#is good m8 lol
some of you mighta scrolled through the comments of the soriku comp before and thought, ‘oh wow, pretty cool all the comments on here are positive!’
the thing about that is. i delete the negative comments. bc Its My Video and i dont think its the place for that bullshit! its a video celebrating a ship!
HOWEVER, i still have a record of all the negative comments in my gmail cuz i get emails about each one
so here they are together so we can laugh at them
(view this video on youtube)
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kalosstarters · 1 year
Also, I'm going to say it: to me the Alola final episode was the true ending. That's it, that's the post.
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Oz, the power is out… my phone… it’s at 33%. I’m cold. I can’t see… (the lights are out). If… if I don’t unthaw when the heater turns back on…. You can have my dabloons. My cat and I would want you to have them.
I take these dabloons in my care with the upmost gentleness and put you out to thaw in front of my space heater
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peapod20001 · 2 years
Gdhdhsb I’m reading how my peers reviewed my paper and I’m having trouble with how to interpret some feedback <:,)
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disneyprincemuke · 8 months
of drunk regrets * fem!driver
the morning after vegas
what does one do when you have no recollection of getting married?
pairings: sebastian vettel x fem!driver, logan sargeant x fem!driver, max verstappen x fem!driver, oscar piastri x fem!driver, mick schumacher x fem!driver
notes: hi late update and that’s because i was crocheting the entire day lol
(series masterlist)
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she hums turning around, her arm landing on something solid instead of a soft pillow. she opens an eye, flinching back when her eyes land on someone’s clothed back, then groans when nausea slowly hits her.
“who the fuck is this?”
the person next to her hums. they left their head before dropping it back into the pillow. “mm.”
she looks around to the best of her ability, snorting when she realises that amidst all her drunken antics from the night before, they didn’t even end up on the bed. they’re sleeping on the carpeted floor of her hotel room.
she lifts her head, ignoring the nausea hitting her all at once. the bed is empty.
a hand comes up to nurse her head, looking down at the body lying next to her with the blanket draped over their shoulder loosely. she brought somebody back to her hotel room with her? now that’s just a tabloid rumour waiting to blow up in her face when she opens up her phone.
she leans forward, wobbling slightly, as she tries to get a glimpse of their face. her eyes widen, landing a smack on their shoulder with some force. "what the hell are you doing here?"
"don't hit me, i'm trying to sleep."
"mick! you're in my hotel room!"
"what?" blue eyes are exposed to the dim lights of the room, disappearing once more when mick shuts his eyes. "what am i doing here?"
"how would i know?" she sighs, slowly lying back down on the ground. "i don't remember anything."
"we didn't do anything... did we?"
she looks down at herself, surprisingly dressed in her pyjamas without any recollection of even making it back into her hotel room in the first place. "i hope not."
"you hope?" mick cries, shaking his head in dismay. "this is not good."
"give me a second. i need to think," she sighs, pressing the back of her hand to her forehead. "start thinking. do you remember anything from last night?"
mick also sighs, simply shaking his head. he pulls the blanket over his body and snuggles back into his pillow. "no, but wake me up when you've figured it out. i'm really hungover right now, mate."
"really? you don't think i am?"
"i'm sure you are, but– what the hell is this on my finger? when did i get a mood ring?"
"you have a mood ring?" there's a momentary pause. "oh, look. i've got one too. when did i–"
they both sit up hurriedly, hissing in pain as they point at each other with a loud gasp. "no! are you serious? did we really do that? when did we even have the time to do that?"
mick cries. "my mother is going to kill me."
"mine will kill me – i'm barely 21, mick!"
"i'm going to american jail! you're not even legal here!" he rubs his eyes. “i don’t wanna go to jail here!”
she scrambles around for her phone, eyes widening at her notifications.
SUPERMAX you and mick???
RATSELL what's ur ig post about m8?
LOWGAN when u wake up, there's a cup of water and an advil on the bedside for u also, check ur instagram
PASTRY you did the funniest thing last night.
LILLIES thanks for the free pizza wish i could've been there for the actual ceremony though? it's ok, maybe at your next wedding
ALBONO please tell me you didn't
LAW SON i think u may have sent logan over the edge cuz wtf is bro doing in my hotel room ranting to charlotte and i at 5am
MICKEY ur asleep rn i can't sleep when do u think we should renew our vows??? oh no we got married!??!??!
BLYTHE mate u got married without me in attendance??? not saying i'm offended but like seriously?
THE BETTER SARGEANT who u married to? if it's logan istg omg is it mick? i saw ur instagram
if i’d known sooner, i’d have bought you a wedding gift before landing in vegas
i’ll get one before the last race i promise
SEBASTIAN ur very funny, do u know that? text me when ur up, we should talk
MUMMY wowww let me know what wedding gift to get you you grow up so fast, my love
PAPA what is all this ruckus i'm hearing between mum and blythe about you getting married? call me.
KRISTEN (PR) team meeting asap. bring the schumacher.
she glances at mick. "my dad's going to kill you."
mick turns to her, shoulders slumped with his eyes widened in panic. "i really really hope my mother gets to me first." he shakes his head and pats around the ground for his phone. "you know what? i'll just tell her myself."
“don’t bother,” she scoffs, lying back down in the pillow sprawled on the floor. “i vividly remember you calling gina when we were getting pizza that you married me in vegas.”
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kristen chews on the inside of her cheek, scanning the group around her. "what is this? i only told you to bring mick."
the girl takes off the sunglasses on her face and sighs. "you think i didn't try telling them off? is this your first time meeting these losers? i– listen, i'm too hungover to tell them off, kristen."
"please let us stay?" max smiles, batting his eyelashes at the older woman. "i promise we'll be quiet. i'm just curious over the events of last night."
"so am i," kristen points out in a soft voice, moving her eyes over the pair seated on the couch on the other side of her table. at that point, they are the least of her concerns. "do you know the pr nightmare you just caused over a couple of drinks? do you have any idea the reckless thing you just did?"
"please don't shout," she says softly, eyes closing. "it was stupid, we know. in my defense–"
"they shouldn't have even let us in the chapel in the first place in that state," mick sighs, shaking his head disapprovingly. “so technically, whose fault is it, really?”
“both of yours for even coming up with the stupid idea in the first place!” logan screams, pointing at them in frustration. “you made a bad decision!”
kristen glances at logan, shooting him a side eye for disrupting her meeting. when logan shrugs, she simply looks back at the married pair her seats. “you’re not even 21! you did this in america too! god!”
“and they shouldn’t have permitted it knowing that i wasn’t 21!” the young girl shrieks, immediately defending herself. this is a hill she is willing to die on. “let’s focus more on the fact that they let two drunk idiots get married instead of the fact that i thought of it.”
“you came up with that idea?” max throws his head back, hissing softly as he shook his head. “why am i not surprised?”
“right? you have to tell her how stupid she is for this,” logan rambles in frustration. “seriously! you couldn’t go one year without making a stupid decision?
she rolls her eyes, glancing at mick from the side of her eyes. he flashes her an apologetic grin and she shrugs with another eye roll in response.
“i mean, you’re an adult. you can do whatever you want, but do you know how legally exhausting the entire process will be from here on out?” max continues, throwing his arms in the air. “knowing you, you won’t like it! there’s a lot of papers to sign!”
“and paper work to read!” logan adds on. “seriously!”
“god, (y/n), how could you be so stu–“
“i came up with the idea,” mick speaks out, turning to max and logan with a small smile. “it’s not her fault, you guys. come on. lay off her a little bit.”
she shoots him a questioning stare. “no, wait–“
mick laughs. “the deal at the pizza place just looked so good. i’m not excusing it because we were drunk, but cut us some slack.”
sebastian, sitting quietly in the corner of the room, finally stands up. he folds his arms over his chest. “it doesn’t matter who came up with the crazy idea to get married in vegas.”
“you’re still not mad?” logan raises an eyebrow. “there’s got to be some part of you that is.”
“how about let me conduct my meeting with my driver in peace? unless you want to take over my job of being her pr officer…” kristen speaks out, looking around the room to shut down any more forms of interruption. she looks back at her. “let me see the marriage certificate.”
“the what?”
“you signed one, didn’t you?“
she scrunches her nose and looks at mick. “did we sign one? i really can’t remember.”
“i don’t,” mick cuts himself off, looking just as clueless, “i literally blacked out last night. i don’t remember anything.”
sebastian beams, standing a little straighter. “i have it right here! look at it, kristen.”
he puts down a piece of paper on the table. the entire room watches the woman read over the paper, lips pressed together.
a small laugh bubbles from her, grabbing the certificate into her hands and bringing it closer to her face. her laugh gets a little louder, sebastian eventually joining her with a hand over his mouth.
“what is so funny?” she sighs, rolling her eyes. “all i can think about is the shopping spree i can’t have this month over the lawyer fees.”
“and the fact that i could end up in american jail for marrying a 20-year-old!”
kristen grins, slamming the certificate down onto the table. “it’s illegitimate.”
“surprising turn of events!”
a hand slams into the table, the youngest in the room jumping to her feet. “illegitimate? what about my free pizza? how is that illegitimate? i’m not a schumacher anymore?”
“you changed your name?” oscar pipes up, roaring in laughter, covering his face. this entire ordeal has been very amusing to him.
she turns around sheepishly with a small smile. “i was planning to. how cool would it be to be a schumacher?”
“what the fuck?” logan says to her, bewildered at the thought process. “you’re not married and you’re telling me that’s the only thing you’re concerned about? not being a schumacher in the eye of the law?”
mick giggles, looking up at her with an impressed expression. “schumacher does go along well with your name.”
“i know. should we get married for realsies after this weekend and legally change my name?”
“have you learned nothing from this?” kristen throws her hands into the air. she leans back into her seat, letting out the heaviest sigh of relief as she no longer has to engage with any legal teams. pr wise, it would be easy.
she shrugs, sitting back down into the cushioned seat. “don’t get drunk with mick in vegas.”
“first and last time i’m drinking that much with you,” mick adds on with a snort. though, there’s a small smile playing on his face as he looks at her.
they both know that won’t be the last time they’ll be sending their pr officers into a frenzy. they’re truly a force to be reckoned with.
and, it could have been worse.
“i paid for all the pizzas you ate and threw up last night,” sebastian sighs, shaking his head. “you owe me like $100.”
she nods. “okay, i’ll pay you. still no shopping spree for me this month, i guess.”
mick clicks his tongue, giving her a thumbs up. “i’ll pay him. consider it my wedding gift to you, wife.”
“she’s not your wife,” logan points out with an eye roll. “didn’t even get married in the first place, remember? illegitimate. not even a real certificate. never happened. literally no record of it.”
“i’m curious,” max furrows his eyebrows and lips pouted out. “how did you pull this off to make it seem real, seb?”
“i arrived to their ‘wedding’–“
“not real!”
“logan, cut it out.”
“–before them. i spoke to the receptionist before they arrived; they don’t let drunk people get married. i convinced her to give them the slot anyway just to teach these two a lesson.”
“impressive?” kristen smiles. “you just saved me a lot of paper work.”
“and mick the beating he’d get from her dad if it actually ever happened to go through.”
she smiles, leaning over the arm rest to whisper at mick. she taps him on the shoulder. “we should celebrate with ice cream.”
— bonus
they flood out of the office collectively, the young girl looking down at the mood ring around her ring finger. “we should keep the rings, shouldn’t we, mick? keepsake.”
“to remind you of your bad decision making?” logan questions.
“no, to piss you off.” she turns around and shoves him back gently. “of course, just to keep memory of the one time i was almost a schumacher!”
sebastian tilts his head. “you know you’ll still be you, right? even if you’re legally considered a schumacher? you won’t get his blue eyes.”
“i could,” she hums with a smile. “so, husband. watching the race from my garage tonight like a factory manufactured wag?”
“can’t, wife,” mick sighs. “i work for mercedes.”
“i could get you the second seat if you wanted.”
“you have the power to do that?” she nods. “that’s hot.”
“cut it out, you guys are making max uncomfortable!” oscar grunts, pushing the pair apart.
beside them, max has his fingers plugged into his ears and is humming softly to himself. “it’s not real, it’s not real. they’re not actually married,” he whispers to himself. “and it will never happen.”
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @leilanixx @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @cashtons-wife @sadg3 @a10vely-yutazen @mellowarcadefun @glitterf1 @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @gentlyweeps-world @woozarts @darleneslane @meadhbhcavanagh @namgification @inejismywife @2bormaybenot @love4lando
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frankenland · 5 months
Promised to tell you guys how my meeting with Tom Sturridge went so here it goes!
Okay so I work at Comic Con Holland, assisting guests. I was working that weekend and unable to see Tom. Which was a total bummer. However, I was backstage a lot. And he walked by a couple of times, but I was too shy or busy to say hi. At the end of the day I was very bummed and sad that I wasn't able to speak to him. So during my break I was standing in a corridor backstage, talking (and crying lol) on the phone with my brother. Because according to his assistant he would leave the building at five-ish. But it was six already! I of course thought he had left and my dreams were utterly shattered.
So I was venting about to my brother when- all of a sudden- I saw Tom running like, SPEEDING through the hall past me as if his life depended on it. I was amazed and confused, and I told my brother on the phone "hold the fuck up he's still here?". Turns out that yes, he was still here. My colleague who was assisting him, walked up to me and said: "hey! I arranged something for you!"
And I was like: "????? U wot m8?"
AND THEN, Tom walked out of the backstage room towards me and he said HI and I said HI and- I went on to tell him how much Sandman has meant for me and how important his performance has been and I thanked him for it. Honestly I was mesmerized by him, I knew he was a good casting for Morpheus. But tRUST ME, when I saw him in real life I could only think; he is perfect for the role of Morpheus, it is like as if he just jumped straight out of the comic panels itself. It was mind boggling how much he looked like Dream. So we talked for a little while, he was very touched by my words. We shook hands, asked me my name, he told me his and then he left for his ride!
Big ✨slay✨ of the day
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31nightshade · 4 months
Au: alt school also known as Heaven’s Not Close in a Place Like This on ao3 written by @insanitybl00m and betaed by me lol. This au is my baby it's been around since May last year and also if you liked Tales From Under The Wisteria Tree I am sure you will like this too even though it is to separate genres.
Arc: college
CANON??? Who knows maybe.
Phil is sitting in his childhood room of almost overwhelming whites, and pale yellows with an accent of blue, trying to focus on his studies he has an architect exam coming up soon but the only thing he can focus on is Missa. He tries to focus back on his paper but his phone catches his eye one too many times.
So Finally, he subcomes his worries and texts Missa.
Phil: hay you alr I wanted to check in it's been a minute since you last texted me.
Missa: yeah man I am good you know how it is exams and stuff. (⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠;⁠)
Phil: b******* what's up because we both know you don't have exams until next month.
Missa: ...
Missa: ...
Phil intensely stared at those three dots waiting for Missa to answer.
Missa: i don't know any more man I miss home I miss you I want to hang out, and I am scared you hate me for leaving and i-
Phil was taken back by the confession not fully grasping how to respond.
Phil: one let's plan a meet up, two I don't think I can hate you missa you are my best friend and I -
Phil deleted the last part he can't tell missa he loves him that's weird.
Missa: yeah we should thanks man that really helped.
Missa: are you free next Saturday?
Phil: for you absolutely m8.
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detectivebambam · 3 months
we all know I'm a bitch about protecting trans depictions but your post about trans Andrew and HOW he is used specifically in S.A. scenarios is so very valid. Anon saying you said he wasn't a real man is just... you good m8???
trans men are men, and so are cis men, but they're also men in a different way. like. that's part of being a trans man. and taking cis male S.A. depiction, which is very rare to see and see handled as it is in AFTG, is a valid concern to have. You shouldn't have had to defend yourself by saying you're trans, it doesn't matter. IDK man I just think you've got a good point and anon calling you a transphobe has marbles where their brain should be.
thank you lol 😭
I'm not gonna argue with people. they see what they want to see and if they want to bee negative about it, that's not my fault, or my problem. I'm not gonna argue with someone who can't read lol
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agentbobr · 2 years
You don't have to answer this, but I would love to ask how would the boys react to dating/meeting a kistune?
ID LOVE TO. gives me an excuse to research more about kitsune>:)
here ya go, hope you enjoy m8!!!
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♥️ raph will immediately want to pet your tails. obviously he'll ask first but when he is given permission, they're getting pet HARD.
♥️ he can't help it, they're just so soft! especially of you have lots of em
♥️ many many dates with going to coffee shops and cat cafés. for both relaxing vibes and to show off his AWESOME partner!
♥️ if you can transform into people, don't- don't turn into him, it kinda freaks him out lol
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💙 expect to do many many mischievous activities with leo.
💙 stealing pizza, having you transform into people to mess with his siblings, the whole shabang!
💙 expect many many, AND I MEAN ALOT. of fox themed one liners.
"hey psst"
"what does a fox call a rabbit?"
"sigh. what."
"fastfood! eh eh~ oh come on! that one was good!"
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💜 if you have a lot of tails, you will be talking about genius things with donnie
💜 also expect to get many kitsune themed items that are genius ™ branded!
💜 and many many dates out on the hidden city history museum!
💜 he tries to also coordinate outfits with you til he realizes he'd have to stop wearing a lot of his purple and he stops :')
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🧡 mikey and you are going to look so good together, both of you would have amazing outfits to match eachothers!
🧡 he finds your ability to transform into other people so cool! but he also finds it very cute when you transform but still have your tails out-
🧡 many many drawings of you will be made, he can't help it, you just look so....mystical!
🧡 his pranking will also be increased after being near you.... oops?
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asks open as of 3/16/23💙
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fernsnailz · 4 months
Hellos. I have been spending the past twenty minutes looking at all the junkyard phantom stuff you have posted and mmmmmmm is so fuckin good!! I had a couple questions. 1. Do you have any plans for junkyard phantoms merch? I went to your merch store hoping for some but there wasn't any (although that Miku sticker is mighty tempting.) 2. I was thinking of making some playlists based on the characters since you made the playlist cover art things. Do you have any kind of music that you think each of them like or should I just go off vibes? Thank you for making such wonderful art:)
wah thank you!!! i've thought about making oc merch but i don't have any solid plans for it at the moment - something i've considered is if i ever make a junkyard phantoms comic (THEORETICALLY. NO GUARANTEE FOR THAT) i'd like to set up some kofi memberships for people who want to support the comic, then maybe have some merch or a sticker club as a part of the membership benefits! no guarantee for that right now tho lol right now i'm just having fun drawing them in my free time
as for music, i have my own playlists for them but i'll probably keep those to myself rn because my spotify is embarrassing lmao. but if you wanna make your own i'm cool with that, so here are some ideas for ya:
Check: there are a lot of genres in my playlist for Check but most of the songs are a bit slower and more thoughtful. this is usually the playlist i listen to while driving on empty roads at night if that gives you an idea of what it's like. some select songs are cul-de-sac by glass beach, House of Mirrors by Softcult, Reproductive by Shamir, and Mother by Anjimile
M8: M8's playlist has a lot of instrumental tracks on it, but most of the songs are either slow and nostalgic or overwhelming and electronic (this is a genre i call "robot headache"). some select songs are I'm Going To Go Back There Someday from the original Muppet Movie, Uncanny by Ghost and Pals, A Human's Touch by TWRP, and BaBopByeYa by Janelle Monáe
Lucy: Lucy has a lot of math rock, psychedelia, and shoegaze in their playlist - the vibe for Lucy's music is very much "overwhelming inner turmoil." some select songs are Let Me See by Morcheeba, Fundamentally Unlovable by Tiger Really, I Been Young by George Clanton, and Andromeda by Weyes Blood
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wolfythewitch · 2 years
Sorry to get para social but do you have any advice for getting broken up with over text? Your boi is going through it lol
Uhh hmm well I've never gotten broken up with before uhhhh
Watch a funny movie and eat junk food? If that person was an asshole they don't deserve your sadness anyway. Loop Flowers by Miley Cyrus or something. Or blast rock metal music that's also fun. If that person was a good person I'm sorry m8, but also according to my limited knowledge of relationships it's rude to break up with someone over text? So probably not the latter. Hmmmm whenever I feel sad I start listening to absurd video essays. Do you want a link to a two hour videos about the song Jeff Bezos by Bo Burnham and Capitalism
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penumbramewtwos · 5 months
So- I'm new to the blog, so please forgive me if this has already been answered...
What happened to Racheal?
She looked like she was still quite young in the pictures you've shown...
You're all good m8, and welcome to the blog ^^ It's humbling to have people come across it and want to know more!
Rachael in her 60's still looks like she would be in her adult years mostly due to better skin care and healthcare in the future. some of the shitposts I've made with her, she's been younger but sometimes older. The photo of them together in the comic, she's probably 40ish. (I do have to make it a habit of marking her age more often lol) The more unsatisfying answer to her age is: When I designed her, my art skills weren't (and still probably aren't) capable of aging her up in a fashion I was happy with, she was stuck in an uncanny valley. I'll retry it one day soon :> but I'll stick with the skincare lore XD
In regards to what happened to Rachael? (assuming you mean what was her cause of death?) I can give the vague answer (below) or the nitty gritty truth under the 'keep reading'. Spoilers for that one (as it's meant to happen in the fanfic).
Rachael was severely poisoned when battling Okita's creator (Professor Drake) and her Deoxys. Rachael and Okita were trespassing in the early hours, before they were caught and a fight broke out.
Thanks for the ask! [spoiler content under here]
Both Rachael and Okita were sneaking into Professor Drake's mansion to retrieve documents to prove that Aunuran mewtwos were created by her, to incriminate both her and Team Helix Rocket. Rachael was both severely poisoned by an enhanced poison jab from Deoxys. In an attempt to save her from Deoxys' attack, Okita used her black hole attack for the first time in battle, hitting both of them; breaking their bones in the process. The difference being, Deoxys are immortal, just like mewtwos.
That leads into the events that are 'dreamt' up by Okita in the first chapter. :>
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keter-class-anomaly · 9 months
keter class anomaly would you be mad if i requested more oliver ... specifically like.. maybe cryptid oliver but honestly any oliver is good oliver
Of course!!
Cryptid Oliver in the au by @holly-m8 (tell me if you want me to stop pinging you lol) was kinda like a puppet I think? I really think it’s neat!!
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Kinda did this quickly because I’ve been stressed lately, hope you like it!
thanks again for the request!!
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scytheaudio · 5 months
Have you ever played resident evil or dead by daylight
I played dead by daylight once and didnt like it. I was a killer and the hooman players were so good that I didnt see them once 🤣
I loved the original resident evil nemesis. Played it to completion and bits and bobs of the others. I raged quit most when i shot a basic bitch zombie in the face 3 times...stabbed it in the head, only for it to get up say "lol nah m8" and chew me face off
I'm not a skilled gamer
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theplanetcafe · 10 months
doctor who special thots (spoilers)
things i liked:
evil meep twist
wheelchair weapons
the graphics!! the sonic shields and the doctor drawing himself a virtual screen with the sonic was sick
the overall plot/unit being sketchy as usual
14 being the same as 10 but also different. you can see the previous doctors shining through
catherine tate eating up every scene
rose! lovely intro to her as a character
the monster toys in the shed :) reminded me of little amy
wilf mentions ❤️‍🩹
trans love being central to the plot rtd really said fuck you transphobes
the new credits! so so good
the music was on point ty murray gold bestie
things i did not like:
the new tardis interior
rose and donna simply “letting it go” (i will forgive this bc it’s more emphasis on rose’s strength as a trans woman but. rtd m8 did you forget that you just made a whole point out of the doctor being nonbinary??)
where did the new sonic come from lol
where is kate! i miss her
the intro?? why not lay down some transitional context- how and why is the doctor on earth, the new sonic, him taking a minute to process the regeneration
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k1tkatzzz · 3 months
i saw your post, i’ll fight u lol, i don’t have a ton of ppl either
hell yeah i’ll fight you!! my profile link is here: https://artfight.net/~katy_sees_stars
good luck!!
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