#is a pleasant surprise aria wont say no to
triplegoddess3 · 2 months
Im at the tiefling party in bg3 right?
Astarian, shadowheart, and lae'zel want me. And i want all 3. Who do i choose?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
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Im very crossed. I've been replaying the romance scenes over and over and over and over, but i can not decide.
Astarian is sexy, but i feel bad about the sex with him, and everything he says feels fake, but i love it so much.
Shadowheart is a little bitch, but the idea of a poly with her and daddy halsin is hmmm.perfection.
Lae'zel, i dont mind her firey nature, and i like how focused she is, and shes full of herself like shadowheart, but doesnt feel as bitchy you know?
Im also sad that the only one who has a scene with my durge is lae'zel. Astarian is like fades to black before anything happens, shadowheart is a kiss.
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sevensdeadly-if · 4 years
Special Surprise
Here is a little treat for you guys! You get a glimpse into Aria’s past and one of her contracts! Enjoy!
The streets are silent, the night is over cast and all are asleep...well mostly all. Prowling the streets was a figure dressed to the nines and with a walk so confident no one would dare question his presence. Though...some should. Walking calmly down the streets of London as if he hadn't a care is the world is a man with a sharp smile and even sharper tools, tools that are now stained red and tucked tightly away in his kit. So relaxed is he that he barely reacts to the figure that has appeared next to him...a figure that seemed to appear out of thin air. 
He turns to the figure with a pleasant smile. “Why if it isn’t my very own patron saint…”He barks a laugh out at those words, almost as if finding it to be a funny joke. “So tell me my dear lioness, to what do I owe pleasure of seeing you here tonight?”
Walking into the light of a streetlamp the figure is now easier to see. What stands before him is a rather impressive looking woman, instead of a dress like many ladies of society wear, she sports a suit much like his own and leans against an expensive looking cane. With a smirk she glances him over for a moment, violet eyes sharp and dangerous.
“Why my dear ripper...you’ve been very naughty recently...I believe our contract had certain….”She pauses for a moment almost as if she was thinking about what to say next...he knew better though...this was a woman with a flare for dramatics, much like himself…
“Conditions…”With that word a gun seemingly appears out of nowhere and is pointed directly at his temple. A relaxed smile is still on his lips as he stares down the woman. Slowly he reaches out a hand to envelop her own and brings it up to his lips for a kiss.
“Ah my dear lioness...your intimidation is only a match for your beauty…���Placing her hand on his heart his smile only widens as he witnesses something akin to fondness appear on her features. With a dramatic sigh he puts on an air of false remorse causing a laugh to fall from her lips. “I know I have wronged you my dear..and for that I truly should be shot! Nay...mutilated for I should never betray the trust of a ferocious and truly stunning lioness such as yours-”
He is cut off by the woman's sharp laugh and the gun seeming to morph back into a cane. Her hand though..stays on his heart. “Alright Ripper that's enough.” With a tired sigh she looks him over once more, he can’t help but feel his heart clench at the sorrow in her eyes.
“I know you wont tell me why….hell I don't think I can even blame you for breaking it...still ripper..” She raises her hand from his heart and softly cup’s his cheek, a chill runs down his spine as he leans into the touch with a true smile playing on his lips. A smile that only ever seems to appear around her.
“I know...you have a job...and I have been interfering too much with the ways of death, yes? I have been making that poor fellow’s job quite difficult recently…” With another dramatic sigh he backs away from her, holding his arms out as if waiting for an embrace.
“Still I must consider myself one of the luckiest men alive...for I get to have a vision like yourself send me off..” A laugh falls from her lips at those words and he cannot help the victorious smile that appears on his lips. Before she can say anything else though he speaks up once more.
“Though I must ask...since this is my final moment would it be too forward to ask for one last token from the lovely lion….” The words die on his lips as he is..probably for the very first time in his life taken by surprise, for the creature that has haunted his desires has given him something he could only ever dream about. A kiss. As she pulls away she gives a watery smile.
“A one time thing Ripper...after all we both know only a dragon can hold my heart…” He knew that very well...still he was brought speechless as he looked at her with his own watery smile. “And a lucky dragon  he is...for all it’s worth I am sorry…”
A laugh falls from her lips as she shakes her head. “I know Ripper...I know…”With a sigh she looks back up at him, her eyes glowing a truly magnetic violet and he feels the ground beneath his feet give way. “I trust you can redeem yourself...and when you do I have the perfect place in the 1st circle just for you.”
A serene smile rises to his lips at those words as he closes his eyes. Ah...something to truly look forward to..as the ground fully dissolved beneath him he leans back and accepts his fate almost as if falling into the embrace of an old friend.
Watching the ground close back up she lets out a sigh and glances over to a cloaked figure. “I know what your gonna say….but still...he had such potential...a genius in medicine...the man could bring anyone from the brink of death...and apparently send them back…” The figure places a hand on her shoulder in a form of comfort and they both disappear into the night.
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