#isa totally told luisa the train thing was a good idea
Okkkk!!! I know Beckett is staying in the Encanto temporary so can we a one shot of him leaving soon BUT, he gives Mira a promise ring since he's coming back in a few months!!! Pretty Please 🥺
Oh i was WAITING for this kinda prompt. Let's GO!
He felt so stupid. How could he let it get this far? An explorer wasn't too far from an entomologist, since they both had one motto- leave things how you found it. Every leaf was kept on their tree, every bug was returned after studying. And yet, he was leaving his mark here. He fell for a real stunning lass. One important to a community. It was rolling up to their first year, and he thought nothing of it.
Until he got a letter today, requesting he come back this week. His father knew nothing of Mirabel, for he kept her a secret. Not out of shame or anything, but because his father believed in love so strongly, he'd make him stay. But he couldn't. He loved this girl, but not enough to forget his duties and his passions. He just hoped she'd understand.
"Bruno, afternoon! How are the rats?"
Bruno was sitting just outside of the house, relaxing under a tree. He had grown to like this guy, even though their meeting was a little bumpy. Bruno saw him, and nodded, scooting over the bench and motioning him to sit with him.
"Fine, unlike you. Telling Mirabel the news today, huh?"
Beckett sat next to him, burying his face in his hands.
"Right. Future vision. How long have you known?"
"Had the vision last night. I wanted to tell her, but honestly, It doesn't feel like my place. Got a script ready?"
"I feckin wish..."
Bruno sighed, taking a sip of his drink, before patting his back.
"Just go easy on her. This is her first relationship. And she really, REALLY likes you. It's cute."
He ran his fingers through his hair in stress, before looking up at the older man.
"Think I can beg ya for a vision here? I'm desperate to know how this ends."
"I would, but I don't do visions on the family. Personal rule. But I think your 'gift' is more than enough."
He was about to reply, when Dolores popped her head out. She knew something was amiss, obviously, just not what, and he could tell it was killing her.
"Beckett. You should come inside, someone's waiting for you."
"Is it Mariano?"
It was a joke, but she clearly wasn't amused. She probably thought this was a break up, and was already planning how to dispose of his body. He bid Bruno farewell, and walked inside. He tried to go into the kitchen, when he suddenly had hands over his eyes, and weight on his back.
He chuckled as he held onto her hands, not quite pulling them away just yet.
"I want to kiss these hands, but not if this is Camilo again."
"Okay first of all Imma beat him up. Second, nope, all me, bugs."
He pulled her hands away, and after smooching them, he turned to see her. His face immediately lit up, he could feel it.
"You're...wearing mom's bow."
She shrugged nonchalantly, as if this wasn't just an incredibly precious gesture of her.
"It's like. A LOT. But it's cute, and I thought it'd be perfect for today. Especially since I have a surprise for you."
Oh no, he hated the fact that her excited smile disappointed him so. She practically pranced into the kitchen, and pulled out a few dishes, putting them on the table.
"Oh...miraposa, you didn't."
"I did! I know you said you missed food from your home, so after doing some research, and a LOT of trial and error in the kitchen, and I mean a LOT of error-I made these for you!"
He was wooed, obviously, by such a sweet gesture. They weren't perfect, and that was when he knew she did it herself, rather than have her mother do it.
"You made boxty?"
"Yeah! I mean, a LITTLE burnt, but I made 'em! Took me forever and now I hate potatoes, but hey! Oh, and I made colcannon! You mentioned you REALLY missed that stuff!"
The bowl was plentful, thick as paste and slathered in butter. It was stuffed to the brim with greens, and it was exactly how the dish SHOULD be served. Then she had to seal the nail in his coffin.
"Oh...Miraposa. There's no way."
"But there IS! Soda bread! I even made your favorite kind- the cranberry ones! I had to have Isa help me get the berries, for reasons, but..."
He made it a point to listen to her, but here, her words started to fade as he just. Watched her. He knew, as he sat here with this loaf of bread (that looked as if it needed another minute in the oven), that he didn't deserve her. His father would adore her, and he knew if he met such a pretty, caring, awkward girl, he'd talk him into quitting his job and staying here. He'd adore her. He'd love her so much, he'd give her the keys to the fucking place. He couldn't help himself. He stepped forward, grabbed her wrists, and leaned down to kiss her.
She was so soft. So vibrant. She was like a butterfly, fluttering in the breeze, determined to see the world and all its beauty. He held the kiss for a good moment, enough that if her father saw, he'd PROBABLY make his presence known. When he pulled away, she shook her head a bit, trying to knock herself out of the trance he just put her in.
"You...really like your bread."
She was so cute. He hated that he did this to her. He should be ashamed.
"I really like you. It's...why I'm sorry."
"For what?"
Could he do this? Could he stand to look past those glasses and be so abrupt to her? No. But it didn't matter. She NEEDED this.
"I...how do I say this...mi amor. Mi mariposa. I can't be with you anymore."
She looked confused, as if him using those words didn't make sense(he was getting better at the language, but his accent needed work. Félix called him a 'white-xican'. Whatever that meant).
He took a deep breath, and decided she should read it for herself. He helped her put the bread on the table, and handed her the letter. She read it over, and took a step away from him, as if he just said something cruel to her. He took a step towards her, slowly.
"I'm going to be going home in a week. On...the day of our anniversary. I'm sorry."
"You're...breaking up with me, then?"
He noticed Félix in the corner of his eyes, holding Agustín back. He WAS making his youngest daughter cry, he was absolutely due in his anger. But he wasn’t scared of them, he was scared of hurting her.
"That...is up to you. While I can't physically be with you, I'd like to be with you in spirit."
He dug into his bag, and got on one knee. She stared at him, completely in disbelief. He pulled out the little box, and opened it for her to see.
"It's a promise ring. We're...a little young to be married, unfortunately. But, if you think I'm good enough, I'd like to promise to be yours and yours only. I will be back, I just. Don't know when. I'll write you every day, I'll send you photos, I'll write you poetry-and I hate poetry. So...what do you say?"
She thought about it. She was uncertain. This was asking a lot of her, he understood. If she said no, he respected it. If her father kicked him out or her uncle beat him up, he'd accept it. She fumbled with the hem of her skirt, trying to coax herself into talking.
"What...do YOU want?"
"Promise it won't influence your choice?"
"I want you to say yes. At the risk of being too forward in present company...Mirabel, I fucken love ya."
She stood straight above him, face immediately becoming stern.
"Fine. On one condition."
"Put it on for me."
He nodded, stood up, and as if he'd break her, held her hand, and slipped the ring on her finger. She was kind, returning the favor. He couldn't help but kneel down a bit to pick her up in a hug. He held her, resting his chin on her shoulder.
"Do you think your dad is gonna follow me home? He looks ready to kill me."
She turned to look at the corner, and gave an awkward smile.
"No no, he's fine! My dad's a softie, you know that. Félix might tell Pepa though, and THAT I'd be worried about. Excuse me. PA!"
Mirabel mumbled/yelled as she pushed them into the hallway. He looked at the spread on the table, and plucked a piece of soda bread. It was kinda bland, but he loved it.
He loved her.
"I still can't believe it. He thinks his stupid job is more important than my little sister? I should kill him."
"It's his passion, Isa. I'd be selfish to make him stay. Now where's the number..."
Mirabel was with her family, who all agreed to come with her to send Beckett off. There was a train station just past the Alma's river (that's actually what it's called on various maps), and it was as busy as you'd think it'd be. She was looking for the train number, as was the rest of her family. Today was not only their first year anniversary, but the day he had to go home for...who knows how long. Pepa pointed ahead of them.
"I see him!"
She looked to where Pepa was looking, and she'd recognize that butt a millions mile away. The group pushed back the crowd, and Félix even grabbed Beckett's bag, so NOTHING could keep her from diving in for a hug. He looked down at her in surprise, yet joy.
"Mirabel! I thought you said you weren't gonna meet me here!"
"I wasn't, but then I realized I wanted to. Then I told mamá, who told Pepa, who told Félix, who told Agustín-wait. Speaking of dads, is yours in there? Are you worried he's gonna see me?"
Beckett put her down, and shook his head.
"Oh as soon as he sits down on a train seat he's out like a light. Which is good, I don't want him to know about us, just yet."
He held onto her hands, sweet as sweet could be. His forehead rested on hers, and she stared into her eyes, one last time.
"Think he can meet me next time?"
"Absolutely. I'd be honored. Hell, both of our parents should meet."
She squeezed his fingers, desperately not wanting to let him go. She wasn't just losing a boyfriend, she was losing a friend. One she trusted and genuinely enjoyed being around.
"Remember that ring on your finger. Imma get mad if you think of other girls."
"What if it was an exact clone? Would that count?"
"Don't push it, Eejit."
"Don't take that tone with me, Culicagado."
She wanted to kiss him and his stupid face. But before she could, he pulled away, just a bit. He looked ready to apologize, when she held her hand up to stop him.
"It's fine, I get it. I'll miss you."
"However much you'll miss me, I'll miss a thousand more, lass. I'll write first thing tomorrow."
She didn't want to, but she let him go. He went into the train, and through the window, he kept looking at her. She didn't look away, not wanting to believe he was actually leaving. Then the train started to sound and steam. She was going to suggest going now, save herself the hurt, only to jump as the thing stuttered and popped. Clearly something was wrong. There were sounds of panic amongst everyone, and the conductor was about to walk outside, when suddenly the train was lifted off the tracks.
"Oh my god-LUISA!"
Luisa was lifting the train effortlessly, tears swelling up on her eyes.
The train conductor, clearly freaking out, called to the rest of the train.
Mirabel was about to try to ease Luisa into putting the damn thing down, when Beckett jumped out of the train, ran up to her, and kissed her. The force nearly sent her to the floor, had it not been for him holding onto her. She cherished it, knowing she'd need it in the middle of the night, when she was most lonely for him. He pulled away after a moment, every part of him looking absolutely flushed.
"I'm...glad she did that. You deserved that. Te amo, Miraposa."
With one more kiss to her forehead, he turned around, and jumped back into the train. Luisa, now in full on tears, set the train down, a bit roughly. She stood next to her sister as the train left, this time, without any other issues. Mirabel watched the tracks, sighing when the train left, and when it started to pour over her head. Pepa was trying not to, but she was crying, soaking the entire family. Thankfully, Félix came in clutch, umbrella at the ready.
"You gonna be okay, mija?"
"...si. I'll be okay. Imma miss him and his stupid butt."
Agustín joined her under the umbrella, hand on her shoulder.
"You want to go get some ice cream? You can get whatever you want."
"....can you carry me, Pa?"
She sniffed, trying not to cry as her dad picked her up off the floor, and helped carry her to get her treat.
Stupid boys and their stupid bugs.
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