#is so I can write romantic oneshots about my blorbos
ejunkiet · 2 years
hi hello i’m LOVING the updates on ropes and fangs and I really can’t wait to see where this project takes you (already the growth in writing from the first snippet to the one you just posted aarargagarg i could go off about how much ur style has evolved but but that’s not truly why i’m here)
what advice would you give to someone who really wants to branch out into writing “homebrew” work who really has only written fan work. where would u recommend posting or how? if you have Any Idea of who Else I could bother about this pls let me know
I’ve been wanting to post some of my more original work for a series I’ve been writing but I just. Don’t Know How (fan work is already something I struggle with cause I can’t seem to write anything that means to someone else what it means for me)
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jfhdask BLESS you, moth; your timing is impeccable, as I was working on r&f this morning >:3 <33
so. ADVICE. You've been writing Homebrew Blorbos, and you want to get other people interested in them. The first thing I will say, is that it is hard, and it will always be hard. getting people invested in your worlds/characters takes work, and without the fandom platform, it's difficult to direct traffic your way in the first place. i.e. ao3 has an original fiction category which is good for hosting a work you don't want to publish, but it's not as if people follow that tag there.
I love reading original work, but I need one of two things to get me to read it: one, I love the author's fanwork and want to read more of their writing (if I love your fic, I will read your book okay); and two, the concept itself is interesting / what I'm looking for -- but for that, I need to find it first.
so. how do you get traffic your way?
tumblr is a good means for advertising. so. there are online writing communities on tumblr that only write original work, and only write the kinds of things I'm interested in reading. it's how I found a few authors whose books I've bought >:3 my advice is to look into tags that contain the same themes / dynamics of your original work, and see how other people are posting their work / talking about their work, and what gets the most traffic. learn from others!
I won't be posting large sections of my original work on tumblr, because once something is out there, it's out there. people can and do steal fiction and self publish it on amazon. also, as much as I love tumblr, it's not a good place for publishing full works, as it's clunky as hell, and posts older than a month vanish into the nether.
so you need to decide what your want to do with your original work. will it become a book? will you post it as an online serial, and then rework this first draft into a book? (like the gabe and odessa fic!) aside from tumblr (which has a thriving short story / serial story community), ao3 (for fic hosting) and amazon (you can publish your story as a serial there, although it's US restricted, and difficult to get noticed amidst the crowd), I don't know really of any other good original fiction hosting platforms aside from self publishing.
(real publishing is a nightmare, and if that's your goal, kudos to you! I know a few authors in fandom going that route for different genres, and they are incredible writers, but breaking through is goddamn difficult.)
but if you just want people to read it, and give you feedback, then talk about it!! post snippets / chapters, talk about the characters, utilise the tags on tumblr and ao3 to find people with similar interests.
...one thing I will say though, as a final note, is from what I've seen, the quality of original work by people not in fandom <<<< people in fandom. you've had years of practice writing characters and scenes, and once you make that leap into original work, you're pretty much set <3
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number1villainstan · 1 year
Overhaul for the character ask!
How I feel about this character:
Blorbo of all time. He is sooooo me. On a more serious note, there was so much possible characterization that BnHA dropped into him--so much juicy potential--and it was all wasted. Pair that up with him being an antagonist who did horrible things and it was like a perfect storm to get me way too invested in him lmao. Also, I recently had a pretty unwelcome revelation about myself about how I usually find the major antagonists/villains of a show that unwittingly self-sabotage through social incompetence/bluntness/lack of empathy relatable which does not bode well for my social life hahaha but that's oversharing so I'm just gonna--
All the people I ship "romantically" with this character:
Disclaimer: I actually usually headcanon him as aro, so often the "romantic" shipping I have for him isn't actually romantic but sexual and/or queerplatonic, because I'm taking this as a question for 'who do I ship him with in a way that isn't just conventional friendship or in a familial/family-esque relationship'.
Kurono Hari: My main partner for the guy, and any OT3s I form for Kai are pretty much always going to have Hari as the second member, with the third varying. I have seen and do enjoy outright romantic Chronohaul, but when I write it I'll usually make an effort to make it either explicitly queerplatonic or Definitely A Relationship but not really a romantic relationship, ykno? Usually I like to think that they've been together for a while even before the show starts, in a solid years-long committed relationship that probably started (if not in its current form) when they were teenagers. I really like the idea of two similar people having found each other and finding strength and understanding in each other even as they're so different from everyone else around them, even if they end up reinforcing each other's destructive tendencies. Also, it's T4T. That part's very important.
Dabi: Funny story, I ended up watching BnHA because some of my online friends were huge DabiHaul shippers, so that was the ship I was primed for. And then I got attached to Chisaki and every other named character in the Hassaikai and ended up primarily shipping Chronohaul, and Dabi ended up usually being their third and shipped with both. I imagine that this ship (Chronodabihaul) is purely a sexual one, a fuckbuddy type thing for stress relief. It may or may not develop some stronger commitments/feelings later on, if and when the League and the Hassaikai stop virulently hating each other (and if/when Dabi stops being so obsessed with revenge), but that's not really a given.
Aizawa Shouta: This is definitely not a ship that's on the forefront of my mind, but it still has a soft spot in my void of a heart. Just like Dabi, I can very much see him in an OT3 with Chronohaul, although I feel like Aizawa would be in a much more long-term relationship with them. I can also see he and just Kai having an emotional short-term fling, but that would either cool down into just-friends or Hari would end up with them after a while, making it the OT3. Also, I have an angsty soulmate AU oneshot WIP that focuses on Overzawa, so.
Nemoto Shin: I don't actually really ship this character with Chisaki (I hc Chisaki as romance repulsed aroallo and Nemoto as sex-repulsed alloace), but I have an priest/demon AU in my WIPs that's got some heavy Nemotohaul implications, so I think I'd be remiss not to mention him here.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
I have several, actually:
Lady Nagant, aka Tsutsumi Kaina, of course. I know a lot of people on Tumblr like to ship Sniperhaul, but it just doesn't interest me. Seems kind of shallow, honestly (apologies to any Sniperhaul shippers reading this). I see them better as bickering sibling types after Chisaki heals at least a little bit from solitary confinement. And also as mlm/wlw solidarity.
I really like the idea of Chisaki taking Yaoyorozu Momo under his wing, teaching her chemical formulas for poisons and tips and tricks for combating performance anxiety. (I also really like the idea that they're genetically related...and don't find out until well after they've established their mentor/mentee relationship lmao.)
Nemoto Shin again, since I usually like him and Chisaki as close friends. Chisaki goes to him for questions like "what the fuck am I feeling and how do I make it stop" or "how the hell do emotions work".
Also, weirdly enough, when I'm imagining the sort of AU where he gets thrown in some labyrinth and has to figure out how to survive/get out with a bunch of other characters it's unlikely he'd interact with otherwise, I think Midnight might actually like him. She'd think he's cute. He wouldn't like Midnight back though.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Do you mean unpopular for the wider fandom, or just among people that like this specific character? Because if it's the first, then all of my opinions for this character are unpopular, but if it's the second, then I'm not sure I have unpopular opinions/headcanons on him so much as opinions/headcanons that aren't widely held and/or thought about. I'm gonna list some that might be considered 'unpopular' among Chisaki/Hassaikai fans, although I'm not actually sure they are:
Pops wasn't a good parent. I imagine him something like the (fanon) Fenton parents from Danny Phantom; affectionate and kind, but only when he a) remembers to pay attention and b) Kai isn't in trouble. Unfortunately, these times are few and far between. Kai ends up as the 'weird kid' a lot during his childhood/teenage years and becomes the automatic scapegoat, and Pops doesn't even question any accusations brought against his kid, which doesn't help the fact that Kai has been conditioned not to speak up for his own innocence by teachers and other authority figures punishing him for 'talking back.' So it ends up with most of Kai's memories being of Pops punishing him for things he never did, being part of The System that hurt him so bad, and with Pops having this concept of Kai as a Bad Kid(TM) that's mostly unearned, and it escalates to the point where Chisaki feels safer with Pops in a coma than with Pops talking and walking around even as he craves Pops' affection.
Objectively speaking, at least from a utilitarian/obligation perspective, Chisaki is morally better than Enji. I'm so sorry for this proxissima, but Kai only hurt one kid that wasn't his actual kid--it was a child that someone else gave to him with vague instructions to 'figure out her Quirk' and he didn't feel like he could refuse, whereas Enji had four children for the purpose of surpassing All Might and traumatized them all with his lack of care for their wellbeing, albeit in different ways. Obviously, Kai had an obligation to not be shitty to a kid, but Enji had extra obligations because those were his actual kids that he had on purpose. Also, Kai grew up in the probably highly toxic and violent yakuza, whereas Enji went into law enforcement and therefore should have more regard for the fact that, at least, child abuse is fucking illegal.
Chisaki legitimately cares about the Expendables/Bullets/Precepts of Death, and considers himself an Expendable. I'm not sure entirely how to explain this one, but I greatly prefer the idea that Chisaki took in many of the Expendables (minus Rappa, who followed him home) because he understood the kind of shit they were going through over what was implied in canon (that he manipulated them into being super loyal to him so that he could throw them away).
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
MORE CHARACTERIZATION! ANY CHARACTERIZATION! Especially characterization that showed actual positive traits! Yes, the remorse he showed for putting Pops in a coma after the prison break was arguably a step in the right direction, but it was also tied up in some really weird ableist/sanist connotations about how "this was his punishment" or something, and Deku (obligatory fucking Deku) still demanded that he feel more remorse about what he did to Eri even though he wasn't mentally all there, and also demanding that people feel certain emotions in general is entitled and shitty. Even though the narration of BnHA clearly makes out Deku to be the ultimate moral authority in the story.
Like--it's just so fucking obvious that Chisaki was made just to be a generic evil villain for Deku to beat up without the audience questioning why he's so blatantly betraying his professed ideal of "save everyone" and for Shigaraki to play off against to make him look better. And it wasn't even done well. This man is clearly mentally ill from like the first time we see him, and solitary confinement only exacerbated it. One thing I would have loved to see in canon, instead of All Of That, was if Deku guessed that Eri was being abused and ended up blatantly wrong, taking away a child from a loving home after she's already had trauma from accidentally Rewinding her father out of existence and her mother treating her as a monster and abandoning her. Hell, you could still have the Quirk-erasing bullets in play--just have Chisaki take and start cloning a red bone marrow sample from Eri so that he has enough blood without harming her more than a single surgery.
Yea, that was definitely way longer than you probably wanted, and it took longer than I wanted, but I have a Lot of thoughts on this guy. I'll answer the other two requests at a later date, because I need to study for and take at least one final today.
Send me a character and I'll break them down
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goldeneyedkim · 1 year
The WIP List - Aged WIPs
Okay, so irl is kind of... high stress at the moment, so let's see if I can just bury myself in some writing.
In particular, I'm starting to get super itchy about fics that I haven't finished and keep intending to. Going to start this as a way to kind of keep myself accountable for actually making progress on these things.
On this list:
After the Light - the Stony MCU/Old Guard crossover that was originally a oneshot, I probably should have left a oneshot, and really probably only need one chapter left to finish--just have to decide what to do it with.
The Real Monsters - the Naruto/CM crossover that I originally thought was going to be 5 chapters, and now I'm hoping to just finish in four. My friends all laugh at me when I say I hate Plot and Plot is a four-letter word? This fic is everything I mean about "I hate plot." It has an 8-year-old Naruto and Sasuke, so there is no romance to play off here, it's just actual plot, and fuck me, I hate this so much. Why did I do this to myself? This is a plotfic, and I know the end, but it's how to get there I'm fucking stuck on, and this one has a lot of people who have been very patient. I just want it done.
Boundless - EraserMight soulmate fic I started for-fucking-ever ago. It follows canon very closely, so I just really need to sit down and speed-watch the relevant parts, and just finish the last chapter where they decide that, yes, they want a romantic relationship with one another.
Prepared to Sacrifice - Ugh... this one has one or two chapters left, maybe, and I'm already 2k into the next one, it's just a very particular type of headspace to write, and I'm having trouble figuring out how to finish it off. I was going to write a sequel but that's almost certainly not going to happen, so the final chapter might just be the opening chapter of the sequel I wrote. It would work as an open-ended epilogue. So just need to finish the damn thing.
A Dragon Among the Ashes - a DekuBaku slavefic that I started for a big bang a while ago and... realized in the middle of writing it that I don't actually like BakuDeku enough to make them the center feature of anything more than a short fic. Like, I do ship them in the lowkey, background way that I kind of feel like "this is basically a good as canon" for a lot of things, and I include them as a background ship a lot, but... Shouto has become my blorbo, and if it's not focused around him, ugh, it's a struggle. I really just need to finish the last damn chapter.
Fireworks and Warnings probably belongs on this list. I probably need to just figure out an end and write it. It's been on hiatus for like 3 years. *sigh*
Basis for Human Hope - Gundam Wing omegaverse fic with 13x2 (yes, you read that right) and endgame 5x2. I need to see if I can remember how to write short stuff and see if I can crunch this one down. I'm, uh, just noticing how many hits that fic has (relative to most GW fic lately), and... yeah, should work on that next chapter.
On the Things Not Posted But I Really Should Work On:
Sequel to my EdRoy darkfic - dealing with the fallout of Ed being mated against his will, for public spectacle no less, and also being knocked up. If I could knock this out in 20k, I'd be delighted. I... uh, have no such faith it's going to be under 30k.
Sequel to my consensual bitching DekuTodo fic - This one has actually been started. I'm, like, over 2k into it (might be more), but uh, kind of missing the endgame here. Probably should just be Shouto having the baby (babies? I honestly don't remember what I was planning), so this should be relatively (I know, I know, don't laugh) short.
Firsts series - This is the high on the list to immediately finish. I started this idea way back when writing Stand Without Flinching. Since finishing the Stars That Have People Names mainfics, this is literally the last piece of the series I plan on writing, and I have had the worst time making myself work on it. I finally kicked my ass into gear last night, and got about 3.5k written on it, and two more of the 5 "firsts" written. That makes 3/6 done, three more to go, and 2 are smutty (which are usually easy, I just really was not in a mood to write smut last night). I really, really want to put this series to bed and mark it complete, so I think this is going to be the next one on the list.
All right--and of WIPs that are not on this list:
Surviving the Fire - weekly updates on this one, and I tend to be very good at keeping to a strict schedule. Next chapter of this hits today. Not a concern.
If You Have Been Brutally Broken - on a schedule, every other Wednesday, I also have at least a couple more chapters pre-written, so hopefully by the time I'm live writing this one, I'm done with Surviving. I love this fic, and I'm excited to force myself to finish it.
A Bun in a Hidden Oven - I basically have it finished. I can add another chapter; we'll see if I bother. No concern here.
When You're Married and No One Told You - this has always been open-ended, and I'll add to it if/when I get the inspo.
To Be Alpha - this is the BakuTodo alpha quirk fic. I have no damn idea where I'm going with it. I'd like to move it up to the WIP list but it's been sitting where it is for years b/c I'm stuck and I disclaimed that when I posted it.
Beware of Alphas - NaruSasu omegaverse. I love the idea of this world (where alphas are locked out of society), but mostly going to see if I find fun prompts to keep it going. Low pressure, as inpso hits.
Okay, now that I've wasted time typing all that up--let's go write. Surviving is due today, so it gets first priority. We'll see what else I get done after that.
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tracybirds · 1 year
Thank you! That's a regular fruit salad!! (yummy yummy)
🍉 Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why?
In an ideal world I would write fics that were maybe 5-10 chapters long and about 10k in length, I think that's about right for me. Long enough to delve a little deeper into character, short enough to maintain my interest and attention, and with space for good build up and tension and cliffhangers and payoff and all that good stuff.
In reality, I'm impatient as hell and mostly write 1-3k length oneshots ahaha
🍒 What’s your favourite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
ooooh this is TOUGH!! Can I just say yes??? I really don't think I can stake a claim ahaha
Let's put aside specific character and just focus on some general tropes and not think too hard about what they say about me :P Apparently I feel like talking romance so let me see... One combo I adore is one that's got a touch of melancholy in them. One is sunny but sad. The other is lonely but kind. But they find each other and they love and they love and they love. That sort of thing. (I'm not saying I just finished reading The House In The Cerulean Sea literally yesterday but that's also exactly what I'm saying)
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…)
I love Brains and I have all sorts of different versions of him that I'd love to explore. Ranging from he was a close family friend of the Tracys long before iR and is actually Virgil's godfather through to John's mild mannered college boyfriend through to he escaped the Hood's employ as a young adult and lives on the island partially as a witness protection program type thing to yeah okay he really is just Some Guy that Jeff picked up at a conference in Paris
I just think it's fun to poke at him, he keeps offering up such fun possibilities.
🍇 Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
There's a handful of stories that focus on the beauty and wonder of the world around us. I love them all dearly but they can never quite capture the feeling but heck if I'm not going to keep trying and write that theme again and again and again in my life.
That doesn't quite answer the question though lol.... I think the scene that would inspire the most if I only got one would be Jeff's return. There's so much driving that moment, it's just a well of possibility
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Autumn has arrived, which means that it is time for another event! ^^
This year there will be 5 different options for you, and you can request from multiple different options within the realm of the rules that apply. And normal blog rules apply on this event as per usual. If there are any questions, feel free to ask, but I tried to make the rules as informative as possible. 
Only option 3 will be headcanons, others will be oneshots
Event request collection will happen between 4.9 - 18.9. 2022 and the fics will start posting in October the latest. Meaning that if my schedule allows, you’ll see them sooner. But if not, you will start seeing them on 1.10. However, I will of course post masterlists beforehand so you know what to expect.
The post is lengthy, and thus, the options are found below the cut
Option 1. 
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A traditional choose 1 character + 1 prompt, but may also be for a ship. Platonic or romantic.
Meaning for this option, please tell 
If you’d like it as an:
x reader
& reader
a character x character
character & character 
Also, if you request for a reader insert option, I will default to gender neutral (gn!reader), unless stated otherwise. 
You may also include genre. Fluff/Angst/General/etc. If not stated, I’ll let my muses do the judging, but most likely will be fluff
The prompts are as follow:
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Option 2. 
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Headcanon option!
For this one the headcanons you may use can be found from here
On the list it says “muse”, but refers to the character, as is to be expected. 
The character limit and prompt limit are both 3 for each individual request. Meaning that you can ask MAX:
1 character + 6 headcanons 2 characters + 3 headcanons 3 characters + 2 headcanons
As said, those are max amounts for an individual request, but I’m not stopping multiple requests if later on you begin to wonder about another headcanon too. 
Option 3. 
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This is the “unpopular blorbo” option. 
Meaning that for this option I will only be accepting characters that are unpopular, and for whom it can be difficult to find content. 
However, if I think your requested character is “moderately” popular, I will weigh it in your favour and write it for you. (Such a character would be Lagris for example, because I have Langris simps in my circles)
For this event you can request an x reader fic. 
I will default to gn!reader if not stated otherwise. And this will be a SFW event. 
The prompts are as follow: 
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Option 4. 
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In the spirit of Halloween, it’s spooky!
This is an AU where the character of your choice will be a mythical creature of your choice. 
So, you can send me 1 character + what supernatural being they’d be for this fic.
For example “Werewolf Yami”
You may also include desired genre (fluff/general/angst), but I will not write gore. Also, suggestive themes might appear, but this will be one the SFW side. 
Option 5. 
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Last but not least, NSFW option. 
For this, as stated by the blog rules, you need to request with your username (url) visible. Meaning no anon requests. But. I will not reveal your url to the public. It shall remain between us. 
You may request for a oneshot for either
x reader
character x character
Now. Because I’m a woman myself, I will default to f!reader, simply because this is easiest for me. But I can do m!reader, and if you wish, I can try to do as gn!reader as possible. 
The prompts are as follow:
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Happy requesting, drink water, get plenty of sleep and nutrition, and, as always, stay tuned for more BC content  ❤️‍🔥
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roxygobyebye · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Tagged by @shadowtriad! Thank you friend (◕ᴗ◕✿)
Armoured Cradles
Samuel Hayden, wishing for scientific acclaim, makes the world's firs cyborg infant. Unfortunately for the infant, the brain he used belonged to an adolescent girl named Lihi—and she remembers when she was human.
DOOM 2016 and Eternal fic. The first fic I published, and my current longest. I haven't updated it since New Year, whoops. I love that fic very much, and I do plan on getting back to it, but Destiny had an iron grip on my brain and isn't letting go easily. It's about found family between a cyborg baby, a demon murdering tank of a man, and an AI. It's going to be very sweet, when I get it properly off the ground.
Now That I Hate the World
A short oneshot into Taniks' backstory as to why he might be Like That (TM). Details a bit of his early life on the Long Drift, the loss of his mother, and the horror that sowed the seeds for him to become so violent.
This is probably one of my favourite pieces I've done. Taniks is one of my favourite blorbos and since there's nothing in canon that says anything about his past, I'm making it all up for myself. He has never done anything wrong ever in his whole life and I support him <3 I'm planning on releasing a few more oneshots of his life during the Long Drift at some point as well, so stick around for that! And be careful, it will be getting very dark.
Soured Wine
Savathûn has a special interest in Lilith, the Young Wolf. She takes her into a dream and plays with her.
I really love Savathûn <3 this particular piece is about Savathûn's curiosity in my young wolf, Lilith, and what it means for her to be the centre of a Hive God's attention. Dark, scary, and a little bit sexy, this is part one in what will eventually be a short three part series showing Savathûn's growing obsession and possible infatuation with Lilith. It will get darker, and definitely kinkier :)
Half the World Away
Eramis loves Lilith, but she can never forget Athrys.
A very sweet, angsty look into Lili and Eramis' relationship. Some of my best romantic writing I've ever done I think. I'm really proud of how I've portrayed both of their characters and Eramis' feelings about them and their situation. Also, if you're confused what Lili's doing with Eramis when she's also being harassed by Savathûn, it's because I play with my characters like Barbies and these are two entirely separate universes lmao
Berniks the Mittened
In short: I turned a Bernie Sanders meme into Eliksni angst about the possible pitfalls of House Salvation. It has no right to be as good and as sad as it is, but there we go. I'm really really proud of it, please read it <3
Uhm, thank you for tagging me! I hope this was interesting ❤️
Tagging @jack-inaboxx !
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no-psi-nan · 3 years
Nopsi General Tag List
#nopsi meta
General Saiki K meta & analysis, with some headcanons for flavor!
#nopsi nonsense
Memes, shitposts, and general silliness!
Home of The Original Blorbo Breakdown™!
#nopsi fic
Chapter and progress updates for my post-canon Saiki K fanfics - check em out! Moving Forward is my gen+comedy series, and Extra Love Stories of Psychics are the accompanying optional romance fics. I also have a oneshot or two!
#nopsi graphics
Charts, plots, and other graphic design-y posts. Some are meta, others are just for fun!
#nopsi's promptsies
Sometimes I'll open the askbox for people to send in prompt requests, and I'll do my best to come up with a story idea for the characters and/or ship they request!
These ideas are all free real estate: if I post em it's because I have no plans to write em, so feel free to write/draw any/all of these if you like!
#art by nopsi
Check out previous promptsies here!
#nopsi meme
Look at my memes boy.
Admittedly rare since it takes me 5ever to draw anything, but occasionally I'll post a drawing under this tag.
#art for nopsi
Sometimes people draw things for me or on my suggestion and it literally makes me so happy every time ilu guys 🥺🥺❤️❤️
#notes to nopsi
Finally got around to making an ask tag lol. I usually answer asks pretty quickly and I appreciate them 99% of the time! Except for that one organ harvesting anon. Please, this is a comedy anime blog, don't do this to me...
My longest fic series, On the fliⓟⓢⓘde of a meteor, is a post-canon fic in 4 parts, two of which are gen fic with the whole cast and two of which are romantic fics focusing on the relationship between Saiki, Aiura, and Akechi. This future-facing story lives rent-free in my head and there's way more than what's been posted, so sometimes I make little comics and memes about it!
#carnivore posting
Credit to @oatmealcrisp-freak for the phrase, commonly used to refer to Akechi. Full explanation here, but essentially he gives off the impression of being extremely dangerous, and seems to size up other characters on similar criteria.
Nopsi Special Event Tags
#nopsi's milfposting mondays
The madness all started with a Kurumi Saiki x Ms. Kaido prompt. What can I say? Everyone loves milfs.
#mikoto monday
On February 14th, 2022, following the success of #touma tuesday, everybody made cute drawings, funny memes, and swag headcanons for our gyaru queen Aiura Mikoto! 💚💚💚
#touma tuesday
On January 18th, 2022, everybody pitched in with drawings, memes, meta, headcanons, and crafts about our favorite Blorbo, Akechi Touma! 💛💛💛
#nendo titty tuesday
It started as musing about how everyone in Saiki's class believes Nendo x Saiki is a thing, and then quickly spiralled out of hand lmao.
#nopsi hosts a debate
Sometimes I'll have a burning question and no clear answers, so I'll post it on my blog for everyone to give their opinion/perspective. We often come to interesting conclusions or raise even wilder questions in the pondering!
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