faithsreward · 7 years
@irxnwitch liked for a starter
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“You have a great deal of ambition, take care that it does not lead to your destruction.”
Perhaps simply muttering cryptic advice to strangers was not a good way to make friends, but that did not exactly concern Phel. She had a reputation to maintain after all, and besides it was always amusing to see how people would react.
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@irxnwitch liked for a lyrical starter!
“I really fucked it up this time, didn’t I my dear?” the dragon chuckled- seeming perfectly calm. Granted he really shouldn’t be as calm as he was acting- as he did just set some poor soul’s house on fire, an accident of course. Not that anyone seemed to be inside.
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vaedar · 7 years
CONFESS? (if you are still doing these.)
Send CONFESS for my muse to admit something they find attractive about yours.
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         ❝ Hm, I do not think we have met beforeso forgive me if my words seem superficial. I’m certain you must’vereceived many a compliment in regards, but your eyes are quitedifficult to not admire. That golden hue reminds me of my mount’seyes, and they are of course, beautiful. ❞
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coerulus · 7 years
♆ : Are they prone to violent outbursts or thoughts?
sort of… brienne is quick to anger, not to violence unless it’s necessary. when she is angry she may lash out in ways that aren’t permanently harmful, like grabbing the back of jaime’s head that one time or kicking him in the ribs 
she does also have the occasional violent thought about truly despicable people, but unless she feels she’s doing justice she won’t really act on them 
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hviitserk · 7 years
Why did you chose the theme you did?
it’s literally the same code i have on my main blog. made by me from scratch ! with help from @peacebled so i use it on like 99% of my blogs just to avoid trouble. legit tho hvitserk and ontari’s are exactly the same with like 0 differences it’s sad rlly. i didnt even change fonts or nothin. 
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ofodinn · 7 years
irxnwitch replied to your post “10: Most disliked arc? Why?”
i must say i didn't like the bjorn thing with that lady and them having a kid. they kinda just let the kid die? good parents.
Yeah that whole thing disgusts me. First, her mother leaves and then Bjorn can’t deal with his own child because of her mother? There’s many points he deserved Ragnar telling him to man up and slap him, because he doesn’t take things seriously enough. Her dying was I think more on Aslaug, but Bjorn had pretty much disowned her.
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crowsandmurder · 7 years
Salty AF Munday Meme – > @irxnwitch – > Accepting!
♚ How many people don’t like you?
There’s a good few. But, usually, it’s because they’ve done something and learned that I don’t take things lying down. This is my nice blog thus far, where I’m less bitchy. But yeah, people screw with people I care about, I can really be difficult to deal with and then it’s a mess.
But, I don’t really care. I don’t waste my time on people who don’t like me. 
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princeubbe · 7 years
What’ll make you follow a blog?
meme || accepting || @irxnwitch
Oh gosh, this is hard to answer because I honestly do not know. If their character appeals to me I follow them, even if they are an OC or a character I do not know. Sometimes I follow people because I admire their writing and just wish to be a creeper in the background, unable to approach them because woah too much koala-tea for my introverted self to handle. 
I guess those are the main things. Doesn’t matter if you have a pretty theme or not, or if you make all your replies a pretty format (so long as you cut your damn posts). It’s more about the character and the mun :)
(though there are occasions in smalls fandoms that I don’t follow duplicates of my own muses because I am an insecure fuck that needs to get over her issues and deal with it. It has nothing to do with the muns or their characters at all.)
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bansheeqceen · 7 years
“ this is wrong. death should be final.”
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       A sentiment that she had at one point very much agreed with. That view was now skewed to say the least. “ Do tell that to the man who decided to resurrect me and others to do his bidding, to fight in his army. ” Her words came out like a hiss. Anger spilling forth from her lips, anger that could not be contained. “ Do not lecture me on death. It is apart of my very being, of my peoples. People who were slain merely to become slaves to a power hungry overlord. ”
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greylich · 7 years
5♣️ - What would your muse change about their current lifestyle?
                      THERE   ISN ‘  T   MUCH   THAT   ROS   WOULD   CHANGE   ABOUT   HER   LIFESTYLE   .      she   has   her   flowershop   which   brings   enough   customers   by   to   sustain   her   hunger   .      many   who   just   lost   a   loved   one   ,      who    are    now   alone    in   the   world   with   no   one   to   miss   them   once   they ‘  re   dead   .      the   only   thing   she ‘  d   change   would   be   to   rid   the   area   around   her   of   the   buzzing   electronics   that   so   irritated   her   .
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lavendervcined · 7 years
irxnwitch replied to your post “btw happy munday from before my health crashed this week.”
it’s literally just the magic of makeup but thank
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venofire-moved · 7 years
@irxnwitch liked this for a starter.
     “Please,” Lucien said helplessly, shaking his head, “I really can’t take too much socializing right now, so whatever you’re doing, please just get it over quickly.” 
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orphanedshadow · 7 years
@irxnwitch from here
Manon watched Kara, frowning. They weren’t very different. Both had shit backgrounds and unexplained magic. Both were subjected to pain, loss and cruelty within the first years of understanding. Maybe that was why she came back to the hunter.
“To listen to your bullshit and pour you a drink.” She answered with a shrug.
Dark eyes searched for evidence of any sort of lie, though she could not find any trace of one. In fact Manon seemed comforting in a way that most people did not, something Kara did her best not to attribute to the fact that she did not have to hide her magic nearly as much as she did around humans.
“Thank you. There is a bit of that, given the circles I run in, as for drinks I will have to decline the offer of anything alcoholic. I learned the hard way that my system does not appreciate it.”
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