#ironically I actually have a sick elder cat that needs care
amount of asks ive gotten about a sick elder cat who needs immediate care: 2
and they were two different people
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psychomoxxie · 7 months
Two nights ago, Joe's daughter, "K", threatened to kill me.
Specifically, she threatened to stab me, then to "slice me up" with a knife, the next day. I ended up having to call the police when she did it the third time that morning -- you know what they say -- third time's the charm and all that. In case you're wondering, she has attacked people physically before, and is absolutely capable of violence. She is both a drug addict, and a psychotic. So yes, I am very concerned.
I sat, shaking and crying, in the kitchen, knives gathered on the table beside me, Calvin my Maine Coon sitting on them protectively, as Max, Joe's son, stood guard between her and I as we waited for the cops. At that point, she pretended to be sleeping in the living room, as he let them in to question her and me.
I've no illusions, and as expected, I got no protection from them as she hadn't actually physically attacked me -- but she has a record, and I don't, and she also physically outweighs me by about 40 lbs, and is several inches taller than me. The cops believed me, and discounted her story that I was "just trying to get her kicked out".
I learned that there IS recourse for Joe to get her evicted, if he so chooses, since she's essentially a squatter (ironically what she screams accusingly at me, funny she accuses me of being all the things she actually is). The female police officer was much more helpful (go figure), and took my report, filed an assault charge, but since she receives mail here, they couldn't remove her, and Joe doesn't have the heart to to forward with the eviction steps, so I have decided I need to leave.
My heart is breaking, because it means, for now, leaving my cats behind in Max's care. I was crying my eyes out as I explained to them my plan to go and stay with friends until I could figure something else out -- since she's been threatening me with physical violence, this is considered a domestic violence situation and I can seek help through those channels, for the second time in my life.
I'm waiting to hear from the friends who offered me a room to stay while I figure things out (they can't have my cats, because theirs is very territorial, which is making me cry as I write this, but I understand); I think the best plan is to seek assistance from every social service agency I can in regards to housing, disability for my health, etc.
Meanwhile, I can come see my kitties because I will only be two blocks away, and at least while K is out getting high or whatever it is she does, I can spend time with them when I'm not too sick.
It's impossible to describe the sick feeling in my stomach I have at the thought of leaving them behind -- I love them so much, they are my babies, they are what keep me going. But how do I stay in a place where my life is being threatened by an unstable, psychotic drug addict? I am so miserable, so torn, so anxious right now. I have no alternatives that are reasonable due to my health, and I feel like a failure.
Currently, I think the cops spooked K enough where she's just yelling about me to Joe, but no longer bursting into my room to threaten me, so as stressful as that is, at least she's no longer in my face for the time being.
I can only hope Joe will eventually get to the point where he will take the steps to evict her, for his own sake, because what she is doing to him is elder abuse. The screaming, the throwing plates of food and destroying things, the name calling, the threats, all of it.
I don't know if my friends will follow through on the offer, it's clearly a lot to offer a person, to open their home to someone in my situation; if they feel they can't, I will likely call a domestic violence shelter for the interim. Because I know this won't be the end of things with K. She's unstable, clearly hates me, blaming me for her situation out of some sort of misguided jealousy. But I'm not safe here.
I can't believe I will have to leave my cats behind. Max has reassured me that he will take care of them, make sure they are OK. My health today and pain levels are of course miserable, and I am in bed, just staying out of K's way, hoping she just leaves the apartment soon. I am too weak to do so myself at the moment, but I am feeling extremely depressed. This situation is untenable. I don't want to leave my babies. Especially not here. But I hope that with me gone, she will at least calm down, and once I'm not actually living here, just visiting until I can take them back, she won't feel so violently towards me.
I really don't know what else to do.
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satonthelotuspier · 5 years
How Shall We Stop Dreams - Part 7
Chapter 6 of the serialised Dreams AU. Follow the Tags below for the previous parts if you missed them, or check it all out on AO3 if that’s your preferred poison.
Hope you enjoy :)
Wei Wuxian made his way back to their house, hoping he might be able to calm Jiang Cheng down and maybe pull back, or clarify, some of the things he’d said in the heat of his temper. He was so protective of Jiang Cheng, who to all intents had purposes, was his little brother even though they weren’t related by blood, that he hadn’t really thought what he’d said through. And he had hurt Jiang Cheng.
He’d hurt Lan Xichen too, but that he didn’t care about, his brother was his only concern.
Jiang Cheng was already in bed and had his back turned so he faced the wall when Wei Wuxian arrived.
He moved across the room knelt down next to the bed.
“Jiang Cheng”
The other ignored him, but Wei Wuxian could tell he wasn’t asleep as he was too tense.
“Jiang Cheng” he said again; “I know you aren’t sleeping, don’t ignore me”
“Leave me alone, Wei Wuxian” he could hear the upset in Jiang Cheng’s voice and he felt even worse.
“Come Jiang Cheng, lets talk, please. I said some silly things that probably stand further explanation. I was protecting you a little too zealously and I interfered in something that I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry”
“Sometimes it feels like you want to keep me in your shadow forever. That you don’t want me to grow up, that you don’t want me to ever have something before you”
The tearful litany made Wei Wuxian pause, that had never been his intention, but had it seemed to the other like that? Maybe, because of Jiang Cheng’s own insecurities.
“I would never do that to you, A-Cheng” he reached out to stroke a hand over Jiang Cheng’s hair soothingly.
The other sat up, slapping his hand away, “Leave me alone”
“Don’t be like that, didi” Wei Wuxian moved to sit on the edge of his bed and put his hands on Jiang Cheng’s shoulders, “I know I was very wrong to have interfered. You’re right, you are an adult, and able to make your own decisions, whether they worry me or not is my problem to deal with and not yours. You should have that talk with Lan Xichen, I don’t understand the whole Spiritmatch thing and I jumped in with very little information. You should let him tell you himself. I am sorry I attacked you both like that, and that you feel like I’m trying to keep you in my shadow, it’s the last thing I want” he realised the other was crying and he couldn’t bear it, “A-Cheng, don’t do that, its not so bad, honestly it will work out, you’ll see” he folded the other into a soothing hug; Jiang Cheng had unusually met him half way which was probably an indication of how hurt the other was, normally he’d rather punch Wei Wuxian in the shoulder than accept it to cry on.
“Just once it would be nice if someone chose me because it was me, not because I was anyone’s brother or son or fated one, just because I was the choice they wanted to make” Wei Wuxian stroked his back and continued to make soothing noises.
The next morning Wei Wuxian was up and away before Jiang Cheng woke up; something Jiang Cheng was thankful for, too embarrassed to face him this morning after his emotional meltdown. He wouldn’t be entirely surprised if Wei Wuxian had arranged it for that very reason, to save Jiang Cheng some face.
He decided to take a quick breakfast in the house and spend the day out in the woods, walking, perhaps practising his sword forms, and generally clearing his head.
Along with the tray of food that was delivered by one of the Wen’s servants was a note from Wen Qing, asking him to make himself available tomorrow for an examination.
He sent a positive response back, finished his meal in peace and disappeared for the day after leaving a brief note for Wei Wuxian explaining he’d be back later in case the other returned before him.
Wei Wuxian was on his way back to the house to check on Jiang Cheng when he ran into Mo Xuanyu and Wen Ning. Wei Wuxian was of course now accompanied by his permanent shadow, Lan er-gongzi.
“Hello you two, what are you up to?” Wei Wuxian greeted them.
He’d given some careful consideration overnight, given that they suspected Wen Ning was a half demon, to how he would react on meeting the other. He had decided to treat him as he would anyway, or at least as closely as he could; Wen Ning had risked himself to save Mo Xuanyu yesterday, and that was all he needed to know about the other until something happened to change his mind. Even if he was half demon that wasn’t enough to hold against him because he genuinely seemed like a shy, kind young man.
“Wen Ning is a crack shot archer, he was going to show me some tips at the training range”
“Ah, sounds good, perhaps you could give me some tips too one day soon, Wen Ning” Wei Wuxian offered, which made Wen Ning blush.
“I’m sure Wei-gongzi is too skilled to need my guidance” he looked up as Wei Wuxian patted his shoulder.
“Nonsense, I’m always eager to learn something new. How are you feeling after your injuries yesterday?”
“I’m fine, Jiejie tended to them in the evening and they’re almost healed now”
“You’re very lucky, Wen Qing is a very accomplished healer I understand” Wen Ning nodded, obviously proud of his elder sister.
“She is greatly favoured by Wen-zongzhu, is she not? A great honour” it was the first time Lan Wangji had spoken to the pair and Wen Ning looked a little uncomfortable. Which seemed to be the effect Lan Wangji had on most people as they didn’t know how to deal with his dispassionate nature. Neither did Wei Wuxian really, but he was the type of person who would learn as they went along, it wasn’t something that worried him.
Wen Ning nodded again at Lan Wangji’s statement.
Mo Xuanyu piped up then, as if coming to rescue Wen Ning from his discomfort, “Will you come with us to the range?”
“I may join you later, I want to see what Jiang Cheng is up to first, he hasn’t shown himself yet this morning. Don’t wait for me!” he waved as they moved on towards the accommodations.
They were almost there when Lan Wangji murmured his name softly.
“Wei Ying...”
“No” he turned, to the other and gave him a determined look. “I won’t treat him any differently until it’s proved he doesn’t deserve my trust”
“Ironically better than you treated my brother” he could see the moment Lan Wangji’s soul left his body as he realised he’d put his foot in his mouth again. And although Wei Wuxian accepted the comment was accurate and he didn’t take offence he couldn't pass up the opportunity to tease the other.
“It’s like you’re trying to remain a virgin for the rest of your life, Lan Zhan” Wei Wuxian told him.
“Wei Ying” Lan Wangji exclaimed, scandalised at his comment. Wei Wuxian noted the fact that although the other’s perfect, jade-like face didn’t flush with his embarrassment, his neck and his earlobes did. It was actually quite adorable and he couldn’t stop himself from reaching out to scratch at Lan Wangji’s chin. Lan Wangji seemed react to the caress like a cat, and Wei Wuxian wouldn’t have been entirely surprised to hear a purr come from the other’s throat.
He found the note from Jiang Cheng on his return so they decided to return to the Lan’s house instead and see how Lan Xichen fared with his research.
“Xiongzhang” Lan Wangji greeted his brother as they entered, Lan Xichen didn’t look up.
“Wangji, Wei-gongzi” he acknowledged shortly.
It seemed Wei Wuxian still hadn’t been forgiven for his transgression last night.
Not that he had expected to be yet.
“Have you discovered anything?”
“I’m still looking, something that would go much more smoothly if I was left undisturbed” an annoyed Lan Xichen was almost alien to Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian could tell he didn’t know how to handle his elder brother at the moment.
Wei Wuxian had been the cause, and although he couldn’t magically fix it he could certainly try and help give them the opportunity to fix it themselves.
He moved towards the table and sank to his knees next to it, edging into Lan Xichen’s eyeline. He saw the other redouble his efforts to ignore Wei Wuxian and focus on the text in front of him; but he edged closer and waved the paper, “Zewu-jun, a peace offering”
Lan Xichen finally looked up from the book and fixed him with a look, “There is no need, please do not interfere more than you already have, Wei-gongzi. I can certainly do without your version of assistance”
“Xiongzhang...” Wei Wuxian held his hand up to halt Lan Wangji from coming to his defence; he unfolded the paper and placed it in front of Lan Xichen.
The other looked at it, had almost risen to his feet before he even realised it, then sank back down, pushing the paper away.
“I should finish here” he said finally, and waved a dismissing hand at them both.
“Xiongzhang, you have been here all morning, taking a break for a while will not hurt” Lan Wangji argued.
And Wei Wuxian was able to watch the war in his eyes, eventually his need to talk to Jiang Cheng won out and he closed the book, rose, picked up Shuoyue, and left.
Wei Wuxian was about to open one of the books when there was a knock at the door. He picked them up and shoved them under the bedclothes on one of the beds while Lan Wangji moved to the door; he opened it when he was sure Wei Wuxian had hidden them from sight well enough.
“Luo-guniang” he greeted and stood back to allow her entry.
“Lan er-gongzi, Wei-gongzi” she cupped her hands and bowed, and they returned the salute.
“I have important news. Have you heard yet? One of the disciples from Wu Sect was sent home this morning, she took ill yesterday evening. After a consultation with Wen Qing”
“Took ill?”
“Jin-gongzi saw her leave, he said she looked confused, and drained, like she was completely exhausted. How could it be possible to become so sick in just a few hours and not have the best healer in the land notice anything wrong with you before you did?”
While he had concerns over what she said, Wei Wuxian was also curious to know why she had come to report it to them.
“Why are you telling us?” he asked, his arms folded.
“Wei-gongzi, I didn’t come in off the farm yesterday. It’s obvious more than meets the eye is going on here, we all suspected it from the very night of the feast, and your suddenly becoming bosom friends with Lan er-gongzi and keeping quiet about what you saw yesterday makes it very obvious you’re getting involved in something right up to your knees”
He marvelled at her deductive reasoning; she was a formidable woman, keeping quiet, taking everything in around her, absorbing the available information like a sponge, then acting when she saw it as time.
“I’m neither confirming nor denying any such involvement”
“If you’re not involved you won’t want the rest of the information I have then...” she shrugged and made to walk away, but Wei Wuxian dashed forward and took hold of her arms gently.
“Now, Luo-guniang, don’t be like that. Perhaps you could tell us for completeness” Wei Wuxian suggested, raising his eyebrows in question.
“I will tell you, but when you investigate this, I want to be involved”
“Absolutely not” Lan Wangji said as Wei Wuxian agreed.
Wei Wuxian looked at Lan Wangji, “Lan Zhan, Luo-guniang is a very strong cultivator, and obviously a very clever one, she won’t hold us up”
“There will be no us, if there is danger the only people involved will be Xiongzhang or I, this is our task, not yours, nor Luo-guniang's”
“Am I having these nightmares? Is Luo Qingyang? It’s very much our business too. You don’t get to decide whether we sit and watch or not Lan Zhan, you may say we can’t go with you, but that certainly doesn’t mean I’ll sit and wait for you to come back, I’ll go myself if I have to”
“You won’t, I’ll be with you too” Luo Qingyang confirmed and again the look of frustration crossed Lan Wangji’s face but he must surely know enough about Wei Wuxian’s personality to know the other wouldn’t sit gamely by in a situation like this.
Lan Wangji gave the briefest of nods eventually, his mouth tight.
“A member of the Jin clan has been invited to an examination tonight, I think we should follow them and try to find out what we can about what happens when Wen Qing runs an examination, and see if there’s any link to the state the Wu sect disciple was in when she left for home this morning” Luo Qingyang informed them.
Wen Ruohan listened to Wen Qing’s report and the failure of the second test subject. They had a third planned for that evening, but she had doubts about viability of this one too.
“This is all very disappointing” he drummed the fingers of his right hand on the arm of his throne-like chair, and Wen Qing bowed her head.
“I’m sorry, Wen-zongzhu. The failure is mine”
Although he was very disappointed with their lack of progress he was fully aware this was likely to take time, eventually the cultivators here would start to suspect something but he didn’t think that it should be yet, and really what they were looking for was trial and error, like any experiment. If they knew the perfect solution they wouldn’t even need to undertake this part of the plan.
“Nonsense, these things take time, we understood that, I’m merely frustrated and wish to be making progress. It will come though. Perhaps we start testing the cultivators who had the strongest reactions to the dreams”
“I have already arranged for one to be tested tomorrow, Wen-zongzhu, I hope you won’t be disappointed for too much longer” she bowed again; there was a lot of tension in her shoulders, he hoped she wasn’t having second thoughts about her involvement with their work here, it would have some rather dire consequences for everyone involved if she did.
Wen Ruohan resolved to keep a close watch on his star healer.
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