Soul Unforgetten
Soul will always remember What was, what is Perhaps even what will be.
Feeling remains You are unforgotten Our chosen path too shall remain.
For I have forseen what will come Whether in this life, or the following For now, the illusion continues to play.
Dimming you for the next little while That’s all I remember To keep me sane.
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I saw it all Panoramic live feed Rolling in my mind.
Crystal clear. Glimpses Of what we decided.
Illusion in the way Of the perfect vision The final one.
To release you now Aware of what’s to be Until you’re by my side to fly with me.
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Home, how I miss you Years have passed Unaware of how much time Feeling in need of a collision Forgetting this land Unfamiliar and tainted Exhausted with the battle Attempt to forge this Mould it to be as the past The faint memory, whisper Sitting between my ears Now amplified Yearning to be within you again.
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What is it that we live for? For what purpose do we continue life? What is it that drives us? Is it different, or ultimately the same? Do we aim to achieve a love that is only written within the pages, Entertaining needs that is kept within the creases? Is it love? Is it something else? Where do we arrive and know wr have achieved our purpose? What is the measure of return on our investment in time? The more time we put in, The more that is returned to us? Or is about the quality of time? What is our end goal for a fulfilled life?
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I thought it all to be a dream The dream of a vision The same vision we shared In a life before this.
A life not free of struggle Not initially So many mad Content on feeling sad.
All their pity Really for themselves For we now choose freedom Above everyone else.
Liquids always shared But never really the same Now we unite To share blood as it will be.
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Mermaid life
The water she craves The current she misses Reminiscing how it once caressed her golden skin For it knew of her goddess beauty Treating her as so Never once fought s current For it took her beyond the surface Effortlessly with grace Into the depths Untouched, unexplored No shores beyond the horizon Nor behind in the shadows Nothing more existed Than the current view Time escsped Forgotten really
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Cliff edge
Constant running Not sure what’s pushed me To the cliff’s edge Pondering, where to next? I know what I want An ending and a beginning Begging to be released This current reality is dead As black as my soul feels Death near, and yet seems non-existent When will it be my time? How is it determined? How will I know it has arrived? Will my soul ever rise beyond this?
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To you, I finally surrender Juicy and tender For my eyes have filled my eyes Now time for all the goodbyes A process igniting this surge Cutting chords as I purge You remained by me Reminder to just be Succumb to death Whispered with every breath Craving the need Caressing me with your seed Of truth and ease Now, for this life to cease
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Wind whisper
Sitting above the ground Amongst tree canopies Replacing the chaos below With wind rustled leaves For it is wise Carrying across the lands It sees and knows all I sit here, listening Anticipating tales told Hearing no more than it’s whispher.
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Surrounded by chaos Embedded in life Phone’s notifications vibrating New emails binging Calls never-ending Voices screaming Requests flooding through Struggling to keep above surface Weighing me down The depths of the water swalloing Further beneath Noise echoing as far deep I fall Drowning me Consuming my soul Searching for the scissors To cut all chords Releasing the weights Freeing me back A new reality arisen Learning again Not to learn, rather to be One again with my soul
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Logically, i know where you are Soufully, my heart feels another A home, a birthplace Of another time and space.
The illusion playing out Tripping over the cloud Walls bricked me up Draining my blood into a cup.
Its bearer at the markets Ib search of the highest bidder The commodity limited Driving the price.
All sucked out Till I realised I had access The chord pumping out No longer willing to be told Im a soul of this world Solely, running In the direction of home
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If we were to...
If we were to continue, What would become of us? Would our peace and freedom remain? Interactions to change, shift Inevitably so Unpredictable though Perhaps the unknown was feared. In search of meaning Attachments to ease the process The understanding of what next To delete the label though Allowed us to explore differently To a degree Dissolved, for comprehension no longer communicated. What if we did though?
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Series beginning
I suppose I understand now The attraction The union A force we ultimately created In our respective search Inner peace, connection, freedom The outcome Somewhat achieved Until the separation
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Awaiting Clarity
What does it mean for us to be no longer? What will it mean when we part? What will change? What will come about? How will we know the right decision made? How do we ultimately measure tge return on such investment if any? In need of defining what is. What has become. The constant need to define all, and label to categorise our emotions. It's safer this way, is it not? Knowing what it is so we can anticipate how we are 'meant' to feel and the aftermath as the chaos of the separation truly dawns upon us. What does it matter what it means? The ending here, and the beginning here also for what more is to come.
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Past life
It feels as though you're a past lover from another lifetime. Reuniting physically in this realm feels as though we were never apart and picked up where we last left off. Our meeting seamlessly easy, smooth, effortless. There was no need not to trust you, or doubt our love. The love shared and exchnaged transcends all time, space and reality, and will continue to do so. I perceive you in this reality as a blessing. An angel to lift me and guide, and for this alone, my bleeds with immense gratitude. For you as an angel by my side, you teach me about my wings, showing me the unexplored lands, their beauty, for words cannot describe the scene before my eyes. Your lightness, your ability to humour me and your love is of the purest kind. I choose to indulge in the pleasure of you in this physical reality now, and beyond that for eternity.
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I fell in the trap. The trap of getting lost in your green eyes.
Aphrodite x
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If all she could do In these last moments Was to hold your head against her chest, She would be fulfilled. It's as though The request whispered Lost with the wind Deep in the forest. Only light visible Moonlight caressing the well trodden paths Of your soul That many before had followed. Same path Same outcome. Your request Unfulfilled. In search of a traveller Determined to search beyond surface Into the depths Of exploration. Someone adamant To discover the treasures You've so well hidden Into the soil. Your eyes followed her As she delicately uncovered The leaves and branches Finding the most valuable of them all. The treasure above all You had given once before To break it Creating fragments. Each fragment separated Hidden As though it were a puzzle To repiece, should she be the one. Unearthed all but one, She had not known You held none But the last piece. She came to you Offering all she had unravelled In silence and peace To which you offered her the last.
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