#is...hideously unjust. and it makes me furious
novelconcepts · 2 years
Honestly if Paper Girls did rotoscope animation similarly to the show Undone (also on prime and also a fantastic show) I would have been in heaven. It would have cost a fortune and would have taken much longer to make, but the visual style would have been more suitable for the kind of small town paranormal vibe, the vivid color scheme of the comics could have been kept without seeming too sanitised, and the special effects would have blended in smoothly and looked so good. I'm kinda sad now.
I think the "cost a fortune" bit is probably what stopped that road being an option. This is a story led by four 12-year-old girls, and realistically, I'm not sure Prime would have been willing to trust that would do well enough to merit the money. Which sucks! Royally. This show deserves the world. It's built on the expectations (real and imagined) of preteen girls and the fury that fuels them, it's got Black, Chinese-American, Jewish lesbian, and low-class queer stories at the forefront, it has a ton of women behind the scenes--it's coming-of-age and dark and silly and so much fun. It deserves that weight thrown behind it. But, as we've been seeing lately...stories with women, especially WOC and queer women, are, um. Not being considered financially valid. Which is why I'm so worried about this show getting another season, even in the form we got. It still can't be cheap to make, and I'm super stressed about its chances.
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