#is WuXie x Shen Wei a thing
darcyfirth · 5 years
Do you have plan to write Shen wei x Yun Lun fic??? Ps. I just got chance to watch guardian and now i’m sooo gone
I can’t say that I have definite plans for it right now due to the fact that I haven’t managed to return all the Hartwin prompts and finish the WIPs on ao3.
But I’m so deep in reading the WeiLan yansheng fics as well as ZhuBai (rpf, I know I know) that I will readily provide you with hundreds of them if you can read Mandarin or like me, have the willpower of someone trying to understand 90% of the fics through translation apps. (Also? The amount of omegaverse WeiLan fics I’ve read? Astounding.)
*WeiLan yansheng/澜巍衍生: this became a huge thing after Priest posted an extra story after the ending of Guardian, the outcry of fans was a huge motivation for her to give drama!WeiLan a better ending that they deserve, and involves basically matching previous roles of Yilong and Bai Yu in fics.
An example of this could be Luo Fusheng (ZYL) and Luo Fei (BY) because their dramas take place in appropriately the same era in China and lemme tell ya, the explosive dynamic between a baby-faced mob boss who can eliminate literally hundreds of opponents with one knife? machete? (idk since I didn’t watch that drama) and a stone-faced-but-really-is-a-soft-hearted-darling detective is not something you wanna miss out on.
You have the therapist/police officer job AU, the arranged marriage AU (QiHeng/BoLi), the rich son of an aristocrat and demon hunter AU (Hua WuXie/Pei Wende) (click on link to watch the fmv), and so many more.
Most of the fics I found are on lofter (it’s a heaven for weilan and zhubai fics) and every day you get to read thousands of new fics/chapters with high-quality writing and really fun/creative characterisation. 
I have so much more to gush about but that would make this an essay and you won’t be able to read all of it so let’s end it here. But feel free to come and talk to me about what you like about Guardian (both novel and tv drama) and the cast because I’m always 100% emotionally invested in it lol.
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