#ironically i have crazy gender envy for him so shfsdgjdhgs
gaylaughingdoves · 3 years
I really love how you draw Dottore! he's my favorite character in genshin- do you have any hcs/ideas for how he interacts with the other harbingers? I find other people's readings of him really interesting!
take care, have a good day whenever you read this!
Aaa!! Thank you!! <3 :D And yes I absolutely have hcs about him and the other harbingers!!
(I'm gonna toss them under a cut because I have a tendency to ramble on and use a whole lotta Words-)
Alright, so Signora and Dottore:
Extraordinarily chaotic and evil sibling dynamic
They gossip, like, A Lot, it's mainly Signora talking while Dottore fidgets and works with whatever he's working on, but he gets invested in it pretty easily
Now they also can and will rat each other out when they want, absolute snitches the both of them, they find immense joy in it, however. They also know a decent number of each other's secrets and they aren't going to tell those unless given a proper bribe (which neither have received just yet)
Signora and Dottore also both do Not like Childe
They have bonded over this
Childe is gaslight girlboss gatekept from everything when Signora and Dottore are involved
Also, Signora usually isn't phased by whatever Dottore keeps in his labs, because, yk, she might be 500+ years old, which Dottore appreciates because usually people are constantly on edge in his labs
It's a pain for him to actually keep staff (alive and employed), but having another Harbinger there (even one with a reputation like Signora's) grants the people working for him an, admittedly false, sense of security. Nothing could go bad when two Harbingers are here, right?
So Actually many many things can go wrong with these two in a room with Dottore's experiments
Like don't trust them around fire? Ever? Signora knows her way around it a little bit too well to be safe, and Dottore just likes watching how things burn under different conditions soo a recipe for Arson, that's what that is
Signora also thinks Dottore is hilarious when he's angry, and Dottore just likes being antagonistic, which leads to a whole lotta bickering. It's usually lighthearted but it can get serious and it can get serious fast
But overall Dottore just sorta sees her as an older sibling-ish person? He knows if he lets something slip she's not going to go straight to the other Harbingers to gossip. Which he likes because he can just go off and rant about how stupid something is and she'll just use it as blackmail material, which he thinks is better than like. Having everyone know how much he hates a certain piece of old machinery or something-
However, he doesn't trust her too much, because?? Who in the Harbingers actually trusts each other???
Also he and Signora have Transmasc/Transfem solidarity I will not be elaborating
Dottore and Childe on the other hand:
Pure hatred from Childe's side, he straight-up despises Dottore.
After all, this is a guy whose family is one of the most important things to him, his siblings are children, children who do not know the weight of the world just yet.
And Dottore is the guy who is... well. He's known to treat kids like nothing but a base to experiment on
Now Dottore on the other hand literally just wants to dissect Childe, he's gone absolutely crazy trying to get permission to at least run tests.
I mean, What else was he going to do when the kid Pulcinella found on the side of the road started turning into an entire 10ft abyss creature??? That's part of his whole line of work!! This is literally something he studies!!!
Needless to say, he was not allowed to study Childe's Foul Legacy in any regard and it ticked him off
So yeah, just overall they Hate each other, they argue a lot, like, if the Tsarita wasn't there at meetings they would turn into fistfights
However, they both drink whatever the Genshin equivalent of Monster is
This is not a bonding point, they fight over flavors
Sounds like a dumb thing to fight over but Dottore can't stand Childe's and Childe can't stand Dottore's
This has lead to other Harbingers swapping their flavors around because they think it's entertaining to watch them fight
It actually got to the point where the Tsaritsa herself had to order them to stop switching the flavors around because Dottore and Childe are already prepped to murder each other at any moment, they don't need to make it worse
So Dottore just reserves himself to snapping at Childe with the annoyance of someone who is being blocked from something that could very easily be a big break that's being dangled over his head
For real though, Childe has so much potential for Dottore's experiments but Dottore isn't allowed to do so much as study what effect that the transformation has on Childe afterward, and he hates it
But he can't lose his funding from the Tsaritsa so he stays quiet and angrily compiles whatever information he can
Anyway, Dottore and Scaramouche:
Overall neutral actually?
Like they don't see each other much, with Dottore usually knee and elbow deep in some messed up science stuff, and Scara's work taking him out and about a lot of the time
They bicker and stuff, but overall?? They kinda just avoid talking to each other?
Sometimes, rarely, they do get put on a mission with each other, but when they happens they usually get along pretty well!
They actually have a good time snooping around places, what with Dottore's practically uncontrollable curiosity being easily triggered if there's... oh idk, dragon bones, or old machines, or abyss-related ruins, or anything in the typical Vindagyeran Architecture Style, and Scaramouche just likes to snoop and sneak around for fun, for funsies
There's been a few times when the both of them have bonded over chaotically messing something up (didn't impact them, but sure did impact whoever was living in those houses) and laughed over it, grabbed some drinks, and just hung out
They're sorta like buddies who don't see each other much so they're overall estranged but still have a good time, yk?
Scaramouche has hung out in Dottore's labs before, doesn't particularly enjoy them, what with all the machinery and people crying and whatever, thinks it's boring, but if he has to hang out there he'll find his way to Dottore's office and read his files
This gets on Dottore's nerves, but he knows a little better than to cross the minor god that is Scaramouche
And he would very much like to study Scaramouche, considering, yk, divinity abandoned by the divine?
What an odd predicament!!
What effects would that have!!
How does he still have any power!!!
The questions Dottore could have are endless!!
But Scaramouche is away enough to be sure that Dottore's interest is solidly in other things (mainly Abyssal, and Dragons, because there's always some Fatui around the dragon skeletons (Durin and Orobashi) and I have a feeling it's Dottore's doing)
And that's it so far I think? They'll probably change as more Harbingers/info on the ones we have already come out and such but that's what I have rn!! Just Dottore being a funny feral little angry science man with at least three sensible braincells, and yk what I love him for it :)
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