#isen UnOrdinary
kaizzaphela · 3 months
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unordinary-diary · 4 months
Blyke and Isen: Courage and Cowardice
‼️Spoiler Warning for up to ep. 196 ‼️
Blyke and Isen are character foils, particularly when it comes to running away.
Isen always tries to run from his problems. He is, for lack of a better term, a scaredy cat. Of all the major characters, Isen has the most fear, and is the most willing to show it outwardly as well. However, while he may seem cowardly at a glance, he actually is shown to stick up and face his problems a lot, especially later on in the story. Isen’s feelings always scream at him to run away and save himself. His head tells him to stay and face the problem.
Blyke is the opposite. Blyke always wants to face his problems dead-on. He wants to rush in and punch his problems away no matter what. Blykes head is what tells him to run away. Blyke wakes up from a nightmare, and his coping mechanism is to go out and shoot lasers at bad guys, so he can get strong enough to fight his problem (John).
They both usually end up facing their problems, but they get pushed and pulled from opposite forces.
I wanna talk about this scene:
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Remi is currently being burned alive by Volcan. Alana was just killed in front of all of them. Blyke and Isen are both terrified.
Isen wants to run and hide, but as the scene goes on...
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Isen overcomes that fear, because his desire to save Remi is stronger.
Blyke wants to jump in there desperately, and he seems to project some of that onto Isen. However, his head is telling him that he and Isen should do it together— Isen going in with Blyke as a sharpshooter.
I wanna talk about this scene too:
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I didn’t screenshot the whole thing, but I don’t need to. I barely even need to talk about what this means— this is my claim, illustrated right there. Blyke’s head is shouting at him with logic and telling him all the reasons why this is stupid and he should leave, but his feelings and empathy are making him stay.
I also want to point out that Isen follows orders out of fear, whereas Blyke follows them out of respect. Neither of them follow John. Isen, because he knows going against John is the right thing to do, and his morals outweigh his fear. Blyke, because he’d rather eat his own shoe.
Isen and Blyke are character foils, not because one is brave and the other cowardly, but because they are both very brave in opposite ways. Isen follows his head, Blyke follows his heart, and it leads them both to the same place.
Now, both characters are way more complex than this, and a lot more goes into the decisions they make than just the balance of courage and cowardice. This especially goes for Isen, because I don’t feel I quite hit the nail on the head, but this analysis is just about one particular aspect.
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cameronqx · 3 months
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ysines · 9 months
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on that headcanon stuff
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transterrence · 1 year
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hes like a rectangle to me
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mashiee · 1 year
John: Do you know what it's like? To be afraid of yourself?
Isen, who once accidentally solved 3 murders and a kidnapping in one night after hacking into a 7-11 video camera to find out who took his wallet that he left on the top of his car when getting gas: Fuck, dude, I sure do.
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oplishin · 1 year
headcanons centering main cast’s passive abilities
I just think having your power constantly manifest itself in some way would be pretty impactful on your life actually
If Remi goes into a room with a lot of complex electrical stuff going on (a computer lab maybe) she’ll start getting a headache from how overstimulating it is. She functions as a portable phone charger which Blyke and Isen take full advantage of. She can identify any circuitry problem by just. feeling how the electricity is flowing through the device
Seraphina always knows exactly what time it is down to the millisecond. John always asks her what time it is just to annoy her. 
arlo tried to get more piercings once, but it didn’t work because his passive defense stopped it from happening. Any sort of invasive medical procedure does Not work on him. This includes IVs and needles in general (he hasn’t gotten vaccinated in 2 years). honestly i have a million headcanons centering arlo’s passive and his theoretical medical trauma
John uses his aura detection to sneak up on people and jumpscare them. by people i do mean arlo. 
isen’s (not a high tier but i had the idea and wanted to put it here) eyes are based on tracking movement, so he has a really hard time with focusing on things that are stationary. what im saying is that his ability gave him both adhd and dyslexia. he has hair trigger reflexes that let him crush Blyke at video games which pisses Blyke off to no end.
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exvelovly · 1 year
there’s absolutely no way that these little shits aren’t in a poly relationship
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tgirlswagseraphina · 1 year
Ultimate Unordinary Polycule Ship
Isen is dating Blyke and Remi, Remi is dating Blyke, Isen and Evie, Blyke is dating Isen, Remi and John, John is dating Blyke, Arlo and Sera, Arlo is dating John, Sera is dating Evie and John, Evie is dating Sera and Remi
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mashed-tots · 1 year
more pixlies :]
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ep 308 + fast pass ep “thoughts” (incoherent rambling)
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and omg i actually squealed at this isens reaction was so cute he was so happy :(((
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i love elaines friends they seem so fun
&i actually really like kass she seems kindhearted AND THE REI CONTENT
okok now spoilers for 309 & 310
this is my first time fast passing anything because i had free coins im so fucking hyperfixated on silly teens and their silly powers
and doc is so silly like he's so aksnsjsndjnw
i really don't have much to say im just so!!
i liked how sera and john had a bonding session over mommy issues it was great
that's all i had to say rhanks!!
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kaizzaphela · 3 months
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unordinary-diary · 3 months
UnOrdinary 1v1s!
“Who would win” questions are a little boring in the world of UnOrdinary, because they can all be answered by a number on a scale. However, subtract abilities altogether...
1v1, no abilities allowed. Who would win?
For the sake of this hypothetical, no dampener or disabler is involved, and all passives are still on. This is a “no abilities allowed” situation, not a “no abilities au” situation.
‼️Spoilers only for up to chapter 55‼️
1. John vs. Arlo
Projected Winner: Arlo
This one was interesting, because my first instinct was to say John would win. However, thinking about it harder... the winner is definitely Arlo. John is an experienced fighter, but Arlo is bigger and heavier. Additionally, John’s passive is entirely useless in a fight, whereas Arlo’s passive gives him a huge advantage.
If you need more proof... this has actually come up before. In episode 89, we don’t get a full out no-abilities 1v1, but we do get this:
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There was also the time when John simply bumped into Arlo in the hallway by accident and got a pretty nasty bruise on his forehead.
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(Ep. 23) Just— imagine fighting that. With no ability. The winner is Arlo.
2. Seraphina vs. Remi
Projected Winner: Seraphina
This decision is pretty easy. I’m not entirely sure what Seraphina’s passive is, but I’m about 78% sure that it’s a speed boost. Quick thinking and moving. Remi’s passive is useless in a fight, but Seraphina’s would give her a huge advantage if I’m right. Seraphina is also physically bigger than Remi is, and she has fighting skills she learned from John. This one goes to Seraphina.
3. Blyke vs. Isen
Projected Winner: Isen
These two are pretty evenly matched even with abilities at the beginning of the story. Blyke of course, skyrockets up half a level while superhero-ing. However, without abilities...
They’re quite similar in fighting skill, and familiar with each other’s moves. Isen is taller, but I do imagine that Blyke is more muscular, as Isen doesn’t seem like the type who works out much— though that is pure speculation. My brother brought up that Isen seems more likely to fight dirty— hair pulling and such, whereas Blyke might fight more honorably, putting him at a disadvantage. Blyke does have a passive— but his healing seems to work too slowly to make any meaningful difference during a fight. Unless the fight went on for hours, I don’t believe his passive would skew the outcome much.
Isen however, is much more of a melee fighter than Blyke is. Blyke’s usual fighting style involves some level of close quarters combat, but he’s mostly a ranged fighter. Isen’s only ranged attacks involve throwing objects, so most of the time he’s fighting hand to hand. His melee experience gives him a huge edge in this case. However, if there are objects to throw... that would put Blyke at an advantage; Blyke’s aim is a genuine skill, but Isen’s aim comes directly from his ability.
All in all, I think this match could go either way. The outcome could be influenced a lot by various factors, such as the arena, and surrounding objects to be weaponized. They could probably fight many times and the winner never be a forgone conclusion. Ultimately though, I think Isen would win more often than Blyke would.
4. Seraphina vs. Arlo
Projected Winner: N/A
This one is really a headscratcher.
Seraphina has combat training from John, and a good deal of ability-less fighting experience. On the other hand, Arlo is much bigger and heavier than she is, and he’s male, which automatically gives him a significant physical advantage (which is very frustrating when you’re a girl btw). They’re both very smart and strategic as well. But... with how strong the two of them are, their passives alone are enough to completely uproot the playing field, and leave all of these variables insignificant.
Both of their passives give them a huge advantage— speed is incredibly useful in a fight, both for evasion and for landing harder hits. However, all that means nothing if none of your hits can make your opponent even flinch.
The kind of hits that Arlo can tank without even activating his ability is insane—
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Ventus’s ability amped up. Not a scratch. Not even a flinch.
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Meili’s ability amped. Again, not a scratch, not a flinch. Eyes are notably not glowing. For reference, here is what happens when Ventus and Meili, two elites, get hit with those exact same attacks with their abilities on:
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(Eps 55 & 56) Arlo, while he does take notable damage from the same attacks later, also tanks several shots from Cecile’s ability amped up:
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(Ep. 222) We don’t get much info on Seraphina’s passive. We have yet to see a situation where Seraphina is fighting without using her ability, but still has access to her passive. However, I still doubt that her passive alone could make her stronger than John with two elite abilities stored and amped.
However, a massive defense booster like that means nothing if you can’t land a single hit on your opponent. Seraphina is an 8.0– assuming I’m correct about what her passive is to begin with, it should make her pretty damn fast with that kind of level.
What I’m saying is: neither of them would be able to hurt each other. It would be a stalemate, or a war of attrition. They’d be stuck in the middle until one of them gave up or got tired enough for their opponent to take the win.
In the end, it really comes back to: Does Arlo have access to forks he can throw?
Other matches that I don’t feel compelled to explain:
5. Evie vs. Terrence
Projected Winner: Evie
6. Blyke vs. Remi
Projected Winner: Blyke
7. John vs. Seraphina
Projected Winner: Seraphina
8. John vs. Literally Anyone Else
Projected Winner: John
9. Remi vs. Isen
Projected Winner: Isen
10. Evie vs. Remi
Projected Winner: Remi probably?
Do you agree? Disagree? Would you like an explanation on any that I didn’t elaborate on? Are there any more matchups you’d like to raise? Do you think I’m wrong about Seraphina’s passive? Do you think Seraphina, or Arlo would win?
I’ve said before that I don’t really reblog because my diary is not a scrapbook, but this time around I’m making an open discussion, and I don’t mind scrapbooking any responses. Replies are also open.
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liviavanrouge · 5 months
New Ally
Orrin: Faith, let's calm down, shall we-
Faith: *Stands up, walking from the table* You can keep your deal, unlike you I don't toss people away!
Orrin: *Looks at Terrence* You understand right, Terrence, we're family
Faith: Terrence!
Terrence: *Looks at Faith then Orrin, his eyes wide*
Faith: *Holds her hand out, staring at him*
Orrin: *Smiles* Terrence-
Terrence: *Stands up and walks past Orrin, taking Faith's hand*
Faith: *Side eyes Orrin as she walked out* Don't talk to me or my little brother ever again, bastard, find someone else to bother
Terrence: *Glares at Orrin, walking beside Faith*
Faith: *Looks down at Terrence* You alright?
Terrence: I thought we were family, but he tried to kill me, were it not for you I'd be dead
Faith: *Pulls Terrence close* It's alright...
Terrence: *Rubs his eyes* C-Can I have a new name?
Faith: How about......Leon, it's a tough name and you've survived the harshness of the world for so long...
Terrence: *Looks down and smiles slightly* I like it...
Faith: *Wraps her arm around his shoulder, resting her head on top of his* Let's go home then, Leon Star
Leon: Alright, Big Sis
Arlo: You're joking, Faith-
Faith: Trust me, Terrence isn't gonna betray us..
John: You gave him a new name and a whole new identity though, if he does something we won't known it's him
Faith: Do you guys trust me?
Remi: Of course, Faba, but it's Terrence we can't trust!
Isen: He literally aided in trying to take our abilities and possibly kill everyone!
Blyke: Did you forget that!?
Faith: I've known Terrence since I was fourteen, it may not have been long but he is loyal to a fault-
Blyke: EXACTLY! He has to be turned back in!!
Faith: You said you guys trust me, so trust me when I say that Terrence won't betray us, I trust my little brother
Arlo: Faith-
Faith: Please Arlo...
Arlo: *Sighs and nods* Fine, he has ONE chance, if he betrays us he gets tossed back into jail.
Remi: Agreed, Faith?
Faith: Agreed....
Faith: Come inside, Leon!
Leon: *Opens the door and walks in, his hair dyed a flaming orange with yellow contacts in his eyes*
Isen: See! He has a whole new look, we weren't gonna know it's him
Remi: Isen, we made a deal with Faith, so we trust Leon for now...
Leon: I can tell you a little of what I know but not much
Faith: *Smiles and pats Leon's head* Maybe tell us a bit more about what we already know and we can work around to what you know
Leon: *Smiles at her and nods* Alright big sis...
Remi: *Stares in surprise at the two* He's completely different
Blyke: Don't tell me-
Remi: Maybe we can trust him...he's completely loyal to Faith now it seems
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ysines · 2 years
"You're the chosen one!"
REMI: I will not let you down.
BLYKE: Sounds fun.
JOHN: No I'm not.
ISEN: Do I have to be?
ARLO: Please God, I'm so tired-
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transterrence · 2 years
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death is a mercy not granted to fools like you, my friend!
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