#bc she likes non humans
triplegoddess3 · 2 months
Im at the tiefling party in bg3 right?
Astarian, shadowheart, and lae'zel want me. And i want all 3. Who do i choose?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
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Im very crossed. I've been replaying the romance scenes over and over and over and over, but i can not decide.
Astarian is sexy, but i feel bad about the sex with him, and everything he says feels fake, but i love it so much.
Shadowheart is a little bitch, but the idea of a poly with her and daddy halsin is hmmm.perfection.
Lae'zel, i dont mind her firey nature, and i like how focused she is, and shes full of herself like shadowheart, but doesnt feel as bitchy you know?
Im also sad that the only one who has a scene with my durge is lae'zel. Astarian is like fades to black before anything happens, shadowheart is a kiss.
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tbzrai · 4 months
I think some of you people played ur copy of samurai remnant while wearing moeblobification goggles that are powered solely thru the handholding scene and ooc interpretations because theres no goddamn way yui’s most prominent fanon characterisation is just moeblob blushy non-human who experiences love for the first time >///< and literally nothing else
im convinced some of you dont like yui, you just like some bastardised version of her that you’ve made up in your heads
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theitcharchives · 4 months
seeing people talk about how Disney's Wish could've been better is like
Me: I think there were some elements that weren't handled well, it feels lacking in some aspects-
"Omg yes the original concept had Star as a boy, they should've left it like that instead they were so afraid of putting in a romance-"
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robo-dino-puppy · 8 months
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just a red blade of grass
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clanoffelidae · 2 years
Having non-binary dysphoria is fucking weird bc it’s like
Brain: don’t like this body
Me: okay do you want a male one?
Brain: that’s even worse
Me: okay so what do you want???
Brain: not this one
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the-acid-pear · 1 month
Something that always pissed me off about DSaF is how it acts like your physical exterior is a moral failing, which is echoed by the characters but only ever reinforced instead of subverted. Biggest L from the writing imo.
#luly talks#started thinking of this again bc someone pointed out word of god said henry looks like that in the game's style (despite being a Normal#White Man) as a representation of how evil and non human he is which is like WHAT THE HELL MAN!!! THAT'S MEAAAN#like changes in looks to represent someone is evil isnt an issue when its 1) A WILLING CHANGE 2) ACTUALLY TIED TO THEM BEING EVIL#see: jack in pure evil doing his jack o lantern shit#like how are Jack or Dave Bad People™ for just DYING.#''the outside always ends up matching the inside'' BABYGIRL I LOVE YOU BUT STOP TALKING BULLSHIT!!!!#like tje only case where i dont mind this is w Davetrap bc the bnnuy shit is a direct consequence of his actions#like a mark of shame if you squint you'll see me wag my tail because im remembering one of my favorite blonde men#im not gonna specify bc its a tasteless comparison if you think of it too long but its basically the same#he was only put there bc of what he did and bc he wouldn't stop it was not an accident or a tragedy#but hell this shit of hating ppl based on their looks extends to ANYONE like Dee is straight up A Good Woman and is hated cuz she. weird#MATT TOO like okay. matt isnt a good person. he has some shady shit going on. BUT IT DOES NOT WARRANT HOW HATED HE IS BC HE'S ''CREEPY''#and pf course the phoneys esp Jake w ''i was a monster'' though that's the only case i can think of where its like#self perception and not some bloke going holy shit you're so ugly i dont trust you#prob more examples but i havent played the game in too long so Y'know.#dsaf
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
The discordant feel of being called a woman vs I don't quite care enough to give an explanation as to why it makes me uncomfortable and I don't think you'll get it anyway
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thefinalwitness · 2 months
14. is there a sound that drives them crazy? ( like the sound of nails on a chalkboard, styrofoam rubbing together, cardboard boxes, etc?)
(SORRY IM SO LAAAAAATE ive been fibro hurty again v_v)
l'aiha actually really hates the sound of snow crunching underfoot! it irritates the shit out of her. it might be slightly informed by the fact she hates snow and the cold in general, but trekking around in coerthas and garlemald were incredibly unpleasant for her, and that sound didn't help. :'D
aside from that, she doesn't like it when people chew with their mouth open, or tap their pencils on desks and tables and such... lots of little every day noises can get on her nerves when she's in a bad mood. she has extremely sharp hearing, so everything is intensified in a way that's sometimes difficult to deal with. she's learned a weird trick where she 'charges' her aether, internally, without releasing it—this is something she learned as one of her exercises to help it not stagnate, but it also produces an internal sound, not unlike blood rushing, that allows her to 'drown out' irritating external sounds.
y'shtola can visibly see when l'aiha does this because of her aethersight, and thinks it's INCREDIBLY funny. especially in situations where someone is talking and pissing her off, and l'aiha just starts ignoring them by churning her own aether. similar comical effect to when somebody tells the guy on the tv to shut up and mutes them.
tangentially related, but i think l'aiha has a bit of an auditory processing disorder too. she can't mentally 'filter' sounds based on importance, so she hears everything at the same volume—and because her actual hearing is so good, that's a lot of stuff! it means it can be hard to reach her in loud or crowded spaces, but it also makes her REALLY GOOD at picking up new sounds through the din.
for example, she can hear people moving even in the middle of busy conversations; so she's really good at picking up sneaky intruders even at moments when she should be too busy to hear them. or, an example based on my own life with an auditory processing disorder: she can hear linkpearls and other electronic alerts go off, even when others in a conversation don't. (the number of times i've let people know a timer went off mid-conversation because i was the only one who heard it LOL.)
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griffworks · 9 months
I need to make my funger OC......
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giftedeath · 3 months
faith is like ... buffy wants to be good, but she knows what she's capable of. she spends her life killing and killing and she has to be good, bc if she's not then what does that make her ? she can't love the fight, can't relish in it, can't enjoy it because then she's bad. there's no fun to be had, there's only kill or get killed.
and cordy is like ... buffy wants to just be a girl. she wants to date boys, so she dates owen and angel and she's best friends with xander. so cordelia wants to date owen and angel and xander and then she even likes wesley because that's buffy's watcher. and buffy's hot stuff when it comes to demonology or whatever, but when it comes to dating, she's the slayer !
and willow is like ... buffy just wants friends. she wants to feel normal, and willow makes her feel normal. willow accepts her, she's safe and she's there. and then willow brings her back from the dead and suddenly they're not the same buffy and willow that they used to be. willow wants a quick fix for everything and buffy knows that the world doesn't work like that.
and anya is like ... she's buffy's constant. they understand each other, because they know exactly what they should be. a demon and a vampire slayer and they'll always be against each other, even if love gets in the way. and buffy needs anya because buffy needs the truth, the unfiltered, honest, truth that sometimes people can't give her, because they're blinded by what she his, and how she's good, but anya knows and sees her and understands her.
and spike is like ... he knows what buffy is and he's still in love with her. this is who she is now, this is what life has done to her and her friends can't accept that. but you know who does ? spike ... he wants her, he loves her, he'd die for her. he's always there for her. but he's empty just like her and she can't even look at him because she hates herself and he's everything that she is. if she loves him back, then she's loving herself too, even though she's wrong, even though she came back wrong. and if she allows herself to be loved by him, then that means it's over. he'll leave. because when she loves, and is loved back, they all leave.
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shekeepsmeworms · 11 months
Had some wine feeling good made a really shitty bowl in ceramics class this morning that I’m really worried has a bunch of air holes in it and had a really crappy therapy session where I didn’t talk too much but was honest about some other stuff which is good overall I guess but now I’m doing drunk crochet and watching the Duggar family documentary and probably going to stop watching soon once they start talking about the awful stuff but yeah day in the life of a woman doing her best I guess
#like both sides of my family are either Irish catholic. converted assimilation catholic. or part Jewish but raised catholic.#but my mom read the Boston glob report so I wasn’t baptized or anything and despite her born again phase I’ve never really been religious#so the thought of growing up in that environment is like I can’t imagine the pressure oh my god#like I’ve had Mormon friends and have some friends who were raised homeschool Christian married young and all and like#i don’t know it’s just wild how different our lives are like I’ve got a problems and def inherited the guilt complex thing for sure but like#I also never got told to submit to anyone or that god was watching#or to be modest or any of the purity stuff beyond normal patriarchy stuff#like I’m not saying my life is better but I didn’t do church after age 5 and only go to funeral masses so I like the comfort of like#doing sign of cross and saying Hail Mary and all bc it provides structure for grief but beyond that I can’t imagine living with all of that#these are very long tags with no real point beyond wow. that’s literally bananas to me. but did I mention I’m a little drunk#and even then my family isn’t like hardcore catholic. my grandma and her siblings skipped church to get donuts bc no farm work on Sunday#and my dad grew up like doing fasted mass and everything but heard the 2000s Harvey milk speech and realized gay ppl are okay#and then rest of extended dads side is like catholic but vote blue and think human rights are good and all#my mom has a student who’s like very traditional catholic like she was trying to teach him math and whatever#and the live coverage of waiting for pope confirmation was on tv the whole time#and he fights with her about evolution and learning about the existence of other religions and everything#so I guess even in my own family like. everyone’s down with basic science and civil liberties which is even weirder for me I guess#like not even among fundamentalists like just regular Catholics I’ve had a pretty liberal upbringing re faith. it’s just wild to me#to see the differences of worldview#and even non religion stuff was pretty liberal overall despite living in pretty red area. idk it’s just wild how different life can be
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shivunin · 11 months
More micro stories and prompts?? YAY!
So, let's say.
Starry for Maria
Truth for Elowen
Medicine for Arianwen
Profane for Emma
Initiative for Salshira
… Pick the one(s) that you'd like best of course, no obligation to do them all! ✨
YAY BACK, oh man, you just know what I had to do for "initiative" right? Because now I desperately want a modern AU dnd group with Salshira as the DM. She would make a fantastic DM.
Thank you, Arja! 💗
(Micro-Fic Prompts)
“Lavender’s green, dilly dilly, lavender’s blue,” Maria sang, and motes of light spun from her fingertips, swirling in tiny constellations over the cradle before her. Leander reached for them, cooing, his tiny eyes fixed on the starry whorls above his bed. 
“You must love me, dilly dilly, for I love you.” 
This past few weeks, he’d refused to fall asleep without something to watch when she put him down to sleep. She’d been the same as a child—lights much like these were the first thing she’d ever called from the other side of the Fade—so Hawke would stand by his bed and sing until he dozed off at last. It was just a phase, she’d been assured, and the babe would grow out of it in time. For now, she didn’t much mind the singing, nor the stars.
“Who told you so, dilly dilly, who told you so?” she sang, and smiled when she saw movement in her periphery: pale hair against the shadows, the shift of a shoulder against the doorframe, always watching in case she needed him. Ah, how she loved them both.
“Twas my own heart, dilly dilly, that told me so.”
“Tell the truth,” Varric panted between bolts, “it’s the hair, isn’t it?”
Elowen cast him a horrified glance and tossed a fistful of lightning at the bear they were fighting. 
“You want to talk about this now?” she asked, and ducked when a massive paw would have crushed her head. Varric snagged her arm and tugged her out of range while Cassandra swung into the breach. 
“What else could it be?” he asked. “He’s not exactly the most charming guy out there.”
“Varric,” Elowen said, and slammed the butt of her staff on the ground, “no. Stop trying to turn this into a narrative.”
“I’m just saying—” he began, but she gestured sharply. 
“Let it go,” she insisted, and then he had no choice but to let it go, for the first bear had called for a second and there was no longer any breath to talk with.
“The mage sent me with your medicine,” the assassin said, and he was opening the flap of her tent before Tabris could decide if she wanted to pull the blanket over her damaged arm or leave it out in the open. 
Zevran hissed between his teeth and crouched beside her, eyeing the burned skin over her wrist and forearm. 
“A nasty wound,” he said, “do you need help with it?”
“No,” Wen said sharply, and winced when she tried to angle her arm closer, “...maybe.”
Zevran made a soft noise, tongue against teeth, and carefully sat beside her. Wen hissed at the sensation of the balm on her tender skin and buried her face in her shoulder. 
“Why did she not come herself?” he asked idly, his fingertips very careful over her skin. 
“I told her to fuck off when she offered,” Wen muttered into her shoulder, flinching when he laughed and traced ointment over the edge of the wound. His fingertips were callused and warm; for some reason, she hadn’t expected that. 
“There—it is done,” he said a moment later, and stood to go. 
“Thank you,” she muttered in response, long after the tent flap had swung shut again and the sound of footsteps had faded away. 
It felt profane to walk here. 
How funny to think so, after all the ruins and temples Emma had explored as a child. But this place—this temple—was different. It felt alive somehow, as if the goddess it revered was still present to watch what she did here. 
“I am sorry,” she told the first statue of Mythal in Elvhen, “I want to help and I will be as careful as I can be, but there are others here who mean this place harm.”
She could hear the others murmuring behind her, feel the weight of Solas’s stare against the back of her neck. He’d been odd since they approached this place, but she couldn’t put her finger on why. 
Didn’t matter. He’d made it clear that her faith was not his, and that was fine. 
“Let’s do these puzzles,” she said after a moment, turning away from the remote expression of the statue. “We have to make this right, however we still can.”
“The high inquisitor rises from her throne, staff in hand, magic spilling from her fingertips,” Salshira said, rising slightly from her chair as she spoke. “‘You have overstepped your bounds and you must pay the price,’ she says, and when she waves her hand every single one of the doors behind you slams shut and locks.”
The six players at the table before her gazed on in various stages of horror, Cassandra’s hands clasped before her, Cullen with one palm over his forehead, Bull grinning broadly and rubbing his hands together. 
“You know what I’m gonna say,” Salshira said, spreading her hands. 
The others groaned and fumbled around for dice, Sera drawing her set from under a paper plate and two grease-stained sheets of paper, Varric from inside a velvet-lined case, and Josephine from the precise line of dice she’d set before her. Salshira waited until all six players held their d20 in hand before grinning and leaning forward. 
“Roll for initiative,” she said, and the fight began.
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niishi · 5 months
wat if..... Enma is a weapon with a df... Enma is the "god of the underworld" who decides where souls go after they die.... So when Zoro sees the grim reaper after his fight with king... Maybe he's already died and the sword, enma, decides that it's not time for his soul to go anywhere yet, and keeps him alive...
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jpedottxt · 1 year
thinking about parallels between asellus' character story and rgu. asellus and utena are both women (initially in denial about their attraction to other women) forcibly dragged into a patriarchal system where they are simultaneously treated as a prince due to them using the power of the man who groomed them (asellus having orlouge's blood & utena wielding the sword of dios) and also as a princess who's a possession of said man along with multiple other women. white rose and anthy are the primary "brides" who at first have accepted their positions under the system after suffering under it (in a coffin!) for countless ages but have their lives changed by asellus/utena
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#yesterday i was wandering around the campus where ive resided these last 4 years bc ive banned myself from running until my leg heals#and i was thinking like. what am i gonna miss about this place when i leave? bc im always thinking abt the things i cant wait to get away#from. and its a real short list. ill miss the palm trees bc i never get sick of seeing thrm. theyre so weird#ill miss the yucca. again bc theyre so weird looking. ill miss the way u can see where all the ants r bc in the non human populated areas#there isnt grass everywhere bc desert. ill miss that there r so many birds of prey hanging around. and the road runners and all the lil#lizards. and maybe in an abstract way ill miss being so close to the boarder bc when u live near a boarder boarders feel like bullshit#like staring down the road into another country. idk theres something i like abt that. ill probably also miss being able to run outside#all year long bc in the winter during the day all u need is a light jacket lol. where im going it gets real cold 🥶#maybe ill even miss the constant blue skies. but idk ive always liked a cloudy sky better. makes me think of home haha#ill def miss how convenient my apartment rn is. the loft bed. the low cost. the 5min walk to campus. sigh. but thats pretty much it. i#dont think ill miss anything else. im not really close with anyone. my boss was the reason i came here and she left this school in January#so thats it i guess. i think i stayed a year too long and was not well for a lot of my time here but so it goes#just gotta move to the next place. just gotta pray pray pray that i find an apartment soon. i dont even wanna say anything abt it bc im#afraid to jinx things. even tho thats irrational. like. i just gotta somehow project how good a tenant i am. im so quiet u will never see#me and i never complain abt anything bc i have brain problems. sigh. i cant wait for this transition to b over#im so so so ready to be in a new place doing new things. but at least my energy is back. im back to high energy on little sleep lol#i dont understand how my body functions lmao. somehow when i get a normal amount of sleep it's a sign that i feel awful#unrelated
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moe-broey · 10 months
Honestly a dream hobby of mine (ESP as I've been getting more into Making Things with My Hands -- from pins to jewelry and ESPECIALLY clothing modifications) is doll customization. ESPPP inspired by Dollightful on Youtube, where her projects get So Involved sometimes she's woodworking she's sawing off limbs she's using clay and sanding it down to reshape the doll's body to fit her vision. AND ofc any doll custom involves a new face (watercolor pencils or paints choose your fighter) and new hair (doll hair BUT I ALWAYS THINK ABOUT the way of making doll hair/wefts Out Of Yarn‼️‼️ THAT'S SO COOL) and a new outfit (sewing and crafting and ESPECIALLY considering "Okay, What material would work best to achieve the goal I'm aiming for? How does it sit? How does it flow? And most IMPORTANTLY How Does It Work!!!!!")
Like maybe it's the alleged not officially diagnosed ADHD but I GET. SO BORED. If I'm not Working With My Hands (I literally CAN'T draw digital anymore because IT'S BORING‼️‼️ IT'S TOO CLEAN ALSO‼️‼️‼️ LET ME BULLSHIT AND GET MESSY AND TRY WEIRD THINGS THAT MAY OR MAY NOT WORK ‼️‼️‼️ EXPERIMENTAL‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️)
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