#is it kitschy? absolutely. but I do enjoy the way they lean toward each other
museenkuss · 2 years
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Victor Müller — Ophelia (ca.1869) and Hamlet und Horatio auf dem Kirchhof (1868)
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debbiebeary · 3 years
Disgust and Ecstacey
Hayden’s belly jiggled and wobbled violently in the dim, hippy light of the room. The combination of the incense and marijuana haze made the doughy expanse of his body appear even softer and more rounded. The curtains were slightly drawn and in the light was a smoky beam, the rest of the room was lit by red string lights and a few kitschy lamps.
In Hayden’s chunky arms, arms with those beautiful biceps that mushed up against his moobs into a cellulity pillow, he carried Ben and Jerries, peanut butter sandwiches, and some bananas (hey, digestion is important, ok?)
“Alright little britches” said Hayden, time to get to three hundred!” He said as his uncovered belly, lightly shined with sweat, surged forward even more as he added to the snacks already present on the table (chocolate, korean fried chicken and potato chips).
Dillon laughed.
“Oh come on I only reached two fifty yesterday!”
“Only two fifty!?” Cried a voice from across the swirling aromatic haze.
“Only two fifty?!” He repeated, standing up and revealing his own two hundred seventy pound form, he put his meaty paws onto his lightly dark furred, pear shaped body and gave it a strong jiggle, “That’s forty pounds since you arrived, it’s only been a month and a half! If you keep it up you’ll be bigger than me!”
Dillon looked down at his stretchmark covered gut and heaving moobs, which themselves had stretchmarks emerging near the armpits and also stretchmarks on his biceps too. His growth surely exceeded his own expectations. And it didn’t help that Garry, whom was the coffee shops resident chaser turned chub himself, was always feeding Dillon super creamy specialty coffees free of charge throughout his shift.
“Yeah. Who knows,” he began, a smug grin forming between his fattening cheeks and burgeoning double chin, both beginning to dominate his features even under his thickening beard, “perhaps I will hit three hundred.”
“Well it isn’t a matter of ‘if’, it’s a matter of ‘when’. And either way,” Hayden paused to toke the joint he just lit, stifling a cough before he continued, “either way, you gotta eat to make that happen, pig.” And without warning he took a peanut butter sandwich and crammed into an unsuspecting Dillon’s fattening maw. Garry wore a lascivious smirk on his face as he yet again watched Hayden work his gluttonous magic on Dillon.
“Remember!” the three hundred fifty pound blonde stud mumbled after tearing a massive chunk out of his own sandwich, “we match each other bite for bite, no matter what” he continued, swallowing the mouthful into his growling, churning tank, giving it an emphatic slap.
Dillon chewed and swallowed his own mouthful,
“Yes big bear-“
But he was interrupted by Hayden once again plugging his airways with the second half of the sandwich.
Dillon could feel the scale shattering beneath his feet already.
Again and again, handfuls of chocolate brownies, of chips, fried chicken (with an inspired melted Velveeta American cheese dip) were shoved into the awaiting Dillon's mouth by the bronze skinned, blonde haired hunky blob. Though Garry was the bottom, Hayden, a versatile boy who when he was a top, was a very dominant top. This extended to feeding.
Though Hayden was attracted to Dillon, he found force feeding him aggressively to be somehow even more… penetrating. More satisfying than the thought of fucking him ever could be. He was morphing Dillon’s body, potentially towards a permanent absolution. He may never go back to the way he was before the summer began.
Dillon could see the twisted thrill in Hayden’s eyes as he crammed in handful after handful and despite the overstuffed pain in his abdomen he kept opening his mouth, begging again and again for the ruin of his once athletic form.
Hayden had heard tales of the pretentious condescension of Brian. Of his prideful taste in skinny boys, his carbon-copied preferences. In this a dark desire lay, one in which to sever Dillon from his obnoxious fuckbuddy. All he would need were calories and time.
Of which he incidentally had both.
“Damn Hayden, you’re turning him into a blimp!”
“Bwaaap!” Was Hayden’s guttural reply, “ugh, fuck. S’cuse me! Turning myself into a blimp while I’m at it too, don’t ya think Gerry boy?”
Gerry was too busy drooling at them both with big horny puppy eyes to respond, but Hayden’s smile curled with smug deviousness.
Eventually the snacks dwindled until nothing was left and Dillon's already stretchmark laden gut was now bright red and itchy with swelling.
Hayden smacked Dillon’s belly, causing him to wince,
“Sorry fatboy, couldn’t help myself, you look like you got a full litter in there.”
“Yeah. A hundred food babies in one. Feel like imma puke.”
Hayden snatched a lit joint that Gerry was enjoying and popped it in Dillon’s mouth, Dillon sucked in frantically,
“Make yourself useful, Gerry. Rub his belly with some of that CBD/tiger balm concoction I made, can’t have him purging all these beautiful calories now can we?”
“N-no sir!” Said Gerry, Gerry always turned into a bitch when Hayden threw his weight around.
“Good boy. Alright Dillon, just hold tight,”
“Uuuuhh. Ok. No I can have that last drumstick then we’re done, I’d rather get this over with and just have some cuddles after.”
“Yeah alright, big dude.”
Hayden let Dillon sink his teeth into the glistening red drumstick, courtesy of the local fried chicken restaurant, Han Ten, Han for the name of the chubby korean bear who owned the pace, ten for ten different glazes. Toasted Perilla, butter honey, spicy, lemon, sweet and sour etcetera. They even had a Ghanaian spicy peanut butter based sauce that was a real zinger. But the one they had was the hybrid honey butter/gochujang ketchup, the K-Supreme with American Cheese Dip, toasted garlic chips and green onions to finish, Dillon’s favourite thing in the world besides Hayden’s succulent puckered-in belly button.
Dillon, after finishing the last bite, let out a rather meaty burp and panted out:
“That’s it, all done…” struggling to breathe, “but it isn’t as bad as last time, uuurap, I’m feeling waaay less sick now, Hayden?”
Hayden was in the kitchen, the fridge door shining it’s menacing white light upon Hayden’s summer- bronzed, food-speckled gut. When Hayden caught Dillon's eye reflected in it was his own evil scheming.
From the glowing gainers bastion of the fridge, like an amulet or treasure of untold power, Hayden withdrew a gallon of chocolate milk.
“Uurp! Fuck, no Hayden that’s pushing it too far! There is no way, mmmlf!”
“Hahaha, you like this funnel? Just got it,” but Dillon managed to spit it out
“Hayden no! Even splitting it it’s way too much for me! I’m too packed!”
Hayden’s face took on a demonic appearance as, with the sun now fully set, the red lights stretched the shadows across his face into l demented forms.
“Whoah, shit this is strong weed.” Dillon suddenly remarked,
“Yeah I cut it with a bit of salvia too, gives everything a nice… twinkle.”
“Well I’m not sure ooouhf!” Hayden shoved the tube back into Dillon's mouth,
“You didn’t let me finish… I’m not splitting this with you, you’re taking ALL OF IT!”
“Whoah, Hayden! You sure? He seems pretty full.”
“He’ll be fine once you get your lips wrapped around his cock, Garry.”
Garry grew quiet.
“Yes sir…”
“Good boy… ok Dillon, open up your throat and GUZZLE! Garry. Uh. Do the same.”
As Garry face planted Dillon’s dick, Dillon was reinvigorated and began to suck down the sweet chocolaty goodness. Garry was a master, sucking Dillon’s meaty head, flicking his slit with his tongue, and deepthroating him like a pro, he never let Dillon get used to his w and was building up to a climax rapidly.
“Yeah you fat fuck, we keep this up you’ll be 400 in no time.”
Dillon moaned. The Gallon was now only half.
“Come on tubbs, you know you want it, you want to beach yourself on the couch and eat and smoke and drink until you’re nothing but a big fat whale.” The gallon was empty but still Dillon sucked on the tube.
“Greedy pig. You still want more?”
withdrawing the tube from Dillon’s mouth, his tortured stomach released a torrent of pressure as Dillon sprayed out a fat wet belch which rolled across the hazy apartment like thunder.
In the same moment Hayden, smirking demonically, leaned down and pinched Dillon’s nipple, Dillon convulsed and shot his load, hosing down Garry’s throat with his seed.
“FUUUUCK!” He screamed in agonizing pleasure.
Garry nearly choked on Dillon’s load.
“Holy fuck. Looks like Dillon isn’t the only one that sucked down a gallon of sweet nectar, eh Garry?”
Garry let out a burp of his own before responding.
“I’d say it’s rather more savory but yeah. Basically.”
“Come on, help this fat fuck up, I wanna weigh him.”
“Urrp, fuck guys won’t you give me a second?”
“No fucking way, I wanna see the damage we did, let’s go tubbs!”
After laboring them to the bathroom, they made him stand unaided, swaying dizzily under his own strength after a few minutes of assistance, finally the scale read out its deliberation.
Hayden screamed in disbelief:
“FUCK ME! Two sixty five!?!”
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prettyboongi · 4 years
BTS Reaction - They React To You Giving Them a Gift
[Note: Hello readers! This is my first BTS fanfic with actual dialogue. I’ve been working on this for awhile and I feel pretty proud of the results. I really hope you all enjoy. Bye!}
“I’m home!,” Seokjin yells as he walks into the living room of the apartment you two share. He has had a long and stressful day at the studio so seeing the sight of you walking towards him wiped away any tiredness he’s been feeling. 
“Hey baby,” you greet him. You wrap your arms around his neck and give him a tender kiss. “How was your day?”
“Super exhausting,” he sighs, “I’m just glad I’m finally home though”. Before he goes in for another kiss, you stop his mouth with your manicured hand. 
“Wait,” you said as you released yourself from his embrace. “I got something for you. Close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
“Oh honey, you didn’t have to give me anything,” he says as he complies with your instructions.  
“No peeking!,” you playfully exclaim. You lightly jog to the next room to grab his present and once you return you place the present in Jin’s hands. “Okay, open.” 
Jin opens his eyes to see a paperback book in his hands. He lets out a lighthearted laugh as he reads the title: 101 Jokes That Will Make Anyone Laugh Out Loud. “What’s this?” 
“I found it when I was out running errands today. It made me think of you, my little comedian”. 
To the average person, this gift would come off as weird and cheesy but you knew that how perfect it was for Jin since he was the embodiment of weird and cheesy. And best of all, you loved putting a huge smile on his face. 
Jin leans in and lovingly kisses your cheek. “I absolutely love it. Thanks darling, now I can’t wait to unleash these genius jokes on the guys.” 
You knew that the guys will come to hate Jin for constantly belting out awful jokes from the book and will hate you for giving Jin the cursed book. Hey, maybe deep down inside, annoying the boys was your intention. But at the end, putting a smile on your man’s face was the true icing on the cake. 
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Yoongi was held up in his studio, diligently working on some tracks for his mixtape when he got a call from you. 
“Hey,” he flatly answers. 
“Hey, Yoongi,” you reply in a chipper voice. “I’m heading toward your studio right now. You still working on the mix-tape?” 
“Yeah, still working. Why’re you coming over? Did you leave something here?” 
“Can’t I just pay my loving and hardworking boyfriend a visit?” you cooed. 
On the other side you could hear suck the air through his teeth. “I dunno (Y/N). I still have a lot to work on.” 
“I won’t stay for long, just five minutes tops. I promise,” you say reassuringly. 
Yoongi hesitates at first but soon agrees to the quick visit. “Sure, come over. You remember the code, right?”
Fifteen minutes later, you finally arrive at Yoongi’s studio. Before punching in the room’s code, you took a moment to make sure you have everything together. Even though it was just going to be a quick visit, you still wanted to look cute for your industrious boyfriend. And most importantly, you made sure that you had the one thing that was the whole point of the visit, which was safely in your tote bag. 
You walk into a slightly dim yet warmly lit room. Besides the several energy drink cans and empty Starbucks cups, the studio wasn’t terribly messy. Once he notices your presence, Yoongi swivels his chair to face you. 
  “Jeez,” you start, “you look like absolute shit.” And you weren’t exaggerating. With his ruffled bleached hair, his bags under his eyes and his skin paler than usual, he looked like a zombie. 
Yoongi gives you a tired smile. “You’d look like this if you’ve been working 16 hours straight.” He gets up to give you a quick peck on the lips. “Wish I looked as good as you right now.” 
‘Oh I bet,” you respond as you cheekily flip your hair. “Got something for you.” Excitedly, you slip off the tote bag from your shoulder and hand it to Yoongi. 
Yoongi takes the bag, utterly surprised and a bit flustered. “Babe, you really shouldn’t have.” 
“Go ahead, open it, “ you insisted. 
Yoongi gives you a quick smile before looking into the bag. “What?,” he says with his left mouth agape. He pulls out a black fleece blanket, perfectly folded and tied with a silver ribbon. 
With glee, you exclaim, “It’s a blanket! I know you’ve been taking nap breaks here and even spend some nights here during times like this. Well, I thought if you’re locking yourself in your studio, you might as well stay nice and cozy. Do you like it?” 
“Like it? I absolutely love it,” he answers, showing off his gummy smiles that you adored so much. After setting the blanket down, he gently places his hands on your hips and pulls you into a big hug. “Whenever I get to use it, I’ll always think of you.” 
“Hope you’ll let me use the blanket whenever I visit you” you say into his ear. 
With a mischievous smile, his says to you, “Well, since you are cute and thoughtful… maybe.” 
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“Hey, Hobi! Guess what I found?,” you yelled as you barge into your living room. Hoseok was sitting at the kitchen island, scrolling through Twitter, when you surprised him with your abrupt arrival. 
“What?” he asks. 
“This!”. You pulled out what was behind you and revealed a tall and kitschy pink flamingo lawn stand. It was as if the thing was pulled from a 1950s shopping catalog. 
Hoseok smiled but honestly didn’t know how to react. “Uh, why do you have that?”
You set the flamingo between you two, bright pink and standing on one leg with all its glory. “On my way back from my walk, someone in our neighborhood was having a yard sale. And you know me, I don’t pass out on any yard sale I stumble across. And while I was looking at all of the so corny shit they had there, this eventually came to my sight and it called to me: Buy me (Y/N).” You gave the 3ft tall flamingo a friendly slap. 
Hoseok couldn’t help but laugh at your spontaneity, one of the reasons he fell for you. “ So I’m guessing you wanna put it out on our front lawn for all to see." 
"Nope,” you pushed the pink plastic beauty towards Hoseok. “This is my gift to you and you only." 
"Really? Why’s that?”. 
“Well when I first noticed this thing, it instantly made me think of you.” Hoseok raises one of his eyebrows as you continue. “I mean, flamingos -this one and real ones- are cool, lively and flamboyant, exactly like you.”
Hoseok quietly examines the flamingo. “This thing,” he thought, “was gaudy as all hell”. It was half your size, the color of it was an obnoxious shade of pink and it was plainly super cheesy. But seeing how happy it made his loving girlfriend and it’s a gift just for him, Hobi had no choice but to love this monstrosity. 
He picks up the flamingo and gives you a warm, heart shaped smile. “This is such an awesome gift. I love it, and you, so much." 
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"Okay no peeking!" 
You were leading your boyfriend Namjoon towards the front yard of your home. 
"Please don’t tell me you bought me a car,” said Namjoon, trying to his excitement. 
You scoff. “Please, on my salary? But I promise it’s just as good and fancy as a car, maybe even better.” Once you reached where you placed his gift, you stopped him with your hands still covering his eyes. “Okay, are you ready?” When he nods his head, you take your hands off. “Open!,” you shout. 
Namjoon opens his eyes to see a light gray tandem bike about two feet away from him. He turned to you, with a puzzled look on his face. “A tandem bike?” He’s flashing a huge smile, his adorable dimples included, but is still perplexed over such a random gift. “It isn’t my birthday and I’m definitely certain it isn’t your anniversary either." 
You walk over to him and wrap your arms around his waist. "I know but I’ve always wanted to ride a tandem bike with someone and luckily you already like going out on bike rides. I thought it was perfect, something we can share together." 
Namjoon had to admit that the gift was super thoughtful and that he was lucky to have someone to share his interests with. He can already anticipate the stares and silent judgment from strangers the moment they take a load of the bike, but he didn’t care. A gift from you,  even something as eccentric as this, is something to be cherished. 
Namjoon held you from your behind and kissed you on top of your head. He then tilts your head back so you can look up at him, simply to ask, "You wanna go for a ride?" 
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It was Valentine’s Day, your favorite holiday for two reasons. One, because you have always been a sucker for anything romantic and sentimental. And two, because you get to spend it with your sweet boyfriend Jimin. Ever since you two started dating, Valentine’s Day was one of the few holidays where you two splurge and get something special for each other. It wasn’t about whose present was more expensive, it was more about the gesture of buying something with your true love in mind. 
And this year, you’re feeling pretty proud of yourself with what you’ve gotten for Jimin. You knew him like the back of your hand, which made gift shopping for him even more easy. 
This year, Jimin planned out date night for you two: just a quiet and sensual dinner at home. With candles, rose petals, champagne, chocolate covered strawberries, the works. He even took the time to make a delicious meal for two, something he normally doesn’t do. With all of his hard work, you couldn’t help but fall in love with him all over again. 
After dinner and a few glasses of champagne, you two found yourselves passionately kissing on the couch in your dimly lit living room. You were so busy distracted by his soft lips and his strong arms, you had almost forgotten about his gift. You playfully push him away from you and say to him, "Before this escalates to something else, I wanna give you your Valentine’s day gift." 
"Come on, baby, can we wait until a little be later?” he says in a husky voice as he tries to pull you back in. 
You push his chest again. “No, I really wanna give it to you now,” you pout. 
“Well me as well but you’re exactly helping." 
You give him a look, "Jimin…" 
He lets out a quiet laugh all the while cupping your face. "I’m just teasing, honey. Of course you can give your gift." 
You then leaned towards the glass coffee table in front of where you two were sitting, grasping at the rectangular box with box hands. The box was plain white that was tied by a dark red ribbon. "Here, Happy Valentine’s Day,” you cheerfully say, placing the gift in on his lap. 
With great anticipation, Jimin untied the ribbon and opened the box. He took out and held up what was inside: an extremely soft, cream colored cashmere sweater. Jimin couldn’t help but break out a huge smile on his face, you knew him so well. “Thank you, baby, this is such a sweet gift.” He was about to try it on when you stop him. 
“Maybe you should wait until later to try it on,” you say as a confused look appeared on his face. “I mean why put something on when you’re just gonna take it off in the next couple of minutes. 
With biting your bottom lips and giving him hungry looks, it was good of an invitation Jimin could take. 
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It was late afternoon by the time you got to Taehyung’s apartment. Three weeks since the last time you two were together ever since the incident. As you stood in front of Taehyung’s door, memories from that very day flood your mind, as vivid as it happened the other day…
"Hey (Y/N) please put that down!,” Taehyung pleads to you as you picked up his most prized possession: his very first camera, given by his great aunt when he was a child. 
You ignore him as you walk around his bedroom, examining the object as if it was your first time seeing it. “Relax Tae, I just wanna take a look at it.”
“You’ve seen it a million times before. I’m not messing around!”
Out of annoyance, you sighed and walked over to hand it to him. However, on your way to Taehyung, you trip over your own shoes like the moron that you are, losing your balance with the camera flying out of your hands. As you fall to the ground, you hear the sound of the camera hitting the wood flooring with a sickening crash. While not totally shattering to pieces, several parts were broken off and scattered across the ground. There’s a brief silence as Taehyung got up then crouched down to his broken camera. He examined his precious gift while you finally stood up. 
“Tae, I-,” you opened before Taehyung stopped you with a raised hand. 
“I told you to not mess with this. You knew how important this camera is to me,” he says with a steady yet clearly angry tone. He looks at you, his expression looks like he’s about to explode. 
“I know, I’m so sorry,” you attempt to help him pick up the scattered pieces but it stops you again. 
“Just… please leave." 
"Leave! I mean it!" 
You grimace as you remember him raising his voice at you, something he has never done with you. You and Taehyung have been best friends for years, and sure there’s been plenty of times when your foolishness has caused him grief, you knew that you really fucked up this time. Seeing him so angry and hurt broke your heart and him icing you out ever since hasn’t helped at all. You tried calling and texting him a hundred times but of course he hasn’t responded to any. The only reason you knew that he was home was because you wouldn’t quit badgering Jimin for information. 
"I really hope it works out, (Y/N),” Jimin said to you earlier today. 
I hope so as well, you thought to yourself. You gave a few loud knocks on his door and waited patiently. On the other side, Taehyung looked through the eye hole and sighed. Once you opened the door, you were instantly happy to see his face but that quickly changes when you notice the stoic look on his own.  
“What are you doing here, (Y/N)?, he asks with his arms crossed in front of his chest. 
You nervously chuckled. "Just came to pay a visit to my best friend.” You see him raise his eyebrow in disbelief and sighed. “Can I please come in? I just wanna talk”. 
Taehyung was still furious at you and frankly wasn’t ready to see you, let alone speak to you. But the sad but hopeful look in your eyes weakened him inside. He moves aside and gestures to you to come inside his apartment. 
As you both sit down on his sofa, you anxiously try to avoid Taehyung eye contact. He was staring right into you, waiting for you to speak. “Well?" 
You clear your throat before you begin to speak. "First things first, I just wanna say that I’m so sorry for not listening to you and breaking your camera. I’ve been feeling terrible ever since then-" 
"Yeah, imagine how I felt,” he interjected. 
“Right,” you gave out a nervous chuckle. Wow he is not gonna make this easy for me, you thought to yourself.“ 
"Also,” you began again, “this time apart has got me thinking. About how much our friendship truly means to me. And that I’m truly lost without you.” Taehyung’s eyes widened a bit while you felt your face getting hot from embarrassment. It was true; Taehyung was the sunshine of your life. You loved how comfortable you were with him. Every text and phone called lifted your spirits. He was alway available whenever you needed a shoulder to cry on. You loved how much of a  caring and friendly guy he was. You, in every sense of the word, loved him. "Um I got your something,” you said as you reached in your bag. 
Taehyung, whose expression has softened, wasn’t expecting you to get you anything. Or to say you were lost without. “You really didn’t need to buy anything…” He stops once you take out his present from your bag. A camera, nothing like the vintage one his great aunt gave him but rather one of those cute mini instant cameras you’d see on some Tumblr aesthetic blog. Okay, Taehyung really wasn’t expecting that. 
“I know it isn’t the same camera your aunt gave you and I can’t afford to buy a fancier one,” you said in a rush, “but I hope this makes up for what I did. Even by a little bit”. 
Taehyung takes the package and takes a look at it. After a moment, he burst into a fit of laughter. 
Flustered again, you said, “Yeah I know its dumb but I thought it was kinda cool, so…” You trailed off as you couldn’t find the words to finish. It was only when Taehyung finally stopped laughing he took your hand and tenderly held it in his. Jolting a bit, you looked up at him. He was smiling at you. 
“Thank you, (Y/N). This really means a lot." 
You couldn’t help but break out a happy smile. "So, you’re not angry at me anymore?,” you ask. 
Taehyung caresses the back of your hand before answering. “After getting a present like this, from someone like you, how can I be?”
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It was Jungkook’s birthday and tonight you, him and the boys were spending an intimate dinner party at your home. Even though you two have been together for only 4 months, you knew you were hopelessly in love with Jungkook and wanted to throw an amazing birthday dinner. You spent the entire day cleaning up your home, running last minute errands, cooking up a fabulous (or at least edible meal), and made sure you looked drop dead gorgeous by the time everyone arrived. 
Dinner was heartily eaten, drinks were drank, jokes were made, everyone was having a great time. And to make things even better, Jungkook looked like he was having a fantastic time. He’d give you quick, loving glances throughout and occasionally squeezed your thigh from time to time. “You look so good tonight, babe” he whispered to you at one point, “I can’t wait when these fools leave and we move this party to the bedroom.” While not the most romantic thing to say but honestly what’s not to love about that? 
Once dinner and dessert was finished, it was time for the finale to this shindig. “Time to open presents!”, you squealed enthusiastically. You suggested that the order of the present giving should go from oldest of the group and ended with you being last. You anxiously wait as each person presented their gifts to Jungkook. You even had to rush some people who decided to break out in a speech (looking at you Jin and Namjoon). Once Taehyung’s turn was over, you were finally up. 
“Wow, you really are excited, (Y/N),” says Jimin
“I actually can’t wait to see myself,” Hoseok follows with.
You hand a perfectly wrapped box to your boyfriend, “I hope you love it, Kookiepants.” You give him a quick peck on his cheek as he carefully unwraps his gift. The whole room is silent in anticipation once Jungkook opens the box and looks inside. He holds up a black t-shirt while studying the front side. 
“A plain t-shirt?” Namjoon asks quizzically, “Doesn’t he already have enough of those?”
Jungkook silently shakes his head and turns the front side of the shirt to face the boys. It turns out to be not just a shirt but a shirt with the picture from their dates early in their relationship; a day spent at Disneyland. The picture showed Jungkook holding by the waist as you take a selfie of the both of you. 
“How…” Taehyung begins
“Nauseatingly cheesy,” Yoongi finishes. 
“Come on, Yoongi,” Jin says, “I think it’s pretty adorable”. 
“Coming from the king of cheesiness himself,” Yoongi fires back. 
You ignore the other’s banter and turn to Jungkook. “So,” you start, “do you like it?" 
Jungkook stares at the image on the shirt before turning his eyes to you. Suddenly, he cups your face and crashes his lips to yours. This abrupt action surprises you initially but you soon relaxed into his embrace, passionately kissing him back. 
This was such a very romantic moment for the two of you that you two haven’t noticed the awkwardness you two caused amongst the members. 
Jin tried to loudly clear their throat to break your heavy makeout session but you two wouldn’t budge. 
Namjoon then says quietly, "I guess it’s our time to leave”. The others silently filled out of the apartment, all the while you and Jungkook were lost in your own little world. What the boys didn’t know was that after they left, two finally broke away from each other. Still holding on to you, Jungkook tells you he loves you for the first time. And of course, you said it back to him. 
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redslilstories · 4 years
You’ve got to be kidding me
Author: lilyme (aka. redslilstories aka. me ;)) Summary: It was a quiet night. No fireworks, no party. Just them. But that didn’t make the outcome of this night any less spectacular. Characters: Callie/Arizona Rating: PG Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in this story, nor do I own any rights to the television show “Grey’s Anatomy”. They were created by Shonda Rhimes and belong to her and the ABC network. No copyright infringement intended! All mistakes are mine.
She had to admit it. They were getting lazy.
Preferring to spend the night at home on their comfy and inviting couch rather than go out and party.
But they deserved this quiet time after yet another eventful year. The clinic Arizona had opened with Nicole Herman seven years ago had made itself a name as the most innovative and extensive institute for women’s health in the United States. And with growing prestige and success had come the decision to move to a bigger location this year.
And Callie, for four years the Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at New York’s most renowned hospital, had this year gotten the recognition she deserved. Had been rewarded with the Burlingame Award for further developing the cartilage project she had begun way back in Seattle.
Arizona could not be any prouder of her girlfriend, who currently lay nestled into her arms as they were cuddled up under a blanket, watching a random greatest hits show with songs from many decates ago. From back when music was still good.
It was one of those shows that were typical for the last night of the year. The night tv stations hardly chose to invest in anything spectacularly exciting. But then again, when did tv stations ever show anything exciting nowadays anymore?
She chuckled as she looked down at the brunette, whose closed eyes indicated just how fascinated she seemed by the program. “Don’t you dare fall asleep on me before the year is over,” Arizona amusedly admonished her and tapped her nose with the tip of her finger.
Confronted with this accusation, Callie blinked her droopy eyes open and smiled at the blonde hovering over her and making her face her fingers’ playground. “Just resting,” she argued, even though her sleep-raspy voice easily betrayed her. “Enjoying the quietness of the house”.
“Uh-hm,” Arizona nodded slowly at the meagre excuse, and leaned in to kiss Callie’s temple lightly. But there was some truth in it. Their teenage daughter was spending this night at a party at her friend’s house. Strictly chaperoned by the friend’s parents… at least they hoped so. They knew her friend Danielle and her parents, so they were actually confident everything was fine. And Sofia was a good and well-behaved kid, who hardly gave her parents any trouble.
So, it was indeed quieter than most nights. Definitely quieter than the New Year’s eves of past years. No pondering if they should head to Times Square to watch the ball drop at midnight. No gatherings at someone’s house that you often wished you could leave before the year was over. No, tonight it was really just them. And it was perfection.
Arizona had hoped for a night like this. Happy that Callie had agreed to this less action-packed plan.
Not that Arizona hadn’t planned anything for tonight. She had big plans, actually. And she figured it was time now. Before Callie truly fell asleep and snored her way into the new year. Which itself would be endearing… but not tonight.
“We’re nearing midnight. You up for some champagne?” she wondered, and immediately more life came into Callie’s body.
“Sounds good,” the brunette nodded and watched as Arizona crawled out from behind her and slipped on her prosthetic with ease.
Before Callie could protest and offer to get the champagne herself, the blonde had already disappeared from the room.
Returning a good three minutes later with two glasses filled with the sparkly liquid… and an oddly nervous look on her face.
Callie frowned, wondering what had happened between leaving the room and pouring them each a celebratory glass.
But as soon as Arizona put of the glasses before her, it became clear.
Warily she looked at her girlfriend, who sat down next to her.
This one saw the reaction and began to panic, “I know it’s a kitschy movie thing, but I thought it’s still too cute to pass up on. Especially since the last time I didn’t even have one for you,” she chuckled.
An amusement interrupted by Callie getting up with an incredulous, “Yo’ve got to be kidding me,” when Arizona’s words seemed to confirm her suspicions regarding her  plan.
Arizona watched dumbfoundedly as it was Callie’s turn to disappear from sight.
That was… really unexpected.
Really not what she had hoped for.
Was it the ring? Was it not what Callie liked?
Or… was something else the problem?
They hadn’t talked about the possibility since getting back together five years ago. Happy just living their lives together as a loving couple. Without anything official to proclaim their union to the world.
And now that she was faced with Callie’s reaction, she felt that she should have left it this way instead of now possibly losing her girlfriend and the love of her life.
She took the glass containing the white-gold engagement ring with a one carat diamond, fished the item out and gulped down the liquid to calm her nerves. The other glass following seconds later. Courage - so she could go look for Callie.
Who obviously didn’t want to marry her. Maybe too scarred by her earlier marriages. Or their earlier marriage.
Dammit, she really should have considered this, Arizona figured.
As she stood to walk towards where her not-fiancée and possibly now-not-even-girlfriend-anymore had ran off to, Callie suddenly returned.
With a smile on her face… that confused Arizona more than anything.
“Okay, before you completely freak out,” the brunette stated, her face growing more apologetic as she saw the lingering insecurity, “yes. Yes! I absolutely want to marry you!” she affirmed and walked towards Arizona, who stood with the ring held dumbly between her fingers.
Callie wanted to marry her. Callie wanted to marry her, her brain registered. But then why the great escape a mere minutes ago?
The brunette finally explained her actions as she brought forth the hand that Arizona noticed had until now been hidden behind her back. A hand that revealed a velvety black box, that upon Callie opening it to her, mesmerized Arizona with its shiny content. Platinum with a sapphire in heart shape.
“You…,” Arizona started and began to smile. Suddenly Callie’s earlier ‘You’ve got to be kidding me’, made a lot more sense.
“I had actually planned to bring this to you tomorrow morning. You know, breakfast in bed. A big tray full of all your favorite treats. A rose and… this box,” Callie smirked as she took the ring from the box and took Arizona free hand with the other. “I have long thought about this,” she assured her love. “And I had my doubts, because I’ve failed. We’ve failed, you know?” she admitted, and Arizona nodded slowly. “But we’re not the same people anymore. We’ve grown and we take our time and we try to make sure our decisions are the right ones. And this decision is right. Or,” she rolled her eyes at her own wording, “to make this a little more romantic: I love you, Arizona Robbins. And I’ve never been more sure about anyone. You’re the love of my life, and were from the first time you kissed me in Joe’s bathroom. And you make me so tremendously happy. So… will you make me even happier by marrying me?”
Arizona looked between the two rings that were so different, yet so beautiful in their own way. Just like the two of them. And then her eyes met Callie’s anticipating ones. “This has been my dream for so long. Not the thought of marriage itself, because I know marriage can go wrong. But life with you… spending my life with you, even if it’s the most normal and uneventful nights,” she laughed. “Life with you, hopefully until we’re hundred… that’s my dream. And I had that feeling from early on. From the moment I saw you try not to break down crying at the bar, I knew I wanted to make you smile and forget your sorrows. I know I’ve been a cause for some… for a lot of them in the past. But we survived this. Not intact and not together, but we survived,” she gulped, as she clasped Callie’s hand stronger in hers. “But surviving means, we didn’t die from it, even if it left scars. I’m…. I’m so happy that I still manage to make you smile. That you still trust your heart with me. And I want to keep it this way forever. I love you more than ever before, Calliope. And I want nothing more than to marry you,” she nodded as her eyes welled up.
Callie barely noticed, her own eyesight a mess of tears. “Oh, my God, I love you,” she gulped and kissed her now fiancée lovingly, and soon registered the funny ring dance their hands holding the engagement ring intended for the other were performing between them, trembling in excitement. “Give me your hand,” she ordered and slipped her ring onto Arizona’s finger, squealing lightly when it fit just perfectly.
Arizona followed suit and gave Callie the ring that five minutes ago she had thought she would have to return. Or throw into the ocean together with her crushed heart. She sighed at the two newly decorated hands clasped in loving union. “I love it,” she grinned at her ring, and then at Callie. “And I love you,” she hugged Callie with everything she had. Not ever wanting to let her go again.
Callie hummed into the embrace, holding onto her fiancée. Her third fiancée; or second, depending on how you counted. But never had she been more certain about taking this step and about the person she was taking this step with.
“So, do you actually like your ring? Because part of panicked me thought you found it bug-ugly, when you ran out,” she perceived Arizona’s muffled voice, as thus one was busy burying her face in her taller fiancée’s inviting neck.
Callie chuckled, using the opportunity to inspect her ring. More classic than the one she had bought for Arizona, but definitely just right. “This is exactly what I always wanted my ring to look like,” she promised as the sound of an incoming call on Arizona’s phone forced them apart.
They frowned, wondering who it could be. Checking, they saw it was an incoming call from Sofia.
Arizona picked up, “Sweetie, what is it?” she wondered, panicking a little, wondering if something was wrong.
“'What is it’?” the girl on the other line wondered. “It’s the new year,” the girl explained. “Happy New Year!”
The women checked the clock. Indeed it was four minutes past midnight, and Sofia was calling to send them wishes for the new year. Just as they had agreed on just before the teen had left the house earlier.
“Oh, it is,” Callie gasped, startled by the fact that they had missed it. And that she didn’t even have to be asleep to miss it. “Happy New Year, sweetie!” she greeted and Arizona soon followed.
“Wait… you didn’t know…?” Sofia wondered, suspicious of the fact. “Oh, God, do I even want to know why you didn’t know?” she inquired, a myriad of scenarios springing to mind. The worst ones not what you really want to imagine your parents doing when they are alone.
“Don’t be silly,” Callie admonished. “But… we’ve been doing something. Well, your mother just did something”.
“Wait, no, your mother just did something!” Arizona added and only intensified Sofia’s confusion.
And that was how Sofia learned of her mothers’ engagement. Something that – spending everyday life with the love birds – she had seen coming. And was more than supportive of. And more than happy that they had never given up on their love for each other.
A love that the three of them were certain would hold forever.
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If you're still doing the prompt thing, what about 31?
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I am very much still doing prompts! Thank you, internet for sending them! It’s honestly been the best all week. I’m going to keep filling ‘em as long as I can come up with ways for these fools to keep kissing each other. 
This prompt was: “You’ve got something on your lip, here let me.” It’s canon! More 4A!
It takes her dad no less than fourteen minutes to actually leave the loft, the question are you sure ringing out several times, but then her mom is yanking on the back of his shirt and her brother is gurgling and there’s a soft mumbling of words in the hall and––
“You’re kind of early,” Emma says, already regrets how breathless her voice sounds. She’s still not entirely used to his clothes. Or, like, his face. In general. Staring at her like that. 
Killian hums, fingers reaching up to tug on the hair behind his ear. “Aye, I, um––well, Granny had that very specific glint in her eyes where she looked like she was getting ready to force feed me and––”
“–-That’s kind of violent isn’t it?”
“The widow Lucas, what is the phrase here? Doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to caring for her guests.”
Emma laughs. Possibly giggles. Maybe flirts. She’s only slightly concerned she doesn’t know how Mary Margaret’s stove works. It rattles a lot. 
And this, using her parent’s loft because they really don’t have anywhere else to go, to taste test foods of this realm is only a little kitschy. Giggle was definitely the right word. 
Her stomach keeps rattling too. 
“So, what you’re telling me is that you ran away from Granny in an attempt to make sure you weren’t force fed?”
“That’s not what I said at all.”
“No,” Killian echoes, but he takes a step closer into her space, nudging at her hip with the curve of his hook and maybe they’re both broiling a little bit. Some other kind of food pun. Simmering. 
There it is. 
“Weird,” Emma breathes. “That’s what it sounded like to me.”
“The weirdest.”
Her head falls forward when she laughs that time –– a slightly twisted game because she really enjoys listening to him say modern words, the way his accent wraps around them with care, like he’s testing them and nothing is really better than her name, but that also sounds far too possessive for where they’re at now. Flirting. Making food puns. Flirting some more. 
“And I wanted to get here,” Killian adds, a forced lightness that does something else to Emma’s stomach. He sounds like he’s not sure if that’s alright, an eagerness that has braised the whole situation. 
She’s very bad at this. 
She can use her magic to fix the oven. If it does, in fact, blow up. 
“We’re making chicken fingers.”
Killian blinks. “Say that again.”
“You heard me,” Emma chuckles, curling her fingers around a belt loop in his impossibly tight pants. His eyes widen. “Chicken fingers. With breading and then we are making cookies. Chocolate chip. This is very basic, we should be ok with all of it.”
“I’ve got no doubt, Swan.”
That’s less light. That’s whole milk and extra sugar, a super-size meal from one of those fast food places he’d probably hate and Emma’s smile is surprisingly easy. “Alright,” she nods “Let’s get started.”
They don’t do permanent damage to any of the absolutely ancient appliances in the loft, but they do make a bit of a mess, laughter and roaming hands, a handprint of flour that Emma’s going to have to do something about later because it’s not in a particularly Prince Charming appropriate spot on her thigh. And she supposes it was always kind of inevitable, in the seemingly never-ending string of cliche things that have come to define her life and how much she enjoys it. 
There is cookie batter in the corner of Killian’s mouth. 
“You’re a mess,” she mutters, fond and a few other words, perched on the edge of the counter with a half-mixed bowl of batter on her thigh. Killian arches an eyebrow, pressing lightly on her knees until he can step between her legs. 
“That so?”
She hums, well aware that this is drifting towards burned and over-boiled, but she’s not sure if that second one is a thing that can actually happen. That feels like a sign. “You’ve got something on your lip,” Emma says. “Here, let me..”
Killian’s jaw clenches when she brushes her thumb across his mouth, a ragged exhale and glance from underneath his eyelashes. “Oh, that’s not fair either, love.  Even more ridiculous than the name of the dish.”
“I promise chicken fingers is a normal name, it’s just––”
She doesn’t finish. She yelps when he yanks her forward, careful to make sure the batter is not an inadvertent casualty, and they’re getting very good at this. The kissing. The being. The showing up earlier than expected. 
Probably something about how the oven was hotter than she thought it’d be.
That’s the most absurd thing she’s thought yet. 
And Emma doesn’t care, anyway. She leans into Killian, lets her fingers find the back of his hair and her right foot hooks around his calf. They stay there for a few minutes, content to linger in each other’s space, but then the timer goes off and they have to actually do something about the cookies. 
Emma swipes some dough before she closes the oven, Killian’s mouth tugging up when she curls against him on the couch. “Pirate,” he mumbles, and Emma can’t bring herself to argue. 
In which I am stressed and writing to relieve it, so send prompts if you want to
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furidojasutin · 7 years
Title: At the poolside bar
Pairing: Fraxus (Freed x Laxus)
Rating: K+
a/n: I just really wanted to write something for my husbands again and spontaneously decided to go with @damasath‘s pool bar suggestion so here is something relaxing and nice (I hope LMAO)! <3 Also guys, check out her art blogs @damasath-art / @damasath-nsfwart !
The room was already drowned in bright summer light by the time the two men woke up a second time. The first time they woke up was when their inner alarm clock had roused them form their sleep, damn it, but one couldn't say that it had something negative to it only. They had ended up conversing sleepily, cursing about the habit to wake up so early they relied on usually and then indulged in the realization that they had an entire week for themselves, in a hotel that could almost be considered a luxury before they cuddled and eventually fell asleep again.
Now their legs were entangled and they were practically holding each other. Laxus grumbled something and Freed was the first to move. Perhaps that was why Laxus grumbled.
“Hmm... good morning again,” the rune mage mumbled and nuzzled his boyfriend's nose with his own, eyes still closed. It was so warm and cozy and it was a rare and pure bliss to wake up with the knowledge that they had absolutely no duties.
No work, no talking about jobs, no stress.
Freed yawned after he heard Laxus responding quietly and he couldn't help but chuckle. It was cute, really, and he loved to feel the broader man's arms tighten around him telling him that he didn't want him to go. He loved everything about this man. And still... “We should get up, don't you think? There's a lot of amazing food waiting for us, drinks, a pool, massages-”
“I only want you to massage me.”
Freed shook his head but gave a short deep laugh at this interruption. “That's arrangeable.”
“Yer hands are heavenly. How did ya get such heavenly hands?” The dragon slayer groaned softly as he rolled around and pulled his boyfriend on top of him, finally opening his eyes and Freed was already looking down at him with a smile. “You're exaggerating. I've merely had practice. Besides, your massages aren't any less heavenly.” And the smile turned into a slightly playful smirk. Everything Laxus did to him was heavenly in fact.
“Whatever,” Laxus shrugged and with that this issue was shoved aside. “We're gonna have massages today, that's all I care about.” Freed was all he cared about and said man just leaned down to finally give him a proper good morning kiss.
xxx xxx
An absolutely satisfying and big breakfast in bed, many kisses and a few hours later the two Fairy Tail mages could be found sitting at the poolside bar and enjoying their Gin Martini. When Freed suggested that they should try whatever cocktail the barkeeper would recommend instead of drinking their usual beer or he his wine Laxus had agreed, though with a frown. After trying it he silently had to admit that it was indeed very good and his boyfriend seemed to share this opinion with him.
The day had been near perfection so far and as relaxing as it promised to be. He still had the massages in mind as well and that was definitely something to look forward to. The evenings, oh the evenings... They'd find the most blissful and nice ways to spend their evening hours with, outside or inside in the privacy of their room. He knew that they would be watching the sunset almost every evening, too, and as kitschy as it may sound it was a wonderful small detail.
Half an hour ago they had tested out the pool. It was big, had a connected inside and outside area and Laxus almost had to grin as he remembered Freed's shocked expression when he threw the green-haired man into the water before following him. Semi-serious scolding had turned into laughter and then into a tiny splash fight and they both couldn't believe just how childlike they were able to behave still. It must be the immense level of comfort they felt around each other... It was so unlike them, these two strict and usually stoic men, and yet they could almost show each kind of emotion in front of each other easily.
Freed's hair was still wet despite it being tied up in a pony tail whereas the blond's hair was dryer. No wonder, Laxus thought, with such lengthy hair but it was one of the things that made Freed especially unique and in his opinion attractive as well. He had learned to love caressing those green strands, playing with it and brushing it and it was a relaxing factor for Freed as well what made it ten times better.
Right now the rune mage was sipping his cocktail contentedly and Laxus let his orange gaze wander. They both had taken note of suspicious glances here and there whenever they openly shared some chaste affection but they couldn't care less. The one or other time Laxus had even considered kissing the hell out of Freed right after he noticed somebody looking, and he was certain that it would still happen some time today, though of course, and Freed was right, they shouldn't risk getting thrown out of the hotel for displaying too intimate affection in public.
Honestly, it wasn't like they were eating each other up right there.
The thought had Laxus huff and it got Freed's attention. The rune mage put his cocktail on the counter of the bar and tilted his head in wonder a tad bit. “Is something wrong?”
“Nah,” the dragon slayer replied without hesitation and made a dismissive gesture with his hand. “Was just thinkin' about somethin'.”
Freed nodded and smiled hoping that it was nothing worrisome and Laxus changed his sitting position slightly, crossing his legs. There was still a tinge of annoyance in the taller man's eyes and the rune mage took note of it. That's when he took one of the strawberries the bar offered in small bowls and lean forward a bit holding the fruit towards his boyfriend's mouth with a curve on his lips.
Noticing the movement out of the corner of his eyes Laxus turned his head to look at him again. His gaze switched to the strawberry, then back to Freed and then he emitted a huff before offering a tiny grin. His teeth trapped the red fruit and took it from the rune mage's fingers and both of the men ended up contented.
They decided to feed each other the one or other strawberry without drawing too much attention but eventually it led to a kiss anyway. They couldn't help it. The entire day had been filled with almost positive vibes only and as they kissed Laxus could taste strawberry and alcohol along with Freed's original taste but the gesture sure as hell wasn't intoxicating because of the alcoholic tinge.
When they withdrew, and they hated to do so, the green-haired man smiled and the blond did so in return. They didn't need to say the words, the expression in their eyes was enough of an 'I love you' and they silently proceeded to empty their glass of Gin Martini.
Freed loved Laxus' smile. In his opinion it was one of the most precious things in this world and he'd do everything to guard it. His smile, his wet blond hair and oh he was he going to kid, of course he enjoyed him being shirtless. His lips curved again at the thought and cyan eyes shamelessly ran across his boyfriend's bared upper body, trailing along his chest, the tattoo and his muscles.
No matter how often they had seen everything of each other, they'd never stop enjoying the sight of the other in little to no clothing. On the other hand it could be especially attractive to see each other in particular clothing. They had found out rather quick that suit and tie were a weakness for them both, for example. Laxus also loved it when Freed wore a shirt of his or was cooking in an apron (and sometimes nothing but an apron) and Freed did admittedly enjoy Laxus' tight pants or even simple things such as his purple shirts (oh, how incredibly good purple looked on the blond!).
“Oi, didn't ya say I should save my bedroom eyes for later?”
The rune mage blinked and abruptly looked up into a grinning face. He absolutely hadn't realized that he had given Laxus bedroom eyes and his non-realization seemed to be showing on his face for the lightning mage's teasing grin widened.
“You cannot blame me,” Freed muttered and gave him a challenging look though his own lips were already threatening to curve upwards again.
“'s fine, I'm constantly checking ya out as well.”
Freed blinked at that. But then both men emitted a short deep laughter before Freed stood up from his chair and sneaked a peck on his boyfriend's cheek. “That made me feel less gotten caught,” he joked and chuckled. “C'mon, we should enjoy the pool some more before I kidnap you for your wanted massage, don't you think?” And he grabbed Laxus' hand to intertwine their fingers and just wanted to go and drag him off the chair in the process but then the blond pulled him back with a forceful tug and locked their lips for another kiss.
The kiss was as tender as the previous one though with a little more urge behind it and Freed supposed that this was Laxus agreeing. He hummed, entangling the fingers of his left hand in the blond's hair for a moment, before they pulled away with their faces still inches apart from each other only and smiling.
“Yea, sounds good to me,” the dragon slayer mumbled and his voice had a loving touch to it as he did so. He slid off the chair and returned Freed's previous gesture as he intertwined his fingers with his as well before they walked towards the pool together.
And this sweet kiss had almost made Freed forget that he was planning on getting revenge and trying to push Laxus into the water as well.
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