#is it i abnormal to see a spider of some sort slowly crawling on the ground of your garage and immediately run back inside
yeelincolnha · 10 months
Reigen is so real for having a bug phobia, I must say.
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
Three parts of a whole - Batman x Reader x Superman (Erotica)
Summary : The Batman, Superman and You are in a polyamory relationship, and it couldn’t be better. Well...Maybe it could.
I wrote this in twenty five minutes, and FUCK it’s a long story...Anyway, hope you’ll like it, I’m going to hide in a cave now :s :
IMPORTANT WARNING : THIS IS EROTICA ! THIS IS NOT FOR YOU IF YOU ARE UNDERAGED, I GODDAMN MEAN IT. Like there’s cute and sweet feelings in the mix, but also...smut, so if you’re not 18 or more, or if you’re not comfortable with that sort of things etc etc, this story ain’t for you. I have tons of other very SFW story, for averyone to read, and if you wanna check those out instead, it’s right here, on My masterlist blog : @ella-ravenwood-archives.
“What’s normal to the spider is chaos to the fly” was a line in one of your favorite TV show, The Addams Family.
And oh it kinda ruled your entire life !
You knew ever since you were three, and attending your first day of school, when you realized not everyone had two dads (some had what they called “moms” !) that what people called “normal”, would never fit you.
And oh as you grow up that fact only became more and more obvious.
It didn’t help either, that so many people would point out your differences constantly, like your two gay dads, your little birthmark that went from your forehead and over your eyes, your obsession with some unconventional things, the fact that you were a “nerd” etc etc...Oh everyone always made so many comments about how weird and different you were !
Everyone...but them. They never judge. Hell, they even understood. Because they weren’t “normal” either.
Come to think of it, it was probably what made you fall for them. Fall for them, hard. You smile at the memory of when you met them when a sound brings you back to reality. A rather obscene sound really...
Right. This is what sprout your mind thinking about how you weren’t “normal” compare to most people. What was happening right now.
You smile at the source of the sound, shaking your head slightly, and kiss it on the lips. Kiss him.
Clark Kent aka Superman, one of the love of your life, with whom you were talking about the Batman’s “O” face. Totally normal right ?”
Your kiss unfocused him from imitating Bruce’s orgasm face (and sound) and he tries to catch your mouth back with his, his tongue darting out of his lips, but you escape his grasp, crawling to the other side of the couch.
He pouts like a child at the loss of your warmth..it was so comfortable and cosy, to have you snuggled against him !
You wink at him and he melts a bit, but before he can chase after you or anything of the like, you say :
-I’m sorry Clark, but his “o” face isn’t quite like that. It’s more like...
You scrunch up your nose a little bit and clench your jaw tight...before rolling your eyes to the back of your skull, scrunching up your nose even more, and opening your mouth to let out a guttural and very unlady like growl of pleasure.
Clark was intently looking at you, from his side of the couch, and, clearly, was on the verge of bursting into tears of laughter.
-Hahahahaha yes ! Yes that’s it ! Even the little sexy groan !
You both start to laugh and imitate the mighty Batman’s face when he has an orgasm and...you don’t really know why it’s so funny really. Maybe it’s the fact that the two of you know him in another light than his usually so stoic and emotionless self ? You don’t really know...but it’s damn hilarious ! (And a bit sexy).
Clark high fives you after your amazing and so truthful to the original performance, and...it’s like you both can’t help it. As if all it takes is a single touch of each others’ skin and...
The high five never really stops, as Clark tangles his fingers with yours and pulls you on top of him.
Your lips connect instantly, as his free hand goes to settle on the small of your back and yours go flying around his shoulders. As often between the two of you, it turns heated, as his tongue brush your lips and you grant him access to your mouth.
The hand that’s on the small of your back creep under your shirt and slowly removes it, as you unbutto...
-I know it has been two months since you two last saw each others, but you could have waited for me...
You tear yourself off of Clark and turn your head to the side to see the other love of your life...Bruce Wayne, aka Batman.
There was a reason, you and Clark knew his “o” face so well.
And that reason was another proof your life wasn’t situated anywhere on the “normal” spectrum.
You met them thanks to Diana. She’s the one who found you. Gods bless her.
She saved you, and for that, she would always hold a special place in your heart. She quickly became like a sister to you. And everything started the day...The day...
Your life went completely South a Saturday.
It started off boringly fine and normal.
You woke up early to go to college, took breakfast with your dads, laughing at their silly antics (you always loved, how they would argue with each others over everything, and yet always seemed so fucking in love while doing so), and after kissing them goodbye went to catch your bus...You never got it.
You really were cursed to never live a normal life. Usually, this would have never bothered you but that day ? ...Oh that day.
Those loving “kisses good bye” on your fathers’ cheeks ? ...They were forever.
You’d never kiss their cheeks ever again. They’d never hold you, hug you during tough times. Reassure you that life would get better, and that being abnormal wasn’t so bad. You’d never see them again exchange loving looks, you’d never think : “I want a relationship just like theirs !” again while looking over them you’d never...you’d never see them again.
At least, they were gone together. Your beloved parents...tears always well up in your eyes when you think about them, and about that day.
An explosion. Not even from a super-villain or anything. No. The local gaz factory exploded, and wiped your entire little hometown.
And that’s when Diana found you.
Death and destruction was surrounding the demigoddess, and Wonder Woman was starting to loose hope of ever finding a survivor when...
Your screams. It’s your screams she heard. Of agony. But not as in you were hurt physically and were dying no...it’s your heart that was crying.
She found you, digging the remnant of your house, screaming “dad ! daaaaad !!” over and over again as the fire surrounding you seem to not harm you.
However, the crumbled wall of your house slowly falling in your direction would crush you, and on that day, you probably wish it had because..you just had lost your parents. The only one that ever understood you, and acted as if not being “normal” was the norm. The only one that never judged your weird taste (not even the fact that you’d eat pickles with peanut-butter) and antics. The only two persons you ever loved and...they were gone.
Just like that.
Because of a stupid accident.
The wall was falling when you turned to look at it, not even trying to get out of its way and...that’s when Diana found you. And saved you.
You didn’t seem hurt, but she took you to the hospital nonetheless and...never left your side. She stayed, even though she had things to do.
She stayed with you until you finally snapped out of your strange haze, of the shock of loosing your parents and then...Then she was there, to hold you in her arms, to let you soak her shirt with your tears.
That day, Diana Prince became one of the most precious being in your life and, thanks to her, you’d meet “the ones”.
It was obvious you were a meta-human.
Your entire town exploded, there were no survivors but...you, whose only wound was of the heart. Physically ? You were completely unscathed, except for a few bruises and cuts you got searching for the bodies of your parents in the ruins of your house.
Fireproof. And possibly invulnerable (Diana saved you from a heavy wall who could have crushed you and...you weren’t really up to try exactly the extend of your powers by letting anyone or anything trying to crush you !).
It was clear that you had no one else in your life, that this explosion took everything from you so...Diana did the only thing she could do. The only thing she had to do.
She brought you to the League.
And that’s when you met them.
Bruce and Clark.
Clark and Bruce.
The loves of your life.
You first met Clark, and it was like a huge firework.
Diana introduced you to him, and when your hands touched, already at that moment, way before anything started to happen between the two of you, the skin to skin contact was...something. Electrifying.
He smiled, and your heart beat wildly. In that instant, you almost forgot your dads...because Clark was a bright light and oh you wanted to just snuggle in his strong and safe arms, forever.
It was ridiculous, you knew it. But never ever in your life did you felt that kind of intensity when first meeting something. Never before in your life did you felt anything like that toward anyone really. “Love” and “relationships” weren’t really your thing...And here you were, swooning over a stranger.
A very handsome stranger, and oh just in his eyes, you could also see how sweet and nice he was.
You smiled to Clark and he felt like dying. How could someone be that beautiful ? That attractive ? He just couldn’t quite explain what it was he liked so much about you, what drawn him to you instantly...He just was.
Here you were, in front of him, and while Diana was talking about the circumstances of why you were here, and how horrible the all ordeal was...Clark couldn’t help but smile like an idiot at you, and damn it it was so awkward how he held your hand for so long !
But your skin on his...he wanted more.
And he felt disgusting for that. He felt like he was being such a pig for those thoughts but...You were just so different from anyone he met.
He couldn’t pinpoint what it was, that made you so special. But you were. You really were quite something. For a second, he thought maybe you were a meta-human able to control people’s feelings but...No. No that wasn’t it, and he knew. You were just...Abnormal. In the best of ways. In a way that made him feel relate to you, understand you instantly, without even knowing your name (a few seconds more and he would know. (Y/N), and oh it fitted you so well..).
Finally, he let go of your hand, and you don’t seem that weirded out by him and his odd and long handshake. No. You smile. And your smile is pure torture. Because he’s realizing that...oh he’s totally doomed.
Your arrival put him in a totally impossible situation.
His sudden...Whatever this was he felt toward you, a total stranger (attraction ? friendship ? love ?), was only trouble. Especially since it changed nothing of the fact that...He was in love. Not with you. Or maybe with you too ? How was that even possible ?! This was so absurd !
It made everything more complicated. No. He wasn’t in love with you, it was just a little phase he was going through because you were beautiful.
No. No no no. He wasn’t...in...love with you...He loved...He loves Bruce.
He couldn’t love you. Hell, he didn’t even know you !!
Unaware of the man you just met’s internal struggle (just because he touched your hand !!), you shyly smiled before bidding him farewell and following Diana to be introduced to the others.
Oh but everyone was so plain and normal (yes, even the martian), compare to that “Superman” you met earlier...Everyone. Everyone but him.
A few hours after your encounter with Clark, you met Bruce.
He was focused on a huge computer screen, typing away on the keyboard things that seem very random to you but apparently made sense to him.
You had a sudden surge of wanting to slap the man, as he completely ignored Diana but...but when she talks about your parents (in the most sensitive way as you’re standing right there), the man finally turns and...
With Clark, it was fire, it was light, it was a strange and unexplainable attraction.
With Bruce ? It was an instant understanding. You bore into his icy blue eyes and it mirrored your pain of loosing your parents. You shook his gloved hand and the little squeeze he gave it was proof enough that he...understood.
With Bruce, there was no smiles. It wasn’t warm and cosy like Clark, and yet you felt...you felt good.
In front of you stood a man who understood your pain. Who, when he said “I know”, really did know. Who had suffered, even more than you, and who...would always be here for you because of this.
It sounded so stupid. You didn’t even know the guy. And yet...And yet his intense eyes seemed to read into you, and to speak to your very soul.  
When Bruce heard about your parents, he turned to look at you, because yes, he knew the pain. But he wasn’t expecting to be faced with...with...with you.
He wasn’t expecting to not be able to find his words because your mere presence overwhelmed him. Because you were mesmerizing. Because...He hated not understanding.
He understood you, and you understood him but...he didn’t understand what was so special about you, what drew him so irrevocably to you, what made him want to actually talk to you.
The only other person able to make him talk, the only other one he wanted to talk to and to be with...It was Clark. And the wave of feelings that submerged Bruce as he was looking at you made him feel so guilty.
How could he ? How could he think about you so intensely while he didn’t even know you ? How could he look at your lips and want them so much ? How could he...how could he betray Clark’s trust ?
And yet here he was, talking to you more than he talked to anyone in a few days, under Diana’s surprised gaze. And when you left, following the amazon to visit the rest of the headquarter, the only thing he wanted to do was to follow you...And the guilt washed over him once again.
How could he ? He was in love with Clark. He knew that. And Clark was in love with him. So why...and how...he didn’t even know you for God’s sake !!
Both Bruce and Clark didn't speak much that coming week. They couldn’t. And today, as Bruce went home to his mansion in Gotham, and Clark sneaked into his bedroom, they still didn’t speak.
The usually always so passionate sex wasn’t really that great, and they just laid there, side by side, battling with their thoughts.
What could they do ? Should they break up with each others ? But...they were still in love.
Should they just ignore what they suddenly both felt about you ? But that was impossible. Clark saw you earlier that day, laughing at one of Barry’s joke, and it made his heart swell with happiness, to hear such a clear and pure thing...Bruce saw you before he left for Gotham, and you smiled at him. You just smiled at him and that mere action made his heart jump out of his chest.
No. They couldn’t just ignore you. It was actually getting increasingly difficult to ignore you. But then...what to do ?
They started to speak at the same time. They said the exact same thing.
-Bruce/Clark, you know (Y/N), the woman Diana brought last week...
It was just your luck. For fuck’s sake. You met two absolutely incredible men, that you learned to know a bit more over the week, that made you want them even more and...they were gay.
Of course they were. And together at that, if the rumors were true. And oh the way they looked at each others when they thought no one was watching...Yup, no doubt, those two were in love.
You sigh as you sip your tea, in the League common room.
Diana bringing you here was the best thing she could have done. The constant missions and things to do got your mind away from your dads. The new people you met and all of that stop you from thinking about your loss...But sometimes, like today, when you were alone with your thoughts, it would come back.
You buried them a few days ago. You invited their friends (they were loved by so many, and oh your gay “uncles” and “aunts” were plenty), not even bothering inviting their actual family, that both disowned your dads for being gay. They hated them, why would you even tell them what happened ?
Your true family, your dads friends that you called “uncle” and “aunt” forever, were a great support but...You didn’t stay long. After the funerals you left directly to your new family’s place, the League’s headquarter, where everyone seemed to...Everything seemed to...It just felt like home. In just a short few days.
You saw Clark and Bruce that day, but didn’t have the heart to talk to them or anything...in fact, you haven’t talked to any of them since that day. You could see them looking at you from afar but...You just couldn’t.
Your parents were gone, your support was gone, and now, you had fallen in love with TWO men who were gay and together. You don’t think your heart could handle it.
And oh it was so stupid that you fell for them that fast and hard ! What was so special about them ?! What made them so different ?!
“Everything”, said a voice at the back of your head. And you...
Two shadows coming over you tore you away from your thoughts. You almost dropped your tea as you saw who it was.
Of course. Clark and Bruce.
The entire room was empty and they were blocking any exits you could take and...their next words freeze you :
-So hum...this might sound weird, but can we talk to you ?
Most people thought that love triangles were full of dramas and pain. Of angst and suffering. Most people thought it was just about always wondering who loved more who, who was the most important one out of the three, and all of those bullshit.
The truth was, most people had no idea what an actual polyamory relationship was. Most people thought it wasn’t normal and impossible to fall in love with more than one person ? And yet...And yet you, Clark and Bruce were the proof that it was.
Because that’s what happened. They were both struck by “love at the first sight” with you, and you with them and...Hey, they also loved each other. It wasn’t a “I love you more than he does” or any shit like that situation. It was a “we all love each other” kind of one.
It wasn’t complicated really, to understand. You all loved each others equally. And instead of living miserable by being only in a two person relationship, and ignoring one of the one you loved...well you decided to be a bit more open and share your love between those two men, and them between...IT REALLY WASN’T THAT COMPLICATED !
That day, when they said they had to talk to you, they lost themselves in complicated words and explanations, when everything was quite simple really. And after a few dates, the three of you figured things out...Because it wasn’t, actually complicated.
It was love. Shared love. Between the three of you. Strong and unbreakable love. You were each others’ loves of your lives. As simple as that.
If an eight years old boy like Dick could understand, then everyone could really.
After a few years, news stopped asking questions about “Bruce Wayne’s weird love life” and...to be honest, you and Clark were sure that this started to be a normal thing only because he was Bruce Wayne. And in Gotham ? Bruce Wayne was like royalty.
And just the fact that a man like him would act as if nothing was strange, holding you with one arm and Clark with the other. If a man like that could act like it was the most normal thing in the World to have two dates at important charity events...then really, who was to say it was weird ?
After a few years, people just started to accept it. And if some still thought it was odd, you never really heard about it anymore.
You lived in Gotham, in Wayne Manor (Gods bless Clark’s ability to travel fast, because you’re pretty sure you couldn’t handle being too far from them too long). It was just the most logical thing.
Clark would go to Metropolis every morning, and come back every night, and...yes, it was just the most logical thing to do. Bruce’s house was bigger than Clark’s apartment was and, with six teenaged boys...
It’s interesting, how when a child grew up a certain way, things are totally normal for them. Like you with your two gay dads, or your sons, with two dads and a mom.
Dick, Conner, Jason, Tim, Jon and Damian.
It wasn’t always easy having that many kids under the same roof, especially those ones...Dick, Jason and Tim were adopted (which didn’t matter, they were your sons nonetheless). Conner was Clark’s clone and though it was difficult at first...you and Bruce convinced him to accept the boy as his own. Damian was technically only Bruce’s son, that he had a few years before dating Clark and you, with Talia Al’Ghul...but it didn’t change anything. He was yours. He was Clark’s. He was your son. Finally, Jon was the only biological kid you had (and the actual father was most likely Clark, given the boy’s powers).
But just like between you, Bruce and Clark there wasn’t any preferences, you all loved each other the same...You all loved your sons the same. No matter where they came from.
Yes. It was quite a bunch you had...but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Normal is overrated anyway, having flying sons jumping around the house while the others do acrobatics in the stairs was the only way you knew. The only way you wanted your family to be.
Having two husbands dressing up to fight crimes ? Perfect.
Oh and what would you do without your favorite sassy butler who was just too in love with this all thing ?
Yup. Life was great. And completely normal.
And here you were, almost fifteen years after Bruce and Clark had to “talk to you”, splayed on one of your husband, kissing him passionately, as the other arrived and smiled at the sight of you two tangle in each other.
-I know it has been two months since you two saw each others, but you could have waited for me...
His voice startled you, and you turn your head quickly to look at him. Your smile widens and, after giving a last kiss to Clark you jump on your feet and run to Bruce.
He greets you with open arms, as usual, and the kiss you exchange is as full of love and passion as the one you were just sharing with Clark.
You all have an excuse so, to be so disgustingly in need of each others.
A few months earlier, you got injured in a League mission and had to stay in the mansion to take it easy, as your husbands went to lead one of the biggest fight of their life, against the forces of Apokolips.
It drove you crazy, to not be able to go with them. To be stuck home, helpless. The only good thing about all of that is that your sons, who were now all grown up and living away in their own apartment (Damian and Jon shared one in Central Gotham, according to Alfred, you should NEVER put a feet in their or you’d get a heart attack about how your boys were living...), came to the Manor to take care of you, getting back in their old and untouched rooms.
It was nice, to have them back with you, just like when they were kids...But the constant worry about your husbands never left any of you.
You couldn’t loose them, and they couldn’t loose their dads...
Finally, after days of fighting you got a message from Diana.
Your sons ran away from the house, knowing that as soon as their fathers would be home you'd all get lovey dovey and disgusting. You gave Alfred, who took great care of you, his day off and...the house was all your own.
Clark arrived first, as Bruce had a few things to finish up, and oh the hug of relief you shared was one of the best one ever.
You were so damn worried for his life...and here he was, safe and sound.
You were waiting on the couch when Bruce finally arrived too. And boom. Here’s your excuse for being so damn demanding and clingy to both of them, kissing them passionately and all.
You tear yourself off of Bruce, and turn to look at Clark who came to join you.
Your two giants of husbands sandwich you and oh...oh it feels like home. There. In their arms. Their, in the men who never judged you ONCE arms. In the loves of your life arms. In the middle of them...as it should be.
Clark kisses Bruce, and of course the bat kisses back, though with less passion than with you. Some people would say it’s because your their favorite, because it’s “impossible to be in love with two people”...but some people would be idiots that do not know that Clark and Bruce were together those past two months, while you were stuck away from them, and that they had each others while you were alone. And oh, oh they missed you.
Realizing that they might crush you between their bodies, they pull away, and you look at both of them, your heart, even after all those years, still beating so wildly for them...
But they know that mischievous smile splaying on your face. They know what it means. And how something in their pants twitch with anticipation.
They were the lucky ones. For two months, they had each others. They could touch each others, hug, kiss, make love...you, you were alone every night. Sure you had the opportunity to spend some times with your six boys but...it obviously wasn’t the same.
And so tonight ? It would be more about you than about them. Because you deserved it. Because they missed you. Because it was only fair.
The three of you stumbled in the master bedroom (your bed was a double king sized, made specifically for the three of you by a designer in Gotham...it was so big not because you were three, but because Clark would always sleep with his arms and legs opened, leaving you and Bruce a small part of the bed, snuggled against each others).
Bruce was lifting your shirt, while Clark was lifting Bruce’s shirt and you were lifting Clark’s shirt and...yeah that wasn’t going to work, the three of you let go of each other, amazed that after years of practice, it would still be so damn difficult to undress each others.
They decide to focus on you, and so Bruce lifts your shirt as Clark gets rids of your pants in one swift moves, lifting you so he can take them off completely.
While Bruce peppers your neck with hundred of kisses, Clark takes care of your bra and panties, kissing all the exposed skin available to him. He slowly kneels and...you stop him, shaking your head.
As much as you’d love for him to eat you out, you missed them too much, you just need to feel them inside of you. Now.
Clark nods, as always he understands. You guys were all so good to understand each other’s needs...Bruce nods too and takes hold of you.
You wrap your legs around Bruce’s waist and you know EXACTLY where this is going. When Clark walks around the bed and climbs on it, sitting on his heels, you know you’re right.
It’s like you all understand each other perfectly well, without even the need to speak.
Bruce throws you on the bed playfully and you get on your knees, as your other husband climb on the bed, each one on each sides of you now.
You gently caress their abs as they reach for each others and kiss fiercely above you. You always loved their toned chest and muscular shoulders. They were so nice to feel under your fingers...
For a few seconds, your lost in caressing every line of their torso, as they kiss above you, tongue twisting around tongue. But them tearing away from each other brings your attention back to their face and...oh ? Your turn then ?
You raise on your legs to reach them, as they’re quite taller than you, and start to kiss Clark. He tastes like Bruce. You wrap your arms around his neck and brings him impossibly closer, until you feel the bat’s fingers brushing your back and you decide it’s his turns. You pull away from Clark, and turn to kiss Bruce.
He tastes like Clark. The Superman plants soft kisses all along the column of your neck to your back, making you shiver, as your tongue wrestles with Bruce’s. You are now completely sandwiched between Clark naked body, and Bruce’s, still clothed and...still clothed ? Oh that would do.
You pull away from your broody husband and push yourself back against the chest of your a bit naive one, grinding a bit against his cock on purpose (acting as if it was an “accident”). Clark mewls, and you and Bruce can’t help but smile fondly at him. Oh it was always so funny to you both, how out of the three of you, the most powerful, the mighty Superman, would always be the loudest one, the one who’d make the most desperate sounds and such.
Bruce wants to reach to catch you, but you don’t let him, slipping down against Clark’s body and out of his reach as your back sitting on your heels and are now too short...Well ok then, Bruce will go kiss Clark but...His husband pulls away too and looks at him intently.
What ?
And then it hits the greatest detective in the World. Yes. Of course. His shirt was gone, but he still had the rest of his clothes on, while they were both naked...that wouldn’t do, and in your world, it meant he would have a penalty.
Whoever out of the three of you had his clothes on last while the others were naked (which happened rarely, usually you’d get naked all almost simultanelly) had to strip for them.
Your back against Clark chest, you arch an eyebrow and Bruce sigh and rolls his eyes. Fine. Whatever. They were the one that didn’t get his clothes off before...But oh he knows he has to do it or...oh he better not think about the “or” situation.
He stands up and gets off the bed. And it’s too fucking hot, the way he stares at the both of you as he takes slowly his belt off. Unbutton his pants...Oh it’s not fair, he can’t be the only one that turns you guys on.
You exchange a quick look with Clark and Bruce knows he’s screwed. He thought he could captivate you two enough and get his little revenge of having to strip, it would usually work, but today ? Oh today you’re all too hungry for that to be enough. And so his plan backfires.
Clark kisses your shoulder, his eyes fixed on Bruce. One of his hand goes to slowly fondle your breast, as the other goes down to your most private part and brush slightly your clit. Your moan is what set Bruce ablaze, and he takes his pants, socks and shoes of in record time.
Your hand grabbing Clark’s erection doesn’t help either, and seeing you pump him lazily drives Bruce crazy. Oh he hates that. He hates how you two can make him loose all control so easily.
He grabs one of your arms, and tries to ignore you guys’ smug face. Bruce turns you around, so that your back is against his chest now. You can feel his cock in between your thigh.
Clark arch an eyebrow and smiles. Oh so it’s like that uh ? Fine. He crawls toward you two and sits back on the bed, on his knees, in front of you.
Bruce tears you off of him, and your hands go to rest on Clark’s thighs.
Your pussy drips in anticipation, which turns your husbands pupils’ completely black with lust.
You guys would usually tease each others for longer, but...two months without you, it was too much, and Bruce missed the feeling of you clenching around him. Slowly, you bend forward, knowing exactly what was going to happen, and you raise your ass a bit.
Clark braces himself, as he too knows what’ll happen...And when Bruce guides his cock inside you, pushes all the way to the hilt slowly but surely. When he slams his hips into yours with passion, and you gasp, your face against Clark’s abs...he knows it’s coming.
The first swipe of your tongue on Clark’s shaft makes him moan, and you and Bruce can’t help the little chuckle you make at his lack of vocal control.
You settle yourself conformably, on all four, your hands on Clark’s thighs, while Bruce puts one of his hand on your waist, and the other one on Clark’s shoulder for leverage, having the idea to use him to pump faster into you.
As you take Clark into your mouth, Bruce pouding inside you from behind, Clark is about to let out a loud moan but Bruce’s lips on his shut up up, swallow his cries of pleasure.
And suddenly, the room is filled with the lewd sounds for Bruce’s skin slapping yours as he makes love to you from behind, with the obscene sounds of your mouth sucking Clark’s cock eagerly, and of the smooch sounds of your two husbands french kissing.
The room is filled with Clark loud muffled moans, with Bruce’s more discreet and yet very sexy ones, and with yours, spilling around Superman’s cock.
This is one of your favorite position. Having one of them in your mouth as the other rams you with passion. And you know them both so well that you could almost count how long it’s gonna last before you all change...
And you’re right. As you countdown to zero you feel them stop kissing. Clark’s hands are caressing your back lovingly, tangling in your hair, while Bruce kisses where your neck and shoulder meet, leaving some love bites, and signifying to you that you can get off of Clark.
With expert movement, they move you around.
Oh. Yes. That night is yours. It’s about you threes’ pleasure, but tonight, a bit more about you, because fuck they missed you this past two months.
And so they straight you up, kissing you all over, as your hands don’t know which one to caress. They turn you around again, and now you’re between them, your back against Clark, facing Bruce.
One of your hand is in Bruce’s heart as his mouth latches on one of your nipple, while your other hands is in Clark’s hair, bringing him closer and closer as he kisses and bites your neck.
They pull away, kiss each others and you on the lips once more, and then Clark’s hands are under your thigh, lifting you.
This is always the most delicate position, the one where they have to be careful not to hurt you or anything. It’s not the same, when one of them is in the middle.  But when it’s you ? They can’t be as rough and violent. Because, even though they know you can handle a lot, they could just make you fall apart if they did too much.
Clark looks a Bruce, and in silence, they decide what to do next.
The Batman penetrates you once more, and buries himself deep within you. After a last kiss to Clark’s lips, he proceeds to bury his face in your neck, and suck there while waiting for Clark to settle within you too.
Slicked with your saliva, Clark doesn’t have to put lotion on his dick, however, not wanting to hurt you, he gestures slowly at Bruce and the Bat understands. Bruce pulls almost all the way out of you, so Clark can dip a finger in your drenched pussy, and as your broody one slowly pushes back inside you, Clark stretches your asshole to prepare you for what’s to come, wetting the inside of it with your own juice so as to not hurt you.
Your breath hitch at all those feelings. Bruce sucking on your neck and being so fucking still inside you, stretching you to the maximum. And Clark prepping you for...You know you’re ready and you kiss his cheeks lovingly.
He gives you a quick glance and nods, again, he understands.
He leans back on his heels, and let you and Bruce lean on him for better comfort (bless his super strength, because oh when Bruce starts to pounds in you, no man could withstand his force !).
And then slowly, making sure you’re not uncomfortable, Clark pushes inside your asshole, and the three of you gasp.
Clark gasps because you’re always so damn tight there.
You gasp because the combined feelings of Bruce and him is almost too much.
And Bruce, always so stoic and in control Bruce, can’t help but gasp at the feeling of you clenching around him, getting tighter as Clark invades your behind.
Your moans mixe all together, and it’s a beautiful concert of sounds of pleasure.
They stay still for a minute, waiting for you...but as soon as you nod...ooooh.
They each suck on a side of your neck, as they pump slowly into you, finding a punishing rhythm together.
When Bruce goes in, Clark pulls out, and vice versa, and a wide array of pleasurable feelings wash over all of you. They can feel you tighten around them, and you...oh the way they stretch you is so fucking perfect.
You know the end is close when even Bruce can’t hold in his moans and growls, when even Bruce starts to whisper yours and Clark’s name over and over again as he pumps inside of you, as Clark hands roam his body and yours. As one of your hand is in his hair, your other in Clark’s. As Clark bend his head back ward and...
He’s the first to come. Clark is always the first to come.
He unloads inside you and lets out a desperate small little strangled noise before collapsing back on his heels and holding you while Bruce finishes you.
It takes only one more minute of Bruce pouding you and Clark slowly rubbing circles around your clit for you to come. Hard. And oh it feels so good after two months spend without them !
Your last scream of pleasure is like the sweetest music to their ears, and it isn’t long for Bruce to spill inside you...He scrunches up his nose, and clenches his jaw. His eyes rolls back and he open his mouths to let out a guttural growls, exactly like you imitated him (but lower and sexier).
And with that, the three of you fall on your sides, still inside each others, close.
Clark moves first. Having finished before he always moves first. He pulls out of you, stands up, as you stay with Bruce, caressing his bicep gently, as he draws abstract patterns in your back with the tip of his fingers.
Clark comes back with a wet cloth, and cleans you and himself up, before giving it to Bruce who pulls out of you too, to clean you up there as well, and finally clean himself up.
Clark goes to throw the cloth in the dirty laundry (poor Alfred) and comes back.  
Yes. Since you were born, your life wasn’t normal.
It wasn’t normal, for most people, to be in the arms of two naked superheroes...And yet.
Yet, here, with Bruce’s and Clarks arms across you, holding each others against you in a tangle of arms and legs, you felt like you wouldn’t have it any other way.
As usual, Clark is the one who says it first. He's always been the most sensitive one...he kisses your shoulder, and Bruce’s show, and says, in a whisper :
-I love you (Y/N), love of my life. I love you Bruce, love of my life.
Even Bruce can't help the goofy smile splaying on his face, which gets even wider as you say :
-I love you too, Clark, fucking love of my life and sex god. Oh, and I love you, Bruce, also love of my life and also sex god.
They chuckle a bit at your antics...You’ve always been the funny one.
After a few seconds of silence, Bruce’s arms tighten around you and Clark, and he says, in his sexy low and full of fatigue voice :
-I love you both, more than anything. So much it hurt. I love you (Y/N), I love you Clark. Loves of my life. Always.
Oh Bruce. Always the dramatic one. He couldn’t do simple. Of course.
That night, and for the first time in two months, you finally fall asleep with your husbands wrapped around you. Not alone.
That night, the three of you cheesy fuckers fall asleep with smiles on your faces.
The next morning, you can hear the door of your bedroom slowly opening, and Jon and Damian’s faces appearing in the frame. Jon’s eyes are closed, Damian’s hand on his brother’s eyes, just to make sure he won't be scarred for life. Damian’s eyes are also shut tight...but he dares to open one and...oh sweet relief, you guys are under a blanket.
They were so afraid to find their dads and mom naked ! It wouldn’t be the first time, and they didn’t wanna throw up that early in the morning !
Your husbands growl, but you smile at your boys, and gesture for them to come give you a kiss.
They awkwardly avoid their dads and kiss your cheek...before kissing their fathers’ cheeks too (or they’d get jealous and pouty). You can’t help the smile creeping on your face at your 25 and 28 years old, your youngest sons, kissing their parents on the cheek.
They whisper that the rest of your boys are here, waiting downstairs for breakfast, and you tell them you’ll be down there in a few minutes.
Before though, you gotta put some clothes on and cuddle some more with your husbands that you hasn’t seen for two m...before you finish your sentence, your sons are out, yelling childish “eeeew”.
You can feel your husbands smile on your skin, and you know it’s gonna be the beginning of a great fucking day.
I have no idea what this is. I am posting it, but I’m not sure how long I will leave it on. Like I’m posting it because so many asked for it, but it’s...bad. And...Yeah it’s really not great and what I thought I would write so. 
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blaireducroix · 7 years
Repairing relations. Part 1
((This RP is a mixture of some fill in as well as an awesome RP sessions with @demetrius-devereaux. Thanks for reading and enjoy, feel free to leave a comment or message me. That is all.))
Blaire walked into her apartment tired with a mixture of being light headed and having a slight headache forming as the effects of her nights drinking was starting to fade. Her walk from Duskwood back to the city was spent in quiet as she rode alone, thinking on the nights events. Running the situation through her mind over and over. Each time though she concluded…it ended better then she was expecting, much better. She moved to her fireplace placing a few split pieces of wood on top of the grate then lighting a batch of kindling beneath them.
While the fire grew, the newborn flames starting to catch hold of the dried wood above them, she changed from her armor into what she would consider a cross between her lounge wear and what she will most likely be sleeping in that night. Again, she ran the nights events through her mind for the last time, for good measure.
The walk through Duskwood on any normal night would be eerie at most, especially if you stuck to the path. The moment you strayed into the darkness off the beaten path, is when it gets haunting for those not of steel nerves or unstable minds. She looked around knowing what beasts lurked in the night. The wolves, spiders, feral worgen, bandits, thieves, undead…all of them, but she had one place in mind she was going and nothing would get in her way to reach that point.
She walked on the dew soaked grass, the night was calm save for a slight breeze that danced through the leaves in the night, casting shadows every which way. In one hand, she held a bottle of whiskey and was drinking from it frequently throughout her journey to the location she was heading. After weeks of asking around, and paying people, she finally learned the latest camp that Demetrius has been staying at recently since the trials. At this point in her journey to the location she was buzzed, but after weeks of near constant inebriation, her pace while walking even while intoxicated was normal, save for a slight wobble here and there. Alas, after what seemed like hours she saw the light of a campfire ahead of her that pierced the darkness of the night in the forest. Alone sat a figure on a log staring into the flames, his robes familiar, his black hair memorable, instantly her mind had flashbacks of her stay with Father Crow in his tower, and almost as fast voices filled her mind of his last words and comments. Her betrayal to him. She shook her head to clear her mind before taking another swig from the bottle and entering the light created by the blaze of the fire.
“Hard man to find these days Demetrius, since the trial at least. Graveyard not to your liking anymore?”
Her tone was a bit snide towards him, the alcohol having some effect on how she was speaking. For moments Demetrius Devereaux sat there atop the log just staring into the fire. His hands folded on his lap, a tome sat at his side. He looked peaceful sitting there…and to many who knew him, peace was not a word that was used to describe Demetrius in any way. He turned his attention towards Blaire quirking a brow before looking back to the flames.
“What do you require this time, minion of D’Angelo.”
Blaire hated that, she knew his feelings against her weren’t the highest at the moment, but she had a name.
“For you to use my name as proper…please. As for what I require? Been meaning to talk with you…Don’t know if Kohanna managed to get my request to you or not.”
She waited a good while before finally failing to resist temptation and uncorked her bottle and taking a long pull from the amber liquid inside. Demetrius only shrugged.
“What do you require Du’Croix?
Clearly her words didn’t fully sink in to him and fell upon deaf ears.
“Or do you wish to draw this out as always instead of getting straight to the point?”
Blaire again frowned as he still refused to call her by her name. At least he got the last name, it was progress…somewhat.
“What you said to me last we met…the words…did you mean them. If you remember them that is. Were your feelings…if they can be called that with you…” She took another drink letting the burn wash down her throat. “Were they true? Is what you said about me regarding YOU…true. I need to know. And don’t give me some bullshit answer thinkin’ it will get me to leave sooner. Bad or good…I want the truth. I want everything. Because frankly my life has been a wreck since that night and the meeting before that when I was Monisha when she came to see you. A self-caused wreck…but a wreck none the less.”
Blaire moved to a log on the opposite side of the fire watching his face trying to get anything from his facial features as the fire danced between them. She extended the bottle towards him.
“Want some?”
Demetrius focused on Blaire. Slowly he tilted his head to the side and he replied to her in a blunt fashion that she knew he was known for.
“Ah. So, this is about you and your feelings? Selfish. Refresh my memory. What was said? And what do you wish for me to elaborate on so that you can obtain some sort of peace of mind?
Blaire pulled the bottle back towards her and took many moments to think through her addled mind to that night weeks ago.
“The thing that hit me the most…was your confession that during my time with you…you eventually saw me as…desired me as a romantic partner. More than that, someone you could mold into great things.” Blaire grew silent a moment. “I want great things. I want to be something great…someone worth something. I ain’t worth shit to myself…and no matter how much I try I just walk back to the same people who treat me like a bug under their feet. Truthfully no matter how often they spout their words on how much they cared…you were truly the only one that I felt care. And I threw it away…”
Again, she took a pull from the bottle letting the burn wash down. A sudden spike of anger rippled through Demetrius, his face showed it. His gaze focused intensely on Blaire and it took everything he had to remain in his seat.
“Oh? NOW you wish to know? He tried his best to not bite his tongue. “My words that night were true. I did have an interest in you in such a way, I did wish to mold you in such a way, I did wish to help you in such a way.”
Blaire stood up from her seat pointing at him with bottle still in her hand. She raised her voice towards him.
“Of fuckin’ course I want to know Demetrius!” Her voice echoed in the still night. “Because truthfully aside from the bed we shared, I didn’t even know you had even the slightest hint of attraction towards me. Certainly not in the romantic way. Oh, I am aware you wanting to mold me into something better, I am aware of that, which is why I regret throwing it away…but romance…no you decide to reveal that shit to me in a damn graveyard months later!” She was yelling at this point. “I don’t know what the signs of that shit looks like…sure as hell can’t learn that from Monisha and Sybil…they are both fuckin’ whores looking for their next victim to milk poor for their own goals!”
The liquor had taken over at this point, she had no thought on what she was saying, just letting the words flow as they came to her mouth. She took a drink from the bottle again before she lowered her hand walking around the fire.
“And this…” She held the bottle between them. “Between THIS…drinking myself stupid over the course of the past few months trying to find out where you were hiding in these forsaken woods…Oh I have wanted to know…I have wanted to know since the night you revealed that shit to me and left it at that. No explanation. So, don’t put this on me. YOU dropped the ball…YOU didn’t follow through.
At this point she stood over him, the light of the fire dancing at her back creating a fiery aura about her silhouette, while casting a shadow over him as he sat. Demetrius just sat and watched Blaire with half lidded eyes. This wasn’t abnormal for him; In the past few weeks he had dealt with drunken women. He allowed Blaire to speak on and on, his gaze shifting only once to the liquor in her hand. His mind only thought “Fucking drunkard.” It was disappointing but amusing; a mixture. Sometimes women just weren’t capable of communicating without being drunk, he told himself. Words were foreign to men and women and it was strange how people could communicate with the help of an added substance. Then again, some people just turned into more oafish and crude orc-like-creatures. Demetrius stood slowly, brushing off his robes, leaving his tome on the wood next to where he sat. He looked her dead in the eyes, lips parting...
“I do not care for such conversations. But I’ll humor you. So, when I pushed you against the wall, told you that I wished to keep you forever, parted your thighs, and spoke to you about kind things, such as wishing to aid you. You didn’t think at least once that I held affections for you beyond that of a mere servant girl?” He shrugged. “Times are changing Du’Croix. There are many ways that such things happen. I am not one for relations though. At the time to merely keep you at my side, or even to have you visit me from time to time for a bit of talk and play; that was good enough for me and that was what I was content with.” He gestured to the bottle in her hand. “You say that such things are my fault? I could care less now. You tossed the opportunity aside yourself when you picked Monisha over me, one that you continue to crawl back to like an abused puppy. Because deep down you probably like the abuse.” He shrugged. “Perhaps I should have forced you against the wall and parted your thighs after covering your body in bruises. Probably then you would have stayed. That is typically how women like you work.
The shadow Blaire was casting over him meant nothing to him.
“The woman of this kingdom run based on fetishes. They look for something to fill the void. And it matters not the meaning behind the actions of others. If it merely doesn’t suit them then they will think nothing of it and merely go towards the best option. Such cruelty that even I do not choose. And people call ME the monster.” Again, he shrugged “Even though I am.”
Before Blaire had a chance to even respond his hand swiped out and snatched the bottle right out of her clutch. “I have no interest in dealing with Drunk women.”
(( @demetrius-devereaux @monishadangelo @golden-odyssey ))
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