#is that how i make sure my gifs don't look like garbage on the dashboard??!?
expelliarmus · 2 years
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rnufharose · 5 years
Blood, Sweat, and Tears - Chapter 11
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Words: 3.4k
Trigger Warnings: There will be blood, violence, mentally unstable behavior, implications of gang rape and sex trafficking, and murder. Please read at your discretion
︻デ═一 ♥
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Sehun had been called out to do a last minute job. Ever since he murdered Jonghoon, a number of clans had been on the move, hoping to work their way into new territory or get their hands on unclaimed goods. The night was dark and moist, fog clouding the streets as the car made its way toward the pier near the Han River warehouses. Chanyeol was seated in the car with him, his hand on the wheel,
"How's the little beauty?" He asked the younger male with a smile. "Is she settled in alright?"
"She's settled in. As for alright, I'm not so sure she's completely alright with this idea," the raven-haired hitman rested his chin on his hand and looked out the window. "She's still frightened of me and I have a feeling she will be for awhile."
"Still scared huh...?" Chanyeol hummed, staring straight through the windshield. The first part of their plan was a success, but he was disappointed that she was keeping her distance. Even so, he could understand why. She was scared. "Maybe Baekhyun and I can see her after her. And Minseok hyung too. Seeing us interact with you will most likely put her at ease."
"It could work and maybe more time with Vivi," Sehun began to think over ways of getting her to break out of her shell. "Just make sure to keep work related topics out of the conversation. She's still a bit shocked over her family beginning associated with this kind of work."
"That can be arranged, and as for you," the older male smirked before pulling up near the FT syndicate's territory, ready to seize it. "Why not use your charms on her? We all know the women at the cabarets we went to can't resist your eye smile... but that would require her looking up at you... we need her to look at you first." He stopped the car and opened the dashboard, pulling out his glock. "Minseok hyung and Baekhyun should be here already."
"I'll find a way to get her to look at me, but it won't be by force. That would only complicate things more," Sehun pulled out his gun with the tally mark etchings, reloading ammo before tucking it into the pocket inside his suit jacket.
Kim Minseok--or as his friends call him, Xiumin--was standing beside a building, his cat eyes scanning the area as he waited for Chanyeol and Sehun to arrive. He was the man responsible for all the coffee imports that came in. Ever since he joined EXO in his younger years, he had helped Suho's father accumulate so much money, and he was entrusted to protect him once Suho inherited the family business.
With him was Baekhyun, who had a wicked look in his eyes as he turned over the silver handgun with a smirk. This look was much different than when he was in the estate with Chen, being mischievous and having a laugh. "Yah, Baekhyun-ah... put the gun away. Don't take it out until we move in..."
"I'm only admiring it. Look how pretty is shines in the light," Baekhyun remarked, looking over the gun in his hand. "Remember, I'm Hyun when I'm out here, Minseok hyung."
"Early as always I see. Some things just never change."
Xiumin heard Sehun's voice, looking away from the younger male and toward the other as well as Chanyeol when they approached, "You know I'm punctual. Junmyeon told me what happened. You took out Jonghoon of the FT Syndicate?" He questioned.
"It wasn't my intention at first, but the guy couldn't keep his mouth shut and decided to give away all the information he had before any of the real fun could begin." The hitman chuckled, remembering the night he cornered the blabbering coward before he could get his felthybhands on Haneul.
"And the girl?" He wonder while they walked into the other syndicate's territory, hiding behind another building where an import was coming in. "She's still uneasy about all this, I'm guessing?"
Chanyeol's eyes were on Baekhyun, smirking a bit when he saw that deranged look in his eyes. He was Hyun right now—while he was out taking another territory. Once this was over, he would be back to being the regular Baekhyun who smiled and giggled brightly, "Nice gun. Is it new?"
"You noticed!" Baekhyun grinned with excitement. "Thought I should treat the boys with a present for our surprise arrival."
"You're always willing to go the extra mile, Baekhyunnie," The other male said, leaning against the back of the building with his gun out. The leader of the FT Clan, Oh Wonbin, was immersed in a conversation with one of his men, his expression slightly contorted. He was a man in his thirties with black hair and tanned skin, his suit blending with the night as anger radiated from him. It seemed he had figured out that Jonghoon had been killed.
"She's kept herself locked in her room. I told her the entire place was hers as well, but I guess she just hasn't warmed up to it yet," Sehun joined Xiumin in their hiding position. "Chanyeol hyung and I were discussing a way in which we think can break the ice a little."
"All this waiting makes me anxious. Can we go now?" Baekhyun asked with wide eyes, on the verge of going trigger happy if he didn't step out and begin his assault.
"Yah! Not yet!" The eldest scolded the shorter male, holding up his gun before addressing Sehun. "If you mean us meeting her, I'm more than alright with that." He looked toward Wonbin, his brows furrowed and his eyes narrow, listening to him yell.
"Find the bastard who killed him!" The man yelled. "If they mean to start a war, we'll give them one!"
"Yes sir!" His men exclaimed.
"Sehun-ah," Chanyeol muttered. "I think you pissed him off... not that I care though. I would have killed Jonghoon too..."
"He crossed the lines between zones and then went after Haneul. He got what was coming to him," the younger male spoke coldly, his blood boiling slightly. "The rest of this clan is about to know the same fate seeing as Wonbin had taken an interest in her."
"We move in and take this territory. We don't use our guns unless we have to," Xiumin said, sprinting away from the building and running up to one of Wonbin's men, punching him across the face and throwing his head against the garbage dump. He watched the man's body slump to the ground, and he turned to face the other men in the FT Syndicate.
"It's EXO!" Another man cried out.
"EXO is here!"
Chanyeol moved away from the building, eyeing the other criminals with their suits, rings and tattoos, all holding metal batons in their hands. He chuckled darkly and cracked his knuckles, "I'm going to have fun with you all..."
"Yahoo!" Baekhyun exclaimed, chasing down a group of men with a psychotic look in his eye. He punched one in the gut, then kneed him square in the jaw when he doubled over in pain.
Wonbin looked between them, watching his men as they ran into the fray. It was his ten men against four, which meant they were outnumbered. Even so, he knew EXO was always a problem, especially because of their hitman. He would be difficult to kill, and paired with his apathy, that made him someone who wouldn't hesitate to take a life. Wonbin took out a set of brass knuckles, "Looks like I know who killed Jonghoon." He said as Sehun walked quickly toward him.
"You know, you should teach your men to keep their big mouths shut," Sehun stated plainly. "I would have kept him alive, but he just had to blabber. He would have been well taken care of with us."
"Like I'll believe that. EXO's always been an obstacle for the FT group," he sneered, taking his stance, his fists up. "Now that a survivor of the Cho Clan has risen, my Clan is in danger. Jonghoon could have taken the girl if you hadn't showed up. We could have had so much fun with her! We could have sold her off for a pretty penny, maybe made her into our slave."
About a minute into fighting, the men that we're against Chanyeol were on the ground, groaning with bruised eyes and broken noses. "Aish... you got my suit all bloody," he frowned, looking down at his clothes, stained with grime and crimson. "Do you know how hard it is to get blood stains off of clothes?"
Xiumin was finished on his end, but another round came running toward him. He took his stance, holding up his fists before he saw three of them holding out knives. "You really want to play dirty, huh...?"
Baekhyun looked up from the man who he had pinned on the ground with his arm held tightly behind his back. "Oh look! More people to play with." He harshly pushed the guy's arm further until a pop emitted from it. The man under him screamed with agony, laying on the ground and breathing heavily, fatigue taking over his body, and he joined Xiumin in his fight against the next wave of opponents.
He glanced at the younger male and cracked his neck, "No wonder you've been hyper today," he said as one of the men with the knives came at him, and he dodged swiftly, pushing his arm away and landing a punch to his torso.
"I haven't had a good fight in ages!" Baekhyun chuckled darkly, finding a slim metal rod on the ground picking it up and holding like a bat. "So, who wants to pitch first?" One of the men charged him. He took a step to the side before swinging the rod and making contact with the man's side.
Xiumin executed a roundhouse kick, the man he was fighting stumbling backward, and Chanyeol jumped up to kick his back, and he fell forward, falling to their feet. "That went well," he wiped away the blood from his split lip.
"And Baekhyunnie is having fun too," Chanyeol said as he watched him swing at others with a rod before yelling. "Yah! Leave some for us! Don't have fun without us!"
"Well then, stop being slow and find your own man!" He shouted before taking a hit to the face. The man who had punched him laughed, pleased with himself until Baekhyun slowly turned back to look at him. He wiped the blood from his busted and swollen lip, looking at it briefly before turning his wicked eyes back on the man, followed by a crazed smile. His grin spread further across his face as he raised the rod in his hand before swiftly bringing it down on the side of the man's knees, throughly dislocating it. The man crumbled, prompting Baekhyun to strike in the center of his back. He laughed maniacally, continuing to beat the rod against the man's back, not once ceasing until a loud crack was heard.
Meanwhile, Sehun had been attacking FT's leader, aiming a fist low and under Wonbin's ribs, hoping to hit far enough under to shock him long enough to get another blow in."Like hell I'll let that happen!" Sehun protested.
Wonbin staggered, watching the hitman close in to give him another attack, but he grabbed his fist before he could, pushing it back with a strong grunt. He cackled, finding joy in taunting the younger male, "All tied up with no way to help her! You'll hear her begging and pleading for me to stop! Who knows? Maybe I'll have my men have a go at her. How does that sound?!"
That's when Sehun snapped. He lunged at Wonbin, fist flying with the intent to break his jaw. He'd had enough of sitting by and listening to him talk. It was time for action. Every word, every suggestion, every sick, twisted thought that came into the other man's mind had him reeling. He wasn't sure why he was losing it but Sehun was now blinded by his anger and hatred. He would kill this man for even thinking about using Haneul as some slave. It was like he was seeing red, all sense blocked out as he continuously attacked, his fists zooming through the air, creating bruises and drawing blood from the FT Clan's leader.
Wonbin fell back several times, attempting to block each attack, but it was proving to be difficult. He knew EXO's hitman was deadly but he didn't think he was senseless. It was like he turned into a monster who wouldn't stop until he was dead. The pain raked through his body, fresh bruises littering his face and spitting blood when it fell from his mouth. Crying with pain, he couldn't move his jaw—Sehun had successfully broke it—more blood spilling past his lips. He looked up at the raven-haired with fear, crawling backward.
"Now look what you've done it. You've gone and made me the bad guy," Sehun sighed wiping his hand across his face along with the bruise forming on it. He looked back down at him and walked forward.
"Y-You're goddamn crazy!" He sobbed as he held his jaw, his words unclear and coming out in slurs, but Sehun was able to tell what he was saying. "Junmyeon is going to pay for sending you here!" The man barked, and suddenly, a gunshot sounded, but the bullet touched the ground by the younger male's feet.
Across the street, another male appeared, his gun poised with a string of smoke rising from the barrel. He had silvery blonde hair, his narrow eyes resting on the other hitman as he approached his leader. This was Hongki and he was the hitman of the FT Syndicate.
"Kill him, and I put a bullet in you." He said calmly.
Sehun turned his attention away from Wonbin to glare at Hongki. Now that there was another hitman here, things could turn uglier than they already were. Another mob war was something he wanted to prevent. If this continued, more innocent people could die and Ha-Neul would have a bigger target painted on her back. He breathed through his nose and put his gun away, the silence of the pier surrounding him. Of course, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Xiumin has successfully dealt with the other men, and that meant this was more than enough to get the message across. However, in the long run, they had failed their assignment and he would have to tell tomorrow when he visited him.
"We're done here," Sehun said gently, turning away and walked toward the car, and his friends followed close behind, keeping their distance when they saw the livid glint in his dark gaze.
︻デ═一 ♥
Haneul woke up from her nap, finding the apartment was silent, her new bedroom dark except for the city lights that illuminated Seoul's skyline. She was warm and the bed was still very soft, and though the feeling was pleasant, she was disappointed that this wasn't a nightmare.
She sat up and rubbed her eyes, getting off of the bed and tiptoeing toward the door. She closed her hand around the doorknob slowly, opening the door and looking at the hallway. The light was on, and so were the lights of the rest of the apartment. She stepped out, closing the door behind her quietly and looked around, opening the door across from her.
She was greeted with Sehun's room, simple and furnished with a bed and dresser, along with a walk-in closet that held all of his expensive clothes. There was another wide window that beheld the city as well as a small basket in the corner with a soft blanket and cushions. She assumed Vivi slept there.
She closed the door to his room and found the bathroom with its porcelain toilet, large shower, white sink and sparkling mirror. The towels were rolled up in the shelf neatly and another hung near the shower, the material soft to the touch, matching the warm bathroom mats. Everything is so expensive, she thought as she walked into the living room.
The door to Sehun's study wide open, meaning he was out. Breathing a sigh of relief, she was able to relax her shoulders, walking into his study and looking over the many books that lined his shelf. She found a leather-bound Bible, a Talmud with intricate designs, and many novels in English, Mandarin, and Korean. There was a laptop on his desk, a picture with Sehun and his brothers, and the chair was made of fine leather as well.
Haneul's stomach began to grumble softly, licking her lips in hunger. She left his office and walked toward the kitchen to find something, her soft steps making Vivi's ears twitch. He had been laying by the coffee table until he found her exploring the penthouse. He stood and walked toward her, his tongue out.
"Hey, boy," Her voice was soft, kneeling before him and stroking his fur, managing to smile back at him half-heartedly. "Your Master isn't home, huh...? Are you hungry too?"
Vivi wagged his fluffy tail that reminded her of a fluffy cloud. He opened his mouth almost like he was smiling.
She giggled to herself, tilting her head, "I'll take that as a yes," she stood back up and searched the cabinets until she found his dog food, filling his bowl with the appropriate amount of food as well as his water tin, setting it to the side. "Eat up... and now," she crossed her arms and frowned, unsure of what to make. "I have to find something to eat too..."
The brunette opened the fridge, and there wasn't much besides milk, eggs, and rice cakes. She sighed heavily and grabbed the eggs, opening another cabinet and finding the last pack of ramyeon, and just her luck, there was leftover rice. In the next half hour, she had taken the rice out of the rice cooker, placing it into the bowl with cooked ramyeon and a soft boiled egg, grabbing her chopsticks and sitting at the breakfast counter, satiating her hunger.
It wasn't the home-cooked meal she usually made for herself but it would have to do. She would have to find some way to ask Sehun to stock up on food. From what she gathered as she searched the kitchen previously, he probably didn't cook at all. It made her wonder if he even ate a proper meal.
Why am I suddenly so concerned? She thought, quickly pushing away any thoughts of him, reminding herself that she wasn't free—that he was a part of a dangerous gang. She didn't know how she would like this, constantly hiding from him and waiting for him to leave just so she could eat and relax. This wasn't living at all. Even though he said everything in this apartment was hers as well, she still felt like a prisoner.
Suddenly, she heard the sound of a key pushing into the lock, and she froze in place, her chopsticks slack in her hand when the front door opened.
"Haneul, I'm back," Sehun called out as he slowly pushed the door open. He walked inside, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Xiumin behind him, and he looked toward the kitchen where Vivi had finished his food, sitting with his tail wagging and his doggy smile on his face. "Where is...?" The raven-haired male wondered before he saw the half-finished bowl of rice and ramyeon. She stood beside the breakfast counter, holding her hands in front of her with her eyes at her feet.
"So that's her," Baekhyun said, his lips pursed and his eyes wide as he took in the girl from head to toe.
"Ah... she's so pretty," Xiumin remarked, smiling toward her affectionately. "And she looks so tiny..."
Sehun was glad she wasn't hiding, but he was still disheartened since she didn't look up at him, even more so when he saw the food she was eating. He truly thought he was keeping her here as a prisoner.
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