#Mirabel was stuck in her room for a while
vulpixisananimal · 4 months
(You wake up.)
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(How long were you asleep? You were asleep so long you were dreaming. You were having a nightmare, more like. You were wandering around Dormont, and no matter what you'd say, everyone else would stay to The Script. Even when you saw yourself at the favor tree, all you would do is say the same stupid lines.)
(You shudder. Never again, please, never again.)
(You look to your side, someone had placed a heaping plate of food on your nightstand. Your stomache growled, so you decided to grab a bite. A quesadilla again, naturally. It was mostly cold now. That would put you at least an hour, maybe two behind schedule. It sounded busy outside, so maybe closer to midday?)
(What WAS your schedule?)
(Wake up, be sick, bump into isabeau, breakfast, explain over breakfast, clean up, prep for the day, go out and do whatever. Ramos came around at about. . . Three hours past noon. Stars, you had to plan.)
(You start to eat as you get up; your body lodging formal and VERY vocal complaints against moving. Stars, you were so hungry, you already finished your first quesadilla and needed another. And you still needed to get dressed!)
(It took a few minutes, but you were up, fed, and ready. Looking yourself over in the small mirror in your rented room, you looked. . . Looked like normal. Looked like him. Looked like you? Maybe.)
(Who were you, Loop? Who were you now? Just the friendly star? Is that all?)
(Ha. hahahhaha.)
(Curse you, Universe.)
(You head downstairs.)
". . . Hellooooo?" (Huh. There wasn't anyone around. They must have headed out or. . . Wait.)
(That noise you heared. It sounded familiar actually. You walk over to the door to the front yard and pull it open.)
(Mirabelle, Bonnie, Nille, Isabeau, and Odile were all there going over battling! It looks like Isa was pretending to be a big ol scary sadness, it was, surprisngly similar to the house! You knew the script by heart too! Next Bonnie would say-)
"Exactly, Boniface. And see? We already have a combo of two right there."
(Ah right, because you weren't there to give that third hit.)
"When we get five of the same symbol, whether Rock, Paper, or Scissors, we'll be able to use a Jackpot Skill. . ."
"Only Rock, Paper, and Scissors attacks count for the Jackpot, by the way. We should be careful with how we use those skills, but we can use any other type of skill or item without breaking the combo."
"Yeah!! A combo will beat me!! Please, do a combo!"
(Hehe, because he's being a big ol sadness and not "knocked out.")
"You heared the man. Let's add three more scissors symbols to our lineup, shall we?"
(. . . Heh. Hehehehehehehe.)
(If you were going to be stuck in Stardusts little body, you will have some fun.)
"Of course M'dame!" (You say as you run past them all straight as Isabeau, leaping at him while he's still surprised. You both tumble back into the grass. You make a scissors symbol, and poke him on the nose with it.)
(Oh he looks so confused. And maybe blushing a little? Oh silly Loop~ You look over your shoulder to the rest of your companions with a cheeky smile.)
". . .Oops~"
"'HEY!!!" (Bonnie stomped the ground angry.) "CRABFACE!!! WE HAD THE MEANIE HANDLED!!!"
"L-language." (Nille was barely holding in a laugh, probably at seeing such a big guy like Isa being boddied by a twig like you.) "Good morning to you too."
(Odile chuckled and shook her head.) "Defeated in one blow. Truly, you are leagues ahead of us oh wise one."
"I was worried we were going to die, oh how strong it was!" (Mira continues.) "Bested by someone who should still be resting up!!!"
"A-ah, I'm doing fine! S-see?" (You say, getting off of Isabeau and sitting on the grass.) "No issue whatsoever~"
"incredible, absolutely incredible." (Odile says, she and the rest coming over.) "You're somehow a worse liar than Siffrin."
"Wh-" (You choke on your words.)
"Do they look paler than normal?" (Nille teased.) "What do you think Bonbon?"
"They look like white paint!!!"
"H-hey guys be nice!" (Isabeau FINALLY sat up.) "Loop just woke up, after all."
"Aww thank you Isabeau~" (You stretch. Huh, Loop, it was kind of nice to be known, honestly.) "And what have you all been up to since I passed out."
"Quite a bit!" (Mirabelle said, shaking her hands excitedly) "Madame Odile had an idea about your looping! And we decided to try and making easier! A-and-"
"Alright 'Bella, how about we get inside first." (Nille says, picking up her hammer.) "Gotta say, y'all really do have the whole battling thing down much better than I do."
"Oh don't worry Nille!" (Isabeau gets up.) "We were traveling for a whole year! We had lots of practice!"
"But until you catch up try to stick back with Boniface." (Odile adds.)
"Maybe I should be telling all you that~" (You joke, standing up.) "But really, I am feeling much better."
"Good! Now, to buisness-" (Odile leads you all back inside.)
(Your allies had been busy during your nap. They had gathered all the trinkets and supplies you'd gathered. You didn't bring all the eqipment you found in the house with you, and you didn't have nearly as much tonics, but it wasn't nothing. Paper mache gauntlets, Wok, etc.)
(They went over basic battling, and brushed up on their crafts. Nille had a solid place in battle too now. She had a nack for countering hits, so she'd stay to the side untill an opritunity showed itself and she'd jump in.)
(They were. . . Thinking about you?)
"-as the theory goes, anyway." (Odile had just finished explaining her theory on sleeping and looping.) "I do hope it's true, it would make everything so much easier."
"And if it does work!" (Mira says, excited.) "In the future just come out and say which loop it is! Everyone talked it out and well, i-it'll be easier to help you!"
"That's. . ." (It was, it was a lot to take in.) "That's really thoughtful."
"I didn't want you to have to do this alone." (Isa is smiling at you.) "We didn't, so, we perpared for you!"
"It was pretty fun, actually." (Nille is leaning back.) "Change, like I was finally getting to join my little sibling on fighting the bad guy."
"Yeah!!! And this time we're doing it as a big family!!!" (Bonbon, they're giving you the biggest smile.)
(You, you don't know how to respond.)
"I know this probably wont be the last loop, so we wont remember, but, that's ok!" (Isabeau. . .) "Because, Loop, I know every other me is going to try just as hard to help you!"
"Me too!"
"Mine as well."
"Same here!"
(Oh stars.)
(O-oh stars, it's, it's all too much. You're starting to cry. You're crying. It's, it's like when you first met them, so kind, and, a-and, and they're treating you like, like-)
"U-UH!!" (Isabeau holds up his hands seeing you cry.) "D-did I do something wrong?!?"
(You shake your head.)
"I think it's all a bit overwhelming. Besides, we were practicaly strangers in Dormont." (Odile rightly points out.)
"Doesn't matter!!" (Bonbon runs over to your side.) "Hey, hey, look at me."
(You look up at Bonnie, they're waving their hands-)
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"You've been helping 'Frin out, and you helped us out too! We're not strangers anymore!"
"Hear hear."
"Alright! Group hug time!"
(O-oh stars, oh starsohstarsoh-)
(You're crying more, they're, they're so nice, they're being so nice. They're. . .)
(They're treating you as you. As Your own person. As a part of Siffrin but, as yourself as well. You're YOU. They know you're you!)
(You're cry even more now.)
"T-th, thank you guys. . ."
(You all stay a second more there, in a big old hug. They don't know who you really are, but they know you're Loop, and Loop needs help. And, they love you, even after all this time, they still love you. . .)
(. . .)
(Eventually, it has to end, and everyone gets back to their seats and you take a few deep breaths. In, and out.)
"Got a plan today then, Loop?" (Mira asks.)
"Well, a few~"
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Isat chatfic pt3
4:34 pm
*MIRABELLE PLUMS added Isabeau, Odile and Petronille*
MIRABELLE: I don’t know!
Odile: What do we do now?
MIRABELLE: well, first, we need to figure out where the crab he is
Petronille: He ran into the forest.
I think he went past our tents
MIRABELLE: phew, ok should I do it?
Odile: yes.
Petronille: Yeah
Isabeau: ok
MIRABELLE: her goes
*MIRABELLE PLUMS added Siffrin*
Siffrin: I'm sorry
MIRABELLE:We don't want an apology!!!!! How is that the first thing you think of?!
Siffrin: sorry 
Petronille: ok, that doesn't matter where the crab are you?
Siffrin: I don't know
Odile: surroundings?
Siffrin: trees
siffrin: sorry
MIRABELLE: anything else?
Siffrin: a brick ruin?
Odile: That's something…
Petronille: anything else?
Siffrin: a
Uhh no.
Isabeau: We'll try to find you.
Siffrin: ok…
Petronille: Don’t move around
Siffrin: Ok
MIRABELLE: We love you. Don’t! you! dare! forget! That!
Siffrin: Thanks ilyt
Isabeau: <3
8:31 pm
Star: We should name this gc its just all our names
Mira: Yeah
*Nille renamed the chat to The Bozos + Odile and Mira*
Nille: yeeaa
Star: yeeaa
Isa: Yeeaa
Mira: ?
Nille: Shhhhhhhh
Bonbon: OK
Odile: *adults
Bonbon: ADULTS
Star: I freaked out and ran away
Star: Ok.. It was because smth reminded me of the loops
Bonbon: so you got flashbacks to the endless school
Star: yeah
Mira: and so they ran off
Star: Sorry
Nille: Hold up
*Nille went offline*
*Nille came online*
Nille: You deserved that!
Mirabelle: :0
Isa: What
Mira: Theres. A rat
Inside my room
Bonbon: COOK IT
Star: Im coming
Nille: ???????????????
Star: Mira is it threatening you
Mira: A little? Im scared of rats so…
Mira: Thank you
Mira: Thats not really necessary
*Odile came online*
Odile: second drawer to the left in the bathroom, in the blue box.
*Odile went offline*
Isa: Did she just?
Nille: She just came on to tell us wher the Ibuprofen is wtc?
Isa: yeah…
Nille: thx ig?
8: 37 pm
Isa: Sif? Mira? How are you?
Mira: They started insulting it
Halfway through it started to sound like they were targeted at themself
Isa: Sif is your capslock stuck again
Star: YES
Isa: Ill be ther in a second
Nille: that sounds so pathetic
Like you can hear how he said the thank you
Because weve all heard that thank you from him
Mira: That was funnier than it shouldve been
Star: My capslock is offff
Im freeeeee
My cage has been openeddddddd
Isa: Sif ina birdcage….
Bonbon: Birdfrin
Isa: Birdfrin
Mira: Birdfrin
Nille: Birdfrin
*Mira changed Star’s name to Birdfrin*
Nille: Better idea
*Nille changed Birdfrin’s name to cats on the stars*
Cats on the stars: :)
Isa: Huh
Mira: Why?
Nille: Hey hes kinda like a cat ok?
Cat + Star obsession = our favourite little guy
Mira: … smart…
Bonbon: Get over here dinners ready losers (Spicy! spaghetti)
Isa: Changeeeeeeee whyyy
Cats on the stars: ill eat it if you dont want it
Isa: well see ok
Nille: Read: I will take two forkfuls and then give it to you silently while staring aggresivly at the table
Mira: hehhe
Nille: hehe (Theyre so)
Mira: Yeah 
Isa: Are you two done making fun of our very serious dilemma
Nille: Boy it is spaghetti get over it 
*Cats on the stars and four other went offline*
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gamerbearmira · 5 months
More resident evil 8 Au things!
So first thing Miranda is absolutely Insane/delusional in game at least to me she was (she quite literally fits the definition of insanity by doing the same things over and over again expecting different results) and I wanted to explore that a bit more in this AU than what we got in the original game, we did get more insane/delusional Miranda in the DLC but it wasn't enough for me because I find her insanity/delusional thought process to be fascinating. Does she need to chill? absolutely! Will she? Never. She's the absolute worst and she will continue to be the absolute worst until Ethan kills her. And your right Miranda is stuck on f tier on everyone's tier list! (Even the Lord's except Monroe because he's a suck up)
Part of Miranda's reasoning for removing Mirabel from Alcina was because to Miranda she was ready to start her lording duties (which she was not she was a young child and that's a lot of responsibility for a young child) but it was mostly because Miranda was getting jealous and kind of paranoid over the relationship that Mirabel and Alcina and her daughters were starting to form at the time and separated them.
Because while you are correct that Alcina and her daughters wouldn't be the best at raising an emotionally vulnerable child like Mirabel was, they to me wouldn't be the worst and would try their best to give her the best childhood they could while she was with them. Were they perfect? of course not, but they tried really hard to be better for her. They all tried to be as nonviolent as they physically could because they could tell that violence bothered her, they spent as much time as they could with her playing/reading/ teaching her things etc, they would give her anything she asked for without asking her to do anything in return and if they did ask her to do something it would be something small like 'finish your school work' or 'clean part of your room/playroom', and most importantly if they did something to hurt her even if it was on accident they would take the time to apologize and try to make up for it. All in all while she was there they absolutely spoiled and doted on her and for the most part Mirabel was actually fairly happy with them, Alcina and her daughters really stepped up to make a safe space for her and treated her as one of their own. Of course she was upset and sad about being away from her family and so far away from home obviously she would have been a lot happier at home with her family but she couldn't be with them because of Miranda. And Maribel does love Alcina and her daughters she isn't just grateful to them for what they did for her. She genuinely loves and cares about them as her adoptive family and will sometimes call Alcina mother and the daughters sisters (never in front of Julieta or her actual sisters though she feels too guilty). She just wishes that they could be better people but they can't because the specific mutation that they have makes it to where they need to eat human flesh and to me their mutation also affects how they act and increases their aggression to the point where it's impossible for them to be in control of their anger and that causes them to lash out a lot and because of that Mirabel tries to keep a distance between them because it hurts her that they can't be better people because of their mutation.
And you were right the creepy casita was not alive when Mirabel first got there it was originally just a regular house that was modeled after her family home with a couple of changes. Like how Casita has their courtyard but it is made completely of tiles The creepy Casita has a garden type courtyard in it with patheways around it and obviously the creepy casita has a very large basement for Mirabel's experiments. And whereas casita is mainly a yellow color with orange tiled roof the green tower and the pink and kind of maroon highlights that it has on the one wall in front and then the one wall in back The creepy casita is a mainly gray color with a black tile roof and a dark purplish Tower and two different types of darker blue colors on the walls The darker of the two shades on the back wall. The way that The creepy casita basically comes to life is that one day a little bit after being sent there (let's say 3 months) Mirabel kind of has an emotional breakdown because of how lonely she had felt and all of the pressure that she had been under and kind of explodes this black mold out of her body during the breakdown and it seeped into the floorboards and walls which Mirabel didn't realize until suddenly the house started to comfort her like Casita used too and the house has been alive ever since.
Miranda forcing Mirabel to experiment on her family just months after getting them back was something that she was always going to do. Her intention when she went to get them was that they were going to be experimented on and it was going to be done by Mirabel because she wanted to experiment on the miracle/magic but at the same time she wanted to test Mirabel and see where her "true loyalties lied" it was just a very happy bonus to Miranda that Mirabel had stopped doing some of her experiments so that she would have an excuse to have her experiment on them and that she could pin the blame for having Maribel experiment on them on Mirabel herself saying things like "if you had just continued to do your job none of this would have happened".
As for ideas for how the family looks. For the most part everyone looks the same the miracle protected their bodies from too many physical mutations so all of them only really have one mutation. Antonio has his eye and I do like the idea of the mold spreading a little bit but not too far across his face I feel like it would spread up to the side of his nose and a little bit into his hairline (kind of like zuko scar from Avatar but a little bit more scar going towards the nose).
Alma has a fairly decent size scar on her throat That kind of looks infected by the black mold like there's a little bit of black veins coming from it and sometimes the scar will start leaking black mold but other than that she looks normal
Julieta has no physical mutations besides the times that her hands start to open up and leak black mold she has scars on the top of her hands though just underneath her knuckles.
Peppa Felix and Augustine don't have any obvious physical changes Peppa's back has scars that look like lightning strikes but are completely black. both Felix and Augustine have autopsy scars across their chest that also look like they're infected with the black mold having little black veins near them and also will leak black mold.
Isabela and Luisa's mutation affects their arms Luisa has scars underneath her biceps and both of her arms have black veins instead of regular veins whereas Isabela has vines that are completely covered in black mold wrapped around her arms.
Bruno's mutation comes and goes basically his eyes start filling with the black mold to the point that it is leaking out of his eyes it makes his eyesight go completely black and he can't see anything for a random amount of time.
Dolores's mutation is barely noticeable because it covers her ears and her ears basically look like they are completely infected with black mold on the inside in a little bit on the outside.
As for bugs for each family members redesign I picked bugs a little bit based off of their personality so
Dolores: house fly
Pepa:Yellow jacket
Felix: rhinoceros beetle
Alma's I kept the same from the movie: monarch butterfly
Camilo: Firefly / lightning bug
Julieta: Honey Bee
Augustine: Red Ant
Isabela: Jumping spider
Luisa: Ironclad beetle
Bruno: sweat-fly
As always any and all artwork is appreciated!
As an apology, I will be writing a snippet and doing more art. I'm so sorry for taking so long I got busy 💀💀
ANYWAYYYY. Miranda being insane, like an actual psychopath??? Like is it really surprising. In the backstory, and the main game AND DLC she is literally making some of the most insane decisions. And she doesn’t have anyone’s best interest in mind,except in this instance maybe Mirabel. And even then,it’s only because Miranda wants to use Mirabel to get back Eva. She will never chill 😭
Her getting jealous of Alcina is wild lmao 🧌 she’s one to talk,I mean. Be so fr Miranda,,,,At least Lady D and her daughters did their best to care for Mirabel, to some extent. And they taught her stuff. The most that Miranda ever did was give her some clothes and some infected toys. Other than that??? Trauma and some terrible scars and the ability to fly 🤕
Also shoutout for dupe Casita coming to live and coming in clutch I mean. Mirabel was probably so scared and stressed out, like that must’ve been a God send for Mirabel cause me??? I would’ve tapped out SO fast 🙏
As for the experiments. The fact that she was always planning it?? Like sort of implies sge had to have been watching and been aware of the Madrigals for a while, planned to take Mirabel, probably break her down and then make her experiment on her family. How low does she have to go 🌚 Also thinming, Miranda also took some residents of the Encanto right??? Bro 😭 you think Mirabel sees some of the people she used to help??? Crazy
Guess the residents weren't very evil 😔 BUT THE BUG IDEAS SO COOL...will eventually make designs for anyone, but for now, these residents who aren't evil
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Also very random question, but do you think Pedro has any relevance?? I mean. Do you think Mirabel might've seen that consciousness can be stored and thought about Pedro? Not bringing him back tho, though she's not as crazy as Miranda lmao 💀💀
Idk just thinking. ANYWAY. WILL BE DOING A SNIPPET WITH ART...probably with Alma, Antonio, and Mirabel somehow. Idk, it's after Antonio's experiment so he's still recovering. But idk if it should be before or after Alma's experiment because I kinda want Mirabel to just apologize, but then I kinda want Alma to be self-aware and realize that she's going to be next, or up next at any given point.
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[The grandkids playing Among Us - not using the chat]
Camilo: Guys, it's Antonio! I haven’t seen him at all!
Antonio: That’s because I’ve been stuck doing the card thing since the beginning! You know who we haven’t seen in a while? Mirabel!
Mirabel, while sewing: I’m dead. I’ve been dead for eight minutes. I didn’t leave the first room, it happens every time we play.
Luisa: I sus Isabela, she’s definitely fake tasking.
Luisa: Hmmm, sounds like something the killer would say!
Dolores: Shut up! We are are in the same room, nobody needs to yell! But yes, Luisa is the imposter, her name is in red.
Luisa: No mi diga, Dolores
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BEGINNING OF ACT 1: The Undead Grow Restless.
Tw: cartoon depiction of a bone (in the drawing), (idk if you would count it but) slight mentions of body horror (barely any, only in one sentence).
(A few days has passed since Vaugarde was saved. Everyone is no longer in their frozen state, and can move freely. The King, however, is stuck in a frozen state, now merely a decoration compared to what he was like before getting frozen. Peace is restored, and everything is back to normal.)
(You and everyone else is in the clock tower. They told you to stay in bed, because you still need to recover from the day you almost destroyed the world. You feel fine, but you should probably listen to them.)
(You sigh, leaning back into the bed.)
(Where’s Loop now? You hope they’re okay. The last time you saw them, you insulted them and left abruptly, and when you went to see them again, there was nothing. No one there.
…But what if they were there. What if they were there the whole time, and you didn’t notice?)
(Stars, don’t think about it, Siffrin. You’ll only feel worse.)
(You shut your eye, letting your body relax into the bed. Breathing once, twice, thrice, however many times it gets you to calm down.)
(A scream.)
(You jolt at the sound, sitting up and blinking your eye open.)
(What was that!?)
(Just before you could think it was your imagination, even more screams call out. One, two, three, four, five six-
They’re all screaming in terror. Pure fear and terror.)
(Oh stars. This does NOT sound good. At all.)
(You hear footsteps approach your door, and it swings open. Isabeau is in front, the rest of your family close behind.)
“SIF!! SIF, ARE YOU OKAY!?” He shouts, his face filled with panic and worry.
You hesitate for a second, not expecting how loud he would shout. “I’m okay, are you guys fine?” You frown in concern.
“W-we’re okay!! We just heard screaming and we wanted to know if you were okay!” Mirabelle fiddles with her fingers anxiously. “You are okay, right?”
(It’s nice they care about you. You don’t want to leave them behind. You don’t want to leave them any time soon.)
(You nod. They shouldn’t worry about you! You’re fine!)
(You watch them filter in, Mira and Isa rush over to your sides, while Odile and Bonnie go look around the room.)
(You all sit in silence for a bit, flinching at the screams outside. Bonnie eventually breaks it.)
“…What’s that?” They point to something out the window.
(You stand up, and walk over to them, looking out the window.)
“What the…” Odile mutters under her breath.
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(Why are there hands sticking out the ground? What’s going on!?)
(You watch them grab at the floor, pulling deformed humans from the ground. You feel sick.)
(No, zombies aren’t real, they can’t be! But…
But that’s the only thing that explains this.)
(You thought this was the end of the chaos and horror across Vaugarde,
When it was only the beginning.)
Kit here, just wanted to do a little writing thing for how the zombies showed up!! This is only the beginning, chaos will happen!! And angst!! Feel free to ask questions, our ask box is open for all!!
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winxanity-ii · 7 months
⌜Tactus Mortis | Chapter 04 Chapter 04 | tu eres todo⌟
╰ ⌞🇨‌🇭‌🇦‌🇵‌🇹‌🇪‌🇷‌ 🇮‌🇳‌🇩‌🇪‌🇽‌⌝
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[A/N: 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨! 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞, 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐮𝐭, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐢𝐧 2𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐎𝐕, 𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 12 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐩. 𝐄𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲!]
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"Please! Please, take me to my children!" A wail screeched into your ears.
Following the sound, you found yourself standing behind a veiled, black-haired, woman kneeling next to the riverbed, the white dress on her body flayed out around her form.
You took a step forward, worry etched into your face as you watched her continue to cry, "Are you okay? Do you need help?" Your words seemingly never reached her ears because the closer you got, the louder they grew.
"My children! Where are my children!?"
You were close enough that you were able to see that the woman was drenched in water; the droplets clinging tightly to her noiret locks, making them seem stringy as the white dress stuck onto her frame like a second skin.
Before your hand could touch her shoulder, she swiveled around, her mouth falling open at an unnatural angle, with blood flowing from her eyes.
Taking a step back and turning around, you prepared yourself to run away, fear coursing through your veins, but in a blink of an eye, the veiled woman stood before you, head bowed.
"My children?" her voice was hoarse, body swaying side to side. "Do you have my children?" With that, she lunged towards you, hands grasping your neckᅳ
You woke up in a cold sweat, your hands snapping up towards your neck.
A dream, you thought. It was just a dream.
Dropping your hand, you let out a tired sigh, your mind unable to get rid of the sound of the wailing woman from your dream.
Looking over at the clock sitting on your bedside table, your eyes stare indifferently at the time: 6 in the morning. Knowing that you wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, you decided to get up and officially start your day, even if it was a bit earlier than usual.
After going through your morning rituals of cleaning up your sleeping area, getting dressed, and saying your prayers, you were ready to go. Tying your cloak around your neck, hood drawn, you made your way towards the Casa Madrigal.
There were only a few people scattered around by the time you arrived in town, most already beginning their work for the day. Just as you were about to cross the path, a familiar build was seen in your peripheral vision.
"Luisa!" You called, watching as the buff girl carried several donkeys on her shoulders as if they weighed nothing. Turning at the sound of her name, Luisa sent you a smile as she dropped the animals into their pen.
"Good morning, Y/N," the brunette smiled, dusting off her hands as she shut the gate before any of the donkeys could escape. "I haven't seen you in a while. Where've you been?"
A sheepish chuckle left you at her truthful statement: you haven't been to see the Madrigals in nearly two weeks. "Sorry about that. I didn't mean to go off the grid. I've just been so overwhelmed with work."
Luisa nodded her head in understanding. "I get it, no need to explain yourself," she told you, giving you a pat on the shoulder. "Just don't work yourself too hard; take time to relax once in a while, alright?"
"Okay, I'll try not to overwork myself." If anyone knew how strenuous it was to keep up with the ever-growing tasks in Encanto, it's Luisa.
"Well, since I'm done here, you want to head over with me? I'm sure Mirabel is up."
You nodded your head, and with that, the two of you were off towards the large and magical home of the Madrigals.
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After arriving with Luisa, you were immediately whisked away by Casita before you could even begin your search for your best friend; the house being excited about your return.
The first thing Casita did was drop you off at your old room, opening the closet, showcasing numerous outfits inside. You knew you didn't have the best fashion sense, but you couldn't help but feel wounded that a house practically called you out on it.
Though instead of denying her, you went ahead and humored the house by picking out an outfit.
Now, dressed in a long burgundy skirt matched with a white off-the-shoulder Campesina shirt, you left your old room with your first objective in mind: to find Mirabel.
You were well on your way towards her room, only to run into Pepa. The energetic redhead practically ran you over as she gave you a bone-crushing hug, leaving you speechless as she both coddled and berated you for your absence.
After finally escaping her clutches, she asked you to do the impossible task whilst she helped set breakfast up: find Antonio and bring him down to eat.
You couldn't find it within yourself to say no to the woman unless you wanted to get rained on, so you agreed to do so.
And that was how you found yourself currently scouring through the large jungle that made up the youngest Madrigal's room.
"Toño~" you sang as you pushed green trees, searching for the little boy. "Come on, come out, wherever you are."
The jungle you trudged through was filled with animals and insects, surrounding you in a symphony of various hums, chirps, and buzzes.
Just as you were about to backtrack your steps to the treetop/treehouse, the faint sound of a twig snapping rang out from a bush to the left of you.
Smiling, you began to talk out loud. "Now, who might that be?"
Giggles were heard from behind the bush as you made a show of looking under leaves and sticks. "I wonder where this mysterious person is." The closer you got to the bushes, the more uncontrollable to giggles got.
"I wonder if they're under..." Your fingers held on to the edge of one of the gigantic leaves, "...Here!" And with that, you yanked back the leaf only to reveal Antonio.
"You found me!" the dark-skinned 7-year-old boy shouted, jumping up from his crouched position, raising both arms into the air.
Smiling, you bent down to ruffle up his hair, "Good morning, Toño."
"Good morning, Y/N," he replied, fixing his long-sleeved, yellow and light orange striped shirt.
After helping fix his red scarf, you stood back up. "Alright, you little alborotador, let's hurry up and get to breakfast before Camilo eats up all of the arepas." And with that, the two of you traveled through his and out of his room towards the dining room.
"Good morning, everyone," you said, the aroma of delicious food wafting through the air as everyone ate their fill.
Everyone replied back with smiles of their own, some even with a chuckle as they watched you enter, with Antonio swinging your hand back and forth whilst singing a happy tune. You couldn't help the warmth that filled your chest as you watched the little boy; unable to keep yourself from reaching down to pinch his cheeks.
"Camilo!" Alma's voice brought out of your affectionate gesture, "Why are you messing with Y/N? You were supposed to have been here earlier to help set the table."
You were confused by her words. "Camiloᅳ?" Your question trailed off as your eyes landed on Antonio, sitting by his father, feeding one of his toucans a piece of fruit.
The little boy was quick to look over at the sound of your name, eyes sparkling in happiness, "Good morning, Y/N! I came straight down to breakfast on time, remembering how you told me that big boys must be responsible!"
You were speechless, your eyes bouncing back and forth from Antonio holding your hand and from Antonio sitting at the table.
"Camilo," the warning tone came from Alma as she watched the confusion continue to grow on your face.
The once smiling child could only pout before letting out a "Fine, abuelita, I'll stop," before shapeshifting into the bane of your existence; the hand growing from a small childs' to that of young adults that easily engulfed your own.
"Good morning, Y/N. It was nice of you to seek me out and bring me to breakfast~" Camilo sang, his half-lidded, green eyes sparkling in mischief as he watched your once confused face turn into one of horror.
Dropping Camilo's hand as if you had touched fire, you quickly headed over to the table, plopping yourself down next to a giggling Mirabel before vigorously wiping your hand on your skirt.
"Camilo, why do you always play tricks on Y/N?" Pepa asked, watching as you pouted at your plate of food.
"I can't help it, mamá. She's the only one that falls for it," the boy laughed as he set himself across from you, stuffing an arepa into his mouth.
Your face heated up at the auburnet's words; he didn't lie at all. Just last week, he was able to dupe you, coming to your house as Bruno and convincing you that he had a prophecy of your future filled with nothing but bad luck if you saw your reflection.
It was so bad that you had your face covered in a veil to avoid seeing yourself in anything that would reflect your face.
"Still doesn't mean it's funny," you grumbled as you stuffed a strawberry into your mouth.
Camilo's grin grew into a smirk as he leaned his arm on the table, propping his chin in the palm of his hand. "Yet here you are, continuing to fall for it. That's pretty hilarious if I do say so myself."
You opened your mouth to respond, your eyes narrowing on his form, only to be cut off by Alma.
"Family, before we begin this day, I must remind you all not to take our miracles for granted and to work to the best of your abilities," the elderly woman said, her back straight as she looked back at the diverse family in front of her. "The second thing I would like to say is to our pseudo-family member, Y/N."
You blinked owlishly at her, uncertain of what caused this.
"I would just like to say that I, as well as many of us here, have noticed your absence from family breakfast and dinner."
You felt your shoulders hunch up in shame, staring down at your plate.
"And for that, I am sorry." Your eyes quickly snapped up to the matriarchy's form only to see a soft smile on her face. "If I'd known you were so stressed I would not have pushed so many appointments on you, cariño. So from this day on, you will have no more than five a day. This will not only give you enough time to recuperate but also time for yourself."
How did she know that I was overwhelmed from all the appointments, you thought to yourself. I never told anyone butᅳ
Your thought is immediately cut off, your eyes moving over to Luisa only to find her already smiling at you with a wink, throwing up an okay sign.
Shoulders falling, you turn back to Alma, a bright smile on your face. "Thank you, Doña Alma."
Light chuckles left Alma's lips at your words, "No need to thank me, cariño. Your health comes before anything else. So, please be sure to come to me if anything becomes too much. This goes not only for Y/N, but the rest of you as well," she finished, turning towards the rest of her family. "Now, with that out of the way, let's make today a profitable day. La Familia Madrigal!"
"La Familia Madrigal!" Everyone, including yourself, said it in the chorus before finishing up breakfast and leaving to start on your job for the day.
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A/N: Hello, everyone! Hope you enjoyed this chapter; I'm slowly but surely am introducing Y/N's gift (though you know it from the description) in a way that just doesn't dump it on you in the first chapter.
This also allows me to build on how she got it as well as her parents and bisabuela (i didn't forget them, I got a plan for the angst muwahahah).
Also, thank you for being patient. It wasn't easy going to my aunt's funeral and I'm happy that you all understood and didn't rush me to update, so hope the Camilo interaction suffixed. See you all next time~
p.S - Did y'all peep who the first part of the chapter was on??? I made it pretty easy to guess tho, hahah.
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achitka · 1 year
Day Five: Cold
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Day Five: Cold
Mirabel sat looking out of her fifth-floor dorm window at the white flakes falling from the sky. She cracked the window open and put her hand out. Little white flecks dropped onto her hand and immediately melted. Tia Pepa’s snow would often melt before it even hit the ground, seeing so much of it in person was just fascinating. Still, the unstable weather patterns here made her miss her Tia, then her parents, then her abuela.
While she never experienced this much actual snow before. She’d read books about the stuff and yesterday the weather was nice, not too cold but blustery. Today… snow. Mirabel shivered when the wind swirled into her room, bringing some snowflakes along with it. The weather in this part of the United States was so unpredictable, and she noticed it was starting to cover the ground.  Mirabel wondered how long it would snow for as she pushed the window closed.
It was quiet here, sometimes a little too quiet. She didn't realize just how much she would miss the random tile movements that had been a part of her life since she was a baby.
She didn’t have any classes today, so went to her desk and turned on her laptop. She promised her Mamá she would write her an email every day. It would be nice if she could call, but cell service was sketchy at best in the mountains. She kinda regretted that promise, but being the youngest of her mom's kids, it was her cross to bear. On the upside, Christmas was coming, and she would be going home to Colombia soon. She hoped she’d be able to see them all, but Tío Bruno was in Mexico to pitch a movie. Isabela was somewhere in Chile doing plant surveys of endangered species for her postgraduate of something or other.
Mirabel clicked her email box and found she had a number of emails from Antonio. She smiled when she realized they had all been sent within minutes of each other. He did that whenever he had something to tell her that he forgot to put in the last one. She counted a total of seven from him, and she noticed she had one from Camilo. That almost never happened, before she could open it, there was a gentle knock on her door.
Mirabel got up and opened it to find Luisa standing there holding out a coat, some gloves and a knitted cap. Luisa lived off campus. She was set to graduate in the spring next year, and that was why Mira was at this university. When she was sixteen, she tested out of secondary school, so her parents decided she could go to university early but only if she went to this university. But if she had to be stuck in the middle of nowhere America, Luisa was the one she'd want to be stuck with.
“Come on, Mira. There’s finally enough snow on the ground to make a snowman,” Luisa said as she came into her room.
Mira took the coat, hat and gloves but said, “I was just getting ready to... ”
“Whatever it is, do it later. It's getting late, and it’ll be dark soon,” Luisa said and handed her the boots they’d gone shopping for the month before. “Seriously, Mira, you haven’t even taken the tags off.”
“I like my regular shoes.”
“Not in the snow, you won’t.”
Mirabel shrugged and took the boots. She glanced back at her desk and then at the window. She didn’t like being out after dark, and these days it was dark by six o’clock. The snow was really coming down, and she thought, why not. So once she was geared up, they headed out into the winter wonderland and made a snowman.
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autisticarach · 1 year
An interesting first meeting
Pairing: hobie brown x Asa Rameriz (kinda they are weird together tbh)
warning(s): none
Summery: The go home machine spits hobie out in one of his friends universe’s only for him to find…
Initially, he isn’t all that sure where the machine spits his out. He knows it’s a room, either a nursery or a bedroom, and that it looks well loved. The room is painted a soft blue, and there’s a fluffy white rug on the floor. All of the furniture is a neat matte black color, with carvings of flowers, vines and unfamiliar symbols as decoration.  All of the furniture is ever so slightly worn, well taken care of and loved. There’s a crib against one wall, and a bunk bed set against another wall. The room is ever so slightly messy, but in a comfortable, well lived way. 
When a sharp cry, a cry so loud that it sounds like it’s directly in his ear, pierces the air, he ducks out of habit, knives out, scanning the room for any threats. He stands back up looking all over the room to find the source of the noise but in a sudden moment, before even his spider sense can warn him, he’s up against a wall, completely stuck. The cold metal of a knife, held by one of his close friends, rests against his neck, pricking him ever so slightly.
“Hey calm your shit,” he says jokingly, because he figures that this is probably just a prank, when he really takes in Asa. He’s barefoot, dressed in a neat black dress with a white apron on top, and he’s shaking so badly that even the knife trembles.
“Hey love,” he says, ignoring the senses that scream danger, that scream threat, “it’s me,” he says, gentle as he knows how, “it’s just me.” Asa’s shaking seems to calm enough for recognition to enter his somehow brown eyes.
He takes the knife away and somehow he’s still stuck. Asa reaches past him, pulls a knife out of the wall, absolutely apologetic. He pulls out three more and suddenly he can move again. He turns to the wall, realizes that in a second, Asa pinned him to the wall with knives. He’s pretty fucking impressed. 
“I’m so sorry Hobie,” He says, bustling over to the crib and pulling out a fucking baby. “It’s just with the kids being home and the stuff that the news has been saying, well, long story sort, I haven't been sleeping and I guess that’s made me more then a little paranoid.” Paranoid, he thinks as Asa checks him over while holding the baby, is not the correct fucking word. Paranoid is for people that are not terrifying and could kill him. He knew there was a reason that he’s friends with Asa.
“Would you like something to eat?” Asa asks politely, rocking the baby back and forth, bouncing it softly. “Is that your..” he trails off, asking without saying anything at all. It’s not that he carers, he’s just curious. “In a sense, she’s my baby sister, her name is Mirabel.” He looks at the baby, the baby who looks almost exactly like Asa. the door opens again and two children rush in, one of them screaming, “Ma!” Asa raises an eyebrow and the child quiets, repeats, “Ma, Luci hit me.”
Asa with an ease that reminds him of the way his mother used to be, strong and gentle at the same time, picks up the upset child and asks, “What happened in the lead up to the hit?” The other child makes an upset noise, silenced by a quick look.
The first child begins to speak, “I was playing and Luci hit me.” Asa raises an eyebrow, hands him a baby,and while adjusting his grip for him, picks up the other child. Look, he knows that being a spider means you’re strong, but there’s something about seeing the way that Asa handles his strength, never fussing or even raising his voice, reminds him why he still works with the society, for the people. “Alright Luci, your turn to tell your side of the story.” 
“I was trying to read and Jaya was yelling and I was trying to signal but she wasn’t listening and I lashed out.” See Hobie knows Asa, knows his sharp cruelty and willingness to kill, just like he knows the Asa that works with the new recruits and helps them through their first days with a calm gentleness. This Asa isn’t either of the Asa’s, this one looks quiet and kind, patient.
“Jaya, were you yelling mi demonio?” The child with a more complicated braid in their hair nods, and Asa makes a soft sighing sound. “Okay because neither of you were paying attention to each other I want you to go and practice your signals, deal?” Both of the kids nod and Asa sets them, watching as they run off. 
Suddenly he knows how Asa manages to run teams so effectively, because he’s just using the same tactics he uses for young children on teenagers and adults.
“Sorry about them,” Asa says lightly, “We’re working on effective communication right now.” He takes the baby back, and turns away, heading out of the room like he’s expecting Hobie to follow. He shrugs because he’s kind of curious anyways, and heads down the hall after them. The hallway is lightly colored, littered with photos, all with a label in Asa’s slanted writing. The hallway spills into a bright kitchen, with yellow cabinets, white handles and books everywhere. Asa himself is standing at the stove, baby on his back, a spicy scent filling the air.
“I’m just reheating some tamales, take a seat at the table.” He sits, taking off his shoes because he knows that Asa hates the idea of shoes in the house with a violent, burning, passion and he doesn’t want to die today. 
“Does anyone at the society know about them?” He asks, watching the way Asa stiffens and sighs. The baby on Asa’s back, Mirabel, giggles at him, reaching out. “No. you’re the only one right now. I’m thinking about telling Diane but I’m scared. I will not lose my children.” He thinks of everything that he has lost, and everything he’d do to protect them if he could.
“I won’t tell anyone, I promise.” Asa turns to him and his posture is loose, and calm. “Thank you so much Hobie, you can’t understand what they mean to me.” He can because he remembers the loss, pain, grief, love, that is family. 
“Don’t worry about it luv, now give me some of those tamales.”
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genderlessjacky · 1 year
⚡ scared of thunderstorms
aight!! one encanto cousin bonding coming rightt up
Abuela had told the Madrigals to take a day off due to the horrid storm happening in the encanto , it's so strong not even Pepa's magic could stop it and it didn't help that Camilo and Mirabel pranked her earlier today by putting a fake cockroach in her tea , they did apologise after but Pepa was reasonably still angry at them.
The thunder cracks and roars outside of the casita , rattling its windows as the living house tries to keep it stable . Dolores Madrigal , the child who has been blessed with the gift of super hearing, did not take this well.
She sat cross legged on the couch with her chatting siblings and cousins while her Tio Agustin played soft piano in the background . The middle child tried to focus her listening on her Tio's piano music but it didn't work , the sounds of thunder kept disrupting her , so she decided to go to her room , maybe it would be more silent there.
She gets up from the couch and quickly speed-walks to her room without saying another word.
Luisa Madrigal caught sight of Dolores abruptly going to her room , she was slightly concerned for Dolores since she couldn't control her super hearing and the thunder in itself was already really loud , she assumed that Dolores would put on some noise cancelling headphones.
But that was before she quickly realised that last week , one of antonio's birds chewed up her headphones and he never told her due to him being scared that Dolores will be angry at him so She assumed that Camilo took her headphones and they both argued for a while before Antonio told her but that's another story for another day.
The strong madrigal very lightly nudged her younger sibling who was loudly talking to Camilo and whispered to her
"Hey Mira , should I go check up on Dolores?
After Mirabel finishing laughing at one of her primo's stupid ideas she said back to her :
"Maybe , what happened to her?" she replied with a hint of concern in her voice
"I saw her going up to her room"
"Wasn't she already in her room"
"what- no she was with us , she just wasn't talking much"
"ohhh if that is the case you probably should check up on her just in case , do you want me to join you?"
"hmm , no need Mira you can continue to talk with camilo as long as it's not another prank"
"ughhhh fineee" Luisa stood up from the couch and briskly walked to dolores’s room and softly knocked on the door as to not disturb her
“Hey Prima , its Luisa , can i come in” she asked
There was a moment of silence before her cousin replied in a hush tone
“Sure..come in”
When the older sister came in , she found Dolores sitting on her bed with a distressed face with her curly hair untied , covering her ears and shoulders while the red ribbon was lazily threw on the nightstand beside her cosy bed
Luisa sat beside her
“Prima , are you okay? I didn't see you in the living room …” she asked with worry in her voice
“Y-yeah im fine its just-”
Dolores turned her head away from Luisa
“Too loud for my gift to handle”
“Don't worry prima!!! Luisa is here for you”
She straightened her back and pointed her thumb towards her chest
Dolores chuckled before an idea popped into Luisa’s head “Prima , can you turn around and close your eyes?”
“Hmmm.. whyy?”
“I think I might have an idea!!”
Dolores turned around her bed when Luisa covered her ears with her soft but rough textured hand , she made sure to be gentle with it as to not accidentally hurt her Prima
“Sooo do you remember the time Papa got his head stuck in a beehive?” the more muscular madrigal started Dolores didn't know what her Prima was doing but it felt nice..all the noises around her were muffled except for her Prima’s
“Haha , yeah!! Mama was so worried , you had to help crack open the beehive!! Poor Tio” she recalled fondly
“Right?? Camilo was laughing so hard when he tried to help , and didn't Tia Pepa scold him for that?”
“HAH she did!! , he got in so much trouble , Mama berated him so badly he looked like a kicked puppy after that happened!!”
The two Madrigal happily chatted the night away , recalled fond memories and asking about eachothers day
The both of them don't usually get to be cousins and bond like normal cousins do due to the chores they have to do but since Abuela changed they have so much more chances for times like these and times like these are what La Familia are for
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
In Glorious Masquerade, I imagine happily talking to the girls who attend except Elsa and Anna in which she tries to distant herself from her ice powers while Anna reminds too much of his brother. He is jealous they have this bond that something he wished he has with his brother.
Rollo: It's strange that you two are sisters yet one of them has magic.
Anna: Eh, I don't care about having magic. Besides, not every siblings have Magix.
Elsa: Sometimes I wished I don't have since...there was a time I hurt my sister that would have freeze her but I will try my best to use my magic.
Rollo: Maybe it is better not to have magic. *Mumbled*
And little convo with Mirabel...
Rollo: Funny how easily you handle alot of magic users around.
Mirabel: Well you get used to it especially when my family has gifts and all that.
Rollo: Gifts?
Mirabel: In my family, someone born in the family will get their magic room and magic based on their interest when they reach in the 5th year. All but my dad and my uncle receive a gift...except me.
Rollo: You haven't receive a gift?
Mirabel: It's complicated...but I got my ceremony yet I didn't receive a gift nor magic for unknown reasons. It kinda hurt when that happened that even my little cousin got it and how it affects my family. But I don't mind, I am part of the family despite having to stuck on the nursery room while everyone has cool huge rooms.
Rollo: ...your family deserves treating like this.
Rollo I can picture being super nice and welcoming to Anna and Mirabel in the group especially, since he has the most sympathy for them and their situations. Where as with Elsa he is noticeably more distant. For various reasons. The obvious being Elsa has magic. To Rollo, Elsa is almost like a mirror to him, how the sisters trauma reminds him so much about him and his brother, only it worked out for them. During the final confrontation, Elsa is probably the one that goes with Malleus, Azul, and Idia up to the bell tower, and maybe Rollo throws it in her face that she's a monster that almost killed her sister. To which Elsa is paralyzed by the idea. She remembers being told fear is her enemy and the vision that people could turn on her, and even though she's come a long way, Rollos words brought her back to that dark place and the housewardens have to snap her out of it. Especially Idia since I've mentioned before that they're friends, so he knows her best out of the three. When Elsa finally snaps out of it, it's full fire vs. ice boss fight, where obviously her side wins.
Then afterwards when Anna finds all this out she smacks the shit out of Rollo.
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hurt-comfort-lover · 1 year
Mirabel AU / Mirabel Angst / Mama Mirabel / Part Eight
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(The beginning of the movie-based plot)
Antonio had woken up and jumped onto Mirabel's bed, telling her that it was his birthday. She grabbed him and pulled him into a hug.
“You know if it wasn’t your birthday I would be mad at you for waking me up.”
“No, you wouldn’t, you love me too much.”
“You’re right you little stinker,” she said as she tickled him.
“Feliz Cumpleanos Tonito.” 
“Gracias Mirabel.”
Mirabel knocked on everyone’s door to wake them up as usual. She did her daily chores, laundry, setting the table for breakfast, etc. Then that morning she went outside to play with the village children since she was already up. Tonito wanted to join her but his Mami and Papa were smothering him and wishing him a happy birthday. She sang and ran around the village telling them about her familia. Afterward the village children asked her what her gift was. She should’ve known that they would ask. Most of the time the talk about Mirabel being giftless was told through whispers and rumors. Mirabel didn’t want to lie to them.
“I wasn’t given a gift.” She said solemnly.
“Why not?” A young girl asked.
“I don’t know why, but it’s ok. It just means that I have more time to play with you guys.”
“Is Antonio going to get a gift?”
“Of course he is silly. He’s going to get a super cool gift, so you better watch out.” She said with exaggerated hand movements. The kids giggled and ran off to play. 
She headed inside, knocking over a couple of things while trying to maneuver through the crowd in the casita. She saw her Abuela directing people, showing them where to put decorations. Mirabel walked toward her as Abuela turned around.
“Oh! Mirabel,” She said.
“Hola Abuela, I wanted to ask if there was anything I could do to help?” Many of the townspeople didn’t have gifts and they were helping, why not her?
“Gracias Mirabel, but today isn’t the best day. Everything must go perfectly. Let the familia do what they do best.”
“Si Abuela,” she said as she left. She decided to check on Antonio and then probably go back to the nursery. Antonio ran up to Mirabel and showed off the suit that he got. She smiled and told him that he looked very grown up. Then she went back to the nursery, soon it would be just her room. It was weird without Tonito’s bed next to hers. She could barely remember what it was like before she shared a room with Antonio. She was worried that they would grow apart like she and Camilo did when he left. Little did she know that Antonio wouldn’t let that happen in a million years. She stayed on her bed and sketched in her notebook waiting for it to be time to leave. She left the room early though, so she could see the progress. It brought back memories of her ceremony, but she just shook them away. Pretending they weren’t there in the back of her head. About five minutes before the ceremony was going to begin, nobody could find Antonio, but Mirabel knew where he would probably be. She went to the nursery and grabbed his gift that was wrapped.
“You know they’re waiting for you,” she said playfully. She dropped her present to the floor,
“If you don’t grab this present it’s going to self-destruct in five, four, three, two…” A little arm came out and grabbed the present. He opened it to find a stuffed jaguar, which he hugged tightly. She joined him under the bed.
“What’s wrong mi hombrecito?”
“I’m scared, what if I don’t get my gift?” he asked.
“Well first, it’s not going to happen. You’re going to go out there and touch that candle and open the brightest door anyone has ever seen! But if that happened in that impossible scenario, you would be stuck with me and I could keep you all to myself.” She said as she squeezed him. 
“Gracias Mirabel.”
“Anytime Tonito.” Casita started flipping the boards, letting them know it was time to go. Mirabel gave him one last hug and took Antonio to his madre y padre. 
Antonio looked out at the candle nervously, he couldn’t do this. He was too scared. He saw Mirabel off to the side and held out his hand. She whispered to him saying,
“I can’t” but he whispered back, 
“I need you.” She couldn’t say no to him, so she grabbed his hand.
“Come on, let’s get you to your door.” She walked him straight to Abuela and the candle as he held on tightly to her arm. Memories of her ceremony flashed before her, but she refused to let them affect her. This was Tonitos night, she wasn’t going to ruin it, no matter what. Abuela smiled at him.
“Will you serve this community in strength and hope?” He nodded and then he touched the candle. He walked over to his door and put his hand on the doorknob. The door shined as a Tucan squawked at him on his shoulders.
“Uh-huh uh-huh, I understand you” The toucan squawked again.
“Of course, they can come!” Animals went straight to him, and his picture appeared on the door. Mirabel looked in awe, she was so proud of him.
“We have a new gift!” Abuela announced as the crowd cheered. Everyone began to dance and cheer, exploring Antonio’s new room. Abuela called for a family photo, and everyone gathered around and smiled. Everyone except for Mirabel that is. Her smile faltered, she should’ve expected this. She didn’t want to risk ruining the mood, so she walked out into the halls of the casita. She walked around, singing about how she felt. It ended solemnly as she saw a crack in the floor, she picked up the broken floor tile and then dropped it when it scratched her.
“Casita?” Cracks formed around the walls and Mirabel panicked. She ran straight towards her Abuela, and tapped on her shoulder,
“Can I please talk to you?”
“Not now Mirabel, we’re celebrating.”
“It’s important.”
“What’s so important that you have to interrupt your primos party?”
“I saw cracks on the walls of Casita, and I panicked and ran here.” She said quietly to not cause panic, she knew her Abuela liked to keep the public happy. Abuela excused herself and Mirabel took her to where she saw the cracks. The cracks were gone though, even the broken tile on the floor.
“Really Mirabel?”
“I’m not lying, I got cut on my hand by a broken piece of tile, see?” She held up her hand. Abuela just shook her head. 
“Just because tonight was hard for you doesn’t mean you get to make things up for attention. That’s enough. Go get an arepa from your Mami and don’t tell anyone.”
“Si abuela,” she said through gritted teeth. She was frustrated, tired, and sad. Despite how she felt, she would never try to ruin Tonito’s night. Her mami gave her a hug and told her that she should get some rest. She dragged herself back to her room the nursery and curled up in a ball against the wall while sitting on her bed. She held her knees to her chest and just cried. There was no Tonito to worry about, he was busy with his party. It was probably too loud for Dolores to hear her, though even if she did Mirabel doubted she would come. She leaned her head against the wall, tears streaming down her face. Her thoughts were out of control.
‘Idiot, why would you ruin Tonito’s night?’
‘You’ll never make your familia proud.’
‘They hate you, at least when they remember you exist.’
‘You’d be better off gone.’
‘Maybe you just weren’t good enough for a gift.’
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midnight-raven · 1 year
Has spider antonio ever gotten caught sticking and playing on the walls by his family??
It’d be funny if it was either agustin or someone else and be like that scene where miles roommate passes out after seeing them on the wall😂😂
OMG! That would be hilarious!
It’s a weird sight for the Madrigals, to see Mirabel and Antonio sticking to the walls or walking upside down on the ceiling.
But it’s becoming their new normal.
Of course Agustin would be the first to find Antonio stuck to the ceiling… then he’d pass out.
In fact, have this little snippet; 😁
On the ceiling of Antonio’s room, Mirabel was sitting crisscrossed while holding Antonio’s hand as the young boy stood on his feet.
Mirabel was teaching Antonio how to stick to surfaces on his own.
“Alright, I’m gonna let go now, are you ready?”
Antonio glanced nervously down the the floor above his head before nodding nervously, Mirabel smiled reassuringly at him.
“Ok, three… two… one!”
Mirabel quickly pulled her hands away and… Antonio’s feet stuck to the ceiling!
Antonio’s face lit up like a Christmas tree, “I did it!”
“You did it!” Mirabel clapped with a proud smile.
Just then, the door opened. Antonio and Mirabel spun their heads in time to see Agustin walk into the room.
“Miraboo, have you seen-“
Agustin’s voice trailed off as his eyes widen and his jaw dropped comically.
“Oh, hi Pa,” Mirabel waved awkwardly.
The man didn’t respond as his eyes rolled back into his head and he collapsed to the floor, Mirabel winced at the loud thump that echoed in the room.
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silverloreley · 2 years
So, the poll decreed I put a snippet from one of my Descendants wips, so here it is, from the Carlos Madrigal fics because it’s the most recent out all the ones I planned (I have 6 or 7 plots with different premises and outcomes).
This is from what should be the third section of the fic, Carlos is in Encanto in time for Antonio’s gift ceremony.
Well, "room" was an inadequate word for such a place. A giant tree grew in the middle of it, among more luxurious vegetation soon inhabited by all the animals that came in and more. Hammocks, staircases, slides, ropes and even waterfalls were everywhere under a soft light coming from everywhere and nowhere, and the jaguar took Antonio up and down among the cheers of the observers.
It was amazing. No, it was unbelievable.
And Carlos' heart clenched in an unpleasant way.
If that was a standard room for a Madrigal, how were the others? And knowing this, knowing Antonio could understand animals while he only got what Dude said because of a truth gummy given by accident, knowing his turn came and went, if there even was one for him, that he didn't get anything special on top of the dreadful childhood he had to endure...
He pushed it back. It was bad, envy was what brought his mother's downfall, her obsession for having what she should not desire brought her to madness, he couldn't let this happen to him.
But it hurt.
Doña Alma gushing compliments for the perfect gift and the wonderful, perfect night stuck a dagger in his heart. And his wasn't the only one: Mirabel too had gone from quietly happy to sorrowful, as her family gathered for a picture and everyone forgot to check if she was in the frame, or there at all.
She slipped out the new, magical, astonishing room unnoticed by anyone but Carlos, who followed her.
«Are you okay?»
«Sure! I'm happy for Antonio, he was so worried his ceremony would fail! I mean, we had two failed ceremonies already, one more would make Abuela so mad!» Mirabel chuckled nervously.
«Two?» Carlos frowned.
«Oh, no. Nononono, forget I said anything! Two, who said two? I meant mine, my ceremony was a disaster and it was the last one, here, done. I have to go, there won't be enough, uh, tamales, I have to grab some, see you later»
«I can help»
«Th-there is no need, really, I'm fine» she assured, betrayed by the break of her voice «I'm totally fine, I'm just standing aside for a bit, it's their time to shine» she sighed and walked out, near the entrance, out of sight from the village gathered in.
Carlos didn't say anything. He could relate, but he guessed the whole thing had to be even harder for Mirabel. Growing up among extraordinary people knowing you're not one, and being chastized for it on top of it.
He thought about stepping back, when he heard a sob and knew he couldn't just let her deal with this alone, so he followed. She wasn't far from the wall, a tad curled up on herself.
«You're fine, uh?»
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Too Far AU
I’m baaaaaack!! Schools been killing me though
Isabela hadn’t left her room since her argument with Luisa. The once beautiful and colorful flowers wilted and turned sickening brown and dark green colors. They rotted, creating a sour stench that filled the room, however, Isabela could not find it in her to care. She sat on her bed and stared at the wall lost in thought. She had thought back on the years after Mirabel's ceremony over and over again, recounting all the times she was mean. Every snide remark, every backhanded comment, every outburst, every petty argument over nothing, every time she got Mirabel in trouble with Abuela over something that was her fault in the first place.
She was a horrible sister. She shouldn’t even qualify for being a sister. Mirabel and Luisa deserved a good sister. One that gave damn them rather than her ‘perfect’ image and what their Abuela thought of them when it was obvious that she didn’t give a damn about them either. She wasn’t that sister. Dolores was. She was right. She was no sister to the, she can barely remember when she was.
She didn’t know how long she was in her room. She didn’t know how much time had gone by. She hadn’t stopped staring at the wall that was now nothing but dark brown rotting petals and vines. Someone knocked on her door and it startled her. She got up and trudged across the soft and squishy floor, her feet sticking to the soil and picking it up on her shoes. She slowly opened the door and peeked out, meekly squeezing out a hoarse, “yes?” She winced at how raw her throat was from her sobbing.
Her parents stared at her disheveled appearance and winced at the stench of rotting plants. Agustin looked at her with sadness as he gently pushed passed her before stopping in his tracks and staring in shock at her room, Julieta followed him and gasped. Isabela stood behind them and didn’t say or do anything. She kept silent with her head down in shame. Her parents exchanged looks of worry Julieta nearly tripped when she stepped towards the bed, her foot stuck in the soil. Agustin sighed and rubbed his face.
He gently grabbed Isabela’s hands and lead her over to the bed and sat down with her. “Isabela. We know there’s something bothering you. We know you are probably stressed with the engagement but your behavior recently is unacceptable. Between your fight with Dolores and Mirabel the other day, and your fight with Luisa today, it feels like you’re burning bridges left and right. You are lunging out at people who love you for no reason, why mi flor? Tell us what’s wrong?”
Isabela stayed silent for a while, only staring at the ground, her face emotionless. Agustin put his hand on her shoulder, “please Isa. We need to know what’s going on with you.” Isabelas lip began to quiver before she erupted in sobs and buried her face in her hands. The sobs were ugly and loud, her face red and puffy. Her parents' shock quickly turned to worry as they began to comfort her.
It took a while, but Isabela’s sobs quoted down into harsh hiccups and quick apologies. “I’m sorry mama. I'm so sorry. I hurt Mirabel. I’m mean to her all the time and I’m a horrible sister. I don’t want to be, I want to be a good sister, but Abuela won’t let me!” And once again did Isabela wail, but now her parents were more concerned than before.
Julieta shifted closer, “what do you mean she won’t let you?” Isabela, through wrecked breathing and hiccups, told them everything. “She says that Mirabel is a problem to our family. That she does nothing but get in the way. She tells me to stay away from her or she’ll ruin my perfect image. She doesn’t want her at the engagement dinner, she says she’ll ruin it somehow too. But I don’t care! I don’t care about any of this!”
Isabela shot up from her bed and began stomping around her room. “I don’t care about being perfect, or about my reputation! I don’t care about everything being pink and its place. I don’t want everything to be perfect! I DON’T EVEN WANT TO GET MARRIED!”
Silence. No one said a word. The only sound in the room was Isabelas heavy breathing.
Isabela covered her mouth and gasped. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I-I know how important it is for the family and I-.” She was panicking now, her breathing was quick and she was shaking. Julieta acted quickly and shushed her daughter and cautiously put her hands on Isabelas shoulders. “Mija, it’s alright. Take a deep breath. Do what I do, okay? Mimic my breathing.”
Isabela gripped her mothers' hands and did as she was told. I’m through her nose, out through her mouth. It was working, the tension in her body began to release and her head began to clear. “Now can you name three things you can hear?”
“I can you, I can hear the house creaking, and I can hear papa’s feet tapping.” Julieta nodded, “good job mija. Now can you name three things you see?”
“I can see my bed, your apron, and my dress.”
“Good job Isa, now name three of your body parts.”
“My hands. My feet. And, my ears.”
Julieta smiled. She gently led her daughter back to bed and sat down with her, grabbed a brush ,and began to brush through her locks. “You did very well, Isa. I’m proud of you. Now, if you're comfortable with telling us, what do you mean you don’t want to get married?” Isabela took a deep breath and sighed.
“I don’t want to marry Mariano. I was doing it for the family.” Julieta clenched the brush so hard she felt like it would break. Agustin began to pace around the room, no doubt ready to match out the room and call off the whole engagement. “Why didn’t you say anything Isabela? You know I would have put a stop to it immediately.”
“Abuela said it would be so good for the family. She was so excited about it. I tried to tell her, once, but she wasn’t happy about the implication of me turning down the marriage. She shouted at me, told me that this was for the good of the family, and that we’d be a perfect match. That it would be so good for the Encanto, to bring a new generation of magical blessings. She didn’t talk to me for the rest of the day. The next day I told her I was just shocked by the excitement, that it was all just so sudden, but I would love nothing more than to do what was right for the family.
She didn’t want Mirabel to be a part of any of it because she felt that Mirabel had ‘bad luck’ and that she’d ruin the engagement. I only distanced myself from her because Abuela would always make comments about how she’s always in the way, and me being near her would ruin me and make me ‘just as bad.’ I know it wasn’t right, but I love Mirabel so much and I couldn’t stand the things Abuela was saying about her so I just did everything she said so she'd focus on me and leave her alone. But then I started getting jealous because she could do whatever she wanted and didn’t have to worry about her future or have to marry someone she barely knew. She didn’t have to get stuck with being perfect, or not having any control over her own future and being a person who you aren’t. She got to do whatever she wanted without having Abuela constantly hovering over her shoulder worrying about getting dirty, and I’m so sorry mama.”
Julieta put the brush down and breathed through her hands. Her head hurt and she felt like punching someone. She knew it. She said that her mama was behind Isabela’s behavior and she was right.
She tapped her index figures against the sides of her nose and breathed. “When we leave, I want you to remove everything you don’t like about your room and make it exactly how you want it, I don’t care what she says. Secondly, you do not have to be perfect. Nobody is perfect, and you are no exception. Isabela, you are a person who can feel and do as she pleases, not my mothers' perfect doll to control every aspect of your life. You can do whatever you want, dress however you want, and be friends with whoever you want, so long as they aren’t those girls you were hanging out with the other day. She may be your grandmother, but she does not dictate who you marry.”
Isabela fiddled with her hands nervously, “ but what about Abuela? She'll be upset with me, and will no doubt blame everything on Mirabel in the end.” She was right. She knew that would be the first thing she’d say, and with what Pepa told her when they went into town, it would be one of the first things out of her mouth.
“You let me handle your Abuela, if she thinks she can mold my children into her slaves then she’s got another thing coming. After you clean up, put on a dress that YOU like, not something she’d want you to wear. It would be nice to finally see you wear the family colors, you’d look lovely in blue.”
Isabela smiled but was startled by a knock on her door. Mirabek stepped in with a blanket in her hand, she recoiled at the smell but continued to walk towards her sister's bed. “Dolores told me you were talking and told why you are the way you are, and I came to ask if she was telling the truth. I know Dolores never lies, but it’d be nice to hear you say it.”
Isabela stared at her sister in shock before scrambling off the bed and standing before her, her hands clenched to her sides to keep them from shaking. “Mirabel. I know I have been a horrible sister to you. I know there is no excuse for what I’ve done, and I can understand that you’ll hate me forever. I have been jealous of you Mirabel. I have played this perfect act to keep Abuela off your back, but I’m the end I’ve become hateful and spiteful, petty and entitled. I’ve become someone who I don’t even recognize.”
Isabela stopped and choked down a sob, “there is no excuse for the way I’ve treated to you, but I thought that if I did what she said and acted how she wanted me to she’d leave you alone, but then I got jealous because you got to do whatever you wanted and she never hovered over you or forced you to marry someone who you barely know and I got so mad because I want what you have. I don’t want my gift. I hate my gift. I hate that even in my own room, everything had to be perfect and pink and I hate it. I want nothing more than to get dirty and be me. I hate pink and I hate who I am. And this whole time she kept telling me that I was doing this for the family and that if I cared for the family I’d do this and that. And Mirabel, I am so sorry. I am so sorry for being a horrible sister and there is nothing that I can do or say that can express that enough.” By the time she was done, Isabela was a snotty, red-faced wreck. Julieta and Agustin clutched each other as they felt they failed as parents, allowing this to fester until it was too late. Hopefully, it wasn't.
Mirabel stood in shock, her eyes filled with tears and emotion, contrary to her stoic and emotionless expression from when she walked it. She just stared at her crying sister who repeated her apology over and over again. Isabela was weeping and didn’t stop until Mirabel wrapped her arms around her waist and squeezed. She tensed and stared down at the girl in shock. “Isa. If I knew you were going through so much I would have done whatever could to stop it. I understand what you mean, truth be told, I was jealous of you too. You had everything I wanted, but now I see there are some things we don’t fully know or understand about each other, and I am fully willing to understand you if you are willing to understand me.”
Isabela sniffled one before she released the biggest wail her throat could muster before she flung her arms around Mirabel's body and squeezed her so hard you would have thought she had Luisa’s strength. She wailed until her throat turned hoars and her sobs turned quiet and she buried her face into Mirabels’ curls. “I promise I’ll do better. I promise no Seniora Perfecta, just Isabela. I promise from now on I will be the best sister ever to you and Luisa.”
Julieta couldn’t help but cry at her daughters. This was what she wanted. She missed her girls smiling at each other and being happy. Now all that was left was to talk to Luisa. She was asleep when she went to check on her, and the poor girl deserved some rest, so she let her sleep. She looked down at her feet and was happy to see the grass and soil gaining their color back. She also noticed a few new flours sprouting from under their feet. “You know Isa, I’m tired of pink. And your room could use some redecorating. Let's strike a deal: You go crazy and turn your room into whatever kind of jungle you want, and I’ll let you put all kinds of flowers on my dress for my Quinceara. Sounds like a deal? The only exception is I don’t want to see any roses or any pink unless it's dangerous.”
Isabela was practically vibrating, then she threw her hands into the air. Vines sprouted from the ceiling, each with different colored plants and flowers. She swung from vine to vine, flying through the air as if she had wings, and anything she touched and looked at exploded with color. A bright smile was plastered on her face and it felt good to be free, to do as she pleased. She dropped from the vines, only to have another one wrapped around her waist, she extended her hands and grabbed Mirabels’ arms, and pulled her into the air.
Julieta, pleased that her daughters were happy, was also terrified that her daughters were so high off the ground. “Ok girls, unless you want to give me a heart attack, get down.” The two girls laughed before the vines released them and they fell into a pile of flowers of various colors. They laughed before standing up. Isabela smiled before snatching Mirabel by her arms and pulling her into a hug and said “thank you.” Isabela smiled before she backed away from Mirabel, a deranged smile broke out on her face before she threw pollen on the girl, staining her face and glasses. “Oh, oh you’re gonna get it now.” The two of them hurled pollen at one another, smiling and giggling like little kids. Isabela’s once pink dress was now stained with all kinds of colors, and her hair had some kind of vine where the usual pink flower stood. She had never been happier. “Mirabel, you’re good with hair right? Can you cut mines please, it feels so heavy.”
Julieta smiled and pulled her husband out of the room as Mirabel rummaged through her bag and pulled out pair of scissors and shoved Isabela in front of the vanity.
Dinner, for the most part, started off great. Pepa and Dolores sat next to each other with Mirabel's sketchbook pointing at different designs for their bows. Camilo joined them after they told him what they were looking at. “Do you think she’d make me a new Ruana?” He was just as excited as his mother and sister. Luisa had come down, looking far more refreshed and rejuvenated. Agustin had filled the table in on Mirabel and Isabela’s situation, and it filled the table with hope and smiles, and Camilo had planned on telling Isabela about the plan for Mirabel's quinceanera, however, all talking and happiness was sucked out of the room when Abuela walked in.
She looked around at the table with a harsh glare and only to have the harsh glares returned to her. She sat down at the front of the table and locked onto the two empty seats at the far end of the table. “Where is Isabela? She will be late for dinner.” The table remained silent. She asked again, but Pepa barely spared her a glance. Julieta came up behind her after setting down everyone's drinks. “She and Mirabel are upstairs spending time together as sisters.” Abuela scoffed and began getting up. “I told them they can, they are my daughters, not yours. They shouldn’t have to seek permission from you to spend time together as sisters. That is final.”
“It’s always Mirabel. This is the third time today that she has disrupted this family commitment to the town. Julieta, she must understand that not everything revolves around her and she can’t have things her way.” Julieta smalled her hand on the table in a fury . “Now you listen here. I don’t understand your resent of my daughter but I’ve had enough of it. I’m doing what I should have done this long ago. You have been too invested in my daughters lives. Isabela is not your plaything, Luisa is not your mule, and Mirabel is not some stain that you can wipe away and forget about and get angry at every time you see her.”
The room fell silent when the sounds of two girls laughing together came from upstairs. “Do you really like it?” That was Mirabel, she sounded excited. “Are you kidding me I love it! What do you think of the dress? Be honest how does it look?” And that was Isabela. She sounded just as, if not more excited than Mirabel. They slid down the railing and landed just outside the kitchen. “You look great. They’ll love it, and whoever doesn’t will just have to deal with it . And you have nothing to fear, I’ll have your back throught the whole thing, you can even sit next to me and Dolores.”
Abuela nearly shot up from her seat but was forcefully put back down by Julieta who gave her a look that said try and get up and ruin this for them. I dare you. Mirabel was the first one to enter the dining room, a bright smile on her face and some color in her hair. She stood next to the door and reached her arm out. “Everyone I want you to meet the new and happier Isabela.” The 21 year old stepped from behind the threshold of the door, and the whole room was chaos.
Pepa was raining, but in a way that would make you think she was upset, they were happy tears, even the cloud even had a rainbow in it. “Oh, Isabela you look beautiful.” Felix clapped and whistled, calling the two girls angels. “You look gorgeous Isa, I love what you did with the dress, and your hair is even better”, Dolores told her as she scooted over her chair and made room for her prima to sit.
Isabela’s lilac dress was replaced with a lighter shade of indigo with splashes of different colors on the bottom and bright flowers on the waist and in her hair. Speaking of her hair, her once long waist-length black hair was now chin length with a single orange mayflower on the left side of her head. You could see the fear disappear from Isabela as she looked over to Mirabel and said “Thank you.”
Surpringling, Abuela didn’t say anything. Probably out of shock, and from the glare she was getting from Agustin, daring her to ruin her daughter’s happiness. The dinner progressed without issue. The conversations were filled with praises for the now better relationship between the two sisters. During the dinner Isabela turned to Luisa and apologized, properly. Telling her exactly what she said to Mirabel, leaving out the parts about Abuela, saying she’d do everything she could to be a better sister.
“Isabela the engagement dinner has been moved up to this weekend. I’ve spoken to Seniora Guzman and she-.”
“The engagement is off.”
Julieta shifted just a little bit closer to her daughter who looked a little nervous. She knew what was coming. Abuela didn’t say anything for a moment, completely lost and confused, until all confusion turned into complete rage. “What do you mean the engagement is off!” She shouted, forcing poor Dolores to wince and cover her ears.
“What I mean is that Isabela and Mariano are not getting married.” “I heard that Julieta, I’m asking why. Why aren’t they? What did you do?” Abuela pointed an accusing finger at Mirabel who only smirked at her. Julieta rose from her seat, fury painted on her face.
“Mirabel did nothing wrong. Isabela told ME that she didn���t want to get married. That the only reason she agreed to it was because she wanted to do what she thought was right for the family, and because you made her feel she had no other choice.” Under the table, Mirabel slid her hand onto Isabela’s and squeezed reassuringly, making sure she knew she’d be ok.
“Julieta, this is what I am talking about. Whoever associates with Mirabel goes out of control! Look at Isabela! She looks ridiculous! Look what she’s done to hair!”
“Isabela looks beautiful, how dare you?” Everyone can’t to the two girls' defense, berating Abuela for saying such horrible things about her own grandchildren. “Isabela has every right to marry who she wants. You have no right to make that choice for her and then be angry when she wants to be her own person.”
“This is my house Julieta! What I say goes!”
“And these are my children! You have no right to tell me how to raise my kids, or tell them they can’t be around each other, or force control over their lives! She wasn’t happy.” “Of course she isn’t happy, look what Mirabel did to her. She was perfectly happy before!”
“I wasn’t happy at all!”
Eyes turned to Isabela, who was heaving and furious, her hand still locked with Mirabels. “I wasn’t happy at all. I hated who I was before! I was mean to my sister because I was jealous that you wouldn’t hyper focus on her like you would me! I was jealous that she got to do whatever she wanted without you constantly hovering over her shoulder. I distanced myself from her because I didn’t want YOU saying anything harmful about her like you always do. I just wanted to give her a break from you, but that wasn’t enough for you! You didn’t want me around her at all! You don’t even want her around!”
“Look what she did to you! If you were so unhappy, why didn’t you say anything? She’s ruined you!” Isabela felt like she was about to snap. She groaned and pointed to her hair, “I ASKED her to do this! I ASKED her to cut my hair! I ASKED HER to help me with my dress! I am SICK of pretty and pink and perfect! That’s what YOU want! You want me to marry a man I don’t love! I just want to be me!”
“It would have been good for the Encanto! For the family! It would have brought in a new generation of magic and kept the miracle alive! Why couldn’t you think about that?”
Isabela snapped. Plants of all kinds sprouted from everywhere, none anyone had ever seen before. Isabela shouted and screamed, accusing Abuela of caring about none of them, that all she loved was her miracle. By the time she finished, she dragged her sister's hands and dragged them upstairs to her room. “Come on Dolores. I’m done.”
Camilo sprinted after them, giving his Abuela a disgusted and hateful look. Abuela only stared at the doorway with a baffled expression, her breathing heavy and her eyes wild. “I’m not opening my stall tomorrow. I’m done. You have hurt my children enough, and if I find out you’ve done anything worse to them, especially Mirabel, I will take my children and leave. I am sick of you caring more for your miracle than your own family.”
WHATS HAPPENING BORHESIVE❗❗❗ Glad to see your well, no need to worry <333 everyone deserves a break, no matter how long 😼
ANYWAY🔇🔇🔇 I read this on AO3 a while back. And. It's so good??? Glad to see the redemption, that's so rad <33 but also glad to see that she's not immediately getting off the hook because. You can't ignore the things she said, that were kinda messed up, influenced or not 🤨 free will is a strange thing...but. YUH❗ I realized like it <33 AND MIRABEL WIT DA SCISSORS🥱⬆ What's ya name b.o.b so they falling you bomb 🥸
ANYWAY YOU GUYS SHOUKD GO READ IT ON AO3 <333 it's the same name, Too Far, if hug look under the tag I'm pretty sure I posted a link 🗿🗿
Alma when Isabela came out with her hair cut and next to Mirabel:
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Is Luisa going to make it home in time? We can't lose Mirabel!
Luisa had only arrived back for some minor thing she had forgotten. Half of her considered not bothering and just waiting until lunch later, but she just decided to get it over with.
She would never have forgiven herself if she hadn’t returned when she did, but she didn’t know that at the time.
Casita’s front door was left ajar, not fully open but not closed and locked like it was nowadays. That was the first sign that something wasn’t right. She barged the door open, which wasn’t as easy as she remembers it being, but it only took a shove to force it open. Revealing the destruction that filled the courtyard. Some piece of furniture, maybe once a cabinet, had been broken and left blocking the door, covered in soot and thorns. Her heart dropped in her stomach.
There was no sign of anyone and no hint of coppery blood in the air, which did calm some of her fears. But she knew Isabela was here. And she had attacked the family, while she had been away.
As she bounded up the stairs, calling out for her family, she noted all the doors were all tied closed with vines - especially Antonio’s. The nursery door had been torn off its hinges and the entire room was torn to shreds. Only the sewing machine looked to still be in one piece, albeit dented and paint-chipped. Luisa’s own door was similarly broken. The trap of weights were still in place. It was clear they had worked, the bottom half of her door still stuck between them. The top half had been broken, indicating that someone had easily climbed through the gap she had made.
Luisa climbed over the weights and remains of the door, into her room. It was pitch black, but from the daylight pouring in, she could make out the wildlife that sprung from every possible crevice. The entire room was swallowed in greenery, it barely looked like a bedroom at all now. (And considering Madrigal bedrooms were barely bedrooms to begin with, that was saying something).
This was something straight out of her nightmares.
She squints, stepping deeper into the room. After a moment of fiddling, she pulls a torch from her pocket and switches it on. She hears it first. Isabela’s voice, distantly, but it’s there - Isabela has never been one for silence. Luisa strains herself to hear another voice, one far more important to her, but she can’t. And then she can see the slight outline of a moving figure in the far corner. When she shines the light over that way, it’s confirmed to be Isabela.
In an instant, she rushing that way, feet crunching against the leaves and vines and whatever else covers the floor. Isabela turns at the sound with a frustrated noise. The light illuminates the white in her eyes and her teeth, stretching into a gleaming smile as she realises who is here.
“You’re too late, sis,” she says, lazily waving her hand. Mirabel is stood not far behind her. The wave of her hand pulls out a bloody branch that had impaled the girl. Without the support from the plant, Mirabel collapses.
Luisa brings herself to a halt, her mind going non-stop. Momentarily unsure of whether she should deal with Isabela or try to help Mirabel first.
Isabela just grins, dismissively. “It’s fine. She’ll probably go to heaven. She can embroider God a new sock or whatever fucking useless thing she likes doing.”
She doesn’t hear a word of it, shaking herself. Racing to Mirabel’s side and pulling the horribly limp body onto her lap. Mirabel looks up at her, eyes open but hazy and unseeing, pale and weak. Luisa tears off a piece of her skirt, pressing it into her side and soaking up blood. It turns black, quick. She yanks off more, pressing as hard as she can and getting a delayed wince from Mirabel.
“Mirabel?” She tries. “Mirabel, I don’t know if you can hear me, but it’s me, Luisa. I’m here, I’ve got you. Okay? You’re going to be okay. Just keep breathing.”
“You act as if she’s worth something,” Isabela mused, watching them from a distance.
“Because she is! And she’s worth a hell of a lot more than you, you fucking psycho!” Luisa snapped. She’s crying, which probably takes away from the sting of her words, but she can’t help it.
Isabela doesn’t look too moved by the statement. “Then I must be the bearer of good news, because you’re about to fucking join her.”
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rinnysega · 1 year
Whisper - A Gustavo and Julieta Drabble
Mirabel Madrigal snored quietly by the window, the decorative hand-knit afghan rising and falling with her breathing. She was small enough to fit on just one half of the loveseat, and the resident three-legged feline of the abode, Roto, slept quietly himself on top of the blanket by her feet.
Gustavo Pinheiro rocked in his chair by the fireplace, finishing up a doll he started crocheting earlier in the week. While it was still mid-day and too early for a fire, the sudden darkness and downpour after lunch put an end to their art lesson for the day, and so Gustavo sent the six-year old to take her afternoon nap a little early.
He hummed to himself, carefully fitting the green ruana over the body of the doll and with a few threads, sewed it in place to keep from falling. When he was finished, he stuck the needle in his mouth to hold while he adjusted his glasses to look over his little creation.
Not too bad, it looked as much like Bruno as far as his ailing memory was concerned.
A soft knock sounded against the quiet drums of the raindrops, and Gustavo carefully set the needle from his mouth to the pin cushion before grabbing hold of his cane.
At the front door upon opening it was Julieta Madrigal beneath a large umbrella.
“Hello, Gus,” she said with a tender smile. “Sorry for the rain. Pepa read a sad chapter of a novel and it’s been hard to keep it at bay today. I’ve come to pick up Mirabel a little early if that’s okay.”
“Of course,” he whispered a little. “Come in, she’s taking a nap in the living room right now if you want some tea before you go.”
Julieta nodded, understanding to keep quiet, as she stepped inside and closed the umbrella, setting it down against the wall. She followed her host into his kitchen when on the way she stopped for a moment to watch Mirabel sleeping peacefully through the storm.
Tea was poured and they both sat down to give Julieta a break from her journey.
“I’ve brought you these,” she said and handed over a fresh pouch of cookies for his leg pains.
“Thank you.” He wasn’t shy about eating one immediately - his supply had run out that morning and this weather always made him feel stiff. “I have something for you too.”
Julieta watched as he reached into his robe sleeve to produce a tiny doll of her missing brother.
“To go with me and Pepa you made last month?” she asked and carefully accepted it into her hands - as if it were a priceless treasure.
“Mhm. I know the past year’s been hard for you.”
Julieta looked it over as if trying to remember through the yarn and thread what he looked like now - if he still had the same hair. If he still had his green ruana.
“Thank you,” she told him and she held it close while Gustavo took a sip of his tea. “I have the others in my room on a shelf by Agustins’ piano. He’ll go right in the middle with me and Pepa.”
Gustavo smiled, glad to hear she liked it, but he watched her across the table as her smile faded into a somber expression.
“It’s okay to miss him,” he told her. “I miss him too.”
“I know you do...which is why I think you should keep it.” Julieta passed the doll back across the table. Gustavo held his hand out for it without much hesitation as she continued, “I’ll pay you for a second one if you can make another one to go with ours, but, you should keep this one.”
Gustavo brought the doll back and stared down at it in his palm, about the time a certain little girl stirred from her nap when she heard shushed whispers going on in the kitchen.
His thumb rubbed against the green ruana in a bittersweet nostalgia, and he looked at her with a few tears behind his glasses.
“Thank you, Julie.”
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