#isaac blueburn
This is Basically Blue’s Aura
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he’s just Blue that way...
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Character Profile #1:
Isaac Blueburn 
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He’s kinda the reason why I wanted to start this series.
My inspiration for his character and characteristics was Nagisa Hazuki from Free!. He acts and looks like him, except he has blue eyes.
When I made him, I had to make sure he was as cute as fictionally possible.
Key ingredients:
Loves Cats
Fucking Adorable
A little Kawaii fuck
Lovable and friendly to the max
He loves animals and nature. He has the greenest thumb in the whole world (over-exaggerated).
He cries... A LOT.
The only way he harms the Earth is by accident. Like that one time he accidentally fed the wrong food to a chipmunk. And he’s still not over it.
*Caleb in the background*: “PleASE! Don’t remind him about it... I beg you.
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Basic Things to Know When You Read: Quarantine Mansion
There are eight boys: BlueΩ, CaspianΩ, JaxΒ, RobbieΑ, LeeΩ, CalebΑ, MasonΑ, WillΑ. They are all stuck in a giant house because of CoVID-19 and they cannot go home until the government lets them. Also, this is an Omegaverse--originally. There will be times where the story is Omegaverse and times where it will just be normal, quirkless, baby shid. 
Isaac Blueburn “Blue”  - o((>ω< ))o the baby of the Eccentric Eight o(≧口≦)o - his character was derived from Nagisa Hazuki (Free!), Little Prince (Le Petit Prince) - he has Nagisa’s hair (yellow-brownish), Little Prince’s spirit (joyful and childish), and he is the most adorable little thing - his eyes are baby blue - 🥰sweaters🥰 - he serves an important role in making sure nobody’s down and blue - he ✨sparkles ✨
Caspian Grenfield “Cas(pian)”  - (ヘ・_・)ヘ┳━┳ gay disaster (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ - his character was derived from Deku (My Hero Academia) because he is awkward as fuCK - he has brown, disheveled hair, a few freckles (only if you look for them), he’s malnourishedly skinny, and has these glasses that makes his face look like OwO - forest green sweater - gets really flustered really easily - has crippling anxiety... or maybe he just overthinks too much - he has body issues and that’s why he covers up a lot of skin - he nerds out on a lot of Shounen Anime and anime in general - how many My Hero Collectibles does he have? enough to call him a Class S Otaku -  ♡ 【robinson wyatt】  ♡
Jax Jackson  - 💥 Gay Manwhore 💥💦💦💦 - his character was derived from... hmmm... an extension wire...? - he has dyed-black wavy hair, dark eyes - has 5 piercings on his left ear, two-three on his right, and a lip piercing - sleeveless hoodies - Smexy Boi™
Robinson Wyatt  - ⚜Golden Boy⚜ - his character was derived from Todoroki Shoto (My Hero Academia) and Harvard Lee (FENCE) - shoulder-length dark hair, blue eyes, tanned skin - he’s that comfort character who’d cook ramen for you after sex because he doesn’t want you to feel sick or uncomfortable - Debate Team Captain and Aspiring ⚖Lawyer⚖ - his mom’s Filipino and his dad’s African Canexican (it gets real ✨exciting✨ at the family get togethers; very festive)
Lee Emmet  - Smart 👓 Angry 💢 Midget 😡 - his character was derived from those small midget girls who hit when they laugh; feisty little mouse - mustard hair, short, and is short - “ARE YOU FUCKING RITARDED???” he squeaked loudly. (you’re gonna hear that a lot pfft-) - Daddy Issues - knows Mixed Martial Arts but usually isn’t given enough reason to fight unless his dad hires another homeless man to jump him - Grades💯
Caleb Malooke - Otto  - h e ‘ s  d i s t u r b e d . - dark hair, pale-ish skin, and “eyebags you can carry cats with”
Mason Emalia - 🏀🧺 Basketbol 🧺🏀 - his character was derived from Jesse Coste (FENCE) and those horny-ass bastards you meet at parties - he’s the stereotypical asshole who gets horny when he Smells your Scent - he shoot da hoop like Kobe
William Otto - 💖Daddy💖 - his character was derived from Takashi Shirogane (Voltron: Legendary Defenders) - he does his best to keep the other guys sane and stable so that they survive - he makes sure everything is where it’s supposed to be when it is supposed to be - very responsible, caring, and friendly
(/≧▽≦)/ o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o ヾ(≧ ▽ ≦)ゝ
this is really all we have for now. author will be back with more soon.
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“Okay,” Principal Tucker started. “Let’s do a roll call to make sure everybody’s here?”
The eight boys nodded. They were all in the Principal’s office which they all barely managed to fit in. 
Five minutes ago, they were all called to go there through the school’s intercom. But it was not explained why they were beckoned. Yet.
Principal Tucker cleared her throat and called, “Emalia, Mason?”
“Here,” replied a tall blonde, standing from his seat just to show respect. He wasn’t usually this polite. He was one of the troublemakers at their school. To prove it, he lit fireworks at their school’s pep rally “just to have a little fun.” If he wasn’t the star player at their basketball team, he would’ve been dismissed by Coach already.
“Hello!” waved a “unique”-looking boy who sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. He had piercings almost everywhere: two on his lower lip, a stud on his right eyebrow, three on his right ear, and five on his left ear. He was troublemaker number two, but different. Aside from helping Mason smuggle fireworks into school, he also helps him with “other situations.” Let’s just say that he’s a sly Beta who knows his way into every man’s undies. Rumor has it that he once slept with one of the teachers, who of which was at least three times older than him.
Principal Tucker cleared her throat again, trying her best not to get upset with how she was rudely cut off and called “Emmet, Lee?”
“Present!” replied a strawberry blonde-haired almost-midget in a small voice (he somehow managed to find a seat far away from the others where he could still be seen). He’s always been humiliated because of his appearance: small and dorky. But behind all that, he’s a genius with grades off the charts. His GPA may have been even higher than Jax on ecstasy. He was raised to act this way by his father, who he rarely talks about. Though everybody admired how far ahead he is academically, they wouldn’t think the same when it came to his personality. He could be a real jerk if you got on his nerves, but it would be hilarious if you blew his fuse. His voice would get all squeaky and high, like an angry mouse.
“Blueburn, Isaac?”
“Here!” smiled an adorable Omega who you would probably mistake as a peanut. He was the school’s sweetheart, the nicest person you’ll ever meet. He’s made friends with almost everyone in the building because he’s just too nice, it’s frightening. Lee somehow dislikes him, and Blue has no idea why.
“Otto, William?”
“Present, Ma’am,” answered a well-built senior who’d make you want to question why he was still in high school when he looked way older. Will was used to that. Plus, he couldn’t blame you for thinking that way because he did look at least thirty years old. This was because his hormones were… odd. They made him look older and manlier because he was a “pure” Alpha. But he wasn’t just all that. He was a decent human being who knew how to sympathize, empathize, and communicate with the people around him. He was friendly and loyal. Sure, he had abs that could bite, but he didn’t allow that to be the reason why he should be like the other Alphas who were oblivious and overcome with pride. He wanted to make sure that he would stand out and be good for not only his peers but also for himself. It was the least he could do.
“Otto, Caleb?”
The boys looked among themselves, but couldn’t find Caleb anywhe-
Just then, a boy in all-black raised his hand and cleared his throat. Everyone turned to where it came from: the darkest corner of the room. And there he was, sitting on the floor with his arms wrapped around his knees as he buried his face in them.
Caleb was a peculiar kid. He wasn’t Will’s biological brother. His parents only adopted him when he was eleven years old. Nobody knew where he came from or who raised him. All they knew was that he had a deeply cut wound in him that just kept getting bigger and bigger as he grew older. It didn’t even show that he was an Alpha anymore. If you tried to compare him to Will, you would see a big difference; it was obvious that they weren’t brothers. But Will tries his best to be a good big brother to him, and he appreciates that.
“Wyatt, Robinson?”
“Present,” smiled a tan young man with dark hair tied in a man bun. Robbie was a charming one. He was part-Filipino and for some reason, people found that attractive. If people weren’t crushing on Will or Mason, they would be crushing on him. One of the boys in the room has had a crush on him for a long, long time. Wanna know who it is? It’s-
“Grenfield, Caspian?”
“H-here,” stuttered our one and only Caspian Grenfield. He had disheveled brown hair, round glasses, the brains to get to Harvard, and anxiety that would probably kill him if he didn’t get out of there soon. He was a hard-working, determined student who did all he could to avoid trouble, and being here at the principal’s office scared him to death. Do you know what else scared him to death? Having to sit beside his childhood—and up to now—crush, Robbie. He didn’t want to end up beside him, and Robbie even had the choice to sit somewhere else; and he still ended up sitting right beside him. He ended up feeling light-headed and nauseated. His face heated up and his stomach felt funny. Let me die, let me die, let me die~ he kept repeating in his mind.  It was almost unbearable.
“Seems like we’re all here, yes?” their Principal finally finished.
All the boys showed their signs of agreement; this was Principal Tucker’s cue to continue.
“Then let’s begin,” she said, straightening herself up. “I gathered you eight here today to discuss a rather unusual matter.”
“Excuse me, Miss?” Jax said, raising his hand to get their principal’s attention. “How unusual are we talking about here?”
“I guarantee that you’ll find out in a bit if you let me speak,” answered Tucker.
“Boom,” muttered Mason, jokingly.
“Oh, shut up, Emalia. I’ll be back for you later,” said Jax.
“Damn right you will,” smirked Mason.
“You sly-“
“Ahem,” coughed Tucker, sternly.
The boys straightened up and muttered a “sorry, Miss.”
“As I was saying,” Principal Tucker finally continued. “This concerns the upcoming prom and the charity funds.”
“Oh no,” Blue gasped.
“No, Blue, it’s good news,” Tucker clarified. “We recently discovered that we raised more money than expected and couldn’t find any other charities to donate to.”
“Nice,” Will said, grinning.
“Exactly,” Tucker agreed. “And that is why I called you boys in to ask if you could organize an event to use all that money for.”
“Wait,” Lee paused. “What?”
All eight boys were scratching their heads and replaying it in their minds. This was all too confusing because the prom wasn’t until a few more months. It was unusual indeed. 
“Ma’am,” Robbie started. (Caspian could’ve sworn he felt his lungs stop functioning for a second.) “Couldn’t the school have just kept it instead as pocket-money or something?”
“Well,” Tucker said. “We’ve thought of that, but the school has had a good year. It was unnecessary to keep that much money in our hands. Plus, it might also get stolen. That’s why we decided to put it to good use instead.”
“Touché,” Blue shrugged.
“Anyways-“ Principal Tucker pushed herself back, rolling her chair farther away from her desk, and leaned down to pick something up. She got back up with eight yellow pieces of paper and handed them to the boys who got one and passed among their selves-“Those include anything else you have to know about this event and the permission slips you’ll have to let your parents sign. You can submit them to your homeroom teacher.”
“Excuse me, Ma’am,” Lee said, holding the paper. “But it says here that we will be staying at an Airbnb for a week. May I ask if that’s true?”
“Yes, Mister Emmit,” Principal Tucker chuckled. “You will be accompanied by Miss Sara Leslie at the Airbnb.”
“Why do we need to be in an Airbnb?” Mason asked, furrowing his brows.
“Have you tried studying in the library?” Lee blurted out, almost angrily. “It’s impossible to keep your thoughts straight.”
“Thank you, Mister Emmit,” Principal Tucker hushed.
Caspian scanned the paper. He couldn’t believe what he was reading. One week? Airbnb? With five more strangers? The thoughts circled his mind so intensely, it made him feel even more nauseated than before. He tried telling himself that he was overreacting and that he shouldn’t worry too much.
Was this really happening?
 …And that’s how they ended up here, in front of the Airbnb.
next chapter in seven days... 
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