I was able to see my skills shine. I truly believe I can become what I have always wanted to be. ✨
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valentina-larrahona · 2 years
Marriage crisis with ux/ui
This week has been a frustrating week. It has not been the most pleasant but it has been a challenge that I have faced and in the end I have managed to overcome.
I have allowed myself to go into crisis with the project, to cry, to stress, to see no way out at the end of the tunnel but... it was part of the process as a designer. The biggest challenge has been to get into a sector (construction) that doesn't motivate me but that, thanks to Nevan's wise advice, I have found a way to make it interesting and motivating for me.
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Let's continue!
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carito-o · 2 years
Chaper three
Week two is done!! It feels like we´ve been doing the bootcamp for two months rather than two weeks. 
This week’s project was extremely fun because we actually started doing more design like things. Adding the feature to the WhatsApp app was really challenging and interesting to do. First off it really impressed me how many different flows or ways of implementing the new feature I could do.  When doing the paper prototypes, it really helped me understand how the user interacts with the app and how they would think the feature would be added. I thought I had to do every single one of their routs to get to the point so by the times de crits arrived thankfully Nevan told me to just focus on one flow.  Doing the hi-fidelity prototype was fun, understanding WhatsApp iconography and design language was super interesting. The whole time I was trying hard to make the feature to go unnoticed as much as possible so that it wouldn’t stand out. I couldn’t have gone through this week without everyone in the bootcamp. We are starting to become a family and it’s nice to have everyone there to cheer you up, help you out or just to have some fun.  To quote Troye Bolton “This could be the start of something new” :P
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arzumerol · 2 years
The first week at Ironhack UX/UI design has been the most stressful week of my whole education life. 
The week was about learning the basics of HTML and CSS and prepare a presentation with a  team mate. 
Working on a project that I have not practiced at all before and a new class mate I´ve just met was challenging but overall it thought me a lot. 
It is important for a product designer to know how the coding works which helps you to understand the developer side and know your limit when you desing the product. 
I´m super excited to start 2nd week and work on a new project that will teach me new skills for my new career path.
If you read until here, sending you my love.
Until next time <3 
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