#is this abt the app store rating again or..?
kalmeria · 1 year
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tumblasha · 6 months
vacation review: taiwan
overall rating: ★★★★/5
cities visited (chronologically): taipei, taichung, kaohsiung, taitung
the good parts
i got to see Moomf (micosu oomf)
i got over the "i can't visit a country if i don't know the language" feeling
nature everywhere
night markets were so fun!
at least half of the population wears a mask at all times (even outside of taipei where the air quality is nicer!)
every train station + tourist spot had a stamp area so now i have a lil booklet filled with taiwanese stamps :,)
food! especially boba and soups :DD -so much liquid.
traveling on the back of a scooter is so mind-numbing, i love being a passenger princess
the bad parts
taipei's air pollution is a lil sad but def not the worst
getting over the jetlag and post-vacation sadness T_T
they killed that duck that i saw in that one tumblr post
overall summary
i think that taiwan is an excellent place for people of all places to visit! especially if you know english, everyone is really nice to english-speakers and makes an effort to gesture-speak or google translate through every conversation
this may be insensitive, but i think that the "made in taipei" brand (country pride of having many ~cultural influences) really works for tourism. previously, i saw friends and co-workers take their japan trip and do all the kawaii things (sanrio store, snoopy cafe, studio ghibli museum, etc), and got sad. taichung really embraces manga, anime, and other kawaii-adjacent things, and it satisfied my desire to go to japan. i've been having a hard time with co-existing with appreciating the good side of japan (mostly art and media) and learning abt the bad sides (colonial history), so it was nice being able to get a positive experience with low "double-think"
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on post-vacation sadness
idk why but this was the first time that i came back from a vacation and i was Sad. like, maybe it's bc i got my period mid-trip and it was some weird post-period hormonal thing?? but i doubt it
looking back, i think that i have never truly been Alone until this trip? when i solo traveled in sp+pt, i was able to talk to the people in the hostel and go out with them. i wasn't able to talk to anybody bc a majority of the tourists spoke either mandarin or japanese, and idk either of those languages. i think that i was alone with my thoughts for too long -> leading to being on my phone too much -> leading to random bursts of crying (?) that lasted through a week after coming back to the US. it was bad enough that i took off all my jewelry and almost cut my hair X|
also any instagram posts that mentions taiwan / east asia kinda ruins my whole day. i wanna go backkkkkk
lessons learned
it's okay to be lost emotionally and physically! being alone is a constant battle of self-love and The Void
i need more international friends bc visiting them in their free time + their country of residence in their work time is so fun
i need to take more pictures of myself! i think somewhere in this trip i convinced myself to download dating apps again and i have no good pics. i also can't post a "taiwan photodump" on insta :(
tl;dr: go to taiwan! but go with friends!!
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nctzenchuu-blog · 6 years
Her favorite
Genre: Slice of life(??), romance, drama
words: 2,855
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Summary: It wasn’t that she never particularly expected him to have the characteristics of the standard ‘idol’ type that forced its way into the industry. The rehearsed greetings and responses that would make any girl swoon, but as he gave her a – what could only be described as choked,” Hello” on a Thursday night at her neighborhood’s corner store, the first thing that came across her mind was, “So his skin really is that damn good!?’’
 A/N: Okay I haven’t written a fic since I was a freshman so clearly, I suck. However, enjoy this first chapter since I really liked the plot I came up for the story, which will be filled with slow burn lol. Also, this is a slight au because I aged up the characters to fit with the comeback for ‘GO’ because it seemed to fit better than me writing abt minors which is weird. So please don’t come for my ass bc this is not gonna be rated R lol.
also please leave a message or heart if you want to see more of this story!
  Chapter 1: The night the moon said hello
 “Because it was raining/ I thought of you/ Because I thought of you/ I was like that/ It didn't mean anything/I hide under an umbrella/And pass by your house/Because I wanted to feel/The emotions of the old days again.”
-     Heize, you, clouds, rain
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It would be an understatement to state that you wouldn’t have expressed the typical reaction any fan in your school would display if the – rather abrupt announcement that an idol group would be having a comeback this week should
provoke in you. However, it was clearly disregarded with a flushed expression, e by the rushed and thrilled whispers amongst your classmates, all visibly excited at the thoughts of seeing their handsome idols potentially holding a concert at your school. No, in fact you had almost damn near cracked the screen of your phone as you couldn’t believe the news that NCT’s subunit, NCT Dream, was having one of the, if not most talked about comeback in not only your school, but on the online forums as well.
NCT Dream, one of the newer idol boy groups in the industry, had been gaining a steady incline of popularity in their home country and globally. With the recent release of teasers for their new title track, “GO”, the group seemed to be a hot topic of conversation around you in class that morning.
Opening your backpack and reaching inside to gather your notebook and writing materials for the lecture your teacher would be giving over European monarchs for History class, you were temporarily halted by a small hand placed upon the top of your desk to gather your attention. Tearing your eyes away from the endless junk in your bag, your eyes trailed the arm of the person who distracted you, only to be face to face with your friend, Sunhye.
Face showing an obvious mirth with the small grin of her pastel coral painted lips, Sunhye greeted you with a bright, “Morning!” as you nodded in response, too tired to speak.
“Hey, pretty sure the news must have hit you by now. Don’t you think it’s awesome that NCT Dream is coming out with a new release? Jeno’s teaser was released today and I swear my heart really decided to fall out of my chest.” A hand was splayed across her chest while continuing,” Like, seeing him in colored contacts made me feel some type of things that only he could do.”
The humorous declaration of her opinion of the teasers bought out a whole-hearted laugh, seeing as it was no surprise to you about her undying love for the idol.
“If I tell you that I preordered three albums with the very high chance, yes, I calculated it, of getting Jisung’s photocard and his special poster at four in the morning screaming at my computer when it wouldn’t take my card doesn’t convince you, then you do not know how much I invest into this group.”
“Ah, you mean there’s the possibility of you getting into the fan sign they’re having this week, right? Jesus, if you somehow get in not only will I be indentured to you, but I’ll make sure Jisung won’t ever forget your face when you talk to him.” Sunhye declared with a ‘thumbs up’ gesture towards you.
“Sunhye,” you started, while smiling at the thought of meeting Dream happening. Fantasizing the thought of seeing the members and thanking them for everything they have done since debut, while holding hands or other silly things the idols would be sure to do as fan service brought about a chuckle within. Not only that, but the chance to see your idol in person was almost like taking a chance at winning the lottery- a rare chance that only a privileged group of individuals had the opportunity to do so, bringing forward a sense of anxiety and you wondered if you would even be selected when they announced the numbers that would be drawn for those who could attend the event. It was nerve-wracking. “Tonight, when you spend the night over at my house we might need to do a prayer that one of us gets drawn. If we don’t, we both might never see them at all.”
She called out your name with a sigh of exasperation, “Of course we will dummy, don’t you know how good my luck is with these things? I know we’ll both go-that’s a given. In fact,” she paused to pull out a crumpled bill of $20 and threw it at you to catch. An unspoken question of where she was going with this reflected in your eyes. “Twenty bucks says that you’ll see the love of your life before that and boom! Fate binds you two together.” With that, she gives a wave of departure and heads out your classroom when the bell rings, signaling the start of first period.
Looking at the monetary paper that was held in your palm, you could only scoff sarcastically that you would bump into Jisung, a popular idol, of all people in the streets. Yeah, the off chance that I would meet him only sounds like the cliché plotline of every drama airing right now-mhm, totally happening.
Your thoughts were interrupted when your teacher came into the classroom, beginning to write important notes about the topic today. Looking at the time on your phone, you became focused at the front of the classroom, easily forgetting the conversation you had moments before.
You waited at the front of the school, leaning against the rough surface of the gate for Sunhye as she had a student council meeting after school, and told you to wait for her when she was finished. With a long drawn out moan, you pulled up one of your social media apps, and began scrolling lazily on the screen to make the time go faster, skimming the posts from your online friends, and other accounts you followed. Eventually, your thumb halted on the screen as you read the words on the screen, absorbing the news that the music video for ‘GO’ would be released two days from now. Ah, you think, guess I’m staying up late again and skipping on homework.
Clicking the side of your phone to lock it, you heard footsteps heading your way. Raising your head up, Sunhye had stopped in front of you, honey brown hair moving around her from the light breeze of the afternoon.
“Sorry I’m late, student council discussed the upcoming schedule for the upcoming festival for the class we’re having next month,” she said quickly while adjusting the straps of her backpack on her shoulders.” I didn’t expect it to go on for that long, though. Can you forgive me?” she questioned softly, expecting you to respond negatively.
“I don’t mind Sun, it doesn’t bother me since we’re friends. However, I really can’t stand hanging around here any longer, so let’s starting heading to my house and we can do some homework. After that, we can put some sheet masks on and order some takeout because the new episode of our drama came out today.”
“All right, let’s get to it!” Sunhye says, linking her arm with you as the both of you walk back to your home, animatedly chatting about different things while the sun began its descent in the horizon.
 It was already nine when you and Sunhye were sprawled all over your king size bed, accommodating the two of you, with more room to spare while watching the newest episode of the new drama that was a new obsession in your lives.
“Ugh- can she really be that dense? This girl clearly has no idea that the second lead is scientifically more fit to be with her. I mean-c’mon! He’s been with her since the beginning, even while she’s been hung up on the main who’s just an egotistical maniac. I swear, the script writers have no clue how to write a story.” Sunhye says with a mouthful of a hot wing, glaring at the television screen in front of her.
“As clueless as she is, I have a feeling she’ll realize that the other guy is the one she should focus on, not because she lost her chance with-what’s his name Minwoo? But because of everything they’ve been through. Hell, wasn’t the last episode showing a scene where she was thinking of him, while she was alone with Minwoo? Tsk- I don’t get this romance trope.” You rolled your eyes, looking at the preview for the next episode with disinterest, momentarily distracted by the sound of your stomach asking for more food.
A glance at the now empty box of wings the two of you ordered, and the whimpers Sunhye threw around claiming she was still hungry- only to ask her what, to which she responded with, “Ramen.” As ridiculous the request was, you had to agree you were craving that the sodium packed snack was a pretty good meal right about now.
Grabbing your baby blue jacket that hung on your chair by your bed you slipped it on, then proceeded slipping on your sliders. Standing, you went and grabbed your wallet and phone heading out towards the front of the door, letting Sunhye know that you were heading to the convenience store to grab ramen and a few other snacks, while she told you to be safe as she turned up the volume of a song that was on her playlist, unable to hear you closing the door.
The moon cascaded a soft light across the sky, illuminating your surroundings as you walked the ten-minute tread towards the store. Walking at a comfortable place, your mind went back to the conversation you had in the morning with Sunhye about meeting NCT Dream. It really would be insane if I magically ended up meeting Jisung out in the open, you thought, a smirk rising across your lips. As if, idols don’t just head out at night where they could easily be trampled by crazy fans.
Looking ahead, you realized you had reached your destination, grabbing the handle of the door and making your way inside, greeted by the cashier who was on his phone, tired and not particularly caring about the customers entering. Oh well, I would be the same, you thought to yourself, now thinking about getting the items you came here for.
 After grabbing the ramen, you decided to head to the following isle, deciding to also purchase some sweets. Turning quickly before looking, you failed to notice a rather tall figure that was heading in your direction, effectively causing you to collide with the person’s chest rather forcefully and tripping on your own feet, falling. Everything happened so quickly because the next minute, you could feel the burning soreness on your back, and bright lights above you, wincing as you comprehended that you dropped your basket with your items.
Bringing a hand up to your face, you cursed under your breath, “What the hell? Asshole.”
Finally gaining a sense of awareness of your surroundings, you realized that a pair of large hands firmly gripped your shoulders was helping you up. Still annoyed about what happened, ready to let this bastard have a piece of your mind when you looked up, and suddenly your argument died in your throat before you could even utter a word.
You must have been dreaming. There was no way this was possible. Did you hit your head too hard and now you were hallucinating, or was it lucid dreaming?
Whatever was going on wouldn’t explain why an NCT member was right in front of you, with a grey oversized hoodie pulled over a beanie, black joggers, and a face mask covering half of the man’s face, looking at you with such an unreadable expression that you couldn’t help but wonder if he was concerned that you busted your back on the floor, or that you discovered his identity that he was an idol.
“Uh, are you J-Jisung?’, you whispered to him, more to yourself, thinking this was still part of your dream.
Now guess you owed $20 to Sun.
Well, the answer to your previous thought was the latter because the moment you spoke those words, the man visibly paled, his grip on you tightening.
The unnamed man’s eyes hardened because his response was a forceful, “Are you ridiculous? You bumped into me and asked a question as stupid as that? You should be apologizing for getting in my way- I don’t have time for this I have to be somewhere,” was the final response-cold- by the masked man as he pushed past you and paid for his items, quickly leaving the store as he got on a bike and pedaled in a direction where you lost track of him.
Still shocked from what just happened, you wordlessly picked up your basket, slowly trudging towards the cashier, not recognizing the concern etched across the young man’s face asking you if you were all right. Ignoring his question, you payed for your things, grabbing the plastic bag and headed back towards your neighborhood.
You felt numb. Cold, was what the temperature had dropped to. Many questions had fumbled inside your head, while the thumping of your heartbeat blocked all other noises, pounding loudly in your eardrums.
Unbeknownst to you, clouds had started to cover the light of the moon, making it harder to see in which direction you were walking. Not walking fast enough, you were caught under the sprinkle of a nightly shower of ran that increased the closer you were to the house.
That’s right, the weather did say it would rain-just my luck.
Drenched and anxious you slammed the door open, slides sloshing due to the water in them and dropping the bag on the kitchen table.
Sunhye ran out you room, hearing the slam saw your current state and headed towards you. “Oh my god! W-why are you soaking wet? What happened while you were gone?” Sun said, tone raised due to her panic.
“I owe you twenty bucks, Sun.”
“Why are you saying that there’s more important things to worry abou-wait. What!?” She screamed. She called out your name when you didn’t give her a response.
“I bumped into him, Sun. Quite literally too, I think I’ll have bruises on my back for a couple of days.” You said bitterly, looking down at your feet.
“You’re telling me you met Jisung? He’s your dream guy, shouldn’t you be – I don’t know happy?’ she questioned.
“Yeah, not anymore.”
“The dude’s an asshole Sunhye, I can’t believe the jerk walked out without apologizing! He pushed past me without so much as acknowledging his fault.”
“Oh no, I’m sorry,” Sunhye softly said, feeling sympathetic to your incident.
“I don’t want to see him anymore, I’m done being his fan.”
Making eye contact with Sunhye, you realized she was holding something back from you, unwilling to tell you it.
“What aren’t you telling me Sun?”
She sighed, nervously biting her nail, a habit since the two of you were in middle school. Her lack of response, made you wonder what was going on, as she was acting rather unlike herself.
Unlocking her phone, she swiped around until she found an email and put it in your hand. “Read it.” She said in a whisper, worried it would slice through the quiet air.
 Peering at the screen you felt a burning agitation in your stomach, anger and sadness seeming to seethe from your pores, as you read the message:
 “Congratulations! This is SM Entertainment and we would like to announce that your purchase of (2) NCT Dream “Empathy” Albums #23746 and #23742 have been drawn as participants to attend the ‘GO” fan sign on Thursday March 22, 2018. Thank you for supporting NCT and we hope to see you soon!
To confirm your attendance, information and instructions regarding the fan sign will be sent in the following email shortly.”
 Guess this meant that fate really did work, but not in your favor.
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danasappdesign · 3 years
Questionnaire responses
1. Setting of base location: Urban/city= 60%, Suburbs= 20%, Small town= 20%
2. What colors, aesthetics, and/or visualizations do you associate with ice cream?
- White, brown, pink. Creaminess texture while being firm in shape. Rounded. Overflow of toppings including sprinkles or chocolate syrup
- White, aqua, any color pastel
- Light brown, white, pale pink, cream, hot pink, bright blue, mint green
- Pink, tan, white, light green
- Bright pastel colors, summer, comfort, and sweet aromas
- Brown, butterscotch, and beige mostly and all the other nudes
3. Describe your relationship with/ feelings toward ice cream?
- Amazing experience to enjoy any time of the day. Uplifting and makes me feel happy. Can never go wrong with a scoop of it. Pure love
- Always here when needed, especially when feeling a bit down or just craving something sweet.
- It's cold but makes me feel warm inside
- It’s my stress reliever and I often crave eating it 😘🤤🤤
- A strong relationship or a bond that never broke
- My certain flavors that are my go tos just feel amazing! It's like heaven in your mouth! Just fun food!
4. How often do you go out for ice cream, or think about going to an ice cream shop?
- Weekends I feel like going out to get ice cream, especially if it is a hot sunny day.
- Frequently
- Once a week
- Maybe like twice or thrice a week
- Way too often but definitely once a week
- I go out for ice cream like twice a month but I think about it a lot more often than that
5. Where do you usually go when you want ice cream? (Select all that apply)
- Local ice cream shops: 40%
- Known ice cream chain: 40%
- Look for something new: 33%
- Supermarket/ corner shop: 7%
6. What is your preferred method of finding new places and restaurants to go to?
- Word of mouth: 47%
- Social media: 60%
- Google/Yelp: 33%
- Walk around and find places: 7%
7. How do you differentiate between ice cream shops? What makes a store somewhere you want to go to?
- The amount and variety of flavors makes each ice cream store unique. Also, the layout of the store itself differentiates each place. I want to go to a place that has the feeling of being a family owned store and has an authentic feeling to it.
- If they have samples and I get to stand there and think abt what I really want without feeling judged
- Knowing the flavors or the extra mile they will go with add ins. Have to go where that's the main/only thing sold .. I'm not big on like McDonald's, DQ.... Fast food place ice cream. I'd rather actual ice cream shops.
- The overall feel of the place. I think if they go the extra mile to promote a lifestyle and make themselves a unique brand I would go again
- I more often go to ice cream shops that have unique flavors and methods of making ice cream
- Showcase, display, and decoration. Large choice of ice cream (vegan, gluten free, variety of flavors), kind employees, and a clean place.
8. What are things you pay attention to online when considering/ researching a place to eat? (ex. photos, reviews, ratings, descriptions, etc.)
- Reviews/comments are very important. Photos of the place itself I pay attention to. Additionally, I pay attention to how well the website of a place is. If the website is neat and provides plenty of information, it goes well for the place as well.
- All of the above. Also word of mouth ratings from friends and family. That way you actually know if it's good or not.
- Photos and reviews, but like real photos, not fake ones!
- Reviews ( photos and rating ), location, menu
- I pay attention to reviews, ratings, and descriptions
- Photos mostly, but also reviews and ratings
9. Tell me about a time when you really wanted to go out for ice cream and needed help finding a place to go:
- Going on a date is very important to know where a good ice cream place is. You could go out in a very remote area on a date and it may not be easy to find an ice cream place near you.
- When I was visiting a small city and was desperate for some ice cream but I knew nobody there to get direction for the best shop in the city
- Never. I always have a place to go because I have a list
- We were looking for a place to eat some ice cream, ended up going to the first place we saw and were a bit disappointed.
- Never💅🏻 Instagram tells me where to go😂
- I know all the places in my city where I can get ice cream.... so didn't need any help!
- My daughter for her birthday wanted fun ice cream with toppings... so I researched and then named a few I thought she would like. We ended up at a place called Orange Leaf. Yummy frozen yogurt with lots of flavors and you get to serve yourself and put on as many toppings as you want. Just have to be careful. When they weigh it to give final pricing 😅
10. Where did your love for ice cream stem from? Who do you share this with, or how do you express this?
- Growing up my family always had ice cream for dessert. Ice cream just resembles being in a safe homey environment and it's the most fun to enjoy with those who too make you feel most comfortable.
- I generally love dairy products and have a sweet tooth, ice cream is both, so it's super! I express my love by ogling ice cream online and eating it whenever I can.
- My family loves ice cream... Especially my mom, she is my go-to partner to eat ice cream with!
- My mom... She's always loved ice cream, vanilla and butter pecan... she always says "ice cream is good any time of the day... breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner." I get my love of ice cream from her!
- I like to go for ice cream with my friends
- Probably the fact that my father encourages my love for ice cream😂
11. How might you go about sharing your experiences, good or bad, at a specific ice cream spot?
- Post a picture to social media: 60%
- Tell or text a friend about it: 68%
- Write a review on Google/ Yelp: 28%
-I do not share my experience: 20%
12. Has social media impacted or influenced how you view your relationship with ice cream? If yes, how so?
- While social media creates the desire for ice cream, the real relationship of ice cream is the experience of enjoying it so I wouldn't say it has impacted me greatly
- Not really! I just take it as everyone has different taste! Someone may say they don't like it. But honestly if you don't try for yourself you'll really never know. Everyone is different in what they like. I'd definitely take their opinion into consider but ultimately it's my taste buds.
- Made me realize all the options available , even if we have certain diets to follow (Vegan , lactose free , gluten free )
- Instagram make it look soooooo good so I want to try it out
- Sort of because sometimes I like to post a picture of the ice cream I get
- Not really but I do fall for a lot of ice cream clickbait pics and love watching the videos of it being made, like the rolled ice cream
13. Tell me about a time when social media played an important role in your ice cream cravings or your love for ice cream
- Just seeing amazing photos of the ice cream itself from different locations wants me to travel to those places to experience what those photos showed
- Ice cream videos are usually on my fyp and I check different places from there. One time I wanted to go out with a friend and I went on TikTok to find fun things to go eat in the city and I found a place called Mr. Dips, so we went there.
- When I see super yummy combos of ice cream being made on a reel or something... I'm like gotta try that. Or if it's based on a character from a movie or a book for my daughter. I Gotta try it.
- When I see other people posting that they're eating it, like my friends
- Generally, seeing people post pictures or reviews of ice cream makes me crave it.
- When looking at someone's story sharing pictures of their ice cream and really wanting one (especially if it's really hot outside)
14. Are there any challenges or obstacles you face on the topic of ice cream? If yes, what accommodations might help with this?
- Finding the best place to eat ice cream that isn't sold by a big brand company. Google tends to put chained ice cream stores at the top of all the searches and I hate that. I wish there was a setting that allowed you to put in specific needs that would pinpoint the exact store you want to go to
- Food restrictions. Not everyone has a large selection of options. So always having some gluten free , lactose free / vegan ice cream options is really good and could really brighten up people's day.
- Not really. Lol. Maybe if certain flavors would be more available. Haggen daz makes an amazing green tea ice cream but I can never done it anywhere anymore. Bums me out... (Sorry can't spell)
- Apart from the fact that I'm kind of lactose intolerant, and I'm trying to shed a few pounds no.
- Nah, not really
- Finding the right richness. I like chocolate but it has to be just right. Vanilla is a bit less challenging but it needs to be rich too
15. How far would you travel for ice cream?
- I wouldn't drive more than 30 min away to get to a store
- 3 hours at top
- A walking distance
- 30- 45 minutes not more
- Maybe a drive across town but I’m not going across country to have the best ice cream lmao
- Depends... how much I'm craving for!! Definitely anywhere within the five boroughs
16. When traveling what is your preferred mode of navigation?
- Maps: 20%
- Google maps: 93%
- Waze: 7%
17. Thoughts on ordering ice cream to your door from a food delivery app such as Ubereats or Postmates? Have you ever done it? Please elaborate on your experience.
- Never done it. It may be practical but I personally find the experience of eating ice cream more enjoyable when going out to the store and buying it and eating it there
- Done it, loved it, but it wasn't really anything special, just plain ice cream
- I have. Honestly, I’d rather go out myself for things like icecream
- So dumb. I did it once. It comes melted. I think the only time I’ve cream is really worth not going into your own freezer for is when you go to a cool shop
- I have done it with a place called Screamery. It’s amazing ice cream and it stays so soft and cold no matter how far. Ofc there’s a limit but it’s amazing otherwise.
- I haven't done this before but I'd be open to it if I trusted that it would be handled well in transit.
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thetrumpdebacle · 6 years
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