#is the witcher YA? hmmm in my opinion
hanzajesthanza · 8 months
hussite trilogy goes so hard even though i know i missed so much. i can’t wait to come back to it in like five years and have my world totally rocked
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spiderlegeyelashes · 5 months
i might have a date ish thing on saturday(?',) i mean i know i have it but im hmmm. i know the guy likes me duh im amazing and hes putting in the effort and the son of a bitch didnt let me pay for my ticket and hes bringing drinks bla bla its a very datey situation but we are stil at the ziomuś kolego bro chłopie stage. hinestly i sont even know if i can be romantically interested in anyone but certainly not this fast but the plan is i will het to know him and become friends and then we will see. im open to having feelings for him hes cute hes got nice eyes and looong very long ginger hair (the kind that shines in the sunlight) and cute glasses, he's also a tumblr boy apparently and he could be right around the corner on here because we see the same memes, and generally we get along, so hes kinda the perfect candidate, this plus the fact that he clearly thinks im awesome rightfullt so and is putting in the edfort to keep talking to me (which is. well i am NOT a texter i text this guy back like once a day in big blocks and j just ouuugggh sorry bro i do like you i just cant stand texting or whatever i mean i can but i ammmm bad at it and it is exhausting to me sorry babe but he keeps initiating so yayi dont have to <3 god i am not a texter BUT THERES NO OTHER WAY TO GET TO KNOW PEOPLE NOWADAYS like umless ur seeing each other very often theres no otherr waaaayyy), oh yea i forgot to mention hes into things like dnd and lotr and dungeon meshi and the witcher he also likes x men and collects vinyls but he is never ever condescending when he talks about them hes just excited and friendly which is cute and also his opinions that ive heard on them are pretty based oh and hes got some interesting fashion tendencies if that makes sense i cant find put a finger on it also hes a fellow regular of the goth komis at grójecka i think idk the one in praga ANYWAY ya hes a pretty damn good candidate mostly im worried its gonna get awkwarf because hes not the confident type but maybe thats for the best and j can carry. i dont know. he also finds my facial hair cool so
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corvns-blog · 7 years
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NAME: heather GENDER: female EYE COLOUR: hazel (i.e. brown/green) HAIR COLOUR: dark brown RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single ZODIAC: virgo FAVOURITE COLOUR: red & black, tho i also lean into a lot of shades of pink and blue/green, tbf i have a lot of fave colours my favourites are usually combinations of colours rather than lone colours. FAVOURITE SEASON: autumn FAVOURITE PLACE: probably my bedroom FAVOURITE HOLIDAY: christmas definitely FAVOURITE VIDEO GAME: HMMMM well if we’re giong by hours of gameplay, it’s Warframe. but im rlly partial to deus ex, devil may cry, ace combat, and the witcher. LAST SHOW YOU WATCHED: smth called genius idk i wasnt paying attention it was just on in the background, the last thing i watched properly was bbc robin hood WHAT’S YOUR HONEST OPINION ABOUT YOUR MUSE / OCs??? : ohhhh boy crow is literally an angel okay, he gives and gives and gives any expects nothing in return and he’s honestly one of the kindest, friendliest people you could ever get to know and when he loves, he loves fully and with his whole heart. he’s the best friend we all want, the bf we all look for, he’s honestly one of the best kinds of people out there and he does so much dumb shit for the people he loves and he deserves 20,000 hugs. WOULD YOU DATE YOUR MUSE?: i would fucking marry him bye WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE KINDS OF THREADS?: HMMM PROBABLY ANGST HONESTLY im rlly good at writing angst, but i need some lighter stuff too ARE YOU A SELECTIVE ROLEPLAYER?: yup DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE OC/MUSE?: i have like a top five i guess, that being crow hogan, tom paris, alistair caligari (an oc), václav koller, and robin hood. not in any specific order. but those are the blogs i just couldnt bring myself to delete ever. WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO JOIN THE FANDOM?: i had a dream, once, abt crow hogan, that reminded me how much i loved him when i was a kid and then i made the mistake of making a blog for him. at the time, i didnt think there even was a fandom. DO YOU SEE YOURSELF STAYING WITH THE FANDOM FOR A LONG TIME?: im never deleting crow’s blog so ya you’re stuck with me forever
TAGGED BY: @accsyn TAGGING: im tagging anyone that sees this post okay if ur reading this, im tagging u,
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ramadityaknight · 5 years
"No, I am not forgetting my dorkiness! This blog, I mean, and here's the reason!"
Minggu ini gelaran E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) 2019 baru aja kelar. FYI, E3 adalah ajang di mana segala hal kekinian tentang video game diumumin ke publik.
I'll make it short. For a retro gamer like me, ada dua momen yang bikin dada ini bener-bener kayak digedor-gedor. Air mata ngucur, badan gemeteran, dan mulut teriak "F*D%^%#86&##$%%P&#^@&%!" In a good way, tentu saja! :)
So, yang gue tulis di bawah ini bukan review lengkap bin akurat apalagi ulasan profesional yang disokong data akademis (what the?). This is just my dorky opinion, kay?
* Nintendo Direct E3 2019
NOTE: Tonton tayangan lengkapnya di sini: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zr9eAtwcYlo
Nintendo and me. Kayaknya nggak usah diceritain lagi deh, about how we grow up together and become great lover to each other. So, ini beberapa hal yang menurut gue keren dari Nintendo Direct E3 2019.
Banyak game baru bakal diluncurin, seperti Luigi's Mansion 3, Pokemon Sword and Shield, de el el. Tapi gue cuma bahas apa yang menurut gue menarik. Selebihnya nonton aja di video direct-nya, ya!
1. Rilis ulang dan remake game klasik
Beberapa game klasik diluncurin ulang dan dibuatin remake-nya. Collection of Mana (kumpulan game Final Fantasy Adventure yang sekarang diluncurin versi globalnya), game Contra terbaru (gue lupa namanya, tapi asli gameplay ama musiknya keren), dan Panzer Dragoon adalah tiga di antaranya. Hmmm, sebenernya ada juga The Witcher 3, dan katanya game ini emang bagus. Sayang, gue nggak punya kenangan sama yang satu ini, but I am happy it will come back to Nintendo Switch!
Buat fans Nintendo, game yang di-remake dan bakal jadi spesial banget adalah The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. Animasinya cute dan musiknya keren banget! Kayaknya bakal ada mode untuk bikin dungeon sendiri deh, but we'll wait and see. As for me, game ini emang nggak terlalu ngasih nostalgia, tapi soundtracknya asli bikin meleleh!
Tapi yang paling menarik perhatian gue adalah Trials of Mana. Ini adalah remake dari Seiken Densetsu 3 RPG bikinan Squaresoft (sekarang Square Enix) yang pernah diluncurin di Super Nintendo 24 tahun silam. Dulu game ini cuma ada dalam bahasa Jepang mengingat kompleksnya dialog kalo harus diterjemahin. But, now it will be globally launched, dan dibuat dalam format remake pula!
Did I say Contra? Game tembak-tembakan jadul yang dulu selalu nemenin liburan SD dan hari-hari di bulan Ramadhan gue itu bakal dirilis ulang di konsol-konsol game terkini. Kalo nggak salah, bakal ada 10 game, termasuk versi Nintendo, ding dong alias arcade, dan Sega Mega Drive bakal disertain dalam bundle-nya.
2. Kelanjutan The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Tahun 2017 lalu, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild berhasil bikin fans Nintendo melayang dalam petualangan menakjubkan tanpa batas (Chairil Anwar mana Chairil Anwar?). Nah, di akhir Nintendo Direct, diputer deh tuh trailer super dark nan misterius, yang ternyata kelanjutan dari game tersebut! Sekarang memang masih dalam tahap pengembangan, so mari kita tunggu saja!
Btw, gue juga nonton beberapa video reaksi dari Nintendo Direct. Salah satunya adalah streaming MissClickGaming, gamer cewek yang jadi salah satu channel YouTube favorit gue.
Check her reaction out over here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwjNaIX737g
* Final Fantasy VII Remake - Square Enix E3 2019 Presentation
NOTE: Tonton trailer gamenya (full 2019) di sini: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3xSGv3Hfio&t=12s
NOTE 2: Tonton presentasi lengkapnya di sini: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJvzzivkK28
It's impossible. Nggak mungkin gue bisa ngegambarin isi hati gue, atau segala hal spesial yang dirasain gamer seluruh dunia terhadap game ini. Final Fantasy VII yang berhasil merebut hati banyak gamer, bahkan sebagian menganggapnya sebagai game sakral. So, dengan segala kerendahan hati (lebih tepatnya merengek untuk tidak dihujat), let me put my humble opinion here...
Waktu gue denger suara pointer khas FFVII di video presentasinya, jujur gue nggak bisa napas. Apalagi waktu musik pembuka presentasinya menggelegar, air mata gue langsung meleleh gitu aja.
Untung gue dapet kesempatan bernapas waktu sang produser Yoshinori Kitase dipanggil naik panggung. Doski bilang, Final Fantasy VII Remake (selebihnya gue tulis FFVIIR aja ya) bakal dibundling dalam dua disc Blu-Ray dan akan dirilis dalam beberapa part. Artinya, ini game bakal gede banget dan...dan wow! Nggak kebayang berapa lama gamer butuh waktu untuk menikmati konten-kontennya.
Selanjutnya demo gameplay FFVIIR. Dua tokoh utama, Cloud dan Barret bertarung melawan beberapa musuh. Di sini, didemokan bagaimana cara main FFVIIR, yaitu gabungan dari action RPG dan turn-based RPG.
"You are selling me!" jerit gue tanpa malu ketika mendengarkan musik dan dialog Cloud Barret. Musiknya bro, EPIC ABIS! Berasa nonton film di bioskop! And what's that? Dialog antar karakter sangat harmonis dan luwes? Percakapan mereka natural banget, kayak bukan game but...but but wow! Asli gue nggak bisa ngomong!
"Penonton ingin tahu. Kapan Tifa akan muncul?" tanya announcer. Yap, secara Tifa itu tokoh utama cewek yang paling digandrungi gamer FFVII. Gue pribadi emang lebih suka sama Aerith, tapi gara-gara antusiasme penonton, gue juga jadi deg-degan nungguin kemunculan Tifa.
...dan trailer FFVIIR diputer, dan musiknya keren, dan adegannya keren, dan gue nangis, dan TIFA!!!!!!
I cant' say more about my feelings nor the others toward this game. Gue percaya, jutaan gamer bakal nunggu peluncuran FFVIIR perdananya 3 Maret 2020 mendatang.
Setelah Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII adalah game yang menyimpan banyak kenangan buat gue. Again; can't say more, so....until we meet again!    
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