#is one of my favorite AMA answers because truly. does that not say so much.
commsroom · 7 months
it's really baffling to encounter people who think eiffel is catlike because he's one of the most Dog People ever, both in terms of preferring dogs and being doglike. eiffel is the kind of person who gets scratched by cats because he tries to play with them as if they're dogs. he insists cats seek him out because they know he's allergic. "he's catlike because he's stubborn and doesn't follow orders" "he's catlike because he's an asshole when he's bored" have you ever met a terrier? people are spiritually going "hey, what do you have in your mouth?? drop it!! drop it!!" to eiffel every day of his life.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Memories of 2020 - A first look into all the content (OT7 as well as vmin and namjin)
As promised here’s my second post in which I just want us to have a look at some of the amazing content Memories of 2020 has in store for us. If you don’t want spoilers while you wait for your DVD (though I don’t know how anyone can hide from all the pictures and videos being posted everywhere) this post isn’t for you. If you want to have a look, than it’s very much for you. Truly there is so, so much here and everything I mention just scratches at the surface of it all. There’s more than eleven hours to go through after all!
From anon: Good luck for all the incoming questions regarding j*k*ok and their moment in memories - I think you know which one! I for one am enjoying all of the content and the love that each member has for the other, including vmin ofc. My favorite moment so far is definitely vmin kissing namjoon though - excited to hear about y'all's favorite moments :)
As I mentioned in my previous post, no worries anon, we barely got any and I already gave my opinion. As for our favorite moments, some of them are listed here along with other fun things, though I’ll admit, that forehead kiss was just so, so adorable. I mean, what other way is there to celebrate Namjoon’s birthday if not by kissing his forehead and squishing his cheeks?
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One of the first things for the year were their practices for ON and Black Swan with the LAB dancers. We got a wider shot of Jimin helping Tae stretch, which we also previously got in their IG story last year, as well as Tae cutely asking Jimin to teach him how to do the cartwheel.
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Furthermore we also saw Jimin practice his Black Swan solo dance which, what a surprise (not really), Tae was present for and (by the look of it) was filming him to show him later how it looks. I wonder if this was around the time when Tae wrote on weverse that Black Swan=Jimin. 
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Then when filming the ON MV we got to see vmin dancing, the full version of what we originally saw in the teaser and contrary to what anons tried to suggest, as in that Tae wanted to remove Jimin’s hand, it was actually him moving Jimin’s hand so he could twirl him around and continue the dance further. Afterward Tae also repeats the dance with the little girl that starred in the MV alongside him so I wonder if this is when Tae introduced Jimin to her.
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A lot more below the cut:
Then we saw some more of vmin being adorable at that one MOTS7 interview in NYC whereafter Jimin led Tae down the stairs while JK was behind them asking Tae if he was crying. The context here being that Tae was “sulking” because he didn’t get a chance to say the answers he’d prepared in English so, once downstairs, Jimin along with JK and Hobi (who was filming him much the way he did at the Grammys when a similar situation happened) encouraged him to at least show them his answers while Tae pretend cried and sulked some more.
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Speaking of MOTS7, we also got some more behind the scenes of the jacket photoshoots which included vmin as dark angels and Jimin charming Tae while he was speaking, namjin making jokes about darks/ducks, and Tae and Seokjin looking stunning but we have an entire Bangtan Episode for that so I’ll save including a visual for this so I can include more pictures of other things instead. I hope you don’t mind.
We also had Jimin visiting Hobi and Yoongi on the sets of Interlude: Shadow and Outro: Ego which, judging by Jimin’s outfit, might’ve been filmed at the same time? Which, to be honest, makes a lot of sense. But the reactions were so different, as in Hobi was so happy and bubbly when Jimin came while Jimin “complained” that Yoongi barely even paid attention to the fact that he came. Their different dynamics are just so cute and interesting.
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We also got so, so much content from the Daechwita MV filming, including a video of JK petting a chicken to the point that the chicken fell asleep. JK and animals, a very precious concept. Honestly I love this MV (the visuals are unreal) and the song so I’m glad we got to see more of the behind the scenes.
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We also got plenty of Dynamite dance practice shenanigans like this:
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Since we’re on the topic of dance practice, one thing that truly impressed me was Jimin’s core strength which we got a presentation of via him doing a headstand, as well as some gymnastics type looking something with JKs help. The control and strength he needed in order to lift himself up like that? Insane. Especially since he also lowered himself back down again in a controlled manner as well which makes it even more impressive. These men are so athletic, wow.
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One of the moments I loved the most because it’s so meaningful and genuine is this one where they were filming their AMA performance and it was also the day of Tae’s grandma’s 70th birthday so, like the good boy he is, he decided to call/FaceTime her and Jimin joined him. From what I’ve seen Jimin used language showing that he’s familiar with her and it’s cute how natural this moment looks, like of course Jimin is there with Tae wishing his grandma a happy birthday. To be fair Seokjin also comes by and calls out a happy birthday but walks away just as quickly leaving just the two of them behind. Adorable.
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Some more fun, random and cute stuff includes, but very much isn’t limited to, all of this:
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Side note - Hobi singing You are my soulmate while vmin were practicing their Chingu performance? It really is his favorite song.
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Honestly all the Seokjin and JK, as well as Hobi and JK content is so adorable and fun and there is so, so, so much more of it to be found and enjoyed than what I managed to include here. I’m glad we got to see so much more of their interactions across Memories of 2020 especially since they are the kinds of bonds that don’t get nearly enough attention most of the time which is a shame.
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There were quite a few things included from their Esquire photoshoots but this moment with Namjoon, Tae and Hobi is just...wow. Love it. It’s one of my favorite moments and now also one of my favorite pictures of those three together. The fact that Tae was wearing a crop top for his solo pictures yet we didn’t get to see it (properly)? Wow.
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From anon: Why is there so little Namjin in the memories of 2020 😞 I’ve seen so much from all the other pairings. It’s made me sad.
I don’t know who lied to you, dear anon, or who hid all the good stuff from you but rest assured we got plenty of wonderful namjin content, and this likely isn’t even all of it. 
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Does Seokjin’s sweater say RM in hangul? Yes, it very much does. And is that Namjoon trying to stop Seokjin from walking away? Yes indeed. Much to think about.
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And that’s about all I’m able to include without tumblr telling me I’m just doing too much. Like I said this is just basically a glimpse at all the content so everyone who ordered the Memories of 2020 DVD, there is plenty more for you to look forward to. Once I’ll be able to watch the full thing, I’m sure I’ll make more posts and if there’s something you’d like me to talk about or a moment you particularly enjoyed, let me know.
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hootcifer · 3 years
talking about toh | season two, episode four: keeping up a-fear-ances
i ytfugijkvcghdt what
previous | first | next spoilers under the cut, as always
the beginning
my goodness that owl thing is terrifying! i think we saw it briefly in that one promo but still!
young eda is back!
honestly, i thought eda ran away from home after she was cursed. i guess i was wrong.
when the healing coven dude gives eda the gem and says it's in style for young witches, i'm reasonably sure that's a reference to the fact that her gem wasn't originally meant to be an indicator of her curse. if i'm correct, that idea didn't even come about until "the intruder".
i love how eda has a poster in her room for rats, clearly a paridy of the musical cats. musical theatre nerd eda? anyone?
i'll talk more about this later, but we finally get to meet eda's mom! i like how she isn't painted as good or evil, just in between. she also seems to share eda's distaste for the coven system (though not as severe).
so even eda doesn't know where the door to the human realm came from, huh? interesting.
it doesn't look like eda's nickname came from her mom, or from lilith, since they both call her "edalyn" a majority of the time. did she start going by eda in school? did it come from her dad? did it come from somewhere else? huh?
the plot
i think it's kinda neat how eda's gold fang isn't actually meant to be a tooth replacement. it just makes her look cool. very on-brand for eda.
we now have confirmation-- more or less-- as to how the elixir tastes. apparently it's gross.
big fan of eda's new outfit. very much her style.
when eda said "beans" i thought she said "memes".
i love some of the visual humor in this show. the tea leaves "shrugging" made me giggle.
poor luz, she really wants to see her mom again. i can't imagine what that's like given that my mom is mediocre at best and makes me feel like shit a lot of the time but that must really suck. oops, sorry, too personal? let's move on.
i am a huge fan of how much closer eda and lilith seem to be now. they aren't enemies anymore, and that's great.
so witches can't detatch their limbs unless they're cursed? for some reason i thought that was universal.
okay, now we can talk about mrs. clawthorne. i saw her in the trailer, and i knew she wasn't eda because of her palisman. as a matter of fact, it's interesting that all three known clawthornes have bird palismans (palismen?). "escape of the palisman" reveals that not every palisman is a bird. is it a coincidence? is it a family tradition? i'm leaning more toward the latter.
but wow, gwen clawthorne. right off the bat i knew there would be people simping for her. i mean, people simp for both of her daughters, so it only makes sense. now, i'm ace, so i don't know much about milf, but does this make her a gilf? since she'd the mother of two milfs? (or are they still milfs if i don't want to--? never mind.)
i was expecting to dislike gwen, but i honestly ended up enjoying her character. sure, she can be a bit... much... but she loves her daughters.
oh, here's an odd detail. both gwen and eda's names end with "lyn", but lilith's doesn't. coincidence? no?
i would love to hear gwen's "strong words" for belos. let him get told off by an old lady!
aww, poor lilith just wants her mom to acknowledge her. it's not fun being the least favorite. i feel you on that one, lily. the older child is always less favored.
canon confirmation that lilith dyes her hair! i think dana said she did in an ama but now it's truly canon.
i knew something was fishy with wartlock from the beginning. there is no way he could have been legit.
i feel so bad for king. now that he knows he has a dad out there, all he wants in the world is to find him. poor thing.
what the hell is "knife season"?! is that a thing?
not gonna lie, i thought king and lilith got drunk off that ice cream. or maybe they did, and i'm just that bad at recognizing that stuff.
also, loving the lilith-king development. always great when two characters bond over angst.
"you know things are bad when hooty is the voice of reason." ~me, to my friend
honestly, a jar of bees would certainly help me with existential dread. i love bees.
i can't say i'm surprised that gwen's "cure" was just a bunch of made up bs. there's no way they could heal eda so early in the season.
gotta say, owl beast lilith looks dope.
i'm really happy that gwen learned to listen to eda. that's not something every mother learns.
i noticed that gwen was from the beastkeeper coven since we saw her in the promo, because i'd recognized the logo on her arm, but i think her controlling the bees was really cool. maybe i know what coven i would join. then again, i'm pretty much with eda on the "covens bad individualism good" front.
also, it looks like badassery runs in the family just as much as bird palismen do.
can we start a petition to help morton stay in business? he deserves it.
it was really interesting to see eda's point of view when she's the owl beast. it looks like she has to fight with the creature from the beginning for dominance over her own body.
the end
hoo boy. h o o b o y .
okay, let's start at the beginning. of the end. okay.
first of all, it shatters my heart into pieces that lilith is going to live with her mom now. i was just growing to like her, too.
and poor hooty! he found someone who considered him a real friend, only to have her ripped away just three episodes later. i hope she comes back soon.
is episode five going to be the episode where we find out that amity works at the library? (don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question.)
okay, now let's get to the real mind-boggling part: false luz. what--or who--the heck is she?! i've seen a lot of theories about that, ever since we saw the letters at the end of "enchanting grom fright", and we have options. i'll go more into those in the next section.
belos being behind this new false luz makes a lot of sense, since he's the main bad guy as of now. it's the most likely theory for now, but i feel like it's a bit too predictable.
eda was an option before, but now that she has no powers or access to the human realm, that's off the table.
i've seen theories about amity being behind it, but i suggest a new (and probably false) one.
what about the twins? it could be a situation similar to gwen's determination to heal eda's curse. ed and em seem to care about their sister (more or less), so it makes sense that they would do anything for her to be happy, and for her to be with the person that makes her happy-- even if it means trapping said person in a realm that isn't her own. besides, they're both in the illusions track, and from what we've seen they're very good at it. what if they're the ones who made false luz? i don't know if illusions can interact with things around them, like false luz does with the tissue box, but maybe advanced ones can? also, can you cast illusions in the human realm without a portal? out of all of guesses so far it's probably the least likely, but it's still an interesting concept.
on the topic of illusionists, we also have gus as a suspect. however, we can tell when he's controlling illusions, so surely we would have seen it by now. that does provide an argument against the blight twins being the culprits, but they are both older and more experienced. i'm sure their expertise in their track is similar to amity's in the abominations track, if their parents' expectations of them are anything like their expectations of amity. maybe skilled illusionists can control their illusions with their minds alone? or they can create semi-sentient illusions?
okay, that's enough crazed conspiracy-theorist rambling for today. see y'all next week for episode five!
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DR:ASLH AMA (10/21/2020)
so today i decided to sit down and answer a whole bunch of questions on discord!
this DOES contain spoilers up through the end of ch5, just a warning! if you’re on mobile i’m so sorry.
Who is your favorite character?
THAT IS THE MEANEST QUESTION YOU COULD EVER ASK DID YOU KNOW THIS. This varies a lot depending on the day but usually... tied Chiyo/Tatsumaru. I love them both so much. I think Ryouji's my favorite to write, though. If ASLH were someone else's story, I think my favorite would undeniably be Chiyo, because I'm nearly always biased towards protagonists.
What’s been the most enjoyable part of the story process? Why?
Honestly? Getting to see how people react to it. It's the validation luv. Maybe it's selfish, but I really do like seeing how people are affected by my work LOL.
who is on what side of the pineapple on pizza discourse?
Likes it: Amal, Kanemori, Claude, Aster Neutral: Tristan, Tatsumaru, Sentarou Hates it: Ryouji, Chiyo, Ririka, Brendan Doesn't like pizza: Tiana, Hirono, Alexei, Tsukino, Iris Ryouji, Chiyo, and Ririka make fun of Amal.
For the trials of aslh, which trial has been your favorite so far? In terms of planning the case itself, plot beats, character developments, anything really. But which one still makes you lose it when you think about it.
That's a tough one, I don't like writing trials. I liked the structure of ch3, though. The way that the trial stops being "who killed Amal" and instead becomes "who is Aster". The Tatsu POV. The story title drop. And the way the execution just wrecks everything, immediately? Yeah, vibes.
I also feel like ch4's trial deserves a special mention because of how I wrote it while I was sick with the flu, and yet if you ask me that was still probably the most emotionally intense trial- wait I forgot ch2- and ch5- y'know what, forget it. At least it's on par!
If you could change anything about aslh on any level, what would it be & why?
In general, I think it needed more planning. I'm a very on-the-fly planner and writer, but there were a lot of unknowns I didn't consider until late-game that made it hard to bring up and resolve cleanly. It could also probably have used a little bit more clarity with regards to the lore - things like "how does the memory replacement work" weren't decided until super late in the project. I didn't have a backstory for Tatsu until I wrote ch2 or ch3, so before that point their scars were much less extensive and I think they were cut-shaped instead of burns? That was kind of important for at least continuity's sake, and it irks me.
Also, Hirono deserved better. I didn't plan out her arc as extensively as the others (she was, pre-story, the last survivor to be locked and she had traded with Kanemori), so she sort of stagnated in the story. Which wasn't a bad thing, because not everyone's going to get shoved off a balcony or watch their friend get shot, but it kind of sucks that the most "defining" moment she had was that Ririka and Iris died, neither of which she actually witnessed, or the name confession in ch4 trial which kind of got brushed over. Like all the rest of the survivors have Big Defining Moments, except her.
To be honest, ASLH is the first huge writing project I've ever completed, so there's a lot of things I could have done better. But it was also the first huge writing project I've ever completed, so I'm cutting myself some slack there.
What's your philosophy, or even your strategy when it comes to character design? What do you go for first or emphasize, where do you think you could experiment more?
Most of my designs are based around a core "ooh I want to try this thing". Sometimes I take character inspirations, sometimes it's a cool garment, sometimes I'm just redesigning characters. I mostly emphasize clothing, patterns, and colors, but I also reuse a lot of the same clothing styles and patterns. I could definitely experiment more with shape language and silhouette - usually, that's like the last thing I think about, but one of the more important things to have in an ensemble cast. Mostly, though, I just like drawing clothes.
What do you think is the crowning moment of aslh? Like if someone asked you what would be a moment that gets to the heart of the story the most. What would it be?
DEFINITELY the ch5 execution. Like, the emotional resonance? The narration shift? The drama of it all? Peak ASLHcore.
what factored most into your decision-making progress? why did you decide this death order and this mastermind(s)?
My decision making process is entirely me sitting in a fugue state mumbling out details that I need to fix and then sporadically sitting bolt upright and screaming a parallel or tangent I've pieced together.
The mastermind question is easier to put together - I'd always had in mind that this was going to be a revenge game, and that one mastermind was so difficult to take seriously it wasn't even funny and that the other decided to bail halfway through. So I built the characters around that. The points I usually pay attention to with fangan planning (these days) are: ch1 is to establish the status quo and tone of the story, ch3 is to overturn the status quo, and ch5 forces ch6 to happen. So the ch3 case revolved around Sen dying, and then I was like "how can I fuck up the status quo more" and killed Amal and Aster too.
The biggest factor in my decision making process is "what would be really cool". I tend to make a lot of decisions that fuck up the structure of what a fangan "should" be because I think it goes hard as hell when we throw out rules that the characters are unaware of anyway.
was there a draft of aslh that looks drastically different from what we ended up with?
Great question, and fuck you for reminding me!
ASLH actually started as a bullet point fangan called What Tempestuous Despair. It was a much more international cast until I was like "fangans are supposed to be mostly Japanese casts!" and changed a bunch of characters' nationalities, which in hindsight was dumb. Ririka, Kanemori, Tsukino, and Iris were victims of this. Also Amal was the protagonist and I am SO GLAD that didn't stick they are SO DIFFICULT to write the POV from.
I've spoken on a few occasions about how the cast itself changed, and I never got around to plotting out arcs (other than "Amal learns to trust people and allows themself to truly grieve Rin after holding everyone at length for so long"), but some assorted things:
The cast had a bunch of characters who were swapped out. Included in this tally are Rin Matsumoto (whose personality was recycled into Hisaichi, Ryouji's cousin, and their name was recycled into Shuichi's school friend), Leon Mercury Kahahawai (who’s in CYAH), Haywire Asturias, Puck Ganka (who’s also in CYAH), a few characters/designs who I ended up giving away... And also Hayato Kikuchi.
Iris was always a killer, because I really wanted her to have a downfall-that-wasn't-a-downfall-but-rather-a-reflection-of-the-true-self arc. This was always a lategame case so I'd have time to establish her as terrible. Originally, she killed Leon.
Tiana was also always a killer. I think he killed Hayato via electrocution, so as you can tell that's always been around in some form or another.
(Tristan killing Chiyo in ch5 in the current version, btw, was specifically to mirror Tiana's murder. While Tiana killed to get themself out of the KG, Tristan killed to get everyone else out.)
who was considered for mastermind throughout making aslh? what would their reasons have been?
The masterminds have never changed, except that the characters for them didn't exist back in WTD. But the personalities of the characters they replaced were about 1:1 anyway, so yeah basically they've never changed.
what is one thing you really loved about the beta and what is one thing you really hated about the beta
One thing I really loved about the beta was the ch3 case (which I've spoken about at length before), but other than that... honestly Tiana? Tiana's the one character that I had fully developed as of WTD, they just sprung into my head completely materialized. Their entire personality and design somehow stayed the same since conceptualization.
One thing I really hated? I would say "all of it", but specifically, we don't talk about white Tristan. That was so bad. I was trying so hard to design him so that he'd look nonthreatening and I was like "why is this so hard" and then I changed his ethnicity and I was like "oh right, white gamer boy characters just have cursed energies" and moved on with my life.
what would be an ideal day for tiana murdock. what would make them happy.
An ideal day is honestly one where they get a lot done. They're not one to relax or know what to do with free time, but they get a lot of satisfaction out of being productive, so if they manage to finish a lot of work and not end up exhausted? They're happy. They've probably gotta work on learning to enjoy their free time. They do like traveling, though, and- oh my god I should make them friends with Tsukino.
What would the cast's careers be if they lived to be adults?
Chiyo: Elementary school teacher and scifi author! Really wish I'd leaned more into the fact that she loves scifi, honestly. Amal: Journalist, probably, except they'd actually take classes in it this time instead of just writing op-eds constantly Tatsumaru: LIBRARIAN TATSU TRUE ENDING!!! Sentarou: Freelance pianist/composer. I have this whole headverse where he and Alexei are somehow friends with Claude, and together they plot to kill Enji Sekisada. Or Claude and Alexei plot to kill Enji and Sen sits there with his head in his hands. Iris: In universes where she's able to reconcile with academia, she works in ecology + chemistry. In universes where she doesn't, she's a florist. Aster: SERIOUSLY depends on the AU because every time I try to put Aster in a normal AU they're different. Jokes about becoming a flight attendant to travel with Tsukino. Claude: Secretary. No, seriously. May have something to do with killing Enji Sekisada. Hirono: Photojournalist! Photography reminds her of Ekuko. :') Alexei: Veterinary assistant for a specialized bird clinic Tsukino: Pilot, obviously Brendan: Mechanical engineer but sometime around age 30 has enough stress to just quit and become a college professor instead. Tiana: Museum docent, he's coworkers with Laurent Sinclair thanks Ryouji: He's... not sure. In normal AUs does take up food service for a while before getting uncomfortable with his family and quitting. In ASLH canon, he skips this step and goes into law with the intent of helping other killing game survivors sort out their lives. Tristan: Web designer, still makes a few games on the side with his friends. Mostly point and clicks because he ain't about this life Kanemori: Volleyball coach, because he knows a lot more about that than soccer honestly
what part of aslh was the hardest to write?
Deadly life. Always. I can crank the chapters out really fast, but I hate the case part of fangans and they're painful to plan.
For each case, what is your out of universe reason for wanting each person to die when? Like not counting the motives or anything, but why you wanted each person to die then?
- Brendan: He was the OC I had the longest. He had to die. Goodbye you little shit. - Kanemori: He was actually a survivor originally, and Hirono was the ch1 killer for the same "OC longevity" reason but then I realized I don't have anything for Kanemori to do. So... Sorry dude.
- Claude: Y'all ever notice how no one... EVER... puts plot relevant information in ch2s? Anyway. - Tiana: As discussed, they've always been a killer. Putting them as a killer here was a good balance - far enough from ch1 to build up their relationship with Tristan, but also not so far into the story that it conflicts with the general endgame fall-apart-ness.
- Amal, Sentarou, Aster: This case sprung into my head entirely materialized. Like, this was the one that BUILT the story, so it didn't change much. Mostly I just thought it'd be narratively fun to kill off the deuteragonist, the mastermind, AND the ??? in one go. I didn't plan for Chiyal to be a thing so when that became a thing this chapter got better/worse.
- Iris: I always wanted her to be a killer to really expose that "she's not a good person" stuff (she was more of a snake in WTD), but she didn't become a victim until when I was actually writing. She was supposed to have a trial and then I got sick of writing her. Whoops. - Ririka: I had arc ideas for everyone else, and it could have gone either way between Ryouji and Ririka getting that "close to my best friend who is now dead"... in the end it went down to gender balance in survivors. At the time it was Ryouji or Ririka + Kanemori + Tsukino + Tatsumaru, but then once Kanemori got swapped to Hirono just... yeahhh Ririka got stuck in ch4. Sorry. - Alexei: Special shoutout, he was supposed to die in ch4 as just an "oh no this is what happened, how sad" but then it was super narratively unsatisfying and now he's alive.
- Chiyo: For the sake of pain. But like, poignant, meaningful pain. I don't believe in making plot decisions just because they hurt, they've also got to mean something. Considering that a major theme of the story is "death before its time is a complete tragedy", and Chiyo's motifs include death... uh. Yeah... yeah. When it came time to ask myself who'd die in ch5 for this motive, well. I miss Chiyo. - Tristan: Meant to mirror Tiana's killing in ch2, as stated above, had the "selfish kill vs selfless kill" thing. Look if you're going to have a duo in a fangan and don't get to make cool dichotomy/theming what's the POINT. Ended up surviving because when there were only four survivors, there were... really no stakes for the ch6 trial.
- Tatsumaru: I just wanted them to be alive. I didn't know WHY, exactly... I just knew I needed them to live. So. I guess they're alive? Also I thought it'd be really interesting to have a killer protagonist, and a remorseful killer protagonist. - Ryouji: To be honest I didn't have a solid arc for him, aside from Ririka's death I'd decided I was going to figure it out as I went. And I guess I did? I love him. And not gonna lie, since Tatsu became the protagonist and Ryouji's still pissed at them, the perspective/dynamic became VERY INTERESTING. - Tsukino: Originally in beta!ASLH, her schtick was "gilded exterior with a heart of jerk with a hidden, smaller heart of gold" but that didn't transfer over to ASLH itself. Then when I realized "oh shit Tsukino wants to be a hero" it was all over. At first her arc was very "tone yourself down and stop rushing into things" which wasn't... ideal, I think you can still be enthusiastic and upbeat while being mindful and that was not how I had gone about it lol. Fun fact, Tsukino's survived every draft of ASLH, including the beta one - I think she and Amal were closer friends in that. - Hirono: See Kanemori, I just thought she had more survivor potential than him. The problem was that by the time I made the decision to swap them, everyone else was sort of locked by necessity, so Hirono became a survivor by default. Again, I didn't quite have an idea of what she was going to do other than get leeched off of by Iris. Ririka wasn't even part of it, we just had that cooking thing in 2-3 and Ririka was like "this is my problem now" and I was like "what?" so now we're here.
What's everyone's coffee/tea/other preferences?
Coffee: Tiana, Tristan, Brendan Tea: RYOUJI, Tatsumaru, Chiyo, Iris Hot chocolate: Claude, Sentarou Soda: Amal, Ririka Soda but only fruit flavored: Tsukino Water, thanks: Aster, Kanemori, Hirono, Alexei
What was the hardest decision to make, writing wise, for aslh? Like you wanted the story to go one way, but you couldn't force it, or a scene you felt you needed but was difficult to decide upon, anything like that?
Hm... okay see the thing is I'm generally pretty good at writing on the fly so if I make decisions I CAN force them to happen, so there's really not too much that comes to mind. Mostly this happens with trials - I make outlines for my trials and drag my cast along with it. Except they tend to go off-topic, and then I have to drag them back on topic. And sometimes the points don't make sense when you go out of order so I have to ad lib stuff. Ch4 trial was the most off-script one, it was supposed to be a lot slower and made more sense but then the cast just went out of order and I was bonking my head against the wall trying to get it to make sense.
The only real thing I had consistent difficulty with is locations. I did not fucking plan any of this shit and hate making maps so much- oh my god I need to do the ch6 map still.
who would deliberately salt their coffee and who would accidentally do it
Deliberately: Tristan, Tiana, Tsukino, Hirono Accidentally: Kanemori, Amal, Sentarou, Chiyo, Brendan, Iris "Why?": Claude, Alexei, Aster, Tatsumaru, Ryouji, Ririka
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zethyrexchange · 5 years
Zethyr Exchange AMA with Scott, Lead Admin of TRONTOPIA
AMA was with Scott, Lead Admin and Development Coordinator of TRONTOPIA in our Official Telegram Community (https://t.me/ZethyrExchange)
Host: Welcome to our AMA Trontopia Admin.
Q: Can you introduce yourself and TOPIA briefly?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Sure!
My name is Scott and I am the lead admin and development coordinator for TOPIA.
Topia was formed in January of this year. We are comprised almost entirely of Dapp players and community members. We decided to launch our own dapp due to the lack of transparency and fairness in the space.
We are located all over the world, US, Paris, Japan, Singapore, Greece, Australia, Israel, UK, among others.
Our ultimate goal is to build the fairest, most stable, and most transparent gaming platform on any blockchain.
Host: Cool. Hi Scott! Ok let’s start with a simple question first.
Q: What are the key selling points of TOPIA compared to other casinos around the blockchains?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Everything is open source. We verify our contracts so the plain-English code is visible and verifiable by the public.
With that, we are able to prove that our randomness is just that… Random.
We believe in the power of the blockchain and the ability of the current and future blockhashes provide for random number generation, and do not utilize any Oracle (on Tron, currently IOST operates with an Oracle, but this will be changing very soon).
On top of that, we have one of the most warm communities, and a very active staff that is capable of helping and answering any questions. Most dapps do not provide this level of support.
Host: Wow I have just learnt that you guys do not use Oracle
Q: So everything is on-chain?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: 100%, We use a commit and reveal approach
Host: Amazing 100% blockchain with that comes to our next question which most casinos are concerned
Q: How secured is TOPIA for users?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: We are extremely secure, but we did not get here without first hitting our speed bumps.
We have a phrase we say around TOPIA, and that is that we have hit every branch on the way down the tree so to speak, but because of this, it has given us immense knowledge and insight into possible attack vectors, and has allowed us to become one of (if not the most?) secure dapp in the space currently.
Due to us having these issues, we now not only take extreme care, but have advanced knowledge on the subject and I am confident that our security will always be some of if not the best utilized.
Host: I’m glad to hear that
Q: Could you share more details about what security features you have in place?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Yes,
Every parameter is controlled and governed by our smart contracts… What does this mean? Things like maximum win allowed, maximum bet, what range you can roll on… These are not controlled by our front end website, they are controlled by the contract itself, and a lot of dapps do not operate this way, which is a huge mistake.
We utilize a commit and reveal system that makes it impossible to predict or exploit our random number generation, this is what allows us to have a fully on-chain rolling experience while remaining secure. Current blockhash as the main source of entropy for the random number generator is widely known to be truly unpredictable.
We have a few other security features as well… Functions in our contracts that keep the vast majority of the balances away from public facing functions
Host: Yes I have to say that randomization is one of the trickiest part in running a fully on-chain casino. I believe that the track record of TOPIA has shown that the platform is secured. So let’s jump to a question from the audience
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Thank you for the nice words Vinod
Priorities for user acquisition first start with building our platforms so when marketing pushes happen they have a higher retention level, and overall are more successful.
With that, our plan is to focus heavily on development for the remainder of 2019 and the early part of 2020. With that there will be some marketing taking place, but the big marketing push will be saved for when we feel it will have the most positive impact, which is when we have more of the platform up and operating.
We are getting extremely close with Blitz, I know a lot of people have been very excited about that.
Vault is a mini-game that has been mostly ready for a while now, but it has been held back due to the upcoming change to Mining with the implementation of Seasonal Mining. Vault will come into play with the Seasonal Mining update.
We have recently launched our sportsbook on TRON, and we have many upgrades and improvements coming to it as well.
We need to align our platforms so they have the same offerings, as well as get these upcoming games released, along with a couple of surprises coming very soon actually that are not on our roadmap. Once these are complete, we will have many games across multiple chains and we will begin a very strong marketing push to bring fresh and new players to the dapp space.
Host: Wow. Development first I see
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Doesn’t mean we aren’t marketing. Lol, but we have an actual marketing plan we want to execute that we are holding back until some of these soon to launch games and features are released.
Host: That’s an amazing approach given that most dapps are mostly hit and run. OK since we touched briefly on iOST Topia
Q: Why did TOPIA acquire iOST Play?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Many reasons, I actually recently answered this question for another interview so pardon if it seems like the same answer again
1. IOST is one of the fastest blockchains currently. Our games rely heavily on speed and low/efficient gas costs. IOST is great in this area.
2. The IOST market is young, and untapped. We feel the dapp usage on IOST is going to rise significantly in 2020, and it is important we are at the front of that surge, as our vision relies heavily on crosschain platforms.
3. The foundation support on IOST is incredible. It is the only complaint I have with TRON is the Foundation seems to have a bit of favoritism going on, which I have yet to experience with the IOST foundation.
4. The community is amazing, and growing. It is very much like how Tron’s was this time last year.
It just made sense that it is the next step for TOPIA and IOST be the first chain we branched out to.
Host: Yes I read that interview, but I believe that it will benefit everyone here so no harm repeating. Now talking about iOST Topia
Q: If any differences do/will iOST Topia have compared to TRON Topia?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Ideally, we want the platforms to mirror each other regardless of which chain. The main differences you will see are slight variations in Tokenomics.
For example, I don’t see there being an ISHARE (like TSHARE), as there aren’t many IRC10/20 tokens yet.
But from a content perspective, we want them to be near mirror images of each other, and over the coming months we will work towards that.
We want it to be as easy as switching which currency you are playing with.
Host: I believe that will minimize confusion. Before coming to the next question, I want to disclose that I’m holding TOPIA tokens as well
Q: How does iOST Topia affect current TOPIA token holders? How about current iOST Play token holders?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Currently, there is no effect. Both platforms will operate entirely separately for the time being.
Now, in the future, but this is a ways down the road, we are implementing an Umbrella rewards system, and all Topia holders (whether Tron topia, IOST topia, or whichever TOPIA), will receive these Umbrella tokens, the Umbrella tokens will receive dividends from all of the platforms.
This is pretty far off for now though.
Q: So these umbrella tokens will displace the current tokens? Without getting too technical, if I buy your umbrella tokens on TRON, how do I receive dividend from iOST?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Well… I can’t really go into too much detail without revealing some plans we don’t want to be too public yet because it’s a very exciting…
But I can say basically yes, eventually TOPIA holders will merge into one… under a new Token or Chain.
But, again, this is Q4 2020 type of stuff.
Host: OK if you can’t reveal for now, it is okay. So next is a question from the audience
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Thanks for the question kpop
I reached out to David a couple of months back. I saw an opportunity and presented it to him. At first he respectfully declined, but we kept in contact and on friendly terms… and over time I believe he started to see the value in what we were offering, and they accepted.
- Mining reset
- Seasonal Mining
- iDiamonds swap for iPlay holders
Once we have these implemented, we will definitely launch the mining reset with a large event and marketing push to let everyone know mining has restarted
Host: Clean and clear. Another question from your fan
Trontopia Admin — Scott: We actually are doing more here than people in the space currently see and realize.
We have been working with @MidEarthCrypto who has been traveling around the country going to universities and speaking about TRON and DAPPS. Part of his presentation is about TOPIA. He was hired by TRON and sponsored by us to travel and spread the word to communities and schools who express interest in blockchain.
We also are working with several non-blockchain, but gaming and gambling related online influencers who are ready and willing to promote and market TOPIA to their respective audiences once we give them the green light.
Alongside the usual marketing tactics:
- Ads, banners
- Twitter/social media marketing
- Articles (cointelegraph, iost-watch, etc)
Host: I see, I believe that given your priority for development at the moment. OK last question, also from our audience
Trontopia Admin — Scott: We do plan to expand to other blockchains besides just TRON and IOST. We ideally want to be on at least 4 different chains before we implement the Umbrella system, so we got more to go for sure.
And yes, we want it to eventually be seamless to the point where you are going to TopiaNetwork.com (yes, I own the domain, dont go try to steal it), you pick which currency you want to play with, and you play.
Q: including fiats?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Unlikely, Maybe USDT
IOST was the one that was going to be probably the most difficult transition though, as it’s contracts are not written in Solidity, so it’s not a direct conversion process… So we are happy to get this one out first
Q: So I guess the next 2 chains will use the variances of solidity?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: What we are looking at right now, they use Solidity, yes
Host: Wow, that’s a big hint.
Q: Anything else you would like your TOPIA fans to know?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Firstly, we love you guys.
Second, we are working our butts off to get all of this stuff rolled out
Host: Yes please work hard. Thank you Scott and have a good weekend
Trontopia Admin — Scott: No problem, thank you for having me for this very nice AMA
Audience: TRONTOPIA Is going to buyback and burn Topia’s in november
Q: How many are they planning to buyback and burn?
And What is your team size, how many people?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Yes, we are starting the buyback program this month, those details will come.
10 Moderators, 9 Developers, my self and a few other owners.
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