#is Sydney probably my favorite character? yes. i would kill and die for her.
bitchthefuck1 · 8 months
The Bear fans stop being wildly misogynistic about Claire challenge
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terramythos · 5 years
Review: Vicious by V. E. Schwab (Villains #1) (REREAD)
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Length: 364 pages. 
Genre/Tags: Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Science Fiction, Superheroes, Revenge Narrative, Dark, Time Jumps, Perspective Shifts, Third-Person, Great Characters, Duology
Warning(s): Graphic violence and torture. One of the main characters is just straight up genocidal. There is a very dubious consent scene later in the novel (non-explicit). Child death (sort of?). This is like, a gray versus black morality kind of story, so don’t read it if that isn’t your thing?
My Rating: 8.5 / 10
My Summary:
Victor and Eli, two genius college roommates at the top of their game, come up with a hypothesis for their senior project— that near-death experiences sometimes result in superpowers. However, when they test their theory, things go terribly awry, and both are left forever changed. Victor finds himself with the ability to manipulate pain. Eli becomes functionally immortal. And with a body count behind both young men, they transform from best friends into bitter enemies. 
Ten years later, Victor escapes from prison. Cunning and manipulative, Victor has had a decade to contemplate revenge against the man who put him there— Eli. When he finds an injured 12-year-old girl on the side of the road, he discovers Eli has spent the last decade systematically murdering EOs— people with supernatural abilities. Sydney, who can raise the dead, is the one of the few to escape. 
With the help of Sydney and his former cellmate Mitch, Victor begins to enact his revenge. But it’s only a matter of time before Victor and Eli finish what they started ten years ago…
But these words people threw around— humans, monsters, heroes, villains— to Victor it was all just a matter of semantics. Someone could call themselves a hero and still walk around killing dozens. Someone else could be labeled a villain for trying to stop them. Plenty of humans were monstrous, and plenty of monsters knew how to play at being human. The difference between Victor and Eli, he suspected, wasn’t their opinion on EOs. It was their reaction to them. Eli seemed intent to slaughter them, but Victor didn’t see why a useful skill should be destroyed just because of its origin. EOs were weapons, yes, but weapons with minds and wills and bodies, things that could be bent and twisted and broken and used.
Vicious is an interesting book to reread because, while the book itself hasn’t changed, the context behind it has. When I read this back in 2016 it was a standalone novel, originally published in 2013. Now I’m rereading it specifically because there is an unexpected sequel (Vengeful, 2018), and I wanted a refresher before jumping into it. Second, maybe a more minor detail— this book is homoerotic as hell, and I remember wondering if it was intentional on a first read. Now that Schwab recently came out as gay, I’m thinking it probably was, which makes it all the more entertaining.  
It’s also interesting to see how much Schwab’s writing has changed over time. Originally, I read Vicious, enjoyed it, then decided to read her big fantasy series Shades of Magic, and… Well, let’s just say *that* ended up being one of my favorite trilogies ever. Whoops? But in many ways I feel my enjoyment of Shades of Magic overshadowed Vicious. I enjoyed this book, but honestly I kind of forgot about it even though it was the first one I read. That was another reason to revisit it; while I might not like it as much as Shades of Magic, it’s still plenty good.
Before I do a deep dive into the book, I think it’s important to discuss the structure. Vicious basically has two stories— one in the past, and one in the present. The first half mostly focuses on the past, while the second half mostly focuses on the present. “Mostly” is important here— the story is very anachronistic. This serves to heighten the drama; we learn about Victor and Eli’s past relationship, then get a glimpse of just how corrupted and different it is in the present day, and of course wonder what got them to this point. While I feel it’s easy to do time and perspective jumps poorly, the chapters themselves are pretty short, so I never felt disconnected from any particular plot thread. The pacing was always solid. If anything I found this novel pretty easy to read, because I could tackle just a few chapters at a time yet make significant progress in the story.
Vicious is, without a doubt, character-driven. People with superpowers exist— called ExtraOrdinary people (EOs)— and said powers develop in a unique way. Other than that there’s nothing super special about the setting. And aside from the interesting structure, the story is pretty standard. But the characters themselves are fascinating and by far the strongest point of the novel. The main focus is obviously on Victor and Eli, and how they serve as foils to one another. Both are arrogant and straight-up terrible people, but the way they see the world differs greatly, and that’s ultimately what separates the “hero” of the story (Victor) from the villain (Eli). Gray versus black morality, hooray!
Seeing the initial relationship between the two leads and how it sours and twists over time is quite interesting. At first Eli seems to be the most level-headed of the two, but as the story develops you learn how fanatical and unhinged he really is. Dude just straight up embraces genocide after a point. Meanwhile, Victor is clearly a vindictive and selfish dick from the get-go, yet as Eli’s true nature shows, seems much less terrible by comparison. The story is sometimes a bit on-the-nose with the whole hero vs villain thing and how the two defy usual expectations, but it is still interesting to realize you’re genuinely rooting for Victor. Despite everything he’s a pretty likable character.
Aside from Victor and Eli, there are three supporting characters who substantially affect the story. Preteen Sydney gets the most screentime, and with Mitch (Victor’s bodyguard/hacker/cellmate) serves as the humanizing part of the story. Victor even seems to sort of care for the two! Though how much of that is genuine attachment versus just finding them useful is debatable. There’s a super twisted found family vibe with the trio which starts to form near the end (they adopt an undead dog and everything!). On the antagonistic side of things, we have Serena, Sydney’s older sister, who has the power to compel others. She’s pretty terrifying, and has her own twisted motivations for helping Eli. At times she’s honestly more unsettling than he is.
One of my main complaints about Vicious when I first read it was *just* as I started to really dig the side characters, their relationships, and their developments… the novel ended. Yes, Sydney gets significant development through the story. But Mitch and Serena get shafted. We only really get to know them toward the end of the novel with backstory dumps or a handful of perspective chapters. A lot of the novel’s real estate centers on Victor and Eli’s past, and while I think that’s an integral part of the novel, it feels like something is missing. At the time I thought this novel either needed to be longer or it needed a sequel. Well, now it has one of those things, so it will be interesting to see what Vengeful does with the characters.  
Thematically and philosophically there’s some interesting stuff going on. The hero vs villain thing is the most obvious, and as I mentioned gets pretty direct at times. But one idea I found interesting to consider is what happens to the souls of ExtraOrdinary people. It’s initially stated as fact that EOs lose a part of themselves when they die and return. They’re different, changed in a way they can’t quite describe. And for most of the novel this seems to be true. Victor and Eli both become twisted, detached people, obsessed with their own perceptions of reality. The two realize they should feel or think certain things and simply… don’t. Both attribute it to the fact they died and came back “wrong”. But the more we learn about both characters, the more we realize they were pretty much like that all along. The idea that people lose something doesn’t really hold up when you examine Sydney, who turns into a stronger and more vibrant person after coming back. It’s an interesting realization, because it highlights just how wrong Eli’s actions are.
There’s also a whole deal regarding God and spirituality vs science. Eli justifies nearly everything he does in the name of God, whereas Victor is an atheist— but the extent to which this affects things is a definite gray area. There are some uncanny coincidences in the story (like Victor discovering Sydney) that would be bad writing… except the characters notice it happening. On multiple occasions Victor notes that if God or Fate exists, it seems to be siding with him, not Eli. Even the formation of ExtraOrdinary abilities is bizarre. One gets superpowers based on their final thoughts and feelings? That’s so decidedly unscientific, especially from something that starts as a science experiment, that it really sticks out to me. Is there more to this dichotomy? I guess we’ll see if the sequel explores it more.
There are some small details I really like, but I think my favorite is the blackout poetry thing. There’s just something interesting and really funny about Victor defacing his famous parents’ self-help books. He mentions it’s one of the best gifts he got in prison, and it’s also one of the first things he does when he gets out. Probably the funniest part in the whole story is an intense chase scene where Victor is trying to escape someone through an unfamiliar house. He spots a Vale book on a shelf, and pauses EVERYTHING to just grab it and throw it out the window, then returns to the scene as if nothing happened. It’s just such an unnecessary detail that might have ended up on the cutting room floor but I honestly lost my shit laughing.
The ending is also viscerally satisfying. So much stuff ties together well. While the novel is about Victor and Eli and (ultimately) Victor’s revenge, you don’t actually learn much about his plan until it happens. A lot of lines and actions read differently in context of the ending, which is always something I like in a story.
(And here’s a totally skippable aside— *is* there some connection between this series and Monsters of Verity? The latter is a young adult duology by Schwab, which I read and reviewed here and here. But the first book has an opening quote from Victor. Hell, it’s part of the quote I picked for this review. They don’t seem to be in the same universe but… maybe they are? It’s just such a goddamn weird choice to quote a “V. Vale” at the beginning of an unrelated series. Maybe Vengeful has an explanation? Maybe Schwab just really liked that whole monsters vs humans line? I have no idea.)
Anyway, yeah, that’s Vicious! It’s certainly a fun one to read. The writing is punchy and easy to get through. The conflict between Victor and Eli is very well written and compelling. And, as I mentioned, the characters are the strong point (in my opinion, anyway), so if you enjoy character-driven media I definitely recommend it. Just note my caveat about some of the character development. Skip it if you’re one of those people bothered by Bad People Doing Bad Things In Fiction or think portraying Bad People Doing Bad Things is somehow Endorsing Bad Things. If dark stories aren’t your thing you definitely won’t enjoy this one. There are some aspects of the story that I feel could have been smoother or done differently, most of which I touch on in the review. I think Schwab has improved a lot since writing it, which is one reason I’m excited that my next read is the 2018 sequel.
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dreamingpartone · 7 years
I’ve been tagged to answer some questions! thanks @chai-chino!!
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better
Name: Ashleigh
Nickname: Ash
Zodiac Sign: taurus
Height: 164cm (5′ 4″ish? I think?? what even is imperial tbh)
Ethnicity: white
Orientation: roughly north-east
Favorite Fruit(s): tomatoes!!!!!! also grapes, and blueberries
Favorite Season: autumn
Favorite Book(s): well the short answer is His Dark Materials and everything by Shaun Tan, and the long answer is no one wants to sit here for five minutes reading a list of every single one of my favourite books
Favorite Flower(s): roses are the big fave, but I love...... so many........
Favorite Animal(s): cats and birds
Favorite Beverage: chocolate milkshakes
Average Hours of Sleep: probs seven or eight?
Favorite Fictional Characters: oh no I have too many uuuhh god I don’t even know where to begin... every time I think of a character I think of three more. (this is a nightmare question.) ok an Iconic Three to summarise who I am as a person: Peter Parker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and..... Pikachu. there u go
Number of Blankets You Sleep with: two!!
Dream Trip: there are more far-flung destinations I want to visit, but honestly I’d love to go to New Zealand again, esp to see the south island
Blog Created: 2010, what a time to be alive :’)
Number of Followers: I’d rather not say, but it’s a nice little number
Rules: tag 20 blogs and answer questions in a new post
A- age: 22 yikes
B- birthplace: Sydney
C- current time: 11:16 am
D- drink you last drank: chocolate Moove
E- easiest person to talk to: our turtle, Apple
F- favorite song: aaaaaa uuummmm this is always a dilemma. my default answer is One Crowded Hour by Augie March because the lyricism is to die for
G- grossest memory: I’ve probably repressed so many but, dissecting eyeballs in high school bio? I hate anything to do with touching eyes so
H- horror yes or no? that’s a strong no from me
I- in love?  with liFE?? u know it!
J- jealous of people? mm of some people, in some ways, but only fleetingly. it’s not a very productive feeling, so I try not to give it much attention
K- killed someone? yes, and I’m so sorry to all those ants’ families and friends..... my sincere condolences..... I’m truly a monster.....
L- love at first sight or should i walk past again? I think walking past again definitely helps
M- middle name: Rose
N- number of siblings: one!
O- one wish? ooooh only one... hm it’s a bit trite, but I wish I could just slow down time
P- person you last called? either my mum or my dad
Q- question you’re always asked: “so what are you going to do after university/what are you going to do with your art degree?” (I open my mouth, I scream for ten hours)
R- reason to smile: well my sister recently got her wisdom teeth out and her face has swollen into a square so that’s been p entertaining
S- song you last sang: Vernoona, once again by Augie March
T- time you woke up: around 7:30am
U- underwear color: black
V- vacation: yes please thank you
W- worst habit: I mean, procrastinating in general. but I’m the literal worst at emails. you can’t expect me to send or reply to emails in a timely manner, it just won’t happen I’m sorry
X- x-rays: I’ve never had one????????
Y- your favourite food: fish and chips!!!
Z- zodiac sign: listen if hot chips were a zodiac sign, and it was my zodiac sign, that would explain so much about my diet
20 people is so much pressure to tag wow but I love seeing other people’s answers so let’s say I’m tagging the heck out of anyone who wants to get in on this questionnaire action (either one, or both)
(please feel free to be like “tumblr user dreamingpartone tagged a million people and we’re all one of them”)
(also if you’ve read this far I’d like to offer my sincerest apologies and congratulations)
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