#is this what people who accidentally make a tumblr sexyman character feel like?
bubblegum-gf · 5 months
Do you have an intro guide to rtumblr I want to be there but I feel like I don’t know something everyone else knows . If that makes sense
@my-name-is-daniel-yes has a very helpful link in his pinned post that I will re-link to you here, a quite expansive post about the history of rtumblr until 2022
(I think daniel's part of that post is much more relevant and useful than mine)
since you are here I will try to give you some succinct explanations on 4 key pillars of rtumblr. (It accidentally became another essay-)
If I got something wrong or anyone wants to add something feel free.
Explanation: In the summer of 2020 this post was made comparing RTGame to the onceler- the infamous tumblr sexyman. Primarily because he wears a suit and acts as a capitalist in games. And has "onceler energy" This is, I'd say, the beginning of rtumblr and our reputation for cursed posts. Then a blog for rtcler, @/ask-the-rt-cler was made similar to the old onceler ask blogs and we all started roleplaying. The roleplays have been dead for a while. See rtcler's blog for more information or more confusion. Additionally a lot of fanart and stuff was made so I think rtcler became pretty well-known.
Explanation: This post is very long and most of it won't make sense. But it is extremely important to rtumblr. I will tell you why this post exists. In November 2021, RTGame tweeted that he looked at tumblr and was surprised by the amount of fanart here. Followed by "Who is the onceler, like really." Everyone freaked out wondering if he knows about rtcler, how much he's seen, and if he has a secret tumblr blog. Soon people started making blogs like notrtgame or not-not-rtgame or I-am-rtgame as if they were rt's secret tumblr blog. Then Fluffy posted The Board, trying to describe the relationship between RT, people associated with him, AU versions of him, and these fake rt blogs. It got out of hand fast. This led to more roleplays as c!Fluffy becomes crazy? mad with power? putting more and more rts on The Board. Those roleplays are also kinda dead right now but by god there's a lot of lore there over the past few years. There's more posts explaining all that somewhere.
This google doc is also in @my-name-is-daniel-yes's pinned post as mentioned above. It contains links to over 600 RTGame AUs, ranging in complexity from a full on AU with lore, to art of a cute design, to a singular post just suggesting it as an AU. There's not gonna be a pop quiz on this you don't have to know all this. I just put it here because I feel like we reference it a lot when talking about how many rts there are (or at least I do, I'm obsessed with the concept). Have a little scroll through if you want, people make a lot of cool stuff and perhaps you'll see something you like.
He is also a tumblr sexyman he's on the wiki. If you haven't seen rt's miitopia series he's a character in that. Rtumblr fell in love with him and likes to ship him with Chat. I thought it was important to include him because he's still quite popular even after like 2 years. Someone else talk about him more I can't write any more. The dandelion theory
That's all I got
If you do have a question don't be shy you can always go "hey what the FUCK is this! #rtumblr" and we will run to you with many many links.
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zombvibes · 2 years
If I get one more comment saying that teammateswap!berdly is attractive, I will lose my mind /lh
He’s meant to be this dorky chemical waste smelling goth gamer kid and YET????????????? PPL THINK HE’S HANDSOME????????????????
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I don't like the trend of labelling fandom doing common fandom things as racist the moment a property with characters who aren't white gets popular. I remember when Encanto came out I, even before seeing the movie, knew there would be a shit ton of incest shipping and tons of "the big mean family doesn't understand poor woobie Mirabel and might even be abusive" fic with the mysterious rat man already a fan favourite and commonly paired with her in a (mostly) platonic kindred spirit way. The shapeshifter is gonna get a lot of genderqueer headcanons too obviously.
And guess what? I was right! Of course I was fucking right. Because certain tropes and archetypes often inspire similar fandom responses. Incest is obvious, the main focus is a large blood family and their relationships. Even before the lack of named or significant characters outside the family, incest was inevitable. The Loud House, which is another family friendly cartoon focusing on a large family, is basically all incest.
Mirabel is the oddball who, while not truly neglected, is sidelined by her family on accident due to them being wonderfully flawed characters, so of course fandom exaggerates that for drama sometimes to outright abuse. Mirabel then gets to call them all out or show them up or whatever for that sweet catharsis, or it's used to focus on Mirabel bonding with The One Person (usually fellow outcast Bruno) Who Understands and Validates Her.
And I'm pretty sure the internet wanted to either fuck or hug Bruno from the moment they saw his sad face. Instant Tumblr sexyman. He can do not wrong and anyone who hurt him even accidentally is evil.
Honestly the Encanto fandom (and similar) has been relatively less those things as well compared to other (whiter) fandoms with the same general archetypes and plot-type. More restrained. Which im not complaining personally, I don't like incest, but also I think if you want media starring POC to be popular people need to suck up the fact that fandom will do as fandom does. And I don't mean the actual racist stuff, of which there is a lot but is still less yelled about compared to to the stuff I just talked about despite being obviously more important, there is a problem of people being racist even when they focus on POC characters or double-standards compared to white characters. I just mean stuff that might make people uncomfortable or not focused on the meaningful themes or even a popular fandom trend that happens to align with a shitty stereotype but is legitimately just a thing fandom likes even with white characters.
I've also noticed a lot of pedestal-placing for POC characters which annoys me because I liked those flawed characters but fuck me for enjoying nuanced writing and characters I guess. At least bashers usually label their shit when they decide to make them abusive or evil or incompetent. They're not perfect that's why I like them. STOP MAKING THEM PERFECT!!! It's boring as hell and you can tell the fans overcompensating which feels weird.
I haven't seen this movie, but Bruno is super hot.
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