#isbell chorborne
awordchemist · 1 year
For the uncommon questions: 2, and 31 for any OC you'd like!
Thanks for the ask! I'm answering these for Isbell because I want to work on her character today.
2: How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Isbell laughs a lot when she's in public, it's a habit she's worked on to allow herself to seem more approachable and friendly. It's more rare for her to laugh when she's around her friends and she feels like she doesn't have to win their approval. When they do make her laugh, though, it's always hard for her to stop.
31: Who are they the most glad to have met? 
At the start of the story, she'd say it's her adoptive mother, because being brought up by her meant that Isbell was interested in politics from a young age. It shifts to Evali and another character by the end of the story because they're the ones who persuade her to go easier on herself.
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awordchemist · 2 years
5 17 30 for the WIP ask
Thank you for the ask!
5. How long have you been working on your WIP?
It started as a fanfic about three years ago, but once the fic was done I couldn't get the story out of my head. I spent about a year letting it simmer in the background while I finished university and started to focus on it properly again towards the end of 2021. So I guess either three years or one and a half, depending on if you count the fic.
17. One fun fact about the world of your WIP?
Canaries are really common on the streets. The town was previously a mining town, which used canaries in the mines, and some of these canaries escaped and are basically now native to the country.
30. Do any of the names in your WIP have significance?
So my twin sister OCs Isbell and Maeryn have the surname Chorborne, which is a really common surname for their generation in particular because it's the name given to any child found abandoned. The chor is a particularly fast, thick sea fog which occurs in Misichor a lot, so Chorborne basically just means born from the sea fog.
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awordchemist · 2 years
Character Profiles: The Ghosts
The creator and leader of the Ghost Broadcast, who takes her responsibilities deadly seriously. Outwardly, her demeanour is welcoming and lively, but this hides a crippling fear of failing to meet her goals and letting down the people she loves. She can go from friendly to threatening in a single breath, and is often reckless in her anger.
A mechanical expert, sensitive and thoughtful, and as dutiful as her twin sister in her own way. She is very wary about the amount of power Isbell wields, and often reminds her to use it in the most responsible way possible. Quietly, she envies Isbell’s sense of conviction about finding the right path of action. When it comes to resistance, she prefers methods that protect the people around her.
The second child of an influential family, from whom they are largely estranged. Jak is decisive and quick thinking, and impatient to make change happen as soon as possible. They don't tend to trust people's motives very easily, but they care very deeply about improving the lives of the people in their community, and are particularly enraged by anyone they consider to be callous or dishonest.
A local barmaid who doesn't often talk about her past. Whilst she is charming and witty in public, she only ever truly relaxes amongst her friends, with whom she is much more blunt and decisive. Her plans tend to work more effectively in the long term, and she sees no problem with manipulating strangers to get what she wants, although she would never do that to someone she cared about.
A streetcar driver , and the childhood friend of Isbell and Maeryn. Although he is the only Ghost with no special ability, his level-headedness and ability to think quickly in an emergency have proved to be crucial to the group's operations. His involvement with them has more to do with a desire for inclusion than any strong feelings regarding social change.
The group's medic, who is also kept busy raising his sister's child. Kisa has a methodical approach to problems which does not always allow him to cope quickly in a crisis, but his caring, patient nature and calming influence on the group are a great reassurance to his friends. Keeping the people he loves safe will always be his first priority.
As one of the guards for the local council, Evali is in a permanent state of alert, and reluctant to let any little detail slip past her. This makes her highly effective in planning tactics for the Ghosts, but she is stubbon and does not tend to give up easily on a plan, even if it puts others at risk. If she does hurt anyone she cares about, though, she is always quick to make amends.
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