kirbyoctournament · 9 days
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ROUND TWO: Rifty VS Artemis
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maybe-arts · 1 month
Prince Artemis : Princess..?, i see, it's interesting to meet other members from the royalty that are from other realms.
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"You're doing just fine, Chiffon. Don't worry." "I wasn't worried!! ...But thanks, Dad."
Kirby doesn't know yet about Dark Matter backstory (relative to my kirbyverse at least) nor Artemis' backstory personally, so he's. A bit wary of Dark Matter fella. Sorry, Artemis ^^'
Chiffon is happily oblivious to the fact (she hadn't had encounters with Dark Matter save for Gooey).
(Asks are open!) @kirbyoctournament
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hadopelagicpsi · 2 months
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Dark Matter Parade !
This is why I haven't been answering asks, been busy drawing zero being tormented by an army of dark matter.
In order of left to right, top to bottom:
Sloe (@autumnleafdraws)
Dark Cubozoa (@quanblovk)
Ceno (@blackmagikmusic)
Mistle (@george228732)
Artemis (@isaackkkbunn)
Helios (@blackmagikmusic)
Master (@shippyo)
Matt (@shippyo)
Zero Suvir (@waddledoodledee)
Charlya (@thundermarisol)
Wisp (@moonsharks-ex)
Eyelise (@thatonepizzaman)
Aphelion (@hadopelagicpsi)
Shade Knight (@rosiegardenlove)
Dark Dreamer (@heiressofdoodles)
Doctor (@lostsoulau-ask)
Kizo (@boa35)
Lone Ranger (@what-is-love-babey-dont-hurt-me)
Noir (@desultory-novice)
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rosiegardenlove · 1 month
First batch of tourney propaganda! Not only for my boi but for other contestants for @kirbyoctournament !!!
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Listen, themed armor is fun to make! Wave 2 of armor will begin soon(ish)!
Life: @shippyo
Sir Uther: @quanblovk
Prince Artemis: @isaackkkbunn
Anti: @boa35
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poppybros-jr · 1 month
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It seems like all the interest in Cosmo’s magic has made him confident enough to try putting on a show for the other contestants!
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Wait, what was that about not sleeping for two days? Isn’t he a noddy? Eh, I’m sure it’ll be fine. He’s a trained professional, after all!
Many of the characters in the audience are (or were, at the time of drawing) struggling in their polls, so I’m using this post to promote them. Please check out their polls and spare them a vote if you can! And if you have time, please vote for Cosmo too! Polls are listed below, just click the character’s name to go to them!
Ideena and Pixie @tazmilygray @moondust-artz
Strawberry Von Fru @pageofthemicocee
Dolos @nightcovefox
Peony @giantchasm
Dawn @nautical-nova
Seabunny @seabunny-humaniod
Olympea @pinkestmenace
Necro Knight @dark-mega
Reclusa @waddledoodledee
Wolfbell @zombiecicada
Finally, Aphelion belongs to @hadopelagicpsi (he’s doing okay at the moment, but since his creator was one of the askers I included him anyway), and Piojo (not a contestant) belongs to @isaackkkbunn !
I wish I could have included more, but unfortunately I’ve hit my limit. ^^; I’m very sorry for any art mistakes, and I wish everyone the best of luck in the tourney!
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What does/would Zerpy think about any of Kirby’s friends, but especially Gooey? And have xey heard of Elfilis?
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"Dont get me started on this guy... he's arrogant and egotistical, so fake. His spell casting is wasteful and inefficient, its like he taught himself. And that stupid ship of his that he holds so dearly! That junk can't even travel universes, what good is it? Dimensional travel is childs play. And then there's his aggressive branding... I've never met someone so in love with themselves. He puts that blue and gold pattern on everything he touches. What a piece of work he is, his only silver lining is he knows how to stand up for himself I suppose, don't tell him I said that."
"Gooey is... I don't trust it. It may be tame, but I would rather keep my distance from such a thing."
"As for Elfilis, yes, I'm aware of them. It's a shame they lost that immense power, if they are able to regain it, I'd love to consider them my equal someday."
Zerpy has a bit of a rivalry with Magolor, but I mean can you blame xem? There's only enough room in a universe for one spellcasting tech alien kitty.
Man, sorry for the yap fest, I spent a while trying to figure out how I'd answer this one. I hope it clears up your question! As to not make this post too too long, I'll include under the cut some more of Zerpy's thoughts I had planned out on other characters but didn't see fitting in the main post, as well as the some of the people who's Magolors you can see above :)
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As for some of those Magos:
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gongedtornado · 3 months
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istg if this posts twice im smash and kill with rock ….. /joke
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poppybros-jr · 27 days
Here’s a separate post of Cosmo’s tourney friend doodles from the last ask, since it was hidden under a read more because of the ask needing a content warning. Cosmo is making a tournament memories scrapbook and drawing some people he’s met so far. He’s very much a beginner artist, but he did his best!
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Characters included in the Friend Book:
Anti and Byte @boa35 , Dolos @nightcovefox , Moroshi @clairetimes , Star @c0ffee-7 , Piojo @isaackkkbunn , Wolfbell @zombiecicada , Fylass @george228732 , Mapobas @sacrificecage , Pink Lemonade Driblee @kamalemons , Rifty and Quantum Knight @dizzy-dudd , Mirage @adridoot , Dazor @a-stardusted-sky , Sir Uther (how did he get here?!) @quanblovk and Noir @desultory-novice
Bonus bit of Cosmo lore so this isn’t just a repost: Gijinka!Cosmo is left handed. This applies to Noddy!Cosmo’s magic too. Whenever he’s using his magic to manipulate something, he usually favours doing so on his left side. He and Stella are mirror twins, so she’s right handed.
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