maybe-arts · 4 months
To Chiffon, have you ever seen any weird looking butterflies?
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"...Then again, now that I think about it, I did once heard Dad talking to a butterf-" "-CHIFFY!! I know you have an interview thing going on, but I did ask you to keep an eye on your sister while I'm getting snacks!!" "Oop, sorry! Are they okay?" "She's good, I caught up to her in time. Just was about to wander off chasing bugs again. Anyways, what were you talking about?" "...Eh. Some butterfly nonsense. It's probably nothing."
I guess it was nothing :)
sidenote about Nova's pronouns - they actually respond to any! Kirby, Mona and Gooey use they/them for Nova since Astrali, being genderless, pick their gender as they grow up, and using neutral for children is more or less a tradition. Tiff and Tuff use she/her for Nova because they think she's a girl. Polari and Hoodie use he/him for Nova for the same reason. Chiffon uses she/they for Nova since she's learned from Kirby and the Poppy siblings.
Asks are open! @kirbyoctournament
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maybe-arts · 4 months
Prince Artemis : Princess..?, i see, it's interesting to meet other members from the royalty that are from other realms.
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"You're doing just fine, Chiffon. Don't worry." "I wasn't worried!! ...But thanks, Dad."
Kirby doesn't know yet about Dark Matter backstory (relative to my kirbyverse at least) nor Artemis' backstory personally, so he's. A bit wary of Dark Matter fella. Sorry, Artemis ^^'
Chiffon is happily oblivious to the fact (she hadn't had encounters with Dark Matter save for Gooey).
(Asks are open!) @kirbyoctournament
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maybe-arts · 4 months
i see you have a lance,chiffon why did you chose this as your weapon?
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"Papa says that one day I may learn the same - but for now I'm training how to use it with my tail as well! Then I could be even throwing it, like a dart, and pull back to me - imagine, how cool is that?!"
Kirby have also participated in Chiffon's combat training - but was quickly shooed out once it became clear his swordfighting style relays on much more raw strength, than a finesse weapon like a rapier can handle...
(Asks are open! Vote for Chiffon!)
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maybe-arts · 4 months
Chiffon! Kirby and Prince Fluff are your dads? What are they like? c:
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"Papa is okay! It's just..." "...Sometimes I wish he wasn't so strict."
Not to mention the circumstances of their parting... weren't exactly happy.
(Asks are open!) @kirbyoctournament
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maybe-arts · 4 months
Elys: “Greetings young princess of an alternative world. It is one’s pleasure to meet another competitor in this intriguing event.”
“So thou’s parents are the once-Star Child and the once-Prince of Patch Land… What’s that like to thee.”
(Notes from creator, Star Child is Kirby. In Elys’ story, Kirby’s still young. Also, Elys uses they-them.)
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"Whew... I-I apologize for m-my friend's o-outburst. W-what I m-meant to say is... M-my Royal Father is m-mostly taking care of m-me. H-he is... one w-would say, strict, but f-fair." "My P-prince Father - t-that is the one you w-were to call "Star Child" - I-I am c-currently on an- an extended visit. W-with my Royal F-father's permission, of- of course." "P-pardon my n-nerves. I- I must e-excuse myself now."
ah, Chiffon's real number one fear - FORMALITIES.
also, lined asks are taking way too fucking long, so i might switch to quick lineless doodles instead? maybe??
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maybe-arts · 4 months
What sort of cake does Chiffon like??
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"I just love peaches SOOOOO much! Dad even jokes that he should introduce me to a friend of his... All I know is her name is Peach, she's a princess, and she's as sweet as her namesake, so we should get along just fine!" "As long as she's not... Y'know. Too stuffy. With the Rules."
Yeah, like both of her dads, she has a sweet spot for some cake. Although unlike Kirby, her preference lies with peaches, not strawberries.
(Asks are open!) @kirbyoctournament
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maybe-arts · 4 months
"Oh! H - Hello. I - I've never met a princess before, what is it like to be one?" from Mirage for the Princess Chiffon <3
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"Yeah, I said you can get anything you want, but there's also SOOO many stupid rules you have to follow! Especially if you're talking or just being in the presence of someone important. You have to always think what you're saying or doing, or people will think of us badly." "Even who you could be friends with was important! Who needs all these fancy toys, when you don't have anyone to play them with?? Laceley would freeze up if I offered her to join me, saying it's "improper"." "...I miss her though. She was basically my only friend back home. Hope she's okay..."
Yeah, being a royalty has it's ups and downs.... especially if you're not like Dedede and actually taking your and your kid's positions seriously, with all responsibilities and almost no fun.
also bonus meme edit based on probably the funniest Chiffon i've ever drawn:
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maybe-arts · 4 months
Hello Princess Chiffon! How is your exploration of Dream Land going? Are you having fun meeting new people and seeing new sights?
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"Dad had to carry me back home after that... But I had fun! We even said hi to flower fairies and bug people on flying islands! THERE ARE FLYING ISLANDS IN THE SKY!!! Patchland doesn't have that!!!"
Chiffon is absolutely enamored with Popstar so far. Girl hadn't peeped the horrors yet.
The extra people that Chiffon has doodled are grown up Gooey and Mona! as well as Polari's doodle (they do not like each other much haha)
(Asks are open!) for @kirbyoctournament
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maybe-arts · 4 months
Hello, children, would you all like red velvet cupcakes?
-From Kurabe
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"A real velvet cake??? Here???? I didn't know Dreamland had patchlandian food!!" "...Chiffy, you DO know this... ISN'T made out of velvet, right?" "...N-no??" "'No'?! What do you mean 'no'????"
Tuff ate his cupcake before even saying thanks. He has no manners.
Chiffon is a little confused at the name, since, well. They do have velvet cakes in Patchland, just it's made out of actual velvet. She's half-Yarna, she can digest fabrics just fine, don't worry :)
(vote for Chiffon here!) (tagging @kirbyoctournament for propaganda purposes)
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maybe-arts · 4 months
hiya chiffon!
your needle-rapier is so cool looking, and you are super elegant with it! do you have any fun stories of training sessions with either of your dads while you've been learning to use it?
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"Don't worry! No one got seriously hurt - but Dad had to commission me a new one after that. That's the one I'm wielding now!"
experimenting with rendering again, since i'm not really changing bg felt i can get away with making it. a LIIITTLE more detailed. not to the point of how i usually do so it's not gonna take much time but i love it much more now!
(Asks are open!) @kirbyoctournament
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maybe-arts · 4 months
Good day, Lady Chiffon. I wish you well, today, and that you may grasp victory in your matchup in the tournament.
Perhaps some questions shall suffice as support?
First, is it true that you are, in fact, royalty?
Second, you are of a similar appearance to a friend of my own. Can you explain to me your origins, perhaps? Abridged is alright, I'm simply... Curious as to the overlap.
Finally, perhaps more lightheartedly, do you like tea? Excuse my asking, I am curious by nature.
All the best, dear~
-Mapobas Dej. Novavunora
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"D-do not be alarmed! It is nothing, I j- merely n-need to... catch m-my breath..."
She'll be fine, she just needs to go where no one can see her and lie in the grass for like 15-20 minutes. Y'know. Just anything but being a Princess and adhering to Formalities.
(Asks are open!) @kirbyoctournament
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